tv Nuhr im Ersten Deutsche Welle February 10, 2021 9:30pm-10:16pm CET
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it went on just one week. how much work really do. we still have time to and i'm going. to sort. of subscribe and will be as likely as. if the 1st impeachment trial of donald trump seemed abstract and cerebral this trial is visceral the evidence experienced by the jurors themselves and as the trial began yesterday prosecutors revealed never before seen disturbing video of the storming of the u.s. capitol the senators watched connected by images on the screen and in their collective memory the president's attorneys then delivered what republican senators later described as a poor performance there were no tweet tirade from former president trump but he was reportedly so outraged that he shouted at the t.v.
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i'm for golf berlin this is the day. i mean let's let's understand why we are really here we cannot have presidents inciting and mobilizing mob violence against our government and our institutions gray davis charges ever brought against a president of the united states we are really here because the majority in the house of representatives does not want to face donald trump as our political rival in the future this is about our constitution and abusing the pietschmann power for political gain president trump must stand trial for his high crimes and misdemeanors against the american people. also coming up the vaccination rollout stagnation here in the european union today from
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the european commission president underlying and an admission of mistakes but no. the battle against the virus is a marathon not a sprint it needs foresight and your insight and star mina. almost every day we shared news of different variants and how contagious they are. and to our viewers on p.b.s. in the united states and to all of your around the world welcome we begin the day with must see t.v. otherwise known as the 2nd impeachment trial of former u.s. president donald trump the number of people watching the trial today is expected to increase significantly and that has everything to do with what prosecutors presented as evidence yesterday and what they teased for today after his opening statement on tuesday the leading prosecutor representing the jamie raskin played
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a 13 minute video that was a simple as a timeline from january 6th soundbite from the former president his tweets and video from his supporters ransacking the u.s. capitol it also included never before seen gut wrenching videos of the violence that took place tonight we want to show you that video the segments with extreme profanity have been removed nevertheless a warning some of you may find these images disturbing was. there it. was was.
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was up. was. senators the president was impeached by the u.s. house of representatives on january 13th for doing that or from that point is where house managers including jamie raskin plan to continue laying out their case on this 2nd day of the trial there will be more evidence including more graphic video
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take a listen to what raskin said earlier today the evidence will be for you to see and hear indicts yes the evidence will show you that x. president trump was no innocent bystander the evidence will show that he clearly incited the january 6th insurrection. it will show that donald trump surrendered his role as commander in chief and became the inciter in chief of a dangerous insurrection and this was as one of our colleagues put it so cogently on january 6th itself the greatest betrayal of the presidential oath in the history of the united states strong words there as the 2nd impeachment trial of donald trump moves forward i'm happy to have nick akerman with us tonight mr ackerman was a prosecutor during the watergate hearings that freeh ceded the resignation of
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president richard nixon in 1904 this druckerman is in new york city tonight it's good to have you back on the program mr document the world remembers those secret audio recordings from the nixon oval office those tapes were a game changer in the watergate scandal could the videos of the storming of the capitol could they be a similar game changer in this impeachment trial. well i guess we'll have to see because some of these are pretty powerful there's a number of tapes that we have not seen yet they're going to be playing tapes that the public has and singing a much of the coverage on this is really been what people saw from the outside as opposed to the inside and some of these inside tapes are pretty powerful as we saw yesterday so i think it really depends and it's not quite the same because it's not like donald trump is at the. capitol actually participating in the
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armed insurrection i certainly is charge with frohman thing it and inciting it. it makes it was a little bit different situation where you had a smoking gun tape were ordered his aides to contact the cia ordering them to call the f.b.i. and tell them to stop the investigation into the watergate burglary that particular tape basically got a number of republican senators into action and wound up with a group of them are led by barry goldwater and going to the white house and talking to recite. so that was a different situation but i really think it depends on how the evidence comes out in the next couple days you know what did you think of the president's lawyers and their presentation yesterday. pretty terrible part of the problem is when you're a trial lawyer and you're putting on a chase whether it's an impeachment case or whether it's
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a criminal case or civil case you always have to have some kind of the theory behind the case and story to tell an even more they just didn't have it i mean it was the main lawyer for donald trump who got up there and started talking and it kind of reminded me of a guy that yes bachelor party before a wedding that was drunk and just went from one topic to another topic to this topic and there wasn't really a coherent story or a coherent defense of delinquency gather doing i mean the only defense that donald trump possibly has here is that he didn't mean he didn't intend to incite people to write that's his only defense and there's a lot of other facts that undercut that but you would at least think that they would be directing their defense to that intent but they didn't which i found absolutely amazing i mean it just dragged darn it was rambling and it was
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incoherent in fact i would have hired either of those people to represent me in a park won't will what what did their poor performance what does it tell you about what republicans expect to come out of this trial i mean if it's a bad bachelor party are they expecting an easy wedding. i don't think it's going to be an you see wedding i mean look at there may not be a conviction because there are certain number of these senators i think the have to they have to back donald trump because they're up for election in 2 years and they're concerned that if they vote for conviction they're going to basically be getting away part of the republican base that they need to so the democrats are going to be out for those seats big telling and if you don't have the certainty of this trial number of republican votes going into a general election like that you might as well give up before you start and i think that's the way these republicans a lot of these republican senators are viewing this situation even though this is
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close to the york enormous trial it's not it's political in the sense that these senators are very sensitive to what their constituents are saying and the converse of that is it before the case that is put on by the teacher of letters is so compelling that does bring public opinion around that could have an impact that could lead to conviction but right now it doesn't look like that's going to happen one republican senator changed his mind yesterday and voted yes on the constitutionality question i want you to take a listen to what senator bill cassidy said about the performance of the house prosecutors versus the president's attorneys take a listen i said i've been impartial juror and you will listening to those arguments the house managers were focused they were organized they relied upon both precedent the constitution and legal scholars they made a compelling argument present terms team were disorganized they did everything they could but to talk about the question at hand so resolve one senator really to
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change his mind there now when you factor in the fact that the polls show a majority of americans say that they favor convicting the former president if republicans acquit donald trump what will that do to the legitimacy of the impeachment process. well done keep in mind there has never been a president who's actually has been impeached and then also convicted there is always been the tendency to have the president's party hang in there getting a 2 thirds vote for conviction is very difficult and certainly with the nixon situation that would have happened that's right he resigned very but what that means politically going forward i don't think there's any rate of progress to kate on that right now in him but i think tonight you know it could turn out that these republicans who do not vote there can find themselves in political hot water come 2
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years from now and you mentioned barry goldwater you remember the role that republicans played in richard nixon's resignation compare that to the g.o.p. that we have sitting in the u.s. senate today. well it's completely different i mean part of the problem here is that not everybody gets their news from the same source like we did back in 1984 when everybody was around the television set when walter cronkite gave us our news now you've got fox news you've got other right wing media that basically are spewing out facts that are just faults world of alternate facts and so you've got a huge part of our population that is believing in these alternate facts mainly that donald trump really won the election and that there was widespread like ssion fraud even those 60 u.s. courts including judges that reported by donald trump found that there was no
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evidence our election fraud so then is a big difference between back then and now which makes it a lot more difficult it many people are working off the same set of facts yet well said definitely agree with that nick ackerman former prosecutor in the watergate hearings mr ackerman it's good to see you it's good to get your valuable insights tonight thank you it was great to be here thank you. our next story is in one way or once again it is possible to dream of going to the u.s. the biden administration has reversed a travel ban imposed by former president donald trump under that ban citizens were prohibited from applying for permanent immigrant visas to the u.s. travel between nigeria and the u.s. became almost impossible. i was flying adam a g. has just moved to the quiet town of arbil pizza in southwest nigeria he says
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life in the city of lagos will stop. things that easy i hear he has begun dreams he wants to move to america with his family. despite having a ready ready u.s. citizens he made his visa application has been deemed night twice. i was nervous that i'm going to law. into the pressure to refer because we believe it blames his 2nd visit rejection on presidential travel by the ban prevented nigerians from getting any visa that could lead to permanent residency or citizenship he says now being overturned by presidents bright in. many respects to. talk to us. but this.
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will write you president. never many. people believe that this new administration gives them a better deal is determined to try again this year he says moving to america could change his family's fortune there's a level playing field. for somebody who knows what they're doing who wants to achieve greatness obviously this country has been tarred you know is when i don't want the same for my child. i don't. and. i think anything it takes for the not to happen anything. the meiji continues to keep close contact with his family in the u.s. until he can finally be natively fan. if europeans were waiting for
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a mayor culpa today from the european commission president they were disappointed ursula find a lie and today defended the overall e.u. vaccination strategy she did admit that the european union was late in authorizing the use of vaccines against kobe 19 the 27 members of the e.u. continue to lag behind the u.s. in the u.k. in vaccinating citizens reasons include a longer approval process for new vaccines as well as waiting too long to prepare order supply. one to know this is an attack it is also a fact that today in the fight to gates the virus we are still not where we want to be if i mean we were late to authorize the vaccines we were too optimistic when it came to mass production and perhaps we were too confident that what we wanted would actually be delivered on time if we need to ask ourselves why this is the case and what lessons we can draw from this experience you know what lessons can we draw to
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talk about that let's go to brussels now bring in our correspondent matters good evening to you georg ursula fun to lie and she did she didn't take responsibility for the vaccination problems is she not alternately responsible as european commission president. but traditionally brand health issues remain in the hands of member states you see the member state is the one who is driving the european vehicle if you want and particularly weak when it comes to health issues so in this case the european commission for the 1st time in history if you want was dealing with such a huge health issue buying vaccines for 27 member states for 450000000 people it was the biggest deal they have done regarding any sector but it particularly with health this was a 1st and if you ask european officials here they are sick and tired of finger
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pointing and which something they say we've actually done a pretty good job with that's that's not what the public perceives i mean we hear all the time people asking why are the banks nations so slow here if it's and if it's an issue for the nation states then would be for be have to point the finger at berlin and paris for example. brendan this is a question of perception of course because why is the perception that we are so slow because others are faster and if you look at the u.k. for instance there is there's a simple answer to or there's 2 simple answers let's put it this way why the u.k. is faster the u.k. is faster because they did an emergency approval rather than conditional authorization approval for it for this particular vaccine so they hadn't had start and you can debate whether you would want that or not but it was a conscious decision to be slower and in that case also to ensure that there is
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confidence in the public and also liability on the part of the companies if you vaccinate healthy people so that is a is a big factor and then you have another factor and that is that the u.k. is only vaccinating the 1st doses so they're firing away everything they have regardless of the advice that it would take 3 weeks for the 2nd dose and so that is also a question that is consciously been taking the e.u. all $27.00 member states have said we want to vaccinate with the 2nd dose after 3 weeks and if you look at those numbers actually the e.u. is ahead of the u.k. and it's not the u.k.'s 1st do you think there is a sense of regret among the e.u. leaders that they didn't try they didn't use this emergency authorization used to get the vaccine sooner. i think there is that is partly true but there's another fields that you could look into which which could have
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been better and that is part of the lessons learned what but from the one referred to which is capacity building so more money could have been put into that field however having said that the e.u. actually put billions of euros into. a capacity building in other words into into factories that were built for vaccines that didn't exist yet and so i can tell you i think i know how this process works i've covered it for many years had those vaccines not come out as functional at the moment we have 3 in the 2nd quarter we're bound to have 5 vaccines for all of europe to be approved to to be approved yet but let's imagine 4 out of those 5 would have not worked and the you had wasted billions in capacity building in factories that never produced a vaccine and we would have exactly the same blame game going on you know that's a that's a very good point you've also covered brecht's it and this vaccination role well slow show in the e.u. and it's being called the best advertising imaginable for the brics is there
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a sense in brussels that the e.u. has failed the people at a time when sell your should not have been an option. now that's quite interesting brand because that is where all 27 member states are on the same page in saying it was the right thing to buy together because look if we had individually approached companies and that is also by the way what i hear from lobbyists in brussels they are grateful that's 27 member states came together and not fighting each other for the best vaccine deal to be had and that is also explaining why the e.u. is paying so little money for comparatively for the vaccines and of course as a single member state there are some things where you're better off that's what everybody understands clearly germany would have come 1st with more purchasing power with a better brucker see with a much bigger state and more money to be put on the table so that also
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explains why a single state can be fossil than $27.00 but at the end of the day in the pandemic what does it help if you have vaccinated your population and next door let's say romania is a hotspot for the virus and it's really imported into europe which goes at the end of the day the secret of europe of its purchasing power and money and and success is the open market the open borders if you have to close them because your neighbor is is a virus better than you're running into huge problems and finally is there anything in your opinion that the european union can learn from the banks that we have seen in the u.k. in the u.s. . absolutely i think there's there's a number of elements that can be adopted and that should be adopted at this point and that is hopefully part of what's on the line said lessons learned for instance
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the u.k. is preparing once there is enough vaccine to out run a 247 vaccination scheme and it is the now is the time for the 2nd quarter to build up those capacities to vaccinate as fast as you can once the vaccines are available all right give mathis excellent analysis of a story that everyone is talking about here in europe york thank you. what to do with man's best friend becomes a coronavirus kerry in south korea efforts are being stepped up to hold coronavirus cases among people's pets the capital seoul is offering free testing for pets whose owners have tested positive a kit has become south korea's 1st confirmed case of animal coated 90. this is no ordinary trip to the veterinarian health care workers made
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a house call to test this dog for the corona virus. after some coaxing the animal emerged from its can of course series of swabs as of monday house pets can be tested free of charge if they meet their requirements. because. dogs and cats that came into contact with the confirmed patient can apply for testing that will if it's determined that there are symptoms you can contact the animal department and a team of health care workers will visit your home to collect the sample from to its agenda. pets who test positive must remain in isolation for 14 days at home. around the world other animals including zucker realist and mink have tested positive for cove at 19. the officials here aren't
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taking any chances after months of rising cases the numbers in south korea are now on the decline restrictions are slowly being eased and the 1st vaccine has been approved in the country. other local governments plan to follow in seoul footsteps to ensure these 4 legged friends are also free to roam. or finally zoom conferences they've become the norm for a wants of his during this pandemic but not everyone understands the technology in this courtroom video for example an american lawyer has a few problems on the line the legal view has drawn filter is in me and the video settings you might want to all out where to find the number george i can hear you i think it's a filter it and there is a go out of my system her she's trying to. all of.
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us are here law that's not i'm not a cat. that's right he's not a cat the day is over is done the conversation continues online to find us on twitter either d.w. news you can follow me and print off t.v. and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day we'll see you then ever but.
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they're crammed into overcrowded cell underneath you main conditions. in russia thousands of nirvana supporters have been arrested so many the jails in and around moscow are 1st thing at the scene come on tears are providing aid to the jailed demonstrators because the prisons are cold and flu is in short supply some goods on her. economy minutes d.w.
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. it's about billions. it's about how we're. it's about the foundation of the new world order the new silk road. china wants to expand its influence with this trade network and so are other conflicts are inevitable the consequences unpredictable the can is because of the breaking of the chinese state as a model of money at its disposal. and that's how it's expanding and asserting its status and position in the world he said look the above was good china is promising its partners rich profits but in europe there's a sharp warning you could never accept money from the new superpower will become dependent on it. china's gateway to europe. starts feb 19th on the.
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this is g.w. news live from berlin tonight no burly exit from the coronavirus lockdown here in germany despite declining numbers of infections the viral variants have chancellor angela merkel insisting on extending restrictions for another month schools and hairdressers they may get a quicker retreat also coming up to me in bars military tightens its grip on power and greets the party headquarters of alstad leader aung san suu kyi but defiant protesters they're returning to the streets for a 5th day and day 2 of donald trump's 2nd impeachment trial the lead prosecutor
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accusing the former president of being the insider in chief responsible for january's riots at the u.s. capitol. i'm good to have you with us we begin with the longer germany's leaders have agreed to extend the current national coronavirus lockdown until march so in a virtual summit with the leaders of the 16 federal states chancellor angela merkel made it clear she wanted the walk down extended for several more weeks schools shops bars restaurants and leisure facilities have been closed here in germany since mid december. the number of 1000 infections and deaths have been falling but merkel is urging the public to stay vigilant at the summit she warned that coronavirus mutations could fuel
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a new wave of infections. and admitted that this is a 3rd wave that we have to fight. and we can only fight it if we bring down the incident right. if health authorities get control of the fires again meaning they can begin contact tracing again. then we can reduce the incidence rate even more with further steps and that's what we want. to serve and. that is why the period between now and march when the experts tell us that the mutated viruses could gain the upper hand over the previous virus is so important that we must continue to reduce our case numbers and be very careful. there was a german chancellor speaking earlier tonight let's go now to our chief political editor bill keller she's been following the story for us because of the chance that she entered the discussions today with the cautious approach and we know that she's
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worried about these viral variants did she get what she wanted she did partly what she didn't get was that stare in some kind of agreement on schooling she had to leave it to all 16 states which she legally have to anyway but she couldn't find a common line for those graduate school reopen next which some states want to proceed with and others don't what she did do is for the 1st time she pegged re openings very localized ones even to that magic formula which used to be 50 infections but 100000 people within the space of 7 days that was the threshold when debate started about gradually getting out of the lock down that's now down to $35.00 because of the fear of those mutations but at the same time there's a promise that if this can be reached at the very local level that there could be
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very local re openings so that's a real change in the approach as this mutation is of arriving and do we know how is this going to go down with the public people have been living in a lockdown now for months. yes well still upwards way beyond 50 percent of our behind the locks down at the same time when you talk to politicians the conversations that they have in their constituencies that they've really felt the pressure and we can see now that have dresses out of all trades will be allowed to open again from the 1st of march that psychology is most it is based in fact because they want to demonstrate that there is some kind of light at the end of this very long very dark tunnel yes but enough cannot be said about getting a good haircut these days they are rare between let's talk about the vaccination
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campaign speaking of something that is rare the campaign has had a bumpy start it's been too slow that's what people are saying how is it going. but slightly picking up speed but at the same time still it's germany which has some $83000000.00 inhabitants is that the level of israel when it comes to weekly vaccinations at the rate of $700000.00 so that's 5 far not enough but that is the promise from the german health minister that soon there won't be enough capacity to get all of those vaccinations because so much vaccine is of arriving here actually delivered to people so that's the next challenge but germany has been slow on the uptake it remains way too slow to deliver fast enough what is the ultimate exit from this pandemic vaccinations and that's why markell is so much insisting on
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breaking off this contact any spread of any motivation in this tax yes very good point it's hard for people to accept a longer lockdown when they know that the vaccine is there are many thanks because look if you're with the latest tonight you're in berlin. there are reports tonight that the wife of jailed a kremlin critic alexian of all the has arrived here in germany from russia germany's magazine der spiegel is reporting that you have an idea landed in frankfurt after flying in from moscow this evening arrival comes a week after her husband was sentenced nearly 3 years in prison for allegedly violating his probation as he recovered from a poisoning attack. us president joe biden has announced a new sanctions against the military regime that seized power in me and more tens of thousands of taking to the streets for a 5th day to protest against last week's al string of the civilian government
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activists are using ever more creative tactics to press their demands. dressed in furry animal suits and risking their lives. these groups of young protesters and young go on a challenging the coup leaders with humor their protest tactics which is slogans with pop culture references i knew from my own mom. and the most generations it's a good i care for my generation said where l g b t greeks and cosplay is and where wearing costumes and trying to get international attention on twitter people from other countries have noticed it. in the way it was. to gain attention and support abroad younger generations are using both social media and lessons learnt from protest as in they bring home kong and thailand. wearing crowns and ball gowns.
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for going shirtless like these members of a bodybuilding club people are showing better opposition to the coup. demonstrators a calling for an end to the military dictatorship and freedom for the nation's elected leader own son suchi and her allies they also wanted a new constitution on their return to democratic freedoms the groups remain on deterred off to choose days violence. security forces declared the rallies illegal trenching peaceful protesters with water cannons there are reports that police fired large rounds to disperse some marches. the teenage protester was shot and critically injured. a banner shows the injured 19 year olds and demonstrators know their actions could risk a stronger crackdown from the authorities here but i guess we are ready to give our
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lives if they're trying to threaten on on protesters we have nothing except our own bodies we are peacefully protesting. imus. oh we don't want to live under the military rules we want freedom. a curfew and restrictions on gatherings have been put in place but they have not stopped fresh protests from breaking out across the country. in the united states democrats are laying out their case on this day 2 of donald trump's 2nd impeachment trial truckers accused of inciting the riot at the u.s. capitol building in which 5 people died last month impeachment managers are arguing that trump undermined the election for months beforehand democrats and trump's defense team now both have 2 days to present their case in the senate. here's what lead prosecutor jamie raskin had to say devon it's will show that he clearly
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incited the january 6th insurrection. it will show that donald trump surrendered his role as commander in chief and became the insider in chief of a dangerous insurrection and this was as one of our colleagues put it so cogently on january 6th itself the greatest betrayal of the presidential oath in the history of the united states. are let's take the story out of washington our correspondent jeff on simon's on the story for us going to be on this trial i dare say is becoming must see t.v. in the u.s. what are we seeing so far from house impeachment managers. right it's on all channels from top to bottom wall to wall and the question is is america mesmerized with the performance of the house managers of the house impeachment managers all of the democrats making their case and what are they
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trying to do as you said before trying to make 3 points donald trump was responsible for what happened on generally 6 b. they he knew what he was doing and see he had a plan and it started all long before that with citing lies that he lost the election that the election was rigged is that result and not to forget different phone calls to different officials in in different states to put them under pressure to find them remember the phone call to georgia to the secretary of state there to find them 11000 votes and so on the democrats so far make in their case and their timeline in very very very much detail we haven't seen what they have promised yet and that is new video video which has nobody seen which is from the closed circuit television cameras in the capitol so we're still waiting to watch for this and watch and see what they're providing in their case to make their case yesterday 13 minutes video as you know that was pretty impressive and very
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emotional and have to say that to recreate out the democrats try the house impeachment just try to keep this not just very factual but also very emotional to get to the republicans to the republican senators who likely who are not likely to vote in their favor or for a conviction of the whole trump in that matter just that video we're going to be looking at the video coming up on the day right after this news bulletin you mentioned timeline i know that this trial is expected to be a speedy one i mean could be over a week from today why are both sides so eager to have this wrapped up. well there it's got a little bit complicated but 2 main things are democrats in the white house joe biden mr they want this to be over one way or another why because they want to be back in the limelight and the white house and joe biden needs to push some policies he promised in his campaign through the senate he so the white house needs the legislative to be actually working on things not just to do this impeachment trial
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there chris have promised they can do both at the moment they're actually presenting their case today for 8 hours tomorrow for 8 hours and then it's the republicans turn sless not the republicans turn the lawyers of the all trumps turned for today's also one way or another the republicans have an interest of course to make this very very very very speedy because they want to leave the past behind they want to focus towards the future of course get on a new track positive and already elections in 2022 in mind i mean we saw yesterday this vote on the constitutionality of this impeachment trial the voting was largely there along party lines that's what we're going to see for the the verdict in this case is what people are saying right. yeah absolutely you're right there is no doubt that the most bets are on voting along party lines yesterday 7 republicans voted with democrats for for the declaration of this trial to be
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constitutional but at the end is an acquittal or a conviction of paul jump likely there will be at least $40.00 to $44.00 republicans as it looks like now who vote against a a conviction that means he will be acquitted all rights to be used refunds imes with the latest on that impeachment trial in washington jeff on thank you. well northern europe has spent the last few weeks walking carefully through snow to avoid any slip ups but the finnish artist well he's taken it to a whole new level take a look. and some local volunteers use nothing but their footsteps and they created this elaborate book of art not far from the capitol hill seeking the patterns were combined to resemble massive snowflakes the whole piece is 160 meters across but it's unlikely to stand the test of time heavy snow is forecast as we know for the
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next few days. it is winter here you're watching. stephen beardsley is up next with business stick around he will be right back. what secrets lie behind us will. discover new adventures in 360 degrees. and explore fascinating world heritage sites. t.w. world heritage 360 get kidnapped no. ties and i'm game did you know that 70000000 that it was killed worldwide.
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