tv Dick dicker fettes Geld Deutsche Welle January 21, 2021 3:00am-3:46am CET
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how do we make cities remark how do we protect our returns what to do with all our waste and. we can only difference by choosing smaller solutions overstrained city no worries. global warming to those limits a series of little $3.00 and only if you believe in a long long. way to get a bit of that. mrs w. news and these are our top stories joe biden has taken up office as the 46th united states of president signing executive orders including rejoining the paris climate accord and stepping up measures to fight the coronavirus pandemic and comma harris has become the 1st woman to be vice president she's taken up her post as head of the senate giving her democratic party control over congress.
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former president donald trump has broken with more than 150 years of tradition by refusing to attend biden's inauguration trump instead addressed supporters at andrews air force base before departing for his mar a lago resort in florida he promised to return in some form. hospitals in the u.k. are under pressure as daily coronavirus deaths are rising to record levels over $1800.00 people died of the virus on tuesday this comes as a variant of the virus believed to be more contagious spreads across the country health trusts have converted cathedrals into mass inoculations centers as the vaccine roll out continues. this is you know you news from berlin follow us on twitter and instagram at g.w. news or visit our website did of your dot com.
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2 weeks ago a mob of donald trump supporters stormed the u.s. capitol it was a near death experience for american democracy and the entire world watched in horror today in the same space american democracy's resilience joe biden became the new us president the new vice president there was no mention of trump instead a promise to end 4 years of america's split screen reality show no more laws against the truth no war americans against americans i'm burnt off in berlin this is the day. the 46 president of the united states just said by choosing your this as america's day. this is democracies day
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i will be your president for all americans all american politics doesn't have to be a raging fire we must end this civil war. that pits red against blue we can do this if we open our souls. to the hard part thank god bless america and may god protect our troops thank you america. also coming up the history being written by and embodied in come a harris today she became the 1st person of color and the 1st woman to become vice president of the united states it did you're going to change. right and. wrong things. i'm sure not things that.
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doctors want to. please raise your right hand and repeat after me i joseph robinette biden jr do solemnly swear i chose for profit by you and you do solemnly swear that i will faithfully execute that i will faithfully execute the office of president of the united states office of president of the united states and will to the best of my ability will one ability preserve protect and defend to serve to defend the constitution of the united states constitution of the united states so help you god oh me congratulations mr president a hit. and with that oath joe biden became the 46 president of the united states of america to our viewers on p.b.s. in the u.s. and to our viewers all around the world welcome we begin the day with a new u.s.
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president a new u.s. vice president and a declaration to end america's uncivil war today joe biden became the $46.00 us president come a harris became his vice president the significance of this day for democracy around the world it can't be overstated the challenges facing this new administration the homemade crises where they are just as great tonight we take a pause from the politics and focus on the people who today began a new chapter in u.s. history the faces of personalities on parade today caught our attention we were transfixed by the mixture of power fame talent and even the surreal and the absurd there were former u.s. presidents in attendance today the clinton the bush family and the obama there was an amazing performance of the national anthem by lady gaga and old the irony of it all sitting among the new president and vice president were members of congress and
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just had. cruz who 2 weeks ago claimed biden's election may not be legitimate and there was also mitch mcconnell the senate majority leader who for the past 4 years up until the storming of the u.s. capitol had been donald trump's strongest congressional supporter. while all of this speaks to the diversity of america but also to the division within the nation the united states is arguably almost as divided as it was when the civil war began in $860.00 president biden made it a point to address this division and his commitment to unity this is america's day. this is democracy day a day of history and hope every no one resolved. through a crucible for their ages america has been tested a new america has risen to challenge. our that was the newly elected their
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president biden to talk about this new day i'm joined tonight by laurence douglass he's a professor of law at amherst college in massachusetts in the u.s. professor douglas it's good to have you on the program tonight i have heard many people describing today with a big sigh of relief almost as if they've been liberated from the recent past how would you describe today and it significance to the world. yeah i mean i certainly share in that sense. of immense relief it's like having a kind of us put on your chest removed and you know obviously if it's a great day for the united states sake it's a great day you know not to overstate the importance of the united states to the rest of the world but i do think it is a great day for the rest of the world as well in as much as it looks like the united states at least for now has passed the kind of stress test to democracy that
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we were subjected to by president trump and i also think it's you know we can turn turn turn to you know policy initiatives such as trying to respond aggressively and determent of leads to a climate change you know i think united states is now willing not simply to take part in that global effort but really to to lead again and i think that's crucial you know the u.s. president bringing the united states back into the paris climate agreement today after taking the oath of office this pursuit of unity we know that it will keep this new administration busy in the near future i want you to take a listen to what president biden said about that today with unity we can do great things important things we can right wrongs we can put people to work in good job we can teach our children in safe schools we can overcome the deadly virus we can reward reward work and rebuild the middle class and make health care secure for all
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we can deliver racial justice and we can make america once again the leading force for good in the world i mean that's a big task is going to begin to there before him professor douglas what do you say what would you say is it true that america is a nation in the need of unity. yes i think it's fair to say that you know we need to bear in mind that. if 50000000 americans apparently a continue to buy into the lie in conspiracy theory that donald trump actually captured the november 3rd election. and we need to also bear in mind that there are 2 weeks ago when we saw there reflect images of the storming of the capitol that after that ascent the majority of house members
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republican members of the house of representatives still voted not to recognize biden's electoral victory and so this nation remains deeply divided and those divisions will not disappear with donald trump moving down to florida we remain a country in which a social media plays a very very big role in contributing to those divisions and of course we have this problem with the right wing media the way in which we have media outlets that also contribute very very mightily to the divisions of ideological reasons but more because there are his money apparently to be earned by by stoking these divisions how would you explain professor to our global audience the fact that we saw people like mitch mcconnell or ted cruz today at the inauguration i mean 2 weeks ago ted cruz was standing in the u.s. senate saying the election of biden was not legitimate. right well
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i don't you know i do think that it's hard to underestimate the mission and the opportunism of someone like a senator cruz you know i think he certainly is positioning himself to try to run for the white house probably in 2024 i think it probably is very clear to him. that just as an opportunistic calculus that he took it as a result of getting up before the senate and giving a speech recall that speech occurred great deal for the storming of the capitol and so he gave a speech urging his colleagues not to certify biden's victory and i think he has taken political hits as a result of that and so he simply tried to make amends you know mitch mcconnell who i think also you know you can describe as i think it
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a deeply crafty and cynical politician actually to his credit he gave you know a quite moving speech before of the just in the middest before the capitol invasion telling his fellow senate republicans that it was time that they recognized that biden had actually won a fair election and that to continue to indulge the lie that trump it captured the white house was really to endanger our democracy so i felt a little less. pained by seeing mitch mcconnells presence at the inauguration as a seeing crucis was somewhat ironic to see him there but yeah irony it's one way to describe it for sure i'd like to talk a little bit more about what lays before this new president but before we do that let's take a look at the 50 year path that led joe biden to the white house as u.s.
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president today. it began half a century ago at 29 joseph biden was one of the youngest candidates ever elected to the senate his success laced with sadness when just weeks later his wife and daughter died in a car accident by and remarried and launched his 1st presidential bid in 1907 and again 20 years later my grandmother would yell out spread the faith. barack obama chose him to be his running mate. the best buy's president has ever had mr joe biden. biden looked resigned to never quite reaching the nation's highest office and tell donald trump came along that's why i did am announcing my candidacy for president of the united states. president we have to put with his decades of experience biden said he was the man to restore america's standing in the world that he was the man for the moment i'll be a president will stand with our allies and friends and make it clear to our
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adversaries the days of cozying up to dictators is over he promised to show leadership in the midst of a coronavirus pandemic it's estimated that nearly another 210000 americans could lose their lives by the end of the year and nothing no more let's just said partisanship aside let's end the politics and follow the signs. ultimately the voters agreed electing the nation's 46th president but the election was divisive and his opponent donald trump refused to concede instead pushing conspiracy theories about his loss biden refused to engage with trump's attacks seeking to stay above the fray that became difficult when a mob inspired by trump stormed the capitol building. like so many other americans i am genuinely shocked and saddened that our nation. so long the
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beacon of light hope for democracy has come to such a dark moment. but america survived that day and by now has 4 years to offer the leadership and healing he has promised. professor douglas would you say joe biden is the right man at the right time for america. i think he is i think he is in the sense that he's a centrist he is a genuinely decent person who really is dedicated to the project of trying to bring americans together and i think he is someone who has a tremendous amount of experience i mean one of the things that we need to bear in mind is in addition to the way that the trump presidency. you know really
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damaged core values of american constitutional democracy was also a deeply dysfunctional presidency and it basically evacuated from positions of power many many many competent people answered i did as someone who is exceptionally competent exceptionally experienced and you know he will at the very least be able to quickly restore a baseline of competency in the running of the federal government and that's crucial and it's crucial i think i've heard the word decency mentioned today more than in the past 4 years put together let's focus for a moment now and biden's vice president coming to harris him she made history today take a listen. please raise your right hand repeat after. i come up with a few casts to solomon school. gave me some respect that i will support and defend the constitution of the united states to support and. again so all the
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enemies foreign and. forget that i will be here to feed the baby to sleep that would bear true faith and allegiance to the fact that i take the song again freely that i take up a good feeling without any mental reservation or purpose of the patient without any mental reservation or purpose that i will well and faithfully just charge. me with the duties of the office which i am about to enter the duty of the f.b.i. office upon which i am about to be so hot so help make up. i. am the president as if judged by diffuse the link to the past and the anchor for the present is coming what harris is she the beginning to america's future. i certainly hope so and she's a you know
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a very accomplished woman's she was a. very accomplished. attorney general in california she's been a very complex senator and and she obviously you know simply by virtue of being a woman and a woman of color she can next should be to the diversity of the united states and she's a very very loyal to intelligent competent person who hopefully can carry the mantle of democratic. leadership you know into the coming decades you know couple here's a story is truly it's one of america's immigrant identity and it's you know he embodies this american dream of hard work and perseverance paying off here's more about the new vice president. comma harris grew up
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here a quiet neighborhood across the bay from san francisco her mother raised her to be strong and to prove herself through her work she studied at the historically black our university in washington d.c. . then got her law degree in san francisco her career ascent began in california in 2003 she was elected as san francisco's 1st female district attorney and 2011 she became california's attorney general or she oversaw the state's legalization of gay marriage in 2017 harris was elected to the u.s. senate she quickly gained a reputation as a tough question or a grilling facebook c.e.o. mark zuckerberg and donald trump supreme court pick brett kavanaugh i'm not remembering but if you have something you want to i'm just trying to think do i know anyone who works that firm i might know that he had that's not my question my question is have you had a conversation with anyone at that firm about that investigation it's
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a really specific question. in january 29 teams she announced her run for the white house. i don't think. i stand before you today to announce my candidacy. i. harris dropped out but then became joe biden's running mate she proved to be an avid campaigner and debater paris's father is from jamaica and her mother was born in india that makes her the 1st black and the 1st asian american president hopes are high then you're going to change. right and that is. things. i'm sure not things very good. doctors want to make up there. it's been a long way to the vice presidency but america has spoken and harris is now headed
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for her place in history. the president let me ask you to look into your crystal ball for a moment here where do you see harris in 4 or 8 years. well let me just actually. look into the crystal ball to see what she's going to do next few years because i do think it is worth emphasizing that you know the role of the vice president sometimes looks somewhat more ceremonial than it does substantive but remember that the only reason the democrats presently have a majority in the senate. with the actual composition of the senate split $5050.00 between democrats and republicans is that as vice president come with her she will also preside as president of the senate and will cast the tie breaking vote so i think she could play a very
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a substantive and important role in the creation of policy and law in the coming years and you know we've seen in the that even of this past election season she expressed her ambitions of to become president obviously she suspended that campaign but i assume that there she will be a running for president and it could be as early as 2024 because biden as we all know is the oldest person to you to assume the presidency. and it is possible possible that biden himself will choose not to run for reelection in 2024 so it certainly is possible that come what harris is going to be groomed to basically carry the democratic politics forward into again the at the end of this decade we've got about a minute left let me ask you about donald trump as the world seen the last of him and how secure would you say the 2024 alexion how secure will they be.
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well one thing i think we need to bear in mind is that you know the truck was just impeached for the 2nd time and he earned the dubious distinction of being the 2nd the only president american history to enjoy to have that view vs distinction and and even though he is the left office of the trial it was so cool trial in the senate is going to continue and she know your viewers might be asking well what's the point of trying to remove him from office if you've already left and what we need to remember is one of the sanctions that the constitution contemplates. through the impeachment process is to disqualify someone from running again in the future and so i think it would be important to have the senate so-called convict trump to make sure that he can't stage any kind of a comeback in the 2024. ok professor lawrence douglas professor of law at amherst
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college in massachusetts we appreciate your time and your insights tonight so on this historic day thank you my pleasure. well there was a final departure from the white house today donald trump and his wife melania left the white house for a final time headed for florida trump in another break with tradition did not attend the inauguration of his successor the image today incredibly stark and sobering trump began today as the most powerful man on the planet he ended the day out of work sitting by the swimming pool what kind of legacy does he deserve how should history judge him. thank you very much and we love you and i can tell you that from the bottom of my heart this is been an incredible 4 years it is my greatest honor and privilege to have been your president i will always fight for
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you. i will be watching i will be listening and i will tell you that the future of this country has never been better i wish the new administration great luck and great success. i think they'll have great success they have the foundation to do something really spectacular things that we've done have been just incredible and i couldn't have done of done it without you so just. a goodbye we love you we will be back in some form so have a good life we will see you soon thank you thank you. thank you. the final words there from donald trump in his final moments as u.s. president well the day is almost done the conversation it continues online you'll find us on twitter either d.w. news you can follow me at brant go off t.v. we'll leave you tonight with images of this very historic day and remember whatever
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d.w. a. conflict zone with tim sebastian feeling britain clinched the free trade deal for the post directly below now at least in the u.k. there are some hard realities to deal with my guess is weeks obama being in scotland is on to bali conservative m.p. and vice chairman of the conservative party one is boris josue so you can only go in with the truth lucky break so many conflicts of. the 60 minutes phone dito. it's about billions. it's about our work. it's about the foundation of the new food order going to the new silk road going to china wants to expand its
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influence with this trade network also in europe going to. china is promising its partners rich. but in europe there's or morning who never accept money from the new superpower will become dependent on it china's gateway to europe. starts feb 19th on t.w. . remotely. the case for innovation couldn't be clearer the world's become a very different place and the pandemic is forcing companies to change the way they do business history shows firms that invest in innovation through a crisis outperform the competition in a recovery if they survive that is it's
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a balancing act the challenge is seizing the opportunity crises frightened investors and what's not to be scared about look at all the bankruptcy's the people out of walk i'm happy i'm not in the hospitality sector and then i didn't start a business at any time in this crisis and of any type but what's going to happen to all those empty hotels and restaurants and the people who did launch a new business smack bang in the middle of a pandemic. kirillov i leased a hotel during the pandemic most of her rooms are empty. no one's checking in today . henning has just opened a restaurant but he has no guests our secretary rice is brings opportunities and as a team we want to seize the moment. and we can keep this up much longer. having her own hotel was a dream come true for here in no way and she enjoys chatting to the few guests that come. despite the pandemic lloyd took the plunge and invested
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a lot of money. but her hotels occupancy rate is now just 12 percent. and we didn't expect things to be this and of course we're unsure we're worried about what the future will bring. 'd life partner patrick went into the business together. is now in the middle of the crisis we are real support for each other i think on our own each of us would probably have given up already. had. together they put several 100000 euros into giving the hotel interior a make over they used all their savings some money from the family to the plan and we obviously didn't plan to open in the middle of a crisis the planning was all done before that but we decided to go through with it
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anyway. we're just trying to delay the launch as long as possible have asked or and we saw our earnings that was the 1st month we thought was ok if it continues like this then we can live with it. and we will survive. and now we're trying to hang on as long as we can. get henning was thrilled when he was able to rent the restaurant t.v. . long dreamed of in the downtown. and even though he has no guests right now and take away all that is ever allowed for him it's a huge stroke of luck. this is an opportunity if you look at the place there's just nowhere else like it in berlin and when you get that chance you have to grab it you can't do anything else. in the kitchen only opens at lunchtime from thursday to sunday the other days they just do what they can yeah.
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we've got to know each other in this time and you know what it makes each other take we're also the processes involved in the business and the point of sale system accounting etc it's all been a slow introduction. they're doing the basement parties. gave up a well paid job as a manager in real estate to pursue his restaurant dream. now he's living off his savings. back to the corona virus into our calculations we also took it into account during contract negotiations the owners accommodated was extremely well $300.00 of 9 demick clause in our contract. you sign a contract for 10 years you know things are hard for $23.00 or maybe 4 months at
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the beginning that's the blink of an eye compared to that 10 year contract and to do continue on. a is also optimistic for now. and we have no regrets about taking this step this crisis in particular has brought us closer as a team we've grown together and taken the hurdles together is a good start. one of their regular guests popped by recently with a surprise and. we were there during a difficult time. and now that we're not doing so well with a covert crisis he suddenly appeared at the reception and handed us a box containing little gifts. and a donation of 2000 euros. 5000. that was really a lot of money for him it was very generous and we were just incredibly touched i was moved to tears that someone could be so kind at
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a time like this and want to support a. 'd partner say they can hold out until april but after that they may well have to give up on their dream. incoming president of the united states joe biden says he wants to pump trillions of dollars into clean energy sources for many a ray of hope for others a nightmare like in the western state of wyoming where the coal industry is in freefall it's seen thousands of jobs lost the oil and gas industry is also feeling the pinch and green alternatives like wind turbines well they just haven't had enough luck as far as making jobs go so far at least so is this only a crisis or could it also be an opportunity.
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welcome to gillette wyoming the self-proclaimed energy capital of the united states the energy. industry has been the backbone of this community for 40 years. but the $30000.00 residents tested a rough patch until just about 10 years ago coal mining here and elsewhere in wyoming made up a whopping 40 percent of the total in a christie makes in the u.s. now it's a 20 percent many tools a former prosperity mayor memorabilia these days and thinks i'm not likely to get any better while the state's fossil fuel industries to the contrary president elect biden candidate biden said more than once that he intended to move the united states away from fossil fuels we take him at his word and that's going to be tough and we will we will do what we can to fight it but. the gas industry in
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wyoming lost a 3rd of its jobs from $13000.00 down to $9000.00 in one year alone the coal industry lost 2 and a half 1000 jobs within the last 4 years now only about 4 and a half 1000 people work in coal a far cry from what was once i think we're not losers for a coal industry in particular it's going to be a tough 4 years at least on the outskirts of the office for coal miners and all of this working in the local fossil fuel industry and they're all worried says office owner jim plates and to be cult he worked 22 years and cold himself before running his saloon. you know why people come and have a drink once in a while because they discuss their economic futures and they discuss their lifetime futures fears in this energy if your energy prices don't go up we don't have any
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way to make a living. that's the bottom why. that's the bottom line. but the new biden administration's economic plan locates $1.00 trillion dollars to renewable and clean energy for folks here so this is a nightmare we're not into that renewable energy fossil fuels of sorts. those windmills running down with are not going to save anybody in this country. the new face of wyoming looks increasingly like this when turbine generators as far as one can see we're visiting a pacific or build on top of what used to be the glen rock coal mine 114000 acres $158.00 when turbines are generating clean energy now pacific orifice owned by no other than warren buffett his holding company berkshire hathaway plans to invest a total of $6000000000.00 into wind and solar in wyoming that sounds good but
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there's a problem clean energy doesn't generate enough new jobs and state tax revenue to offset the combined losses suffered from the declining fossil fuel industry. the real challenge in the state is trying to find him replacement activity people can make a living. and finding ones that they want to do i mean it has to match with your culture and your identity and so that stuff. people here identify with coal oil gas and ranching rent is a 4th generation cattle rancher for many years he tried to make it by just being a rancher not anymore he's now also a wind. today 15 when turbines on his property generate power for the grid and needed extra income for rick this changes benefited our family greatly this change
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is given us a steady. revenue it's allowed us to be part of the bigger picture with the war on coal and not knowing where fossil fuels and what part they're going to play our country in this world needs electricity. that the city is betting on technology and new research that allows coal to become better carbon capture new coal products and hopefully a good working relationship with the incoming administration or the mayor this will make them when there's. going to give you the option because we are looking forward we have already been working with department of energy and if you take president biden at his word i mean he just wants us all to work together so i take comfort in that because that's what we want to do. seems like it's not all gloom and doom for wyoming embracing change will be key.
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climate change will sooner or later force the energy sector to change its ways so what are some of the sustainable opportunities i recently discovered the power of geothermal energy on a trip to iceland it's spectacular and or inspiring knowing that fountain of war the old guys they could burn you today it's around $100.00 degrees celsius is a vast reservoir of readily accessible energy right beneath our feet in this climate friendly energy sources really tapped the question is why not. obviously it's not only the senate and stunning. field there one power makes plans of ice hot and messy. and it makes clean electricity and heating for the isis. but not only iceland is blessed geothermal energy could hold the world for generations to come and the best thing is we can find
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a match in every place on this planet it's a sustainable eternity if to fossil fuels for countries around the world. in the nation states on the ring of fire and it makes us having a biggest hit em up and shell in the world but it is still largely untapped and most people would never have heard of it and have no comprehension of what you know for a while if. so how does geothermal energy work and why is so much of it still not being used. it's almost like going to london we want to lob a few bits on you really look pretty to work out. what a description of ice in fact people there are very proud of how geothermal energy has changed a country iceland has moved from being poor country primarily the importer of oil and coal change than we have transformed to our energy system
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and geothermal energy and renewable it's became flies lump what chocolate and banking for switzerland system creates heating our own life out of 10 houses and almost takes 2 percent of our electricity let's start with a small one no one here what is geothermal energy. heat warms water that has seeped into on the ground reza was you can drill 2 x. is it or at the tectonic plate andris to want to break through the earth's surface as steam or hot water all by itself. and if you're really clever you can direct that into a turban and generate electricity and after using it the cold water is pumped back into the iris and in inside the iris it's heated again on the way to the producing oil and hence what it's like a cycle of fault and cold water. and almost limitless renewable source that can be
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used for heating and electricity. like in iceland where geothermal energy has become more and more important it was pushed in the 1970 s. when all crisis hit the world and shook tiny iceland as well someone long bond or. a story from. and it's a crisis of love you so don't use the euro or speed it up on the almost all important on was. a success story and countries around the world are learning from iceland and a keen to use to technology back home and especially in indonesia this could be a game changer indonesia is an island archaeological because you can see south thousands of violins delegated along the equator and on top of the ring the effect of will cain was the so-called ring of fire. we just say cynically acting until now
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