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tv   Frag den Lesch  Deutsche Welle  January 20, 2021 7:15pm-7:31pm CET

7:15 pm
yes but the problem that we've been seeing in the united states for a long time and we we've heard about we're all over speaking about it is how much gets done through executive action and executive orders that has very little long jeopardy and how can you trust a country and how can a country even know where it's going if every 4 years a new president comes into town and undoes with the previous president does because there's so much deadlock in the house and the senate that they can't get. actual legislation through they can actually pass laws that that live beyond just a 4 year term and i think that's something that germany and the european union be looking out for is their longevity to the things that biden is promising but what reassures longevity i mean what assures longevity that brings us back to the domestic policy in the domestic problems of biden needing to really do what he says he can do what a lot of people are hoping he can do which is get stuff done in the senate and push enough republicans together with democrats because remember even though democrats control the senate a lot of the business of the senate requires
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a 2 thirds majority vote which of course democrats don't have biden is going to need to get legislation his agenda through a bitterly divided congress otherwise it's going to be executive orders executive actions which have a ability to set a tone that have ability to lead to legislation they have the ability to to create you know facts on the ground in a way that are then more difficult to undo but it's not a replacement for legislation not in a democracy china what you want to talk. of the china i mean you know these are these are the 2 largest powers in the world right now the united states and china and they're at loggerheads how different in terms of policy will the biden ministration be from that very confrontational way that president former president trump tackled issues that with china well again i think we're going to see in terms . policy much of the same goes i think biden finally or the biden view of the world
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has finally come to grips with the fact that opening up constantly opening up to china welcoming it into the free market of the world is not automatically going to lead to liberalization to democratization to the human rights to all the things that the united states and western countries say that they stand for this was the idea of letting china into the w. the deputy oh that if we let them into the world trade organization they're going to see the benefit of open borders of of innovation of promoting people and of not having such government control and not cracking down on your people we don't see that happen china has actually quite successfully proven that you can have capitalism and one party state rule and those 2 things can go together the thing with donald trump i think that trump of ministrations instincts are often quite good but its execution is where things fell apart so donald trump and his
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administration quite was quite clear on the fact that china is an economic threat for a number of reasons to u.s. interests ok that's a good instinct from a u.s. perspective but the answer was tariffs and those tariffs haven't really worked because as we know it's a consumer paid mechanism those increased prices have been paid by american companies and american consumers so maybe not the best way to accomplish that policy. right now biden is inheriting an economic crisis he's inheriting of course a pandemic health crisis so i think immediately we're not going to see any rescinding of those tariffs or an immediate touching of the us china relationship as trump has left it to him and they're going to continue being tough and also tougher on human rights i think as the outgoing tough ministration of the last few days said what is happening with the leader minority with the muslim minority there is genocide you in the meantime has well you know it's hedging its bets it
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doesn't want to get in the middle of a certain way i think has found a 3rd way out of the way and they have been criticized by coming by absolutely this this new business deal that this trade relationship that was signed just a week or 2 ago has been heavily criticized as you know in a way the european union has long criticized trump for going his own way doing his own thing not acting multilaterally not consulting allies the e.u.'s now done that without waiting for joe biden to come in and say hey maybe we can work something out with us have a united front with china it was very much an economic driven deal between the e.u. and china there are some pledges about for china to adhere to international labor organization standards to make sure there's no slave labor or things like this but a lot of it is very empty very loosely enforced pledges and i think the e.u. needs to be held accountable for that because as e.u. leaders themselves would say we're not just
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a union of of economic interest rate union of values and both sides of the atlantic are going to stand up for those the other huge huge issue on the table which some are hoping there might be movement is the iran nuclear deal. the target ministration pulled out you know back in 2018 could we see that being undone by the biden station i mean that's one of the things that joe biden has said he was one of his long list of things he wants to undo from the. from the trump years he wants to reengage with iran that was largely seen as quite successful in containing iran's race towards a nuclear weapon or at least enriching uranium that you create a nuclear weapon but we're in a very different world now you can't just put that back in the box and say we're going to go wind a few years iran has now had a few years of developing its program of of you know essentially one side the united states backed out of the agreement so iran had very little reason to stick with it leaving the e.u.
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in the lurch to try to hold things together and i don't think it was an accident that i think a couple weeks ago iran announced that they're going to push ahead with enriching more uranium that was obviously you know a flare a flare gun in the sky to the incoming by the ministration try to challenge them create facts on the ground because some point there is going to be i'm sure some kind of meeting summit negotiation round of some kind with the u.s. the e.u. leaders and iran is of course in iran's interest to be as far out advance in their goals before they have to stop and make some concessions will it be easier to rejoin let's talk climate would be easier to rejoin the paris climate accords that should be fairly simple that's something that joe biden wants to do i'm day one i think it's on my list of things i have a whole a whole long list of all the things he wants to do these are this is this is joe biden's to do list and i think if i look at somewhere long enough he's rejoiced that there it is rejoined the paris agreement of climate change is on his day one
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again one of these executive orders not legislation of course the president when it comes to treaties the president has more wiggle room in the kinds of trees of the united states enters with oversight from the senate but a few years has gone by already and you know leading climate researchers and climate scientists are saying even the goals the paris agreement are trying to achieve is not enough it might it might keep us out of total catastrophe i'm told. really leaving the earth uninhabitable for human life but it's still going to be a very very unpleasant situation and environment no pun intended pun intended. in the best case scenario even if every last word of the paris agreement is stuck to you so it's very much a it's very much a beginning not and one bit of good news is the united states also didn't join the agreement back in 1990 but the u.s. actually was able to hit cotto limits or kyoto restrictions just by market forces
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just by innovation just because it made more sense for companies and industries to make certain decisions to control their greenhouse emissions so the united states is a very complicated place it's not just the federal government states can also have a big impact but of course being part of paris being part of a global response to climate change is it's going to have to be a prairie and would mark a comeback for every market comeback of the u.s. being back in business so just because your lies about it would would say you know these are such intricate complicated almost intractable crises foreign policy problems that have to be resolved chronic conditions almost. he's got so much on his plate domestically you know he says he's going to you know obviously as to tackle number one issue of the covert pandemic and then you know he wants to tackle racial injustice or just that little structural racism problem that the u.s. has had to use and says this is his he is going to be too distracted with you know
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the plethora of things the litany of things that he has to confront back home well joe biden would say a classic line from u.s. politics he can walk and chew gum at the same time they can attack they can they can approach multiple issues at once he's appointing a lot of people to very special positions kind of to you know to take charge of each one of these issues you know john. kerry for example is becoming a climate czar the u.s. has never had that before there's going to be a lot of cooks in that kitchen the question is going to be can all those cooks keep to their roles and not spoil the broth by creating complete chaos everyone stepping on top of each other i see is he somebody who's comfortable delegating or easy one of those people who really wants to micromanage and take credit for whatever you know policy foreign policy that's i mean he's she's a he's someone who's evolved so much and you know everyone does but because he's
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been in the in the limelight for so many years you can see the evolution of joe biden i think he's gone in the early part of his career when he was a younger man to someone some someone who was very much about himself a wine to show big wins and big successes to do much more of a delegator i think now is something i think we're going to see and as president again the president sets the direction the president sets the tone the president will come out with policies but it's up to all the people below him i mean the executive branch the u.s. government is massive it's up to all of these people to actually carry out a lot of these policies whether it's through executive action because nothing can happen at the legislative side of things because of partisan gridlock or if if he's lucky he can actually get some bills passed through the house and through the senate and while the senate as we've mentioned is taking up an impeachment trial of now ex-president donald trump. gosh what a time to be some so the so this is not this is the beginning this is not the end
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this is not the end i know a lot of people are tired and they want to take a break from all of this but this is what is fascinating it's fascinating it's this it's really fascinating stick around to welcome of viewers who are just joining us you're watching news joe biden has been sworn in as president of the united states amid tight security in washington d.c. the crowd was limited because of the pandemic and his inaugural address president biden called for unity and said there was much work to do much to repair and also spoke of the need to confront and defeat the threat of white supremacy. donald trump boycott the event he flew to his private resorts in florida early in the morning and ice president mike pence represented the outgoing administration later president joe biden will stop at arlington national cemetery to lay a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier before spending his very 1st night in the white house as the 46 president of the united states
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let's take a listen now to part of president biden's inaugural address this is america's day this is democracy day a day of history and hope are no ever resolve through a crucible for the ages america has been tested a new america has risen to the challenge. that was of course the president of the 46 president of the united states joe biden and i'm happy to report that our correspondents all over salad is standing by and joining us to continue our conversation from washington d c oliver a day of renewal and resolve what does president biden mean with renewal.
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well of course this day means a major shift in u.s. policy in the rhetoric in the tone that we've heard coming from a narrow division if you will and certainly that was what he was talking of all there in his address he called on americans to unite to come together and that is exactly also what he believes to be elected for to unite the nation to be a healer as he called himself and that is what was very well reflected in that address that we've heard earlier today all over the a 46 president of the united states delivered a very forward looking inaugural speech he made no mention of his predecessor predecessor rather. that's right he said the democracy won the tax code the situation the circumstances the united states find themselves in and they were a call still calls by a president all the insurrection of the violent mob at the u.s.
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capitol for instance would she call them but as you as you correctly point out it was a rather forward looking speech he had a little bit of a challenge here of course to address the many overlapping issues and challenges that the u.s. faces right now but at the same time not being too negative and more optimistic even addressed that as one of the core a melody american values optimism on the one hand side then of course looking forward. to the many challenges he is facing now and that is exactly what he will do later when he will sign 17 executive orders today tackling from climate change to racial injustice and many other different topics that of course the covert 910 demick is the most important 'd challenge and the most important point on joe biden's agenda it just a little factoid that i want to get your take on we understand that president donald trump did solo at least one presidential tradition he left
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a note for the new president. that is correct and it is it has been quite a back and forth in recent days with donald trump's behavior and demeanor yes you know we broke with one longstanding tradition and that is he was not a guest at the inn all the ration at the ceremony today that is highly unusual it took him a long time he never really called grass you later joe biden then yesterday in his video message did however wish him well he wished him luck. then of course until very recently with his baseless claims of voter fraud so he was really like going back and forth never really knew where he was standing trying everything he could in his power to save his presidency even against the will of the american people which meant an attack on democracy.


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