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tv   Business - News  Deutsche Welle  January 28, 2021 7:15am-7:30am CET

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has soared during the coronavirus pandemic and you can always get the latest news and analysis on our website dot com for all of us here in berlin thank you for watching. 3 d. counts for us and for our planet. is on its way to bring you more conservation. how do we see the screen how can we protect how to us what to do with all our waste.
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we can make a difference by choosing smart new solutions overstrained said in our ways. the idea is to limit to a series of includes those and only. the coronavirus pandemic is a corruption crisis a new report says the countries where citizens trust their governments the least are coping the worst we'll look at who's leading the way and who's lagging behind in the latest corruption perception index. a combination of crises gives boeing a battering plane maker announces a record loss for 2020 we'll find out why. and we'll
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meet the british stilton exporters who are cheesed off to put it a british way about the new breaks it bureaucracy this is due to be a business in berlin welcome to the program. now little is as important during a pandemic as the country's health care system but like other sections of government they can be subject to corruption transparency international has again ranked countries around the world in terms of how corrupt their citizens perceive them to be particularly when it comes to the misuse of public money now looking at the coronavirus crisis the group says countries that perform well on the index invest more in their health care services and are better able to provide universal health coverage so let's have a look at where that would be so on a map topping the list with the least perceived corruption are a fair few european countries we can see that we've got australia and new zealand
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japan's also in there and canada among others of course a little further down the list we see countries where a small level of corruption is perceived by people living in that case it's the likes of the united states chile and some eastern european countries as well then let's bring in some more countries still now we start to see china and india popping up about halfway down this list of 180 countries in total and then at the bottom of that list are the countries perceived to be the most corrupt by the people who live there as many parts of africa such as sudan south sudan and somalia as well as the likes of yemen and syria so let's discuss this with daniel erickson who is managing director of transparency international which compiled this report thanks very much for joining us on detail we business let's talk about the coronavirus pandemic another big characteristic of the last year how is that
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changed people's perceptions of how corrupt their governments are. well thanks for having me i think it's clear that in countries that were corrupt to begin with and had lesser ability to respond to the pandemic due to. lower levels of investment in growth in health care also note is that corruption now kills it is not only something that is uncomfortable it results in human casualties so people are feeling that it's a bigger issue for them than they might have thought it was before the people might have been thinking beforehand well actually ok it's a big corrupt but we can cope with it yeah that you're seeing clearly is the correlation between an open and transparent system for instance procurement countries that are open and how they procured and how they prioritize the public spending their the public also have greater trust in the government with greater
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trust generally their responses in terms of lockdowns and so forth go better with a corrupt system and a lack of trust the opposite happens we're talking about perceived corruption here is that so different from the reality of how corrupt the world is could that map look very different if we were marking actual corruption to begin with and corruption happens in the shadows of society it's something that is notoriously difficult to measure and the team that is looking at this topic invest a lot of time to ensure that goes right and we are using more than a dozen composite indicators based on input from experts not only with us but it across the globe as well as business as experiences in business is the vote rating in various countries to combine what is actually a fairly robust index that reflects actual corruption are you also want to be transparent in saying that is a corruption perceptions index saying that it is perceptions in the end. now
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germany and most other parts of northern europe are doing very well in terms of perception of corruption i mean why are people in those countries so confident in the public sex is. well to begin with it's clearly has to do with with those governments being more transparent and open and showing so that trust building is happening in those countries and it but that shouldn't believe us because that those countries have are free from corruption on the contrary receive problems in those countries such as what we call the export of corruption the facilitator and enabling all of those countries of corruption elsewhere particularly in the most corrupt countries of the world and where the european countries have lawyers or bankers and our interest is that health corrupt or stash away their money so there's plenty of work to be done in order to make
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corruption even a lesser problem in those countries as if i'd say that perceptions of corruption or at least corruption has been exposed in even the countries where perception of corruption is low yeah it is it is them and if you have numerous scoundrels of the most recent years and in sweden and other countries very countries that score very well into corruption perceptions index unravel schemes where predominantly they facilitate corruption elsewhere but there's also other areas such as political party financing or not being registers or really state transparency where issues such as money laundering are not dealt with appropriately daniel erickson from transparency international thanks for joining us on the w. business that. now boeing has announced its worst ever annual loss of nearly $12000000000.00. as airlines hold off on ordering new planes
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of course as they struggle to make ends meet during the pandemic the american plane maker was also hit by a very expensive delay to the delivery dates of its newest model as well as the 20 month grounding of its 737 plane 737 max plane following 2 fatal crashes on wednesday regulates is lifted the safety ban on the model allowing its to fly in the e.u. again. so let's talk to our financial correspondent who's in in frankfurt that will come as some relief to boeing won't see that approval in europe yes absolutely it's some relief for sure. remember math it was the best selling plane ever for a boy before it was grounded there are thousands of planes in order including more than 130 from ryanair here in europe or so that's
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a big relief but then there are many questions still. firstly this is not the best time for the brewer to come through because customers are not really looking to boost capacity increase capacity with thousands of planes tarmac then also the fact that it hasn't still got approval in china india which are key markets format they've been the biggest customers they've made biggest orders so that's one of the things that boy would be actually hoping for 2020 a record bad year but actually 2019 was also a record bad year for boeing is 2021 going to be any better. or it should be because it got really good or worse than what it was in 202029000 the it's world course plane was grounded it took billions of dollars in charges. but then still 2021 remains very
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uncertain specially for the aviation sector there is a mutating virus we do don't really know when those restrictions on travel would be lifted even if they lifted when the intercontinental trial would come in so they are all sorts of questions regarding the wireless and also for boeing if you see. it still needs to get its act right when it comes to triple 7 x. you mentioned there the deliveries have been postponed the you don't expect them before 2023 that was supposed to be the big thing to take over from max and then there was also the problem with dreamliner that again is a major product from boeing that is facing difficulties. so basically boeing is left to depend on max the work cause to turn its fortunes and even then the re approval of doc has been criticized as potentially happening too early i think to bring his upon the multiple fronts the boeing is fighting on of the moment.
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time now for a look at some of the other business stories making the news. and group is planning a major overhaul according to the wall street journal the chinese fin tech giant will turn into a financial holding company which china's central bank will oversee directly it is a major blow for the company which had expected to go public last year before thor it is in china intervened. with. electronics giant samsung booked around 4900000000 euros in profit in the last quarter of 202026 percent year on year rise in profit was due to increased sales of video displays in the south korean company has gained from the rising demand for tech during the pandemic. and germany has cut its economic forecast for 2021 longer virus lockdowns means the economy will only grow by 3
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percent this year according to the economy ministry that's instead of the 4.4 percent that had previously been expected. well it's now 4 weeks since the u.k. said its final farewell to the european union that meant leaving the single market and extra paperwork for exporters so some brits who like to sell their products across the channel it's not been an easy start to 2021 the cheese famous for causing unusual dreams has now become a nightmare gourmets across europe fill or had to fall in love with it but no stilton may also be falling victim to bricks it. this business indaba she made a healthy living from direct sales to european customers last year the dairy had a turnover of more than 4000000 pounds they were on the verge of expansion that is
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until the brics a deal that emerged last year left them cut off from their core export market the issue really revolves around the vet issue helps to focus for instance this one which is cheese to a tissue that. requires exactly the same health to fit your shoot as $180.00 pounds each as was a pilot of these cheese going over as a wholesale shipment consequently this makes a commercially and logically it possible for us to continue shipping city year. and it afflicts all british firms that export milk or meat products to the european union the dairy had earmarked a 1000000 pounds for a distribution center which would have employed 20 people in rural england now they're considering building it in friends. into the creamery it's in my home county back in england delicious cheese actually if.
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that's all from us and the business team here in berlin if you do a mile from us you go over to our website stay to read up com slash business plenty of all business stories on that we're also on facebook and twitter just look at v.w. business thanks for joining us until next time good bye and take. many places not since apparently hydrogen being sold as a clean all round as the energy source of the future many industries are very interested in the seal teams which will feel. but what potential does it really carry. me in germany. next w. they want to know what makes the devil lose their jew.
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and i'm banning them all the way from now on i'm lookin out the door for my own good and everyone was made of holes in everything that's getting are you ready to meet the demands and join me right just do it on t w. is it all just a lot of hard it bases have been snapping up hydrogen related stocks as if the gas were in short supply it's the most abundant element in the universe likely now.


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