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tv   Markus Lanz  Deutsche Welle  January 23, 2021 4:30pm-5:31pm CET

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and moved out of our region during interglacial period. evidence from the site indicates that neanderthals spread their activities over several locations for example the current takes give asian was set up at a place where these elites humans butchered the animals they killed just because. this was an intermediate site they used for slaughter and they killed the animal somewhere else and then brought the carcasses here on afterward they probably took the meat to a base camp that was a little further away. called a basket pushed up a pretty well. you're on and you think we've recovered items that indicate that these people made their weapons very quickly without a lot of extra work. the idea was to complete it in what was for them a short period of time. scientists have now determined how these sites were used and how long they were occupied.
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oldest layer is around 124000 years old they went there twice a year the newest strata which is about 121000 years old was used for 10 months at a time when the fuel. it's clear that neanderthals were able to adapt successfully to their environment by restricting their activities to specific areas. they were nomads but they lived in a rather limited region or each site fulfilled a specific function like extracting raw materials or slaughtering animals and they created living spaces and sloped areas that protected them from high winds and they knew how to make good use of these narrowly defined area. materials recovered from the science high. lyte an important feature of neanderthal
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culture there nomadic way of life. this phenomenon has been confirmed by evidence found at the luck site on the island of jersey the 1st scientists who visited the site at the turn of the last century discovered the remains of numerous woolly mammoths most of these items ended up in private collections. this tooth is the only one that remains in the hands of scientists we don't know precisely how neanderthals are getting hold of the mammoth that we see brought into cock but we seem that they're probably hunting numbers of them in that landscape or maybe also scavenging them as well but they're certainly not bringing them in any great distance. the neanderthal hunters trapped their prey in the rugged jersey landscape and then use
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flint tipped weapons to kill them and flint tools to butcher them. but no items made of flint have been found on jersey so where did these essential tools come from. we know from the flint that scary day that the journeys people are making us from maybe 20 maybe 30 kilometers away from out around then sealed in the west wing fresh mint outcrops to make those journeys you're tracking in maybe over a couple of days you carrying your tool kit with you you're working it down as you go and you're not replacing it with with local materials so it's like he said deliberate moves to get to places that you know where there is so it gives us an insight into into neandertal joker phase the ways neandertals and mapping that world really. materials they excavated at work and law could
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indicate that neanderthals learnt to plan their activities such as hunting in areas where they lived this level of sophistication does not correspond to the stereotype of neanderthals as crude low browed cave dwellers. i think i'd question really neanderthals were undertaken some planning in their activities we know that they were hunting big game we know there are hunting mammoths bison horse now and to do that you have to do some planning for us because it's going to be a group of activity you need to speak with herds are going to be exactly how we're going to have them in then also need to plan who are going to distribute the food and butcher it so clearly they're going to be planning that we have to see that from the basic awkward clifton's that we that we get. planning allow the neanderthals to optimize key activities like hunting this was an important
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development because there was so few of these early humans. before you mostly name and it appears that they lived in small groups with perhaps 20 or 30 people a large clan might have 2 or 3 families in. these small groups you know governor relatively large areas. in all there were only a few tens of thousands of people in an area the size of europe that when you point your fish you can go up. it's unusual that such a relatively small group of people scattered over such a large area kept coming back to places that were far less spectacular than the cliffs of jersey. in southern france excavation work continues that. a cave like structure on the rhone river that served as a. neanderthal shelter. ludovick slee monk is the
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project leader he says that the evidence they found here indicates that this was an important story on many neanderthal migrations. that god won't hand all faces to know north towards a stroll river which he deposited sediments in the caves over thousands of years humans 1st arrived here 120000 years ago we were covered items from the caves that date back 80000 years it's a marvelous archaeological record as a tory that covers the period from the 1st settlements to the extinction of the neanderthals 42000 and years ago yes and it's the only one of its kind in the world equal numbers. in these layers of sediment slee mark and his team have found a lot of evidence showing that neanderthals lived here. they stayed only briefly
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sometimes just a few days but they apparently came back again and again throughout the course of their existence. akio logistics have discovered gaps of several decades when no neanderthals appeared to have been present here. slim back believes that over 80000 years the mondragon caves were occupied frequently by nomadic groups. sequined them but now they have to you know what makes a neanderthal a nomad did they follow herds of animals like horses or by center reindeer nominees and see identity that they had good reason to migrate to monte muni when we talk about nomads we mean populations that are thoroughly familiar with a specific area that could be relatively large they took you paternity more longer you freemasonic goop. roots of manner of falls apparently met regularly in specific
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places for example once a year they gathered to exchange information and members of their group especially young people see additional there's evidence from the sea drone cave in spain that neanderthals also exchanged women with. a group. loosened the peculiar they lived together in small groups and reproduced amongst themselves as well and that could cause the genetic problems by a healthy gene pool needs constant imports and exports of material too so for example i might exchange my sister for someone else's. toward us this would help to enhance the group's genetic continuity as you need to kill a soviet on the beach a good side would not a typical gathering place it was like oh this. the various groups met there over tens of thousands of years that you feel for the specific purpose of population exchange she does in the middle of the new.
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the survival of the tribe was essential that's also why groups of neanderthals meant often to hunt migrating wild animals. we've found evidence that certain objects were transported from far away or in a completely different direction for example the plants that came from 300 kilometers farther east still it's more 300 kilometers farther west or 150 kilometers farther north it's not possible that one group would cover such a large area and its annual migration. that's thousands of kilometers and it doesn't fit an annual cycle. well not even hardly are the evidence indicates that there were several groups and each had its own territory. and once or twice a year they'd meet at one place to engage in harmon activity as he did the cuticle mean. these meetings would produce the desired
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results only if the various groups could communicate with each other. this raises the possibility that neanderthals had developed rudimentary language skills. i think to be able to anticipate and plan your social activities your hunting to it is a forgery and must employ a pretty sophisticated system of communication doesn't mean it's necessary composition language like we have in terms of words and grammar and so forth but that means a very specific case from communication. scientists have been studying what sort of language the neanderthals may have spoken in any case these ancient humans do seem to have had the physical capability to speak.
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we can reconstruct the basic shape of the neanderthal vocal apparatus and it seems to be fundamentally similar to ours but maybe the voice box was a little bit higher in the throat which would suggest the voice was a bit higher pitched doesn't quite go with the butch neanderthal image of them having high voices but maybe they did. but we know that the bones of neanderthal seem to be functioning like ours do for sound transmission the same brains are frequencies so they hearing certainly would have given them the same capabilities as we have in terms of hearing language so i think all of that suggests neanderthals had a basic language so we took. into each other they had speech capabilities. so it seems likely that neanderthals were able to communicate with each other but did they use language uniform that modern humans would recognize.
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over communicated on a longer they did communicate so they did have language capability so it was a complex and sophisticated form of language that allowed groups to exchange information with each other and that was crucial to their survival plan the other tell you the crux is whether they're using words in the way that we use words and those words were then combined with complex grammatical rules or syntax to be able to convey complex ideas narratives information now i suspect not. still neanderthals were able to communicate among themselves but what form did these language actually take. i think musicality through influence and musicality hugely important person emotion hugely
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important social bonding as well if you go hunting by so working the 2 other the apps you can find you're going to throw your spear just the right time to hit that bison because if you don't get trampled to death so how are you going to build up that trust if we haven't got words i think we sing and dance together i think we see you still see that the modern world singing and dancing together builds up trust bills at that common bond that sense of a group that has been critical to me and that our survival. scientific analysis of neanderthal brain cases and comparisons with those of modern humans may help scientists to better under. stan the speech capability of these prehistoric people. 5 braincase all from the under. very different from that of anatomical and
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modern humans for example of flat 4 had strong bro riches a long gated flat skull this is a robust male he died at an age of 42 years. the shape of the brain is very typical and is unique under the forces of the word. see morphological structure often on the top brain cases as throng lou different from that of another tommy kelly modern humans the. internal structure isn't well known yet. we may never be able to create an anatomical profile of the neanderthal brain. but scientists can use their knowledge of modern human brain structure to study that of these prehistoric people especially their cognitive abilities.
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because when we talk about cognition you know mark mission is partly a factor of my brother in part in fact of all of politics and heritage in part in fact to my developing varmint but there's also all the other support around me you know i'm not very clever unless i've got a smartphone in my hand these days or a ruler or a book because if so cognition is really a combination of your material culture you have your social environment and your biology inside of you. so we know the answers had the knowledge friends there may have been become network differently but without that material. altered to scaffold development and scaffold to support the thinking and without words to do that i think there were inherently inhibited. but despite the limitations cited by professor mithun were the neanderthals able to
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develop a culture as we understand the term today. expert opinion on this topic is divided since there's no hard evidence of songs or dances if indeed they had any. some scientists believe that the archaeological evidence indicates that neanderthals work capable of creating works that may be described as art. one of those scientists is british pretty historian matt pope who knows the flint deposits on the south coast of england quite well. pope is part of the team that studying the site of december allowed he and colleague becky scott will carry out further excavations there. within the car perhaps the 2 most famous. stratigraphic levels within it the 2 bone
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heaps on the western movie of the cave they were piling large amounts of mammoths and a small amount of woolly one or source but. they could be just the remains of bush without a moose neatly piled up in just a very ordered behavior they could be stockpiling them for all other uses but there is but he does go even further in their ordering the way the skulls of mammoth the place around the outside of these bone heaps the way that rips driven on end into the sediment almost a fence in and constrain the bone hates and in one case a rib even driven. through a skull into the sediment underneath goes beyond simple tidy this goes beyond stockpiling material they creating something even if it's just a kind of routine have been chill behavior even if it has no symbolic meaning it's
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still monumental what they leave behind it would still if you saw it today look very very striking. evidence that neanderthals were capable of planning and building structures is rare so the discovery of the bruni kill cave in 1990 in france's valley caused a sensation. in a space located more than 300 meters from the entrance archaeologists discovered several structures made of broken style like mine. there are rings of this material as well as random piles the ring structures were later determined to be approximately 175000 years old. some scientists say that the neanderthals who built these structures had developed
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a complex level of social organization. there's a parallel between the boat heaps and this the static might be in a coke a both in a way are inexplicably in their their order both a very very structured of course a boon ago it's deep in the cave they're not using food refuse but it shows that they capable of working together to create structure out of chaos without any obvious function we've got lots of words for those sort of behaviors in our in our own language we can call it symbolism we call it art we can call it ritualistic behavior i don't think those words are very helpful i think. it is just something very very human to try and monumental eyes landscape monumental eyes landscape with our own traces in our own interventions on. a rare indication of neanderthal abstract expression was discovered it goren's cave on the gibraltar peninsula in
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2014. a series of intersecting lines the press dubbed it history's 1st hash tag it's not clear what the symbols mean. some experts like ludovick slim ak caution against speculation decrees on where they'll not be there is evidence that early homo sapiens made jewelry they took the teeth of carnivores that they killed drilled holes in them and created necklaces. we found none of that among the other thoughts and no jewelry necklaces beads or anything that might require drilling and scientists have examined countless artifacts from that period of humans wear jewelry and clothing to show off to do these item shape our mental cultural and social universe which we then present to others neanderthals simply didn't do that you know that all of us are.
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future archaeological discoveries made from skeptics to change their minds but this discussion also raises an important question how closely did meander thoughts resemble molten people. the science constantly changes how we in business neandertals and at the same time we want to bring them close to us are we seeing them as very modern in terms of their behavior we should never forget the fact that if we were confronted by one if we counted one in the street or in the landscape we instantly notice differences in them a falling tree in their face in their bearing and their gait. we're your 1st humans of the species homo sapiens arrived in western europe about 50000 years ago. this development appeared to seal the fate of the neanderthals who were far less sophisticated.
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studies of the mondragon cave the reconstruction of settlements there and the discovery of flint objects indicate that homo sapiens came to western europe into waves. the 1st consisted of scouting parties who used advanced flint tools. that group disappeared after about 10 years and the neanderthals gradually returned to the mondragon site. homo sapiens returned to the region a few 1000 years later around 42000 years ago. either for this cave was home to both the last neanderthals and the 1st modern humans evolved and they probably traveled north from the mediterranean through the wrong river valley that they settled their goals and it's unlikely that they came
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into contact with neanderthals in complete. this was just about the time that the previous residents of this region the neanderthals started to die out . there's been a lot of speculation about why and how this happened. really on the earth and you know it in other provision house you did the neanderthals had been there 40 doesn't even hundreds of generations. suddenly with the arrival of homo sapiens disappear. if they never returned to the gates where they had lived in you keep the reason they did the studies at sites in france or other parts of europe and western asia have concluded that the neanderthal population became extinct about 42000 years ago the monks. delete things from the book just.
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tom higham is an expert on carbon 14 dating he's a professor of archaeological science at oxford university and says that recent scientific studies have provided new information on why the neanderthals died out and actually this is different to my original refers. to the modern humans who kind of sweden and the other cells we could still relative this is now but actually seems to be a lot more coming through this is the real most populations in different parts of europe we also look up to the d.n.a. silliness that these people go she's not really integrated which has a increased layer of interest and complexity. i think over the sutures 2000 years in which we see modern humans and you know that solves living overlapping in europe that there was a slow gradual disappearance of groups. as
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neanderthal started to interbreed with homo sapiens their numbers grew smaller and smaller until they eventually disappeared altogether. i think we now tell the world to some extent trapped in their success they survive for 2300000 years and through huge amounts of climate change in very challenging environments but. the culture remained pretty stable for 2000 years though making basically the same types of tools there most quizzer tools but the amount of innovation and creativity is is minimal. neanderthals and homo sapiens co-existed across here asia for several 1000 years. these ancient humans managed to survive major changes in climate but they failed to adapt to the arrival of a superior species. the thought that there was
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a point where there was a group of people in a surviving the same landscape who were who are you know superficially so similar to us but maybe did things in a different ways like it's almost like plague or a hunter gatherer a thought experiment or something i just i just think using incredible that at one point we were the only human species that walked the earth as we are today. i think that the way that we look at neanderthals says a lot about how we deal with others and this raises the question of how we treat other members of our species but today people are always talking about the cultural shock of migration markers as i think the situation is exaggerated but it's still reflects on how we deal with other community. from time to time archaeologists find new evidence that helps us to better understand how neanderthals lived. but these are just fragments from the long history of these
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species. modern humans inherited part of their genetic code from neanderthals. perhaps that's why many of us are fascinated with the relics of these ancient people and the similarities that neanderthals share with modern humans. if they had managed to survive the world would likely be a very different place neanderthals developed a distinct social intelligence and were much more achieving to their environment than was the species that replaced them. we can only speculate on what influence the neanderthals might have had on the cause of human history for better or for worse. yet.
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conflict zone with tim sebastian the e.u. and britain clinched this free trade deal for the post correctly deal now at least in the u.k. there's a whole of realities to deal with my guest this week from aberdeen in scotland is andrew bali conservative m.p. and vice chairman of the conservative party but as far as job suso economic over
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the truth body break from the conflict zone. to the 30 minutes past the. bloodlines the us is on its way to bring you more conservation. how do we make cities greener how can we protect habitats we can make a difference global warming genius or mental series of global $3000.00 on d w and online. has a virus spread. why do we panic and when we'll all miss and. just threw the tablet for cover and i weekly radio show is called spectrum if you would like and get information on the crown of virus or any other science topic you should really check out our podcast you can get it wherever you get your podcast
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you can also find us at d.f.w. dot com ford slash science. this is dicta believe news live from bird the more than 1000 people are detained and putin protests right across russia wife of job kremlin critic alexei navalny is among those detained tens of thousands of turned out in the capital moscow where people were already being arrested before the night reading got underway also on the program of life under lockdown large parts of hong kong face tough lockdown
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restrictions to curb the spread of corona bars with thousands of police deployed to enforce the nation's. i'm at and how broken russian police have detained more than a 1000 people are supporters of child opposition figures. have taken to the streets in large nationwide protests his wife. has been detained after marching for his release of an anti-government protest in moscow on instagram is now posted a picture of herself in a police van apparently taken near the kremlin and she is one of tens of thousands of protesters who protest is who perceived kremlin corruption and wrongful arrest of her husband. with chance of putin as
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a thief and freedom for not only thousands of demonstrators are rallying throughout russia. government officials say at least 4000 people gathered in moscow's pushkin's gaius square. independent observers put that number at more than 10 times that. police have detained hundreds of participants at the un sanctioned demonstration. but serious including prominent supporters of alexina on the like his aide. through the jailed opposition leader called for the demonstrations after he was arrested at a moscow airport and quickly sentenced to 30 days in jail. most organizers didn't apply for permits expecting they wouldn't be granted and ahead of the protest authorities warn security forces would be deployed citing concerns about the covert pandemic. going is out there i mean you know
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refrain from participating i have to warn that long foresman agencies will ensure that the necessary order is kept in the city. but at the. more than 1000 people have been detained throughout the country as part of the largest opposition action in years seen as a test of strength in alexina volleys battle with the kremlin. well i must go correspondent emily show one has been covering these protests and really is there a song get the people waiting to go. well a lot of the protesters here in the capital moscow seem to disburse there are reports of several protesters smaller groups of protesters gathering around the center of the city still and chanting. right here where we are on one of the central streets that was full of protesters until just recently it's only the police who remain behind me. and what is it that has motivated so many people to
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take the risk and to come out on the streets today. well people today were chanting all sorts of things here on the streets of moscow they were chanting of course for. saying i need to be freed from prison but they were also chanting putin is a thief and who didn't leave the chanting for him to leave office. on the one hand of course i think the fact that i would say none was arrested upon his return to russia and also the way he was trialed he was tried very quickly in actually at a prison here in the region of moscow that angered people then also the. team published an investigation this week into what they say is the near putin's palace the poop palace of the russian president and that investigation on
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you tube has gotten millions and millions of views and many of the people that i spoke to today today were saying that this is actually the 1st protest opposition protests that they've taken part in and that they just felt like this was just the last straw and they they don't want the government to steal their money any more they don't want corruption in russia and they want to have a better life before seeing these. as of the palace we have been watching more live protesters being in a why you've covered a lot of protests in russia how severe is the level of force the authorities deploying today as they try and break up the demonstrations. well there were also large protests here in moscow last year or rather in 2019 and i think the level of force was pretty comparable kind of violent unrest. are something that i've become used to here in moscow on the streets and at other
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protests as well in fact to date with the amount of people the thousands and thousands of people out on the streets in moscow it almost at point seemed that the police the authorities had kind of lost control of the situation i saw at one point the crowd kind of in circling a police officer who was trying or various police officers who were trying to lead off one protester in order to block them from arresting that person and that's something that i haven't seen before i think the level of force is comparable comparable to other protests though even though it may seem shocking. to to our viewers and indeed we're still seeing live pictures of people being taken away as we heard also of on these watch yulia has been the tie and what sort of figure the she represents now to the protesters. i think over the last few months she's become much more of a public figure since i like saying was poisoned
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a few months ago we saw her appear publicly several times including with the 1st interview in the 1st interview that i did see now i need gave to a russian blogger here she was also interviewed for example we saw images of her at the hospital where her husband was being treated treated right after she was poisoned. and i think many social media users many people here in general were very impressed by how tough she is and how in control she remains despite the fact that such upsetting essentially things were happening to her own husband and there have been has been some talk now. in recent weeks as well about whether you could potentially even run for office in the upcoming duma elections which are scheduled for september particularly if her husband remains behind bars he's waiting for a trial which is likely to take place sometime in february and only show one in
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moscow thanks so much. for a look at some of the other stories making headlines this hour and hundreds of anti-government protesters have taken to the streets of chile's capital santiago. board a cannon and used tear gas on demonstrate this protest is calling for reforms to pension health care and education systems. dramatic pictures show threatening storm clouds rolling in provence in northern spain lightning heavy rain and strong winds battered the catalonian region market square in one town suffered extensive damage as the fast moving storm swept through no injuries have been reported. veteran u.s. t.v. and radio broadcaster larry king has died at the age of 87 king was best known for his talk show larry king live on c.n.n. which he hosted for 25 years the journalist is reported to have died after battling
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19 he also suffered several other health problems in recent years. or hong kong has locked down i densely populated area and ordered residents to want to go compulsory testing after a new outbreak of corona virus some 10000 residents on the cowling peninsula have been affected and thousands of police they have been deployed to enforce the law down the government says people have to stay at home until everyone has been tested . hong kong's 1st corona virus lockdown the territory had been largely able to keep case numbers low but a new stubborn wave of infections led authorities to take this unprecedented step they hope to stamp out the 1000 cluster quickly. we are working hard to get this done within 48 hours our aim is to fight the virus together to achieve is 0 in this area and the government has
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a range sufficient testing equipment to test the people in this neighborhood as quickly as possible. a neighborhood that's poor and overcrowded people here live in cramped subdivided apartments with shared bathrooms outbreaks in buildings with inadequate ventilation and plumbing are on the rise in hong kong one of the world's richest cities. the walking in this area that we've drawn up we noticed that sewage samples in some of the buildings show relatively high positive results compared to outside the area. residents will only be able to leave their homes with proof of a negative test authorities hope that people here will be able to return to work on monday. ok here's a look now at some of the other developments in the pandemic an astra zeneca has
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told the european commission that it will not be able to deliver the a grade volumes of its coded 19 vaccine when it receives regulatory approval the netherlands is introducing a not time to fuel in a bid to halt the spread of the new variant in the virus rather the wrist friction will come into force throughout the netherlands on saturday residents have to stay at home between non pm and 4 30 am and belgium is to ban non-essential trips into and out of the country from next week until the 1st of munch to the spread of infections police will enforce the travel ban of land sea and able to. well 100 years old the world's oldest living olympic champion is still going relatively strong on kerry and gymnastics superstar agnes kalid he won 10 olympic medals 5 of them gold well she gave you an exclusive look into her life in budapest she's of come discrimination discrimination rather faced great danger and yet still remain
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focused on the sport she loves. agnieszka letty may have trouble hearing your questions but she makes up for that with her playfulness she enjoys dedicating a recently published book on her life to those who ask it may take her a while but she's happy to please her life has been anything but easy to use jewish ancestry saw her forced off her gymnastics team in 10412 to anti semitic laws germany occupied hungary in 1944 survived the holocaust but many of her family including her father did not she won her 1st olympic gold in helsinki in 1052 and 4 years later in melbourne she claimed 4 more by then she was 35 making her the oldest female olympic gymnastics champion. again was there and then the gold medal didn't mean a lot to me. i just love gymnastics h.
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at me as long as then what do people get out of winning gold. our own home are reminders of the past photos of her beloved parents recognition from the state of israel and from the hungry and prime minister. and the meaningless medals well she keeps tucked away in a plastic bag. this is the one. ashworth rush limbaugh that we didn't do sport to win medals and they're sad and we did it because we loved it was the. reason gymnastics was so valuable. it was because i could see the world for me because if i'd had to pay i may never have seen it. well kellett he gets ready for a walk around our sun rough explains what it is like to have
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a mother with such amazing sporting credentials a lot of the fact that. it took me time to realize how exceptional her path. was would still she's much more famous in the last 10 years. in the other 40 years because she became. achieved. female athlete but the most. the longest living. champion. in the soviet union invaded hungry i'll kill it he was in melbourne for the olympics she received political asylum in melbourne before emigrating to israel. no she's back in budapest the city of her birth an extraordinary wife has come true circle. and a reminder before we go of the top story we're following for you place in russia have the times more than 1600 people and anti putin demonstrations across the
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country the wife of kremlin critic lxi alexei rather is on. emma leave you with images from vietnam's mekong delta where flower growers are preparing for the lunar new year the country's biggest holiday millions of yellow chrysanthemums are used to decorate homes and buildings across the country. you are.
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it is in the time that shakespeare ends in the south we did sometimes though he would utilize his flock but. stu's me ok you're insulting our company. with.
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a listen 1st of all tell us are football we call it the we call it soccer get used to it i still recall it's called both. are a football channel or a soccer channel well we are quite an international bunch more englishman tom calls it a full day from the us set soccer such as call it mark calls it that and daniel tells us what it's called at her home and canada. but a lot of our viewers tell us we shouldn't be so careless with our choice of what most comments on our channel suggest we should call it football and nothing else the term soccer makes them fly wish and that's one of the lots of fans of the comments others say soccer is totally acceptable there is a wall works going on in our comments why not only ban up.
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what you see here as mantras to see these strikers sergio reaction to former football or. using the word soccer in the south we did it in soccer sometimes only with your eyes useful but. scuse me people hate the word soccer type the phrase it's football not soccer into google search and you can't deny it these 2 words. battles. and they are the most controversial words on social media. and i remember it being used as a word regularly when i was growing up in england in that period but then since the 1980 s. really it's become a word that in england if you describe the game of football and call it soccer people who get very angry at you and not just a little bit angry very very angry they will shout at you and they will scream and
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they will say don't use that american word it's well not born not soccer and if you go on to the web and type it's football not soccer you'll see this should lose out . from mostly from brits but not just for a brit you see you'll see french or german or you know south african people also saying during it it's for fuck's sake stop saying soccer stefan szymanski in 2nd matter yeah beinecke have written a book about it it's also as a linguistic phenomenon this is going to leave unique there is never been a word that we can find that has been exiled from our language there are words that go out of use but it's never been a case of a word which has been used for a long time and then dropped because somebody else uses it. on the words can be found on merchandise products fashion items and even in our office
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is the disrespect that you receive as soon as you say the word soccer you instantly don't know anything about it you shouldn't be speaking about it you are crazy you have no idea what's going on but you see where you've played select such a long time yet. think of like any to example has got me into trouble for and for ever. have cousins from florida talk about so i just remember thinking like oh you can't believe. this is horrible cousins. when i was growing up. the anger here is among most exclusively addressed at americans listen to english comedian john cleese. why did the americans insist on calling it so why do they have such a problem calling you. the message is clear the most popular game on earth is called football not soccer which is wrong. the correct term football and
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all kinds of ours are. it's a bit like also 2 words that describe the same thing so why all this anger and frustration caused by these horrible is more. like. jumpers. and. useful but not rights they're in jail but there are many versions of football rugby gaelic australian rules football and football also known to the rest of the world as. what. are you talking about american football so the us and others like canada. africa japan and all these other parts of the global market green on this map stuck to the term soccer so even for those who hate to say soccer all football there are good reasons
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to use both terms firstly to let someone know what sports you're talking about like in maryland an irish person is talking to me and he said the ball i'd probably ask him in soccer or do you like the kind of the context i mean i would if i was just talking about general. i mean i would but if i was talking about sport and differentiate and then i would use the word soccer. i would want to punch myself in the face which i used to. what's even funnier see the flag let's change it into the nation's flag where the word sucker was invented as best we know the words so that was. a good university british elete school boys love that game but their competitive desires required regulations 863 rules were defined and the football association was formed but there was still other versions of the game that's why our new rule book was written one better allow the use of hands it's
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known as rugby football this distinction between a rock b. football and association football marks the origin of soccer like rocco is a shorter version of rugby football soccer became a snappy aversion off association football this can be a rat in a tiny letter from $1000.00 or 5 published in the new york times as a matter of fact it was a fact at august 1st in cambridge to use you are at the end of many words and as association did not take in our easily it was and is sometimes spoken off as sokka . and not the surprising fact can be found by reading papers from the states. so as best we know the words it was at oxford university in the 89th and we know. american and australian newspaper sources people. really are like the state was say don't call it soccer that's an oxford word the
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proper name is. get me a map. it was the soccer version the one played with the feet that soon spread from england to everywhere. everywhere except. the united states. here the other spots the one with the hands rock exploded everyone left that's game that developed into the most popular sport in the u.s. and something very british. record be sure is deliberately kept short so that the sponsors can get in as many commercials as possible. the world couldn't accept that the world's great super
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nation didn't love the world's game and on top of that changed it's making. it's a past time for people to point out how wrong americans are the aim of these graphics is to convince americans if you don't like our spots at least name it right it's as if they care that. they're it's completely absurd to tell americans not to use a word that you yourself have used in the past and which you would big anyway so that's absurd as well but also it's not your daily asymmetry in this in the intensity of this debate because we're british people and europeans this could be the source of a tense anger and i'm tired he's remarried it's a shrug of the shoulder they don't care it's even worse now that the usa has become a global force in football the fan community is growing the men take part in what cops and the women even when they're. the fact that north americans are like
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encroaching on territory that is considered european and that's kind of like but it's our sport you can't call it you want to come in and you want to call it soccer and you want to be good at it too we weren't that good our football for a long time and now it's starting to change is a lot of americans in the board as they get it's kind of like what happens if we lose. against them whatever you like yeah i think you think it's not just the word i suppose but with definitely i think we have a chip on our shoulders a bit and you know cultural imperialism. from coming from the states which is ironic because we consume so much culture specifically i think this idea that they're not quite good and that these people are quite good. for though they thought they were there is the right word your you. said today the american way of life has become so dominant that for some europeans the argument
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about football or soccer is now the last remaining battlefields to defend their culture. this is a form of cultural jealousy and anti americanism to say you you are not allowed to use this word and you must use the word that everybody almost everybody else uses and of course what's strange is that because this is the one i suspect of global culture which the americans have not dominated if you think about music. all my most forms of culture have been globalization being dominated by americans and american businesses and. these really. global activity it's not predominantly american. so what's the solution. and help solve it and maybe you put out widespread information that the word is english. the word came from england what does the
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economic think there's a need to find a solution we just need to learn to a lot of them then we can put the spotlight on another question why do americans call this a feel pitch isn't it. you know please you know. person drama competition marketing numbers on a spirit powered flight that signed into law hates money millionaires stand crimes for stamps and found.
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conflicts with jim sebastian the e.u. and britain could still free trade deal for the post directly to you now at least in the u.k. there are some hot realities to deal with why just this week so not again in scotland goes on to bali conservative m.p. and vice chairman of the conservative party going as far as job soon so you can no make over the choose the monday break so many conflicts are. just on the edge of. the 77 percent. fencing in kenya voting for everyone anyone can. kick boxing in uganda. and soccer culture in south africa you know on.
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this episode it's all about sports let's fight the 77 percent. and 16 let's do a lot of. different languages we fight for different things that's fine but we all speak up for freedom freedom of speech and freedom of the press. giving freedom of choice global news that matters w made for minds. feed my. approach and i understand that. it's no. longer part of this all the european union official confirms all. the building is a little bit unfair and it was going to go right up to the last minute but on christmas eve the e.u. and britain clinched a free trade deal with the post correctly deal now at least in the u.k.
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there are some hard realities to deal with and plenty of shots of the trial my guest this week from aberdeen in scotland is armed rebel.


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