tv Global 3000 Deutsche Welle February 2, 2021 6:03pm-6:31pm CET
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yes i think so we are expecting the decision today all right well this is the case that has sparked a massive anti-government protests across the country what is the situation now well if the current protests go deeper than the usual in russia that people aren't just protesting in moscow but across the country feel and people are consciously taking the risk of being arrested or beaten by the police every time they take to the streets people are not only protesting protesting for not only himself and the anger runs much deeper they are protesting against corruption bad living conditions and political stagnation in russia on the one hand there is a lot of political explosiveness behind the current protests if you look at the police who are totally overreacting it almost looks like they are besieged fortress this shows that the kremlin has gone on the defensive but the masses on the streets
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alone accounts trigger at change of power in russia what is more the size of russia is when there is infighting within the political elite i mean the in president's inner circle within the upper ranks of the military and that this is great service but at the moment there is no such split nor such a bubbling right so how much of a threat is he. to president putin well what is clear is that mr not only is no longer just an internal russian affair he's poisoning and he's treatment in germany treatment in germany has traced he's profiled and made him much more nor an international as well and it seems much more realistic now that he's arrested treatment here in russia could lead to new western sanctions but let me put in personally i don't think he's chair is really shaking or wobbling and he is now in danger because at least not on the not yet thank you
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for your euro shatter in moscow. well we'll stay with russia because the country's sputnik v coverage vaccine is around 92 percent effective that's according to a new study just published in the british medical journal the lancet the findings are based on data from a trial involving nearly 20000 people researchers also found no serious side effects associated with its use the russian vaccine consists of 2 common cold viruses that have been modified to carry the spike protein it can be stored up to 8 degrees celsius which makes it easy to transport than the biotech pfizer vaccine. well jones is the professor of iran or j. at the university of reading who were reviewed the russian clinical data for the lancet and joins us now welcome to the w. this sounds like great news yes i think it is good news it's day numbers in gold slightly over 20000 actually in the trial was big enough to be sure of the outcome
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and the fact it was general protection across all age groups and there were no serious side effects it is all all good for the vaccine i think it adds another dimensions of those that are currently licensed for use occur around the world but clearly it out small manufacturing base to the to the available covert vaccines and what about its efficacy against the very uncertain are circulating. well formally that hasn't been tested but the tests that have been done on on variance so far would indicate that most of the vaccine responses that have been looked at past still able to inhibit the the variance sequences you know whether that is 100 percent protection or whether the protection is reduced so water is not yet clear but i think the protection level that we would expect would still be enough to mean
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that severe disease was prevented from my money that's the most important aspect of any of these vaccines and that's been a lot of skepticism generally outside scientific circles i suppose about this but. that same trend that skepticism and. i think so i think the full phase 3 trial is published at the same time as the outcome of the trial the show tool is there for everybody to see is being conducted in a far as i can see to an international standard and i think the results fully validated its use going forward that you describe the russian trial group though as very white so does this mean that countries with more ethnically diverse populations need to approach it with caution. caution may be overstating it i think there's no reason to think that the vaccine wouldn't be generally useful in all populations but it is a fact that the particular ethnic mix here was rather narrow it was white russians
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in the main and so if there is an issue about immunity in other populations then formally that's not addressed here. i don't think we would expect to see major differences but it's certainly something that this trial can also trust directly we're talking to you a bit of good news on a doctor a professor in jones from the university of reading. quick look now at some of the other stories making news around the world captain tong the british centennial centenarian who raised money for the u.k.'s national health service by walking laps in his backyard has died covered 90 to tom moore's campaign went viral last year and helped to raise more than $30000000.00 pounds or $34000000.00. 1000000000 miles new military government has been holding its 1st cabinet meeting since it seems power the country's top general has described monday's coup as inevitable meanwhile the u.n.
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security council and emergency sessions discussing the coup which has been condemned by governments around the world. and out of control wildfire has destroyed dozens of homes close to the city of perth in western australia authorities have told people living in the area to be pacified place themselves as it's now too dangerous to leave. workers conducting brags it checks on food and animal products at one of northern ireland's ports have been taken off duty amid concerns for their safety after graffiti appeared close to the port of lon describing staff as targets there's been an increase in tensions over recent weeks bracks it means custom checks and being moved away from the land border with the republic of ireland and into northern ireland's ports. airspace manufacture airbus is what a contract to build 3 service modules for the european space agency the space modules are part of an international project that they'll service the propulsion
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component of for nasa and arrive in spacecraft this comes as the european space agency and some pictures plans for future space travel including the possibility of sending astronauts to the moon and beyond let's take a closer look at this project with the european space agency's director general jaan averting a welcome to the w sending astronauts back to the moon looks very exciting and hugely expensive will it help us solve problems we're experiencing here on earth. first of all i don't want that we sent astronauts back to the moon we want to send them for what was a moon because this time it's in a totally different manner it's not in competition verge right competition in the cold war but it's in geo political cooperation and yes exploration is very helpful for humans are there because through exploration of you discovered for instance the climate change on earth it was not discovered on us we have developed a lot of new technologies for instance solar panels which i use now
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a nurse here and there but they were developed for it in space and you see a lot of other things like it so that we can think about autonomous actions in space we need that right now we need it also on the earth's fuel cell it's for medicine many medicine and medical experiments and investigations are done in space so space is good for human kind and be calculated it one euro invested in space an exploration if spec about 3 year us in return ok sounds very positive although it will tell you i'm still waiting for my own personal jet pack the author of his mission is the next step in the effort to get astronauts to let's hear from german astronauts alexander guest with a prediction. i do not have any doubt that you and i have a real terms of one day seems humans and amongst them europeans walk on mars.
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so why do we want to go to mass. first of all. young he can say that i'm old i'm not so sure that i will observe it because to go to a moon and back takes about one week so you can do it in a sum of occasion to go to mass and pick takes about 2 years to use you you cannot say us and we have a problem and you come back within a couple of days and therefore it will take a long time but why are we going there why are humans going on the mount everest why are we investigate into deep sea why are we going to the north pole to this house boat obviously there is something in our d.n.a. . your city is the strongest driver we have and inspiration which comes out of the choreo city has a societal impact after apollo many many people started to really to study math physics engineering because it was inspiring and i think this social inspiration
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for motivation to do something for the future that is the strongest driver ok that's about all sounds very positive i'm mentioned this is a co-operative venture but now we know that lots of companies countries are competing in space for things like defense and communications and of course mineral extraction is this likely to lead to conflict in the future i hope not for easy it's a simple european space agency has in its convention a sentence which says explicitly exclusively peaceful purposes and this is what we have doing and i hope that the geo political positive aspect of space will when we have together in the international space station's risk russians risen americans japanese risk canadians and europeans or so sometimes on earth we have some issues so obviously the space activities are for each approach over troubled water as simon and garfunkel would say all right we're talking nice to get i musical
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referencing the. director general of the european space agency thank you thank you . sports i will start with football monday's transfer deadline day so i had to burn they'd make a big splash by signing 2014 world cup with a summit could direct from event the surprise timing of the day was back to move from shall cut to english champions liverpool in a low deal with an option to buy for 25000000 euros it's a 20 year old's 3rd move in as many years having previously featured full. stumble childcare for a place in the former arsenal germany defender. mostafa. the president of the tokyo olympics says the event will go ahead this year regardless of the coronavirus pandemic shiro mori told reporters on tuesday the games would not be postponed again following similar comments made by the head of the international olympic committee the torment was postponed from last year because of
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the pandemic recent spike uncovered infections in japan has fueled speculations the tour would be reshaped you again. well they did lose a covered $1000.00 special is up next i'll have more world news at the top of the hour between now and then of course as always a web site. www dot com of the day. the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. has the rate of infection been developing what does the latest research say. information and contacts the coronavirus update nineteen's. on t w. life on earth one of
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a kind and. but joy coincidence. we're here probable happened. in the creation of our solar system with our planet is a bit like winning the lottery. one story for unique starts viewer real events on t.w. . if you look at it the. violent protests in the netherlands at the start of the year people venting their anger against coronavirus restrictions demanding politicians to come up with a long term strategy to deal with a pandemic. easier said than done. in the chinese city of new hand total lockdown broke the chain of infection today things are almost back to normal in the city
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where the pandemic began. while most countries in europe opted for temporary lockdown measures with mixed results some countries like sweden decided to go easy on the economy with many elderly bearing the brunt. and populace governments around the globe basically ignored the virus altogether again pushing up the country's mortality rate. and the economies and people are suffering all the same it's time for a silver bullet that ends the pandemic. hello and welcome to our kobe 900 special on d.w.i. monica jones and girl in which is still in lockdown case numbers are going down slowly but the virus is still very much active so what's next could the no covert strategy be the answer to our prayers here's what it's about. a new plan proposed by scientists in germany aims to do more than just flatten the curve it
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could already kate corbett 19 and help get things back to normal their plan basically consists of 3 elements. first they suggest that the government should enact a rigid and efficient lockdown measures could include a stay at home orders travel bans and the closure of schools and kindergartens as well as all non-essential institutions factories and shops. government programs would be introduced to secure people's livelihoods apart from that all contact would be reduced to an absolute minimum the lockdown would stay in place until the number of new cases dropped when you listen iraq areas that don't register any new infections would be declared green zones in those zones the scientists say restrictions would be lifted and life would gradually return to normality. to prevent the virus from entering
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a green zone travel restrictions and quarantines would be imposed as well the green zones would gradually expand and merge until individual countries and ultimately europe would be packed to normal. to keep infection numbers down or sororities were traced contacts expand testing and isolate new cases and local outbreaks of new infections would be controlled by strict measures and quarantine says. the scientists say they're no co was trying to ji would be the best way to restore moral and fight coronavirus fatigue instead of ineffective flopped on measures that keeping extended it would offer a clear path towards normality. earlier i spoke to professor in a kickbush a much sought after global health consultant who the renowned medical journal the lancet refers to as a global health reform up and i asked her about her take on this no covert strategy
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i think the key thing is that we are looking for a sustainable strategy that involves the population that is motivating and that brings the different societal forces together we want to work together towards no cove we want to create green zones that allow people to live an ordinary life and we want to do away with this simplistic contradiction between the economy and people's lives because they really enter twines in so many ways so be a very keen to say this is a positive a motivational strategy and if we look to a stranger and see how people are living their lives now even organizing the australian open with thousands of spectators then it is this
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motivational goal that we want to work tools right now before we look to stray let's 1st dissect a little bit to the sustainable approach i believe that this no cut it strategy aims for an infection rate of below 10 percent why are these 10 percent suddenly coming from why why 10 percent. well it's the various calculations from the model that help us understand that because then of course the infection rates are pushed down the reproduction rates are low and we actually get an exponential reduction of infections and that also means that people can be traced if there is an infection then there are enough resources to actually try and find out who else where the infection has come from who else this person has been in contact
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with so it becomes a really manageable system it becomes transparent and one can work with each individual that is infected the larger your numbers are the more difficult it is to have a tryst tracing strategy and that's of course then in turn increases the incidence . once a region is below those 10 percent this to strategy says it is a green sound but how do you keep that green zone contained do you do you close the border again to keep people from red zones out of their. well that is the strategy the strategy is even to have a sort of competition that people want to get their everyday life back and if you're in the green zone that means if you act responsibly that you can actually move around again you can't let go of all restrictions we do recommend
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that for a significant period for example even in green zones people still wear masks but yes it is a strategy as we've learned from other parts of the world that the contained area the green zone is the interaction the mobility has to be reduced specif course we have to be realistic so one of the things of the whole of society strategy is that a green zone might have a factory or a company that has many people who work for them in the red zone so we need to clear testing strategies a cooperation with those companies a lot of these things can be managed but there needs to be not only the political will to manage it but it's also the will of all the other societal actors exactly i think this is a very important point you mentioning there that everybody the people especially
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included have to support the strategies you've mentioned australia as a good example now if we have good examples and what you say sounds so easy to do why aren't a foreign teams just adopting it and doing it. well to some extent there is a climate that 'd seems to hinge. we always have a tendency to discuss what constitutes we have a tendency to say we are different you know one says oh be contrarian from taiwan because they're an island i mean taiwan is 24000000 people who live very close to me so you know you can compare it to the u.k. that has enormous times faction rates and is also an island at least influences so i think we have to be much more willing to learn and we have to be willing to innovate to bring the societal forces together and to say you know we
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want to do this and i think that this whole approach we are in this together i must say i've lived in a strangely a for a while this is what has most impressed me that people have said you know this is for all of us this is not just for me but if my i do my bit we all are going to benefit and i myself am going to benefit because i can go to the express or shop next door. professor kickbush they're a much sought after as mentioned global health consultant from switzerland there thank you so much for your time and let's hope that this new strategy will overcome people's fatigue with a lockdown thank you very much for having me. so let's remember we're all in this together and let's not forget there's also
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a vaccine available now brings us to alice science correspondent eric williams who will answer one of fuel questions now. how long will it take for countries to vaccinate significant parts of their population. a couple of factors will play roles here the big hurdle at the moment is to produce enough doses to vaccinate 2 thirds of the world's population so so over 5 and a half 1000000000 people manufacturers of the vaccines approved so far they say they can provide a significant fraction of what's needed to do that by the end of 2021 but not all of it making vaccines is a complex process and as we've seen in the last few weeks a lot's can go wrong in production but hey it's still only early february right and don't forget several other vaccines are also approaching the regulatory finish line
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and i'm confident that in some places at least widespread vaccination will be the rule by say july or august the way israel is going it'll be a lot sooner than that but reaching goals in other countries will be challenging as was all too predictable and despite the kovacs initiative it's already clear that wealthier countries that bankrolled vaccine development efforts and placed early orders will be 1st in line when it comes to distribution my guess is it will be pretty much impossible for many poorer nations to make significant progress in vaccinating their populations for at least 6 months simply because most of vailable supplies will be snapped up quick. logistics will also pose a challenge as some of the approved vaccines require high tech cold chains
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so i'd say the answer to the question of how long it'll take for countries to vaccinate widely depends very much on the country some will do it in in months i think and others it looks like it'll take at least a year possibly more than one. there is williams there and he'll be back to answer more of your questions again tomorrow so keep on coming that's it for today for me in the team thanks for watching stay safe.
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almost the same for doing the social inequality a lack of the freedom of the press. go up should we can afford to stay silent when it comes to the fans of the humans and see the microphones who have decided to put their trust in us. my name is jennifer person i work. this is t.v. news africa on the program today closed for business zimbabwe's informal sector has been forced into a prolonged closure as the government tries to control the spread of covert 19 in the country small business owners say their industries. plus south africa say to begin vaccinating its health workers often the 1st.
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