tv Markus Lanz Deutsche Welle January 30, 2021 4:30pm-5:15pm CET
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does. the vast majority of people in germany are still willing to take and refugees and other vulnerable individuals but you have to go after them and i think that shows that a large percentage of the population does not consider this to be a disaster. but even back then merkel's decision a vote mixed emotions in europe. i really admired america by taking that initiative and making clear also to other member states we should do that we shoot off for protection to refugees and it's really to blame for the other member states to shy away and leave medical alone with her attitude. many blamed brussels for not creating european consensus on how to deal with refugees but the root of the problem lies much deeper hungary took a different approach its government stated they would not tolerate the e.u.
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all fellow member states dictating terms to them and forcing them to take in refugees the. mass migration can change a country in a number of ways. it can change a socially it can change of culturally when we stickley etc you cannot force upon economic migration and mass on on countries countries and people have to have the liberty to say yes or no your question hungary respects other member states who may wish to live with mass migration and want to welcome hundreds of thousands millions of people coming here and it's that as their decision but we expect that they also respect our decision. in the german state of north rhine-westphalia thousands of refugees arrived in the fall of 2015 in the city of dortmund or the railway station to sold off their poor. people and just a little force so eager to help. at 1st we couldn't even engage all the people
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offering their help and i kept telling them to please bear in mind this was a marathon not a sprint and that's when it most likely still need the help in a few years that was challenging for all of us but we knew we were doing the right thing is to get in. other european countries also open their doors to refugees but most some 900000 came to germany but it needs germany's open arms other voices could also be heard that before the birth the loudest were right wing groups protesting predominantly against muslim refugees since then many european politicians have feared these movements could attract more followers the foreign policy spokes person of the c.d.u. c.s.u. parliamentarian group is you again hot he knows just how sensitive the subject of refugees is in his circles yesterday someone turned to me and said that we really needed to be careful with how we dealt with refugees to make sure we didn't get
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into the same situation as last time he was scared of being branded as right wing simply for worrying about the refugee situation he doesn't sympathize with the right wing and has no issues with foreigners or people in need he just wanted everything handled in an orderly fashion and i think that's an opinion well worth being encouraged because. in order to reduce the number of migrants entering the e.u. several states took action bit by bit the so-called balkan route was closed making it harder to reach the e.u. via turkey on dry land. in september 2015 hungary closed its border to serbia in march 26th again other countries including slovenia and croatia followed suit. maybe so-called hold spots had already been set up in italy and greece they were designed to identify and register refugees directly at
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the e.u. border where they could then proceed with their asylum hearing. morea on less boss was one such hot spot. for him and not let on for instance of it and retrospect a lot when fundamentally wrong in 2015 but think that the hot spots on the greek islands was the post test distribution census and hopefully they were meant to enable rapid processing like new comers were to be registered quickly and distributed within the new member states. happen. but this did not happen and in march 26th jane to deter more new arrivals the e.u. struck a deal with turkey where several 1000000 refugees were stuck in transit the main idea was that turkey was to stop these people from finding their way into the e.u. . anyone who wrongfully entered greece from turkey would be sent back. for every refugee returned this way one syrian
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refugee living in turkey would be allowed to enter the e.u. . in return turkey was promised free visas for all its citizens and fresh association talks with the e.u. along with 6000000000 euros but the deal was only successful in parts as of anyones fog was going to be landing us this and if we ask ourselves what we can learn from the e.u. turkey declaration then i think the answer is supporting refugees and a 3rd country. the 6000000 out of paying out 6000000000 euros for syrians in turkey significantly lower the number of syrians trying to enter the e.u. irregularly find that part worked. what didn't work has now become our main challenge and i did also for them although the numbers were low although one year after the deal in april 27th only 6000 people were waiting on the greek islands for
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a decision on their applications we still couldn't manage to process them quickly. and if i could this village that was mostly a question of political will and a strategy of the greek authorities and. as your other states are tied. this created dire conditions in the camps and international dilemma. in april 26th again the pope visited last post to offer comfort to those stranded on the island back then many had already been waiting for months for a decision on their asylum application today waiting periods can extend to over a year is this line designed in these are to do in this case there's only one explanation for why people are still stuck on the island deterrents it is a legitimate illegal and immoral to instrumental eyes human beings as a means to that end of end. of the fight. we 1st this
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is morning in october 2019 the camp director really a lone journalist to see how the refugees were living so we filmed with a hidden camera to see for ourselves what the situation was really like. that. was the. we made file you get a mohammed by chance i had just arrived 3 days ago and was still need to it all shock and sadness and yesterday was very cold and we didn't have any blankets that night we switched locations. there after you get out or not so we spent the night by the wayside then it started to rain so we moved to the larger camp where the african stay. we didn't want to come here our parents did for us. this is where they slipped the past nights right next to the entrance there's a sleeping hierarchy at the camp newcomers have to make do with mats then they can
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graduate to a tent with often 4 families in one finally they can move up to a container with 15 people together. was this is where they. lined up for food i have to wait 3 times a day many go hungry the new arrivals don't receive any cash for the 1st 6 months so they have no choice but to line up you know. financially this is a smelly toilets to. say this is the state of our hygiene and if we see a doctor because we have a cold he tells us to drink water. but i mean they made us have that's why we don't want to come piano buttons and they say the clean one is a very far away man it's my parents accompany me to the toilet and such it's still dangerous. we see how these children do we see how these children their mental condition deteriorates. and they
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attempt suicide as if they have self harming tendencies. kentucky that is so under them mentally completely stop relating to each other. each other that their childhood is taken away from them and we see their parents as well they have lost hope completely. they have an incredible sense of guilt for having brought their children to europe. is given they had hoped this would be a safe place that would provide education. and then they have to cope with the reality of the morea candidate where none of this is available for them is available for them and they fall into a total depressive state. parents and children and children across the valley lies the small village. some 1000 people live here alongside the new neighbors what used to be empty streets and now live play. opinions in morea
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a polarized few can still agree. the election does was yesterday they took our cable right out of the ground they stole my animals and slaughter them they've ruined everything i suppose we're expected to leave to make room for them i doubt there is any other way that's the problem we can't stand it here anymore should i or myself and take to the streets and they've taken everything from a dysfunctional fiance to the one because these people have rights even mention up there in pain they've lost their homes i'm on the side if this isn't their fault there are others who are to blame for the choice to make it to europe many willing to risk their lives in passion they say we're playing the game it's like the hunger games if they lose the game they lose their lives. or whatever and some new refugees have just arrived they played the game and made it this far and to
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be in turkey we were crammed in a delivery van and they didn't fit in my music just this time they played the game announces they're in the us. i want to do this for them. bealefeld in westphalia in 2015 some 6000 refugees were taken here. their fun was just 12 when he made his way to germany from afghanistan through turkey and greece he traveled alone without any relatives he was born in iran he hasn't seen his mother in 5 years she too is on the run and has been trapped on less boss for about a year with her 2 small daughters he looks at their pictures every day says will stick around it's long she didn't know how long it would take. well he
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thought she'd be able to continue on to germany so she thought it'd take about a month maybe 5. she also witnessed the fire in moria on the 8th of september this was a sure it was awful she grabbed my 2 sisters and ran out of everything else all their clothes and belongings and it all burned so but and. kristin naaman from the aid organization by its cries helps reunite families but it's not easy to feel thirty's examine each case very carefully some parents deliberately send their children ahead to germany alone in the hopes of being allowed to follow in heir phones case greece has now issued a takeover request. of the german government the federal office for migration and refugees has rejected greece's request they argue that this is not a case of hardship as separation from your family apparently does not constitute
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dot chipchase. we definitely want to challenge this decision before courts and we've already requested an injunction with our local court of claims we want the court to rule that the author is responsible for reuniting the family must do so. we hope it will. be sure this is i want to be able to help my mother 1st and when i move. and dust and i can't i don't know what i'll do if the shrew minute i just want to help my mother will for us and i hope her application is processed faster and that she'll be allowed to come to germany. and indeed the oath or t's do give their consent 3 days after speaking with their phone we received word that his mother and sisters have been allowed to come to germany. to put.
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their fury it's freezing cold so too in moria fire graham mohammad has been in the camp for 5 months now i'm fine did you sleep all right the shed was called last night. what did you do. you said we should i used several blankets or otherwise it's too cold and yeah we should. fight his father comes to gracious. how was your no and. there was a commotion at 4 in the morning that woke us up. somebody had cut the front flap of a neighbour's tent open and was trying to get in. that they were in the hospital. tents being slit open markings robberies the desperate stealing from the destitute it happens almost every night in
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a camp where 40 percent of the inhabitants the children decide security hygiene is another issue. they don't leave and the parents don't leave the tents at night not even for the toilet. because they're scared of being assaulted by gangs women. this is the life the people are living instead of going to a toilet using diapers or using a plastic bottle a lot of people instead of going to authority using diapers or using a plastic bottle german doctor senses from sonnen is a voluntary an aid worker he tends to find her family medical treatment is an exception to the rule here but is the government have any doctors here in these enlarger yet it is not in this camp it is the center for disease prevention sends doctors to give new arrivals a preliminary check out of the store but it's basically to make sure they still
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have a. tortoise. but even if their bodies survive the ordeal it's nearly impossible not to succumb to the psychological strain that weighs on adults and children alike. the children argue a lot. that means. they yell. so the grown ups are frustrated and the children get into fights. exactly even before the fire there were plans for a new camp out in the middle of nowhere. to house 78000 people and to replace moria many locals wouldn't have it then if you like just our islands are not some prison for lost souls there are people who want to live their lives but the refugees will destroy everything here. it's going to be a long battle but i think we will win it.
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shortly after the battle over the new camp again some locals tried stopping refugees from even reaching the island of los boss they confronted aid organizations blocked the streets to moria when u.n.h.c.r. camp went up in flying and amid all the chaos thousands of children including 5 a mom that is there anything good here. no no scenes do you see anything good here . i don't think the party in iceland they saw in their vacations on these islands. the fed you might like it but we don't you can come and go as you please we have to stay and i. think again i wanted to go to athens. but on and what's there things are good there they say no fighting. it's been 5
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months since the new zion family has arrived and they still haven't been heard athens is like a faraway train meanwhile the new government there has tightened asylum regulations anyone arriving after january 2020 receives a decision within one month one after the 2 applications from afghanistan are approved but anyone who finally makes their way from his boss to athens will most likely end up here in victoria park many sleepier according to the new asylum nor approved asylum seekers are provided food and shelter for 30 days after that they're on their own how can you survive with a newborn baby in a public park if you had only been here for over a month now it's a broken life in this heat we can't find an apartment it's too expensive but are now on a. priest as government seems to be operating under the assumption
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the recognized refugees will continue further north even though that would be illegal hardly any want to stay in greece anyway and the poor conditions in the islands are meant to deter others to in these living in moria makes you depressed absolutely. what does that mean depressed. you lose your mind. in late february 2020 tensions at the turkish greek border mounted and turkish president into one opened the border. that's just for coming on and that completely backfired because the greek government responded with an iron fist you know it suspended the right to seek asylum which is a basic human right for several weeks off and it violently forced people back over the border it gives to be granted so it. greece
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sealed off the border and lift downs and of migrants stranded on the other side. of that region that you don't want from this you at the beginning of this year the greek government decided to close the border despite the fact that heir to one was using the thousands of people as a bargaining chip that shows that we need to demonstrate strength that the extra mile border keeping the aspect of human rights in the back of our minds we need to show that we won't let air go on black males as well as even the from the other on a place in the us and. then some 6 months later on september 8th morea went up in flames. throughout germany people took to the streets to demand more refute g.'s be taken in including in cologne dusseldorf villa feld and other cities in north rhine-westphalia. i don't think we are treating them fairly we are so
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privileged and we have the means to help but we don't. and we need to make clear that we are ready to taking refuge in his view has plenty of room while off. of course we need a european solution but if germany doesn't lead the way who will follow there's no doubt got me into. the city of cologne office to take in 150 p. . bill other cities and towns also offer help. to sell door is also willing to take another 150 people. they've had time to gather experience with helping refugees since 2015. other women in combat community accommodation facilities currently have several 100 spots available now on a completely empty but all of them can make room for several more than we can take in individual us as well as families of the uns are but if i were to be told that we had to take in several 100 people today we could mobilize enough resources at
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short notice to actually fit them all in as long as there isn't a european wide solution and i don't think there's any insight then each municipality should be allowed to decide how many they take we have been saying for years that we can handle more refugees at 1st. but municipalities aren't allowed to make that decision without approval from germany's interior minister and he doesn't want germany going it alone. if we do that then you can say goodbye to a european solution and. that's the on the past years i kept hearing the same remark in brussels from other member states they say this is our problem and we shouldn't be bothering them with our problems or in team up. one day after the fire 400 miners have flown from les paul's to the greek mainland 10 european countries have announced that they're willing to take them in germany will take in 150 but this had already been agreed upon before the fire.
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meanwhile the endless arguing between member states continues. hungary and the northeast by it when germany announces it will take in some $400.00 refugee families from less boss once again there is some chinese and humanitarian aid will simply create new incentives for more people to come to europe. and vent. if we really did work together with the greek government to get people off the greek islands and bring them into europe i'm sure the camps would fill right back up again. that would create a so-called pull effect and send the wrong message to other refugees. in the east or basically we'd be telling them that if they ever managed to reach a greek island it would only be a matter of time before they'd be in hamburg or even argue that cyprus would have mentioned that as of india and packing so if we just take
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a few kids out of lesbos then some european governments think that each single child could be the incentive for another 1000000 people to come on. that's ridiculous. the only thing europe a green zone is that rejected asylum seekers should be deported. the up to those who have been rejected must leave that's the vast majority of people arriving at our accidental borders. then the citizens of europe will be happy to welcome those in need mention in that way we can stand up to right wing populism secondly if we can assure citizens that the people coming in are true refugee given a 50 fiftieth's. but many attempts at repatriation fail because the countries of origin not willing to take these people back. found that it's now it's like the past years have taught us that europe can only manage to deport those obliged to
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leave the country in large numbers when the countries we depend on for cooperation are made an attractive offer was attacked because men. within the e.u. will manage to pass the new pact on migration and asylum will depend on its member states but they are as far away from reaching a consensus as they were 5 years ago. when it comes to migration 5 years of agonizing debate have shown that there's nothing left to say all that's left now to be honest is different sides insisting they were right who made the right call in 2015 those who wanted to close the borders or those who wanted to show humanity starts and i hope we will manage to cut through this gordian knot and admit that both sides have valid points and we were in a situation where this migration policy has been blocked for several years and that in my view means that those that have the lowest the bishan on migration has
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actually been able to set a standard and we are paying a price for the trust between member states who are paying a price when it comes to selling data between member states and migrants are paying the price the idea behind moria has failed but what will happen with the hot spots if the e.u. migration pact is passed i'm afraid we will be faced with moreas even more rios in other places maybe even other border area. yes of the european union as long as this solidarity principle is not really sorted our a-t. and i think therefore we will be stuck in this situation of in human situations and very long and insecure waiting periods. is there any way to solve this how. poor and under very convincing hungary poland and other governments that have no interest in finding
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a solution isn't going to help either the news and not only will it serve germany's interests. indeed don't you think you know if the german government were to say now that irregular migration has slowed more than it has in many years i feel we could build a coalition with other countries to show us how it's done. and we could implement our goals quite quickly to fictional ford it would inspire others to join that would be a truly european approach us and for that's how the shang in zone or the euro came about was that that's how the european community came to be in 1950 it was founded by a group of countries that got together to solve a common problem. but until we reach that point it seems there's still a long way ahead of us meanwhile the catastrophe in moria continues despite fires despite pacts and that's migration policy made in europe.
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conflicts when china imposed a national security law on hong kong last year and promised that the principle of one country 2 systems and the basic rights that he didn't try and whipping up help the critics point to a map and a roshan of freedom since my guest this week is michael keenan probation member of hong kong's legislative council and deputy china's national people's congress. conflicts. through the double.
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in the light of climate change. for cosmic. what's in store food pyramid going to stand for the future. come for the major cities to go to insight cooling center. calling neal and i'm game did you know that 17 trillion land on the moon was killed worldwide sure so that we can you know but it's not just the animals still suffering it's the environment we went on a journey to find ways out of the nutrition if you want to know how awake lifted the priest i will focus changed as we think this listen to our podcast on the green .
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this is deja vu news live from berlin a new warning against foxy nationalism the world health organization symes field arm after the european union says it could block exports of coronavirus vaccines also coming up. germany bounce travel from countries hardest hit by new variants of the coronavirus the government says it has no other choice to prevent a surging new infections. and farmers in india take to the streets in the capital debbie they're furious about a new agriculture an old space say will benefit large corporations.
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on public phone any as welcome to the program the way. health organization is warning against what it calls a vaccine nationalism this after the european union launched a scheme that could block exports of coronavirus vaccines produced in its territory it's the latest development in iraq between the e.u. and astra zeneca brussels says the drug maker is breaking its contract and failing to supply vaccine doses in the quantities promised after production problems on a belgian plant astra zeneca is prioritizing delivery to the united kingdom 1st from production facilities in that country. ahead of the w.h.o. warrant rich countries hoarding shots would harm the entire world the bundle me because expose and exploited the inequalities of our world there is no real danger that the very tools that could help to end the fundamental buck since may
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exacerbate those same inequalities vaccine nationalism might serve short term political goals but it's ultimately shortsighted and self-defeating we will not and the pundits make anywhere until we ended. well the european union says new measures to oversee vaccine exports are needed to tackle a lack of transparency from drug makers and to protect the billions of euros they've invested in vaccine development but even before the dispute with us for seneca many e.u. countries were having trouble rolling out their own vaccine programs many vaccination centers like here in france have been standing empty because there are simply not enough jobs available and frustration is growing among a population weary of ongoing restrictions. well for more on this we're joined now by rasmus hansen he's the c.e.o.
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of air finity a science information and analytics company welcome to the program. mr johnson why is the european union struggling to secure its vaccines will will the e.u. has has made some wrong bets early on in independent they haven't scaled up production at the same speed as other countries have been laid out to make to deals and therefore they are having more supply issues to and then the u.k. and also the u.s. at the moment. and how will these export controls affect the use vaccine supply. well i think the problem is that in the d.'s controlled everyone loses out right because you have to look at it broader than just export of a few if finished vaccine right that goes a lot of ingredients into the vaccines in the 1st place a come from all over the world you need syringes unique while vials and also you
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need fuel and finish in other places so the moment we don't have a free flow of medicine across borders the whole production will actually eat it is at risk of being being hold it so i think it won't benefit the e.u. a lot you know you would get maybe a little bit more of the vice of axioms if it stopped the belgian plant folks exporting that to the u.k. but we're talking 30000000 and you know with deep with the u.k. . population that's not going to make a huge difference now w.h.o. is also worried about the effects that this will have on vaccine production at not just in europe of course globally and how will the rest of the world be affected by these vaccine at export controls. well so so so short term i think you know debt that isn't a lot of exports going on yet at the moment most countries actually tend to to to to use their own domestic production but longer term this is incredibly dangerous
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to take a country like india india is said to produce several billions of vaccines of india start saying we're not going to export any of that then the whole kovacs many low and middle income countries will be schuessler brisk and also going back to the e.u. if you look at the epic happy to their perspective the e.u. doesn't actually have a lot of production inside the e.u. for approved vaccines u.s. has many mall u.k. has more and also a country like switzerland the e.u. might be dependent on already is for that madonna import so evil is also longer term actually risking having some of its own issues so so short term it won't make a big difference and long term it really puts puts the whole world at risk. rasmus hanson of analytics company air finity thank you. 2 other headlines now about the pandemic from around the world algeria has launched its vaccination campaign the 1st inoculations were administered in
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a town south of the capital algiers where the 1st cases of covert 19 were detected last march. is using russia's vivax scene for now with shots from china's scene of farm and astra zeneca set to follow. hundreds of come to the peruvian capital lima waiting for refills of oxygen canisters for sick friends and family more and more peruvians have been attempting to buy medical oxygen in recent days that says cope with cases surge old but overwhelming the country's hospitals. mexico's president says he's recovering from cope with 19 a week after he was diagnosed with the illness and that is manuel lopez obrador said he was quote over the critical phase of his infection he's been receiving treatment at his residence in mexico city was that germany has imposed a travel ban on countries most affected by new coronavirus variants the measures
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effect among others britain portugal brazil and south africa restrictions will remain in place until at least february 17th berlin says the ban is necessary to prevent a surge in new infections the german government has been widely criticized for the slow pace of its rollout of vaccinations. meanwhile chancellor i'm going to medical has appealed to the public for patients during the weeks long lockdown in her weekly video podcast she noted some encouraging signs but urged people to stay vigilant. to one of our efforts the infection rate is dropping. we are making progress but at the same time we must be mindful of the danger posed by the new highly contagious mutation of the full in the coming weeks we must proceed with caution we're not yet in a position to reopen schools and take us into the more consistent we are now
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observing social distancing and following hygiene rules and wearing masks the sooner that will be possible again. well for more i am now joined by w.'s political correspondent. hans now the german chancellor has asked for more patience this comes as the incidence rate is coming down here in germany where restrictions are going to continue and of course this travel ban from certain countries has been imposed how is her appeal going down here in germany. well if you look at recent polls on this the support for stricter measures in germany is still somewhere between 70 and 80 percent of the population so on paper as it were this there is a lot of support for continuing with these kinds of measures if you look more at tall people actually behave one sees that the infections are not going down as quickly as everyone had been hoping that the dissatisfaction and the restlessness
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in the society in amongst people is increasing and that is why this appeal from macro and from other members of her cabinet for continued patients for continued their supply and basically is very important after all there is a real fear that these more infectious viruses that were 1st discovered in the u.k. in south africa and brazil could lead to an explosion of new. of new infections and destroy the progress that has been made in recent weeks well of course to slow rollout of the vaccines has been now also a controversial topic here in germany with frustration growing now in an online discussion on saturday german health minister appeal to germans for understanding but. at this stage don't actions speak louder than words well you could say that indeed and in fact there were high hopes that these vaccines would lead
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pretty quickly to. how could i say a victory over the pandemic that lots and lots of people would be vaccinated pretty quickly within the next couple of months and that as a result there was a hope that things would get better more quickly than they are in fact getting better. yes the health minister was in a town hall meeting taking questions from the public let's hear what he had to say today. one of. there's no doubt that we got off to a difficult start in the last few weeks there was certainly a lot of frustration about the hotline's handover why more vaccine doses were not being delivered i understand very well why people are impatient but i also want to emphasize that a 3rd vaccine has been approved it's unlikely that anyone would have dared to predict 12 or even 6 months ago that within a year of the beginning of the pandemic we would have 3 approved and effective vaccines. locked up the german health minister there appealing to germans for
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patients essentially now the problematic vaccine rollout will of course be a topic on monday when chancellor merkel meets with the governors of germany's 16 states what do you expect from this meeting and well this is a special meeting as it were of that kind of covert corona control body that has been meeting over the past few months again and again i'm going to mark will the chancellor and the central government grow together with the 16 leaders of germany's 16 regional states and those has been have been in the positively fractious meetings and here again at the moment the dissatisfaction also in germany's regions who actually are doing the vaccination will actually have to organize a has been growing because the vaccines aren't arriving while the infrastructure has in fact been put in place so this meeting on monday is likely to attempt to calm the waters a little it's also an attempt i think on the part of the health minister and the
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central government to spread the responsibility for the vaccinations on more shoulders as it were there will also be representatives of pharmaceutical companies that will participate and there is some hope that the backlog the bottleneck of vaccines arriving in germany can in some sense be overcome testing times indeed interviews political correspondents hands thank you very much for that update. farmers in india have begun a one day hunger strike to protest the government's plan to agriculture laws they say they'll always benefit large private buyers the expense of producers to demonstrations come after a week of unrest that has seen hundreds injured in clashes with police. thousands of farmers are in delhi venting their anger at indian prime minister narendra modi they say new agricultural laws who crush them financially while giving large corporations take advantage. we have decided that we won't go back unless foreign
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laws are repealed if we don't have anything then it's better to die here than at home. this one day hunger strike is part of a movement that started 2 months ago against 3 pieces of legislation that passed parliament last september these protests have been the biggest challenge to prime minister modi since he came to power in 2014 he says the new laws are necessary to modernize indian farming but farmers believe the changes will turn agriculture corporate and leave them behind so they say giving up isn't an option not to be able to tell the 3 laws are taken back we are not moving from here but people you know obviously oregon got married got the hunger strike coincides with the death of indian independence later mahatma gandhi protesters hope to rehab their image which has taken a hit and recent days because of support missions with police. farmers here
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hope the rally on this day of remembrance will reaffirm the peaceful nature of the protest was. to german football and stood guard hosted minds in the bone this late as friday night match 3 home team wore rainbow striped jerseys in support of diversity on and off the pitch . it took stuttgart 55 minutes to get on the scoreboard sasha lights that i see took the centering pass to head in stuttgart went on to win it to mail. to tennis now there is tennis being played down under in the run up to the australian open rafael nadal strolled on court wearing a mask in adelaide for an exhibition the 1st since he and dozens of other players were put in quarantine when they arrived in australia 2 weeks ago at the isle is
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ranked 2nd in the world he played number 3 dominic team in front of a packed crowd that's because adelaide has 0 active cases of coronavirus you're watching news from berlin that's all for me take care see you soon. what secrets lie behind these walls. discover new adventures in the 360 degree. and explore fascinating world heritage sites. b.t.w. world heritage 360 get the maps now.
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