tv Auf den Punkt Deutsche Welle February 12, 2021 4:30pm-5:15pm CET
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what you do with all our waste. we can make a difference by choosing smart solutions overstrained said in our ways. the idea is to mention a series of little 3000 on the job and on my. the global hunger for energy is only increasing with every passing year the united nations believes that journey towards a climate disaster will continue steady unless we make an urgent switch to an efficient and renewable energy in all sik to us but renewable energy comes at a cost to the unequal india and it's critically analyze this alternative hello
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welcome not a creep. the latest survey by the government of india reveals that 13 percent of its 1300000000 citizens don't have access to create electricity in the last decade states and. hydro power to close the gaps in electrification with many of us crisscrossing this region hydro power potential is huge but this clean energy narrative is now being challenged on the grounds of adverse mental effects. pritam singh is angry that the government and its promise of environmentally friendly energy he lives on the same street is small tributary and. within 20 years the. 100 hydroelectric stations 2 of them on the things. you're not talking to begin to build this project would greatly benefit and develop
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the idea in the book was under. the bed. there's no water in the. environment. and everything has been destroyed we have been left with nothing can. change really residence they were promised compensation and jobs in the. us which would traditionally. with the 2 hydroelectric plants on the same ship that is nowhere near enough to speak. and do more. construction. came down but i'm told our agriculture department before this. we never had to collect is anything from the market instead you would money by setting up. we
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depend. in a market to access basic amenities like this has been a huge. land they didn't see in the next. game up to 90 as an environmentally friendly bubble souls hydroelectric plants have become an important generator for electricity you don't work in total plays behind coal and gas and that also makes them a lucrative source of income and in much of predation the state government breaks in over 9000000000 rupees that is 100000000 euros in electricity revenues. and one mental activists not a god boom with the skepticism good monsoon do such is the effect it's had on biodiversity and people's lives in the region. yeah so it's have been negative impact on the environment. and has been expropriated
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it's been submerged in water that mean it's sources who would like. to destroy it is largest. struction any. and that. particular kick. on top of that the region is prone to. breaches avalanches and landslides the biggest drawback for the people living here as recently happened neighboring with the rock in the state. that it would be done lies only 40 kilometers away from the same. another small tributary but it flows through untouched nature it's one of the few in the region with no hydroelectric plant. that's tanks during jeev part of the. in 2002 a number of hydroelectric power stations along the river but given planning
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permission. up with other villagers and went to court. everybody was ordered up project called up all your teachers and all the bureaucracy also white will see everybody is. good and the seeds accept defeat you drop no ben you preach comes to the local in my rarely if world or private investors would have taken the. electricity through the national grid with it all just everything it would indicate. the villages won their case though it took 3 years their homes and livelihoods have been preserved they still live off the grid culture and fishing and in recent years there have also stopped just a sustainable just industry event inviting trouble to their own homes. the
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would be a small home state for really didn't there's not a lot of you know division that took place and we all this for people that buddhism is has to be treated as an order to native income generation activity you know and thankfully they're also grown up. you know proved us right because they did not leave their orchards we had all thought of notice so we said look at the word build houses because london offices are usually big you know who do 3 rooms the murder them into home stays but don't leave your orders and then you know all sorts of income. not 20000 people off is it in the beaten valley. that residents on much more would do this than the hydro plant operators promised them. compensation. anglers hikers bird watchers in the study mostly from india come to see the maybe i did species in
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the environment the polluters defended so well. it's not just in india where there's a problem just over the 5th of the energy used in heating and cooling in the your opinion comes from renewable sources and like in india this shit is sick to grow in the coming years but when it comes to winter by some citizens in greece are reluctant construction of hundreds of wind turbines are planned on quick islands and bad mentalists and local residents have some serious concerns. it is said that the greek island of tinos says handmade because of its centuries old walls and paths and the architect you want to publish the top of who is absolutely determined to protect this unique cultural asset so here we can see if it becomes food but for the nonce made out of dr stone was before us used to give access to all be on the
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ships around and it's something that we are trying to take a band that's now in order to develop working towards the windmills and the so-called pigeon houses built by her ancestors 300 years ago are now supposed to give way to wind turbines. they want to shows us the site where private investors have just completed the foundations for 3 large turbines with another 15 planned. you wanna and many other islanders fear tino's could lose its typical character. and so marry. their pastor decide what to do are we going to preserve it and pass a thong to next generation so we are going through the mall use most of the 4 modern constructions or other projects like the winter. durbin's car the army not far from the plan turbines is home to sculptor mario valley os and his family he
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fears for the future of greece's cultural heritage. foundation's used to always be the seat of the gods but now they have been supplanted by money and everything is about making money experience. pretty. he shows us videos of protests he helped to organize a special police unit beach demonstrators including him with nightsticks a shopping experience. 2 hours away by ferry the island is best known for its unspoiled nature its mountains include protected areas teeming with rare plant life. here to the it till it's seen could end. the private nails group is planning $110.00 wind turbines to supply electricity to athens environmentalists are alarmed. it is all in.
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the special. this is really a disaster will be a disaster for the whole mountain is going to be levelled so it is really a transforming industrial zone although the plans are not yet final. is already informing the island's residents about their potential impact it has had its share of bad experiences with other large scale projects a once lush valley resembled a moonscape like this after a hybrid power plant was built. erosion on the island is already extreme again and again entire hillside slide off especially in areas where large roads are constructed. the mountains are home not only to goats but to many beekeepers as well. if wind turbines are built here bank alias will have to move away with this piece. they may. soon.
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be banned for the billions. i couldn't put their boxes near the wind turbines because of the electromagnetic radiation. which could make them lose their orientation. on the side of the mayor's office is aware of the concerns it met with foreign investors 9 years ago to little avail the activities on neighboring islands worry the mayor a few small wind turbines might be tolerable but 110. $1000000.00 we would protest and that's not just my own personal opinion. your local not all the officials in the municipal council and local administration a grange. the 1st turbines are standing by 2025 it is meant to be connected to athens via an underwater cable now the investor is supposedly
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revising the plans to make them environmentally friendly but few believe that. they fear that landscapes like this could soon become a thing of the past. it is a dilemma on the one hand people are protesting because of the problems caused by renewables and. dramatically. emissions because climate change is. to rise that's a fact we need to move quickly if we have to keep the right 1.5 degrees to limit its impact some scientists say that we also need to actively suck massive amounts of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere but capture and storage. isn't really a wild option let's take a. we know. too much carbon dioxide into the.
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but wouldn't it be amazing if we could find a way to suck it all up and send it back deep underground. climate scientists are now saying that without such technology we won't hit our climate dockets. doan's out this seemingly cutting edge idea to capture carbon is actually decades old. the u.s. navy used capture as a way to take an inside submarines in space shuttles that filled up with the breasts of soldiers and astronauts. you may remember that scene of the movie apollo 13 where suddenly they had to build a c o 2 scrubbing system versus your 2 levels are going to be getting toxic just 2 gentlemen and then we're to put a square peg in a round hole and they dump all this stuff out a table and said guys we have 3 hours to figure out how to make a suit like they had the technology already almost like we know how to do things modern carbon capture technology is basically this c o 2 scrubber on
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a bigger scale like this plant in south india 1st the polluted air is sucked into the industrial system through into. after being clean for impurities a disk. the absorption pond where it is cooled and then sends to a liquid solvent. which is then moved further into the plant for processing. which is mostly only water. out of the solvent and can be used to make other products. greenhouses even as a fuel. to the source of the. factory where the bone and strip the c o 2 out of the emitted small and diverted to the adjoining. this is called point source capture hundreds of pilots and small scale facilities and over 50 plants around the world are currently doing this then there is direct eco big fans large
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amounts of polluted air directly out of the atmosphere 15 be doing this worldwide but experts say the potential is huge. even if the c o 2 is emitted again like when the fuel is bund it is considered carbon neutral as it hasn't added to the c o 2 that would have entered the air anyway the better thing to do for the environment of course is to prevent ambitions from ever entering the air so companies are now working to inject carbon deep into the ground in a process. that can preserve it there indefinitely. and this is considered a negative as it actively removes carbon from the atmosphere and this also has pretty ironic consequences but more on that later we know from the arithmetic of climate. much of the.
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friedman is one of the foremost experts on carbon capture who served in the u.s. department of energy he says massive c o 2 removal. he needs to start now and the leading climate body the i.p.c.c. agrees and then latest report they declare that the world will not meet its climate without active carbon capture and remove the. original carbon suckles tree you can play a role but considering the space and water needed and the fact that they are always in the risk of being cut down anyway the experts believe they can only play a fractional role. so the focus is now on the tech version of trees direct i capture machines that are springing up around the developed world canadian company carbon engineering plans to launch the biggest commercial capture plant in 2022. where they were doing a plant and. one many and. each it.
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currently direct i catch a company's worldwide capture in 1000 tons of c o 2. so carbon engineering's goals are massive. effectively. usually when actually the technology is available. the questionnaire some ways down the market right now. and i think that brings me back to what an engineer inspection this is the main aim which is making it possible to have policy incentives and that's the reason not everybody is already sucking carbon out of the air all over the world estimates vary but at the moment and cost of the $200.00 to remove a ton of c o 2 loops through direct i capture. to scale up the industry companies see the need to be better financial incentives. these can come i know in the form of credits
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offered by the government in exchange for removing the harmful substance from the air. all in caps of carbon can be traded at a good price on the market. does a good also come from taxing companies that allow their carbon dioxide. fumes to escape. and that. combination of these measures has well. norway introduced attacks and pollution almost 30 years ago which has now incentivized a number of large companies to capture the carbon setting them on a quick carbon neutrality. sequence tradition has also been carried out and monitored in iceland for over 20 years allowing experts to conclude that the process is safe for all practical purposes and the space available on the ground is virtually limitless other companies in europe as well as canada and the u.s. are catching up but it's early days and this brings us to the not supply and friendly consequences of sequestration in the absence of large incentives from
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governments all capture and sequestration companies are collaborating with paradoxically. big oil companies. what you need is a question you need so many install of and. one of the places still about old oil and a way that the owners of those assets can be wiling up companies well that's a very strategic region and to go down. to their existing outfit. at the same time putting the captured c o 2 into the ground builds up pressure and makes it easier for even more oil to be extracted in a process called enhanced oil recovery. up to 88 percent of carbon capture then sequestered at the moment is used to extract more oil and this makes investing in carbon capture financially viable for these oil companies. worry about the big ordeal or curb capture dan kammen is an expert on clean energy who has spoken out
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about big problems with this kind of more. companies can. be just. there. there are many other problems through industry in addition to cleaner stuff there is local air pollution water pollution justice and so finding a way to. cure all is essentially finding a way to continue. the science is clear and then we need to actively remove carbon from the air but without broad public support the government incentives these stick the energies remain in the hands of private investors who will only go where the profits are. to keep the technology going we need to ensure a clever combination of incentives for normal companies taxing polluters and pricing c o 2 higher. a scientific
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solution therefore a human made problem but not all must lose. i have to be like that as humans we have an intimate connection to nature something that's perhaps being lost through the create concrete and bare bricks of addiction but that are doing this we're trying to change that in amsterdam architects are going back to our roots with biophilia besides what does that really mean let's take a. word instead of concrete curves rather than hard edges the style of architecture that is love life. the result of building according to the principles of by you feel like architecture. jacket more garcia know is the architect of the freebooter or booker near in the ditch city of amsterdam one of the key elements of
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a by you feel if your approach is to create direct connection with nature and we created by using you know natural materials that. that simulates or are connected with which is really an experience should be true to nature. wooden slats ran around the entire building ensuring optimal riding conditions and privacy the sense movement was monitored for a whole year so to slats could be aligned perfectly. another fundamental concept of prior for like architecture is that interior and exterior space should merge into one as soon as we you know we wake up in this in this room we can already open up. and i have a direct connection to the terrace and through the natural. of the water. the freebooter a special construction method only cost about 10 percent more than
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a conventional $12000.00 lees move here each with $120.00 square metres of living space. they enjoy a special indoor climate and a house with close to 0 energy consumption thanks to state of the art technology. especially like this room because the sun moves around the house your new day and at the end of the day it ends here and the light is very beautiful in this room it's not just the light that special the house appeals to all the senses. when people come and visit almost everybody wants to touch this part. it's girl it's moot people love it. how the concept isn't only finding favor napster down these days greener buildings are built in many places using wood and other natural materials owners and architects try to integrate the surrounding
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nature into their constructions even if not always under the label biofilm like architecture. home of r.c. i know is already thinking on a much larger scale and as with this current project my toe since it involves living units that can be extended at will. it has so many benefits there's a high demand for those kind of the buildings who are really foresee that in the future there was there would be more and more buildings designed with the biofuel approach. the freebooter residents have no doubt that their quality of life has improved since moving it. there are. a lot of changes spaces change and there's so
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much more curvy ness so the whole experience is completely different i think more calming. perhaps and more playful playful. biofilm like architecture provides a green and holistic approach to living space. an architectural concept with a future. like in every other relationship to have our relationship with must be quality driven and not quantity true but if we treat her new energy as just another. to the on the list with out on the stunning it's impact you may have to solve problems that we signed up for think of all that and i'll see you again next week for my entire team in india and germany good bad.
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guy called me and i'm game did you know is that 17000000 land on the field worldwide sure so that we can get into but it's not just be a little subtle suffering in school you know aren't we. lying on a journey to find ways out of the equation if you want to know how weightlifting the priest and the focus changed as he thinks is listen to our podcast on the brain sends. a message home many portions of loves us turn out in the world
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right now climate change the very heart of the story. faces lifelessly way from just one week. how much work can really do. we still have time to an ongoing. success. that subscribe to the morning news like this. as our favorite. and this is that a yarn about the effect of. the us that i have now come 1st but as i am a bunch of us. i'm
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this is deja vu news live from the rush of piles on the prosecutions against kremlin critic alexina valmy this time he is charged with slandering a war veteran the valley's already been sentenced to 2 years in prison for violating parole russia's relations with the e.u. a worsening fast over his face also coming up 3 these violent same's could happen again that's the final word from prosecutors in donald trump's impeachment trial they're urging a speedy conviction but now it's the turn of trump's lawyers to make their case for acquittal. and germany bans travel from the popular austrian holiday rachid have to roll with the conical sings and in full swing all farhi say they're doing their
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best to contend covert 9 tame the cases are still rising rapidly. i'm rebecca riches welcome to the program kremlin critic alexina valmy is back in court this time on charges of defaming a world war 2 veteran who appeared in a government video the money has already been sentenced to several years in jail for allegedly violating his probation while he was recovering from a poisoning attack the opposition leaders arrest street protests across russia a year later as have called for his release further straining ties between the european union and russia. i'm joined now by our correspondent our until then in moscow our own what's this latest legal move all about. well basically election of all me is answering for on charges of slander in connection to
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statements he made in social media back in 2020 now this was all these comments came in the run up to the constitutional referendum which ended up passing which alexei navalny was opposed to basically the referendum change the constitution of russia and has a lot of situations to come to effect work like were put in could potentially stay in power well into the twenty's thirty's which was of course something that election of all he opposed now he was specifically commenting on a video released by russia today that's russia's state broadcaster in support of the referendum and he had some rather choice things to say about people who participated in the view including including calling them traitors now that had him been slapped with these charges of slander which we now seem see him answering for today originally the trial was supposed to take place last year but of course due to all these poisoning with no the chalk they actually ended up than pushing it off until his return to the country earlier this year well is there any indication of when we can expect
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a verdict then and what that verdict might likely. well we don't know exactly how the court is likely to rule but it does bear saying that russian courts have not often ruled and mr know all of these favor i've been paying attention to some of the the arguments that prosecutors have been arguing throughout the day and it seems that they are are not necessarily. trying to focus on adding some more jail time to haul the sentence but rather they seem to be focusing on some type of monetary compensation potentially for the veteran in question if you ask people in the volleys orbit they say that this is actually an attempt by the russian government to her you know and his reputation more broadly within russian society you know veterans really do have kind of an almost sacrosanct status within the russian society so by convicting him of slandering one of them it would be a big knock against his reputation at the same time it also ties up his legal staff at a time when they are working very hard to try to free mr of all i mean get him out
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of prison so that's part of the reason they're saying that this is part of a campaign of legal harassment directed against them and now russia's foreign minister sergey lavrov has said that moscow's ready to sever ties with the are a pain in other that threatened sanctions let's take a look at what he had to say. if we see again as we have felt more than once sanctions imposed in some areas creates risks to our economy including in the most sensitive spirit is such as supplies of parts and components i'm convinced that with regards to the military we've become completely self-sufficient we need to achieve the same situation in the economy. yes once again we don't want to be isolated from international life when you get you but we must be ready for that if you want to be prepared for war. which need to go to school. some pretty determined words there how serious do you think mr lavrov is about
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potentially cutting economic ties with the. i wouldn't necessarily blow his comments out of proportion i mean you really think of the context that these comments took place and it was on a live broadcast from a russian firebrand journalist by the name of ludacris a love you both you know he's often referred to as one of the kremlin's chief propagandist he's very very critical of the european union and of the west in general and often helps the kremlin kind of shape their communication for the domestic audience in these were very very similar in his comments he was making right there and that's kind of a statement or a sentiment rather we've been hearing from other parts of the russian government to be true peskov putin's press representative actually walked back the statements that lavrov made earlier in the day saying that he's been taken out of context he said that europe action or inaction europe rather russia wants better relations with europe and he was saying that lavrov was attempting to express the fact that they're ready for all possibilities if new sanctions are introduced but not but said that he didn't want to stress that the russian government was interested in
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a relationship with the e.u. any time soon i am thank you aaron tilden in moscow. let's turn to some of the other stories making headlines around the world this hour ukrainian president following mir's alinsky has visited the frontline of the conflict in eastern ukraine after 2 ukrainian soldiers were killed there in clashes with russian backed separatists so lansky said attacks had increased recently and accuse the separatists of wanting to disrupt a cease fire agreed last july. dozens of to museums of blocked roads in the paul sullivan region of thought of when protest at what they see as government is broken government promises last november the government pledged to create hundreds of jobs and and a fund to support economic projects of protesters say they have not materialized. china's broadcasting regulator has banned b.b.c. world news it's a largely symbolic move as the channel was only easily accessible to foreigners
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britain had earlier revoked the u.k. license of china's c g t n watchdogs concluded the network was controlled by the chinese communist party. lawyers for donald trump will shortly begin begin presenting the defense case in the 2nd impatient trial against the former us president prosecute prosecutors in congress have wrapped up their case they urge senators to convict for inciting the violent mob which stormed the capitol building last month. so. a timely end to the day's hearings on the 3rd day of the impeachment trial of donald trump prosecutors made their closing pitch without using up their allotted speaking time of 16 hours. i wanted to start simply by saying that in the history of humanity democracies an extremely rare and froude trial and precarious and transitory thing this wasn't just an attack on the capitol building
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and the dedicated people inside it was an attack on what we were elected to preserve our democracy. for you. the prosecution made heavy use of video footage of the january 6th riots to prove that the former president had incited the violent insurrection. impeachment is not to punish but to prevent we are not near to punish donald trump we're here to prevent the seeds of hatred that he planted from bearing any more fruit republican lawmakers who are quick to dismiss the arguments but you think that the argument today. that they were all the repetitive. people of. trumps defense team will make its case on friday the way that the final vote is expected this weekend that 2 thirds majority is needed to impeach
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a trumpery meaning 17 republican senators have to cross the aisle you know well let's go straight to washington now and bring in our correspondent stefan simmons he's following this story for us stefan today is the day for the trial for crimes attorney david shannon his legal team to make their case welcome we expect from. you know one of today's defense team of. the house impeachment managers the democrats had 16 hours in total that means 8 hours per day so theoretically they can draw this out today for 8 hours and then tomorrow again there will be few breaks but what will the defense focus on 2 things mainly they have to not just refuse but defuse the case the democrats or the house impeachment managers made in the last 2 days which was very emotional very intriguing and loaded with details and facts now how will they do this i don't know we will see but the clear seems to
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be that from now on they will try to actually say or portray the democrats in the house just as glorify violence by showing all those videos which had their effects they were very emotional they had an effect on senators who were sitting there and that's for sure we yeah you mentioned that footage prosecutors obviously play a large portions of that pretty chilling capital ryan footage how much of an impact do you think that's had on the senate. for the american public that has a huge i mean i tell you it had a huge image on effect on me i was there on jenner's 6 and to watch this was was not an easy feat was quite. strange and challenging however for the republican senators who are there and as we mentioned in the piece the democrats need 17 to vote with them to actually find dull trump guilty that is
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a tough task because most of the senators in the last 2 days or at least a large number of them were keenly disinterested in listening in detail to what the house managers between houseman just had to say they do told their read books they didn't even show up a few of them then came back so i don't think that it had a big impact on the republicans which the house impeachment managers need does it have a big impact on the american public for anybody who watched this definitely relived the pain of that day because that was not what any american had ever expected that was historic in their sense. all right when it will be interesting to watch the events unfold and stephan simmons thanks very much for that update. governments across europe is scrambling to contain a new more infectious covert 19 variant germany's imposing travel bans on the czech republic and austria is terrell region the premier of the german state and the
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various says terrill needs to take tough action fine for china reports it seems like a deja vu we're driving through to rule the very same state you know that was a major hot spot in europe when the pandemic began is making headlines by becoming a hotspot again this time with a new variant from south africa and most cases stem from here shots a district into 60 percent of at least 400 cases this makes the 2nd most infected country have to south africa with a coronavirus mutation. but with carnival season in full swing the people here don't seem to be worried much maybe only went out for a little north and will be again in our position of it somehow as if this is the. it is the same thing that happened in ishqiya last year there is a concentrated move to look for someone to blame myself for. this but
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we still blame anyway people's behavior politics opinions are split over this question here. should have had buddha checks much. far better he could also have been prepared much earlier last year when the. orange yellow and. it was the restaurants and hotels remain closed and foreign tourists away there's plenty of domestic tourism austrians with holiday homes or even day trippers and when they leave to roll in many cases the virus leaves with them starting today people leaving to roll to other parts of austria must present a negative test pharmacy. like this one have set up testing facilities the meant but the south african variant has already spread beyond the state borders have to rule the measures to set up food if unfolds now too little too late. as you say
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it is just one measure out of so many i believe measures like these cannot be put in place from one hour to the next because it is such a logistical challenge. that a political one to austria is a federal state both the central government and the state governments need to coordinate how to respond to a crisis which takes time exactly what does not happen. china has rung in the lunar new year kicking off a week of low a week long nationwide festival colorful illuminations and red lanterns a symbol of good luck in china welcomed in the year of the ox it's the 2nd year in a row that covert 9 taking has cost a shadow over the celebrations the holiday normally say is the world's biggest annual migration as people all across the country visit their families this year the government is telling people to stay home. you're watching data to news
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