tv Das Warschauer Ghetto Deutsche Welle January 28, 2021 3:15pm-4:01pm CET
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these chairs is likely to take some time. we'll take a look at some of the other developments in this pandemic pontac and pfizer say their vaccine is effective against the british and south african coronavirus variance has reported its 1st community transmission of the corona virus in almost 8 weeks the countries had strict quarantine measures throughout the pandemic and portugal will suspend all flights to and from brazil from friday that's because of the new strain of the virus circulating that out of france where the president emanuel macro has promised to tighten the laws on incest after a new book accusing a prominent political commentator of raping his stepson a caused outrage across the country the publishers they surround him do our mouths cases also encourage thousands of survivors to come forward and tell their stories where they say perpetrators of sexual violence get off too lightly in a country many sure the norms lost to joy in life when she was 5 years
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old that's when her uncle robbed her of her innocence. a group of friends invited us to play bingo my mom was worried i wouldn't be able to read the numbers and so she told me to sit on my uncle's lap and would help me with this it happened under the table no one saw any he touched me sexually within a 2nd. and i felt broken later in life i suffered several bouts of depression spent time in psychiatric wards i was an alcoholic and even tried to commit suicide when it came in things like that. when a recent book accusing a prominent political analyst of incest triggered a nationwide discussion she decided to speak up publicly on this pseudonym together with a group of women's rights activists she launched a hash tag me to incest story was their 1st tweet.
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city move move move move though it was now or never to talk about this but screw awkwardness really know how widespread incest is. we wanted people to understand that there's a problem in france and help people come forward prevail program speaking about what happened is the 1st step towards rehabilitation or work so what they have made in the local folks you know at least 80000 victims have so far shared their stories with that hash tag that's little surprise to him by russell yates her group defense incest victims in 11 countries she thinks rape culture exists in france. mistrust entry to come the revolutionary movement of $68.00 argued that nothing should be here bit and we're going. to last year i begin you know so far
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a long time having sex with minors was considered shake. france's laws are just too vague and we don't have a proper age of consent we are demanding that the age be set to 15 in general and 8 for victims of incest. i d's wreaked on our knowledge agnostic but the government says it is now considering putting in place an age of consent and that it will take for the measures. in prison i think everybody has now understood that we need to respect children the president has announced that a new commission will be created and the 1st thing one look into is how to better listen to children and detect abuse or this office with all due for marie this is a 1st step into the right direction although she hopes more radical change will follow she says that he won't believe i'd like to say what they actually implement but we need to change the mindset of our society things like this just shouldn't
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happen anymore we have to educate our children differently. and teach them that violence is just not acceptable of you know she hopes the discussion will continue and that the hash tag will help more victims come forward and deal with that trauma . only made to incest movement has also sparked an outcry in france is that l.g. bt community flora bolter is co director of the l.g. bt plus observatory in paris welcome to day w a why is this issue causing an outcry amongst the country's algy be taken to say well for a very long time we've had a tendency to downplay the amount of sexual violence that was in the community as much as and the other community. there is a very strong social stigma still that's need to be part of the l.c.d. community and it was it was people thousands and needs to you know not say anything
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bad that could reflect badly on the person's so it wouldn't people were not ready to listen to what survivors of sexual violence had to say within the community and gay men in particular. so i'm a little confused by what's being proposed because i don't understand how introducing an age of consent is going to help in cases of incest. well the problem we have in france is we have a very unclear legislation i'm not sure you know making it stronger is a good thing but there's also a problem with judges in the way they apply the legislation and we've had cases where a child 11 year old child was considered to have consented to sexual intercourse with an adult that was last year i think. and that of course is very bizarre and that should not happen the idea is to say that if an adult has sex with
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a with it with a child with a minor with someone who is under the age of 13 let's say so far and hopefully 60 there will be a presumption that this that this was an address and that it was in fact rape whereas right now our definition of rape is so narrow that it is extremely complicated to to to to to judge and to recognize rape when it does happen as long as the child was not threatened physically. and so we still yet we still have unclear legislation on that and unfortunately the way this ok is he a lot of people from outside of france are going to look about and say i think so what's being proposed is that it will be ok to. in france the proposal things to be that it will be ok to conduct an incest to us relationship so long as the person with whom you're conducting it is of age is
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a have i understood it correctly. this is very unlikely it's one again incest is a specific it's considered. in a circumstance and i did circumstance to write and there through a sexual violence charge is not considered enough that sells something different than other types of sexual life so even if. it is an aggravating circumstance i think that's very close so much for joining us that that will leave it to flora boulder co director of the l.g. bt plus observatory in paris thank you to poland where the country's human rights commissioner says a new deaf acto ban on abortion condemns women to torture adam barden says the government's aim is to limit women's rights polls showed more than half of the population opposes the new law which came into force yesterday thousands turned out
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to protest the restrictions and more demonstrations are planned for this evening on friday. once again they took to the streets once again demanding women's right to choose the new law only allows for an abortion if the life of the mother is in danger or in cases of rape or incest protesters say the government has gone too far . this time to stop lying about abortion saying it is not taking place stop lying like the far right and the church does enough is enough we demand solidarity from you most. poland is one of europe's most devout catholic countries it already had some of the strictest abortion laws in europe and up this high but the constitutional court decided to tighten the last further triggering weeks of massive protests across the country. abortion rights activists have announced more protests in the coming days they have no intention of keeping quiet it's over we
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have to stop protesting again this is the burning the way we can prove to those who rule us that we are not tired when not giving up we do not lack strength and we are all united for something and critics of the new restrictions say this is not our only about women's rights in poland but also about the soul of a country that seems to be sliding further away from the basic values of the european union. the french say they get it best avent has won the prestigious voluntary globe around the world race it didn't cross the line 1st but was given the time bonus for helping another solo sailor whose boat had sunk their race took 80 days and there were plenty of other dramas all rooting tooting for an unfortunate german competitor. around the world in 80 days with a bit of heroism thrown in. french sailor yannick best event came into port in
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western france is the winner of the von de globe round the world race despite not crossing the line 1st. the 48 year old finished in 80 days 13 hours 59 minutes and 46 seconds he was behind 2 compatible but received a time bonus of 10 hours and 15 minutes helping to rescue a novice sailor 2 months ago. it was only you are right i feel like i'm living a dream hallucinating it's bizarre we go from total solitude to this. i thought you would he was one of 4 skippers asked to find kevin a scottish who was rescued in heavy seas off the cape of good hope he had waited more than 11 hours after his yacht broke into. there was also drama for boris helm on the 1st german to enter the prestigious event was happy after avoiding a crash with
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a containership earlier in the race but he then hit a fishing vessel while in 3rd place close to the finish ending his hopes of glory. about half an hour ago i need a fishing vessel for i was sleeping and. something was i woke up i was in the car looking up if you. want to. see. his side's victory instead went to best event every winner in the 4 yearly race has so far been french. the fireworks mark the end of a remarkable race where heroism rather than speed was the decisive factor. in watching that d w come. next day news asia will take a look at why one señor of him politician says it is talk of e.u. sanctions against china. on the hong kong politician who's running for office
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everywhere across russia and some disclosure of. the 60 minutes counted on. w.'s crime fighters are back a little africa's most successful radio drama series continues in the fall of the sodas are available online in the course you can share and discuss on w africa's facebook and other social media platforms crime fighters tune in now. imagine being born this. year on the come prove it since. you want to look at the new school. you want to be useful but on allowed to go. when you're sick the doctors know when you fall in love they won't mind you don't have children for fear they'll be invisible to. have knows.
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when you've gone there's no proof of. every 10 minutes. someone. $10000000.00 people in the world the stakes they have no nationality and the total made up of all the ends. but everyone has the right. everyone has the right to say. from. this is. coming up today a call for sanctions against china for its crackdown in hong kong. the german parliament here is a petition calling for stronger measures from the german government i ask your daughter can politicians if it's indeed time for german sanctions plus. the hong kong politician facing life in prison just because he ran for office is this the new reality under the national security.
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welcome to do. that you could join us on monday a committee of the german parliament the bundestag how to petition calling for sanctions against chinese officials for violating human rights. a digital rights activist from hong kong now studying in berlin was one of the initiators of the petition that also calls on germany to sue china in the international court of justice for its actions in hong kong correspondent thomas spotter was. arrived for the hearing. today is a big day for activists in berlin in a few hours german m.p.'s will be discussing a petition she started which has been signed by over $50000.00 people how are you feeling about to take place here are you nervous yes i'm very nervous because i
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will be the 1st time i'm speaking in front of poetry members and it will be about hong kong and that's why i'm very nervous about today quoting once germany to do more against human rights violations in hong kong. what exactly are you calling for what are the actions that you're expecting or you are calling for individual sanctions against human rights violations that happened in hong kong and china we are also asking for a life for hong kong areas that are in need and we are also asking the government to call off the investment deal with china because that would damage germany's techmeme until values. says the german government's reaction has been weak perlin has criticised china's policies but the activist wants more. inside parliament gives a short speech and discusses the crises with m.p.'s from the uk to illicit drugs or the current situation in hong kong is dramatic and it's getting worse day by day basic freedoms rule of law human rights are being deliberately and systematically
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destroyed by beijing. the passing of the national security law has unfortunately confirmed all the fears that existed even the so-called loyal opposition is now under attack one cannot help feeling that beijing does not want any opposition in hong kong. you know. a foreign ministry official is also there and defends the government's reaction chances are in a 30 following the franco german initiative member states that have extradition treaties with hong kong including us have suspended these extradition treaties common to spend years. we need to place the ikhwan the game when the hearing is over. so no decision was expected today lacy but how did it go i think a hearing genuine well went well i made all my point that i wanted to make about fresh plays and 10 members did most of them did express support to our tongue call but the government still gave very very official answers without promising concrete
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action. is aware that many of her demands may not be met but she says all change begins with recognition and discussion. and the definitive action on the petition is still the way to end but let's get more on germany's position on china from ryan had a bit to go for he's been a german politician and is chairman of the european parliament's delegation for emissions with china welcome mr particular is it time for germany to impose sanctions on chinese officials for their actions in hong kong well. e.u. to all take joy action. and of course germany as one of the walk powerful capitals within the e.u. has to play. proactive role. that's why i'm happy that these issues are not just being raised by us in
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the euro when we migrate several times that such actions should be so you thought that it's also restrung the public through story instance. so these issues a definitely already been raised but to go back to the point that you made about germany being more proactive why do you think germany hasn't been so proactive thus far. well it would certainly be unfair to say that germany and hasn't done anything that there are many house friens that suspended its extradition agreements with all. german foreign minister was also a lot of make several public statements but own germany just like other european countries as been reluctant to really move forward and to
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take on more war forceful steps and obviously whatever we have done so far i see not really impressed the whole kong authorities know how to sit in pres beijing and if we want to make them understand that what they doing that the oprah show and that they are pursuing you know comes with a price then obviously we have to watch and i think we have to do more on 2 fronts we need to have. limited sanctions we know how the years global human rights sanctions they can ism and it should be invoked these are be a couple of seekers long including to atlanta and all the other how the e.u. should also and germany particularly should also work diligently to words reasoning these issues international or i'll go for instance creating a contact group with
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a floor hong kong with the like minded countries to pay attention and to let's not let that topic not that is from the international here talk about more action from the e.u. and from germany but then in december you have the e.u. that agreed on an investment seen with china a deal that germany had been strongly backing i'm wondering what is the message that this sends to the chinese government well unfortunately oh oh. that's not the the message that i wouldn't want to see. after a terrible year with. their e.o. aggressive policies not just in hong kong also we see john also these are the ostrich also in the south china sea also on the evil eye and border with
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india for instance after such a terrible year of chinese aggressiveness we basically put a christmas present under sheets and things christmas tree. time being couldn't have been more unfortunate. own i i would i regret having to say that that my government in this case the german government. if a sized trait over of geopolitical concerns an oprah she would writes and i think that's our. priority that's a sequence of priorities right we should have rules soames we leave it there for the timing but thank you so much for joining us i have to go for the chairman of the european parliament delegation for the nations with china thank you sir and in hong kong it's of the new national security and or has already had an impact on
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free speech my colleague sarah kennedy spoke with a former hong kong legislator mike and 10 he's a probating politician and he admitted to her that the new law had had a chilling effect on political debate. you have sometimes spoken out against the government do you personally have to watch what you say how worried are you my honest opinion. is that yes there's been a tightening of freedom to express views particularly who are here comes to hong kong. gaining some kind of a greater control over its own destiny. about. civic nomination anybody can you nominate to run for chief executive. against basic law so all i'm saying is that anybody comes up with any kind of claim that
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goes against the basic law yes the freedom to express such views is much less today than before because the bill has your security bill and you can see the full interview on conflict zone here on did at 1930 u.t.c. or online a debate dot com forward slash conflicts on the one count politicians who openly oppose beijing have been targeted in mass arrests not only do they face disqualification from upcoming elections but possibly life imprisonment added lections now meaningless. kong talk to one of those arrested. every day was cyrus loud returns from his job as a nurse he recalls the shocking moment of his 1st arrest. it was 5 am in the morning i was sleeping and suddenly a group of people banged on the door 6 police officers were here to arrest me i was very shocked that they knew where i live you must have been following me for quite
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a while and. the 3rd is a serial nurse has been living in a hotel for months to avoid spraying the coronavirus home from the hospital cyrus lau was among the 55 hong kong politicians arrested for subversion by running under fishel primary last july 30th cleped they sought to paralyze the government by the tory its budget and bills. police seized many of his campaign materials posed as little as and those seen as potential criminal evidence so i'm trying back i know it's like a double whammy my work during the pun demick is already been intense and overwhelming and i can't even let my guard down when i'm all for this arrest is absurd to constitution gives lawmakers the power to scrutinize and veto the government's proposal. there was a how long. the authorities are rounding up dissident parents enforcing.
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this protest for deters and new law and pandemic restrictions that primary was the biggest movement in recent months over 600000 people voted to pick their opposition candidates for the now postponed state the election is still unclear whether the government and the election this year. the muscular and heavy facsimiles side as many of the most outspoken and influential political figure i think how are they happen being prosecuted many are now staying low profile business saying themselves for an interview and public appearance cyrus and other leaders currently unfurled and not allowed to leave hong kong do you think the opposition movement will evolve into a leaderless one justice to protest it. the boys we cannot only count on leaders or parties anymore i believe hong kong people are smart and adaptive enough to come up with a new form of activism it's not likely to go was public as before but people will
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keep their strength for the next opportunity. but that doesn't mean that he will just sit still and do nothing right now he's working as an advocate for his nursing journey and this long as his do free to do so. by phoebe kong that's it for today there's of course more now website forward slash wants you to morrow. the fight against the corona virus pandemic. has the rate of infection in developing what does the latest research say. information and context the coronavirus update 19 special. on t w. n
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u you may know years years we can hear you and how the last 2 years german sausage are really bring you back all you've never had to have before the surprise yourself with what is possible who is magical really what moves and also who talks to people who followed her along the way admirers and critics alike how is the world's most powerful woman shaking her legacy joining us from eccles la stops. this is the place this is the place you can go online and give north a lot of heavy reading. the white house finally has its own plan for distributing vaccines. 100000000 doses in a 100 days. the new president also wants 100 new bats in action centers.
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and when live scores of for a time doctors trained nurses and medical students. we will get through this we will defeat is pandemic into a nation waiting for action let me be clear on this point help is on the way. the corona virus has infected and killed more people in the us than anywhere else in the world. or biden better get cracking close to half a 1000000 people have died in the united states officials are converting sports stadiums and grocery stores into vaccination centers mobile units are on their way to underserved areas the plan's ambitious but it needs to be. surrounded by the corona virus in her illustration it's all i think about visual artist sandra bed like expresses her feelings about the pandemic her biggest hope was getting
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a vaccine and the date was already set. when i got the appointment i called everyone i told everyone i thought it important that i was like what a lotto but the new york city ran out of vaccine doses. i didn't know that it had been changed until i saw something on the news and some friends sent me things saying that they were canceling all the rest of the appointments on thursday personally know when you mailed me no one called me she's one of at least 23000 people in new york city whose appointments were cancelled 15 vaccine have shut down over the weekend new york authorities blame the federal government new york blames the federal government. they said they had additional dosages in. that they would send they say will increase the supply. they never did this is one of the facts you have here new york city had to close due to the
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vaccine supply shortages thousands of apartments had to be cancelled and many other parts of the us experiencing very similar problems to by the administration is under serious pressure to solve this problem quickly this is the plan better vaccine distribution is part of joe biden's coronavirus strategy. but he wants stronger federal coordinator in the entire vaccination process by contrast former president donald trump left most of the decisions up to the individual states experts warn current problems won't be solved without increased production. i think number one is increase maxine supply very very important motivate companies to accelerate the production of the season so that you could meet the demand. americans have high expectations. i mean my family for almost
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a year now. and i really want them to get vaccinated too so it's not just new york it's everywhere that. kind of problem so the federal government needs to step through i think there's a lot of order that needs to take place in these testing and vaccination sites that asking a lot of patient out of people that people are going to rap for more than. center bed lex appointment was rescheduled but after the last cancellation she's now much more skeptical and just like hoping that they're going to come through with it the now i don't believe them anymore you know i trusted them last week but not all it'll take more time until the vaccines free americans from the virus. how much time monica gandhi is a professor of medicine and associate chief in the vision of hiv infectious diseases and global medicine at the university of california san francisco good to see you again monica. much longer do you think this will take this vaccine dr
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yes we have been plagued by many difficulties in the u.s. with this transition of power but president biden has committed to purchasing 200000000 more doses which meant that we have 400 before supposedly 600 not to vaccinate the entire u.s. population with its huge oses and the current estimates are by the end of the summer so things are slower than we had hoped and anticipated in the united states what about his promise of 100000000 shots 100 days going to achieve that. we are not yet at that goal 'd either but i actually think that that can happen i do think that can happen we he signed in what's called the national defense production act last week actually was one of his 1st executive orders when he came into office which allows more supplies in a sort of a war urgently like situation to help produce more doses so we thought we had the
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doses and we didn't have the doses so i think the 100 is achievable biden also once or release all available vaccine for immunization according to reports rather than withholding half of it for the 2nd doses trump planned how wise is that. i actually think that is a very good idea the image in a city or the amount of alibi production that you get with a single dose is actually extremely high and of course we do need the 2nd dose that ultimately what's required but increasing the duration between those 2 doses is likely to have no harm in the ultimate efficacy of the vaccine and the purpose is to give as many people some immunity as we can we've been the epicenter of the pandemic since march 26th the united states we have had the worst pandemic in the world so anything that we can do to increase vaccination rates is indicated if
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you're waiting though these these poor people who are waiting weeks to hear whether or not they're going to get that 2nd is how much longer can they wait. so i mean that 1st dose will at least give over the 1st couple weeks 52 percent efficacy be depending on the vaccine it can go to eat a percent they can go up to 6 right now the c.d.c. has said 2nd dose can be given 6 weeks later for the there is no even though the trials of 3 in 4 weeks early in the axioms in general increasing the duration usually does not diminish the efficacy and werner emergency situation so this one dose strategy and then given a 2nd later i actually think is biologically absolutely the case that the u.s. also wants to boost surveillance of new variants but critics call for a systematic nationwide strategy for sequencing the genomes of coronaviruses i mean
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don't you need to be able to act quickly on mutations. yeah the problem. with that is there's actually very little you can do about new variants in the less they feed the vaccine so there are 3 things new variants can do they can increase transmissibility they can crease very limits and they can invade the vaccine luckily we haven't seen the latter to any great degree and increasing surveillance does little in less we can get the vaccine out into people's arms so if i were to focus on anything or focus on vaccine rollout look it's certainly surveil will always be able to hopefully tweak the vaccine in the future if we must to evade the variance but the vaccine codes for the entire spike protein and these variants have little point we teach ins along the rest and we're focusing
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a lot of the variance when we should be just literally there's nothing more important than getting people in unity against this virus in this episode or the pandemic really briefly if the u.s. does get its act together what sort of a difference can it make a broad by by saying in the world health organization for example and back in kovacs to get vaccines to poor countries yes i completely agree that actually no country clearly is safe from crown of arson tell we have a whole world wide distribution of these vaccines so i think it's imperative to kovacs it's imperative to have other companies that patents. make sense not during an emergency this is an emergency and so with good will to vaccine we're never going to reach herd immunity without worldwide distribution monitor gandhi university of california san francisco thank you very much for being on the show again thank you. time for derek williams science correspondent has been looking at
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your questions on the coronavirus. possible adverse events are they looking out for all asphyxia proofed and rolled out and notch number. temporary side effects like fatigue or headache or a slight fever or are fairly common with many of the vaccines that have been launched but but around 70000000 people worldwide have received at least 1st doses so far and major adverse events remain extremely rare a handful of people per 1000000 have had serious allergic reactions after vaccination which is a side effect that occurs by the way occasionally with vaccines for other diseases as well but so far no deaths from an awful lactic shock have been linked to getting a covert vaccine in norway over 30 deaths recently among very
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frail elderly people that occurred soon after they received the shot might have been linked to their vaccination and authorities there have adjusted guidelines for the moment but only for that specific group a few isolated cases of facial paralysis a usually temporary have also been reported but the experts say that any link they are is very tenuous monitoring systems are of course in place to to watch out for any other possible adverse effects that might not have been identified in trials for example anything that might be longer term moving forward authorities will be looking very closely to see whether for example certain rare or auto immune disorders occur more frequently in people who've been vaccinated although there is current. lee no evidence that the vaccines that have been authorised so far can
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actually have those effects in general experts are in wide agreement that with a few exceptions almost everyone should get vaccinated when they had the chance because the benefits simply far outweigh any potential risks. you got it from derek williams i've been fizzling thanks for watching stay safe and say you'll get it.
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everywhere across russia back. in 30 minutes on the. board. there's no doubt. and i just did a good day nothing would change you know the banks pay you to lie and so watch the language of the bankers running. for speaking the truth global news that matters g.w. made for mines. every journey begins with the 1st step and every language the 1st word look in the book niko peace in germany to. the sun. why not permit him. to feel the shaft in simple our mind on your mobile and free. t w z
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