tv Kulturzeit Deutsche Welle January 20, 2021 7:30pm-8:01pm CET
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did solo at least one presidential tradition he left a note for the new president. that is correct and it is it has been quite a back and forth in recent days with donald trump's behavior and demeanor oh yes you know what he broke with one long standing tradition and that is he was not a guest at the in all the ration of the ceremony today that is highly unusual it took him a long time he never really called grass you later joe biden then yesterday in his video message did however wish him well he wished him luck. then of course until very recently with his baseless claims of voter fraud so he was really like going back and forth never really knew where he was standing trying everything he could in his power to save his presidency even against the will of the american people which meant an attack on democracy of course when he inside of the violent
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long and then of course will be very interesting to find the old what's in that message that he left here for his successor and that is of course another big tradition here in the white house where i do hope they make it public i think we're all dying to know what's written in that no it's all over you william and i were talking here before you came on about some very thorny foreign policy issues if you know you're in the united states how how big how large does foreign policy feature in the minds of americans. well right now it is perhaps not the most important topic because as we speak and as you know the u.s. is in a dire situation especially because of the cold at 19th and yesterday mark 400000 casualties and joe biden pointed that out in his address that there's this war more
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people died to cohabit 90 and then in that americans died in the 2nd world war and as a result of the situation in the cold with demick a lot of people are unemployed so the economy is in a very difficult spot as well. poverty is on the rise so these are really topics americans are concerned of all the question of health care is another major topic but then of course many people are looking forward at least on one side of the political aisle to somewhat of a return to normalcy when it comes to foreign policy perhaps a return to the transatlantic partnership as it used to be but it will not all be very difficult and joe biden will be solde busy with doing a lot of policies that we can't really expect him to go back to normal just from one day to the other and the big question is if he really wants to undo everything because there was 1 there were certain policies that donald trump imposed that joe
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biden will stick with a hard stance on china for one also calling for more money from nato partners from germany in particular so there will be a different america obviously resulting out of these 4 u.s. presidents and joe biden will roll back some of this but not everything i ever stand by i believe we have a nother sound bite from the inaugural a speech of the 46 that president let's take a listen. we've unity we can do greet meetings important things. we could write wrongs we can put people to work in good jobs we can teach our children in safe schools we can overcome the deadly virus we can rework reward work and rebuild the middle class and make health care secure for all we can deliver racial justice and we can make america once again. from being a force for good to the world. over can president joe biden heal the country
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this is going to be his major challenge let's put it that way and he will have some time for it but he will have to act quickly and decisively of course which he'll of course is also planning to do well the united states is as divided as it has not been since the end of the civil war we've had these 4 years of very divisive rhetoric and just remember donald trump when he was trying to build his wall at the southern border how he dealt with latin american immigrants calling them terrorists and rapists for instance so really dividing the nation into joe biden will try to undo that a horse but there is one part of america that is bitterly disappointed of all the results of this election and that will be is challenge sure to appeal to those that's what he also did in his address he said hear me out give me
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a chance and let's take it from here he wants to be a president hall americans it will not be an easy task for him that's for sure it won't be an easy task all over because there are of course all these people who coalesced around to figure the person donald trump who don't like the republican party who only like him what happens to those people how does president joe biden planning on reaching out to that very revved up riled up a demographic. especially hard because as you know many exactly those followers of donald trump do not believe in joe biden's victory they believe these baseless claims of voter fraud all those transparency theories and misinformation that was fred so full one of course donald trump has a different is in a different spot here because he was taken offline from all of his social media
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accounts but he then also. according to some rumors wants to founding create his own party by the name of the patriot paul already established his own media company to be able to continue to feed this follower of this crowd of followers that he. created over the last years and that will be very difficult for joe biden to appeal to those for sure. william here with me in the studio in his farewell address former president donald trump he said something i'm trying to find the exact quote when he made those farewell remarks on. before he took that flight to florida something along the lines of we will be back but. someone somewhere in that state thank you for helping me out there could start his own party. he could do whatever he wants in that sense he has
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a lot of money behind him because he's been raising hundreds of millions of dollars or i think about $100.00 something $1000000.00 through this whole post election campaign to question the very validity of that process and as you're reporting way i'm sorry for interrupting you there we see a president joe biden and 1st lady doctor joe biden the i'm told they are on their weight watchers fresh. take a listen. bipartisan it's the. on between the executive and the and the legislative branch of the government probably don't need as much bonding because we already have that natural bonding in the traditions here either by those traditions usually there's a painting at them at the front of that event that the chairman picks this time not knowing we're going to have an event until what we're going to do about it and then
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into late i asked dr biden to help pick the painting and this is the one that she recommended the painting is landscape with rainbow rainbow always a good sign it's long to us for today from the smithsonian american art museum the artists dr robert sheldon duncanson. he was the best known african-american painter in the years surrounding the civil war he was based in cincinnati encouraged by abolitionists to mung other things sponsored a trip for him to do some study in europe this is a painting that he painted in 1859 and i think maybe the more and it is sort of the classic america as a paradise painting that a lot of painting painters were doing them but from for him a black artist painting this painting that's so much like an
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american utopia on the verge of a war that we would bite over slavery it makes all of that i think even more is interesting in that while he faced lots of challenges obviously was optimistic even in 859 about america and so dr biden thanks for helping select this painting and i'm glad to have all 4 of you here as we move on to my good friend sarah club the charm. the rainbow is always a good sign. as hopes of. thank . you for no. good mr president 1st lady madam vice president and our very 1st 2nd gentleman on behalf of the american people it is our
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honor to present these custom made crystal vases commemorating your historic inauguration lenox which you know is a great company american company has hand crafted these gifts for the past 9 presidential inaugurations it is a good thing i don't have to hand them to you personally they each way with the base 32 pounds but combined 64 but you know i know it's very strong and could take them both. exactly. but the lenox company is actually based in bristol pennsylvania which you know mr president is a mere 132 miles from scranton since we know today all roads lead to scranton. that team at lenox has worked for months to capture the spirit of this inauguration and your incoming administration mr president your base features the white house and vice president harris's features the u.s.
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capitol the gifts represent the hope and the faith the american people have placed in you to move our country forward. thank you. thank you. well mr president. adam bus resident while the pandemic has limited our usual hospital it is up to mention. i'm very glad we still carry on some of our favorite inaugural tradition which some honor and privilege to present the floods of our nation that were flown over today's
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event there at the capitol. now i have to make one point of personal privilege on behalf of the senate with all due respect to our distinguished speaker and our colleagues from the house i have to note not only did we just swear in a son and daughter of the senate to these houses but indeed both these former senators skip the house altogether. the star-spangled banner is our greatest some bowl of our insurance. of the american idea it flows over this building on trump and days and on tragic ones over all factions and all parties and today just flew over our former colleagues and alteration as the very 1st female vice president of the united states. so to our very distinguished former colleague you madam president please accept the slug with the highest compliments and congratulations
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of the united states senate. the distinguished leader of the senate pointed out that he has hosted this lunch for members of the senate who have become president and vice president but i have that privilege of giving that flag to the president of the united states the flag that was flown when you were sworn and mr president this flag. is reflux all that is said about your inauguration. america united it may be a symbol of the hope the healing and the just all of the enthusiasm
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that you have for our country and as we heard the beautiful national anthem when we were at the stadium and they say those are flags still as our flag still there then you say play ball right there play ball so we're going to read it get ready to play ball we're ready to go with the inspiration of our flag song but again on behalf of the house of representatives it is my privilege to extend to you the flag that was flown the moment. the early moment that you were sworn in as president of the united states thank you mr president thank you dr that de bar and thank you. if we had the lunch we would have had california wine does that not right vice president mr am have congratulations. with liberty and justice for all.
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that. they're doing. and that was quite an interesting moment there when we heard mitch mcconnell participating. in the very predictable way that we've seen it happen with previous to this is such an interesting moment and a precarious moment for mitch mcconnell that biden the leader of the republicans. he has enabled toddles from he has seen. no idea what he thinks about ideologically but mitch mcconnell has always seen donald trump as at least
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a useful way to get a lot of his own policy objectives in the republican party as a policy objectives the probably the chief among them cutting taxes which is one of the major signature legislative accomplishment in the trump era very early on in in the trumps in terms term. but mitch mcconnell has enabled a lot of the rhetoric and a lot of the division that we saw under the trump ministration and also under the obama freshman which mcconnell is famous for saying my number one goal is to make sure barack obama is a one term president his goal was not to pass laws goal was not sue you know tab make sure there was good legislation for the united states it was to make sure barack obama the man on the other side the part of the opposite party is only a one term president so mcconnell can't just say can't as well. you know clean his hands of this of this situation of the united states by itself and he has been the leader of the republican party in the senate for years now and one of the if not most powerful man in washington behind the scenes that said he is
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a man of the senate he loves the senate and what he saw 2 weeks ago today of his senate his beloved senate being trashed i think we've heard in his in his speeches since crossed the line maybe he never believed just how dangerous some of this rhetoric and division was and then he saw it and maybe he said to himself and i like a lot of republicans have said we don't like this bed that we've made for ourselves and we're not going to step in into it to sleep in it all over want to go to you in d.c. and pick up on that you know a couple of really good points that william made their change of heart that so searching that is happening within the leadership leadership rather of the g.o.p. will mitch mcconnell will republicans try to get rid of trump loyalists now. that is also one of the big topics of course that we'll be following in the next
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weeks to come of course as well you pointed out that was a cross red line that donald trump crossed for many republicans that have been added supporters of donald trump throughout the last 4 years have been death silent on all is baseless claims of voter fraud and that supported him through all of his 1st impeachment proceeding when a lot of evidence was actually produced against him and it was really hard to understand how he could rally this base around him know the quote and what it really looks like mitch mcconnell is turning his back on him now and that is for the very reason that they are trying to get rid of him because they believe that of course once he is impeach successfully then he could also be banned from future office and that would be the. moment when the republicans could basically get together and start a new chapter in their political history if you will so certainly that 2 will play a very important role there but of course we'll have to see there are many other
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important republican figures that are still very very much supportive of as we speak so it is a divided party as well it is a divided party now i don't have if you can call it an adage i've heard it said time and again that democrats fall in love republicans fall in line will they well that remains to be seen we shall say it will certainly be interesting because we saw already some 10 republicans in the house fold in the house of representatives that voted against donald trump it will need 17 senators to convict trump in senate and it is very challenging it is a lot of many many votes basically so you you see that crumble that support but there is a little bit of time and we will have to see also hold the trial goals the democrats
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there have the big advantage is that they can shape the rules of this trial no that's different in comparison to the 1st impeachment proceeding when the rules were shaped by the republicans and so now basically they're the direct result that 2nd trial and that will produce the evidence and show the evidence in the way they want to show it and we will have to see then how that resonates with the republicans and senate and if that eventually gives the final push for donald trump to be impeached it will be the 1st president in history of the united states to be successfully impeached out of office and out of office yes so what's the purpose i mean what are you trying to achieve. that's a good question because as we know he's not the president of the united states anymore as of now donald trump isn't mar-a lago in florida is an ex-president and we are having the bizarre situation almost that the impeachment trial against donald trump will start once he had already left office now of course why why is
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that necessary well 1st of all the democrats believe that he crossed the red line he did that many times throughout his office so he was calm in a thing of course but then calling for a violent law to enter that symbol of american democracy the u.s. the u.s. capital that is certainly something that they will not want to accept and that they want to have also written down in the history books that they won't let him go with with this one here and then another big aspect of course is that once he was impeached they can ban him from future office that's not directly connected to the impeachment trial but would be another option that the senate could vote on and that would certainly. make a clear statement of all the history books but also for the next 2 years because donald trump might decide to run again in 2024. william you know
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the u.s. strikes this is such a tinderbox at the moment especially a 2 weeks ago was so much in city airy rhetoric a year from now when you and i hopefully in good health are here and discussing this abidin administration what will the narrative be all year from now will be his 1st state of the union address the inaugural address always takes the place of the state of the union address that should be happening around this time of year. well if the pandemic goes the way that biden would like it to go if there is national a national movement to to really tackle this pandemic full on to get the kind of the. or ship to get the kind of mask wearing to get the kind of steady messaging out to americans to convince enough americans that this is real and to get those vaccines rolling. by giving a lot of credit for getting a handle on this pandemic but all of these issues these crises that we've laid out
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the economic crisis the covert crisis climate racial justice these all quickly become joe biden's problems right joe biden normally presidents with the exception of dollars from normally presidents have a bit of a honeymoon period with americans of both parties of all americans of this is what we call the famous $100.00 days of the presidency which has no which is just tradition where americans are willing to give the new presidents some slack obviously people of their of the winning party more more tolerable then more tolerant and more patient them than others. but people want results and joe biden not only has promised a lot he has a lot to deliver and i think and again we're going to see if the u.s. senate is going to confirm his nominees so we can get a government in place so he can start actually carrying out a lot of things he wants to do and that is going to decide what we're seeing a year from now over i 5 just have 20 seconds left for us will president joe biden
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be defined by how he handles the covert pandemic. he certainly will those us what he calls the number one priority on his agenda he plans to deliver as soon as of today with a massive mandate that he wants to polls for the whole country and it will certainly be one of his big one of the big points where he will be where we will to rebuild and be successful or not. is very tough and fascinating of road ahead to our solid reporting from washington d.c. and here with me you know william glue crofton in the studio this is you know we near 0 a live from borough and joe biden has been sworn in as president of the united states amid tight security in washington d.c. the crowd was limited because of the pandemic in his inaugural address the president biden called for unity and said there was much work to do much to repair and also spoke of the need to confront and defeat the threat of white supremacy his
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supremacy ism donald trump a boycott at the event he flew to his private resort in florida early in the morning and vice president mike pence from represented the outgoing administration later joe biden will stop at arlington national cemetery to lay a wreath at the tomb of the i'm no soldier before spending his 1st night in the white house as the 46th president of the united states thank you so much for washing our extended coverage of joe biden's in argue aeration we now leave you with some images of the ceremony. her. goal. was to load. not. one so.
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conflicts with tim sebastian the e.u. and britain cleage just 3 trade deals for the post correctly the us now at least in the u.k. there are some hard realities to deal with why just this week for another team in scotland designed to bali conservative m.p. and vice chairman of the conservative party was forced josue so economical with the truth on monday break so many conflicts of. the 30 minutes past the. board. that i don't need to keep a great deal of the bones both for over a mention home the 4th i'm clear on the whole of the most recent medellin colombia that missed the boat on the fannies at the last dragons it was worth recalling the harm to used. to go green groups on.
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friday value meal and on game fishing in those that 17 trillion land on the most killed worldwide sure so that we can income but it's not just the animals of all suffering it's the environment we went on a journey to find ways out of the nutrition if you want to know how when clicked on a priest and the whole trust of. strange to me to listen to our podcast on the green thumbs. of life on earth one of a kind and. coincidences. where the improbable happened to play the 1st one to the creation of our solar system with our planet is a bit like winning the lottery there's a. lot in store for unique starts february 11th on t.w.
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. plane. play. this is it every news live from berlin or reconciler in chief joe biden becomes president of the united states a man aiming to bring unity to a deeply divided nation. serve protect and defend to serve the church going to fail the constitution of the united states constitution of the united states will help you god told me god the graduation the 1st of all the bad 6 presidents of the united states taking the oath in washington d.c. joe bite saying in his inaugural speech.
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