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tv   Markus Lanz  Deutsche Welle  February 6, 2021 4:30pm-5:30pm CET

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the museum of prints and drawings the collection is both a treasure and under a miracle in more than 500 years of existence the joints have remained largely together in a well preserved condition. yeah here us this and here from this box i've just taken and one of the drawing sandra party cheli created for the divine comedy. act the berlin cops cabinet holds $85.00 of these drawings of right out of another 7 from the cycle are kept at the vatican of we assume that the cycle originally included $102.00 parchments by. packer manto so today about 10 have been lost at sea in a short. while
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these drawings so significant these were run like a typical body cheli painting large and colorful as are our nowadays and actually ever since it was discovered this is considered to be one of the most important works of the renaissance setting a sauce. it's fair to say that but each ellie like no other is down to illustrator before or after him was able to visualize the words of dante watson he translated the words into images and presents them to was as a story told in pictures that up it. this is not a single work of art but rather $92.00 individual works each in itself is a fascinating piece in compassing the inimitable power and magic as the artist the danton journey through hell to paradise with a breathtaking a statics and intensity.
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drawings for roman ballet and a collected in a facsimile those that are expound on time 6 months here are some white pages. these are the sheets that are lost foreign and here it's quite interesting because we have this detailed map adele and fairly you can imagine more or less how to put it shelley was thinking about representing these cantos for which we have no sheets for to let our harm conduct out. with the muppets and inferno but it surely begins his cycle by illustrating the entire path into and through hell. why is. there i can imagine that the muppet delane fair know was drawn 1st as a kind of presentation for his quiet object. off that but he
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chilly executed this 1st and showed it to him this is how i imagine it looking this is what the arrangement of the scenes will be. in $49.00 he won after only a few months but it interrupts his work on the divine comedy cycle he goes to rome where he spends more than a year creating frescoes for the sistine chapel a great sauna in recognition of his talent. back in florence was a chilly takes up dante seems again he's motivated in creative and finds a narrative style this is absolutely unique indeed but it surely proves to be a great innovator carving new artistic. the mother del firm no in the upper stone a library in the vatican is the conceptual study the blueprint for the masterpiece encompassing all $100.00 cans it lays the foundation for the artist's unusual
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approach. it's interesting to compare body chalice drawings with what is essentially a contemporary codex produced between 14181485 of the on the board here we have the traditional relationship between image and text if this the image is directly related to the text and it depicts only one moment. though in the hands of selection from an important episode of the counter with body challenge we have a completely different vision. instead of depicting a single moment the following. steadily and over time. in the circles of hell for example you can see dante and virgil up at the top distinguished from one another by the color of their own. they enter and then you see how they were through 9 circles the image shows the whole process.
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this is the enormous difference between body cheli cycle and the traditional manuscripts of the times. but bertie cheli goes a step further he needs more space for his drawings and comes up with something new in addition to telling an ongoing story in a single sheet but also devices the special arrangement of his images along with dentists text he just sides to have each of the $100.00 canned written on the back of the parchment upside down bound in each image would then appear at the top of the page with the corresponding candidate printed below thus it becomes clear this must be a book with the mark of hell as cover image. the likelihood is if you have $102.00 sheets of parchment that need to be in a certain fixed order and that it will be about anything else would actually be
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a logical. in addition to both the cherries drawings the binding itself is treasure this work of art is kept in berlin the binding is extremely significant to understanding the history of the down taste cycle because it helps trace the path taken by. where it traveled whose hands it passed through. international exhibitions like this one at london's court held gallery bring. a cycle to light. creature from the covers of books these drawings never fail to surprise them if he resists the unexpected power of his book to check. the viewers are absolutely fascinated by charlie's drawings one of the things that i've noticed over and over again is that they they go up to them and they look very very closely the drawings that because
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they're so delicate and so incredibly days held. a lot of charlie had a very very deep and strong understanding of dante and his drawings absolutely part of the south he captured the darkness and the horrors of the inferno just as well as he did the divine beauty of paradise. when most people think of all the charlie i think of the think of goddesses that think of angels i think of as some rather sweet elegant melancholy beauty this is a totally on their own side about a challenge to most people. this is the last counter in the end for an hour where dante and virginal reach the center the center of the earth the bottom of how and they encounter lucifer himself
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and he depicted lisa for very unusually on a double page as a full figure from god to take her from head to foot and he's done this so that he can actually show the action the central action of the final count which is actually dante and virtual escaping from hell and they have to do so by climbing all the way down the body. to climb down his body hanging onto him something. then when they reach his flying they turn what looks to us upside down but they're actually turning off right and they're climbing up toward the surface of the earth. in the opposite direction and you actually see them heading up toward the surface here and of course though the counter ends with the very famous line so we can force them to help once again the stars. we have to think ourselves back into the mindset of someone 15 centuries and some of the 15th century are either going to vote what if on this passage or. our
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new inferno is profoundly disturbing but but a chilly brings an equally imaginative and sun's full vision to what comes next from the inferno he leads us on parchment through purgatory to paradise. except for a few sheets with color these are mostly just line drawings often executed in great detail they are always full of passion the challenge grows increasingly difficult for the artist the closer he gets to paradise. all these parchments were drawn by hand and they are artistically highly complex how long did it take him. the world of drawing looks completely different today modern technical possibilities to transform the way artists work. digital tools enable creative freedom making it easier for artists to respond quickly and flexibly to
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time pressure and new creative to moms. virtual ink on virtual natural materials can be used to create images in the style of other. ideas approaches 2nd thoughts today changes a quick and easy to make. the situation was dramatically different. for a simple time. most often busted charlie used a metal stylus to press initial outlines and ideas into the parchment sheets then he used a metal pen to make delicate bluish colored preliminary drawings as he decided on
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his image. the cherry then finalized the drawings in ink he used pure lie applying great experience and skill. a capacity for reflection and the ability to plan an image in his mind was enormously important because parchment was expensive but it surely couldn't just crumple it up and throw it away if he was dissatisfied. as a result some drawings allow us to see the artist changing his mind we have evidence that he that he changed his mind about a composition and for example in that in the 1st strong for paradise here regionally drew the figures of dante and beatrice flowing up out of the the earthly paradise into the 1st series of haven't one thought of the street and then at some point he decided he actually one of them on the exact opposite of the shape of the
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shape so he turned he turned the sheet 180 degrees and drew them in in ink so this is what we see in the finish line today but you can still see those kind of ghosts ghostly figures of dante interests below them. not all decisions were purely creative at various points in the cycle it's clear that the undertaking presented with difficulties. we can assume that dr charlie must have worked under pressure during some stages to under time pressure he made corrections here raised you can also see at some point some kind of acceleration in execution music would soon but the work did not go quickly to charlie lay vision for it for a very long time returning again and again for many years. i mean the dates of the drawings cover a long period from approximately the year 1480 to the year 4095 with.
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there are scholars who believe the execution of the drawings took place largely in the 40 nineties and young more than others think it took place an even longer period extending up until ball to chant his death in 15 tam. wishing to use we do we do have evidence that baba charlie may have worked on some of the drawings over a long period of time a few of them we can see that he used some 2 or 3 different colored inks which suggests that he did part of the drawing went went out about it came back into it another part of it there are some artists out there the work. a painting for a long time and we we can think about that. we painted the 1st 20 years. the same painting and then perhaps a probably he had more important commissions so he you stop and go stop and go and so for a long time they didn't finish and that's what. she were doing for the next year
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there are 2 very interesting aspects then the school master's work on dante took a very long time that. second durang caused problems for the party challenging. the shapely. evolution and diversity and florentina including that of the renascence addressed cataloged in new fitzy gallery in florence today we might think towered over everything the most powerful artist of his time. well actually at his time and that is very important part of charlie was not such a special artist he was really one important artist among a dozen others and you can see that from the sistine chapel from the frescoes in the lower part of the sistine chapel were to charlie got one but the others got one diode this workshop got other sections so he wasn't even the most of her power as he was really one artist among perhaps
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a dozen great artists. office time. but a chilly star began to fade his name fell into oblivion and with it his art and his vision disappeared from view for hundreds of years. another world another time the scottish lowlands unbelievable though it may sound it was here that after centuries of oblivion most of us a chinese drawings of the divine comedy reappear. mannix love is the seat of the juke of hamilton a lovely large council but the former seat of hamilton was roughly najah a real palace. long since destroyed today it exists only in photographs. and on with its imposing size the legendary hamilton palace was also
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a kind of treasure chest for art it was the 10th stupid hamilton who was fascinated with the extraordinary works of art who amassed this treasure. the 10 stick of hamilton was a very shy man he was a very proud man he was very proud of the fact that he was duke of hamilton and brandon he was the premier peer of scotland and he wanted people to really appreciate that he was a very very very important individual and he put together a powerhouse of a treasure house which reflects the importance of himself and his family and it is an actual fact a demonstration of his status. the jew kwento out of his way to leave a lasting impression on his visitors. so you came into this very very fine room with the bookcases right around the walls glazed bookcases and then you would have
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propped open door he would have opened one of the glazed bookcases for you and you would have had 100150 titles to choose and he could have just brought out the great missile of card chief or you could have brought out the potter cheli illustrations you would have had a wealth of idolizing to live up to stand it was truly much richer assume that you could hamilton kept drawings in this binding and captivated for you with the artist's vision. when the codex under his collection and was and was seen by the many guests invited to come to view his library it really was a revelation to people bother showing himself and his because our attention had fallen out of favor long since so he was really being rediscovered and indeed through the medium of these wonderful drawings. here in scotland centuries later but it really is drawings could once again be where did they come from how did they resurface. the reason for the dukas acquiring the potter drawings but he is the
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united it from 171001221802 acquiring manuscripts lots and lots of manuscripts he comes back to britain and he is introduced to the leading london bookseller james edwards who becomes his mentor and supplier. puts out in paris in april of 1803 and then when edwards is barchi writes a letter to be the 10 scoop saying that he's just returned from paris where he was spied on manuscripts atmel ynys. cloudy a 1000000 years the 1st person to him but drawing. can be traced the handwritten note by millenium and the cover of the most important clues to the question of where they had been or a.z.'s. in frank clash and stand this states to france said the end of the 18th century. and hold up as a rocky sometime between the 780 s.
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and the early 79 days. conclusion can be drawn from the papers and from the remains of the people in the folds. but this binding replaces an older binding and we can tell where the drawings were before for have an optician langner perhaps they had been in france for some time perhaps not been ish or basically we don't know where the drawings were from the time they left but it charlie's possession until malini collected and listed them here in this binding. list saying the question of who 1st recognized the astonishing artistic value of the body cherry codex remains on known by the late 18th century at least we know that butter cheli had largely fallen from view but 350 years after his death the time had come to chile was celebrated once again. duke disposes of his collection because he was short of cash
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so he was embarrassed. by the mid 19th century the name but it resonated once again . the times after january $882.00 the times carried a brief notice that the duke of hamilton was planning to sell his manuscript collection at auction probably in the fall this manuscript collection was said to contain particularly exquisite pieces including a volume of drawings possibly by the hand of sandro butter jelly of the divine comedy the director of the berlin. and was immediately interested his passionate desire was to acquire these drawings by buddy charlie for the berlin. and the duke exception on the 20 sister october it is rosie comes comes in from the proceeds of. the original auction catalog is converted into
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a protocol for the handover of hamilton is astonishing collection of art treasures passes into burning. in late october 1882 the how multan collection is packed into 8 teams the boxes and sent from the english coast to berlin in july pushing. it was a new journey into the on name for buses cherries down taste cycle. only 85 drawings reached. in additional 7 was separated from the main body of work what is striking is that 3 of their is a colored one is the mother dell in fana. perhaps due to their religious appeal the 7 drawings found their way to the vatican in rome but here of all places they
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remained undiscovered for a long time. down to see it was not until 887 long after the english manuscripts of been transferred to berlin that the art historian yasser struck an austrian notice that the 7 drawings thought to be from another representation of the divine comedy were actually part of the large collection stored and. it was an exceptionally fortunate moment when he realized that they were by dr charlie silky and had been extracted from the codex. and called the ship. probably one of the most fascinating sheeps in its coloring makes sitting credit. please visit and ally it looks magnificent and finished but it isn't as if this means we don't know if this sheet is finished because at least one figure is uncolored. it's here on the upper
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left. the hell monster gary on that he's described by down to as the most colorful creature found in hell more colorful than woven oriental fabrics and yet on this colored sheet carry on is the only creature who is not colored at all. in the matter dylan fan are but a cherry provides an indication of gary and the parents but the challenge of depicting the most colorful creature in hell is a daunting one the other figures are extremely imaginative and vivid green they fight they took they appear to be moving. just as down tight as they were but it charlie brings the figures to life in his drawings. and to come out. of that session after this history and that of course is where the
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difficulty arose how can go rearm be made even more vivid more colorful obviously no solution was found which is why go re on is uncovered and there are some before who aren't as big get me on karate yet. it's possible that the length of time but it took a clue to finishing it and in the sense of fully color it gets better it is it is also possible that it was decided that the un color drawing and some were beautiful enough in themselves to justify simply arm from political cycle out black and white line drawings. on a drawing great variety. there are some that are completely filled out and counted and others are just. we because of that we can be sure that the work was not completed computer. rescued from oblivion today people
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flock to see but a challenge. how does he manage to still inspire people today with art that is more than 500 years old well it's certainly part of the star system of artistry about is very much comparable with famous actors also if you have the superstars is a superstar in our perception. that i was a cherry strolled the masses with his i usual imagination as well as with his portrayals of beauty and femininity. in. his feminine ideal and vision of beauty was always inspired by his muse someone at a vis production. she was considered the most beautiful woman of the time. paintings of her in turn were considered purrfect poor traits of her beauty and the fascinated countless artists with them including leonardo da vinci.
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the new santini the florentine neighborhood where bought a cellist spent much of his life. here in the church just a few meters from via departure lana lyons his final resting place. was. his work in skins everywhere today i don't think there's much chance of him being forgotten for one. the leader as i see us he was between his doubt about the markets i'm sorry. this is how bush he was the one to date people frocks in his
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they celebrate life and love they can't see the beauty of the moment her attorneys say a kind of paradise. sandro botticelli from the city of oz yes i'm seen as. immortalized. he gave us his dollars. he's a regional is returned to the temperature controlled chain best of the vatican until the day when we may be able to see it more completely and discover even more.
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into the conflict zone with thousands of ask you how. many countries are watching anxiously to see how the new u.s. administration where we separate nations with the my guest this week from jerusalem is the community affairs minister saffi had named me how will his government react to joe by his new policy on iran and his waning tolerance for the expansion of
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jewish conflict alive in 30 minutes on d w. a r it's about billions. it's about power. it's about the foundation of the new world order the new silk road. and china wants to expand its influence with this trade network. but in europe there's a sharp warning whenever accept money from the new superpower will become dependent on to thinking it will get out of taking the chinese data has a lot of money at its disposal of cocoa and that's how it expanding and. certainly there's in position in the world. trying to escape with your.
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storage feb 19th w. . this is d.w. news live from berlin and me and miles just to cuts off internet access have made protests against the military crowds of people took to the straits of the largest city yangon on saturday to denounce the army's takeover riot police blocked protesters using barricades and water cannon also coming out hospitals a push to breaking point in the brazilian city of man hours were more contagious variant of corona virus has emerged the country's top prosecutor opens an investigation of president bowls and arrows handling of the pandemic there. and
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before they head to warmer climes in kutztown find munich sign off with a narrow win for extending their borders legal aid we'll bring you all the action. i'm rebecca ritter's welcome to the program man most military has cut off internet access across the country i'm a growing protests against this week's curfew crowds of people took to the streets of the largest city yangon on saturday to denounce the military takeover riot police block the straits using barricades and water cannon many of the protesters wore red in support of arrested later own son suchi. recessed and superiors to be growing this demonstration in yangon is the 1st such mass public protest since the military took over the country on monday among the
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chants military dictator fail fail democracy wind and demands for the release of elected leader aung sun suu chee authorities were not far away army chief min on lying seized power on monday alleging fraud in a november 8th election won by sun suu cheese and l d party the electoral commission dismissed the army's accusations. now the country's internet access has been severely reduced independent monitor net block's says meehan maher is in the midst of a 2nd nation scale internet blackout with connectivity at almost half of ordinary levels other reports say the military government ordered the shutdown of facebook and twitter claiming the spread of fake news protests against the military coup have also spread to other countries in melbourne australia hundreds of demonstrators expressed their concern. right here show you know why says
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too that the military knows that we're not gonna stand back and let them do whatever they want him. off. and in taiwan hundreds of members of the me and mark community there also came out in force. the woman who. had more than 30 years of repression from the military government with and thankfully we don't want to go back to that it'll be poor woman if you want and so we hope in our next generation can live in a country like taiwan where everyone enjoys civil rights would think i was right you're here today and i like it. despite efforts to silence protesters in myanmar calls for an end to the coup are still loud and clear in the country. dave grandmamma's a journalist who's been covering them often many years he joins us now from kuala lumpur dave widespread cuts to the internet access some a calling it
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a nationwide blackouts what's behind this crackdown. yeah all makes it tougher for the organizers of these demonstrations to communicate with one another and strategize with one another i also makes it tougher for them to get their messages and powerful visuals out to the outside world for us to see certain the military like to clamp down on that you know the military they've got a playbook that they worked out before they went forward with the coup on monday what they're doing is seeing what the public does the reach of the playbook grab the plating of that particular time or what they think. now in australia designed to elected later she has been detained as she has also they know why are authorities tongan targeting her in a circle so it's really not clear at this time why they're detaining sean turnout that australian economic advisor that you're talking about particular since he's not really known by most of the people of myanmar but her all her advisers many of whom are well know the military does not want anyone influential out there encouraging the masses to continue resisting. what kind of response can we expect
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from the military later as today's public protests. well it really depends on how big these protests get there picking up steam do they really become something massive and also these work stoppages that are going on across the country to do those continue to grow and if the generals find that there's a colony is just really sliding down i mean it's already been battered by quoting 1000 but if they lose the ability to keep the economy running at all well then they may find themselves backed into a corner senior gentleman online the commander in chief he has put his chips on this risky gamble for total power for him there's no turning back even if it means that he has to use deadly force but keep this in mind this is something we do not know does he truly command the loyalty of all of its kinds of units across the army this is really have the loyalty of police officers across the country we do not know there is a chance at some point there could be some division in the ranks that's something
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we need to keep an eye out for now what about unsung sea change here has been detained for several days now any update on her whereabouts yet her lawyer says that she is at her home and maybe dot he has not been able to talk to her but all we know is that she's basically under house arrest we have not heard from her really since monday and what came out on monday was a statement that had been prepared in advance of the 2 as they went to this occasion that might happen. in kuala lumpur thanks very much for the updates sure thing. now to brazil now where the country's top prosecutor has opened an investigation into president jaya balsa naro over his handling of the pandemic in the city of man oust a new more contagious variant of the corona virus has emerged there pushing up infections and driving hospitals to breaking point overwhelmed with coded 19 cases clinics lack beds and have little oxygen to give patients. can cope
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we could at least according to a state government which made this video showcase to give you hospital ward with a fresh beds. but this is closer to the real situation i'm in now of a makeshift clinic with a couple of oxygen tanks patients fighting for breath and this is worrying that things could soon get even worse. we're most afraid of running out of oxygen. a lot of oxygen because so many people are sick. just bad in the isolated amazon the virus the 2nd wife is also washed over brazil's megacities. these graves in rio de janeiro testify to its toll with some 800000 deaths it's now the worst affected city in the country. it's mismanagement plain to his predecessor. the way the crisis at its peak was managed practically
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visited genocide on the city rarely. lives that could have been saved were lost on this is sara lee. of this fault the federal government's response and the country's leader gerry both. even when he was ill with a virus last july he kept making supporters but actually. spending hundreds of times his repeated decision from i should about that 19 comparing it to the flu and promoting a cure which hasn't been proven hydroxy clerk when but now he's admitting that drug might not work was like i say the chances it works is 0 it was a placebo ok fine it could be challenged least you didn't get. many also angry at the country slow vaccination program with hundreds of millions to inoculate officials now say hello to more devices of the chinese vaccine son of back which
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reported only 50 percent prevention figures in its brazilian trial. there are only a few drugs approved to trade. but spanish scientists are hoping that they can add another one to the list they did just that the drug has shown promise trading the trials on it comes infection numbers in spain seem to be stabilizing after the pick of the 3rd coronavirus way. medics working endless hours after the christmas holidays spanish intensive care units are being pushed to the limit yet again at the marriott close martine's ospital in madrid the situation is tense. it's glad to say that we haven't doubled our basic resources but practically everything is occupied is that mostly with covert 19 patients and some of the critical patients that are nickleby we work to the maximum every day and that's tiring you know his the guns have infection numbers in spain seem to be stabilizing but there
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are huge worries that new virus variants will reverse any progress. in madrid stricter measures like only a car fuse and contact restrictions are in place shops and restaurants remain open though in other parts of the country they're shut over all the trend and spain goes towards tougher anti covert measures the country is desperate to avoid implementing another shutdown. and that this new peak there is a glimmer of hope she didn't seem the substance that could help treat 1000 patients and it is obtained from marine organisms in the mediterranean. sea of the whenever she was going through a field of it works like this on the virus and to sell it needs sort of a go to be happy or to copy itself and create new violin articles immediately into the or death scene does this disconnect this photo op of the night if you are in the disconnecting this photocopier it blocks the virus is going through and stops the viral cycle it really should replicate the freeing of the arm which if you go
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beyond. polluted epson is usually used in the drug applet it's currently only marketed to cancer treatments in australia in europe it was more to market an e.u. court reversed that decision not just yet now clinical tests have shown that the deaths in can reduce the priority of the corona virus in the lungs of mice quite close to 99 percent sign. just so if you tested the drug on a small group of 95 through nefarious patients the similarity positive results. those who are those who refuse could get all the indications and results that we have at the moment shows that real possibilities and that our enthusiasm is not based on dreams but on the results of a series of files will experience the start is. what the scientists remain cautious he seems to be the steps they're pushing for the next these are testing the trial much people who could prove it 1000 patients to see this they did it in pill
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prevent a severe case of the disease and really health care workers. let's send some of the other stories making headlines around the world this hour u.s. president joe biden has said in a new television interview that he believes his predecessor donald trump should not receive classified intelligence briefings due to his erratic behavior briefings are a courtesy that historically has been granted to outgoing presidents but the white house says that practice is now under review. thousands of people have attended an anti-government rally in tune is a place locked down large parts of the city ahead of the demonstration which is the country's largest in years china's years revolution 11 years ago sparks the arab spring but the country is now mired in political turmoil and economic decline. in china people in will have been paying tribute to a whistleblower doctor on the anniversary of his death lay when liang warned about
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the spread of a corona virus back in december 29 tain and was reprimanded by police his death from covert 9 tame sparked an outpouring of public anger over the government's handling of the outbreak. some sports news now in the bundesliga hurts a berlin hosted by an munich despite a mini blizzard by one word fazed by the elements winning one nil to go 10 points clear at the top of the table the variance had hoped to make short work of the capital club but hurt it were not prepared simply to roll over. lynn versus brian a match up well worth watching is how to typically up their game against the record champions for recently rehired coach piled out i it was a 1st home game back at the helm and his side put in another strong effort by and did win the penalty in the 11 minutes which saw robert lewandowski step up he scored all goals in this season's previous 43 victory over here to this time he was denied by whom the yosh line back between the posts under the new coach and
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repaying the faith. however he could not prevent by in scoring 10 minutes later kingsley komal benefited from a hefty deflection the frenchman put in a lively performance and was rewarded with a slice of luck. after the break how to held the fort and kept counter-attacking they even hit the back of the net just before the hour mark only to have the goal ruled out for an offside position in the build up. the capital club put in a strong performance in the 2nd game underdog i but it did not yield any points as brian got the win and then hurried off the pitch to catch their flight to the club world cup in qatar. and watching news live from berlin coming up after a short break a sports life stay tuned for that expired so we'll have more headlines for you at
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the top of the hour until then you can always get the latest news and information on our website that state dot com follow us on since to grab on twitter as well. you can find me after that there is this i'm rebecca racist a face and. life on earth was a coming to an end. a gigantic coincidence. that temple previously the earth was just a mess the chemistry lab i thought mission was. where the improbable but. also the creation of our solar system with our planet is a bit like winning the lottery there is
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a little bit of. an earth which. starts feb 11th on t.w. . why subscribe to d w books your favorite writer things i like to see myself as the kid style in the strange grown up world did over your books on you tube. i don't like it to be honest. it's a phenomenon affecting all of the top blades the leading teams all have far fewer points than at the same stage in recent years. and coaches know exactly why.
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this could be the others you are the song ma ma is on don't need to use don't need to use a lock or don't need to use physical as she saw me for to get sushi 40 gig it's one game after another this season and even more than in previous years on average the reigning champions of the top 5 leagues play $22.00 matches and a $101.00 days between september and the end of december. gentle bugler to do it like you always did before. coronavirus mentally least seasons began much later than usual and even without internationals some teams have matches every $4.00 days on average a doctor told us aside from being increasingly injury prone another effect is obviously players decreasing ability to perform. there are no
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breaks and on top of that stars are having to play in empty stadiums that can help with motivation right. just for these guys it was on this and this is going to be. interesting to speak to the players through their membership it's boring and might be. unusually silent stadiums and extremely low clouds a combination that doesn't help performances so what can players do things that are really twice and thrice trying to think about the times when. everyone agrees too much is too much but at some point out it is what it is. the time for us for swimming to get done it took an identity for. power through that's what we're all doing and ultimately the task is the same as ever. it couldn't. turn it and it was minus and i thought isn't for the most on the job or
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the demands of jet a folk d. of tender question i limped systems question of could i'm pass them on just best i was to to do it sort of box and cry and certainly are making the best of things they ended 2020 top of the table and with more points than after the same number of games in the previous season 6 points more in fact by and though i have been the exception to the rule. aside from them. almost all the european top clubs clearly suffered between the start of the season and the end of december like spain england france italy the extra strain has visibly left its mark on their performances. to do just sit back take a deep breath and look at the scheduling and use common sense now i think this is
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an important time to race and look after the players. his players in particular had a hectic schedule between late november and late december. so what does the fixture pile up lead to. quality drops off the game just isn't as visually appealing. of course you get underperforming teams every year but you never seen this many title favorites misfiring at the same time. let's look at how many points the dominant sides of the last few years have won at the start of 2021 it was noticeable that most of them apart from byron had far fewer than after the same number of games last season for example liverpool had 13 points fewer than last season and 11 fewer than in 2819. manchester city had 3 fewer than last season 12 fewer than the previous year and 14 fewer than in 201718. barcelona were 9 points behind their tally from last season 6 from the
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previous year and 14 from the year before that. event us up to 13 games were 11 points off the pace set last season 13 from the previous season and 7 from the year before that. and p.s.g. total was 7 lower than last season 12 lower than the year before and 9 lower than $21718.00. the big boys are suddenly losing to small team why well obviously the play. running themselves into the ground. it's just too much the product suffered losing its shine and sometimes scheduling even was. shot with a yes i was caught there what i made. yeah this city
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and as we played on tuesday to always. use the fuse i'm contention all 4 of. these are nice but it's ok but the weapons the teams should not even be in consideration for the small. seems reasonable but the people setting kickoff times don't take that into consideration and that's how you end up with teams having just 2 and a hof days between games from wednesday evening to saturday lunchtime and then the performances suffer. even if the 1st up today we were playing. about the movements. the 2nd. and with stadiums and see does no one around to cheer the players on that can make things easier for people is not the same fortunately we would have the funds and the passion. takes away from it
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but i don't think anyone. has been in the situation the players don't like it to be honest thomas. mann football and messi says it's horrible feels like a training session and it's very tough to get going at the start of a game. so what can a player like messi do when deprived of the big stage. the situation apparently affects the big stars more. to be honest. it's there was. aware of like i need to be to say these if it's meant to be and if. we're to play it without like 20 people. but i don't have more. when i go and other countries like other players more than me that.
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it's hard to think of anything else when you're playing so often including internationals top players had to play every $3.00 days at the start of the season it was every $4.00 days the previous year. that difference of 0.6 days makes a big difference to play as physically as the doctor tells us the heavy strain and insufficient regeneration time lead to an increased risk of injury and limited ability to perform but we have to find solutions. to part of it. and the conditions or the lack of a summer break due to the champions league also didn't help. and aside from that the play as usual rhythms which is.
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like killie and they said they got no holidays no rest. even the toughest sides struggling to cut. loose in our latest us via. the common. dusty months of god a limit is skipped so we are. bunch of. like we said. power through but. we've already had 2 major reason they're probably not just my players or the team's players so we need to think about them szish. the president of the horde or anything they might do or not wish on your question. ok you're making. the last order out he knows that but. it's hardly
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a new problem and coaches have long complained about the amount of football played some even want. is a lot faster. what they saw everybody in the last weeks know how many of the players they have. were going to kill them vs follow. it's hard times but it's just so much along with them but. i absolutely love for great buddies but football associations don't want to hear it they say in the old days they would just as many games and no one complained. and technically much as came around just as often as in the precursor own era.
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but that's not a fake comparison because as our dr says the game is always getting faster and more dynamic. and the pressure to succeed always increasing. doses musicians are books and pits mode to suit. him those who serve those who serve. in the sea those up. kind of. put something towards it's a positive. in this particular analogy fee for you wife and the leaves of a microwave and the mold wants all games the better that means more t.v. money it also means the t.v. companies have a say in who plays when and how often. do we see. people we cannot deal with. if things keep going like
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this the whole idea of fair competition will be under threat players at the big club simply have to play far more games than those that 2 thirds of the other teams are met late and there were 6 international match days in that time it all puts players at risk. there is a danger that injuries and problems from being overworked pile up leading to increasingly long absences if you're waiting for change hold your breath. if you continue write this and hopefully become a euro the euros in the summer because they have. let's see who will be part of. the players so everybody gets to do all the paperwork it's fine we have you found a solution to play on that's great but now we can stop people.
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entering the conflict zone to surpass too. many countries are watching anxiously to see how the new u.s. administration will we set relations with my guest this week in jerusalem is the community affairs minister he may be how will his government reacts to joe biden's new policy on iran and his waning tolerance for the expansion of. conflict. next d.w. . the 77 percent. and. sometimes calling china's presence in africa colonialism pure and simple in street debate we ask why is it still a thing in africa and who is to blame the old order was white people stealing from back because i knew. he lays on somebody's hobby and then he began to call it a sadistic pursuit. 60 minutes $10.00. in
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the height of climate change. africa's mix of. what's in store for people. wanting to go out for the future and. call for to make a city trouble to get inside. the culture. are you telling me that you would go ahead with a strike on iran what do you think they're going to do pray no we are going to be freddoso during the trial president triumph with an amazing scene ministration made clear that settlements are legal there is no will to pensions there is a fall if enough already that has its own life and independence many countries are watching anxiously to.


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