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tv   Focus on Europe  Deutsche Welle  February 5, 2021 7:30am-8:01am CET

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agency the government wants to come to our. congress. next on w. what secrets might be going to. discover new adventures in the 360 degree. and explore the mating world heritage site. w world heritage 316. now. very well welcome to the program glad you could join us today europe is still in the middle of the fight against the corona virus right now it's especially the mutated forms of the virus that are
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a major concern there spread is bringing intensive care units to their limits some european countries are almost out of i.c.u. beds high risk patients are particularly in danger for them and infection can be fatal. people like ed this has emotional bitch are afraid that this may become their fate he has asthma and right now he's plagued by the fear of cold at 19 and the stifling am right outside his house he lives inside i have the capital of bosnia and herzegovina his home is among the cities with the highest pollution levels not just in europe but worldwide. i it is yet another day of misery for ed is what you most of each small especially in winter these issues problem in several years and it is getting worse days like today are atonement for people like it is we suffer from asthma.
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but i'm getting with according to yesterday's measurements here once again one of the most polluted cities in the world. this is consequences for us not to and i am new exceptions. last night trying to heal the 2nd jo's scene with normally i just heat one deuce per day so it was in my name somewhat yet it was. just talking briefly in the polluted a stress is it is so much that he has to inhale get again. the measurement results of several you have us health to pop in a catastrophic scenario asahi high church regularly delivers bad news she says the bad news are alarming. number 2 problem and i think fine particles are the biggest problem. up to $52.00 micrograms per cubic meter are allowed but currently our daily values are much higher. as they range between
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$150.16 micrograms that's 3 times higher than the limit. small game is making more and more people ill according to a world bank report every year over $3000.00 people in bosnia die from the effects of pollution. every year professor does the diagnosis more patients with chronic respiratory diseases their findings are clear. to see. both i can say with certainty that there is a direct link between air pollution and one disease. i do know their words small harms all organs in the body. this scares chronically ill people like any such emotion bitch because now during the corona pandemic it puts him in the highest risk group. because of who put in there for lucian and when i go out as little as possible for example when i must go shopping with or when i have
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a business appointment i then he has to head downtown where the air is especially bad 150000 cars make their way through several yebo every day many of them all and with a very high emission levels in winter there is additional pollution from studs often heated with anything that burns. small and hangs over the valley basin of sarajevo the view from one of the surrounding hills shows how big the problem is on a normal sunny winter day the city literally disappears in small experts say the modern high rise buildings are also partly to blame they impede the air flow in the city. i better urban planning and more public transport unaided explains the minister of environment and urban development we meet him on his last day at work he is frustrated with the help of the e.u. his ministry had developed
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a phased plan to tackle the city's environmental problems but then there were elections in sarajevo and the new can tunnel govern. and simply dissolved his ministry. what they're doing is simply criminal and someone should be held responsible. in my opinion to say this is pure corruption and a new majority in the new government will simply decide that there will be no more special planning new urban development and therefore numerous attempts to improve their quality. i years of planning in vain he blames the construction sector lobby. is just mafia last year i bet is does not believe anything will change in the foreseeable future today of all days he must go to the office located on the main road in the city center i know today that i have to go
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to work today. it's really hard for me supreme creator because the here is soon. which. small last month and on top of that the qur'an a threat to end is this winter is torture i. turkish president trichet to one is regularly under fire for ignoring the rule of law in his country just recently the e.u. commission criticized turkey for what it's called in the absence of an independent justice system the popular businessman and philanthropist. is one of many people held in turkish prisons he has experienced what is living under a biased justice system means even though he hasn't been convicted of any crime he has spent the last 3 years behind bars. or
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treats. adorning his empty office for over 3 years the turkish human rights activists is being behind bars in the meantime you know has been running as an adult truth and asian on his behalf. in promoting intercultural understanding and human rights projects even if that is becoming increasingly challenging. they fight people like osman khan who advocate closer integration with the european union amicable ties with one's neighbors democracy in place or living in a paranoid atmosphere or dissidents are condemned and simply branded terrorists. turkish authorities have accused of being a left wing terrorist supporter as well as posting an islamist who. initially the public prosecutor accused of having bankrolled the 2013 gezi park
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protests but no evidence was to her present it's about this. even so turkish prison everyone is convinced the couple is guilty well of their foreign forces seeking to spark unrest in other countries. the man who acted on behalf of these people in turkey. is now behind bars that he actually wanted to set this man free. well that america. 63 year old holzman kabbalah was born into a family of industrialists who amassed a great fortune as tobacco computer traders. when cavallo took over the family business he decided to pour his wealth into nonprofit culture projects so he's especially eager to foster dialogue between turkey's various ethnic and religious groups. and it's going to the. turkish authorities responded by reminding him in
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custody for nearly 1200 days in this prison just outside of istanbul. turkey ignored a ruling by the european court of human rights to release of allah when a turkish court followed suit is one seizure headed for the jail to collect him but within hours authorities issued a new warrant for his arrest. but you stop believing in justice when you experience something like that. there is no justified reason to keep locked up in jail not a single reason. but they can fabricate one at any moment you know. the more simple. and so for now. continues to work a loon today she's taking us to a disused tobacco warehouse in central istanbul. this is where for many years now his foundation has been staging exhibitions and events centered around sometimes
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politically sensitive topics like turkey's reconciliation with the armenians or the kurdish issue. international human rights experts are appalled by cavelos incarceration. anyone who comes across it from outside the country and looks in and sees this trial going on wonders what's this about why is this necessary. why can a man who a stent simply works in civil society and mainly in arts and culture become such a problem for the government the moment i think of. to engage with his critics. he always said let's try to get turkish culture authorities on board for our projects and he wanted to cooperate with different municipalities even when they were controlled by the ruling a.k.p. party he insisted on this to an extent which sometimes bothered me but he was adamant the law was good. wife says all this jail time is taking
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its toll on her husband. the last few things she visited. beginning to lose hope in just treatment. he's not someone who complains but sometimes in our conversations he says sentences like when i ever get to see these things again that typically troubles me every time i took steps. to porters if you miss a cultural philanthropist here to forge an understanding between peoples. to turkish authorities here i vomit is just a dangerous agitator. in france the covert 1910 to make is affecting almost every aspect of people's lives they can't leave their homes it's night schools and restaurants are closed and this has given a boost to the international markets the french who are famous for their exquisite cuisine well they miss going out to enjoy a good meal but now while they are waiting for restaurants to reopen many have
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decided to treat themselves any way they are buying fresh produce at markets and making their favorite dishes at home because who says you can't have great food just because there's locked down. france has the corona blues the french haven't been able to eat at restaurants in months for a nation of goldman's that's hard to swallow. but the international market in gorgeous near paris is saving the day at 5 am vegetable trader boris for sure is already hard at work not sure who's going to get on the scene here on the on losing team. from 3 until 6 in the morning the big trucks arrive here at the quay and we unload the dishwasher the merchandise is then taken into the market to go. to europe's biggest market is booming during the pandemic they have sold $90000.00 tons of fish and seafood 270000 tons of meat and more than $1200000.00 tons of
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fruit and vegetables even though the restaurant business has dried up. local distances to large supermarkets decided to stop importing 3 to the edge and focus on french projects it created a real buzz people said let's eat well despite through no sales of asparagus and strawberries sward that's got it but since the pandemic began the french are eating more and better than before cheese in particular hundreds of varieties are sold at the one just market right now cheeses for recollect and fondue are very popular for us to give us well here we have ventured around cheeses in various sizes here winter cheeses that are producing september to march. in warri really creamy in a hole so that then people considering the table and eat it with a spoonful of. the only disadvantage of eating so well it is not so
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good for your figure. although. we don't have any statistics but it's probable that people are gaining a base of wheat they're eating more. to enjoy life and they are getting less exercise this week and for the mother with well i the only products for which there is little demand big zadok fish which are normally served in restaurants but overall the markets manager is very pleased with sales i tell you but this is the only the traders who ordered the whole tree worth concern that wouldn't be able to sell it at christmas was as new more than 6 people were allowed to dine together even in that sort of quite well. you know so she could normal. 9 in the morning at must in paris at this popular market projects from a gorgeous is on sale giving parisians some joy division in the corona crisis but
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we pass the time cooking and eating so what do they cook. introduction lots of hearty dishes. and sauerkraut and so forth but it isn't because i cut my from going and going from the 1st i'm going to make a scallop carpaccio then i'll sautee the scallops insulted better and serve them on a bed of leaks we treat ourselves to good food we cook it and share it with one another. back at the religious market fruit and vegetable trader bars which shows work day is coming to an end he moves unsold produce into the cold storage room he's proud to be helping so many of his fellow frenchmen get through the pandemic is that their trash is about let me do. this profession requires a loss of life here because we're here at 3 in the morning if you don't love what
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you do it's deadly for me but that will feel good. in france to the end of the corona crisis is nowhere in sight still the trade is that this famous market need paris and complain. it's just the spy who left me it's not just the title of a james bond movie starring roger moore it's also the title of a chapter in the lives of british women like kate she thought she had met the man of her dreams but after years of a happy relationship it turned out that the man she shared her life with was on a mission to collect information about her and fellow activists in fact she's not the only woman that this took advantage of. lisa often went hiking with her boyfriend whenever they could they would get away together and enjoy being out in nature it was one of their hobbies lisa's face
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isn't being shown in this report because it could negatively affect the clarification of her case. she was my life partner i really thought that we were at the beginning of something that you know we had a future together. lisa was together with mark for 6 years they spent a case since christmas and their nights together. they come in family life in such an intimate way and in such an in you know it's it seemed quite intrusive to think that he. when i found out who yet really was to know that he'd been that i was closest i miss you know the times when i'm when i've just lost my father and the 1st person i ring when i'm leaving the hospital is having just seen my my father die he's the 1st person i call so you know it's it's very close.
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50 years ago lisa was a dedicated didn't fire mental activist she took part in climate change demonstrations and in her group organized protests against power plants mark was always in on the action. years later while they were on holiday together she came across mark's idea with a completely different name on it she was really an undercover police officer who'd been assigned to report on her and those around her. felt to me like the ground risk moving on to my feet like like the mountains went solid anymore it was really really de stabilizing made me maybe afraid because i just didn't know what to believe what was true and what wasn't. several times a day mark would inform his police contact about what was happening in the environmental activists. after his cover was blown he agreed to be filmed to explain how his job worked you can use the words for you. must govern intelligence
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all left wing movement on the plane to fascist movements on environmental what it means more infantry teaching people and. selling credit card carrying a worsening economy or selling child children. that are such a joy in filtration people who have a social conscience. 7 whatever environmental activists plan protests like this one at a coal fired power plant in rochester mark would pass on info to his contacts in advance so the police knew how to prepare for the demonstration with just enough but not too many officers but doesn't fabricating a relationship cross the line for undercover police operations. and anyone quote we were falling in love in are these things just happen. the police issued an official apology acknowledging that their agents went too far because after mark's
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cover was blown more colleagues were unmasked at least 30 women were unknowingly in relationships with undercover police officers ok that's one of them she was also together with mark but before he met lisa cates pitched a tent in their garden so we could talk to her during the corona pandemic she's taking legal action against the police her case is now before the karpin court of human rights. what they were doing was terrible and the units were institutionally sexist and they were using women as an operational tactic. he had accuses the police of contravening the european contents. and on human rights she says her right to privacy was violated because as her partner mark pried into all areas of her life she feels the police demeaned her.
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the human right who exists above all to identify when states abusing human rights and if we can establish that it is an abuse of human rights then that goes some way towards. making it preventing it from happening and. still can't be sure of that although the british government has officially condemned the police tactics it hasn't acted accordingly in london and the inquiry into undercover policing has been going on for months but has produced surprisingly few results and the government itself has just able to bill in parliament that would expand rather than limit what undercover agents can do that would even allow them to break laws much to the surprise of fellow conservative m.p.'s this time bill deals with participation in criminal conduct by covert schuman and
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intelligence sources this is an important and unique tactic by working their way into the hearts of criminal groups choose are able to access intelligence that of the investigation powers may simply never detect how is that using the human rights act to underpin the rights of us it is the way in which agencies are required to act under the spillway is that they can actually weigh that is inconsistent with the convention rights. so british laws would offer no protection against too much spying only the european convention on human rights the police would have less control to fear in future. anybody working undercover for these organizations is going to have a. root to be authorized to commit crime and to face no legal consequence for that so i think it definitely still going on lisa relationship with mark and did a decade ago but it's hard for her to find closure as she fears this kind of spying
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will never end. finding 10 years later that there are still new depths to be to be you know this new things coming out a new reasons to be angry all over again. mark spent more than 7 years spying on his partner yet the information he obtained never led to a single conviction. we now take you to a paradise for many animals it's located in romania in the danube delta to be precise in the village of left you'll find a forest with wild horses and now it's maybe attempting to jump on one of them and ride into the sunset but the horses probably prefer being left alone. the remove the new delta is once a few retreats for wild horses in europe. they find shelter in the unspoiled nature
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of the league sorest an extraordinary place for not only some birches group but also lianas system servatius to keep up the sea and. tropical forest in the world this is because of the. migration of the birds who came from north of africa and bring some seeds from that. in doesn't know if you are some plants that dept to the climate or. heavy speak loud forces appear next to us to take a refreshing break it's a pool in the forests. a few years ago some conservationist voiced concerns about the large number of forces eating away the unique forest. i think he works with an animal welfare organization which is organizing birth control for the forces this week to help to maintain the balance between the forest and the horses
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. and these horses are unique in us you can't find so many wild horses together in one place anywhere else by. the sight of wild horses trotting feeley see nature is magical however it is taking 30 years to research awareness for the benefit force protection. from my chair i. cannot afford it the more the people here don't have many opportunities to earn money 10 years ago people sold a horse to a slaughter house for 20 euros i told them that they could earn much more by keeping the horses alive now with villager who shows the horses to tourists who can earn up to 400 euros a day. protecting the wild horses is cookies life mission. he is convinced that the forest and the forces can continue to strive together in harmony. well those beautiful
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images bring us to the end today's show remember that you can always get the latest stories from europe on our website that w dot com thanks for joining us today please tune in next week until then take care and going back.
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good. to. cut. to the point sean opinions clear positions international perspective such. nobel peace prize laureate and some sochi is back under house arrest in myanmar on trumped up charges with the elected government deposed and the military back into power is also part of democracy extinguished find out onto the course to the point
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. of being 30 minutes on the t.w. . new. life on earth want to come to and. get a coincidence. where culpable happened. is a bit like winning the lottery. or unique starts feb 11th on t w. w's crime fighters are back africa's most successful radio drama series continues this season the stories focus on hate speech culture of prevention consisting of chocolate production. all of us so those are available
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online and of course you can share and discuss on africa's facebook page and other social media platforms. crime fighters tune in now. frankfurt. international gateway to the best connection self road and trail. located in the heart of europe connected to the. experience outstanding shopping and dining offers triallists services. biala gassed at frankfurt airport city managed by for.
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this is news coming to you live from. the u.s. . delivers his 1st foreign policy address announcing a reversal of. support for the war in yemen and the withdrawal of troops from germany also coming up they protested. they're paying the price we
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speak to friends and relatives of those arrested in protests. back in court today.


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