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tv   Colonia Dignidad  Deutsche Welle  January 21, 2021 9:30pm-10:16pm CET

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the food security question marsha nicely since. i'm not has been achieved so much more needs to be done and i think people have to be at the heart of solutions my name is a massage and i work at g.w. . the moment joe biden entered the oval office for the 1st time as president he found the worries and woes of a nation stacked in waiting a mountain the big zech you give orders to undo what he describes as the greatest damage done by his predecessor and yet it's all eclipsed by the pandemic the trump administration never shared its plan for vaccinating the country today president biden discovered why there never was a plane i'm burnt off in berlin this is the day.
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that it's different that day. i think that. through the roof and out here rationed i wish you the greatest success god bless the united states of america. we congratulate president things have not been easy between us for some time our job is that we spend with our relationships on behalf of our countries it's obviously a lot easier to do that when you have a few more she at least is good with the president biden there is simply much more scope for political consensus we need to say but instead we got a lot of work to do a lot of work to do thank you for being willing to join. by but. also coming up the hope of a nation in rhythm and rhyme delivered at the most opportune time
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a skinny black girl who for a new president put her words and her mind into a poem in titled the hill we clone our people by birth into a beautiful woman birds battered and beautiful when baby comes we step out of the state of flame and i'm afraid the new dawn blooms as we free its for there was always a. lights if only we were brave enough to see it if only were brave enough to be it. we get to dismiss overnight it's going to take months for said turn things around but let me be equally clear we will get through this we will defeat this pandemic into a nation waiting for action let me be the clearest on this point help is on the way today today i aim would be only the national strategy on covert 90 and executive
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actions to be to spend any u.s. president joe biden there putting the pandemic at the top of his agenda to our viewers on p.b.s. in the united states and to our viewers all around the world well we begin the day the 1st full day a very busy day of the presidency of joe by the biden team had no illusions about a honeymoon after inauguration they knew there would be no time to savor this is storage moment because the weight of duty and responsibility are simply too great today president biden began laying out a national strategy to confront the coronavirus the president's covert team announcing that it has found a dozen major supply shortfalls in the trumpet ministrations pandemic plan the most glaring the trump strategy included no plan for distributing back scenes no blueprint for getting the vaccine from the lab into people's arms
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a mammoth logistical endeavor that had been launched earlier could have saved lives . joe biden's 1st full day on the job as president of the united states has begun with a virtual inaugural prayer service in the white house but it will take more than prayers to deal with the biggest problem facing the u.s. the coronavirus pandemic. the biden administration has laid out a program to limit the viruses spread at home and abroad. in a major shift in domestic policy facemasks are mandated in all u.s. federal facilities buildings and transportation biden has promised to ensure all americans have access to reliable and free testing and the new president has reversed his predecessor's decision to pull the u.s. out of the world health organization. this last point is an acknowledgment of the
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w. he chose key role in stopping the viruses spread globally i join my fellow representatives and. the world health organization for its role 'd in leading the global public health response to this pandemic. the united states also intends to fulfill its financial obligations to the organization. stays in the w.h.o. shows the u.s. is preparing to reassert its weight on the world stage another of joe biden's promises. one of biden's 1st acts as president was for the u.s. to rejoin the parents accord on climate protection. but amid all the color and extravagance of the inaugural celebrations it was clear that joe biden is placed with a daunting task. first getting control of the coronavirus pandemic and then showed the u.s.
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is unified enough to lead on the world stage. you know the world stage let me pull in verity he's a member of the german american parliamentary friendship group he's a member of the i'm going miracles coalition partners these social democrats mr are very good to see you again president biden he's focused we know all the pandemic at the moment but he has made it clear that u.s. foreign policy especially when it comes to europe will be at the top of his agenda soon what will that mean for germany. i braved a good series again i think it's harmful as you guys we have to expect 3 scenes from your administration it's the one is most important there it's focused on the united states the 1st place i think that will have an influence on the outside also because priorities of course polarization in the population i would say going to we have problems we already had before all problems to nato iran then
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there could be up some new bigger challenges which we all should work together. and trust we know was a big issue can germany can europe trust the united states as it did before donald trump came to power i mean do you see joe biden as a return to normalcy do you see donald trump as an anomaly well of course there's more trust than during the times of mr trump so there's a big change in this one because there's no trust with insulting each other. to the point of whether it's going to be like the old times things are change developments in china change and russia change so i think a trust is nothing that is this inherited you have to work on it each day and obviously it's going to be a lot easier to work on the transition this is very tense with mr trump i know that
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president biden is against the nordstrom to natural gas pipeline project between germany and russia we know that saying sions are being slapped on companies by the united states who are involved in constructing the pipeline. when does this pipeline become a major liability for germany in its relations with the us. it is a problem we have to be honest it with this one and put it all sentient the last days station does make things easier for president biden. nevertheless this is not the biggest problem i think the russia issue russia generally is an issue others are as well but i think those are not going to be the big issues of this administration concerning the cooperation with with germany and the european union i think for comparison if you look at china i think that the challenges with china . it between the between the atlantic between europe and the united states is much
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bigger much more challenging no the future is a problem but we can deal with it is there a fear in the german parliament that president biden is going to push or maybe even force europe to have to choose between china or the u.s. some people were talking about things like 5 g. technology but we're talking about a new cold war for example are you afraid the german going to be able you know that you're going to have to jeeps. we don't want to choose obviously part of your setting community copely but that's a problem with china and it was a problem of the united states station so our own common goals should be how it can work things out that there is a common approach. but we have to do was with this one the u.p.a. debate about china is not as far as it is in united states that's why i see
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a bigger problem with china approaching between me and germany then all the other foreign affairs issues because we have to catch up a little bit in this issue europe and germany i have to ask you we've got about a minute left mr verdi we know that she's not going to run for office again later this year who would be the ideal chancellor in your opinion there chancellor candidate it later this year in terms of improving trans-atlantic relations. actually i believe will show it's not only because he is the social democrat as we know the future is this is gender of putting individuals in the center of policy expense we suspect to respect them the ones that work in that struggle and try i think that's a narrative i can relate to as well specially when he looks at the over $70000000.00 of mr trump so i think there is something in common fighting populism in those 2
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countries and i think mr szell's can relate much better to go to any any other chance and you know we will keep our eye on mr shelton see what happens and we may have to invite you back to talk about that mr president parity member of the german american parliamentary friendship group and a member of the s.p.d. in parliament thank you thank you. donald trump's refusal to attend the inauguration of joe biden will go down in history it was yet another break with tradition for trump one of many during his 4 years in office and it did not go unnoticed and the former u.s. presidents barack obama george w. bush and bill clinton who were all present at yesterday's inauguration used a video message to show that they stand with biden not only in his endeavors to lead the nation but also in his respect for tradition and for the office of the presidency good evening america obviously there was
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a personal element to see my former vice president become the 46 president to see. probably harris as our 1st woman vice president. but more broadly i think inaugurations signal a tradition of a peaceful transfer of power that is over 2 centuries old well i think the fact that 3 of us are standing here talking about a peaceful transfer of power speaks to the as shit to show integrity of our country so this is an unusual thing we are both trying to come back to normalcy deal with totally abnormal challenges and do what we do best which is try to make a more perfect union it's exciting time is interesting to see those 3 former u.s. presidents let's take this now to the united states i'm joined now by mr denver riggleman he's a former u.s. congressman from virginia who served as a republican the u.s.
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house of representatives as it is congressman it's good to have you on the program you're not very far from washington d.c. give us the temperature of the country tonight after president biden's inauguration and after his 1st full day in the oval office. sure and again thanks for having me this is great my 1st time on german sellers i'm excited though it's you know my background wasn't just politics you know at 20 years of counterterrorism experience and now inviting us information you know one of the only republicans to come out against your non-so early which was almost a year ago now and i think the temperature is still not where it needs to be it's a little bit hot you know if you look in a polling right now almost 80 percent of republicans believe that this election was stolen and i think that's a shame and now looking at conspiracy theories and looking at the dissent from ation that we've had to go through this social contagion or this digital virus but if you want to call it has not gone away it's just sort of migrating to other social network channel so when you're looking at the temperature here there's a feeling of sort of unsettled when you're looking at some of the republican
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constituency in and some of these districts not quite as calm as we would hope it would what would you want to see the let's start with the republican party what would you like to see good the g.o.p. do now bit donald trump is no longer president. but you know there was mixed messages you know it wasn't that long ago a few days ago the republican leader a minority leader kevin mccarthy who i know said that president trump held some responsibility for the riots and then today or yesterday he backtracked on that which has us mixed message and here's what the message needs to be human on is fantasy conspiracy theories around stuff the steel and the capital c fantasy number none of it true there's not a systemic problem has to be very specific as we can only fight this i just information with facts and you have this sort of propaganda push and still going on by certain individuals even the republican show in congress right now and i think that's the thing that's bothering a lot of people that look at this not from
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a political sense but from an analytical or intelligence sense or military operations sense with a background that i haven't and i just don't see this 100 percent push to push this radical theory back when it comes to stop the studio and i think if we don't do that we're going to have this problem for years what would the pushback look who i . mean would you include a trial with conviction of donald trump being one and what about members of congress who have pushed these conspiracy theories i'm thinking of john hall the ted cruz the mean should they be expelled from congress and expelled from the g.o.p. . it's a it's a hard question to ask you know for me i think censuring are looking at things that are that ridiculous i think there needs to be some kind of accountability for that kind of behavior especially you know with josh ali you know giving a sort of salute to the crowd just you know just just complete political pandering and such a dangerous fashion and looking at the president i think i'm one of those republicans
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i think they should go for with impeachment. based on what i've heard based on what i've seen a lot of people talk about just that speech on january 6th but you're talking about months of pushing just information and i want to remind people as president trump that every tweeted president biden killed seal team 6 you reach we did that or that osama bin laden had a body double and again looking at it from an intelligence or analytics perspective looking at it from just information and taking objects right after it the data speaks for itself and to speak for itself and again i never thought somebody would die like actually babbitt. believing the same thing the guy wearing horns believes . and that's again i just think this is so surreal to have the biggest conspiratorial gripped in history you know for that to lead to a siege in the capital there needs to be accountability does the republican party but i mean it is divided the way you have all of these these fractions in functions in the in the party now does it even deserve
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a chance to continue on or would it be best if it seems to exist and there was a founding of something different. well you know the 30 percent 25 to 30 percent that. you know didn't sign on to that ridiculous lawsuit from the i know if you're aware that the texas ag lawsuit to overturn the election now those individuals who didn't vote you know to turn away the electors and there was only 10 to vote for impeachment weren't a real crossroads here and i'm going to shocks of people here now the people that voted for that don't believe in it and believe that there was a stop to steal movement they don't believe in any of us just the fund raising has been so good at the grassroots level and that's the issue with the g.o.p. right now said they would rather anger to crazy and say facts and the reason that's the case is they want to get reelected in s. or that's the issue of that you are the system we have that's the issue with careers that's why i'm today you know i did things and said things i thought were fact i was going to lose because i didn't need a check in and i knew other things you know i still do counterterrorism work in
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a with still or so i have a life outside of congress to try but a lot of people do not and the fact is it's dangerous to pander to these type of individuals and to weaponize insanity like we saw on january 6th former congressman denver riggleman joining us tonight from the great commonwealth of virginia congressman we appreciate your time your insights tonight thank you thank the prefix earth. where the u.s. under president joe biden is set to strike a dramatically different course over iran's nuclear program from drums maximum pressure to biden's maximum diplomacy biden has said that if tehran resumes a strict compliance with the 2015 j c.p.o. a agreement restraining its nuclear program in return for relief from economic sanctions washington will return to the deal as well tehran is signaling that it is willing to work with the new administration here is iranian president hassan
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rouhani. 2 embryos that are today and the pole is in the coat of the united states. and washington has to return and fulfill its obligations. chair arm more trumps political career has ended but the j.c. way is still a life. all of his efforts to destroy the j c p a way were unsuccessful and he failed as all right i'm joined tonight by nader more mortazavi she is in washington d.c. she's a journalist political analyst and host of the iran podcast it's good to have you on the program let me ask you what would what would be the best thing in your opinion what would be the best thing that the biden ministration could do to turn down the volume turn down the temperature in these iranian u.s.
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relations. i think that's exactly a great point you're making to turn down the volume because under president trump 4 years of maximum pressure as i call it 4 years of maximum failure because it didn't achieve any of the stated goals of the trumpet ministration we saw tensions are also increased to point out the 2 countries where the brink of war at least more than one time over the past year or so or so to basically this is the volume and to reduce tensions and to resume diplomacy and as the president biden our eyes and south pledge i think we are entering of the day c.p.o. it would be the 1st step towards a more diplomacy and more talks on other issues that are of concern to the u.s. and also u.s. allies including partners in europe are you surprised that we're hearing this this
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agreeable message from tehran the iranian president signaling that they would be willing to rejoin the deal if the u.s. comes back i mean does that surprise you. not from the iranian president because we have to keep in mind this is his foreign policy legacy haasan rouhani iran and his 1st election he ran with the promise of making this deal and for a 2nd presidential election he ran with the success of this deal in holland as it was in his 1st term so this is something that he's made his foreign policy legacy in a pos for years have actually been pretty terrible for the administration of hasan rowhani the team that they negotiated the deal that teamed up push back against the hardliners in iran who kept saying you can't trust the american basically president trump prove the hard liners that maybe those who say you can trust the americans did have a point so i think this the positive reaction is something that we've seen at least
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from the prologue diplomacy cam ranh throughout the years and now that the administration and the u.s. is changing they have been quite watching this election a very closely into iran and i think they can't wait to basically restart diplomacy we know that they've been in violation of the j.c.b. away and they've been enriching more uranium if the incentive there are strong enough to get them to pull back and be that you know they are are closer than they were to being able to make a nuclear weapon i mean what's the incentive to give that up when in some to this ancient israel which is what it was under president obama but we have to remember because under president trump also there were a lot of sanctions well there was no path to real diplomacy and a lifting of the sanctions that was just the piling and piling of more sanctions but right now we hear the signal from toran that it's in fact president rouhani and said that they don't want to delay even for one minute the rule of same shit and at
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the same time like you're saying even violating the terms of the deal to sort of create leverage for when they return back to the negotiating table snigger more vavi it's good to have you on the program tonight we appreciate your insights as well thank you. thanks. robert frost maya angelo they are some of the great american poets who have shared their words and wisdom and presidential inaugurations but there is a new name to add to these titans of american literature her name is amanda gorman she spoke at yesterday's inauguration we want you to watch and listen as a star is before. mr president dr biden madam vice president mr m half americans and the world.
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one day comes we ask ourselves where can we find light in this never ending shade the last we carry see we must wait we have braved the belly of the beast we've learned that quiet isn't always peace in the norms notions of what just is isn't always just. and yet the dark hours before we knew it somehow we do it somehow we've weather and witnessed a nation that isn't broken but simply unfinished we successors of a country and a time were a skinny black girl descended from slaves in the raised by a single mother can dream of becoming president only to find herself reciting for one we've seen a force that would shatter our nation rather than share it would destroy our
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country if it meant delaying democracy in this effort very nearly succeeded but while democracy can be periodic only delayed it can never be permanently defeated who will not march back to what it was but move to what shall be a country that is bruised but whole benevolent but bold fierce and free if you merge mercy with the might in the mites with rights the love becomes our legacy we will rebuild reconciled and recover and everything no knock over a nation in every corner called our country our people of diverse. in the beautiful warm words battered and beautiful one day comes we step out of the shade a 4 way men unafraid the new dawn blooms as we free it for there was always lights
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if only we were brave enough to see it if only were brave enough to be a. brave enough to meet the day is almost on the conversation continues online or remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day we'll see the next book.
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conflicts with tim sebastian feel in britain kids just free trade deal for the post wretched you know at least in the u.k. there are some hard realities to deal with for just this week from aberdeen scotland is on duvalle conservative m.p. and vice chairman of the the. and serve as a faucet but as far as job so you could no make over the bloody great many conflicts of firsts 90 minutes.
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every day counts for us and for our planet play. global ideas is on its way to bring you more conservation playground to make see the screen. how can we protect habitats place we can make a difference to. the line to use the environmental series of little 3000 on t.w. and all up. to children to come to understand one giant problem and may live it in no limit to see the picture you. paint by the little details that they feel it's time to get the bug how will climate change affect us and our children. and d.-w. dot com slash water. it's about billions. it's
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about power. it's about the foundation of a new world order and the new silk road. china wants to expand its influence with this trade network and so interrupt conflicts are inevitable the consequences are unpredictable the can is book of the faking the chinese state has a lot of money at its disposal to give a shit and that's how it's expanding that that is asserting its status and position in the world in the face of the bulge movement china is promising its partners rich profits but in europe there's a sharp warning you could never accept money. from the new superpower it will become. china's. starts feb 19th.
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this is news live from berlin tonight the new u.s. president steps up the battle to combat the coronavirus pandemic on his 1st day in office president joe biden has briefed the nation on measures to rein in a crisis that has already claimed more than 400000 american lives it includes asking all citizens to wear masks for the next 100 days also coming up the chancellor and the pandemic germany's i'm going to the defensive over national lockdown measures for morning we must take the new coronavirus invariants seriously
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and deadly bombings in baghdad for the 1st time in more than 3 years the suicide bomber strikes in the heart of iraq's capital killing and wounding scores of people . i'm good to have you with us u.s. president joe biden has just unveiled his administration's coded 19 action plan biden addressed the nation and spoke of the huge challenges that lie ahead in fighting the pandemic he assured the american people that help is on the way that banks and nations will be rolled out across all 50 states and that the u.s. will beat 90. let's listen to part of what i said just moments ago. let me be very clear things are going to continue to get worse before they get
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better the more we we hold 2 nights ago will not be our last one unfortunately the death toll will likely top 500000 next month the cases will continue to mount when given of this mess overnight it's going to take one's 1st to turn things around but let me be equally clear we will get through this we will defeat this pandemic and to a nation waiting for action let me be the clearest on this point help is on the way today today i would believe in a national strategy on covert 19 i think 2nd of actions to beat this pandemic this plan reflects the ideas i set forward during the campaign and further refined over the past 3 months it consists of my transitions teams the task force 25 of the team here today and other experts put this plan together our national strategy is
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comprehensive it's based on science not politics it's based on truth not denial and as details you can review this entire planet this entire plan by going to white house dog it is so detailed it is over $100.00 as $198.00 pages and says and it's. complete detail what we're going to do our plan starts with money. safe and effective vaccination campaign to meet our goal of mystery and 100000000 shots and our 1st 100 days in office we're on day one. this will be one of the greatest operational challenges our nation has ever undertaken and i'm committed to getting it done and we're committed to get it done and i explained as i splaying last week i will move heaven and earth to get more people vaccinated for free.
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or there was u.s. president joe biden there a dramatic difference to what the world has been used to coming from the united states when it comes to fighting the pandemic let's go to washington our correspondent oliver salat he's been following this story for us all over if you could just walk us through what is in this plan but the highlights we know that the president wants all people in the u.s. to wear a mask for the next 100 days for example. now that's right what a change in tone and rhetoric 1st of all right he was really frank and that of course includes the reality that the facts are uncomfortable full of the american public but he was frank in laying that. really stressing why it is important to move on here he said the u.s. has 20 percent of all covert cases worldwide that minorities are particularly affected really pointing out why his call that a. top on the top position of his priority list in his agenda he made clear
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will get worse before it gets better and therefore they will or he will sign several executive orders to speed up the supplies so this is at the core now all of his response especially the vaccine supply that there was no comprehensive plan by the trump administration there was no communication also between the tromp and the incoming biden administration on that matter so what he's trying to do is to supply 100000000 vaccine doses in the next 100 days he also wants to beef up the testing supply uses production efforts for this so in all he said it will take months until all of this works and therefore appealing again to americans to mask up you also signed an executive order issuing a mask a mandate on federal property on public means of transport and also for his staffers and that's particularly important for the public perception of course that people who are in the public eye in the public perception wear
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a mask and that the american public understands that this is a top priority now for president biden this is such a dramatic change in what the americans are used to. is it going to be an easy sell who are the president. well it's certainly not going to be an easy sell but that's why he's really trying to push for transparency here he also said you can look up all the cold it's a relief plan on the white house website even spelling out the internet address so this is one point and of course you know that the united states are in a very polarized situation perhaps as polarized as the country as the country hasn't been since the end of the civil war a lot of americans a particular of cause supporters of the former president trump do not believe in good president biden's legitimacy believe in those baseless claims of voter fraud and it's going to be very difficult to appeal to them but on the other hand he is the right person he has got some 50 years of experience he is rather
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a centrist someone who's got credibility especially among workers and therefore it's possible but it will be challenging for sure all right stand by now we want to take a look at one of the worst hit states in america in this pandemic california. really is in a state of emergency well doctors scramble around the clock to save people's lives says bring in patients every minute emergency rooms are on the verge of being overwhelmed nurse added mcintosh has just finished her 12 hour shift in the e.r. her husband brian picks her up from work. or. 19 dominates aaron's life for months no she's been using the journey home from work
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to process the day's events on explained over and over in my head is the fact that . the mark on his face when i went through was going to stay where. they. thinking. so i just told the nurse i said just tell on a farm and i'm sick of them in my arms and down in my car. so he gets i mean i know hospital. these days day is a constant companion for aaron and her colleagues every last barnes itself into their collective memory they work until they are about to collapse. it simply is the worst thing i've ever experienced in my life. i have seen more death in these past 10 months than all of my 8 years at nursing combined and i'm i'm a critical care nurse i'm a koku nurse i respond to all codes in the hospital she has nightmares there's
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trouble sleeping there she can't go to work she feels guilty. she just. she's just not here when she's physically here because she's still dealing with she's dealing with a lifetime of trauma every she used to tell me maybe every couple of months not a patient that died and now it's every day it's multiple patients and it's not and from what she tells me it's not like a good way to go it's it's suffering erin is on route to her next 12 hour shift she knows that the toughest weeks are still to come her dedication reflects on julie's multiple people fighting. there's a tough situation there in california all over and for all americans not only are they dealing with this pandemic but there's also the economic crisis right. and there's a lot of suffering of course just last week some 900000 americans filed for
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unemployment so the numbers keep being on the higher side of course poverty is on the rise throughout the country so the gap is getting wider and wider there are evictions looming there is one executive order president biden signed stopping putting a halt on evictions that are related to the coal that $900.00 pandemic but of course the suffering is still very big many people just lost their jobs there is a 2 trillion relief package that joe biden wants to put forward that certainly another top priority on his agenda over zealots with the latest in washington over think you were getting the pandemic under control is also the number one priority here in europe european leaders have been holding a summit aimed at stepping up the fight against top of the agenda finding new strategies to bring down infections and to halt the spread of new coronavirus variants there discussing whether to allow travel with the so-called vaccination
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card but there are also calls for tighter border control. here in germany chancellor angela merkel she is defending her decision to extend into the national walk down she says too many people are still dying and she's urging germans to take the newbery and seriously or risk facing a 3rd wave of infections. some unusual january sunshine in berlin arrived for journalists questions with a more soil message declining in fiction writes fewer people in icy use just not good enough when still so many people are dying in germany from co that 19. today alone we have lost over 1000 people this is terrible these are not just numbers these are people who have died all alone these are families who are mourning we have to keep reminding ourselves of this. the big worry now comes in the
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form of variant strains of covert 19 they have been isolated cases of them in germany so far they're one of the major reasons lock down measures were extended to meet february and some rules tightened he you leaders want to stop the strains from spreading across the block without having to close borders pongal americal says germany isn't planning to do that yet bosh. i'll be quite frank if a country with an infection rates twice as high as germany's opens all their shops and we still have ours closed then of course there's a problem. and when it comes to vaccinations another call for patience and enormous global demand and not enough doses has led to a slower than expected rollout in germany uncle americal says things will improve repeating a promise that everyone in germany should be offered a vaccine by the middle of september. well at least 32 people have been killed more than 100 others wounded in a double suicide bombing in iraq it's the 1st major attack in the capital baghdad
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in 3 years 2 bombers wearing explosive vest blew themselves up they crowded market authorities believe the incident could mark the resurgence of so-called islamic state. security forces assess the damage from the deadly suicide blast and are met with pools of blood and widespread destruction. medical workers tend to dozens of injured victims. and we were there by the stands someone came and fell to the ground instructions complained that his stomach hurt then he pressed the detonator in his hand and it exploded immediately people were torn to pieces many died and were injured. these kinds of attacks were once common in baghdad but have been rare since the islamic state was driven out and 2017 tensions have heightened over forthcoming
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elections and in economic crisis no one has claimed responsibility for the bombing but authorities are presuming at terrorist link. it's still well there. the way and the enemy are clear. has a big as far as i know there has been no declaration but it is might claim that the terrorist organization the islamic state is behind this criminal incident. which. forces are on high alert in case a for their attacks. and here's a reminder of the top story that we're following for you u.s. president joe biden has unveiled his administration's strategy to combat the coronavirus pandemic measures include ramping up vaccinations and testing and safely reopening schools so americans are being asked to wear masks for the next 100 days travelers flying to the u.s. will need to quarantine on arrival. you want to do next is stephen beardsley with
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a huge business news stick around he will be right back. why are people forced to hide in trucks. since. there are many cancers. and there are.


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