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tv   Profit oder Leben  Deutsche Welle  February 4, 2021 4:15am-5:00am CET

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those channels being financed by russian forces by russian authorities the national security council of ukraine adopted these very important decisions for now the channels are still broadcasting on the internet but that could chimes ukraine's government is asking you tube to take them offline. or you can you're watching news life or land up next as our special or that's a lot more headlines for you at the top of the hour obscene that. the fight against the corona virus pandemic. has the rate of infection been developing what does the latest research say. information and context around a virus update nineteen's. on t w. 2 children to come
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to school one giant problem and will nearly in all need to soon be. denied even a change in mood to lead a fuel economy. how will climate change affect us and our children. and e.w. dot com slash water. wearing a mask is no big deal in asia they've been doing it long before the corona virus pandemic. western countries have been more reluctant to a doctor ace mosques as a useful tool to fight the virus we don't generally recommend the wearing of masks in public but otherwise well individuals. because. has not been up to now
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associated with any particular brand of food. but eventually opinion changed hands you home soon masks popped up everywhere and experts changed their tune people congregating often with masks of being in crowds and jumping over and of voiding not paying attention to the guidelines that we very carefully put out we're going to continue to be in a lot of trouble and there's going to be a lot of hurt if that does not stop. as more variants of the virus emerged medical masks were back on the agenda even becoming mandatory in some places but can masks really beat the virus. that's the question welcome to our coverage 900 special i want to jones and good to have you with us and just in case you're wondering why isn't she wearing a mask well the studio is pretty much the only place i can take it off for now because things keep changing just like the virus itself and that also goes for the
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acceptance off wearing masks and the evidence that they really help curb the spread of the virus in fact a study from germany has found that face mask could reduce the number of new code with 19 infections 20 days after their mandatory introductions anywhere from 15 to 75 percent and researchers also found that the reduction in new cases was the most for those above 60 years of age this is the 1st study to identify causal effects in a population rather than in a clinical setting highlighting the correlation between wearing face masks and a drop in new infections. class they had a professor of economics at the u. has gutenberg university in mind is the co author of this study and he joins me now good to have you with us what i noticed is that your study doesn't mention specific facemasks why not. that's true we don't mention flu specific trace masks
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because the regulation at that time just required to wear any mask so these were probably normal made only masks ok so we don't really know about the efficacy. when we take into consideration the medical masks which are now mandatory in many places or f.f.t. moscow do you have a hunch would there be even more effective more yes of course i mean there are other studies that study no detail which type of mask is more effective and we know of course that. last masks are not the best ones so it's repeat you nurse because it's all you have a much better filtering yours is ok but apart from the model or the material of a face mask what other factors play a role in in making wearing a mask effect if i believe your study also points to different regions different climate. you know all regions on climate i'm not too sure about but what
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definitely matters is how good a mask since. as a man you are a beer and then of course there's a lot of airflow at the edge of the mask and this can be a problem and in any case with any mask depends on the environment if you are in a. controlled media. you know contaminated ambient air and then you can get infected anywhere you are in robots and more gropers they enter anyway right i just have to smile because you mention to be a tz and i know a few colleagues here including our science correspondent who will find it difficult to pot with the beer. but back to the ficus e of a facemask the average in your study says it's at around 4547 percent that's a good start but it means that we also need different measures to win this fight which rules are the most important all the rules that we need in place from your
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point of view. well it's definitely true master are not the only measure we should employ there should be other rules but if i should say something about rules i mean rules are one thing but compliance to rules is a much different and when we look for example at the sudden increase of contractions before christmas then we this cannot be related to rules because the rules didn't change at that time but we know from ability date of it around christmas which an be honest no but nevertheless around christmas mobility increased a lot so the question is how much compliance is there to rules in their private environment and then another issue so for example a mass workplace i recently went to a small enterprise for a mechanic. and everybody was without a mask i mean i was shocked i mean so masked and there were places they would all
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be your measure. exactly and you just mentioned statistics with looking as mobility before christmas i mean with what's been flooded with statistics on daily infection numbers now for almost a year now and more recently sadly we also get the daily death numbers and how helpful od those statistics when it comes to assessing the situation right now. yeah this is a very important question the daily reported infection numbers we hear every day a half serious study script there's a systematic bias where does this bias come from well we test for different reasons one example is we test when people go to a doctor and have symptoms and then we test the individuals who had contact with the person who is infected or we test individuals that return from mali days the studies take a problem resulting from this is when the relative importance of how many tests you
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undertake because of symptoms or because of crevice or because of other reasons when this relative changes then there are important number of infections are not comparable over time there are of course other such as ticks which are less biased when we think about the number of individuals in intensive care units i mean this is they have to be very unbiased this is a very good measure and then as you said the number of deaths you don't want to hear this but this is also unbiased measure but unfortunately these measures are late no i mean this i'm not in some tenuous measure of how severe a pandemic you so what we should. we should not just test individuals i mean testing is are extremely important test as much as possible and we should also report why individuals were tested and if we knew for example all the positive tests of individuals that were tested because they hatch sometimes then we should
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then we would count quoted 19 cases so cases of the deceased and this would be a unbiased measure of the superiority of the under me ok so there is definitely some homework to be done certainly when it comes to effective testing just very briefly. at what point do you think can we begin our masks are our book when the pandemic is over its own plans are ok if if if i had to give a rule. wait for the number of patients in intensive care units to fold to a level that we had in spring to post. then we can be more relaxed so we need to use i'm biased measures and or on this we turn based long term rules and long term planning right that sounds like a good plan class they had a professor of economics at the one is good and they're going to visit in mines and
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co-author of the study on facemasks thank you so much you're welcome. so testing and wherein facemasks to reduce the number of infections that's half the battle won but some cases are less easy to trace than others which brings us to one of your questions and over to our science correspondent eric williams. what do estimates now say about the percentage of infections caused by asymptomatic cases. to answer this we have to 1st look at differences and similarities in asymptomatic and priest symptomatic carriers of covert 19 now if someone is infected with the virus it might take time to develop symptoms but most people eventually do they're just priest symptomatic for a while one of the things that's made this disease so hard to combat is that unlike
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for example people who got sars we think that 19 patients grow most contagious late in their incubate period so so while the virus is reproducing rapidly but before they begin to show symptoms for some reason truly asymptomatic people never develop symptoms but apparently go through a similar stage of shedding the virus what asymptomatic and precint emetic people have in common are those few days where both are carrying the virus and shedding it yet neither is showing any sign of disease so maybe we should instead ask how many people are getting coated 19 from people who aren't showing any symptoms a recent study published by c.d.c. specialists tried to answer that question on the researchers had to make a couple of educated guesses but based on data from other studies they assumed that
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close to a 3rd of all people who catch the virus remain truly asymptomatic and that they are around 75 percent as infectious as those with full blown disease if those baseline assumptions are correct asymptomatic people would be responsible for around a core. her of all 19 infections precent a matic transmitters are thought to pass it along at even higher rates than that so so the model therefore predicts over half of all cases of covert 19 are transmitted by people who have no symptoms at the time they transmit it no wonder tracing infection chains has proven so difficult it's more support for the advice that that wearing masks in public is a good idea even if no one around you is coughing. but
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you brings us back to the topic of this program that was derek williams of course and he'll be back to on some more of your questions again tomorrow that's all for this edition of code 19 special but as we're all starved of often called say in these trying times we want to leave you with some images from eternal rome from the colosseum to the vatican museum which you can visit again little facemask of course enjoy the news thanks for watching and see you soon. enter the conflict zone between sebastian. many countries are watching anxiously to see how the new u.s. administration will we set relations with them my guest this week in jerusalem is the community affairs minister sakhi homemade how will his government react to joe biden's new policy on the road and his waning tolerance for the expansion of jewish
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conflict boy. next to w. t one stair confidant their lover. and undercover agent for the british police. activists kate and lisa respond i don't down to the most intimate details now suing the state but instead of stopping these romeo agents the government wants to give them the economic powers of some peace going group. in 60 minutes on d w. or. conversely. use.
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still. to be. discovered. subscriber. are you telling me that you would go ahead with a strike on iran what do you think we're going to do pray know we're going to defend our so you're going to trial president with an amazing chief ministration he made clear that settlements are legal there is nobody to patients they have all the pheno 30 that has its own life and independence many countries are watching
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anxiously to see how the new u.s. administration will reset relations with them after 4 years of donald trump and especially in israel which is bracing for a cold wind blowing its way from washington my guest this week from jerusalem is the community affairs minister tuckey how they greet how well his government reacts to joe biden's new policy on iran and he's waiting tolerance for the expansion of live jewish settlements. and they're very welcome to comfort zone thank you joe biden was barely inside the white house before you the israeli minister for community affairs publicly criticized his intention to rework the nuclear agreement with iran and labeled him an appeaser why pick a fight with your closest ally we definitely need
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a new agreement. with iran and with. all the countries involved but we have very much against repeating the same mistake that was done by the previous administration during obama's time which was very very grim and both the world and to israel. negotiating a new agreement it's something that must be. encouraged the result should be different from the 1st time my question is how does that serve the interests of your country accusing the obama administration which biden served as vice president of appeasing iran well it's not a secret we were very much. opposing a bomber's policy is the prime minister netanyahu appeared. physically in the
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american congress explaining why it's a big mistake and the mistake was the effort to appease the iranian hoping that this policy of engagement would bring them to be part of president obama be part of the family of nations well it didn't happen because of years past we still see the same behavior the same terrorism encouraged the same indorsement of radical groups in lebanon. iraq syria and also yemen so this is the major problem we have to change the policy and it has to happen to a dialogue between israel and the united states yeah but you also warns that is mr biden revises nuclear deal israel would be forced to attack iran's nuclear instead
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violent confrontation is the last resort are you telling me that you would go ahead israel would go ahead with a strike on iran without the sign off by the united states that you do it on your own. without consulting the u.s. again again i do not predict and i cannot predict what's going to happen i hope the american administration and the state the permanent members of the security council state will be much more determined and resolve than ever before will not change the regime of the sanctions that was initiated by trumpet administration will go forward putting maximum pressure on iran to change its behavior if it's not going to go if there will be a new agreement that will endanger the very existence of the state of israel what do you think we are going to do pray no we are going to defend ourselves in any way
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that will be effective you seem to ignore the fact that iran is still observing some of the terms of the j c p a a deal including allowing u.n. inspectors access on the one of the most intrusive nuclear verification regimes imposed on any nation also snap inspections doesn't that isn't that worth holding on to or do you want to just scrap the whole thing no agreement was definitely not violated by iraq for a long time they were working. according to the agreement because it's their interest they want to be valid to the very last 2nd of its term yes especially the one in which the door until your friend don't know china's economy will give you more on the deal no we don't have problem with
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iran letting their agreement donald trump would withdraw from the agreement iran would stay and follow every paragraph. to kill the end of the agreement this is the criticism that he had we have the agreement is very good if it never expires it's very bad because it will expire eventually several years what we demand is an agreement that is not only good for iran because once it is expired they have the diligence mc to enrich uranium and to reach a nuclear weapon we want an agreement that will be the same agreement but for 50 years 100 years this is our demand iran has said it has no intention of acquiring a nuclear weapon you don't believe them but why should anyone believe you the government your government and its prime minister has a long history of crying wolf i've been shown around this has been going on for
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almost 30 years we remember in 1902 mr netanyahu solemnly predicting that iran was 3 to 5 years away from having a nuclear weapon what happened with and what happened is that through the years united nations security council made several resolutions banning iran from going forward with its elicit program more and more facilities were revealed. each and every one of them was illegal was not. being. allowed by the international community the one in towns the one is $401.00 in 4 do all those are secret facilities that we found in the world that are being established but we've seen your warnings year after year after year you were warning about iraq as well in 2002 that was your target netanyahu went to congress
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warning that saddam hussein was hell bent on achieving atomic bombs as soon as he could they still haven't found those atomic bombs have that and then there was his famous famously and accurate prediction from him that if you take out saddam saddam's regime i guarantee you it would have enormous positive reverberations on the region that was nonsense too so you don't have a good record in your predictions coming true do you i think that your thoroughly wrong because america and president biden just warn several days ago that they are going to prevent iran from having a nuclear program and the whole world knows that iran is dedicated to achieving a. weapon of mass destruction it's not an invention the fact it was prevented through the years due to various activities that were taken by the whole world especially the sanctions of president obama get his term now from sanctions so
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i don't think there's any doubt ron is trying to build a bomb is not even something that is in dispute mr nixon let's talk about israel and the palestinians mr mr biden is already calling for a halt to what he calls unilateral actions including israeli settlement activity in the west bank and demolition of palestinian homes are you going to do if he asks i haven't heard any. anything from the american administration. the new ministration about. the policy of the united states for many many years was against settlements but during the time of president trump it was an amazing shift with an historic change and for the 1st time in history our relationship with the best ally the united states the ministration made clear that settlements are illegal and they are not preventing peace on the contrary with ours jail trump our
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military mission saying that that was just a trampoline a stray chanelle mr biden's nominee fierro an ambassador has said that he's already calling for a halt to unilateral actions including israeli settlement activity in the west bank and demolition of palestinian homes so there's obviously a changing on the way here are my credentials are you going to do as mr biden asks i'm not aware of you know there are many ambassador but there is a president and there is a congress that's public opinion and in our experience the majority of the people in the congress republicans and democrats alike understand that israel is in sudan somalia because this is our ancient land this is our homeland we are not your answer is no so your answer is no you're not going to do as mr biden asks you're not going to do what he asked you're not going to hold settlement activity and stop the demolition of knowledge to any and harms no unfortunately my answer is the
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truth not no or yes again i'm telling you i haven't heard any change in the policy of president from vis a vis the settlements if there's going to be such a such a change you'll be very said that we will have a dialogue with our friends in the administration. for now the american understand that israel is in today and somalia because it's our land and this is why trump made. peace initiative calling for accepting all the settlements where they are never uprooting jewish settlers into their own somalia if mr biden will change the policy of the united states will have a dialogue with him but i don't think that if it's realistic to think that it's going to happen. mr han it may as for the demolition of palestinian some of the
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buildings you destroyed it actually being donated as humanitarian assistance was it of no concern to you that 869 palestinians this last year have been thrown out onto the streets homeless in the year that kovac 19 took root and spread like wildfire do you do either know or care what happened to these people who were tossed out into the street well there are millions of jews and millions of palestinians living together in. the land of israel i'm talking about the people who was thrown out of their homes by oh demolitions i understand i understand what you're talking about and i ask you to let me answer please so there are millions of jews millions of palestinians living in this country 99.9 percent of them live in their homes and nobody throws them from their homes while there is an illegal building or community or any other infrastructure that is not.
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according to the israeli low with the mostly it happens to jews and it happens to palestinians and i can name you and i'm sure you do know of illegal settlements that israel demolished in the grown in better open now in a far more now i just named you 4 places where the supreme court in israel made an order to demolish the houses of israelis jews who were living in those homes they were kicked out of their homes they were uprooted from places they were living in for many many years but mr ahmed big numbers are not known for bold the numbers are not comparable to a human rights group your human rights group b'tselem pointed out that since 1967 israel has dispossessed palestinians of more than 2000 square kilometers on various
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pretexts and in violation of international law you've built over $280.00 settlements in the west bank for more than 600000 jewish citizens so you build a lot for jews and you toss palestinians out into the streets well i beg to differ i think that every decision. is made after the trial after the court decision you know the israeli court is very much. affective and honest and has a reputation all over the world so every decision that is being made is being ruled after a court decision so i am i really believe that everything that is being done is totally legal and according to international law and israel in. well that's certainly disputed by large numbers of the international community and all the
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human rights groups let's talk about the normalization deals that you have with some of the arab states the u.a.e. the united arab emirates and bahrain last summer you referred to these deals and you said maybe this will convince the palestinians that it's time for them to do whatever the u.a.e. are willing to do to see israelis not as enemies but as friends you want the palestinians to be friends with the people who have consistently demolished homes and built on occupied land in violation of international law is that right well you keep repeating using. fake news. is. weak you. call the west bank but this is the death of my the bible it's not something that was invented by you or me and into that somalia which exists for 3
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a 3800 years the jewish people is building its life once again it was never before and stayed there only occupiers and we came back to our homeland we are eager to have peace with the palestinians we are ready for them to have their independence in any way that does not. jeopardize our very existence they start negotiating with israel in 2046 years now they are not ready to enter a room and to sit with us and to try. to reach an agreement which is something that the u.a.e. did and bahrain did and morocco did and sudan did so this is exactly what i said if the palestinians would follow the arab countries that are now in peace with israel and will reach an agreement they will gain from it will have millions government it
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they're reluctant to do it they're losing from it well it's not exactly a comparable situation as a because the u.s. and bahrain haven't lived on the occupation for 33 years and when it comes to judea and samaria what we call the west bank your own supremes court has ruled that you are holding that area in belligerent occupation they say nothing about your right to the land which you talk about belligerent occupation you want the palestinians to be friends with the people who have imposed polygyny and occupation on them so the last 53 years is hardly comparable to the situation of the u.a.e. in bahrain is it again my friend these are not affected in 994 reach an agreement with the palestinians which. stablished a palestinian authority. which is not under our occupation it has a problem and it has a constitution it has an army it has elections every time they want to have
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elections they have embassies more than israel all over the world we don't occupy them we don't really tell them what to do they have their own independence in so many ways and they mentions an area but still we need to reach the. final arrangements for the we leave we decide tanami with this policy or authority and as i mentioned unfortunately without no justification in the last 6 years they refuse to reach an agreement with us and even to sit in the same room with us this is a big mistake and unfortunately it causes tragedy to the palestinian people you you tell me that you don't tell the palestinians what to do do you have any idea how many times your forces raid the homes of those palestinians in the west bank when you now want to treat his friends do you even know the average number of those raids on palestinian homes according to un dater and this is just 420172018
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soldiers broke into your soldiers broke into palestinian homes throughout the west bank $6400.00 times an average of $267.00 incursions a month about 10 every night is that the way you hope to make friends with the palestinians and why do you think we do it. with think that we do it because we enjoy it i was a soldier in israel in the in the there somewhere for years my 3 sons were soldiers injured and somalia for years and they do exactly what you describe try to prevent terrorism and violence and atrocities and thousands and thousands of israelis were massacred in terrorist terrorism activities that unfortunately were initiated by terrorist groups injured and some are in gaza i'm optimistic that the palestinians begin to understand that violence is not going to kick us out of the our land we are eager to live in peace with them and hopefully
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in the future they will accept the idea the president try to encourage to reach historic journey an agreement that will put an end to hostilities and the animosity between the people i believe that it's possible nobody believes is possible with egypt in jordan and bahrain in the u.a.e. and sudan and morocco and it happened it will happen eventually with the palestinians once their leaders will come to their senses and understand that we are here to stay with. me forever stand by you had a perfect opportunity to show your desire for friendship with the palestinians by sharing your car with vaccines with them but you haven't done that to 2 tiny gestures a 10100 vaccine doses were sent 2 weeks ago for medical personnel and sometime soon $5000.00 is again for medical personnel why is it the palestinians living under
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occupation in the west bank don't get the same access to like scenes that israeli jews are getting living side by side with them in settlements by the discrimination again you have to understand understand that your facts are not correct. as i told you the palestinian 30 is independent they have their own budget they have their own life and they made an agreement with countries to have seen both of them they did it with russia and china and other countries unfortunately they had problems. all these agreements were not fulfilled not because of us that because of problems between them and their colleagues so we voluntarily were ready and are ready to give them 5000 words in units and we are in the process of doing it for their medical. people in order for the medical people the doctors the nurses at least to
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be vaccinated. fast as possible and the same goes with the people in gaza that are not under occupation as you know israel withdrew from gaza many years ago. 2 decades ago and again gaza is fairly independent they have agreements with other countries so i can tell you this if the palestinians will ask from us we will help them your explanation is being bought by influential people around the world by the un or indeed politicians in the us we had new york congressman jamal bowman saying netanyahu must ensure that both israelis and palestinians have access to the covert vaccine to scrutiny is another reminder of why the occupation must end and a colleague of his congressman weiner. said he was just appointed a concern that the government's exclusion of palestinians living under israeli
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occupation despite making vaccines available to israeli settlers in the west bank so they're not buying your explanation mr. my friend i don't know why you keep repeating the lies of people there are totally incorrect because there is no box you patient. there is a policy in authority that has its own life and independence and budget and agreements about vaccination with other countries repeating the lie is going to going to change to reality it is our interest that the palestinians will be vaccinated you know why because they live with us howden and 30000 palestinians every day crossed the border into israel to work with us 130000 people so our interest is that they will be vaccinated they made an agreement with other countries with russia they believe it's cheaper maybe it's more effective maybe it's more rapid this is the agreement they made the occupation is
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a lie because your own supreme court confirmed that you are holding judea and samaria in belligerent occupation those are the words they've used several times over the years so it's not a line confirmed by your supremes a lie it's a lie it's illegal it's it's a lie it's illegal terms because it's not occupation because we are not physically ruling over the life again you know that there is mr abu mazen he is the president president of what. president of our independent policy or authority when he goes abroad he has a plane a plane of world of of of policy an air force when he goes out he meets to show a passport he doesn't want to even have an airport he doesn't even have an airport mr allonby because the human element of them is again some of the airport you bombed the airport several years ago there's now you want to keep on lying this is up to you there is no airport into the somalia international airport was never
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there and it will never be because it's a small place but he goes through the israeli airport and he goes with the palestinian fast and he's not under occupation and he is welcomed all over the world and he goes to the united nations and nobody tells him what to say and he's criticizing israel in the most harsh where words and this is a good image because we are democrat democracy and we accepted policy that has their own intentions and their own history and their own spiritual so this is the situation but what he doesn't want to do unfortunately is still gushing with us to reach an agreement with us this might happen in the future probably with mr abu mazen is no longer the leader of the palestinian authority or i talk he had a good finger caviar called legs and thank you very much for your time. thank you very much.
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was there a confidant there lover. and undercover agent for the british public. activists k. to endless summer spied on down to the internet. to mistake . but instead of stopping these romeo agents the government wants to get limitless power. 30 minutes on t w. is sleeping on a. bunch of refugees are risking everything off the. most of libya because behind them flies
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a terrible nightmare escape hunger and brutal violence in libyan prison camps. on the ocean biking they tell of their desperation and their flight across the sea . in 75 minutes on d. w. . d. to know that 77 percent of laughing are younger than 6 of fox. that's me and me and you. keep talking you know what eckstein all forces quite hard on the 77 percent to talk about the issue i got my stuff. from politics to flash from housing boom boom town this is where they are.
4:59 am
welcome to the 77 percent. this weekend on the d w. of the wall. can actually be personal war isn't love her. and those born smaller. who lose lol good news was. no use no love for the wicked. doesn't know your world gives me a burger. oh you can't sleep.
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couldn't sleep. commercials. this is day that we news and these are our top stories police in myanmar have formally charged ousted civilian dealer son suchi with breaking an import law authorities say illegally imported walkie talkies were found at her home she's being held in custody a civil disobedience campaign that's been growing since a military coup earlier this week. a new study suggests the oxford astra's.


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