tv Fit gesund Deutsche Welle January 25, 2021 2:30pm-3:00pm CET
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welcome to. join us last month pakistan's president approved. chemical castration. this in a country with a poor conviction record. victims hesitate to come forward to avoid shame and blame the new law also provides for speedy trials in special courts but it's the punishment of chemical castration that's dividing opinion. it's son has been living and sleeping with his family for weeks on the grounds of the hospital in lahore pakistan his sons i mean has been here for months he was gang raped and then shot this sadly is not uncommon the perpetrators now face chemical castration by order of the courts. we would be satisfied with such a punishment we don't want such brutal meant to be able to rape ever again if words could change the situation there would already be a change in the society without real punishment such people will not change and
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that is why they must be punished. in pakistan following a presidential decree can now be punished with chemical castration. in this process the convicted person is given drugs that take we potency and libido these returned when the drug is discontinued at the end of the sentence but many medical professionals are wary of the possible side effects. one of the most important is that inducing the born density and all the. flashes it also cause. it's. also cause of mood depressions and suicidal thoughts in muslim pakistan rape stigmatizes the victim as well as the perpetrator and his family. suffer adarsh of ed is also feeling this her son is in prison charged with
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rape he's threatened with chemical castration the widow firmly believes in his innocence he should be earning money for the family besides a few relatives no one talks to the mother any more. chemical castration is a brutal punishment my son is already a goner and now possibly this is inhumane punishment i wanted to marry him off soon but how can he have a family now i had so wished that he would have children but now none of that will come true. in pakistan a person is raped every 2 hours it's often a demonstration of power through sex last year there are more than 3 times as many cases as the year before the government is under pressure and wants to look like it's doing something. strongly believe that there is a need for such
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a long if we punish some perpetrators like this it will send a clear signal to everyone else. it will have a positive impact on the whole of society. lawyer robbia bunch of aa is a volunteer representing zane the boy who was raped and shot for years she has fought to ensure rapists were properly convicted. i don't think so i don't think there are any stray ssion is a solution because there is also the death penalty for rapist in pakistan so deterrent laws are already in place but they're not applied. for activity. in the last 5 years no one has been sentenced to death for rape in pakistan saeed's impoverished family waits outside the hospital for the boy to recover from his injuries and for the perpetrators to finally be punished. but more on this from beneath his driver and from the. british good to see you how
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much support is there in pakistan for chemical castration as punishment for. actually it is being seen as a populist move the pressure on the government has been mounting due to several deep instance last theo especially the more case in which woman was raped alongside jordan 5 to forget this case was reported internationally their government wanted to show their sea justice and but in this case without any consultation with the civil society or with the parliament to get me killed castration has been introduced of course sexual frustration can cause crimes like rape but i've spoken to many activists in pakistan and discussed this issue and most of them believe that in countries like pakistan it's primarily a crime to show a woman as weak and defenseless it's also associated with shame and lost or no and
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therefore chemical leak s. treating few men and reducing the sexual drive and not just the underlying reasons why women are raped in pakistan or what or when we talk about conviction pockets or gritty had a dismal record in relation to real cases so how does this provision of chemical castration or the new ordinance in general change that. yeah the convicts the conviction rate of rape cases in pakistan is that on 3 to 5 percent which is quite low box and under he has a baby strict laws that have got a capital punishment it's the implementation of the laws that is the problem i give you an example for example there is a law in pakistan that say is that any day of it has to be dissolved within that time frame of 3 months to one year but it hardly happens so you authored the end it's the implementation of the law is that this problem also there needs to be an understanding and sensitivity among very male dominated judiciary and the police
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also says i did i did it's need to change activists say that if by any government is c.d.'s about protecting its women from rape if it should start from the grassroots level a culture should be promoted better women are treated as equals and we would be a woman i respected and all to not only the political leadership but religious scholars who are very influential who have a very influential position and by this insight the should openly condemned crimes like rape chemical castration and their strict laws and not change the patriotic and mind set and social norms that in god is crimes like rape so the destruction of such by us can help and also implementation of laws can be a solution just legally speaking be an issue how does this provision the provoking about help reflect in the baucus on given that it's already extremely hard for them to come forward to even report a crime in the 1st place. yeah it's an under deported crime in pakistan it's
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a country of 200000000 people and roughly at around 5000 cases. just each year i did i many reasons why evil men wouldn't come forward and report rape it's 2nd very difficult. issue but off the many thousands one of the reasons is the very intrusive and humiliating thing go by generally desperate has actually decently been banned by the government and also by a provincial court. and even in pakistan who report straight has to go through the steps in which a medical officer would insert 2 fingers into of a woman's body to assess her past sexual activity and if the test say is that the woman had been extra. thankfully active in the past it weakens her case in the court she's looked at with suspicion and also in the past because of this this woman were deferred to. such as you know they were and they were said things that just have to wait it was 6 and woman of easy virtue so the banning of the test is
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a step in the right direction and also by a woman judge so it's a step in that article right direction but again the implementation of this ban across pakistan will be a complicated and difficult to accomplish. leave it there for the bombing but thank you so much for joining us. karen europe besides health workers older people are on the priority list as fact scenes but in indonesia younger people priority the government says it's because they make up the bulk of the country's book force and their health is essential to the country's economic health a part of the reason is also that but it comes to vaccine if you can see the government only has data from trials conducted in the 18 to 59 age group for the government sufficient to begin vaccination using the chinese made vaccine nearly 2 weeks ago. the 1st shot in tunisia is national vaccination program
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president joko widodo getting the jab to inspire confidence among citizens but the plan is already controversial as it prioritises younger people over the elderly even influencers have been put at the front of the line they include rhesus saraswati a singer and writer who's been vaccinated since last week. so i. along with health protocols vaccination is one of the best solutions to the pandemic had upsy the limit in you so i hope that with vaccination people who lost hope last year due to inaction and neglect will regain their excitement. and join the vaccination dr says he would head up on a lot of the good of you were smiling. but older people are less than joyous the vaccine hasn't even been tested on them yet although recent data shows that people
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over 60 in indonesia are nearly 20 times likelier to die of cold or at least soon have an answer to a calm order now i hope that apart from protecting themselves the young people who have been vaccinated that will also protect the elderly. we see that the majority of these young people are those who carry out economic activities in supporting their families they are actors in economic activities so we prioritize those aged 18 to 59. meanwhile the elderly tend not to do activities outside the home because they are not the backbone of the family's economy. yet the vaccination scheme has sparked debate in the community a story you see i do not agree the reason is because the elderly are the ones who need it more on the other things so you lie you agree because there is no vaccine
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for the elderly. i don't think i agree because the older ones are more vulnerable than young people. and on the what the health ministry says the elderly can expect to start being vaccinated in march or april when the biotech pfizer and astra zeneca oxford vaccines arrive. and that's it for today there's more no website do double talk. full of slush believe it today with the video of a cuddly panda cub at the zoo in south korea has gone viral as you'll see a 6 month old a feeble elf just can't get enough of a caretaker on her back more records feel better by.
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the fall against the coronavirus pandemic. has the rate of infection been developing what does the latest research say. information and contacts the coronavirus update 19 special. on d w. i i call neal and i'm game did you know that 17 trillion land down on killed worldwide sure so that we can include but it's not just be animals of all suffering it's the environment we want on a journey to find ways out of the nutrition if you want to know how old one cliff to the priest and the whole trust changed as a meeting to listen to our podcast on the green thumbs.
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it's a fair bet it will only be the coronavirus once most of the globe is immunized. dozens of countries have started vaccinating but 100 say yet to begin. the slow and bumpy rollout will only allow the disease to continue. circulating and delay hopes of eradication. new variants of covert 19 could also raise progress. will the world get its act together fast enough. well israel is way ahead in back saying its people over 3 and a half 1000000 and counting the palestinians have a longer wait another case of inequality more on that topic with a doctor in a moment 1st this report from b.w. stanley kramer. nurse molly miss ellie and her team work almost around the clock to
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administer the biotech pfizer vaccine here in a town south of tel aviv about 150000 people are being vaccinated daily throughout the country. so an e-mail with a miami now business owner and i really believe in this vaccine also got it in this week to get the 2nd dose. we didn't have then got any allergic reactions it's like a flu shot it is a very gentle vaccine it's good. that they make. mail it still. the culture a center turn makeshift vaccination point is run by clearly to one of israel's 4 house management organizations which provide care through their own clinics as every citizen has to be registered with an h.m.o. using the highly digitalized infrastructure has proven decisive for the fast rule out 1st priority where people over the age of 60 health care workers and people
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with underlying health conditions now it is the turn of the over fifty's. word order is great i didn't even feel the shock of a bit i work as a special needs teacher and we're all kind of in the line of fire it's an absolute must to be vaccinated because i think younger people are also called up to receive surplus doses of the vaccine which would otherwise be wasted the early purchase of the biotech pfizer vaccine by the government has contributed to this speedy immunization campaign however corona virus infection rates are still high and the government tightened the country's 30 lockdown once again last week while challenges vaccinating and earning enough time so devices will start to work in on the other end we have the. 5th 3rd wave in israel which has been rising in the huge
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number of severely sick people hospitalized in the hospitals in the israeli occupied west bank a covert 19 testing center infections remain high as well but here people will have to wait to receive their vaccines israel has not been supplying vaccines to the occupied territories the palestinian authority announced this week that it has signed deals with 4 companies to secure vaccines among them also the russian develop vaccines sputnik of what of the you know how to look in the news they say it is not yet approved and they want to give. we don't know what happened. at the end for you hope that through the get the appropriate vaccine and to be done with this crisis. how do you want all of us to take it to feel psychologically because we are in a constant state of worry that matter and they will have their options palestinians
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have also signed up to the kovacs program which aims to help low income countries to get a fair share of the scenes for around 20 percent of their population as to guarantee is chief medical officer at israel's software company that office mapping and analytics in the u.s. how vital is a concerted global drive in vaccinating the world and stopping this pandemic it's incredibly important there's actually a slogan in global health that says no one is safe until everyone is safe and this is really an indication of our highly mobile and highly interconnected world recognizing that we depend on international trade and we have travel patterns and if we want to get back to those travel patterns and avoid an unrelenting progression of the pandemic vaccine is our best hope and we can look at it as
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individual countries we need to do it in a global way we need to se but that there is so much inequality in the world and it miss case the iniquity is so clear be at the palestinians africans the super rich paying to jump the queue how can we change that. well i personally think that taking a geographic approach is one way to really hone in on these problem areas that aren't getting the resources because when you look at this year graphically you can spot those in equities and you can start to do things about it so there are of course organizations around the world from god the managing kovacs in coordination with the world health organization that are using geography to really try to equalise what's going on how exactly are they doing that can you
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just explain to our viewers what what all that me it's sure. what they're doing is they're creating of course the plans they're called micro plans really looking at places on that in a way microscopic level when you're sort of thinking about the globe and they're figuring out how we can look at the populations and their access to vaccines and then provide resources in the places where there's not adequate access and it tells you a lot about how much vaccine should you order for different places when you understand where the population is and where the vaccine distribution sites are proposed or already in place so i guess that also applies to what we think countries but the difference between cities and the countryside all remote areas for example. absolutely so geography is particularly helpful with that because you can look at things like high risk populations and what their level of accessibility is whether
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you're measuring that as say a 30 minute drive time or in some places it's more likely that people are going to be walking or taking public transportation so you can really define what kind of access that local population will need and then when you identify where you have gaps in access you can start to make different plans those different plans might be a drive through vaccination clinic or working with independent pharmacies or fire stations or schools or other community locations that conserve the local population you can also do things like create mobile outreach and optimize the routes of maybe a mobile van and to vaccinate highly rural populations or folks who are unlikely to come to a clinic to get their vaccine but even if you identify those gaps is there going to
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be enough vaccine for everybody. well i think the answer to that is absolutely yes but a more poignant question perhaps is how long is it going to take and the estimates right now are that through 2021 there should be about 2000000000 doses of vaccine made available to the world so since most of the vaccines require 2 shots to be a full series that means about a 1000000000 people can be vaccinated in 2021 well that only represents about 13 percent of the world's population so i think this is going to take several years to accomplish but yes ultimately there will be enough of it and once everyone's vaccinated will that mean the corona virus has been eradicated. well. we would hope so but i don't think so so it's the vaccine that basically stimulates
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your body to create an immune response and that immune response has a memory so that when you're ultimately exposed to the vaccine you can fight it more quickly and effectively but that memory fades over time and current predictions say you know if we're lucky 2 to 3 years of protection but more likely we'll need an annual booster to kind of remind our unit system what it's supposed to be fighting ok we'll have to think of that as the guarantee thank you very much for talking to my pleasure thank you. and now it's your turn to ask the questions our science correspondent has been looking into the topics you've been posting on our you tube channel. if you contract the virus after the 1st shot in a 2 shot vaccine do you still need the booster shot this turned out to be a really tricky question because it's so specific and different types of vaccines
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work in different ways to 0 in on an answer though it makes sense to start with something general what vaccines do which is to provoke an immune response that seems basically kick start that process by faking an infection but it takes time for the body to get up to speed and start making the right defensive cells to fight off the intruder trials with vaccines approved in the u.s. and the e.u. for example has shown that the 1st jab does provide some protection against developing symptoms of covert 19 if you're exposed but it takes more than 10 days to get there and and it's only around 50 percent effective much less than when boosted by the 2nd shot given the specified few weeks after the 1st one so here's the scenario you describe you got the 1st shot of your vaccination and then you're
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exposed to over 19 say a day or 2 later and ended up with symptomatic disease because your immune system hadn't ramped up the response here and the centers for disease control in the u.s. says that if that's the case it's important to defer your 2nd shot until you've recovered so i assume that means even if that takes longer than the window of time recommended between the 1st shot and the booster if you other sources i could find on this specific question recommended debt. in that league getting the booster shot once you've recovered anyway as the expectation is it will do no harm and will likely actually strengthen your immune response to the coronavirus if you encounter it again in the future. eric williams there i'm banff is all and thanks for watching stay safe and see you
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this is the the news live from berlin germany tries to stop the spread of a new coronavirus very also still in berlin is sealed off a staff and patients test positive the government wants citizens staff to double down on restrictions of covert beauticians also be checked at but. also the program . centers full shortly received.
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