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tv   Fit gesund  Deutsche Welle  January 22, 2021 9:00pm-9:31pm CET

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this is a view of the news live from the worrying about britain's fight against the. prime minister boris johnson says there is evidence the coronavirus parent 1st identified in the u.k. could be. transmissible also on the program it's a year since the world's 1st coronavirus knocked down in china will take a look back at how the city of the coped with the crisis. is just 2
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weeks to go before the expire of america's last remaining nuclear arms deal with russia president biden says he wants to extend it. i'm full gal welcome to the program. well we begin in the u.k. with disturbing news about a new coronavirus variant that was 1st detected that british prime minister barak's johnson says there is evidence that as well as spreading faster a variant is also more deadly in appeared alongside his top scientific adviser to brief the public about the new findings i must tell you this afternoon that we've been informed today that in addition to spreading more quickly it also appears that there is some evidence that the new variant variant was 1st identified in london
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and the se may be associated with a higher degree of mortality if you took somebody in their sixty's a man in their sixty's the average risk is that for a 1000 people who got infected roughly 10 would be expected to unfortunately die with the virus with the new variant for a 1000 people infected roughly 13 or 14 people might be expect straight to london then will rejoin a mass welcome birkett how does this finding affect the government's pandemic response. the prime minister was obviously also this press conference whether this means that there need to be tougher restriction but the odds a feel for the moment is no deprive ministers says that already we are in quite
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a severe lockdown only essential travel is allowed schools are closed however we know from data that there is actual mobility people are traveling move around move and stop and so i think this debate as to whether they need to be more restrictions or whether the need to be toughened forstmann by the police for example more fines tougher fines whether in this has to be the case i think these questions will continue to be honest. i mean before boris johnson started with the you was considering a travel ban people entering from the u.k. the netherlands indeed put one in place yesterday how is this likely to hit the u.k. . obviously not very good news for the u.k. however also here there is a debate as to how britain can protect itself from other new variants for example from south africa where there is a debate at variance that might be less acceptable to the vaccine so these debate
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is taking place all over europe and the u.k. position is also that's here we have quite a successful vaccination program of over 7 percent of the population have already been vaccinated so that the u.k. is also looking to the future and is hoping that this will be successful and in light of the soul say that there has to be more restrictions so it's a debate that's being had everywhere that i am and so this announcement kerry about this evening what response is that being served. it's quite new i think people are already quite worried because not only is there now the possibility that this virus is more deadly but really know for sure that it's more easily transmissible if you work around where i am and london the streets are pretty empty so people are taking this seriously and particularly vulnerable
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people i have a friend for example who used to be quite pragmatic about it but now she's shielding completely so so i think people are definitely worried about is this the state of the affairs and especially when you also look at the hospitals that are at capacity or maybe even overwhelmed and parts of long in the southeast so yes it's a severe situation there in the u.k. at the moment thank you for that very good most in london. new coronavirus variants also appears to be causing chaos in ireland but who work is there a struggling with the 3rd spike of infections that's followed the christmas holidays the country's death rate is now at its highest since the pandemic began with hospital capacities at the brink of collapse and soaring numbers of new covered 19 infections arland is breaking all the records the 3rd wave that we're experiencing at the moment is much worse than 1st just 2 months ago erland was seen
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as a rule model for europe using hirsch lockdowns to look at cope with 19 but all that changed over christmas they opened up the restaurants. you know they allowed households to mix that out 3 households to mingle and not was the recipe for disaster because the virus began to spread more and more so looks like as if they were a bit too you know hasty at least you know restrictions i guess numbers begin skyrocketing jumping from roughly 300 new coated cases pretty at the end of november to refeed 8000 pretty 2 weeks after christmas. i think it was 8 or 9 people in the house and somehow cope we got into the house and everybody can try to go it's so our worst nightmare kind of came fruition like so many others patrick when burns family christmas went horribly wrong the 27 year old gym instructor was shocked by how hard cold would hit him and i had severe temperature had
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a hallucination and i woke up at one stage like stopping pains in my chest and in my stomach which was so scary i mean like i never never get sick that's how it's happened to me was really frightening arlin stirred wave came around the same time a new more contagious variant of the virus was detected in the u.k. we don't think of played a big part in the massive increase goes before christmas the numbers were low but there was an article about. but of course since christmas now it is spreading even more are much the concern because it makes it even more difficult now. if you're a virus that can spread 50 percent greater efficiency like in other european countries the irish government is now mulling tighter travel restrictions and an even tougher lock down. but there's also some light at the end of the tunnel. i was told i said it's an honor to be back to be the 1st facts and they said health
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care worker an ardent after a really difficult and challenging year it's a nice challenging and my career and 2020 working on a cope with words having the vaccine available now is a real positive starts 2021 and hopefully we can live forever and slowly but for too many slowly isn't going to be soon enough authorities estimate that arland with its population of just 5000000 could lose 1000 people to cover 19 this month alone . well here's a look at some other developments in this pandemic astra zeneca has told the european commission that it will not be able to deliver the agreed volumes of its covered 1000 vaccine when it receives regulator approval which is expected at the end of january the company blames delay on production problems police in london of ready to wedding attended by $400.00 people held secretly in a school in england's current lock down rules allow weddings with a maximum of 6 your organization could face
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a fine of more than 11000 euros and belgium is to ban nonessential trips into and out of the country from next week until the 1st of march to try and curb the spread of infection police will enforce the travel ban a land sea and air borne is saturdays the 1st is the 1st on a version of the world's 1st coronavirus lockdown in china of ours is a lockdown the city of woo where the virus is thought to have originated and the surrounding who by province as the death toll skyrocketed about 11000000 people went into complete lockdown for nearly 11 weeks and it worked the number of cases dropped significantly since then china has experienced localized outbreaks with mass testing and lock downs so here's more on how the city code. a city of more than 10000000 people locked down main thoroughfares shut traffic diverted except for barest essentials nothing and no one allowed out or
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in the market believed to be ground 0 for more the virus spread was closed to customers testing samples taken then fenced off. who has hospitals became swamped with patients people began seeing the images of sickness and mortality the death toll climbing from single to double to triple digits and higher people on the street teeter between optimism and fatalism. i'm not too worried i take precautions when i go out anyway masks and so on must be worn out the other if the honest finds us there's just nothing we can do. as officials work to contain the virus they also worked to contain information about it this will harm dr lee well yang was reprimanded by police for sounding the alarm about of then unknown disease he died weeks later from the virus but his whistleblowing forced more
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transparency about china's efforts to contain the outbreak will hines lockdown lasted $76.00 days. on who has a very different place today back to a new normal with people out on the streets and going about their business so we asked would resonate how life has changed since the lock down. teacher to. show what a whole country has put a lot of effort into fighting the pandemic. look especially here in the tours shutting down a whole city affects people's lives a lot and who handed it that's great to deal with because. it's fantastic that has recovered from the pandemic people keep wearing masks even when it was hot in the summer people were wearing them it's great that the people of are so cooperative. you know how you look at you don't feel that this is a happy place. the modern family and it's very good look how life leave the city is
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everything is ok now i just hope we can take our masks off soon. well correspondent mathias bullinger was in wilhite in july after the lockdown was lifted here he describes the measures china took in the city and what's happened since. not only did china at that time shut off one and the neighboring regions from the rest of the country it also locked up the citizens of one inside their homes for several months they were only allowed to leave their home with special permission eventually these harsh measures paid off and the virus was eliminated in one and in most of china however a year later the chinese government is still alert about the virus there are occasional flare ups and whenever this happens china reacts with equally harsh measures a recent outbreak around beijing shows how china is reacting a few 100 cases were enough to shut off and tire regions with more than 20000000
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people of the rest of the country but has been here will take a look now at some of the other stories making headlines today funerals have taken place for the 32 victims of 2 suicide bombings in iraq's capital baghdad the services were held in the early hours of friday in the shrine city of the jeff. mix tape claimed responsibility for the explosions is the deadliest attack on baghdad 3 years. a spokesman for jailed a kremlin critic alexina valley has been sentenced to 9 days in jail after calling for a demonstration here a young motions hearing lasted just 5 minutes as he was detained along with other new value associates ahead of protests planned across russia this weekend in support of the jailed kremlin critic horses in china say it will take at least 15 more days to reach a group of gold miners trapped underground they have delivered food and medicine to
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some of the men who have been trapped for 11 days following an explosion one man is known to have died. donald trump's impeachment trial or abuse roll of the u.s. capitol right could begin as early as next week house speaker nancy pelosi plans to send the article of impeachment against the former president to the senate on monday mr trump has been in florida since joe biden's innovation on wednesday. well joe biden says he wants to extend america's last remaining nuclear arms control deal with russia the new start treaty the current deal was signed back in 2010 caps the number of nuclear weapons each country can deploy it's due to expire in february even president biden says he wants a 5 year extension the kremlin has welcomed the announcement and says it's now waiting to see the details of the u.s. proposal to. get more from moscow with a russian defense analyst of power felafel going how welcome to day doubly how's
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the kremlin likely to respond to the idea of a 5 year extension. well that's my school's old one thing in saying that russia wants the extension of the treaty as it was foreseen when that was signed this extension does not require. rights occasion american son which is a question number of the americans would send me. my school course wanted the treaty to be extended with donald trump to moscow for 1st to buy and that's a bit of a primal it's not just a problem for so that this is a problem trust there's no trust right now at all between moscow and washington everywhere here in moscow expects that the relations will get worse and worse and worse that there will be new sanctions and this treaty is
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a bright spot on the very root of the picture and it's just one piece of paper that's trying to blanket be kind of separate the 2 superpower nuclear superpowers. yet the. more serious confrontation and that makes it right than sion and the good vision of the treaty very tricky ok so i mean trained so well so how does this work then do it does does joe biden called president purchase a get another 5 yes' ok ok or do the same side look for changes to look for concessions and if so who's likely to be looking for what. well if there's akon sessions it has to go direct to gauge when it was signed by barack obama and prague and. then russian president dmitry mid-range if the one time extension for 5 years was in vote 2 but. rectification process in the american centers
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requires a q. yard so right now they have to just exchange basically notes diplomatic nonsense that's it right it's a one time expense and that the extended as it is any changes made puts it in direct mode that no one wants and you touched on this gently in your 1st answer if this deal is not good why does that matter what's the what's the or else in this . well not nothing much you really need it we will change but there's a problem there's a problem of russian superiority in non-strategic we knew where war hit sokol time of war it's because the united states dismantled everything the hand oh most everything you know since to call it into the cold war and russia did not and that
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you're expanding russia right now is bullshit has been boasting about these. 3rd new weapons they're also intercontinental in nature but they're not in the street and that's a problem that's right problem but the main problem is lack of trust ok a treaty on arms control cannot supplement the total lack of trust between the 2 nuclear superpowers it's very clear thank you for joining us pavel felgenhauer in moscow thank you. and while russia is facing a growing problem with garbage the country produces around 16000000 tonnes of any age yet very little is recycled environmental organizations say more than 90 percent is dumped in landfill sites often close to towns and villages they don't usually rush out and. this is the lexan skip it it's as
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big as 45 soccer fields and is just one of dozens of garbage dumps on the outskirts of moscow presidents say just a few years ago with the pit was still deep in the ground now it's more of a hill and as if the garbage piles up at the local health problems due to the dump lies just a few 100 meters from the village of novel shop of all. of us home town the mother of 2 says that some days this smell from the side was so bad she couldn't even open the windows and the kids jaroslava and were often sick video saver finally had enough she and her children moved to clean as city several kilometers away. the little ones were constantly sick one day their pediatrician told me their children have rattling sounds in their lungs i didn't
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think about it for very long before starting to look for an apartment for us here and clean later after we moved we went to the same doctor surprise surprise the lung rattling had disappeared how did that happen simple we moved away. busy few don't see if hamill is fate is no isolated incident. removal is one of russia's most pressing concerns only 6 percent of the country's garbage is either processed or incinerate that is the rest is simply dumped environmentalist's who are lazy slant full sites around the mosque. in particular time rarely conforming to safety standards but they put new to the soil the ground water and the air. greetings taken by the state civil protection agency show the area surrounding alec's inskip it is also contaminated 3 years ago after it is found that hydrogen
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sulfide levels were $25.00 times of the acceptable amount. but nothing has been done to protect a local residence. was mother is another of those affected the 67 year old's house is dangerously close to the dump but unlike her daughter she says she can't move. where would i go who would i sell my home to with that horrible smell outside who cares about someone like me and how would i even get by in the city my pension is 190 euro's permanent but i'd have to pay $130.00 euros for one room apartment. seaver and to the other residents have tried repeatedly to stand up for their rights in court but to no avail. but that's what's at the i don't know how much longer we can fight against the system there aren't that many of us and we feel desperately helpless.
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meanwhile the mountain of rubbish keeps growing and there are plans to expand to the elections. there watching the news line from still to come up at the ripe old age of $100.00. years of the oldest living and then peace talks us through a radical change. first though google has said that it will block its search engine in australia unless the government backs down over a new media code which would force the tech company to pay for news content the code proposed by the government to aims to make google and facebook pay australian media companies for using content from best sites the government has responded to google by saying that it won't respond to threats. australian news outlets one google to pay them a fee or face a hefty fine for publishing their content in its search engine a corresponding law was drafted in december google says that's unacceptable and it
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retaliated at a hearing before the australian senate. the principle of honor street did linking between websites is fundamental to the search and coupled with the unmanageable financial and operational risk. if this version of the kind would have become law it would give us no real choice but to stop making available in australia this would be the 1st time that google had pulled out of an entire continent but australia isn't taking it lying down. astride you mike's rules for things you can do in a strike that's done in palm and it's done by our government and that's how things work here in stride and people who want to work with that in australia you're very welcome but we don't respond to threats google has a lot to lose if australia goes ahead with its demands other countries could follow
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europe has long post a challenge for the tech company after months wrangling with french publishers on thursday google finally agreed a payment framework for including their content on its search engine a 100 years old the world's oldest living and live picture is still going relatively strong arion gymnastics superstar. let's see 110 and then pick medals 5 of them gold she's given detail an exclusive look into her life in budapest she's overcome discrimination faced great danger and still didn't focus on this portion ups. agnieszka letty may have trouble hearing your questions but she makes up for that with her playfulness she enjoys dedicating a recently published book on her life to those who ask it may take her a while but she's happy to please her life has been anything but easy. jewish
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ancestry saw her forced off her gymnastics team in 1941 due to anti semitic laws germany occupied hungary in 1944 the survived the holocaust but many of her family including her father did not she won her 1st olympic gold in helsinki in 1052 and 4 years later in melbourne she claimed for more then she was 35 making her the oldest female olympic gymnastics champion. again was that and then the gold medal didn't mean a lot to me. i just love gymnastics. me and what do people get out of winning gold. aren't her home are reminders of the past photos of her beloved parents recognition from the state of israel and from the prime minister. and the meaningless medals
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well those she keeps tucked away in a plastic bag. this is the one. ashworth them all that we didn't do sport to win medals. saturday we did it because we loved it. the reason gymnastics was so valuable. was because i could see the world for me because if i'd had to pay i would never have seen it. that ok well kellett he gets ready for a walk around our sun rough explains what it is like to have a mother with such amazing sporting credentials a lot of the fact that. it took me time to realize how exceptional her path and her life. was and which still is she's much more famous in the last 10 years than in the other earlier 40 years because she became the.
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achieved. jewish female athlete but the most. the longest leaving the olympic champion. when the soviet union invaded hungry he was in melbourne for the olympics she received political asylum in melbourne before emigrating to israel you know she's back in budapest the city of her birth an extraordinary life has come full circle. i'm not to cheer up today so i'll have more world news at the top of the hour up next here on live and he says that the big stories of the day today.
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good. for. the fight against the corona virus pandemic. how has the rate of infection been developing. measures are being taken. what
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does the latest research say. information and context. the coronavirus of data the code of special monday to friday on t.w. . children to come to it's. one giant problem. there in north america seems a pretty serious. challenge to me. how will climate change affect us and our children ask. morning d w dot com slash water. i think is everything 1st underneath a muslim. so much different culture between here and there challenging for
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everything. from islam is the stuff. it was worth it for me to come to germany. got my license to work as a swimming instructor for an hour teach children 100 votes just one last time just . what's your story take part charity on info migrants die. as the number of covert death in germany hits 50000 that grumblings not become trees vaccine roll out is too slow in that the european union isn't doing enough to make sure that vaccines are distributed to family and while the wrangling continues so does the dying i'm ok i'm ballin and this is the day.


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