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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  January 23, 2021 7:15am-7:31am CET

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as he was serenaded by fans who gathered under me this hotel many. members of adelaide's serbian community turned out to sing and traditional music in a bid to inspire the hero to retain his title as quarantining for 14 days ahead of the open which begins on fakery. well that's it for me and the news team up next on technology to living in the digital age takes a look at free speech on social media trying to get you know what steps stay on a website called. life on earth and one of the campaign to end. a gigantic coincidence. that there previously the earth was just a messy chemistry lab. where the improbable but.
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the creation of our solar system with our planet is a bit like winning the lottery that there is a little. linforth or he starts feb 11th on t w. y subscribe to d.w. books you meet your favorite writer sometimes you can hear the story calls me and you have to respond to those are your books into. the pandemic is hitting businesses except for amazon the american e-commerce giant has doubled its quarterly profit compared to last year what does amazon's market dominance mean for us as cost the most and how does it affect e-commerce in general our topic today on shit.
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in the midst of the ongoing coronavirus crisis online shopping has been booming the reasons appear to be obvious many people around the world voiding shops and prefer to shop from home the following products were especially popular during the 1st weeks of the crisis in germany had sets. on the increase of more than 900 percent that makes sense as germans are known. to be hardworking and had said simply no working from home more efficient free weights an increase of 2740 percent for that little bit of exercise between work calls for us saw an increase in demand of close to 3000 percent the current boom in online shopping has especially benefited one company amazon the american financial analyst tom ford says 19 has been amazon's growth. what does amazon do so much better than other businesses that's what we asked the economist from cologne she says is based on
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several factors. amazon takes a different approach from other companies where the customer is 100 percent the sole focus and their strategies are consistently geared towards customers and their needs that's what makes them so successful in the amazon success is based on several factors the seemingly never ending choice on its website there are about 300000000 products for sale price many products are really quite cheap and delivery is often cost free. availability amazon delivers right to your doorstep and usually the very next day. claims exchanging or returning something is pretty simple amazon is becoming increasingly integrated into everyday life i can listen to my music there i can watch movies and t.v. series there are many many connecting points. one shortcoming however is being increasingly criticized. the quality control of products offered by 3rd party
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suppliers. with products of counterfeit or poor quality the company tries to make the sellers responsible for not always easy to reach. but despite some bad apples usually on amazon the customer is always right sounds great but what consequences do retailers and producers face when almost everything is bought up. today over 50 percent of all online products directly on amazon this is hitting small and medium sized businesses especially holland they are dependent on participating in amazon's expensive shipping program to remain competitive on the platform. james thompson created the marketplace for amazon today he consults other companies on how to successfully sell products that does your product show up in organic shorts results does your product have good customer conversion it all comes back you do in fact use amazon to do your fulfillment so that's one example where as
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a seller you basically have to accept that if you want to stay on the platform you're going to have to use the shipping program to to be relevant amazon has also started selling its own products directly on its platform in 2009 company founded jeff bezos started the in-house company amazon basics this brand sells everyday products often at bargain prices and the range is constantly growing because everyone has a very long term perspective they're prepared to lose a little bit of money here in their own individual cells what they want to do the customer to keep coming back to seattle based company has a clear advantage over others amazon's marketplace gives them access to the competition data this online day said let's amazon identify best tennis and use that knowledge for advertising their own products. they're also persistent claims that amazon copies successful products. stacy michell represents
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small and medium sized businesses in their fight against amazon there's a company called green design and the laptops stand they have done very well on amazon and great customer reviews and then long you will be going to one day and amazon had created an exact now. the amazon marketplace can cut both ways it grows companies access to a growing number. labeled as best sellers or the deal of the day most successful the same goes for real supermarkets to. the so-called buy boxes on amazon equally important check boxes on the website. the must replace products directly into their shopping cart but the algorithm that determines which. is kept secret what we do is that pricing reviews distance between product and customer all influence. but the most promising key to
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success is the 8. fulfillment vendors that agreed to this deal which essentially means paying more for amazon services. books. has been monitoring amazon for 10 years and it's consistently causing more discomfort 3 critical remarks from their point of view. it's amazon's marketplace and the rules of who can sell their on what terms they can sell who gets to see their products how pricing works are set by amazon it would be as though wal-mart you know not only came into your town and opened up a big store but also bought up all of their commercial real estate and suddenly any business that wanted to open and competing with wal-mart would have to rent from wal-mart and wal-mart could decide whether they got a storefront or not and how much they paid and you know so it's a monopolization it's on another level.
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what is true is that amazon actually benefits from counterfeits amazon uses than as leverage against suppliers so we saw this a few years ago with the shoe company birkenstock they had been complaining to amazon because there were lot of counterfeit birkenstocks on the site and they could not get amazon to do anything about it and eventually amazon said oh yeah you have to sell us your full line issues on the terms that we want and then we'll clean up the counterfeits. those that do find a way. may find if they're successful or 2 or 3 years in the actually begin to build up a bit of a business doing it and hire people wows really works well once they sort of get to
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a certain size certain amount of sales this is though amazon kind of notices them at that point and then it starts to get harder suddenly there are more fees and it becomes more and more costly and more and more difficult to be successful the more successful the kompany is on amazon the more expensive it gets for them to use the platform to sell that sounds like a pretty bad deal for individuals hallo's can we as customers do something about it yes but the alternatives usually require a little work one example checking office directly on manufacturers websites usually that's cheaper than you think and it even might be beneficial for your warranty they also platforms but icons of climate change and sell products which are free of plastic or make sure to use carbon neutral delivery global e-commerce is the stream of profitable which is why all the tech giants i'm now trying to catch up google wants to focus on expanding its e-commerce business and is
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currently testing a new app shop to the app shows short clips of influenzas presenting products which can then be directly auto shops target audience is instagram uses so far it's mostly been about beauty products facebook has just introduced shopping on his platform to. increase its paper produces greeting cards for part of a growing trend amongst small american companies the firm your own business from charleston south carolina uses antique printing presses to mint the carts and the new online shop and facebook to some of them. were introduced only in shops the facebook and instagram. during the corona crisis he says it's to help retailers receive some of the financial losses suffered during the pandemic this is going to make up for all of that lost business but it can help and for lots of small businesses during this period this is the difference between staying afloat or
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going on over $160000000.00 small businesses use facebook's infrastructure to advertise products and services they use posts to embed links to their products that 1st users had to leave the app and buy products directly on the retailers websites but not anymore. meets paper is one of just a few small businesses and now to test the new e-commerce features jaimie no do the owner loves it. when like amazon and sellers here don't need to rely on an expensive shipping program. setting up shops is free no programming skills required . for you we want people to handwrite words of instagram's audience really. kind of helped us and telling that story so as we looked at their e-commerce features that were coming out. you know it was like wow this completely reduces the friction of going to a separate website your credit card is registered you can use it's on all apps
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across the platform and it's convenient and it increases how long you stay on the site institute for local self-reliance fears that facebook is using this as a backdoor to collect data on consumer behavior the whole business model is based on data stacey mitchell says he is using his nominate desperation to position facebook in that market facebook made in the moment be offering a little bit of competition for amazon another way or small business is to get to market but you know we should remember that facebook itself is looking looking to corner the market dominating the market is key facebook introduced the new shops feature amazon is offering an all inclusive experience and apple has been excluding troublesome cells from the i o. s. universe who can stop the big 4 heads of state as well as small time online sellers
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regularly complain about their dominance but then nothing happens that might be about to change though in the us home to these tech giants opposition is growing the big 4 tech executives came under strong scrutiny in an anti-trust comedy hearing in the u.s. house of representatives whether it's through self preference ng predatory pricing or crying used to buy additional products that donna platforms have wielded their power in destructive harmful ways in order to expand that's spot on the bigger question is whether the us will take action which means working against the interests of big american companies what do you think do kompany is that dominate the market like amazon need to be broken up or is the market sad regulatory it is not what you. thank you on face book on g.w. dot com and if you want to know more about amazon's founder jeff bezos make sure to check out our you tube channel that's it from me good bye and your next.
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swedish design meets chinese electric power the new phone start. the electric sit on leave the competition in the dust with dynamism comfort and above all grain does the post on have what it takes to compete with a tesla read for. next month difficult. it's about billions. it's occult powers. it's about the foundation of the new movie order the new silk road. china wants
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to expand its influence with this trade network also in europe. china is promising its partners rich. but in europe there's a sharp morning whoever exception money from the new superpower will become dependent on it china's gateway to europe. starts feb 19th on d w. it's once again time to take a look at a fully electric car the pollstar to. we are living during the most extraordinary. history. before
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the electric. breath the auto and mobility show.


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