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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  February 9, 2021 3:45pm-4:01pm CET

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today. and in our in a technology have been instrumental in finding covert 19 and another technique to give. d.n.a. based vaccines the beauty is that scientists can design the mona computer in a matter of hours but people are worried about their own d.n.a. being altered italy is said to stop trials of a vaccine based on a d.n.a. fragment next month its drug regulator having approved the coated events in occupation more on the safety issue than a bit 1st a little history lesson. as early as the 10th century in china secretions from smallpox past jewels were dried and rubbed into superficial scratches in the skin or inhaled this is considered the 1st inoculation using attenuated pathogens to cause a reaction by the immune system. in the 770 s. english physician edward jenner discovered that people infected with cowpox which
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was relatively harmless did not contract the much more deadly smallpox disease. in 1796 he vaccinated an 8 year old boy with past from the milkmaids cowpox lesions 6 weeks later the boy proved to be immutable hence the name vaccine from vaca the latin word for cow. originally vaccines were based on injecting or administering small doses of attenuated live or dead viruses into the body the immune system that attacked them and created antibodies and subsequently an immunity. with more complex viruses such as sars kovi to around about method is necessary. that's why research teams try to produce only certain fragments of one viral protein despite protein which when safely introduced to the body would stimulate an
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immune response. genetically manipulated d.n.a. and r.n.a. vaccines are also being tested here the body produces a protein by itself that triggers an immune reaction. and another possibility is the viral director vaccine in this case a harmless virus is disguised as the sars kovi to virus the immune system responds and remembers the characteristics. of. side effects of vaccinations are usually limited to a bit of swelling or mild symptoms for a few days permanent vaccine damage occurs in very few were there was vaccinated and the belief that vaccinations lead to autism has been disproven by many studies . is a professor of the role of ji at the university of gleason just for the record d.n.a. vaccines get alarm bells ringing for some people just how safe are they. but
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actually that's been a lot of studies meanwhile and what you say it surprisingly they found very little integration some studies just found ciro of it or slowly fog clearly found the d.n.a. in the organisms so apparently they seem to be safe but apart from the close to 0 result i mean is there is there something to be concerned about that why are you always have to keep an eye on that that's for sure and this is why there's all these safety studies after the vaccine has been rolled out is just absurd for long long term effects if you want and you there's nothing in biology there's nothing you can explain to 100 percent but just to keep that in a perspective of vaccines like if you use a d.n.a. virus vector is in fact already you know vaccine it's just enclosed in
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a virus shell but from the point on when and how it has entered the cell it's basically the same as the d.n.a. of oxy and i guess we can't be 100 percent yet because they don't ready for humans they're being tested on animals it's correct that there's 2 animal vaccines are at the time. what sort of animals and what sort of results have been achieved it. well one is for horses about west nile virus and the others for solomon it's called infectious him or to pour it in a crosas virus which is the route of viruses related to rabies basically. in both cases they found them to be safe and efficient this is why they are licensed and 2 of you can can give them as a vet so ok apparently there seems sorry i was just going to say the safe and efficient and a proven quite successful why are d.n.a. vaccines lagging behind other sorts of vaccines that. i think
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exactly because of the concerns you just expressed and these are relaxed concerns no doubt about this and they have to be checked on and on but safety is always doing all those clinical studies the 1st issue the 1st thing to be checked rather than efficiency that comes later on. as i said so far it seems to be ok but the other ones are most of them apart from the messenger r.n.a. but seems like a step which platforms all you had to do was to put your favorite science coronavirus tool and a chair on it and let it expressed by your vector art and then off you go so that's easier because there's always there's over already plus license what seems on these platforms ok well let's compare the m.r.e. of a vaccines to the d.n.a. vaccines and how they both work the d.n.a. vaccine introduces genetic code of a piece of
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a virus like the spike protein for example into a person's cells. just like an m.r.i. in a vaccine shot it then has to get into the nucleus where it's transcribed into an r.n.a. which instructs the cell to produce the spike protein priming the immune system for the real virus so the d.n.a. has to get into the cell nucleus to make the m.r. in a why not just take the m.r.i. in a vaccine in the 1st place. that's perfectly correct the only thing is simply messenger r.n.a. vaccines are much more expensive like 10 times as much at least so it's also a question of economy and d.n.a. is just very very simple to make very cheap to produce in you to mons it is something that the people are genuinely worried about though injecting that d.n.a. into the nucleus of their cells i mean could it hom cells could it all to the genome . well it's fact if you have
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a vaccine you have to harm the cells to some extend because besides the expression of the end you need to have a little in to read to be set in order to allow an immune system so this is always goes hand in hand if you want and in fact what we do is we apply the d.n.a. as an electric shock so you get a little a little shock yes with a device it looks like a pistol it has certain amount of electrodes still experimental how many there will be in the end and. after this little shock at d.n.a. has entered the cell not necessarily the nucleus that movie the next step and will not happen in all the cells but when cells are dividing the nucleus is solving actually and it's in the open and in truth kind of when the cells heft you might have form again and then this plus begin
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a is ending up in the nucleus you're making it sound better and better with the electric shock and tell me that with the. videos of people this a. face of a script to tell me how i see it a vaccine could actually deal with something like this which is on everyone's minds right now i think with a d.n.a. vaccine one is as flexible as with a message or an iraq seen over the i don't know virus vector for example all you need is you know you sequence either you insert if it's just one mutation you can insert it like by hand and then that everybody could do that in the lab but if it's more mutations all over the gene and it's just exchange the whole routine but this is basically normal a lab work not much of a problem you heard from freedom on veba a professor of neurology at the university of the said thank you very much. we'll you can thank you and let's get you over to our science correspondent there at
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williams he's been looking into your questions on the coronavirus. how does the pfizer buy antec vaccine will work. i've answered this before but the question is posed it again and again so i guess it's maybe time to go over the details again 2 of the vaccines that have now been widely approved one developed by biotech and pfizer and one produced by moderna or what are called a messenger r.n.a. or m.r. and a vaccines now the technology behind them has been at the focus of a lot of research for decades but but this is the 1st time they've received widespread approval from health care authorities unlike that seems based on traditional platforms of ones that for example use inactivated versions of the virus the biotech pfizer vaccine leads to an immune response in the body
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by delivering information in the form of a special molecule messenger r.n.a. m.r. in name only kills are our single stranded chains of what are called nucleotides that fulfill a very important function in cells they're kind of the blueprints for making proteins and act as messengers between a cells headquarters in the nucleus and it's protein building factories out in the side of plasm and hence the name but the protein these new m.r. in a vaccines in code for it isn't a human one it's a protein made by the corona virus and when that m r n a is injected it causes your cells to begin making that viral protein and that viral protein provokes an immune response just as if you caught covert 19 sending in the pretty simple. quick to produce m.r.
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and a code molecules to make these complicated proteins and getting the body to do the work is a great solution to a complex problem and and there are high hopes that m.r. any vaccines which seem to have finally come into the road or nelson to to revolutionize a range of fields in medicine. and keep sending in your questions to our you tube channel thanks for watching stay safe and see you again sir.
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4:00 pm
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