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tv   Markus Lanz  Deutsche Welle  January 29, 2021 9:30pm-10:30pm CET

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previously the earth was just a mess the chemistry lab and the mission. impossible but. the creation of our solar system with our planet is a bit like winning the lottery. money from birth. starts feb 11th on t.w. . the route which we in the european union and vaccine manufacturer astra zeneca took an ugly turn today as the world's largest trading bloc gave member states the power to ban the export of vaccines so what is the difference between. a vaccine nationalism the e.u. and the world health organization says it's such a bad thing i'm filled. and this is the day.
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the fate of this company. and not what we expect but. if we hoard and if we have not sharing. there will be street major problems that aim. to provide immediate leet was full time staff and c one i save it would be a catastrophe more than failing as a protection and safety of our citizens piece of it and. it keeps the funded me better. very mindful of. commitments and 3. very slow economic global economic recovery. also coming up the battle between small traders and the giants. of wall street's
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but can anyone really win that's what it is the regular joes versus wall street and when i put money into it i said even if this goes to 0 and i lose everything i like being a part of it that sentiment is shared amongst a lot a lot of people. welcome to the day will regulators have approved astra zeneca as corona virus vaccine for use in the european union the european medicines agency gave the go ahead to begin in occupations in people over the age of 18 the approval comes amid a bitter dispute between the e.u. and astra zeneca over vaccine delivery delays the e.u. accuses the company of not fulfilling its contractual obligations the contract in question has now been made public. this contract is at the heart of an ongoing feud between the european commission and specially a swedish family company astra zeneca over delays in vixen deliveries the e.u.
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has made the contract public but many of the crucial parts have been blacked out but astra zeneca a scandal say members of the european parliament from the perspective of your problems are simply not except that pharmaceutical companies which gets a lot of european money taxpayers' money. i'm not really. it's those who all the information last week astra zeneca shocked e.u. states by announcing significant delays in its 16 deliveries to the bloc especially because the e.u. has paid hundreds of millions of euros to boost astra zeneca projection and because supplies to the u.k. do not face the same shortages the dispute prompted the use it introduced a scheme to monitor vaccine experts but the e.u. commission emphasizes this is not an expert ban we're not in competition or in
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a race against any country the only race we're in this against the cyrus this comes as the block is facing criticism for its slow vaccine rollout so it is days are released that the vaccine has been recommended for use in the blog this spider difficulties with astra zeneca it's a 30th seen to gain approval. well let's have a closer look at this with telly math who is a member of the european parliament for the green party and joins us from luxembourg welcome to the w. is the new rights to introduce export controls on coronavirus vaccines. you know we're now in a situation where we order to kill max baucus indows this the european citizens and now suddenly just all littering astra zeneca says ok instead of 80 millions the are only able to give you certain millions at non mormon and you
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can commission said ok we have to take a little bit control of what's going on there so they want to see now they want to get resister it where did those this promise today you can use when do they go is it really that they have trouble it's in the production side it's do they give it to other countries because maybe they open now at the last moment a better price so that's why they say we want to see we want a registration where the x. sports out of the european union goes now so i think that's that's right thank you have there is a contract that has been that. what you did what you just did there is outline the situation i was asking you if you think it is right for the e.u. to introduce these export controls on these coronavirus vaccines that they want to see where they go i think that there are regulatory alerts and so it's an easy question to say yes or no is it right is it right for the e.u.
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to impose these controls. controls yes but we are not speaking about band here we are in contrary do you mean commission owners talk about silly darity but just that we get those dozes contracts that we mate with the 6 from a surgical companies that does this they say they would deliver in different crocs so that they should deliver them right and there's it's controls now but the whole point of controls is that the companies involved would have to ask permission in order for they vaccines to be exported outside of the block so if you have to ask permission that permission can be granted or denied so we'll come back to that point 1st i'd like you to listen to the world health organization director general speaking today if we hoard vaccines and if we are not sharing there will be sorry major problems one i say that it will be
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a catastrophe more than failure and 2 it keeps the pandemic bettany and 3. very slow economic global economic recovery. so today the a you gave member states the power to block exports of vaccines so how does that action square with the with dr ted ross's. view that vaccine nationalism is a bad and immoral thing. i think we have to understand really nobody is safe until everybody is safe so and there too to cover x. program we committed ourselves to solidarity so now we just want to
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see when a pharmaceutical company says we are not able to live to deliver the quantity we promised we recommitted to in the contracts that it is derived of the european commission to see but where is the problem i didn't leave outside did it outside the european union of what's going on so they also have a notice also written in the parts of the contract of cousin inka now also allowed to do some audits to really understand where the money goes but also to see what is the problem was not delivering and that's part of the just analyzing where's the problem when they say we can not deliver 80 millions but only certain millions they have the right ok i think if i just read would you when you've made that point i want to keep us moving has the a you've done a good job of coordinating europe's coronavirus rollout. i think in general they did a good job by disadvantages to cheer me mint yes that was
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a success compared to 2009 when we had displaying to where every country tried to have this medication is tax in so it's really a progress and the european commission showed that we can act together and that we can deal with better prices better conditions so on and so forth but now this lack of transparency it really is it is it puts a shadow of bad and dark light on dissent sest story and that's definitely the pity because if you want you have to citizens that they have trust in the vaccine but also to proceed years behind that you have to be transparent right ok you so what you seem to be saying is that the vaccine rollout is good because it was not as bad as it was the last major health emergency that it had to deal with but we see that it was what was it was signed something like 3 months after the u.k.
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and others signed their deal the u.k. has rolled out 11.4 doses behoved people the u.s. has doled out 7 point one doses for 100 people that you average is 2.3 do you stand by your assertion that the e.u. is handling this well. you know because we have other conditions for example i simply did very sternly e.m.a.p. the european medication and i just needed a very good job also by analyzing the clinical trials probably and also when do you penis news i'm sorry i've had to interrupt you there because it isn't you just you just what you just told me is that the a.m.a. did a very good job of doing their job that's their job i don't see why they get credit for doing their job and they did their job and it took them a lot longer to do their job than it took them to a british medical aid is to do the same assessment and then the u.s.
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medical agencies all to come to the same conclusion. sorry to interrupt you did do you know only due to same assessment i don't know that i don't at all you know that each of you know that each of those medical regulators has to pass those drugs as being fit for use for their people and their european benson's agency was much slower and took much longer than the british and the americans but you say they've done a good job now i just saying that that we have the principles i seen that in the u.k. in union for example also mega-state during the close of pliability negotiating the price and also considering the different to make to different analyzes of the clinical trials i have confidence that there would be m.h. was doing this job was a lot of scrutiny i'm not saying that the u.k. didn't but i know to fill us the been different symbols of the you've been union i know d m a it was really weird 24 hours and $25.00 or so i think they did. the problem
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why they had all lab out about liability and about price people died. i seemed it's not a question now of one week 02 weeks more and it makes now it's we need to have they have to negotiate very deeply of principles of liability dave need to do we're negotiating of course there were $27.00 member states around the table but i sync they did they did deborah bass and it's not not all week later oh yeah that's going to be such a big difference it's also that you have to do need to lose this stick have to be down also in the different member states the complaining has to be done ok so it was there was do little to. thank you so much for joining us and making that clear to me mat's member of the european parliament for the great party thank you.
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for astra zeneca vaccine is one of 3 being used as part of britain's vaccination drive the country has one of the highest death tolls in the world but it's also making more progress than many other countries especially here in europe when it comes to iraq elating its citizens they don't loose all that chelsea impel takes a closer look. this is the most advanced vaccine program in europe just like that this lady joins a to 7000000 people in the u.k. he received the 1st dose of a k. the vaccine the u.k. is on track to vaccinate some 15000000 people by the middle of february that's every one of the 70 care home residents and the clinically vulnerable as well as health and social care stuff that. is lovely is quite happy to get it actually it was very nice the people were so friendly so polite. when i was happy it was
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dead easy to book online lots of appointments very efficient it's a great program the government has undertaken and it's extremely rarely organized the u.k. started its funk scene rollout in early december it was the 1st who approved both the finds of biotech and offered astra zeneca vaccines it's since set up over $1400.00 sites with everything from cathedrals mosques and cinemas converted to roll out the scheme there's no doubt that the u.k.'s vaccination program is an impressive just a cool feat but this is just one side of the u.k.'s 900 story well it might be leading the rest of europe in terms of the number of people being vaccinated it also has one of the highest death tolls in the world and that's a fact not lost on anybody here. over 100000 people have died in the u.k. in 28 days of
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a positive test that's more than the entire capacity of london's wembley football stadium. the emergence of a new more transmissible variant of the virus has further deepen the crisis it spread like wildfire across the country and left hospital struggling to cope numbers now harder than any other time we've got a hand in this undamaged so the system is under massive stress we have come stop rationing is cancer treatments we're running in blood she crosses looking after it was corona virus and now it's associated with that is this desperate race between new variant and the vaccine is shaping the u.k.'s rollout strategy it's opting to leave up to 12 weeks between doses deviating from this 3 week camp trials by pfizer by giving some immunity to the maximum number of people authorities hope to cut fatalities and reduce pressure on the health service. professor rob it reads
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a member of the independent committee which approved the strategy under normal circumstances you must adhere to the regulates it's because all of our other these are not normal circumstances we have to birds in asia as many people as we can as quickly as we can and it's our judgment that by doing this my home. the corroboree that she is that if we don't do this there will be considerable home through lost opportunity. but this strategy has its critics with some warning there isn't enough child data to support it all the u.k. rollouts off to a strong start this is a marathon not a sprint and potential hurdles still lay ahead but in a world where vaccine supply is becoming increasingly challenging those driving away today know that the lucky ones. the world of finance has been turned on its head this week
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a small traders networking on social media sites like ready and facebook a took on the might of the. hedge funds big gains in the share price of a company called game stock of led to big profits for sun records hughes headaches for wall street giants well and pick up what some are describing as a david versus goliath battle in just a moment 1st this report. this is stop a brick and mortar retailer specializing in video games it's pretty popular with gamers even though much of the market has moved to streaming the trend that will likely continue threatening to put game stop out of business just like record stores and video rental chains some big time investors on wall street have foreseen this and try to make a buck on the obvious trend hedge funds have been short selling the stock which means they have borrowed shares and sold them hoping to later buy them back i don't know what price and that's where things got out of hand and gamers and hobby
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investors came together to go after wall street. yemen ends column mclellan i'm here in houston texas 31 years old and i have been in the stock market for the better part of the last 10 years and i bought game stop earlier this week on tuesday when i saw some traction around the wall street bets for red. wall street bets is an online forum way users discuss their big plan to buy up as many game stop shares this possible driving up the price and hurting those hedge funds who had bet against it their plan worked and looking at an insane rally in the stock price multibillion dollar hits funds found themselves in the squeeze quickly buying back shares to cut their losses among them high profile names like melvin capital citroen capital and point 72 asset management the total damage to
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the hedge funds over $5000000000.00 wall street cried foul and warned the new and. esther's about the danger of losing in the long run it turns out they already knew . that's what it is it's the regular joes versus wall street and that's when i put money into it i said even if this goes to 0 and i lose everything i like being a part of it and that sentiment is shared amongst a lot a lot of people. so it's not only about money it's a david versus goliath fight that goliath might win after all under pressure trading platform robinhood which most game stop bias used has now limit to trading with the embattled shares sparking protests in the community and even on capitol hill. they were only given the option to sell and not given the option to purchase which would necessarily be and or rather you know quite expected we drive down the
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stock price you know i think these are things that are just calling a lot of attention and and as i mentioned earlier the financial services committee is probably to look at it so it's off to another round as the future of game stop share is unclear as is the future of the company itself. let's get more from daniel winter from d.w. business welcome daniel so we're talking about short selling stocks this is borrowing shares at one price with the obligation to sell them back later at the market price and hoping that that price actually falls so you can make money by pocketing the difference and this is normal and perfectly legal it's normal and perfectly legal i mean it used to be the preserve of the pros because the trades are slightly more complicated and you can end up losing a lot of the money if you're in the trades go the other way if the stock price rises but now anyone can participate in short selling through apps like robin hood which has become famous through this whole game stop saga all right so we've got
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this group of small investors now involved in this why are they targeting short sellers well short sellers in general like i said anyone can participate in short selling but hedge funds tend to do the vast majority of short selling activity and some of them have an extremely bad reputation because they're known for being almost vulture like you could say targeting weak companies and then trying to distort information about them not in a way which is against the law but let's say emphasizing the downside in order to bring the reputation of this company down and so their trades end up giving them lots of money lots of profit in the end because that is sounds like the sort of thing that ought to be illegal it ought to be illegal for you to badmouth a company so that you can drive its price down and make money out of it well you know but it depends in what kind of range you do it so if you make up facts about a company that is clearly illegal and the f.c.c. will be knocking on your door if you do that the securities as
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a securities and exchange commission in the united states which is the financial regulator there but if you simply emphasise a fact which is true then that's entirely up to you and there are good reasons for that because you may want for example as a short seller you may want to hold a board to account for something. like that if they're not managing the company well so there is a there is a good side to that as well so why is this suddenly taking off now well there's a long history to a game stop on this particular forum which is a cause all this excitement but recently a short selling hedge fund called citron research put out a document same we think that game stop is half its current share price it was 40 dollars they say it's worth 20 because they're betting that it will go down they put that research out there thinking people catch on to that but reddit is took that as an affront reddit is the web site where all of this this took off and they saw what citron did as generating pad pessimism for game stop now remember short
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selling can actually damage firms because if the price does head south that makes it difficult for a firm to be able to borrow against their shares in order to you know be able to fund let's say a turnaround of their fortunes but this is this is the thing which which is why i was so invested in this on reddit there's one particular user called keith gill who back in summer of 2019 invested $50000.00 on game stop betting that the price would go up. now thanks to all of this frenzy that's come out around it people of a getting behind him on reddit his initial investment is worth between $30.00 and $50000000.00 so he's winning on this even if the hedge funds $100.00 so the game still investors say the short sells are the bad guys. of u.s. regulators likely to take the same view it's really hard to say because what the f.c.c. is looking out for the regulator in the u.s.
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is is there any market manipulation going on here now what the rules say is extremely fuzzy you can interpret it either way but the f.c.c. has released a statement and they say that they will protect investors identify and pursue wrongdoing which is extremely fuzzy but this is the key bit they say they will watch out for anyone who hinders traders ability to trade stocks now they're referring to the likes of robin hood which put a halt on orders in order to try and you know shore up their own particular finances so yes you see may be seen just as lightly as coming out on the side of the individual investor. so those of us who aren't in the world we can lots of us will look at as a world good for the little guys give it to these both the billionaire hedge funders but this could come back and bite all of us couldn't it it could in a way yes so pension funds for example they can often invest in hedge funds
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so they will use the money from your pension or my pension and put some of it into a hedge fund the hedge funds job is basically to make money no matter what happens on the market market goes up market goes down you make money now pension funds are meant to keep our pensions safe so they don't invest a lot of their overall amount of money that they're in charge of into hedge funds but still it will affect us in that kind of way but also if you look at the market more broadly so short sellers they have racked up their. expenses because the likes of game stop and the bets which have been made by these people are completely bun tao that doesn't just mean that they knew what they initially invested it racks up their costs massively now what the short sellers have have to do is they have to sell all of their good bets the things that were going well in order to be able to cover the costs and that means the overall market has gone down happened on wednesday we've seen that happen during the day today as well and that means if you're invested in some way in one of the broader indexes the s. and p.
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500 the dow or whatever then your investments going down as well oh i understood so i could argue for that you're very welcome. any business. today is almost done but the conversation continues online you can join us on twitter. at the forget of the day i was watching have a good day. to
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the point of strong opinions clear positions from international perspective such. a real threats of not have hooted done so commentary to see the kremlin's he has his critique on. so who is here courageous and courage magic opposition leader or an opportunist finding a personal vendetta find out on to the point of showing to this point. which
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even the name of us on t.w. . grappling with some tricks. expressing feelings i am not very creative yet but i would love to be considered an artist mandate looking for new perspectives. to work and not to leave the replay risk faced with the camera doing things differently. come to the place where we reflect on society constantly. come on teetotal. in the other side of climate change. those missives. not some stupid people. want to do years do they have for their future.
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g.w. dot com the kind that goes to the multimedia seems clear cut or. cutting through the noise. where i come from people are known for being tough but fair new york a lot of people tell it like it it they call it the concrete jungle melts in congress city that never sleeps it's this energy that makes it feel like home but amid the hustle it's important to listen and pay attention because. it's not just the loudest voices who speak for we have a story that's how i see it is my job as a journalist to go beyond the obvious now i'm basing europe and my work takes me around the world in things for me to see to tell the court the stories behind. what is the heart of the story why does it matter who lives in. focus if you want. to cut through the noise to get to the truth. my name is sarah kelly and i put it
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to death. this is the news live from germany travel from countries hardest hit by new variants of the corona virus the government says the bans essential to prevent a search in infections also on the program. the european union approved coronavirus vaccine after its medicines regulator recommends it for all adults this as the e.u. intensifies its dispute with a pharmaceutical company over delays to vaccines. and farmers in nigeria when
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compensation from oil giant shout over environmental damage caused by oil leaks after a 13 year legal battle. until go welcome to the program germany is imposing a travel ban on countries most affected by new coronavirus ferentz the measure comes into effect at midnight tonight a motorman until at least the 17th of february well it says the ban is necessary to prevent a surge in infections. the fear of new coronavirus mutations is real in germany it's also one of the main concerns for german authorities to prevent them from spreading fast in the country the government has now announced new travel restrictions the interior ministry has imposed an entry ban until the 17th of
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february for travelers from countries that are particularly affected by them brazil ireland portugal south africa the u.k. and it's one teeny mutations have not hit germany as hard as other countries but already a hospital in berlin was forced to halt admissions after several cases were fond of the mutation 1st discovered in britain and health officials are stressing that the situation could deteriorate the moose and i would have been always we have to assume that if the more contagious variance continue to break in this country they will lead to even more cases in the near future and the situation will probably get worse we must work together to prevent. doesn't downturn is music a mode of thinking that the travel ban are seen as a step in that direction but it is still unclear how effective it could be. more from political correspondent had sprint welcome hansen so the incidence of
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coronaviruses in germany has now for then below $100.00 per 100000 residents over 7 day period and that's for the 1st time in months so why impose this ban now. well the answer to that is fear fear of the new mutations in the virus the ones that were 1st detected in south africa and great britain and in brazil and are said to be a lot more infective they're safe to spread a lot more quickly than the corona virus variants that we've had to deal with recently until now and we have seen in countries such as portugal that there have been explosions of infections in ireland too and in the united kingdom so the fear that these virus variants could enter germany is the reason why this travel ban was not posed of course there have been similar sorts of restrictions in place for dozens of countries already for many months it is not easy to travel around the world as everyone who has tried to do that knows there are restrictions such as.
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isolation that one has to go into quarantine rules or possibly presenting a negative test so this is the highest possible restriction travel from these countries into germany is going to be banned now from saturday for 2 weeks or so and it's interesting the germany has just impose this ban off its own bat hasn't brussels been trying to discourage this sort of unilateral action amongst e.u. members. yes it has indeed there was an attempt it was a meeting by the interior ministers of the european union countries this week yesterday in fact on thursday but they weren't able to agree to the sorts of restrictions that the germans and others in fact had hoped for had called for the german interior minister in fact i'd say that he would have liked to closed on all airports completely not restricted to any particular country there have been other countries in europe and in the world that haven't imposed very severe restrictions
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belgium for instance is preventing its citizens from any travel until the end of march in canada there have been very severe restrictions imposed no flights to for instance mexico or the caribbean are allowed there at the moment so there is this fear going around the world and germany has decided that for the good of its own citizens it needs to impose this much more restrictive ban thank you for that political correspondent husband. france has also announced international travel restrictions from sunday people from outside the e.u. will be barred entry the prime minister says the virus variants 1st detected in britain and south africa are a serious risk the country's also increasing its internal restrictions nonessential shops are closed and police checks on rule breakers are being increased a nightly curfew comes into force at 6 pm. the movie european commission has
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approved astra zeneca as corona virus vaccine for use across the e.u. brussels has signed off on the drug after the european medicines agency gave its approval for its use and i don't see the e.u. is facing a storm of criticism over the slow pace of its vaccine rollout the astra zeneca is the fur vaccine to gain approval after those from biotech pfizer and madonna. straight to brussels that we find correspondent teri schultz welcome terry millions of people in the u.k. have already received this vaccine why is the e.u. been so slow. that's right phil but despite all the pressure and the criticism that european medicines agency is not in the business of apologizing for taking whatever time it feels is necessary in a life or death issue like this so today and everything e.m.e.a. officials said that the astra zeneca data was very complex and despite the fact that it was the 1st one that they started looking to approve they were still
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getting data as recently as this week from the company so they simply said they're working as fast as they can to get results and that they can't be sped up by pressure right i mean while german and french health officials have questioned the drug's efficacy in people over 60 so what has the a.m.a. said about this age group. that's right he did talk about this today as well and they said that there seems to be some confusion about them having very little data about people age 65 and over and confusion that this data may have actually been negative so they said that only 13 percent of patients in the information that they received were elderly and that's why they there are reluctant to draw a firm conclusion about the results but they said that they already do understand that there is some protection provided in people of this age group and they say that they will continue to study they will continue to receive data and may be able
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to come out with some firmer results later i also just got off a press conference with astra zeneca officials who were asked the same question and they defended their results and said that as careful as the e m a is being as i just mentioned they would not have approved it if they truly thought that this vaccine was dangerous for people of that age group with teri schultz in brussels thank you. prove all comes amid a bitter dispute between the e.u. and astra zeneca over delays to the delivery of vaccine supplies brussels accuses the pharmaceutical company of failing to fulfill its contractual obligations the company says it is working hard to overcome production problems but still the e.u. requires it to make its best efforts to supply vaccines with no clear delivery time i'm a reducto ad copy of the contract has now been made public. this contract is at the heart of an ongoing feud between the european commission and
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special swedish family company astra zeneca over delays in vixen deliveries the e.u. has made the contract public but many of the crucial parts have been blacked out by astra zeneca a scandal say members of the european parliament. because the vote your heart and simply not it's up to the pharmaceutical companies which gets a lot of european mommy taxpayers' money. i'm not really. it's us who all of the information last week astra zeneca shocked e.u. states by announcing significant delays in its 16 deliveries to the bloc especially because the e.u. has paid hundreds of millions of years to produce astra zeneca projection and because supplies to the u.k. do not face the same shortages the dispute prompted the use introduce a scheme to monitor vaccine experts but the e.u.
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commission emphasizes this is not an expert ban we're not in competition or in a race against any country the only race we're in this against the cyrus this comes as the flock is facing criticism for its slow vaccine rollout which so it is states are relieved that the vaccine has been recommended for use in the blog this spider difficulties with astra zeneca it's a 38 seen to gain approval. well as i look at some other stories making headlines around the world china has announced that it will no longer recognize the british national overseas passport held by many hong kong residents beijing imposed a controversial security law and the u.k. government responded by announcing that it would open its doors to hong kong citizens in possession of those passports. italy's president is trying to resolve disputes between party leaders following the collapse of the government earlier this month it's hoped the squabbling factions can unite to form
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a new coalition caretaker prime minister tzipi content has resigned. a poll and has seen 3 nights of protest over a new total ban on abortion terminations are now forbidding except in cases of rape and incest or whether that's life is at risk the constitutional court has backed the national asian. a court in the netherlands has ordered the energy multinational shell to pay compensation for oil spills in the niger delta after a $13.00. year legal battle the case was brought by 4 nigeria on a farm was his land was polluted him out of compensation has not yet been fixed. it looks like justice has finally been done and. after 13 years of legal wrangling the dutch appeals court is holding the oil multinational shell responsible for spills from its pipelines in nigeria. in all they can afford
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a total of the court finds that shell nigeria is responsible for damages caused by the leaks to the shell nigeria's here by order to pay compensation to the farmers. now the water fausto. now these farmers could finally see summer dress for the land and ponds that they lost look at it by the. roof with. fish bar that we have one of the i like what i would do it with these fields were so tainted by oil that nothing much has grown here since. what made me angry was that. that's my. biggest is that just right my fish behind the verdict is good news for the farmers who took the oil giant to court but it could also help other nigerians who have suffered the un discovered chemicals that can cause cancer in some drinking water in the region and babies
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born within a 10 kilometer radius are most twice as likely to die before they are month old many more victims could now claim compensation from the world's 2nd largest oil company. up until an hour ago people in developing countries were without any rights when confronted by multinationals such as so and from today on they know they can get their rights but the amount of compensation for the farmers has yet to be determined i do hope that they will actually get some compensation that soon because it was a stake and. for some it will be too late in any case. 2 of the claimants have already died. but the verdict helps to empower poor farmers who take on powerful global corporations. cover lines of sports starting with
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tennis yes there is tennis being played down under in the run up to the australian open rafa nadal strolled on to court to wearing a face mask in adelaide for an exhibition match the 1st since he and dozens of others other players were put in quarantine when they arrived in australia 2 weeks ago that i was ranked 2nd in the world and he played world number 3 dummy table in front of a packed crowd a packed crowd because adelaide has a low coronavirus infection. what do you do if you're on a limb pick stealing hopeful but you can't get to the slopes because of the pandemic well if your 14 year old george brown you build your own he's done that's he's own mini slope in his back garden in england after a flurry of snow. its goal is to make it to the straight attorneys think so winter olympics he's also been busy training in his garden even when there's no snow.
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for him survivor of our top story the european medicine sanctions the house authorized to ask for senators culverts 19 proxy for use in adults across the block the approval comes as the e.u. is locked in a dispute with the drug might come over a plan that seems to live i'm good with european countries struggling to get around vaccinations. they don't do business updates with to the hell do you sometimes have a good day. and it doesn't leave so it's not easy to go to another country you know nothing about and why for i am do this because we can't stay on venezuela i'm not. that. closely global news that matters d.w. made for mines. how does
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a virus spread. why do we panic and when we'll. just through the tax and weekly radio show is called spectrum if you would like any information on the coronavirus or any other science topic you should really check out our podcast you can get it wherever you can get your podcast you can also find us at. science. if not quite game over yet for a game stop small investors have reversed their balance on buying up the stock at the end of a wild week on wall street. and normally the world economic forum meeting is a gathering of the elite out the swiss ski resort this year it was entirely digital
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to look back at the top story. from the meeting. this is the w. business i'm joined now the milan in berlin glad you can join us again stop stock is rising again after at depths following a bad on buying the shares on some trading platforms though at least some of those curbs have been lifted it's just the latest twist in the thriller that's captivated the finance world shares in game stop have rocketed over just a few days gaining over 2000 percent thanks to small traders. this is game stop a brick and mortar retailer specializing in video games it's pretty popular with gamers even though much of the market has moved to streaming a trend that will likely continue threatening to put game stop out of business just like record stores and video rental chains some big time investor some wall street have foreseen this and try to make a buck on the obvious trend hedge funds have been short selling the stock which
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means they have borrowed shares and sold them hoping to later buy them back i don't know what price and that's where things got out of hand and gamers and hobby investors came together to go after wall street. yemen names column mcclellan i'm here in houston texas i'm 31 years old and i have been in the stock market for the better part of the last 10 years and i bought game stop earlier this week on tuesday when i saw some traction around the wall street. read. wall street bets is an online forum way users discuss their big plan to buy up as many game stop she has a possible driving up the price and hurting those hedge funds who had bet against it that play and worked and looking at an insane rally in the stock price multibillion dollar hits funds found themselves in the squeeze quickly buying back
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shares to cut down a lot. among them high profile names like melvin capital citroen capital and point 72 asset management wall street cried foul and warned the new investors about the danger of losing delmonte in the long run it turns out they already knew. that's what it is is their regular joes versus wall street and. when i put money into it i said even if this goes in 0 and i lose everything i like being a part of it and that sentiment is shared amongst a lot a lot of people. so it's not only about money it's a david versus goliath fight the craziness continues as we close the trading week so here to help us take stock is the end score to our financial correspondent yes this has obviously been a huge story what's it actually done to the market you know well i mean we've definitely learned
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a couple of lessons for instance how vulnerable those some hedge funds are was their bets on falling stock prices or 5 soon that correctly since the beginning of the year those hedge funds have lost about $20000000000.00 and to cover some of those losses maybe they have been forced to sell other stocks and that might be one reason why it wall street also under heavy pressure also here on friday blue chips down by more than 600 points the worst week since october but we've also seen there a force that retail investors actually can bring to the my courage and then some companies who got into the crossfire between those big hedge funds and the day traders they tried to cash in no american airlines for instance the site had to sell new shares for a vulture $1000000000.00 so some companies obviously try to profit from this trade . yes but could this farka a trend where companies start then courting these retail investors directly.
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oh well i mean that what we definitely see in how important to retail investors have become even before the whole game stop the craziness started the investors basically stood for a vote to 20 percent of trades on wall street that's more than double than what we've seen a couple of years ago but i'm not sure if you really want to go after those resident investors directly what you basically want also as an online broker for instance or and as a banker or as and as a trader you will and some columns you don't want unpredictable movements that we've seen in the past couple of days and weeks but obviously once the stampede started it's tough to stop it and well we heard earlier david against gold here some people even called it the french revolution so let's see where this
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revolution leads us next revolution in the air yes quarter there in new york for us thank you very much for your reporting. time now for a look at some of the other business stories making news. a dodge court has ordered or oil giant shell to pay compensation in a case brought by 4 nigerian farmers they allege that the dutch firm was responsible for widespread pollution on their land the farmers 1st sued shell in 2008. the conglomerate was involved in numerous other industries including steaks and hilton hotels a bank and in several air carriers the pandemic the travel slump was the death knell for the company. general motors says it's planning to phase out all gasoline and diesel engines by 2035 the largest us car maker is aiming to be carbon
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neutral by 2040 g m sold around 2 and a half 1000000 vehicles in the u.s. last year but only about $20000.00 for electric. the boss of germany's financial regulator is set to be replaced felix who felled was head of boston during the recent wire card scandal and was accused of failing to investigate the fraudulent fin tech firm the german finance ministry said it was looking for a fresh start at the top of the regulator. the world economic forum is 50 years old this year but its golden anniversary event wasn't bigger and better than ever before where the coronavirus pandemic making in person gatherings a no go world leaders came together over the internet as well as driving the forum online the virus also dominated its agenda davos hasn't been this quiet in decades no signs of the usual hustle and bustle instead of peak blanket of snow.
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the locals like it that way they can use it. i enjoy it there are no grading so there is little traffic it is quiet there so you are guests i would be happy to not have the w e f here anymore. i mean. what the locals enjoy however is a painful sign of what has happened to the world over the course of the past year online world leaders offered their plans and solutions with regards to the ongoing pandemic and stressed that international cooperation is key to overcoming the crisis. let's do you employ those in it we need to choose a multilateral approach a self isolating approach won't solve our problems we see that 1st of all on the question of vaccination since it's the root out of the pandemic and that's fear in this and that's an actual concern sets in sneak people blame
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a solution but poor countries say wealthier nations are not looking for global solutions to the crisis and only thinking of themselves we are all not safe if some countries are vaccinating their people and other countries under vaccinating we all must act together in combating our current artist because it affects all of us in quite a while global leaders can meet virtually to speak to each other the coronavirus pandemic reveals that international cooperation has many challenges. it's now been 4 weeks since the u.k. said its final farewell to the european union that meant leaving the e.u. single market and extra paperwork for brits who sell their products across the channel over here on the continent those with a fondness for british meat and dairy may be left wanting the cheese famous for
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causing unusual dreams has now become a nightmare gourmets across europe fell or had fallen in love with it but now stilton might also be falling victim to bricks it. this business indaba she made a healthy living from direct sales to european customers last year the dairy had to turn over of more than 4000000 pounds they were on the verge of expansion that is until the brics a deal that emerged last year lift them cut off from their core export market the issue really revolves around the that issued helps to focus for instance this one which is cheese too if you. were choirs exactly the same helps to be issued as a $180.00 pounds each i was was the pilots of these cheese going over is a wholesale shipment consequently this makes it commercially bought sickly it possible for us getting us a shipping city year. and it affects all british firms that export milk or meat
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products to the european union the dairy had mocked a 1000000 pounds for a distribution center which would have employed 20 people in rural england now they are considering building it in friends. and finally an airport for flying cars will launch the english city of carbon tree into the future where the project aimed at demonstrating how taxis will work in urban centers the british startup urban airport has partnered with south korean carmaker haiyan day to develop the infrastructure required for a one flying cars take to the skies from november visitors will be able to see how a flying car airport might look like when the temporary insulation opens there. and a reminder of the top is a story we're following. game stop stock rose again during friday's session after
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a popular trading out of robin hood lifted some curbs on trading the share price of the video games retailer has rocketed over just a few days gaining over 2000 per cent. thanks to small traders i've been together online. and that's all for me and the business even here in berlin if you want more from us check out our website t w dot com. thanks for watching have a great weekend. to the point of strong opinions clear positions international perspective such. a real threat to vladimir putin down some commentary to see the kremlin sophia's his critique on the founding so who is a courageous and charismatic opposition leader or an opportunist fighting a personal vendetta find out only to the point of showing up to the point at which
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to 60 minutes on w. . and you yes yes yes we can hear you and i last year's german song so that will bring you i'm going to makeover as you've never had to have a full surprise himself with what is supposed to do is magical for me what moves fat employment. who talks to people who follows her along the way admirers and critics alike how is the world's most powerful woman shaping public and joining us from echoes la stops. why are people forced to hide in trucks. there are many reasons for such. luck there are many cancers.
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and there are many stories. make up your. job made 4 minds. lives. this is deja news africa i'm on the program today hoping for the best back preparing for the worst south africa is battling an aggressive 2nd wave of cold at 19 that's being field by a more infectious variant of the virus the country's top scientific adviser saying is the 3rd wave could spell even more trouble. in.


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