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tv   Kulturzeit  Deutsche Welle  January 28, 2021 11:30am-12:00pm CET

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chemistry and. the improbable but. the creation of our solar system with our planet is a bit like winning the lottery there is a little bit. more if earth or. starts feb 11th on t.w. . the coronavirus crisis is a corruption crisis a new report says the country's west citizens trust their governments the least are coping the worst well look at who is leading the way and who's lagging behind in the latest corruption perceptions index. toyota overtakes faults fog and to reclaim the crown as the world's biggest vehicle maker when asked how they've done it. and cutting loose we'll meet of belgian the hairdresser who is getting around
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coronavirus restrictions by taking a trade behind closed doors. this is the view of dictator when you business on robots in berlin welcome to the program. now little is important during a pandemic as a country's health care system but like other sections of government they can be subject to corruption transparency international has again ranked countries around the world in terms of how corrupt their citizens perceive them to be particularly when it comes to the misuse of public money looking at the coronavirus crisis the group says that countries the perform well on the index invest more in health care and are better able to provide universal health coverage let's have a look at where that would be topping the list with the least perceived corruption are a few european countries that we've got australia and new zealand and then in asia we've also got japan hong kong. and singapore among others elsewhere in the world
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a little further down the list we see countries where a small level of corruption is perceived by people living so the us chile and some of the eastern european countries as well and then let's bring in a few more countries we now see china and india are fairing and they're about halfway down this list of $180.00 countries and then finally at the bottom of the list of the countries perceived to be the most corrupt by the citizens that's mainly parts of africa such as sudan south sudan and somalia as well as yemen and syria well let's hear from daniel erickson he's managing director at transparency international which compiled this report i asked him if the coronavirus pandemic had changed people's perceptions of how corrupt that countries are it's clear that in countries that were corrupt to begin with and had lesser ability to respond to their conduct due to. lower levels of investment in growth in health care also
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know it is corruption knowledge skills it is not only something that is uncomfortable it results in human casualties so people are feeling that it's a bigger issue for them than they might have thought it was before the people might have been thinking beforehand well actually ok it's a bit corrupt but we can cope with it yeah that you are seeing clearly is the correlation between an open and transparent system for instance procurement countries that are open and how their work you are and how they prioritize the public spending there the public also have greater trust in the government with greater trust generally the responses in terms of lockdowns and so forth go better with a corrupt system and a lack of trust the opposite happens. that's daniel erickson managing director of transparency international speaking to us that now japanese automaker toyota
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overtook german competitive folks fog and as the world's top selling vehicle manufacturer in 2020 despite beating v.w. for the top spot for the 1st time in 5 years their toyota also struggled with fewer car sales amid the coronavirus pandemic industrywide car sales were down more than 10 percent on the year 2020 across the world in europe folks bargain dominates the market new vehicle registrations plunged 24 percent it's the continent's biggest drop on record. but let's discuss this with our financial correspondent in frankfurt ashutosh panday sadly need a v.w. no nissen had a great year last year is it basically the case the v.w. is worse than this. well that's a leader who did worse than there are but to me it's more a tale of 2 markets. remember folks when you just mentioned is the dominant player
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in europe and europe had its worst performance ever with the fall of 24 percent so that's that's where folks are going suffer toward on the other hand counts the u.s. as its biggest market japan the 2nd biggest market and these 2 markets fared relatively better in the u.s. this is. 15 percent. because there were fewer restrictions the lockdowns were not as sweeping as they were in the european union so that's why it benefited but do it also gain a lot from subsidies on its adreno hybrid cars in europe so is this just a blip d.w. . who i should say not missed you can remain of the top of the tree. yes at this moment is very difficult to save but i i was reading some man analysis from i just market research from an analyst to feel that they expect that the folks
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who are going is going to reclaim the position 1st position this year only to lose it again due to it are going forward and now the reason the that this attribute this to is because they feel that european. growth is actually not going to go recover at that pace as sales growth in the u.s. or in japan which i mean markets for toys but then a lot would depend on how the to perform on the your electric car front because that's the market where they're just getting started and it's anybody's guess how they're going to do well perform on that front. ashutosh sunday thanks for joining us now time for a look at some of the other business stories making the news and group is planning a major overhaul according to the wall street journal the chinese fin tech giant will turn into a financial holding company which china's central bank will oversee directly it's
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a major blow for the company which is expected to go public last year before authorities intervene. shares in samsung electronics have slums despite posting a 26 percent increase in profit for the 4th quarter 4900000000 euros in earnings was below analysts expectations the company has benefited from increased use of tech during the pandemic but it has warned its profits are likely to drop this quarter. germany has cut its economic forecast for 2021 longer virus lockdowns means mean the economy will only grow by 3 percent this year according to the government instead of the 4.4 percent previously expected. regulators in the e.u. on the u.k. have approved the return of the boeing 737 max to the skies model was grounded worldwide in march 29th teen following 2 deadly crashes news of its return in
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europe shortly came shortly after boeing announced its worst annual loss nearly 12000000000 dollars last year. now here in germany it's known by the english sounding term home office but working from the comfort of your own house was rare for the coronavirus pandemic however now the government here is trying to make it the rule not the exception. and working their way down. these civil engineers are exchanging pipes for gas water and sewage the billing company flush on phone is working on the city's infrastructure. its offices are only half full these days employees have been alternating shifts since last march each of them works one day in the office one day from home. but the company does not want to start to work exclusively for.
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him it doesn't all also the workers depend on coming into the office for social reasons last year 6 months after employees began working from home we conducted a survey and it was clear they also wanted to come into the office and not just get things done from home so we got to the point where we're now saying we can't do more than this mission the company invested 15000 euros to equip its employees with laptops so they could take their work with them most companies have done the same so they could stay in business in spite of the pandemic. if you want to name our new let's say the last 10 months businesses have invested heavily in order to enable telecommunication they've given their employees mobile devices they've invested in infrastructure they've made sure that the i.t. was available so their employees could work from home. there is still hustle and bustle behind the walls of this town hall in berlin's district the administration's 2300 employees only a few regularly work from home citizen services still need to be provided. some of
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this work can be done from home using a laptop computer but there haven't been enough to go around. for fright now we've provided laptops to about 12 percent of our employees so they've had to share devices in order for us to be able to increase the number of those who can perform their work remotely in their. untied him office i would include. the district administration hopes to receive more laptops in the weeks ahead. businesses have little sympathy for letting more employees stay away from the office. on the political freedom of the government to show more respect to those businesses here that have indeed invested heavily and have already trying to exhaust the possibilities for working from home we sometimes get. the impression that businesses are being blamed yet government administrations themselves are far from reaching the same level we're seeing in businesses by vitamin d.
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in live us and few if any missing the civil engineering company must cover its own costs for giving its workers high tech equipment it's not entitled to state support because the coronavirus hasn't significantly impacted its bottom line. meanwhile in belgium pass along have been officially closed for weeks now because of the coronavirus lockdown that but that hasn't stopped some stylists replying that trade more and more of them are taking the underground and then finding a good customers and those who've been forced to do without them for months. hidden inside this shopping bag is a tiny hair salon. hair stylist louis is visiting a client at her home in brussels it's his 7th appointment of the day he risks a 750 euro fine if he gets caught but he says he has no choice so it's do or die if i don't work i'll be forced to sell my house all my savings are
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gone due to the above is all there is actual to appreciate his client is pleased with the clandestine service no one knows when hair salons will be allowed to open again you have some people may say that her dresser just isn't necessary right now but it's something i need i'm doing this for myself as well as for him. even some manicurists and tattoo artists have begun working again illegally whether in their clients' homes or in their own basements. we don't understand a lot of down rules that's why more and more people are rebelling and want to open despite the ban people are starting to get really impatient the situation is quite tense experience here. it's hard for the police to catch violators. you know proving an offense is taking place is very complicated was not to do that you have to go inside someone's home and that means
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building a case and getting a warrant from a judge. and it's not just in brussels that hair salons more remain closed in the weeks ahead and people will secretly try to bend the rules. that's all from in the business team here in berlin if you want more from us to check out our website either way dot com slash business you can also find us facebook and twitter until next time take. the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. has the rate of infection been developing what does the latest research say. information and context the coronavirus update 19. on t w. children to come to this. one giant problem. in. the peak year
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you. need to be changing the if you can't get it. how will climate change affect us and our children. dot com slash water. islands and he'd be an isolation for indonesia a logistical nightmare. it's the world's largest archipelago. shipping shots to hundreds of millions of citizens spread across more than $17000.00 die lands. there are people who actually taking a public boat is not an ideal condition for distribution of thanks.
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but it's just not safe to carry vaccines in crowded conditions. and the country's vaccination campaign is highly controversial it prioritizes younger people over the elderly. the government argues that they make up the bulk of the country's workforce that the breadwinners. critics say they're more vulnerable could lose out. in asia has dropped $1000000.00 coronavirus cases and to clamp down on the soaring infectious rate it's launched one of the world's biggest vaccine drives but its strategy is contentious. the 1st shot in indonesia is national vaccination program president joko widodo getting the jab to inspire confidence among citizens but the plan is already controversial as
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a prioritises younger people over the elderly even influencers have been put at the front of the law and they include research saraswati a singer and writer who's been vaccinated since last week. so i. happened along with health protocols vaccination is one of the best solutions to the pandemic i had up see the limit in your box so i hope that with vaccination people who lost hope last year due to inaction and neglect will regain their excitement. and join the vaccination dr says he would head up on a lot of the good it'll be but smile not. but older people are less than joyous the vaccine hasn't even been tested on them yet although recent data shows that people over 60 in indonesia are nearly 20 times likelier to die of cove at 19 than young people also have the most and it's boring just staying at home when i want only the
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vaccine will be made available to the elderly soon not and so that a calm order now i hope that apart from protecting themselves the young people who have been vaccinated that will also protect the elderly and children who have not been vaccinated. the government justifies its vaccination priorities largely on economic grounds. we see that the majority of these young people are those who carry out economic activities in supporting their families they are actors in economic activities so we prioritize those aged 18 to 59. meanwhile the elderly tend not to do activities outside the home because they are not the backbone of the family's economy. yet the vaccination scheme has sparked debate in the community
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a story you see i do not agree the reason is because the elderly are the ones who need it more on the other things they do i agree because there is no vaccine for the elderly. i don't think i agree because the older ones are more vulnerable than young people. and on the health ministry says the elderly can expect to start being vaccinated in march or april when the bargain tech pfizer and astra zeneca oxford vaccines arrive. so what happens to the elderly while they wait what happens if they catch that i pose that question to dr hunter upon how to put on who's based on bond. so they have 1st they have to stay at home and keep this dancing and also if they have the catch of the company in a levy. our health care system that's ready to treat them i guess it's easier to keep an elderly person at home rather than
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a young person but what makes you think this is the right strategy when the rest of the world is taking on a very different approach because then the number of facts that arrive in the 1st phase is very very short and also that the number of the proportion of the 3 in indonesia is. the country and also we have the crises in the house our system for we have to keep our worker for us we're already seeing case numbers fall in some countries as a result of a vaccination campaigns is your country already seeing results. not yet or all that said it all the time to vaccination around one week ago and. also the number has a very small proportion so we haven't like see any you know any degrees of the number of the coffee 1000 indonesia how much does logistics play
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a pot here i know it's very different difficult to distribute the vaccine in indonesia. right now we have 3000000. workers and we have to pull the. office and then from provincial health of israel distribute to hospital and also the. indonesia. hot us what about the resistance among indonesians is that a difficult task i know indonesia was the 1st outside of china to approve an emergency code 1000 vaccine developed by the chinese drug make a scene of iraq despite its low effectiveness does that worry people. it is it is a big problem here indonesia's president on the the general population but also how the workers but this is the thing that the government. take attention and then try to. see from the gut from the people of indonesia and
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the other factor that could see some resistance what about how loud vaccines because of your large muslim population. so the hollow is in indonesia especially important muslims are all the facts seen that we have to take it as it should be possibly the certification from the muslim council so all the fact scenes should have tested by this organisation. thank you very much for joining us today. picking up on the point of efficacy all those numbers can be a little confusing it's in from our science desk decided to take a look at some of the rights and the history of that. we've heard a lot about the efficacy rates of profit 19 vaccines u.s. pharma pharma derma says it's covert 19 vaccine is 94.5 percent effective. pfizer biotech code 19 vaccine has an advocacy of 95 percent to 5. russian
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sputnik the coronavirus vaccine trial shows encouraging results but what does this mean unlike the history of fixie and let's explain the 1st ever vaccines for smallpox it was introduced in 1796 the disease was then declared eradicated nearly 2 centuries later in 1900 and the vaccine was 95 percent effective in preventing small pox measles 97 percent effective but in spite of the strong maxime measles continues to spread looking at you and doctors polio has nearly been eradicated and the vaccine is 99 percent effective the flu vaccine is a tricky one as the virus mutates regularly so people have to get flu shots every year to help protect against the most common strains generally the effectiveness of the flu shot hovers around 50 to 60 percent when scientists started work on covert $916.00 the world health organization said what except
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a vaccine efficacy of just 50 percent so with these reason phase 3 clinical trial results showing vaccines that have north of 90 percent efficacy it really wants to be hopeful about well yes but neither but just because the results have been good so far it doesn't mean we can instantly go back to life as we know it not everyone will be able to get back some made it that includes people whose immune systems are compromised all weekend by existing conditions and it will take a while to get vaccines. everyone can be next and so now after the death and thing and the way it's going to be for a while yet. and elevate to our science correspondent eric williams he's been looking into your questions on the coronavirus. british strain off 19 really more deadly. the last week the british prime minister
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caused quite a stir when at a press conference he led with this in addition to spreading more quickly it also appears there is some evidence the new variant the very that was 1st identified in london in the scythe east may be associated with a higher degree of mortality the announcement was based on an assessment made by a group of scientists who advised the british government they'd examined new studies and called the idea that the variant was more dangerous a realistic possibility that even put a number on that around 30 to 40 percent more deadly to clarify what that means exactly an official used the example of 60 year old man and those who today are infected with earlier versions of the virus around 10 out of a 1060 year old men die if it were 30 percent more deadly the new variant
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would kill 13 of those men the thing is a lot of experts including the ones at the press conference by the way they've been reminding people that the estimate is still based on some pretty preliminary data and and also horribly complex surrounding factors not least the fact that of course we're pretty sure now the variant discovered in the u.k. is is more transmissible than earlier ones and of course higher transmissibility will also lead to it killing more people simply because more people will catch it. and perspective is also important even if the new variant does turn out to be somewhat more deadly it's still unlikely to prove to be as lethal as the original virus was at this time last year because back then we knew
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a lot less about how to treat covert 19 now we're able to save a lot more of the people who end up developing severe disease. more and more every day williams there i've been fizzling thank you very much for watching stay safe and else you again very soon you're on the telly but.
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he sits in jail. everywhere i'll explain the bombing the russian opposition leader is a man was a mass protest. despite talking to police violence young people especially are protesting corruption and state despotism they're now taking to the streets everywhere across russia this abuse may. become
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a much deeper. complex when china imposed a national security law hong kong last year it promised that the principle of one country. 2 systems and the basic rights that is trials would be upheld the critics point to a rapid on motion of freedom 6 my guest this week is michael cole beijing member of hong kong's legislative council and deputy china's national people's congress. conflicts. and you hear me now oh yes we're going to need you and i last year's german chancellor will bring you i'm going to a mascot and you've never had to have a surprise yourself with what is possible who is magical really what moves higher. up who talk to people who follows her along the way the maras and critics would
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12:00 pm
this is the news live from berlin the crime that shocked germany the politician shot in the head in cold blood now a right wing extremist has been found guilty of murdering and sentenced to life in prison is this a tragedy that could have been avoided. also coming up nationwide protests a place in.


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