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tv   Druckfrisch  Deutsche Welle  January 31, 2021 1:30pm-2:01pm CET

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island is the at the in then the at that the i could not it. up the touristy froggy all these a lot them up this in the could it be in the days that there was a good this. is their good luck these if i get emotional is their their eyes in. september 2900. year at the ars electronica festival. the i'm 20 pocono orchestra is performing mahler unfinished a piece of music made by man and machine. the ai system usenet has completed the unfinished movements of gustav monist 10th symphony. as it's annexed what have you saw figure we could i mean different of us was the mother usually not the city for a few 1st the ai system was founded with the complete works of course stuff mama so the dataset contains every fragment of mana sound but as well as other music from the late romantic era of them before. then it was given a theme for
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a 5 minute composition written as does build a famous name in the 1st movement. yes this is. why there was then the leona comes in. and. in this work mahler grieves for his wife alma spelling her initials within the notes of the theme a and e. flat or in german. on the change of. leadership you know this is exactly the theme usenet was given closer than it was able to make its own decisions based on face vast data set it was trained with these 4 and they composed a piece of music something completely new company and its mission one team up.
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so is this model for me usenet. it's music. the music is great the scored 37 i thought my music is a really good in my opinion or you can identify the theme and then recurring elements from the theme with a very skillfully developed by the ai model. and you can tell how the theme has been deconstructed only realistic that are certain sequences have been given prominent this is the way and how the piece progresses from a gentle pianissimo to a powerful 4 t.c. model in the space of just a few minutes emotional it's enough and i'm looking. technically
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it sounds like mahler. but does the music convey a story an intention. whose voice is it worth are we hearing. i mean it's i mean blamed for 100 us women in sets of 14 for months on vic if we did a blind tast 1st if we knew nothing about how base b. said being composed given its machine made often lame games then would probably be taken in kind of fire in a wrong note says it is to the rules of voice leading there are intriguing hominids . in technical terms it's astonishing it's almost as if the question remains bones and walter's it may be an example must be taught it's going to. die off i can't answer that as it basically the answer is the. it means nothing. as worst as in his
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view what's the point and that's the problem when we hear something to immediately searches for meaning or innocence not a name for emotional content in which where does it get us it gets us nowhere it's a simulation is new for him this isn't a similar. a.r. uses mathematics and logic to produce results that are astoundingly similar to art . that suggests that the processes involved in making art are actually quite predictable. but predictability is surely the opposite of creativity. which is about finding novelty and different perspectives and exploring uncharted territory. innovating.
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so what you see here is the movements i just recorded and now this is a continuation of my movements in the style of for the. company so in this case you can see here then. just that if you look at the story each time there is a new innovation some artist embrace it and make new art with it and i'm not the right person for that but if you ask the artist around this i was surprised to see no many artists were really excited by these things and he wanted to understand them wanted to see this kind of the things you can improve their own art . harris home to the headquarters of google arts and culture
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the tech giant's nonprofit creative playground. artists are invited to come and experiment here with new algorithms. for now it's all just a bit of fun hardly world changing. first you have to approach any major. and. then i will start of the 2nd part of the tool which is about hungary the battle. the butterfly and the background merge into an infinite pattern a synthesis of form shape and color. the computer hasn't been told what to do. this is its own imagination.
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the images that this tool makes can visualize a potential of an object and its correlation with its background so it's not just that background cut and paste image but is just much more recourse if and in it for some like it looks like my work. i always created from instinct and there when i was sitting at the table at google it's just i felt like everything i ever that brought me to that table and helped me to understand what i have been doing. compile the rhythm has no visual ability. it turns images and impulses and impulses and images. no human being could ever devise these infinite variations. all people are demi doc has to do is select the
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images she likes best and build upon them i think there is a very big misunderstanding in the role of why humans are born in a sense i do believe that we are born to transcend we are born to be creative we are born to to dream we are born to seeing where. i want to make where we are not born to stamp or we are not born to execute robotic tasks so i do believe that ai machine will take away all the pragmatic repetitive dirtied dangerous boring part of our creativity so that we can just be visionaries. the invention of the telescope changed the way humans saw the world. ai could be a similar game changer. maju cleaner mine isn't going to nationally celebrated
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digital artist. he's fascinated by the virtual world to the algorithms generate. ai throws the doors of perception wide open. at most one of the things one sees an algorithm takes $128.00 dimensions and breaks them down to. you know way it allows us to visualize a world that isn't visible to the. algorithm creates a virtual map out of all of the works of art google's data bank. but what about the gray areas between the artworks. uses a generative adversarial network again a powerful class of neural networks to visualize how the computer sees that. gets. what about here. and it looks like there are no
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images in the database that field here. so another model had to be found one that doesn't sort data but it generates data and that model could try to give us an idea of what it things is there. bus bus that would deadlock that stays as a debit is something exists within the world of these models and if i use again i could generate this image and possibly it would be something we recognized would be that often but 2nd. while the human brain has limitations the computer brain can turn chaos into order. the way it selects structures is astonishing inspiring. it goes against all human understanding of rules. it is innocent so yeah.
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we see here are i suppose the creatures from the in-between areas in solution of all did. may have elements of plants insects animals. and dozens for that the machine doesn't recognize categories such as human and animal plant which is very interesting right it doesn't mention lee does is tear this flounces. this and takes 2 and it's exam is that so these are merely textures that have been put together. and we could say this is more insect like except for its eyes. and now it's more like a blowfish. the cooler fish in the r.b.i. is a slightly weasely rodent likely to not appear. very fluid in a non-spatial that's what's fascinating us. as for the most you know it's alice
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unless i and humans have a very pronounced spatial awareness and that's fine because we humans like clear definitions but we like to pigeonhole and sort everything into groups belongs here it doesn't belong there with the decor but that. this is that even with dots there are clear definitions to the she's obviously she isn't but in fact there are these gray areas where everything is in flux. volatile 402. in the infinite data kos-mos that is ai everything is possible just as the telescope did when it was invented over 400 years ago it could change our view of the universe and our view of ourselves.
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but where does that leave artists. myal clean up my construct the computer to produce a brand new partridge. algorithm to generate results on an endless loop. memories of passers by is a machine that i created that will keep. generating portraits of mom existing people. forever.
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i think one of the reasons that we're created as humans is because we want to leave something behind because we realize our own mortality and you know if you create a piece of music or a painting or in my case a piece of mathematics you know i do feel that that will outlast me and may help to extend. my own consciousness beyond you know my death consciousness allows you to do mental time travel you can see yourself in the future and that involves seeing yourself and your own death.
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stall the slow searing can you read in your poll. glimpses of sun on the. on the rug she seemed in a tremulous night sustenance and if. this life you love keeps me busy didn't even bring to me a death because if the love keeps me busy you're light hearted longing golden limbs wild blood secret it's your heavenly charm your evanescence source inspires me you healing creature chased the so life peacey. i have things is that i'm giddy. someone sends you such
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a poem and asks you what you think of us too and what do you do money stand as you are did you sleep on it. on pens by. algorithm fed with good turns and sure. extraordinarily authentic sounding. the project developed by the digital creative agency tunnel 23 vienna. how did i feel well it was quite a shock let me tell you. i'm shock. we're going to machine write a poem and get dish doesn't stand above that at home that made it into the brentano company's holy tree anthology is indian to look it up and turn over there. we look at each other we exchange dark words. we love each other like poppy and recollection. lines written by
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a flesh and blood poet powered sailor. words that evoke even more than the sum of their parts. a i could imitate ceylon recognize patterns predict the next line but with the effect be the same. it's hard to validate among us all we had my till now we knew that art was created by a human whether they lived 10000 years ago or were still alive today that incident but now you might read something that moves you text that perhaps even brings the tears to your eyes and tell it isn't the work of a human as if like the god some violent thing just one 3rd is this and she isn't a bad poem even though it put you in touch with your sadness it done is done i'm a big. input output. perhaps as many scientists say humans are simply highly
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sophisticated machines so sophisticated that they have developed self-consciousness can ponder their own existence. yet the self remains one of the greatest mysteries of science i think therefore i am. for centuries descartes statement was the cornerstone of western philosophy. but many brain researchers nowadays argue that the sense of self is merely an illusion. this is idle can be just as it's impressive how much this argument has developed but it doesn't alter the fact that we are beings that know very well what it means to have consciousness of abuse was a perceived colorado but still experience of feelings such as sadness to all we don't need science or psychology to tell us what it means to feel sadness to be and was a size 12 versus. sadness
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is described in binary code as 30 wands and 26 zeros. true human beings could have a long conversation about what sadness means. but for a machine meaning semantics is not a factor it has no consciousness. semantics is the holy grail of ai research. is going. on. current. it's. hungry man reach for the book it is a weapon said bet one question. these days with tens of thousands of new books published every year. a book is also a commercial product. publishing houses need bestsellers bam they are can help find . an algorithm can calculate
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a bestseller. status listen cliff midgets move down a technique midgets construction shit against nuclear stuff i felt it must be possible to use tech and artificial intelligence to identify patterns and books and bestsellers and apply the findings to new worse and it's called that naturalized us to figure out for example what your target audience is and what kind of razor sharp a book we'll have that we're currently there are 9 publishing houses in germany one is in the program including some of the big ones but we've signed confidentiality agreements because they don't want to be named does this kind of program doesn't make any judgement that it doesn't distinguish between good or bad literature we don't think in those categories everything has validity but for publishers and writers it's also important that it has commercial potential and we need to see if it will find readers or if we want to deliberately pitch it as a nice idea and initiatives and much to. the program is put to the test
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with a manuscript that talked the bestseller lists. spec but the manuscript is uploaded once a part of the software reads it and analyzes it is going to see all. the algorithm analyzes factors such as language plot subject suspects and even emotional contact and didn't say what it was the machine was trained to recognise a positive sentence for example that i was walking along the street the sun was shining and i was happy that's a positive sense of people's thoughts it was also trying to recognise a sense expressing negative content i was absolutely miserable and everything seemed hopeless. it's interesting even so here are the results yes it's what it tells us is that this is an awful lot of us think it has elements of a thriller suspense crime thriller so it contains excitement of us which.
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i. was in school for and. it scores 81 percent that's a very good segment but it's just like in other words readers in this market segment of crime fiction suspense novels will enjoy this book immensely but didn't so i don't. think that's ok it's kind of all of a by both pos. a computer can type the whole all victorian literature and you know assimilate it in and off to new and start to see interesting new connections between those which will then help us to be guided through this you know immense library of literature that we just call hope to to navigate on our own as human.
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i. think something. that has strong feelings not just love but sadness relationships be tend to be read more by women. the average reader is a woman over $35.00. a book cover is more important than you might think. men often give up after 20 pages women after 50. these are the sort of things that andrew on back notes. he works for
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a publisher is testing ebooks out of 302700 readers figuring out what and how quickly people read as well as when and for how long. we look at a manuscript like a black box if we don't know what's in it we're only gauging reader response. we collected data on how readers react on the off the problem is that it takes time it sometimes takes 2 to 3 weeks to gather enough data whereas an algorithm trained with best seller lists takes about 10 minutes. but what makes a best seller is not just the actual book but also the cover the blurb designed many factors. so the algorithm hasn't been trained with all the information it needs and anyway writers can't write according to a formula tastes are changing all the time for the advantage when you see how
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people are reading as i do is that you can factor all that in and if an algorithm is only trained with data from the last 10 years for then that's the only time frame you're working with common is to say you can't predict how a trend might evolve in trend. it developed at the technical university and constance is a robot that can paint. a machine that lacks consciousness. it won't paint until it switched on ready. if it did have consciousness it might use art as a means of communication. and there we have it. even an algorithm that can self program itself has no curiosity or interest in learning about the world. 'd looking for meaning in what it generates 'd is futile.
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for now and for the forseeable future only human beings look for meaning seek ways to express themselves. in ai will remain only a tool towards this and. i see beauty in an eye i see beauty in the sheen because i see it as a natural next step in the progress of humanity if it's used well and so my work i want to make people see and feel the beauty that i see in and so it's done wit. radical positivity it's mommy it's kind of i'm not worried that software and machine learning and digitalization are going to result in a faulty mechanized world mr should vote for you on the contrary we'll have a greater appreciation for everything that software can't replace is the use of business to move to for.
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a. long ways the last one. this one's cold. i always look forward to the next image the next to be generous you can choose name. fear losing. her. ok show. me.
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the good medicine that's quite magic you. see. campaign. you know living. they only. ban. allow ourselves to. live on clowns. and here's her letter. thinking the world in a more poetic way. p.r. to. lose an interview with. 20. 30. cold.
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it's about billions. it's about. howard. it's about the foundation of the new world order and the silk road place china wants to expand its influence with this trade network. but it brokers are mourning the ever accept some money from the new superpower will become the beginning of the day. the chinese state has a lot of money at its disposal. and that's how it's expanding and asserting its status and position in the world took place china's gateway to. start february 19th d.w. .
2:00 pm
cut claim. play. this is the job you news live from berlin another day of high drama in russia as activists to fight police warnings to stay away from protest rallies hundreds are arrested supporting the jailed opposition leader alexei navalny at demonstrations in dozens of cities nationwide nani's wisely it is among those detained in moscow also on the show. hope for hong kong citizens i'm willing to live under chinese rule for the u.k. opens a new visa scheme offering millions the chance to gain british citizenship london says it has a new.


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