tv Botticellis Inferno Deutsche Welle February 8, 2021 10:15am-11:00am CET
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silva for the prolific portuguese strikers 17th league goal of the 6. 31 the final score as frankfurt's exceptional run of form continues at the hooters side are now up to full in the bundesliga table. that's it from me and that is team for now don't go away up next dr phil has granted access to the votes of the vatican so that more about the artist but it surely is dark sun thanks for the. life on earth one of a kind and. a gigantic coincidence. we're going to talk about what happened. as a bit like winning the lottery. what is sure a sure unique start february 11th on t.w.
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. my name is buddy charlie sound robotic. i come from florence the city of artists and geniuses. immortalized beauty the birth of venus no one dead this performing the centuries in the dangers of being trying to follow in my footsteps. also stabbed into the abyss painted what i saw the map of hell. the inferno we all pass through.
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all. the music about the gun i can shed about the vatican library holds the treasures of humankind the beauty. evokes that bring us closer to centuries of contra research labor and ought they sent even more lordly. the vatican one of the best protected places in the world behind its high walls secrets a safe. the only time it controls the bones provide sanctuary to the great treasures of human history now they're opening their doors to harass. daylight can be fatal to writings and works avant said the vatican shields these
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treasures from light and other destructive environmental influences preserving them for posterity. only rarely a particularly important money scripts and works of art head out to leave the climate controlled chambers. only rarely to the doors of the apostolate library opened to allow a glimpse of one of history's great works of art. a glimpse of the inferno to channelise inferno. in an in conspicuous vatican complex but a challenge map of hell is undergoing an unparalleled process of digital conservation it is the foundation of new discoveries in art history.
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the scientific scanning of manuscripts is a means of both preservation and discovery safeguarding the old something new emerges. botticelli his depiction of the circles of hell the muppet delon found in a special high powered large format scanner high resolution like a digital magnifying glass. details pigments and shades i captured with more depth and density than the human eye can see. looking at the original in our human eye is limited but zooming in the file probably some detail can come out but didn't came out before. i can get in there with. us some of these details being seen for the very 1st
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time. did a highlight something within this work of art. 500 years ago far from run. by some robot to come from a city of artists and genius and from a flourishing. florida man. from rinses architecture its alleyways and cobblestones are imbued with history even today well since suffering. and trista s. . cheli was born and raised in a small street in the only 17 neighborhood. some dope actually one of most famous painters in the world well that was not. his real name
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then we'll name of the artist was sundered philippe the son of a flea papery is lost son of a very number of family by the way there are lots of conjectures about how they began to call it this way some say that they have a slightly fact elder son who is like a barrel which is in tallinn is both that spelled b o w t e that's why they say the little barrow both the charlie. bushy chinese anticipating us tana sandro was sent to a goldsmith's workshop where he learned to work with precious metals and jewelry. but all that glitters is not go. i mean where as an goldsmith it was not an easy thing lots of furnishes around the history really woman varmints which was nearly unbearable so to charlie though looking around the book think of his father actually began though to show an interest to
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sketch a little things rico statute was actually necessary to shape any sort of thing on his own a ring and he saw the bracelet and sort of like legs and actually began to grow an interest much more on sketch and then of course standing at the bottega that's why it's quite right you thought to try to dedicate himself to painting or to. meet 15th century florence is that the heart of the renascence understand of progressive thinking. many people as they talk about the human is and the realm a superior to think about something incredibly idealized but it's not the truth you have to imagine a life in absolute poverty in the. imagine of the city fathers have been struck several times by plaids the average people mentality was still very deeply rooted in the middle ages i mean interesting i mean to try to find a way of getting out of the. sadly.
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the but. when we see something beautiful something fascinating we want to hold on to it so we can look at it again and again today we did this digitally back then people relied on the work of artists. paintings played the role that films and sound recording still today. they brought stories from religion and made. her an era in which are tougher the only glimpse into other worlds and other times into fantasy. you actually buy a ferrari if you can afford as a way of showing your wealth that's what all this big. exactly field of ops the
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ways of celebrating the power of the glow of the success of the families in question equivocal so much. how powerful and vastly reaches a ruling dentistry that come through the center of it to see without encountering its people above the marriage she below the people. possessing power of this is seeing and doing everything they can to show that. buzzy challis had arrived at the top but he didn't write down the meditations coattails. as they're artist he came in when trailing from their home. we're here at the cloister next to the sun the answer church and some 500 years ago
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we can guess that a great painter book shelley had been invited by lot and so they came for just going to meditating to tell him a thing which will actually be an amazing proposal but at the same time something somehow isn't shocking in fact lawrence of the confessions will eventually ask it to create the inspirations of the celebrated divine comedy that was a quite challenging job for you because of course downplays divine comedy was very much alive in everybody's imagery so he actually accepted the task we can imagine though the little bit the propensity initially because it was a very very very compelling thing but in the end it will accept it and they actually finally agreed to sign a contract. or an so to pair francesco and i united in art and spirit. penned the contract with a single common goal to bring to life the magical minds of the coming.
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more truthful close intensive than. ever before. any more united in our vision. i had no doubts we would achieve something. the result is a visualisation of down taste journey through how it is a huge taking the poet's complete text and illustrating it much like a comic strip. is thought to have put pen to paper in florence around for. a century and a half earlier just before his death in 1321. he had completed the divine comedy in it the poet driven by doubt describes his search for enlightenment his beloved beatrice inspires him on his journey sending him through the gates of hell with its
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terrifying inscription they threw me into the city of threw me into a tunnel and the evil way among the people lost justice incited my sublime creator i was created by the omnipotence of god through supreme wisdom and through 1st love before me there were no created things only turn and i eternal last lush othen you spread out over. all hope abound the. shock of the over 200 years that haven't been written all those images were actually believed by most of the people who really felt that after that they had to go to hell. if you believe in god could be did you think to go to paradise go to hell you do not even manage to imagine that even in the 1400 and even later.
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the medieval imagery still survived and all the people fought off to death to be then to go through hell at least they used to be all should know the green very late will send and if you were fortunate if they had behaved quite well you could actually state their afterwards go through pure good tory and afterwards the part that was a quite different imagery dante's revolutionary lines changed the way people saw and altered their view of the world 150 years later during the dark time the churches vision of paradise town still hangs heavy as of the collective consciousness and it shapes people's hearts through life as they strive to hell and satan without sin. today berlin is home to the lion share of butter cellini's extensive collection of drawings for dante's comedia for the bird in cook fish dish cabin at the museum of prints and drawings the
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collection is both a treasure and a miracle in more than 500 years of existence the drawings have remained largely together in a well preserved condition. yeah here us this week here from this box i've just taken and one of the drawing sandra party cheli created for the divine comedy. act the berlin cup 1st discovered it holds 85 of these drawings of lives that are saved by another 7 from the cycle are kept at the vatican. we assume that the cycle originally included $102.00 parchments by. a pack of mantle so today about 10 have been lost at sea and. why are these drawings so significant these were run like
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a typical body cheli painting large and colorful as are our nowadays and actually ever since it was discovered this is considered to be one of the most important works of the renaissance sauce. it's fair to say that but h.l.a. like no other is down to illustrator before or after him was able to visualize the boards of dante arthurs he translated the words into images and presents them to us as a story told in pictures that up it. this is not a single work of art but rather $92.00 individual works each in itself is a fascinating piece encompassing the inimitable power and magic is the artist the dantin journey through hell to paradise with a brush taking a statics and intensity.
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all the drawings for roman bellina collected in a facsimile those that are expound on down 6 months here are some white pages and these are the sheets that are lost or and here it's quite interesting because we have this detailed del unfairness you can imagine more or less how to cheli was thinking about representing these cantos for which we have no sheets or to let a doctor out. with the muppets and inferno but it surely begins his cycle by illustrating the entire path into and through hell. why is. there i can imagine that the muppet delane sereno was drawn 1st as a kind of presentation for his quiet ones. off that but he chile executed this 1st and showed it to him this is how i imagine it looking this
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is what the arrangement of the scenes will be. in $49.00 he won after only a few months but it charlie interrupts his work on the divine comedy cycle he goes to rome where he spends more than a year creating frescoes for the sistine chapel a great sauna in recognition of his talent. back in florence but it takes up dante seems again he's motivated in creative and finds a narrative style which is absolutely unique indeed but it surely proves to be a great innovator carving new artistic palm. up adele furner in the artist on the library in the vatican is the conceptual study the blueprint for the masterpiece encompassing all $100.00 candles it lays the foundation for the artist's unusual approach. to this and if
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it's interesting to compare body chalice drawings with what is essentially a contemporary codex produced between 14181485 of the on the board here we have the traditional relationship between image and text if. the image is directly related to the taxed and it depicts only one moment. though in the sense of selection from an important episode of the counter with potter challenge we have a completely different vision i mean instead of depicting a single moment he follows. steadily and over time. in the circles of hell for example you can see dante and virgil up at the top distinguished from one another by the color of their own. they enter and then you see how they walk through 9 circles the image shows the whole process.
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this is the enormous difference between potter cheli cycle and the traditional manuscripts of the times. goes a step further he needs more space for his drawings and comes up with something new in addition to telling an ongoing story in a single sheet but it also devices special arrangement of his images along with dentist tax. he decides to have each of the $100.00 cantos written on the back of the parchment upside down bound in each image would then appear at the top of the page with the corresponding can say printed below it becomes clear this must be a book with the map of hell as cover image. the likelihood is if you have $102.00 sheets of parchment that need to be in a certain fixed order and that it will be about anything else would actually be
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a logical. in addition to but a chinese drawing the binding itself is treasure this work of art is kept in berlin the binding is extremely significant to understanding the history of the dante cycle because it helps trace the past taken by. where it traveled whose hands it passed through. international exhibitions like this one at london's hotel gallery bring. a cycle tonight. creature from the covers of books these drawings never fail to surprise them as he resists the unexpected power of this book to tell. the viewers are absolutely fascinated by the charlie's drawings one of the things that i've noticed over and over again is that they they go up to them and they look very very closely the drawings that because they're so delicate
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and so incredibly detailed. part of charlie had a very very deep and strong understanding of dante and his drawings absolutely bear this out he captured the darkness in the form of the inferno just as well as he did the divine beauty of paradise. when most people think about a child and i think oh i think of goddesses i think of angels i think of this some rather sweet elegant melancholy beauty this is a totally unknown site about a challenge to most people. this is the last counter in the end for an hour where virtual reach the center the center of the earth the bottom of how and they encounter lucifer himself and he depicted lisa for very unusually on a double page as
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a full figure from god to picture from head to foot and he's done this so that he can actually show the action the central action of the final count which is actually dante and virtual escaping from hell and they have to do so by climbing all the way down the body. to climb down the body hanging on to something shaggy coverups then when they reach this flame they turn what looks to us upside down but they're actually turning off right and they're climbing up toward the surface of the earth. in the opposite direction and you actually see them heading up toward the surface here and of course though the counter ends with the very famous line so we can force them to help once again the stars. we have to think ourselves back into the mindset of someone 15 centuries and some of the 15th century either willing to vote with us on this passage or. our new inferno is profoundly disturbing
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but budgetary brings an equally imaginative and sun full vision into book comes. from the inferno he leads us on parchment through purgatory to paradise. except for a few sheets with color these are mostly just line drawings often executed in great detail they are always full of passion the challenge grows increasingly difficult for the artist the closer he gets to paradise. all these parchments were drawn by hand and they are artistically highly complex how long did it take him. the world of drawing looks completely different today modern technical possibilities have transformed the way artists. digital tools enable creative freedom making it easier for artists to respond quickly and flexibly to
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time pressure and new creative to moms. virtual ink on virtual natural materials can be used to create images in the style of other. ideas approaches 2nd thoughts today changes a quick and easy to make. the situation was dramatically different. time. most often used a metal stylus to press initial outlines and ideas into the parchment shapes then he used a metal pen to make delicate bluish college preliminary drawings as he decided on his image.
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the charity then finalized the drawings in ink he used. applying great experience and skill. a capacity for reflection and the ability to plan an image in his mind was enormously important because parchment was expensive but it surely couldn't just crumple it up and throw it away if he was dissatisfied. as a result some drawings allow us to leave the artist changing his mind we have evidence that he changed his mind about a composition i'm for example in that in the 1st wrong for paradise here regionally drew the figures of dante and beatrice flowing up out of the the earthly paradise into the 1st 0 of haven't a one side of the street and then at some point he decided he actually one of them on the exact opposite of the shape of the side of the ship so he turned he turned
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the sheet 180 degrees and drew the men in ink so this is what we see in the finish line today but you can still see those kind of ghosts ghostly figures of dante and reassurance below them. not all decisions were purely creative at various points in this like it's clear that the undertaking presented but a chadri with difficulties. we can assume the body cheli must have worked under pressure during some stages to under time pressure he made corrections erased you can also see at some point some kind of acceleration in execution music. that the work did not go quickly but it charlie labors going for it for a very long time returning again and again for many years with no need for dates of the drawings cover a long period from approximately the year 1480 to the year 4095 with.
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there are scholars who believe the execution of the drawings took place largely in the $49.00 days and young more than others think it took place an even longer period extending up until ball to chant his death in 15 town. wishing to see we do we do have evidence that some of the chile may have worked on some of the drawings over a long period of time a few of them we can see that he used some 2 or 3 different colored inks which suggests that he did part of the drawing went went out about it came back into it another part of it there are some artists out there the war. painting for a long time now really we can think about about me who painted them for 20 years. the same our painting and then perhaps i probably had more important commission so he was stopping goes the bangor and so forth and i'm finding him initially. they
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don't usually do it for them it's right there are 2 very interesting aspects then the school nasties walk on down time took a very long time. second this deny most problems the party challenge. and showed me. the evolution and diversity intro in tina including that of the renee sounds at best catalogued in new fitzy gallery in florence today we might think towered over everything the most powerful artist of his time. well actually at his time and that is very important particularly was not such a special art as he was really one important artist among a dozen others and it can see that from the sistine chapel from the frescoes in the lower part of the sistine chapel were to charlie got one but the others got on diode his workshop got other sections so he wasn't even the primo center power as he was really one artist among the props a dozen great artists. office time. but
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a chilly star began to fade his name fell into oblivion and with it his art and his vision disappeared from view for hundreds of. other world another time the scottish lowlands unbelievable though it may sound it was here that after centuries of oblivion most of pottage chinese drawings of the divine comedy reappear. mannix love is the seat of the juke of hamilton a lovely large castle but the former state of hamilton was vastly najera a real palace. long since destroyed today it exists only in photographs. along with its imposing size the legendary hamilton palace was also
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a kind of treasure chest for art it was the 10th you could hamilton it was fascinated with extraordinary works of art who amassed this treasure. the tennstedt of hamilton was a very shy man he was a very proud man he was very proud of the fact that he was duke of hamilton and brandon he was the premier peer of scotland and he wanted people to really appreciate that he was a very very very important individual and he put together a powerhouse and a treasure house which reflects the importance of himself and his family and it is a natural fact a demonstration of his status. thank you quentin out of his way to leave a lasting impression on his visitors so you came into was very very fine room with the bookcases right around the walls glazed bookcases and then you would have propped open door he would have opened one of the glazed bookcases for you and you
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would have had 100150 titles to choose and he could have just brought out the great missile of cartoon julia dimity chief or you could brought out the potter cheli illustrations you would have had a wealth of idealistic to do the same stunt it was truly going to richardson but you could hamilton kept drawing in this binding and captivated me with the artist's vision. when the codex under his collection and was and seen by the many guests invited to come to view his library it really was a revelation to people. himself and his historical john had fallen out of favor long since so he was really being rediscovered and indeed through the medium of these wonderful drawings. here in scotland centuries later but it surely is drawings could once again be where did they come from how did they resurface. the
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reason for the duke is acquiring the potter charlie drawings but he has been out it from 791221802 acquiring manuscripts lots and lots of manuscripts he comes back to britain and he is introduced to the leading london bookseller james edwards who becomes his mentor and supplier. puts out in paris in april of 1803 and then when edwards is back he writes a letter to be the 10th you saying that he's just returned from paris where he was spied on manuscripts atmel ynys. cloudy a 1000000 years the 1st person to him but he chile's drawing. can be traced the handwritten note by millenium and the cover of the most important clues to the question of where they had been all those e s. . in frank rash and stand this states to france at the end of the 18th century
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5th and up roughly sometime between the $780.00 s. and the early $79.00 days perhaps conclusion can be drawn from the papers and from the remains of the people in the folds. but this binding replaces an older binding and we can tell where the drawings were before for have an optician linger perhaps they had been in france for some time perhaps not when it was that basically we don't know where the drawings were from the time they left but it still is possession until malini collected and listed them here in this binding. off list saying the question of who 1st recognized the astonishing artistic value of the body cherry codex remains unknown by the late 18th century at least we know that but it charlie had largely fallen from view but 350 years after his death the time had come to charlie was celebrated once again. duke disposes of his collection
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because you're short of cash so he was embarrassed. by the mid 19th century the name but it resonated once again. times after january $882.00 the times carried a brief notice that the duke of hamilton was planning to sell his manuscript collection at auction probably in the fall this manuscript collection was said to contain particularly exquisite pieces including a volume of drawings possibly by the hand of sandra butter telly of the divine comedy the director of the berlin netflix let man was immediately interested his passionate desire was to acquire these drawings by buddy charlie for the berlin. and that you except on the 20 system october ages are those who come seize the proceeds of. the original auction catalogue is converted into
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a protocol for the handover of hamilton's astonishing collection of art treasures passes into burning in the spanish in late october 1802 the how milton collection is packed into 18 single boxes and centrum the english coast to berlin in food pushing. it was a new journey into the unknown. dante cycle. only 85 drawings reached. an additional 7 was separated from the main body of work what is striking is that 3 of their is a college one is the math adel in fana. perhaps due to their religious appeal the 7 drawings found their way to the vatican in rome but here of all places they
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remained undiscovered true long time. it was not until $887.00 long after the english manuscripts been transferred to berlin is not the art historian you also struck an austrian notice that the 7 drawings thought to be from another representation of the divine comedy were actually part of the large collection stored and. it was an exceptionally fortunate moment when he realized that they were by body cherries and had been extracted from the codex is that the then called the ship. probably one of the most fascinating sheeps in berlin it's coloring makes it in credit. vivid and alive it looks magnificent and finished but isn't as if this thing is we don't know if this she does finished because at least one figure is uncolored. it's here on the upper
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left. the hell monster gary on their web site that he's described by downton as the most colorful critter of found in hell more colorful than woven oriental fabrics and yet on this colored sheet kerri-anne is the only creature who is not colored at all. in the map adele inferno but to charlie provides an indication of gary and the parents but the challenge of depicting the most colorful creature in hell is a daunting one the other figures are extremely imaginative and vivid green they fight they took they appear to be moving. just as dan told us the words to charlie brings the figures to life in his drawings. and to color. that signature dish history and that of course is where the
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difficulty arose how can go rearm be made even more vivid more colorful obviously no solution was found which is why go rearm is uncovered and there are some before one to speak directly on the score of yes. it's possible that the length of time that it took precluded finishing it and in the sense of fully color it gets but it is it is also possible that it was decided that the un color drawing some were beautiful enough in themselves to justify simply arm from political cycle out black and white line drawings. on a drawing great variety. there are some that are completely filled out and counted the others just. catches we because of that we can be sure that the walk was not completed in computer. rescued from oblivion today people
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flock to see but a chance. how does he manage to still inspire people today with art which is more than 500 years old well it's certainly part of the star system of art history about as very much comparable with famous actors or so that you have the superstars is a superstar in our perception. that i was a child he strode the masses with his i'm usual imagination as well as with his portrayals of beauty and femininity. in his feminine ideal and vision of bt was always inspired by his muse just in one net of his. she was considered the most beautiful woman of the time but in chinese paintings of her in turn were considered purrfect poor traits of her beauty and the fascinated countless artists with them including leonardo da vinci.
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the new santi the florentine neighborhood where pasha cheli spent much of his life . here in the church just a few metres from via depart china lies his final resting place. i am. not a child his work is is everywhere so there i don't think there's much chance of him being forgotten for his. of the year as i said as he was on the train and stuff about the markets on trade. this is how bush and cheney would have wanted it people felt. they celebrate life and they can see the beauty of the
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moment her attorneys say a kind of power dice or sandro body chani from the city of osseous genius. immortalized. he gave us his dogs. to chinese original is returned to the temperature controlled chambers of the vatican until the day when we may be able to see it more completely and discover even more.
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even going to minutes to. what secrets lie behind the scenes was to discover new adventures in 360 degrees. and explore fascinating world heritage sites. g.w. and world heritage $36.00 to get there now. why aren't people forced to hide in trucks. which there are many reasons. to to. and there are many answers to. and there are many stories.
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playing w. me for mine is to. get out of the. plane play. the c.w. news live from berlin tensions while over in neon bar police use of water cannon to disperse peaceful protesters as myanmar state televisions warns actions will be taken against any protesters who break the law people are demanding the return of democracy after a military coup.
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