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tv   Precht  Deutsche Welle  January 18, 2021 9:30pm-10:15pm CET

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and it's because of the shaking the chinese state has a lot of money at his disposal. and that's how it's expanding and asserting its status and position in the world he says. china's gateway to europe starts feb 19th on d w. the united states is bracing for a peaceful transfer of power this week bracing because the threat of armed violence is at levels not seen since the 911 it terror attacks the 20 years ago the u.s. faced an enemy from abroad now the enemy is from within the f.b.i. is getting all 25000 national guard troops into washington to secure the inauguration the nation that declares in god we trust is keeping the peace by trusting no one i'm pretty often berlin this is the day.
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as if we've seen sometimes the enemies are a little closer to home the conference is the faith that we feel like their spirit will take over but i do think that there was an electric broad and was there but there was it was all in or not i don't think from ted appears like you don't know who to trust these days i don't know what it was that work i think i don't know all social media i can trust a group were purely here to show the government they were not intimidated by the lessons learned is that. we'll need to take those without credible threats seriously. also coming up when he left russia his wife was in danger now a late scene of olney he's back in russia behind bars but his message of defiance and democracy it's as free as ever he says people power can bring down vladimir putin. it's a political factor that economy big moment but the main most important one is some
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of the essence of politics but when you don't be afraid to take to the streets done call for me to look out for yourselves and your future. on to our viewers on p.b.s. in the united states and to all of our viewers around the world welcome we begin the day with the seizure of america by americans in less than 48 hours president donald trump will leave the white house and judge by will be sworn in to replace him the seamless flow of democracy that this time is anything but donald trump will not attend the inauguration of joe biden on wednesday no congratulatory handshake no dignified handing over of power leaves a nation on high alert 2 weeks after a mob of his supporters stormed the u.s. capitol the threat of domestic terrorism is as real as ever and we are learning more and more incident what happened inside the u.s.
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capitol on january 6th videos revealing the violence committed by americans against americans in the name of donald trump today the new yorker released this video of the rioters as they invaded the chamber of the u.s. house of representatives. at. the airline. you're not going to sell us out on luck but yet. we know that from. the fight at. the. very. right or. wrong.
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that was obviously the senate and not the house of representatives now that is what was going on inside the building but what was going on inside the minds of those men and women who stormed the u.s. capitol correspondents to find signs was on the capitol hill on january 6th trying to give a name and face and voice to all of the anger that was being unleashed in this exclusive report he talks with the founder of a group called gays for truong a man who describes himself as a gay republican a man who became part of the mall that assaulted the seat of american democracy. we meet 43 year old from supporter peter point. on the day before president donald trump had promised to become a quote wild protests what's less scary right now if you've got the senators and
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you've got the congress and you've got the president they're going to find out a strong supporters in there come and find us and they're going to start locking us up they're going to get a list of us and they're going to find us and they're going to do it once and you should know you're from your from your you know you're from germany you know how it was in germany they came down and they pulled people out of their houses and took them to work hands on and that's what we're worried about you know you hear your potential democratic let go yeah you talk about real nazis they're not seem to think this secret police to begin their fascist look what they do on facebook and big and big tech so the democrats at 1st yes they're the real fascist because they don't well you know you can't go on i can't go up and talk to a democrat when the democrat than i can talk to when i know the minute i shout a thought i'm going to him then yell at me.
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what many say was an insurrection incited by the president the coup attempt by radicalized supporters in the moment peter boyd can watch as what ensues from a distance but preston is it is ok for call the people to break down but. i don't know the constitution states that we feel like they're steering he will take over over there or a format for you here these people don't believe they were set yet we were out of power for 8 years by a person who probably was a real citizen. to do sunday generally 10th peter meets us in graham a small town neighboring mabyn where he lives peter doesn't want to talk about his private life smothers a very sick mean internet troll so everywhere he says things at home are complicated and making ends meet driving for over is a challenge he's had 3 days to digest and think about what he experienced in washington peter one thing is crystal clear. shot did nothing wrong nothing on what
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all wednesday he didn't say destroy the capitol in or the capitol anything like that he immediately said. stop don't do that peter's point of view has nothing to do with what really happened president trump was silent for hours before reacting to the wren psyching of the capital p. just next observational analysis is also a blatant lie peter blames anti fact of his for storming the capital not trump supporters they were there. i saw all. they were in disguise there was plenty of state we already knew that they were going to be in peter's rationalized narrative of the events in washington is utter nonsense i reciting these trumped talking points he exposes himself as part of one of the biggest problems this country currently faces the worst separation at this moment and there's no way that's all you know it's just a cloud over this whole election biden will never be a legitimate president and that's our turn 4 years later to me say and not my
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president because by the vote the whole process of. the united states of america seem to be and may remain in distress for some time to come amazing they're all eternity of reality there that people are living in washington over my colleague joins me all over you were at the capitol u.s. capitol today what's the situation like there right now. it's hard to recognize the area today if you compare it to how it used to be in the whole downtown area is essentially under lockdown it's a closed perimeter really militarize so and so and that sense of d.c. doesn't feel like a city anymore you need special credentials to get in there and when we arrived capital area itself was also under a complete lockdown for a fire that broke out so you can really see there's a tense atmosphere thousands of soldiers inside and outside that perimeter
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patrolling still arriving for inauguration day we witnessed an arrest yesterday someone who broke the security regulations there was arrested by the f.b.i. in front of our eyes but then we also saw some normalcy there that were rehearsals under way because we could see a marching band preparing at soundcheck right at the spot in front of the capitol facing the national mall where joe biden is to go is going to be sworn in in less than 48 hours and that will certainly be a ceremony unlike any other that we've seen before he will be sworn in in front of an empty field overlooking an empty national mall authorities say just stay away for the sake of your own safety and we also visit jewish religious like the police are having to police the police if you will the 25000 national guard troops who are in washington right now we understand are being videoed being checked for extremists in their ranks who is visiting the. now the f.b.i.
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is in charge for vetting those $25000.00 national guardsmen as you mentioned simply the concern is that you have some heavily armed soldiers that are inside the security perimeter those are the ones who are actually getting close to joe biden and the concern is of course that you might have an insider attack that those people those soldiers would not have difficulties of course getting closer and they are heavily armed so what's happening now is they're being vetted by the f.b.i. commanders are being asked to be on the lookout for any problems within their own ranks i also had the opportunity today to speak to one national guard major and he said of course it's pretty clear that there are both sides of the political aisle represented so it's a big challenge of course but the f.b.i. f.b.i. is optimistic that they have the situation under control and what about the investigation into the storming of the capitol well that is what
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got us here to this situation of course the investigation is still underway there have been some several 100 individuals arrested. 2 arrests in washington d.c. in the last days and hours one that i've witnessed myself another one where an armed individual with $500.00 rounds of ammunition tried to get inside the perimeter with fake credentials so there are more investigations underway of course regarding that what also becoming what's also becoming clearer now is that lawmakers were involved 3 republicans at least actively involved in the planning process of storming the capitol and other active and former lawmakers were in the crowd other conservative insiders it really shows not only in see it was not only inside by the president but also orchestrated and organized by his very own party members incredible oversell it with their used tonight from washington all over thank you huge. now to jesus christ and donald trump evangelical
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christians they played a prominent role in the story of the capitol 1 january 6th and they have counted among gomo trumps most devoted supporters during his presidency. of the. exit polls that show that 3 quarters of white evangelicals voted for trump in the a number virtually unchanged since 2016 they stood behind the president despite the multiple accusations of sexual assault against him and his repeated lies to the american people. so how can we explain this is ellis devotion to a leader who's an unrepentant sinner my next guest says it may have not so much to do with prayer and more to do with power catherine stuart is the author of the book the power worshipers inside to the dangerous rise of religious nationalism kathy joins me tonight kevin it's good to have you on the program when we talk about
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trump's base we're including evangelical christians who share a vision of the u.s. and that vision correct me if i'm wrong here but that vision would render separation of church and state meaningless that's absolutely right christian nationalism is central to an explanation of the crisis that we're seeing in america today you really can't explain how trump came to power and how so many other leaders on the sort of republican side of the political aisle are hostile to democracy unless you know something about this movement. and the attraction to donald trump. it can come from his religious convictions i mean this is a man who has bragged about rarely if ever going to church i mean is this where religious strains merge with those in
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a culture war in the united states is that what we see. absolutely it's a form of identity politics in that it ties the idea of america to specific religious and cultural identity so christian nationalism let's make clear it's not a religion it's a radically anti democratic political ideology that makes use of religion it's sort of exploit religion for political purposes and it's also a device for mobilizing people to vote in support of the hyper conservative candidates of the movement favors and it's you know i mentioned earlier it's radically anti democratic it's you know i use the term religious nationalism in the subtitle of my book because it makes clear it similarities with other forms of religious nationalism around the world so when you see leaders like putin in russia or erewhon in turkey or or bind in hungary when these leaders bind themselves to conservative religious authorities in other countries in order to consolidate
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a more authoritarian form of political power we rightly see this as a form of religious nationalism and that's what we saw with donald trump he was basically exploiting religion for political purposes and is there or is there a next generation in u.s. politics that represents an even more developed sense of a vis religious nationalism and the youth for example josh hawley in the u.s. congress. absolutely you know leaders like josh holy and ted cruz and many other republican leaders are also exploiting the rhetoric of religious nationalism trying to draw people to their side and often they do it by through these so-called cultural wars through these issues like abortion or same sex marriage and the like they know very well if you can get people to vote on one or 2 issues you can control their vote you know over the last decade that i've been researching my this
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movement i go to the right wing. and christian national strategy meetings and gatherings and. then it's like this and many of the movement leaders will talk about how important it is to create single issue voters because they know if they can get the rank and file to sort of play along and vote on abortion they can control their vote and then they use it to enact a wildly anti democratic agenda and also an agenda that's not just about abortion has a lot to do with economic policy and foreign policy and things that those sort of you know into question voters may not themselves agree with you know and this agenda of course oftentimes it ends up in the courts and there we talk about maybe the legacy of donald trump he was able to appoint a record number of federal judges he appointed 3 supreme court justices they are all conservative supreme court judges social conservatives so we're talking about
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these people being around for the next 20 to 40 years to interpret legislation in laws should americans be worried. salut we i mean i think we're going to be dealing with that trumps legacy in the courts for quite some time to come and if you look also at the judges that he appointed a lot of them are. have been nurtured by these sort of right wing legal organizations like the federalist society which plays an enormous role in finding and nurturing. legal candidates and promoting them for for a different point minutes and sort of sustaining their careers and then. you know you also have a lot of trump appointees who have worked for right wing legal or christian nationalist legal organizations including the alliance defending freedom which is known as the sort of legal juggernaut of the christian right and again they don't just take right with the dishes on the so-called culture wars like you know same
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sex marriage and abortion they're advocating for sort of. policies that i think it's really under appreciated the extent to which the republican party and it has allied with the sort of far right libertarian economic wing of the republican party and you know a lot of the big ticket funders of the movement and many of the people sort of pouring money into these organizations are as committed to sort of a must like a free market fundamentalism as they are to right wing positions in the so-called culture wars yeah it's just it's amazing to me you think all of this comes together and the notion of separation of church and state just yeah goes up in smoke catherine stuart author of the power worshipers inside the dangerous rise of religious nationalism can we appreciate your time in your insights tonight thank you thank you for having me. sure.
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what's the total freight of the sleeves hiding in a bunker you will not an admission of people taking to the streets it's a political fact that the con be ignorant of the main most important one and some of the essence of politics but don't be afraid to take to the streets don't call for me to look out for yourselves and your future oh that was a legacy of only the kremlin's most vocal critics he has just been jailed for the next 30 days at a hearing that was held in a makeshift court in a moscow police station not only was detained immediately upon returning to russia yesterday he had been right here in germany receiving treatment following a poisoning attack germany has joined many other countries in condemning you know all these arrests a spokesman for german chancellor angela merkel calling the arrest arbitraries. are for more i want to bring in mr andreas nick he is with chancellor angela merkel's conservative c.d.u. party is
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a member of the german parliament foreign affairs committee as well as because good to see you again what are the german government's actions over russia i mean will we just be hearing tough words from germany or is there something that can be done to force russia's hand. well i think that we are concerned for the midst of our nice safety it was quite a bold. courageous move him to go back to russia but he did it very consciously very deliberately also i think as a political demonstration of it's his will not to be exiled from his own country. what we have think demanded his immediate release i think what happened to day is particular yesterday's particular provocative as mr of and he is supposed to be present tomorrow morning in a hearing of the council of europe's parliamentary assembly legal affairs and human
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rights committee where he is. request it and invited to testify on his case and if there is no russian cooperation on that investigation the russians have announced they will not participate we will have to see whether they will commit missed an avanti to appear which may be doubtful and i think this is going to be a major publication again against an international organization in this context and it will have to be considered which consequences will derive from that when you say it was bold of a bold decision for him to get back on but mr of only could have stayed here in germany he chose to return and he does his decision to return to russia does it automatically then have to become a diplomatic problem for the german government. i think we're not talking about. problems in the bilateral relationship i think we have always resisted it's the attempts of russian authorities to buy lesser eyes
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this issue in this than the one it was treated in the charity in berlin i think we've always taken it to multinational going as ations to the o. p.c.b. when it came to the f. use of chemical poisons we're now supporting with a fully fledged investigation run by the french. in the council of europe's parliamentary assembly and we have to out was that in the countries of the european union and that i think is the way it will go into with this is not a bilateral issue this is a very fundamental issue about the rule of law human rights in a member country of the council of europe and russia would have to be taken to account in order to that this of course is happening at the same time that you've got u.s. pressure growing on germany to kill its nord stream to gas pipeline project with russia bloomberg is reporting that a major ensure has quit the project do you think it's time for germany to do the
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same thing. i don't not consider it very helpful that the same force 2 didn't want. we don't want another nasir project had to immediately hijack the love on you any other issue for the purposes of the north stream project i think to have been very differentiated fuels when our own party on this project terms of its huge she implication and also in terms of its economic justification i think we does not helpful i think is but in particular what we see from the united states in that regard to have a sensible and deliberative discourse over that in germany i think the other issues we need to talk about i think we are in the process of an active markets lower to. prosecute human rights offenders on a global scale also in the european union. i mentioned the investigation in the
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council of europe i think there's a lot that can still be done in with regard to exit freezes or travel bans to those who are responsible for human rights violations and so there are many more options on the table. this is not a favorable context also for economic projects like most you project. you know a lot of people who will agree with you a bit but you know there is bipartisan opposition to the project in the u.s. president elect joe biden he's also against the pipeline now you've got the devonian element and you've got a chance so i'm going to manacles who has been very good at maybe keeping business in geopolitics separated you know she's leaving office this year i mean when is enough enough in the eyes of the german government do you think. again i think you can have. very skeptical fuse on some of the aspects of the most a project i would. still not recommend to create the immediately and just use the
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value case in its in its dramatic and dimensions just as an instrument to leverage your political position on the stream i think this is much more fundamental issue that we would have to address in a different way and if the united states wants to sanction russia i think even by more. city $1000000000.00 of crude oil every year from russia which is much more than would ever go through that wall street and so put your money where your words and then it would have a maybe easy discussion but we should not distract from the fundamental issues that are at stake in the one case all right mr andreas nic member of the german parliament foreign affairs committee some clear words there mr nic we appreciate your time your insights tonight thank you. thank you but what about. for donald soup donald trump will soon move into the history books and maybe the museums as well when u.s. president trump made a state visit to the u.k. a couple of years ago with giant inflatable blimp depicting him as
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a crybaby hovered over the protests there it is the truck baby blimp has now been donated to the museum of london one of the british capital's most popular museums. the day is almost done the conversation continues online we will see you tomorrow everybody.
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there. was corruption. 1720 imprisoned in pakistan's largest psychiatric hospital. not all of them suffer from mental illness their dictums until mystic violence is discarded by society and forgotten far as i. can use up. 90 minutes on d w. s
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of the morning. i can't sleep because you know was isn't love her the form in those floors swollen to. unleash the lawyers will say. there's no use no love. for the wicked or. does a girl or your workers into a drug or. a can't sleep. a couldn't sleep or. a curse.
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they don't want it it's you know i mean you're my noticing god knows what ink i am put on with a touch. of another's cynical media i'm a seen us all up without it but i. don't want it. this you know i mean in your mind noticing. when a moment tonight is. what i'm focused on in the seat of what i'm like what it took and i said i know what it's a time of. this you know i mean in your mind not a single one you are getting when you can i don't want to. i mean i'm going to end unanimous. shoko because i see friday as it said. i should. have only safe but i thought of going on with the game fun to. see it because as if to say i said.
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this is g.w. newsline from berlin tonight to russia's in the me of the state the kremlin's fiercest critic returns to moscow and is greeted by the police alexina of all the years now behind bars and says that his treatment makes a mockery of justice in russia also coming up new video emerges approached from quiet rooms inside as the senate chambers as the u.s. capitol was being storm there comes just a day before the outgoing president prepares to unleash a wave of presidential hard times and tougher coronavirus restrictions are looking
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ever more likely for germany as concerns grow over more infectious strains of the vine. i'm bringing office good to have you with us we begin in russia. where the kremlin's most vocal critic of all he has been jailed for the next 30 day he was detained immediately upon returning to russia on sunday russian prosecutors say that he violated the parole terms of a suspended sentence for him bells on that he says the charges are politically motivated germany has joined many other countries in calling for and of all these immediate release. would not. let him go chanting of all my supporters outside the police station in him the facility holding the volley doubles as a makeshift courthouse in order to quickly process his case after learning he'd
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soon be jailed of all he took aim at vladimir putin and urged his backers to rise up to what is the most afraid of what are these thieves hiding in a bunker most afraid of him and you know what perfectly good people taking to the streets because this is the political factor they can't ignore it's the most important thing is the essence of politics don't be afraid to take the streets not for me but for yourselves and your future that you thought you would. have all me was arrested on sunday as he returned to russia from berlin authorities claim he was violating the terms of a suspended prison sentence. he had spent months recovering in germany from a near fatal poisoning he blames on the russian government germany and other western governments denounced his arrest. goodness the german government condemns the arrest of mr neville me immediately after his voluntary return to his russian homeland. to charge mr noel neighbors the violation of his probation after an
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arbitrary verdict that is against any principle of the rule of law. the kremlin has denied any involvement in the fall and his poisoning on monday the russian foreign minister dismissed criticism over his recent arrest choose through so you can feel the joy of their carbon copy comment joy because of turning upon to help the western politicians to think that they can no destruct their citizens from the deepest crisis the liberal system has found themselves in all this the. president's several countries have called on the e.u. to consider imposing sanctions on moscow for throwing of all me in jail he will remain in prison pending a trial. or more now i'm joined by rafi ron he is a member of the european parliament vice chairman of the parliament's human rights committee he is an outspoken critic of the russian government mr goodman it's good
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to have you on the program what went through your mind when you learned about the late scene of all the being put behind bars. well i mean it's a total disgrace of course i was expecting like he was expecting these are as i mean traditionally now and there are good scenes regime to open on b.m. bows all to kill them i mean. it's an absolute disgrace and. it has to be met by a very strong international reaction and especially your and reaction you mentioned there was problems by europe and leaders there are very good then it's not we need action and news making fun of all our principles or way too long but what's that action going to look like mr grossman. what we are trying to call are following to your grandparents it's actually true you came and went. and i mean farah told us to
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do when you came to the european parliament right after committing yassar to if we want to help this regime that neither. diplomatic adversary of the european union even want to have this regime we have to. touch the money and and to make a very kind of very strong scene on this or get out there arrest your comments like that's you cannot you throw your own rights like that at the same time send your league out and their holy days in could as your will is what we need. if i could you know you're talking about putting sanctions on members of the russian government people that are close to surrounding vladimir putin i mean that has been done before and it still hasn't stopped president putin why would why do you think that it would work this time. because it was not done enough and issues
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issues trite. europe then it went well but with with who remember is that within the regime is an autocrat the end of kleptocracy and their thieves their robbed of their stores the money of the russian people and we need to strive their want it used to have the people would enjoy the benefits of the good since regime sending them money in our towns in our paper towels in our resorts and asked us if we want the regime to crumble beads then you need to make sure that people watch reporting you play or their strength and it's a bit of money people were benefiting from it can not spend their money in our countries and then walk much better they don't censor again the russian people you know just what we have something that the situation has changed with mr no any it's
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not usual you see dunce you know your weight had dissonance and generation consign them but this time you are somebody will actually became very popular are you know position to to let you know would soon and that's why 8000 is frightening and i was on a very brave path and ones are confronted with a strong one of them then they panic so we have to support him ok rafia huisman with the european parliament mr has been we appreciate your time and your insights tonight thank you thank you. our let's take a look now at some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world to germany's foreign minister who moss was in the turkish capital ankara on monday he welcomed turkey's announcement that it will seek a diplomatic solution to its dispute with germany's fellow european union member greece tensions between turkey and greece almost boiled over into conflict last year in disagreements over gas exploration and maritime boundaries in the eastern mediterranean italian prime minister josep pick on day has won
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a confidence vote in italy's lower house of parliament he'll likely remain in power should he win another such vote in the senate on tuesday it contains government was plunged into crisis last week after losing the support of a junior coalition partner. more than 20 c. for drugs have parked on roads near the u.k. parliament to protest problems in getting their produce to the european union many fishermen have been unable to be exported to the e.u. because of the extra documentation now required after brecht's it the government has said post breaks it t.v. problems should be resolved shortly. on the other side of the atlantic the trump presidencies remaining time he can now be measured in hours and u.s. president trump is not wasting these final moments he is preparing to issue more than $100.00 pardons on tuesday his last full day in office the list of clemencies include some white collar criminals as well as high profile convicts but it
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reportedly does not include a pardon for mr trump himself meanwhile video footage has emerged from the new yorker magazine showing rioters inside the senate chamber as the u.s. capitol building was being stored. i know you want to go because. the. airline had raised the jets and the current direction is going to sell us out all over the world of jet. owners and there. we know that from the lack of. diversity on this side. where. there is not this is. what i've been all over. her. problem.
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was. the. confusion and chaos there in that riot or earlier i spoke with cynthia miller idris a professor at the school of public affairs in the school of education at american university in washington d.c. she told me that allegations of links between the mob that rampage through the capital and members of the police and the u.s. military would need to be investigated by the new bike and ministry. i think for a long time we've had anecdote after anecdote revealing that there are problems with them law enforcement within the military the intelligence community security services and veterans where we repeatedly see one when their arrest for violent action often in particular veterans are involved or that they're made that their anecdotes about law enforcement involvement in white supremacist or neo nazi groups
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what we don't have is evidence or data that tells us how big the scope of the problem is and in germany in fact where there had also been scandal after scandal there now have finally been national investigations and i think that this is something that by an administration cannot push off any longer is. a real mandate to ask department defense and department justice to create reporting mechanisms that require public accountability for these situations it was professor cynthia miller interest there with american university in washington it's all right from politics to the pandemic a south african variant of codeine seen has been found to be more infectious than other strains of the virus that's according to one of the country's top epidemiologists scientists say the variant binds more readily and strongly do human cells but you see there's no evidence that it causes a more severe version of the disease the variant is behind the recent surge and he says across south africa's scientists are still trying to determine whether current
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vaccines are effective against this strain. german chancellor angela merkel she is due to meet with germany's state premiers on tuesday to discuss tightening coded 19 restrictions here in germany beyond january and although infection rates have improved slightly they are not declining as quickly as was hoped according to germany's robert culp institute you can see right here december saw a spike in coronavirus cases which peaked just before the christmas holidays the numbers then went down as we went into the new year but as predicted around january 9th they rose again and they appear now to be on a downward trend but the country is not breathing a sigh of relief just yet there are concerns that new coven $1000.00 variants are more transmissible in germany southern state of bavaria certified and 95 masks are now mandatory on public transportation germany hopes that a new round of even stricter measures will help bring down the stubborn spread of
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infections. another bleak and wintry week in berlin the streets are mostly empty and many who do need to go out where a mosque the seems to be helping there's been a slight drop in coven 1000 infections but it's not enough the government is preparing to tighten restrictions and berlin is saying that's a good thing. i think being strict to make sense and i'm hoping this will finally bring it all to an end. on a sleep be great if people just realize that it's not getting any better and that they should stay at home. i really hope that we realize that we'll have to put up with these restrictions until at least the summer. the government he said to want to stop office workers from commuting and push them into working from home more that's partly because travelling on public transport poses a particularly high in fiction risk politicians and health authorities are also
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extremely warm read about the threat posed by covert 19 mutations which has led to a steep rise in infections in some countries so i hope. the highly infectious variants of the corona virus have been detected in germany one variant of spray 3 great britain the other through south africa and at the moment we have further warring reports from brazil. right now the pandemic has a firm hold on germany even though the situation in hospitals and intensive care units is showing signs of easing. but the roots has been stripped of co-hosting the ice hockey world championship in may the move comes amid growing pressure following president alexander lukashenko brutal crackdown against opposition protests and just last week. with the international hockey federation chief rene faso who had hoped that the tournament with unify rather than divide but
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now i talk is world governing body of saying it's currently impossible to ensure the welfare of the teams and spectators. i that's it for me stephen beard is up next with business news stick around he will be right back. hey there i'm david and this is climate change sex. happiness in 3 books. one for you. to get smarter for free you know where you go on you tube. how does a virus spread. why do we panic and when we'll all miss.


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