tv Quarks Deutsche Welle January 20, 2021 1:00pm-1:45pm CET
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this is deja vu news live from berlin exit donald trump enter joe biden the u.s. prepares to usher in a fresh era with a new president in washington biden pays tribute to the 400000 victims of covert 19 ahead of an inauguration ceremony that promises to be like no other. also coming up germany extends its lockdown until at least mid february there will be stricter rules on mask wearing as part of tougher controls to curb new variants of covert $98.00. being called the most lavish palace in the world the secretive black sea
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getaway that could prove to be a pain for russian president vladimir putin. i'm sumi so much going to it's good to have you with us well it is inauguration day in the united states the ceremony will be taking place at the capitol in washington d.c. right here behind me but the event will be muted by the pandemic and overshadowed by security fears over possible civil unrest in his last hours in office outgoing president donald trump made a final farewell speech to the nation he wished the incoming administration luck but did not mention his successor by name on the eve of his swearing in president elect joe biden spoke about the importance of healing as he and vice president elect harris paid tribute to the country's 400000 covert 19 victims.
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we must remember it's hard sometimes to remember. but that's how we hear. it's important to do that as a nation that's why we're here today between sundown and dusk. shine the lights in the darkness along the sacred poor reflection remember all we will do davies peter valid is following the story for us hi peter as we heard inauguration day is going to be very different this time around very little pomp and circumstance tell us what we can expect right i mean this really will be an operation unlike any other we've ever witnessed was on syria that depend demick was going to abandon preparations for the event but then the attacks on january 6th happy and that really quiet any remaining hopes of having me remotely traditional celebration of washington d.c.
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actually known as the people's city has been all closed to the public the national mall where tens of thousands of americans usually gather to welcome to new president has turned into a no go zone and you know the u.s. capitol really at this point more closely resembling a fortress we saw and heard in that report there some 25000 national guards have been deployed to protect against a threat of more violence from trump supporters refused to recognize by an ass illegitimately elected president and really king that may actually be the most important difference this time around as fighting this one in some 3 in 4 republicans according to polls say that they don't think you want legitimately so a shocking number of americans who don't consider a democratically elected president their rightful leader and as he's taking office a state he facing huge challenges tell us what his 1st day in office will look like . right so biden is not just you know facing the
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endemic he's also facing a new can in on a crisis he says and as i said there a political crisis inheriting a nation more bitterly divided that at any point since the civil war you know he will take office also without a single member of his cabinet confirmed but he has said that that will not stop him from pressing ahead he plans to take 17 executive actions just in the 1st hours of his presidency alone from imposing a mask mandate on federal property but also really just reversing a lot of the policies that trump implemented such as rejoining the world health organization rejoin the paris claiming agreement ending the so-called muslim ban travel ban and a slew of other things so i think by may actually be happy to not have to waste more time on the pomp and circumstance than absolutely necessary and what about president trying tell us what he's been up to as he leaves the white house. you
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know well just a few hours ago we saw trump there flexing his presidential muscle maybe for the last time he used his power to grant clemency to nearly 150 people including some very controversial ones such as his former chief strategist steve bannon who was charged with the fraud in trump's donors but also most recently has been a run in connection with the generally 6 intervention insurrection attempt you know trump did stop short of preemptively pardon himself and his family a move that have been widely criticized and will be very controversial completely unprecedented. trump has also said that he will not join the inauguration the 1st time a sitting president we're now going president has not to successor in this way and 150 years instead from will have his only own private ceremony that's going to be more like a military style sendoff but he will do that in complete isolation not even his own vice president will attend that because he will be a bias in operation get these kids on the dow thank you. now over the past 4
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years the trumpet administration's isolationist policies have seen ties with europe deteriorate now the e.u. is looking to rekindle warmer transplant trans-atlantic relations under joe biden but with increasing calls for the block to strengthen its own clout on the world stage any new relationship is likely to have very different ground rules. they've already sent him an invitation to visit and for them to plan fun joint transatlantic action for europeans joe biden see now gratian is a chance to get relations with the united states back on track here in brussels d.-u. commission has been already working on a new e.u. us agenda managing and overcoming the coronavirus pandemic is definitely the most urgent issue that we all have to face and it is clear is not cooperating with the united states on this is definitely something that we will
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promote as possible with the new administration. coronavirus pandemic climate change the rand nuclear deal trade disputes the list is long joe biden has also made it clear that he wants to form united front to counter china he states urged iraq to delay a planned investment deal with beijing but the you push to hat and decision the european lawmakers like to call for believe since washington the wrong message is it really was important to demonstrate so-called european strategic autonomy towards washington but then once trading. that they have to reckon with a reinvigorated transatlantic partnership i think that's just the wrong priorities geopolitically the new e.u. china investment agreement is facing a lot of criticism but after 4 years of donald trump in the white house many
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european. believes it's time for the youth to put its own interests 1st even if the u.s. doesn't like it. and last week storming the you asked capitol served as a reminder for you leaders that a deeply divided u.s. will continue to look inward even with a democrat in the white house it can no longer be taking for granted as a band a factor and protector and that's why europe has to enhance its strategic autonomy says clement bonn french secretary of state for european fs means that europe should take more responsibility should define its interests its values itself sort of it against the united states we should work together i hope we can work better together was a new light in her recent history but it means we have to be clear about what we want as europeans when it comes to nato joe biden is likely to push europe to spend more on defense just like his predecessor trump's goal was to withdraw you asked
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troops from afghanistan and biden's decision on that will be crucial for the nato alliance says he unless a vice president of the german marshall fund. an exit in afghanistan but i do think this administration absolutely excepts this long held nato idea of in together out together joe biden see now gratian will see the white house become home to a trance atlanticist once again but a simple return to hope things were before trump isn't likely america has changed and so has you rob. well that inauguration ceremony will be taking place a little bit later today and we will be bringing you live coverage of it right here on d w make sure to join us for that. now let's take a look at some other stories from around the world italian prime minister to set the country has narrowly won a crucial confidence vote to stay in power that comes after former premier material
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renzi told his party out of the coalition government the country failed to secure an absolute majority meaning he now has a minority government that will struggle to implement its policies. ali baba founder jack ma has made his 1st public appearance since october china's most high profile tech billionaire hadn't been seen since he had publicly criticized chinese regulators stoking speculation that he was missing chinese state media reported that the businessman met with $100.00 world teachers via a video meeting on wednesday and in tunisia police have clashed with protesters for a 5th night in several cities including arianna the unrest has been sparked by mounting anger of the country's economic crisis which has been worsened by the pen demick police used tear gas while protesters set barricades on fire and threw objects at security forces here in germany the government has extended the current coronavirus lock down to mid february although the country has been reporting a drop in new infections german leaders hope that further restrictions can slow the
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spread of more transmissible coronavirus variants that have emerged in other countries new rules will also come into effect including the wearing of higher quality masks and more people working from home. just as infection numbers were starting to decline in germany variant strains of covert 19 believed to be more contagious could undo all the hard work they've been isolated cases of some strains and authorities want to get on top of the threat. isn't so if those are the scientists tell us that it's not yet dominant. there's still some time to contain the danger. of course it would be wrong to conclude from that that we still have all the time in the world to act. so just over a month into germany's latest lockdown the chancellor in the 16th state premiers agreed to extend existing measures until mid february large parts of public life
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will remain closed like schools and daycare centers but also shops museums theaters and restaurants. they'll be a lot more of these to be seen medical masks will be compulsory on public transport and in shops the so-called f f p 2 masks offer greater protection but common surgical masks will also be allowed. and there's to be much more working from home the government's imposing stricter rules to stop office workers from commuting as much reducing the infection risk on public transport. germany's leaders are once again appealing for patience if the shelves what we are asking of people is hard but the priority must be protection that is what we have to take into account and that is what we have taken into account today. for now
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the public is mostly on side recent polling shows 40 percent happy with stricter measures while just over 20 percent would prefer things to stay as they are but around a 3rd want restrictions to be eased or to end completely. before that happens there's likely to be some hard weeks ahead infection rates are still nearly 3 times the preferred level. but with patience persistence and sticking to the rules or thorazine hope the pandemic will start to loosen its grip on germany. well the most controversial decision in yesterday's meeting with the chancer was that decision to keep schools close to here and we want to hear now from someone who has argued in favor of keeping schools open joins us he's the division had for education at the o.e.c.d. the organization for economic cooperation and development mr good to have you with us what do you think of the germans government's decision to keep schools shut is this a mistake so is it difficult balancing act in countries very differently in
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a kind of similar inflection environment you know of countries like france italy spain broadly you know keeping schools open and as long as possible you know they have made many impose many restrictions on society like germany downs in or strict curfew since on but i mean schools are open and. to prevent that it's their children who pay the largest price for this and i think in the long run ok well let's let's listen 1st of all to what the chance or herself has had to say on this question we have a clip from that meeting with angela merkel yesterday here this. there are serious indications that a mutation is spreading more among children and adolescents than the previous variant. and we have to take these indications seriously well that's why schools will remain closed and mandatory attendance will also remain suspended as if he
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doesn't flinch because it's so mr special we heard there that i'm going back oh thanks that these new virus variants really are a game changer and he said children are paying a big price here are schools or are closed do you share her concern that schools could themselves become a driver of the pandemic if these variants are far more transmissible well you know this is always a difficult balancing act is clearly a risk but i do think you know why not neglecting the short term risks i think we have to be conscious of the risks that you know we impose on children in the long run and also course you know young people who have learnt how to learn have a very supportive environment at home access to great technology they can cope. but in many young children not have those conditions i think they are seriously left behind was long term consequences sent let's remember school is not just a place for the transmission of knowledge to sort of anything important place of social interaction the learning is not just transactional phenomena it's always
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a social relational phenomenon for many young children that is a very important part of their life and again you know it's clear that you know our circumstances school closures are warranted i will absolutely not. says anything against that but i do think we just need to be aware that this decision should not be taken lightly and i think a country that you know it keeps businesses open and you know shopping centers on them but closes schools i think doesn't get its priorities right. are you concerned about the other staff in schools because it's not just the children obviously who are involved when it comes to a classroom their teachers their administrator school staff how do you deal with the risk that they face yeah absolutely i think it's need to be run safely i think in all countries that is a big concern i think clearly you can go back to business as usual it means you know changing to a kind of classroom environment needs you know paint particularly attention to
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focusing on subjects learning is quite safe it means you know smaller classes i think also seems have to be put in operation i also think it's about priorities you know clearly the youngest children primary schools need that social attention most in the older yes you know distance learning and digital learning can play a big part of their oldest future will be this hybrid learning well beyond pandemic absolutely i think schools need to be managed in a safe way i think when they don't and i think that's very clear and if we just take a look at a number that talks about the impact here of closing schools around the world not just in germany back in december the u.n. said that 320000000 children one in 5 were locked out of their schools because of the pen to make a mistake just quickly if you can what do you think is the biggest long term impact of kids missing out on school. well you know i was schools today our economy our society tomorrow you know we expect in a lifetime earnings are going to be deeply dented particularly again for the
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socially most disadvantaged on the kind of equity got that is you know created. once again you know learning to do is going to be our kind of success tomorrow and going us you know will have a harder time slightly skilled people and i think those consequences are quite serious and last night show division head for education at the o.e.c.d. thank you so much for joining us turned it over you. for let's take a look now at some other developments in the coronavirus pandemic zimbabwe's foreign minister sibal see so moyo has died a day after testing positive for coke at 19 he is the 3rd government minister to succumb to the disease since the pentagon make hit zimbabwe last march authorities in beijing have imposed a lockdown on 5 neighborhoods after the city reported a handful of new cases china reported $103.00 new cases countrywide the number of cases linked to the australian open tennis tournament in australia has risen to 10
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after 2 players and a support person tested positive for the virus a total of $72.00 players remain under strict quarantine and the world health organization says the more contagious u.k. variant has now been detected in at least 60 countries 10 more than a week ago we had to the black sea now into a sprawling palace complex with its own ampitheater a tea house and a hello pad who owns it while the kremlin critic alexina volley has released a 2 hour video investigation into that complex saying the palace was built for russian president vladimir putin using taxpayer money the kremlin has denied the allegations the video was posted by an of all these team just 2 days after he was jailed upon returning to russia. they calling it's the new versailles in the 2 hour video explains how it's anticorruption foundation have been able to film the property from above for the 1st time using
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a drone he says is nothing like it anywhere in the country. without exaggeration it is the most secretive and guarded facility in russia it isn't a country house or a residence it's an entire city or rather a kingdom it has impregnable fences its own harbor guards or churches and checkpoints no frys zone and even its own border point it is a separate state inside russia. details of the past were leaked by construction workers said to be shocked at its opulence among its many features this green mountain is reported to house an underground ice hockey rink. this is an m.p. theatre. never only points out the exits of a tunnel used by putin to access the beach. he also emphasizes not just the size of the palace but also the vastness of the area its occupies which is 3 and a half times the size of the nearest city. the kremlin denies the allegations
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spokesman dmitri peskov saying i'm not familiar with this investigation however i can immediately say that this is an old record we explained many years ago that putin does not have any palace in glen chick in southern russia. has been a volley insist that not only does this property belong to putin but that it was financed through corruption and the misuse of public funds at least calling it the biggest bribe in history to which the russian president must be held to account for . our correspondent you're standing by for us in moscow hi yuri what about the timing of this why did alexa nibali decide to release this film now. also in the long experience right at the beginning go through we do why he is only coming out with this now he says he didn't want to be accused of taking a shot at the putin from abroad where he was safe the politician clearly wants to
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go on the offensive he wants to show that he is not afraid of anything he already showed that by coming back to russia of course he didn't know for sure he would be arrested the but if the deed seem likely he has been accused in the past to me by the kremlin of being an instrument of the west and secret service which has always denied by releasing this weedy a while he is in a russian prison and now he is presenting himself as a russian politician with no plans of leaving the country someone who beats prepared to go through thick and thin with people here we saw in the report that the kremlin says this is an old record tell us more about the reactions from authorities while the official reactions of course in all surprise us and mention the press secretary off but in a putin image of his golf sad it's and overplayed recalled something that not only has been a saying over and over again the hat of the duma the russian parliament gets just laughable all of the insisted on these being used as a tool by the western secret services and the us to state department all that not only das you said is backed by foreign states and russia would be to prevent such
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foreign interference as what people see reactions here as in a volley investigation is the top video on russian to you tube it has gotten nearly 20000000 views since it was published last night and it's a hot topic on social media of course as well enough ali people have even created a filter on instagram with which you can use or you can see yourself in a 3 d. model in the rooms of the palace and take a selfie so it's getting a lot of attention what impact do you think this is going to actually have for the kremlin. well it may sound very strange to western it is but the answer is nothing no impact probably a western politician would to resign immediately and any case it would be a political earthquake but not here so not in russia we have to keep in mind that although it's the most spectacular video by not only or if not only saw it's not the 1st mine one this is a typical video one of only in 2017 he published
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a similar investigation about of the then prime minister the need to meet the if which prompted the protests here in the country but the didn't change anything everyone here already knew that putin was rachel is rich and despite social media discussions right now state backed media will of course not accuse putin but rather presenting a volley as someone who has betrayed his country and wants to weaken russia yuri rachet a reporting for us in moscow thank you. football now higher labor costs and defeated birth dortmund in the big midweek bundesliga showdown sayen vets was the man of the hour he helped leverkusen notch an important 3 points to keep their shot at the league title a life after not winning since mid december. both laver curzon and dortmund wanted to get back to winning ways in midweek action. laver because in fired the 1st
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warning shot in just the 2nd minute. 17 year old florian verse launched a rocket that was almost too hot for roman burkey and his defense to handle. 12 minutes later leon bailey sent a beautiful long pass to mossad d.m.p. who coolly slotted it into the net nice job controlling the ball before taking his shot. dortmund equalized midway through the 2nd half though thanks to you leon brunt. a powerful effort from long range for his 1st goal of the season. labor couzin had the last word late teenager vets hitting the target this time with a shot that was faster than burkey 21 the final score. laverick losing to their 1st win since mid december and remain very much in the title race.
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gladbach were hoping to get back to winning ways after their draw on saturday but they 1st have to get past a stubborn vetter bremen nico broke the deadlock around the one hour mark the gladbach defender used his head to latch on to an incoming free kick for his 1st one to sleep the goal of the season. take away an important 3 points in their quest for a top 4 finish. and one more item before we go donald trump might still be u.s. president for a few more hours but one museum in paris cannot wait to push him out of the spotlight early staff at the mosaic law had already removed this waxworks statue of the outgoing president to make way for his successor the truck bottle had a real human hair which the sculptor said had been difficult to style the statue of president elect joe biden will not be ready for at least 2 months but staff is hoping it will be just in time for the museum's reopening later in the year.
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imagine how many push old loves us right now in the war right now climate change me to break off the story. faces life lesson when photos one with. how much wealth can really do. we still have time to ask i'm going to. sort of set. that subscribe for me like this. one to people looking for courage. and there are many answers. there are many.
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there are many it's a. make up your mind. made for minds. hello and welcome to another edition of africa i am sandra twee no video coming to you from kampala here in uganda well it has we nearly 5 years since this show focusing on environmental issues foster went on air and we're looking forward to reporting on more and more amazing projects and great ideas for protecting and improving the walls we all live in as well as drawing attention to the problems
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that i gently need solving well here are some of the topics coming up on the program. because frankly transportation to knowledge even made to africa an example from kenya. popcorn and why it's not just for eating as scientists seems yemeni will demonstrate. and nature conservation in south africa is scaring young people to protect the way of life. but 1st a whip heads to namibia more than 20 percent of the country is on the course of asian management it is home to incredible variety over a rare and in danger of species of animal including the cheetahs the superfast cards need a very specific kind of environment to breed can't unmaintained the aborted temperature when it gets very caught the trouble is that they often live near
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a rural communities and cause problems for people and their livestock now researchers hope for a way for farmers to drastically of course reduce their livestock losses without killing the beautiful big cards. the. arrest citing of wow t.t.'s in the media. the country has the largest free range in population of cheaters in the world but according to recent research still your numbers are little. you know the population is threatened because it doesn't occur inside of national parks but on commercially farm land there's obviously needs to conflict as the truth ok finally prey on livestock of the frogs. teeters population numbers across africa have dropped to less than $7000.00 worldwide as the habitat it's lost to farmland and housing cost russian portion and illegal trading cops
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pause a federal challenge and because to test attack livestock the also get killed by farmers. scientists from germany is like nets institute have found a way to reduce that conflict to spent more than a decade studying chicest in namibia part of their study involves putting radio collars on the animals and monitor indian movements the team not to study the cheetahs always return to 7 areas of practice passed on from one generation to the next they visit these territories and mark read in the territory so we call this centers of the territories not a marquee trees are we call the communication hops because territorial males they used these trees and also the olders into region around so these territories very stable you know always there and even if the territory hold us
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disappear or die then the new territory hold us up all day exactly the same place this allows the scientists to identify areas where cheetahs congregate the denmark fires the farmers not to put it out livestock in those. places it's about 10 percent of the area that is highly dangerous because concentrations of to cheetos is very high and about 90 per cent there is much less risky for the farmers and. the farm is that i've moved out of harm's way now there was far fewer i knew most of the big cuts. this simple adjustment reduced the livestock losses by more than 80 percent and that's off the conflict for the farmers and for the truth is in many cases.
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reducing the conflict between humans and money mouse means more survive and that has other benefits to these powerful pre-dates has helped keep the populations of the most under control thus preserve in a montagne india calendrical balance off. what incredible creatures and what a great idea to promote a peaceful coexistence between the wild animals and the humans on this report is about a really interesting beach in south africa it aims to help communities live alongside animals in the wild as well as offer professional opportunities it is called the troika cutting me and as the name suggests it trains disadvantaged rural people in the traditional skills of wildlife trucking. is it is sunny and. a looking for this special friends in the dense bushland of the level of north
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of johannesburg. a group of rhinos is hidden somewhere here. this is different to pen. spurs on the ground twisted twigs and droppings lead them to. animals. their professional tracking. systems they were doing with wrecking police for meat for their with their hunting they do eat they did they try they studied and we are just getting on when they are fought back in a different way because then they would do we need for food we we have we need for the for the well not to. not to kill but to protect. track is play a critical role in keeping the animals in the reserves safe so that frick as nearly
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80 percent of the world's rhino population and has been hardest hit by poaching but since 2014 thanks to strict security measures reserves have half dry and killings from 1200 animals to about 600 in 29000. to cape is animal safe conservation manager had manuel it does not only rely on devices. but they really do a lot of monitoring work especially on. conservation important species like. some of the big cats and so on we were little our various forms of technology to try and track these animals and keep tabs on these animals but technology fell on you from time to time. and then we have to revert back to the basic tracking skills. this m r reserve is part of the great career a semi desert region with characteristic wildlife vegetation soil and climate
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conditions the reserve is also one of 3 training grounds for a very unusual tracker cademy today is examination day little has to show his instructors he can track an antelope in the semi arrid career by a. different one because even when richard is in front of. a good track reads the environment and develops an intuitive feeling for the ways and habits of animals droppings are just one of many signs they read. just finally label hung by to find his target hidden in the bushes. grew up in the area that night and one on the floor hours. in the most annoyed this mall is the ones who and then you know what i did because the moniker i know everything the inside and i was getting that
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motivation of i want to go to the to to learn about guns in the man and everything the academy is an engine that office free training to $24.00 young rural people from various african countries each year realizing that only a few traditional trackers remained in southern africa onyx when you 1st started this school 10 years ago with the help of a private sponsor meanwhile the academy gets thousands of applications paid here. we are to. because to do for the benefit of conservation and for the benefit of an ancient culture and to improve the lives of the students that come through our program the kids and you have to and it is proving successful reign was 94 percent of all graduates are employed and the trackers on needed many iconic animals like crocodiles leopards and cheetos remain critically endangered. after a long day of working and learning in the felt the pupils returned to the boarding house was up for many of them heard of the tracker cademy through people from their
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villages who went through the program and subsequently found work in the reserves they hoped that they too will one day be a role model for their peers back home. page. the one who'll be on the vodka boom in solar energy in 2018 accounted for 2 percent of one white and the christie using its share is growing fast experts say solar and wind are said to be the most sustainable sources of renewable energy in the solomon hemisphere the international renewable energy agency says that over the past dick it costs for solar dropped by 80 percent let us now go visit an energy provider that he's building the biggest solar park in germany. these panels are pretty easy to install but there are thousands of them still to go. in the
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countryside near berlin germany's biggest solar park is taking shape. half a 1000000 modules built on metal frames. 100. posts. 250 kilometers of cable. 150 fishers working on behalf of one of germany's biggest energy companies. we definitely have the potential to complete projects of this scale but rather than size it's the viability of the project that counts for you. this solar park is the size of 225 soccer pitches facilities in europe tend to be smaller because they compete with agriculture for the land but solar parks alone aren't enough here in germany there are 19000000 apartment buildings and houses the
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loss of roof space. and an ideal place for solar panels. and entire industry has been built around installing. now adays the systems are very affordable and economical to run since you basically don't have any maintenance costs. the installation have become so affordable to install that they quickly pay for themselves what is your what. mux of our own the house with their roof tops solar system in many cases the system actually produces more energy than a household needs. as one of the things that makes it financially worthwhile is that the costs of heating your house or heating your water are pretty low. the equipment pays for itself in just
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a few years. after that the electricity produced is essentially free. max baucus energy needs do exceed what he produces though that is because his family have 2 electric cars that need to be recharged. off. solar energy is expected to see significant growth in germany. by the time the last coal fired power station is switched off and 2038 there would have to be 5 times as many rooftop solar systems and parks as there are now to cover energy needs. solar energy would then account for a quarter of the country's power i would push. back to germany's biggest solar park
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project 10 years ago the operating company was one of the biggest nuclear power producers in the country. they still run several coal fired plants but that will soon be a thing of the past. these new energy sources will have to fill the gap they've become a central pillar in our portfolio. 2012 we've seen growth in. all new and renewable segments including wind both offshore and onshore as well as solar. you know these technologies will account for about half of our output by 2025 i need. the solar panels just keep on coming day even on day as. talk so sustainable mobeen it's time to focus on the big cities on ways to reduce
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traffic congestion and pollution and of course make life better on you give me banks's on protecting you and what if you get off because well it's not safe and you are in the optical you know they since it was developed you take. these handcuffs off in a way several 100 kilos and here in kenya's capital nairobi exhaustions noise over another problem for day laborers. kind of plan ties invention could make life easier it's an electric car cost that goes faster and can carry more event in the system. because it gives you silver to charge.
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