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tv   37 Grad  Deutsche Welle  January 22, 2021 10:30pm-11:01pm CET

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gigantic coincidence. that previously the earth was just in a messy chemistry lab and i thought mission. where the improbable but. the creation of our solar system with our planet is a bit like winning the lottery there is a. moon for earth for you. starts feb 11th on d w. this is d w news africa coming up on the program questionable democracy. with ugandan opposition leader bob you whine facing another weekend confined to his home rights groups call for an end to repression in the country. giving back despite the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on football leagues worldwide the nigerian stock inspires goals to follow in her footsteps and achieve their goals.
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i'm told me a lot of ball glad you could join us there are growing calls for ugandan authorities to and the defacto house arrest of the country's opposition leader robert shadowline a popularly known as bobby wine has been unable to leave his home since january 14th after soldiers raided his property the military is now standing guard outside his compound but we one will have to wait until at least monday to learn whether his petition to remove them will be granted his lawyers say the confinement is a political ploy to stop him from appealing the results of last week's disputed elections which saw a long running president yoweri museveni elected to a 6th. meant he is a is a bit of a he is
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a competitor. physically like any other person who is denied food. spiritually he's really strong and determined to rid uganda of the tyranny bobbie one supporters to our defiant though many feel intimidated to some have said they are ready to demonstrate on the streets if called upon. their own way that. is not accepted even. if it's something from now we have to wait and see what what he does. get something from these people they are those which visit him and this group is. to get more on this i'm joined by r.e.m. nichole of human rights watch r.e.m. is in camp palla for him thank you for joining us the government decides issues of
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national security relating to bobby wines confinement is that justified. i don't think it's justified is 'd a new reason that the government house to confine what we won with any other. presidential candidate. after the elections. i think they have any reason to detain him he should be. due cause they should be followed and he should be arrested and charged. and. instead of what the government is doing which is it's a restriction on his rights the elections appear to be a done deal the internet which was off during the elections is partly restored what's the mood like currently in the country. i think the mood now is. also where as there's a sense of resignation people are moving on to their daily lives we've just
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completed. local government elections couple of days after the general elections and there was not what the turnout i think mostly because people just want to continue with their lives people are very aware of what's going on with the wind it's been in the news almost on a daily basis but i think you go into a very accustomed to. this kind of situation you describe the situation human rights watch has been documented for example of the run up to the election and around the election those related violence of the abuses and of course of talk about the situation of bobby wine what do these events mean for democracy and human rights in uganda. well have been. the main message is that. the election season and process really wasn't 3 amps air into providing an equal playing for the playing field for the
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opposition not just by anyone but all of the other presidential candidates it's the number of hurdles just getting just accessing the commission to to get them to to hear the answer mute and i think that. that is obviously very problematic and shouldn't be the case and should be. pressured to place them in a space where that allows for fancy elections. oh right or a miracle of human rights watch in uganda in kampala the capital city thank you very much for your insight. football has suffered under the covert 19 pandemic with leagues disrupted worldwide and clubs cutting costs this is left many professional players who are free agents now in a state of limbo one of those is nigerian defend on or may be a women's football star in the country she became the 1st african to play in 5 cops
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and now teaming up with the organization a common goal maybe is helping educate and encourage young girls. i know me and he is in a class of her own. high step they have a ball from my mom's womb it's safe to call a no me the queen of african football in 2019 she entered the record books as the 1st african footballer to play in 5 people world cups and no major play professionally from sweden to turkey a bona fide icon in the sport. and i'm still. she was supposed to be play football in china but cove in 1000 changed that at the moment she's back in her hometown using her spare time in status to give back. i can't help i think gillis i don't have a what's in it to help. so i thought. i would have the thought and.
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i know may's new goal is to help girls like miriam a student from lagos nigeria every morning it's the same routine tidy up in off to school miriam like many nigerians lives below the poverty line. something in the i mean not the chinese. and my daddy's too good to walk and they're not given some sad bullets. today's a special day for miriam she gets to spend time with a local legend thanks to a common goal in organization where football players and other people involved in football donate some of their earnings to good causes always i don't think has a son that helps people so i thought. they had cool in helping a lot of. other big stars have signed up to common goals since it started in 2017.
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it helps organizations like yeti and outreach program based in lagos to tackle local issues and solve real problems but no maze achievements mean she can make a real impact on these kids including mary thing and. about. being their own man. and i like to. know me and common goal together are tackling social issues and now i know me is there helping hand in source of encourage me for a younger version of herself. we can hear more from on a maybe and she joins us now from lagos nigeria and i mean it's great to have you on the program tell us more about your experience working with those girls in lagos i was yeah because when i go there i'm like because the place was so you know small
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. what i was going to do he had because i was thinking that when it was sold like would go well i enjoyed my so because their mind me or my child you know i see. intelligent young girls. willing to land and. go so i enjoyed myself with them and you you inspire girls but you also giving back including a portion of your names with this common goal initiate if they are part of why did you get involved with that yeah like actually if one of mine just. come and go. yes into me and how it goes and i say yes i will i will join them because you know trying to help my you know foundation that i can use to help young girls so i'd see
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their goal in becoming a professional football player saw it all given back to a more goal and convoys like an organization that helps me i'm talking to myself right now. to achieve my goal given back to the young girls you know that i want to play football so that's why i don't go along. and what would you say is the is the attitude right now do you think major in. families major societies are are more supportive of girls getting into football professionally. yeah i think right now is that i don't then when i was young now you know parents are big into all to see. the greatness and women's football on like when we were young that operators don't allow us to live because they want us to go to school and you know become doctors i know that but now all their life what might start their life so far with an affable as an engineer is that the show
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a lot. more those professional will out so women parents how willing to allow the actually owns a plate because they're seeing the success of our kind and it's the they now see that for milk and while it's not what they used to think it's beyond that you know that they that it's sigil scantly one or that it's in the different they're still in their improvement on how clinical was going away now so i think it's more better now than it used to be right and you've made huge strides in the game you're the 1st african to play in 5 while cops are going to make it a sex worker yeah and work it was that way as. an overall what what what are your major future plans. yeah i'm still i'm still into don't blow a lie on your persona because to worm up with question of what was all i do. if
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you're talking about after war. look at i'm still in i would still be into cold war maybe football as an administration or be the coach or something i know i will still be into football i mean that i don't leave it in concert i'm bored so ok i was there. for up so we currently that's where you actually are and i wish you all the best with that on a maybe thank you for joining us in june so much thank you so much. and that's it for now there's more on forward slash africa check off facebook and twitter pages well leave you with these pictures of a whale sharks off the coast of tanzania during their annual migration see you next time i find out.
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it's about billions. it's about how we're. it's about the foundation of the new world order the food silk road. china wants to expand its influence with this trade network. but it brokers are
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sure the morning when for accept money from the superpower will become the friend of the finnish because. the chinese state has a lot of money at its disposal. and that's how it's expanding and asserting its status and position in the world. china's gateway to europe. starts feb 19th on w. 10 years after egypt's failed revolution an author in exile speaks out most of what read. a lot of us want to his novel the republic of false truths tells the story of a revolution he says isn't over yet that's coming up on arts and culture. but
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1st music fans were shocked last month when folk legend bob dylan sold his entire song catalog but dylan isn't the only star looking to cash out investors in this coronavirus economy are spending unheard of figures on old tunes there's more. bob dylan's deal was the biggest they felt star and nobel laureate 250000000 euros from universal music for an entire catalog of 600 songs made in rocker neil young signed off a half share of his music rights to british company hypnosis which also bought out the song catalog of colombian pop superstar secure. behind this investment gold rush is in online streaming. something that really stuck you know i 6 used to be to take all sort of the new format our music be suit and it's been very strong run since then and even more
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people who invest into music on the right now it's also expected to continue to. hold music is making money again fleetwood mac's seventy's hit dreams have a streaming with us on so on take cock but young artists who don't have a back catalogue of hits are being left with digital pennies one of my friends who is an extremely successful young songwriter and wrote a track. the biggest selling all the fastest selling number one album in the u.k. has made 100 pounds from the number one record which is ready. to pay your rent with. your letter and singer songwriter believe bragg however is optimistic young artists will find new ways to make money online without selling off their feet you know. some of them will become huge already so we'll know the names of but many of them will find a way to make a living and be able to. enact the most
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important step in any of his career which is where you give up your right now day job and start to earn a living doing the thing you always love doing that that's a meta definition of student. and hanging on to your right you have a better chance of doing that than you do if you give all your money away to a corporation just because they're going to pay you a huge amount of money one. eventually this online music called rush could mean more money for music makers big and small. my colleague adrian kennedy has more on this ok dream we just heard that this big sale of music rates could benefit all musicians but how exactly would that work whether these music set off so if you like motivated by increasing streaming refuse and the speculation on the part of the bias is that if they amass big catalogues
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they can the for that to get even more money from the streaming services and if that works that would benefit all musicians was ok i see it let's talk a little bit about the timing of this i'm wondering if it has anything to do with the coronavirus with mists revenues from tours that can't happen is that a factor well we asked about less it doesn't seem to be the case this trend began before the pandemic and analysts say that actually tax issues are a bigger factor especially in the u.s. where higher taxes are feared under the new administration ok ok so a tax avoidance strategy for the already rich let's talk about musicians who are getting started what's their best bet well seeing a billy bragg who we spoke to in that report was quite positive he pointed to new ways that musicians have getting their music out there jutes a social media he's speaking sample was sea shanties tick-tock sensation nathan evans he started posting his covers of centuries old songs on tic-tac and sparked
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a. viral craze tick-tock now hosts 1600000000 see shanty videos and lo and behold breaking news evans has just signed to put it all records and has done just what greg talks about he's given up his day job as a postman surely be working to sell the rights or should he be keeping them adrian . history is littered with examples of people who sold their rights for lump sums but died destitute one counter example is dolly parton who didn't sell half the rights on her song i will always love you elvis presley's manager wanted elvis to sing it only if elvis got composer credit on it and said no way and payoff came 20 years on when the song was a massive hit for whitney houston and featured in the movie the bodyguard. for
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dolly parton a very rich woman but we keep hearing about streaming and how artists really just don't make much on streaming where they don't the individual small but you can reach bigger audiences global audience is much more easily and most labels have strategies for expanding reach now we have an example of this in the news today billy irish singing in spanish for the very 1st time a collaboration with spanish. law vidar we can take a quick listen i think. both . win by expanding their audiences streaming revenues might be. a song for example bad guy has 1600000000 place today on one streaming service alone
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that can add up to a tidy sum. you know i can't really do the math a.j. and i know you're better at it thanks so much for bringing on this us the story on selling of song rights and the big bucks yes thank you well if i have a 1000000 i know where to invest it now and speaking of billie eilish it's been almost a year since her new song for the james bond film came out and now hollywood executives say it will be another 8 months before you can see the movie now if this sounds like old news to you that's because it's now the 3rd time that m.g.m. has pushed back the film's debut due to the corona virus no time to die it was the 1st major movie delayed by the pandemic it was originally said to be released last april. and england one of europe's most famous gothic cathedrals has been turned into a coded 19 vaccination center hundreds of elderly people have already received the
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pfizer vaccine in the cathedral's 800 year old navy where there's plenty of room for social distancing they're also getting free concerts from organists who have been playing soothing music to help calm the patients nerves. and a very different tune and china young people there are out and back on the dance floor revelers in the former coronavirus epicenter have to get their a temperature and their tracking app checked at the club door then it's masks off and party this saturday marks one year since we were on wednesday and the hard to walk down to try to stop the corona virus from spreading. on january 25th 2011 tens of thousands of egyptians took to the cairo's tahrir square demanding the ouster of dictator hosni mubarak soon mubarak was out but egypt's turmoil didn't end there now with another authoritarian president in power egyptian writer.
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juanita's remembering his country's failed revolution nearly 10 years ago and what could have been as novel the republic of false truths as drought this year in english. egypt since took to the streets of cairo in january 20th levon hoping to bring about a new egypt they wanted democracy and an end to the mubarak regime. their protest was part of a movement across the region that became known as the arab spring. soon the thousands turned into millions farmers finding common cause with young people found intellectuals such as noted writer allah our last one in the d.w. interview he explained the local residents of the old ruling party are still in power as are the all security forces people are still being arrested and tortured but now we have a voice with the purpose of. 10 years on alice wanny now lives in exile in new york
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his latest novel the republic of france truths which tells the tale of an unfinished revolution is set to be published in english this april for him the story is far from over i believe that egyptians or lead. in egypt just by the. egyptian. egyptians or leave. egypt should believe forgive me i will shoot a lot. forget their 6 year. old age 40 so. sure that you are important and those young people will be given you should and they will all go to. the novel 1st published in 2018 is about the 2011 protests give recounts the story of those yearning for egypt to transition peacefully the young in the disillusioned who see an opportunity for something new but it's also the tale of those who fight. and against the protesters
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and stand alongside those in power. there was great hope when president hosni mubarak stepped down under the pressure but the people's disappointment was then all the greater once his old comrades in arms took over power palace wanny knows the subject of his tale all too well because he was one of the initiators of the demonstrations his novel doesn't tell how events transpired but we know the story mubarak was brought to justice and sentenced to life in prison for corruption and abuse of office in 2012 the fundamentalist mohamed morsi of the muslim brotherhood then became president in 2013 the military completed a successful coup against morsi who was arrested since then i've done fattah el-sisi has been president of egypt in the country's darkest hour yet with a new war. everything.
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has to be approved by. many people i have fuel for. the leg duals lot of multigrade. more still float reds. under r.c.c. are as ronnie was immediately found from publishing his work even though he's considered one of the leading writers of his home his novels and essays have been translated into nearly 60 languages and millions of copies have been sold but the arabic edition of his latest novel could no longer be published in egypt only in lebanon still out as one he knows that despite the bam his book is selling as illegally pirated copies. as wanny never wanted to leave egypt his homeland but when a military tribunal threatened to try him in court for insulting the authorities he went into exile in 2017. now living in new york he teaches
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a university's hold on line writing workshops and publishes political analyses on you tube and he continues to write. well that's all for this edition of arts and culture but stay turns to d.w. in the coming days for more coverage on the 10th anniversary of the arab spring and egypt for now for me and all the crew here in berlin thanks for watching have a safe we get.
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to the point strong opinions clear positions international perspectives. the u.s. has a new president who's promising to heal the country's divisions while simultaneously moving up pace to reverse the policies of his predecessor after trump's wrecking ball and joe biden fix america find out on its way to the point. it's up to 30 minutes on t.w. . what keeps us in shape what makes us sick and how do we stay healthy. my name is dr carlson because i talk to medical experts. watch them at work. and i
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discuss what you can do to improve your health. stay tuned and let's all try to stay a good show. look. where the real power resides. i come from the north to people in fact more than the bee did get used to blood nonsense democracy please that's one reason why i'm passionate about people and aspirations and they can send. money to finishing the book is fried chicken blood and onto the floor of the sun and born and remember thinking at the time because barley in broken hill was anything to happen if people come together and unite for a cool. head i do the news i'll think in trying to dicker situation with more conflict between does something still pricey to sponsor my child to confront
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royalty does on policies and development put the spotlight on issues that matter most. to security oppression missionize who should. not have to cheat but so much more needs to be john and i think people have to be a concrete solutions my name is on me and i wanted to tell you. this is deja news and these are our top stories british prime minister bar's johnson says the coronavirus variant 1st detected in the u.k. last year could be deadlier than previously thought and you taste and spread quickly in southern england in december and led other nations to impose fresh travel restrictions the u.k.
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has recorded nearly 96000 that's the 5th highest toll in the world. germany has recorded more than.


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