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tv   Quarks  Deutsche Welle  February 2, 2021 9:30pm-10:16pm CET

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the committal got a shaky the chinese state has a lot of money at his disposal. and that's how it's expanding and asserting its status and position in the world be the fish at the top of moore's movie. china's gateway to europe storage feb 19th on d w. big but what about the. were despite its shocking shortage of coronavirus vaccines europe has paid little attention to russia's researchers today results published in a british medical journal showed that the sputnik the vaccine is safe and that it works at the same time in a russian court the kremlin critic alexina volney was sentenced to prison european governments see this as an attempt by president putin to silence his biggest threat will the european union protest a sham trial or will it focus on its own public health the new russian vaccine
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could protect europeans it could also give president putin all the political immunity he needs i'm for golf in berlin this is the day. the question is a thief and a matter and i want nobody to be free. no information so far has shown what the accusations are based on what's. gotten us on to the situation is actually frightening to the illegals and contravenes all of the countries laws. if you accuse someone you have to prove their guilt. innocence you can't just say it's a secret or this patient confidentiality and all. that would mean if i lease poisonings stage. also coming up the
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f.b.i. considers last month's seizure of the u.s. capitol to be a 911 moment and you can see it in the investigation suddenly people are being arrested who just a few months ago would have never been questioned for weeks after the attack on capitol hill this fence and the bob were pretty much the only visual signs and reminders of what had happened not generally 6 here but behind the curtains and behind the doors the inmates. the geisha into what happened and who is responsible for this it's in full gear. which our viewers on p.b.s. in the united states and to all of you around the world welcome we begin the day with a prison sentence and a vaccine both made in russia today a moscow court sentenced crimbo uncritical lexeme of all me to 3 and a half years in prison for violating parole violation occurred when the volley was here in berlin in a coma fighting for his life after being poisoned with
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a nerve agent which he blames on the kremlin the timing here is very important today's sentencing took place on the same day that russia's sputnik the vaccine received a major credibility boost early results show that the vaccine is safe and effective against the coronavirus now this comes as the european union is suffering from a drastic shortage in backseats the russian vaccine until this week had not really been discussed as a possibility for europe and that was before pharmaceuticals pfizer and astra zeneca announced drastic delivery cuts now the german health minister is not ruling out sputnik the russia could help europe but at what price to save its own public health in this pandemic europe may have to stand by and let the case of alexina volney take its course. for his wife yulia
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the only goodbye alexina valmy could manage before he heads to prison. he told the court the charges against him were fabricated a way of intimidating his supporters. all of these offices and this cage it's not a show of strength it shows their weakness weak and fake cannot jail thousands or even millions of people. but. outside the cavalry arrived early in the morning. lines of riot police stood in front of the course to keep me in but his supporters out his d w 70 showing in moscow reportage. there is a huge police presence in the whole neighborhood around the court where alex enough is being tried today these police vans stand at the ready for new arrests.
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as the day progressed police detained hundreds of supporters who'd come to show you their solidarity. age was no barrier to that here a small act of defiance me and it's a rest in these people's eyes is a small price to pay i'm not afraid to see it's. 3 or 4 hours in. in police. station i believe it's. closed for my opinion i think that. a managed school was almost killed shouldn't they be in prison. for the reasons that he was just on the west they couldn't kill him. as evening fell a heavy police presence remains. eve on these lawyers said they'd be appealing the verdict to the european court of human rights with. well more on this i
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want to bring in christopher rules of he is the chief russia researcher from he's also a friend of. chris there was good to have you on the program. let's talk about of all the the person your friend and then i'd like to talk about of all the that the public force what what does this prison sentence what does it mean for him and i'm thinking about his mental and his physical will be. well i mean there's well he was ready for it and then there's what happened today he was ready for exactly this verdict this is what we discussed back. in germany a couple of months ago he was absolutely sure that he would be arrested and when i ask him yes but they're going to let you out on on a under house arrest but not by far the most like out because of i'm going to be sent out for a long time and we're not going to see each other for a long time so that was his default expectation then again when i was watching him
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today he showed all the exterior signs of a heart of a strong strong mindset but i can't imagine that he wasn't really depressed at the end of this ridiculous for them it was a long day of deliberation which was essentially a charade that he called out what they did today was an amazing and now moving on to your 2nd part of the question seem to hold all this because he made a 17 minute speech which was amazing i mean it was a mandela speech it was a presidential inauguration speech it was at that level and it impressed everybody and you i was reading your twitter feed today and you were saying that basically he's being sent to prison. for nothing and at the moment he has no legal recourse i mean a few people actually stopped to think and to read on the background of this whole
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charade today because he sent over breaching the. parole arrangements over a verdict that has been cancelled invalidated by the european court of human rights and russia is a member of the i mean it is it has to comply with the decisions of the european court of human life so technically even under russian law this verdict is invalid. yet the russian supreme court did not castle it did not follow the request of the order from the european court of human rights in 2018 and then they said that he should move reports after the end of his provisions of this he should report on a weekly basis and essentially he was sentenced the day before to have years because he didn't show up during his treatment when he was in germany recovering from a poisoning. of the very important to note that the multi-organ poisoning at that that was it was the product of this of his own government the kremlin of the up has been if that's true and that we were following the court proceedings and he told
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the judge that he had been in a coma and that was the reason why he couldn't report with any authorities but obviously that had no bearing on the judge this prison sentence it's not 10 years it's not 20 years and we know that vladimir putin has the power to make it that way if he wants it is today's prison sentence then in your opinion a sign of. strength or is it a sign of his faltering string. i won't say anything you abide by i repeat you can be sort of the observation that putin had no useful moves when alexei decided to come back to russia alexei's decision actually put him into a quandary because. whatever he did whether he puts him in jail or he lets him out he will have a problem if he lets him out he will show a weakness that a lot of his core hardcore base is not going to like and if he sends him to prison
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he's going to catalyze the young people into the streets he's going to make him a martyr and that's exactly what we're seeing now in delayed wee hours of the night of russia we're seeing thousands of young people going out with his feet and this is going to continue for 4 weeks from now on and the only way that putting can respond to that is by sending hundreds and maybe thousands of as they call them cosmonauts for in the right and rightfully these and that's not going to be a comforting view even police corps for its core electorate because they don't want to live in a ribbon of russia that is occupied yet let me let me just ask you to before we run out of time because what does this mean then for young people because i know young voters are not big putin supporters the social media savvy young russian volney these people are the future of russia so is putin strategy here is it to somehow win them over or is it just to keep them at arm's length as long as he can . it's a short term if this it's tactics is not
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a strategy he's only keeping them at arm's length until the next presidential elections but but even these people never voted before that are coming out in the streets they're going to carve out a significant piece of the parliament and even informal estimates correctly predict that at least 15 to 20 percent will go to non-systemic parties to young people who are preferred partners ok christo rose and the chief russian researcher from billing can joining us tonight from vienna christiane we appreciate you taking the time to share what you know about this sad outcome today thank you and well what impact will the volleys prison sentence have on russian relations with the west there's a lot to unpack here and to do that tonight i'm joined by the energy security analyst benjamin schmidt he is in cambridge massachusetts it is good to see you
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again you know i say again because we've talked to several times about the nord stream to pipeline the natural gas pipeline that is almost completed that would bring natural gas directly from russia to germany the treatment of now of all me has been used now as the latest reason for this project to be killed with him being sentenced to prison today what does that do to the chances of nord stream to surviving. thanks so much for having me brant and i think that the lead in really tells you what you need to know about this which is that this should and does have a major impact on projects like north korea too because remember the folks that are are doing these malign activities this is the kremlin in the kremlin 100 percent owns and operates gas problem which is advancing north straining to i think that you'll see this continuing trend of not just the united states is often reported or
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poland or ukraine but also a number of nations across the transatlantic community a large majority have actually spoken out against this project since 2015 and it's only gets worse every time the kremlin makes one of these actions whether it's back to its illegal an exception of crimea an aggression in eastern ukraine or a of cyberattacks election interference or of course an extrajudicial assassination attempts like we saw with mr vali calling for putin putin the poisoner today in his closing remarks when he was attempting to be assassinated i kept chemical weapons we know that the german government is still behind this project yesterday the spokesperson for the german chancellor was asked about nordstrom to and she said that there has been no change in the government's position and it came at the same time that we heard from the french foreign minister saying that he would like to see the germans killed this project so what does french pressure in this calculus
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me. i think it really goes to the heart of what we've seen all along as i said it's not just eastern european voices or u.s. voices it's a majority of the transatlantic community that spoken out against nordstrom to and it's because of russia's malign activities and its export of strategic corruption i think this is really hit home when we saw just last week for the 2nd time on an overwhelming basis the european parliament call for additional sanctions against russia for an of all means imprisonment in this case but also a cancellation of any remaining work in order to immediately and that was 18581250 basis overwhelming majority of europeans of the european parliament are calling for this to be stopped as the united states the biden administration press secretary last week called this a fundamentally bad deal for europe and said that president biden still believes this and during his confirmation hearing tony blinken the incoming u.s.
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secretary of state actually said that he is determined to do what they recant to prevent that completion yeah i'm wondering too now that the french have come out against nordstrom too well that emboldened the by good ministration to put more pressure on america hold to flying only kill this pipeline i think it absolutely will brant i think there's a big diplomatic opening here the likes of which we haven't seen for some time on this issue where the overwhelming evidence is showing the sort of activities that russia gets up to and those that are saying that this has nothing to do or this this shouldn't be in any way to north korean to really don't view you know the direct connection between the kremlin and supporting this project ok energy security analyst benjamin schmidt joining us tonight it's was valuable analysis and insights into you know the geopolitics surrounding a pipeline and the imprisonment of alexina vault and thank you
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thanks my friend. the reason i say this museum get emotional in this moment is because these folks who tell us to move on that it's not a big deal that we should forget what's happened or are even telling us to apologize . these are the same tactics of abusers and. i'm a survivor of sexual assault. it was u.s. congresswoman alexandria kanzi accord has yesterday opening up about the trauma that she and many of her fellow lawmakers experienced when the capitol was stormed by trump supporters on january 6th that trauma and all the repercussions from that now the siege of the capital led to the 2nd impeachment of then president donald
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trump meanwhile the investigation into the riot itself it continues scores of people have already been arrested in what is amounting to a probe of unparalleled scope e.w. correspondent stephens iman's reports tonight from washington. fierce and die hard supporters of donald trump scaling the walls of the u.s. capitol these images showing what is now called an attack on democracy an insurrection and failed coup attempt in which 5 people died still cause us disbelief and concern shock and anxiety for millions of americans today however just hours after the storming of capitol hill on january 6th federal authorities started multiple investigations in how exactly this happened and who is responsible for it all almost 4 weeks after the attack on capitol hill this fence and the bob wire pretty much the only visual signs and reminders of what had happened not
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generally 6 here but behind the curtains and behind the doors the investigation into what happened and who is responsible for this it's in full gear. hundreds of 50 ai agents at headquarters in washington and from dozens of field offices all across the u.s. are following thousands of fleets federal agents are sifting through an unprecedented amount of evidence including at least 2 100000 digital tipoffs from various sources media platforms. at least 300 people are under active investigation and at least 150 have been arrested so far officials say this was just the 1st face of what they say is an investigation of unprecedented scope the investigation would shift a little bit from low hanging fruit off people let's say who filled themself attacking and getting into the capital committing one crime or another it will shift now into a more complex and complicated way why is that because now the f.b.i.
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will look into conspiracy in organization in organized crime how much was organized of this attack what was the suit level of sophistication in preparing for the attack and who was involved. federal authorities say they're in for the long haul when it comes to their investigations and answering these and other questions back on capitol hill the temporary fence surrounding much of it will perhaps also remain for longer than originally planned the interim chief of the capitol police wanted to become a permanent fixture. well the german drug maker beyond texas says that it's planning to produce $2000000000.00 doses of its coronavirus vaccine in this year that's more than 50 percent up from its initial projected output now back comes as german chancellor angela merkel is promising that everyone who wants to be banks in ated will be all
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for the injection by the end of this coming summer that promises giving rise to the idea of issuing passports for people who have been immunized supporters say this would allow people to return to normal life critics fear it could violate data protection law. evan schneider is taking on the corona virus the chief administrator arranged independently to develop a digital vaccination certificate in outing after 2 injections you get it for free and if you didn't. i think were the only ones in europe perhaps even in the entire world to have it big companies like oracle or microsoft are still working on it we've already got it from and this is the odd to think vaccination certificate on it some personal data as well as the name of the vaccine and data vaccination to make it more secure and correspond to data protection laws schneider had the
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various district data processing center take part the info is now included on smartphones. my hope to perhaps travel again and perhaps get a bit more freedom. now an alliance of high tech companies in the us are working together with health organizations to also develop a digital vaccination passport it could even become a model for the world health organization to use. the international air transport association is also testing out possible health certificates with the airlines using an app passengers can check in and display their covert test results with this i had a hopes mass tourism will take off again. ultimately people want to be able to have unlimited travel again without going into quarantine that's also something the european union would like to regulate at its latest summit the $27.00 member states discussed what could be done some countries are pushing hard for
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a similar vaccination certificate. there's no other way around not having at the beginning a uniform system for all 200 nations on this planet however i have my concerns if companies which are well known for other things collect excessive amounts of personal data and are also the ones who would have access to sensitive data about people's health. done so forth. could there also be a 2 tier system such as less vigorous rules for people who've been vaccinated for corona virus than for those who haven't critics fear there might even be a vaccination certificate elite with more privileges other problems to get 5 more example we don't know whether people who've been vaccinated could still be carriers and as long as we don't know that then a vaccination passport or whatever it's called is of no use to us. meanwhile the bavarian district of outing doesn't want to wait for the e.u. and keeps handing out its own vaccination certificates its biggest wish though is
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to return to normalcy. well there are other reasons to be cautious about this idea of vaccination certificates my colleague the reporter job though roy has been looking into the flourishing online market for corona virus scams and there's plenty of scammers out there what you find joe well any time you create a system someone is going to try and change it and right now many countries require you to carry a covert 19 test result a negative result in order to cross the border that's the case if you coming from france or you came to france or if you're trying to arrive in the usa and that has made a negative test result of valuable commodity how valuable well up to $300.00 euros that's according to your a poll the european coordination body for the policing organizations and they say that they have been busting scammers and fraudsters all over europe including at a paris airport where people were selling them to travelers europol of course did warn travelers not to buy them yeah imagine that i mean like trying to scalp
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tickets how hard would it be for me if i wanted to get of seek negative test result if i wanted to say fly across the atlantic well we decided to try and find out here at d w so we turned to the messaging app telegram where you can find channels offering all sorts of goods and services usually nefarious and we did a really quick search to look out for a cover 19 testim of course we found a russian language channel that very quickly offered us to a to sell us one for 15 dollars you know it's cheaper than a test and some places but i wanted to know what we might get from money so i asked them to send us a sample and basically this sample would look like a it's a p.d.f. it's a document that looks like it's been printed out from some petersburg globe or a tree presumably it had that would go into photoshop in the necessary details would be changed to much whatever i need this is a very simple kind of forgery really and in fact the person offering to sell me this warned that a little q.r. code in the corner there it wouldn't work if it was ever scanned by any authority
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so i thought that was. pretty honest of this particular forger to tell me that his product wouldn't even work now this is something that anyone could really do at home in fact i could do it using the exact image that that she could ever sent me the question is really whether it would work if you try and go to an airport and that of course is highly debated will be you just know it could be 1900 s. results what about the vaccination certificates right well look for those as well and i couldn't find any probably because they don't exist yet in any meaningful form as we heard in that story that german district is the 1st district to actually even pioneer this concept now is when you currently get vaccinated you get a little stamp or a little book which would be very easy to fake so right now the world health organization is working on some kind of international standards for a digitized system an airline's are also working on their own but of course once you digitize something you open it up to manipulation so just like the virus itself it's going to be very hard to stamp out this kind of order is just another reason to get everybody vaccinated as soon as possible joe thank you. well the day is
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almost done but the conversation it continues online you'll find us on twitter either you w. news or you can follow me at golf team and every member of whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day we'll see that everybody.
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in. the fight against illegal gold diggers. encourages jungles this takes heavy weapons the price of gold skyrocketed during the pandemic and the number of forbidding mines is exploding. with a company a special unit in their dangerous warning against reckless environmental destruction. 3000. 90 minutes on w.
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. and you hear me now oh yes we're going to tell you and how the. last year's judgment starts out when you bring your uncle out machall as you've never had to have before surprise yourself with what just possible who is magical really what moves her and want also to talk to people who followed her on the way maurice and critics alike joined us for metals last august. all. of the morning. i cannot sleep because you know war is in love. in those low lying smoldering. in these low good schools. there's no use in the law of love
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for the wicked. doesn't. work using the words of. a few months new. earth couldn't sleep. currents. frankfurt. international gateway to the best connection self road and rail. located in the hot a few connected to the home will. experience outstanding shopping and dining offers and trying out a services. biala guest. managed by from.
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this is g.w. news live from berlin he is going to prison a court sentences russian opposition leader alexina of all need to more than 3 years behind bars in moscow court found that the violated the terms of his probation while he was here in germany recovering from a near fatal poison attacked the bomb the supporters are calling for more protests in the russian capital also coming up good news in the fight against the pandemic scientists say russia's sputnik the vaccine is safe and effective against good but 19 early trial results were published today in the british medical journal the
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lancet. office good to have you with us we begin in moscow where opposition leader alexina vallie has been sentenced to 3 and a half years in prison of all. he was detained last month for violating the terms of his probation he failed to check in with authorities because he was here in germany recovering from a near fatal poisoning which he blames on the kremlin today's ruling has sparked an international outcry but. the hots for his wife yulia the only good bye alexei novelli could manage before he heads to prison. earlier he told the court the charges against him were fabricated a way of intimidating his supporters. all of these offices and this cage it's not
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a show of strength it shows their weakness weak and fake cannot jail thousands or even millions of people. but those. outside the cavalry arrived early in the morning. lines of riot police stood in front of the courts to keep me in but his supporters out this d.w. use any show when in moscow reports each. there is a huge police presence in the whole neighborhood around the court where aleksey not by me is being tried today these police vans stand at the ready for new arrests. as the day progressed police detained hundreds of supporters who'd come to show you that solidarity. age was no barrier to that here a small act of defiance me and it's arresting these people's eyes is
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a small price to pay i'm not afraid to see it's. 3 or 4 hours in. in police. station i believe it's. close for for my you know i think that. a man's school was almost killed shouldn't they be in prison. for the reasons that he was us only was what they couldn't kill him. as night fell police were out in force on the streets of moscow the supporters heeding his cool to go out and protest they too were detained. well what does today's sentencing mean for russian democracy to talk about that we want to bring in roman to broker talk he is editor of the russian investigative web site called the insider he's also one of the investigators in tune of all these poisoning moments good to have you on the
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program the you know the thinking outside of russia here in europe is if president putin wanted to get rid of live all me once and for all he could have had no volleys sentenced to prison for 102030 years but he did how do you explain that i would because he doesn't want to have a big outrage and 2 big protests. grittiest small sentence for 2 and a half or a year yes that means that he can give more and more of this small charm so for everybody here in russia it's absolutely clear that that's important wants to keep its power forever there is no doubts about that and we see that people still outraged syria thousands of people right now go into gorgeous in this night in the moscow sent it has broken up dozens of other cities so this is
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a big challenge in russia and we would we have been waiting for this moment for many years or so we understood that sooner or later not only it will be in prison so that this well what happens what happens now then what happens now and of only is in prison so you're the leader of the opposition is behind bars. yes so nobody knows that so we all up wondering this tsa final fight between civil society and the government and. via. their own country like i don't know. the turkmenistan possibly even north korea soon or it will win and we'll see a democratic change just so it will be clear and i think in this year older that because we see that the oppression become tough and duff and of course there is nothing in the middle so it will be either their own country or there will be very
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very big protests what would you expect or would you like to see the european union do here and i ask that and i want to maybe you can answer this question is well do you worry that the coronavirus vaccine crisis in europe will spell doom for novell nis hopes for help because the russians now have a coronavirus back seem to offer. i know it sounds funny i like that i listen but scenes and of course this would be a quick scene is not the thing that can be seen as effect of trade between no west and russia. yeah the west the reaction is very very important and we see that this election is pretty tough go on medicare biden all of them will have a very tough stand here but i don't think that president putin now with thinks about 4 of the dacian up to war ukraine up to poison it not lining up to change because
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to do so he has no reputation abroad so he worries about brought us inside becomes so it's of course it's good that that's not all the ripping thing countries are united in one position against the serious the violent against. authoritarian trends in russia but still i think this is not enough even sanction if the sanctions will be very tough if there will be no north's 3 year there will be no no no no swedish i mean this bank you know accounts even all of that will not stop belligerent will do a full knowing what he's done so many on the protest can help. in the process of investigative journalist in moscow we appreciate your time in your insights tonight roman thank you keith. russia's sputnik the vaccine is about 92 percent effective that's according to a new study just published in the british medical journal the lancet the findings
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are based on data from a trial involving nearly 20000 people researchers also found no serious side effects associated with this use the russian vaccine consists of 2 common cold viruses that have been modified to carry the virus is slight protein it can be stored at up to 8 degrees celcius making it easier to transport then the bio on to pfizer baxi. and jones is a professor of biology at the university of reading who reviewed the russian clinical results for the lancet earlier he told us that he's convinced sputnik the is effective in the fight against the by. the numbers involved slightly over 20000 actually in the trial was big enough to be sure of the outcome and the fact that it was general protection across all age groups and there were no serious side effects is old old good for the vaccine i think it adds another dimension so those that are currently licensed for use accra around the world and clearly it out small
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manufacturing base to the city available covert vaccines. here are some of the other stories now that are making headlines around the world military government has held its 1st cabinet meeting since seizing power the country's top general described monday's coup as inevitable the u.n. security council is holding an emergency session to discuss the coup which has been condemned by governments around the world 6 people have died including 5 young children in a shooting in the u.s. state of oklahoma an armed suspect was taken into custody but authorities have not identified a motive for the killings. captain tom the british since he raised money for the u.k.'s national health service by walking laps in his backyard. campaign went viral last year. more than 30000000 pounds that's about 34000000 your
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. u.s. president joe biden is signing a further executive orders today as he chips away of the hard line immigration policies of his predecessor donald trump biden has already stopped construction on the southern border wall with mexico and he's put an end to the muslim travel ban but immigration advocates say there is still much that needs to be done. that is what brings them together even on a cold day i mean the pandemic. it's the 4th any very sorry if the travel ban imposed by former president donald trump and now revoked by one of president 1st executive orders. and so this ban from the get go should not have ever been made it's really the divisiveness fear mongering in haiti and the fact that it separated so many families for so long it's cruel and it's it can never be a race i'm here in support and all of us meaning that we're demanding said
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a white house and congress president we need justice for everybody meaning. citizenship for all 11000000 undocumented immigrants and to all deportations. detentions president joe biden has been in office for less than 2 weeks but organizations are already getting together in order to support his ambitious immigration reform if passed by congress this reform would include the path to citizenship for more than 11000000 undocumented immigrants many of them already living in the united states for decades. and get back our i from believe to the united states with her 2 sons 20 years ago and hasn't been home since her sons know no other country than their own the united states they were granted legal status by the dream act but they still don't have a u.s. citizenship so. it's hard to be an immigrant here it's painful it's sad it's hard work you have to fight a lot is move. on with
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a tourist visa and never left undocumented immigrants like ingrid a contraflow 5 percent of the workforce in the united states they are part of the backbone of the economy behind houses offices hospitals and doing to domestic work for many american families but. we pay taxes here but we don't get any help from the government absolutely nothing and we are also in the middle of a terrible crisis right now many of us are also losing our homes our jobs our income . not the name. because of the pandemic has lost her main source of income now she's also lost her home because she can't pay the rent anymore but she says what hurts most is not to be able to visit her family. it is difficult to visit our countries because if we leave we will not be allowed to enter again. one main source of hope and comfort is the church
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meeting place for many immigrants from latin america even in the midst of the pay. if the united states wants to talk about democracy and human rights they need to start. and. the will to fight even stronger despite the pandemic and the trumpet ministrations says. those hoping to become an american citizen that's. all the starship. managed.
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our back on earth for many of us living under a pandemic lockdown life has begun to feel like groundhog day but today is the real groundhog day the 134 year old american tradition of predicting the coming of spring with the help of an oversized rodent took place as always in flux pennsylvania but this time without the spectators there socially distance of the famous very media just apparently did see his shadow during the ceremony that means 6 more weeks of winter according to folklore not great news for the snowed in east coast of the u.s. but the groundhogs handlers promised a beautiful spring once the season change us and everyone gets back so i. was reminder of the top story we're following for you a russian court has sentenced opposition leader alexian of all need to 3 and
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a half years in prison the court ruled that the kremlin critic violated the terms of his probation on earlier fraud charges while he was here in germany recovering from a poison attack involving his attorneys say that they plan to appeal. you're watching news live from berlin up next business with stephen beers and stick around he will be right back.


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