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tv   Bares fur Rares  Deutsche Welle  February 14, 2021 6:30pm-7:31pm CET

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and a bit of fun. to read. in 60 minutes w. w's crime fighters are back with the africa's most successful radio drama series continues in the only disowns are available online and of course you can share and discuss on w. africa's facebook page and other social media platforms crime fighters to me and now. this man eats a whole box of chocolates every day not just for professional reasons that is because wrong then it's one of belgium's top chocolate that keeps more on that
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topic legs but 1st a very warm welcome to new edition of your max let's see what else we have lined up for you in the show. high quality paper from the italian city of florence is still may come to you by hand and mother and child break from britain has not only written a book about funky content even bruce some minutes and. this season skiers cannot always hit the slopes due to the coronavirus pandemic many ski resorts in europe are closed or her for strictly on the number of visitors but there are still ways to still have fun in the snow how would you like to be pulled troops know we landscapes on skis by a horse we travel to frogs to take a closer look at an exciting winces fort. this is a sports center of
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a originated in scandinavia with reindeer or dogs it was made popular using horses in the early 20th century but in france it was largely forgotten until jacques affinia toilers reintroduced it there about 30 years ago. i'm still passionate about it because we're always out in nature always in an element that is constantly changing because the snow is never the same and if you can be hard or soft or like powder it could be the snow of spring it's always a different experience. jack off in the french alps near the resort of liaison he saw reviving the sport here as a way of combining 2 passions. he didn't fit i got into city because i was working for 10 years on ski patrols that monitor the trails and avalanches and take care of those who were hurt. the same time i had an equestrian center and my horses had nothing to keep them busy during
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the winter. so i said i needed to find a way to combine 2 things i love. skiing and horses. does require some skill participants don't have to have much knowledge of horse riding because the animals respond to basic commands through the rings but writers do have to have a certain level of skiing experience. as long as they can ski people of all ages can take part. and watch the horse. watch the horse they will watch the horse that's very good. perfect very good. ski touring comes from the norwegian term for ski driving its original purpose was to. transport goods today it's also a competitive sport disco what did you feel while. freedom in the nature
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of the snow everywhere and silence great experience really awesome. and allusion horse here on the left in a norwegian fjord are among the 3 horses jack has specially trained for ski joining he wanted to relaunch the sport in france after seeing an old postcard with skiers being pulled by horses but he had to start from scratch. i told myself it was necessary to find a way to ski behind horses he said but i did the research and couldn't find anything no equipment existed and that's how i started to develop my own equipment . and the result of that was this special harness which is mounted on a horse and designed to minimize pressure on the animal told you if you'll cut your drive you'll cut we don't touch the horse's mouth that only happens when i want to
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give a command the right to go right or left to go left or pull both handles back to break oh yeah. the cameras part of the harness protects the driver from the flying snow. the reins controlled by the handles stay subtle. giulini the thing about this sport that motivates me is the feeling of freedom all the time it's really a grand feeling of freedom or a sense that the horse isn't imprisoned not constrained but you are letting it follow its natural behavior and you become one with him as you glide behind him. that's something you only experience when speech or anyone else. thinks to shock and his horses tourists have yet another way to enjoy the great outdoors in friends . valentine's
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day is coming once again and because my husband is such a hopeless romantic he sent me all these presents in the studio well actually that's not true he doesn't even text me something nice on valentine's day but for people who do like to celebrate florence high in paper is just the thing to wrap up all those nice presents. the in chinese city of florence is the center of arts and culture it's also home to paper making traditions the date back centuries from sheets and cards to book pages and binders handmade florentine paper can still be found in a few places here these pay for is cold florentine paper. even if the correct. mob old pay for it's a very old to me of decorating paper but it was used a lot in florence in
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a book by ending process mostly so always through related to books and printing. a feel a family business now in its 6th generation. it's florence's oldest marble paper maker and one of the few places where it's still handmade. mario also holds workshops on how to make marble paper i'm going to to make it to prepare the model paper so. just spreading some colors on today's jelly thing gelatine and step by step i will create a pattern and at the and i will lay the paper on till and you'll see what the paper sold they how the paper is decorated. the process is interested and time
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consuming with lots of attention paid to detail. from start to finish marines about 20 minutes to make one sheet of paper. for each new sheet she has to repeat the entire process using new colors. the end result is always unique. this is quite different from the machine printed paper which is largely taken over here at the ross the paper making factory the company also specializes in florentine designs but they've been using machines to print their paper since 1931 . in this factory we agree that we have old machines as well. using old machine the same last century but the renew it with their new technologies these printing machine can produce
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20001500 sheets our. the process wasn't always so fast this is a original press from the late 19th century could only print certain items one of the time. this is the 1st machine and. the beginning of this company my grandfather and don't you know it will start the with these oppressor printing or some carts. putting the people here and in this place. floral patterns in the use of striking colors including gold are characteristic of florentine decorative paper its substantial weight makes it good for binding books creating stationery and covering boxes. these items are popular with both the
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tourists and locals alike. marbled paper is said to have originated in japan around the 12th century it came to europe during the 16th and 17th centuries and with use for important documents as a way of preventing forgeries and the ratio to doing its popular as a gift people are looking for something that it's handmade and it's unique it's just one of a kind and they can have your spirit known for you know all colors or do uniqueness of a piece of paper. the techniques for making decorative florentine paper may continue to evolve but the patterns remain steeped in history and tradition. after just unwrapped the one of the presents and see how they taste in prayer lives
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we don't know who invented some say it was a german chef back in the 17th century believe it was a pharmacist draw your house from belgium let's see i was trying to find the way to make his medicines go down easier with talk that but whoever invented them today they are a treat belgium is famous for world wide as we visit it at brussels to find out more about how they are made. when i go on holiday i often think this time i won't take any chocolates with me. just yet and then when i've just left i go back to get some. and.
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when you fall in love with somebody you never know why never from the moment i heard tried chocolate i decided to make some myself because it was love at 1st sight let's. just see for the whole day and i'm fed of a good long day of chocolates here i make grayling's every day and i make chocolate every day and i eat it every day and i love it so. it's chocolate is very simple it's not complicated you know there are 2 or 3 ingredients cocoa mass for dark chocolate with some cocoa butter and sugar. you see. the way you get up on
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them what you see here is pistachio mars a palate is all the new so artisans like us have 2 main techniques for making the prelims. know it all does. we 1st do the filling. and then cut it and finally we surround it with chocolate and that's the coating. so. i'm decorating it with a fork. it's on the cool it's a very traditional way of decorating little shit it is over 100 years old. the 2nd steps is the molding going to take some chocolate with or without coloring you temper it and then you put it in a spray gun and apply it to them you want to make this give shine and color.
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that's the push the fine layer of chocolate here is very important so it can't be too thick or too thin says if it suits and it breaks if it's too thick it's unpleasant. and then from the home you know we're filling the molds with caramel salted caramel and that's done with a machine that machine the whole piece it fills the mold to about 90 percent to leave a bit of space solar more for this is finally the chocolate so but not too much the most when you eat a prey it's essential not to have too much empty space when biting into it it has to be a smallest loss of. soups good. news that we have 78 different kinds of very light unit. as i will see for aliens with basal was the most pressure men's or time. we also use a lot of spices such as cardamom the. star
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a nice or tumeric. to be honest i've been eating a box of crayons a day forever to fuel. this here is liquid caramel. or last of all those deep thoughts that it tastes wonderful because you have the crunchiness of the chocolate. and then you have the tasty filling which fills your mouth all along busy a lot of booze and then you have the freshness of the raspberries. so. you have to find peace it's like smoking a good cigars i know that's not good but you have to take time to smoke a good cigar you have to enjoy it otherwise it's not worth that.
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amount of popular valentine's day gift per few but finding the right one to suit your personal taste is not always easy anyone looking beyond mass produce fragrances can have their individual sense created by purview me over here this he does his magic in the city of paris in east germany we watch closely as he makes an exclusive perfume from natural ingredients. can give you a sense of happiness. fragrances can be a healing. can change your life. my name is hashish and to me fragrances mean life happiness relaxation and passion.
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in his. stores thousands of fragrances all made from natural ingredients by distillation for instance of blue spruce needles. sandstone can be extraordinary too. and earth can contain unique fragrances as well. there are other ways to get this earthy scent. like using beetroot. and that's how you can make connections and tell a story. sells his perfumes to customers around the world including european nobility elaborate perfumes can cost up to several $1000.00 euro. and there are many perfumers in the world there are actually fewer perfumers than astronauts. when you're good at it. people will come to you. has been commissioned to create
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a perfume in remembrance of carlo. an entrepreneur from dresden he seeks inspiration beside the river. to tell the life story of this colorful 19th century industrialist and perfume collects willow branches. and the willows here have taken in the scent of the meadows along the river and that's what we're going to use. there are always different ways of extracting the fragrance. with willow bark distillation or mass aeration can be used by. we use if you are alcohol and we just insert it and the alcohol will absorb the essential oil we're basically making an extract could last. up to
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150 of these extracts are used in one perfume hellish to also creates custom made one of a kind of perfume. plus . there's nothing more intimate than perfume you wear it directly on your skin and it even enters the skin it doesn't get more intimate than that why would you use a mass produced perfume i think a good fragrance should reflect your personality. as legacy to the people of dresden was this palace this is sighing in charge of its preservation commission to move ahead with creating a perfume reflecting the lavish lifestyle of the businessman and. perfume are made 3 different fragrances. the fragrance family is
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a green composition. the fragrance pyramid results from elba meadows. peppermint candy massa rated rose bushes fresh grass. and leather and the theater in. its island and i don't think it's more elegant than the 1st one definitely you can really picture a ballroom with a couple were actually in the ballroom right now so that's putting couples dancing yes exactly. at the palace they've chosen the more sporty elegant version and is already experimenting with fragrances for his next project a perfume that will help you concentrate. how about something nice to read for valentine's day we met up with one man whose latest book is currently a best seller in britain often merlin sheldrake invites us into the fascinating
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world of funky with his award winning work calls and tango life how funky makes. this you know that song essential for all life on earth to find out more on the topic we met with the charismatic young author in london. london based biologist merlin sheldrake is out hunting for specimens it's part of his job as a mycologist a scientist devoted to the study of fun guy and fun guy are far more than meets the naked eye so if you use a tender fungus or horseshoe fungus humans have used it for thousands of years as a tender material a pump to carry a spark or a co it's also what's known as the vital. it has many medicinal uses. its antiviral agents have been effective in combating the demise of be colonies.
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funkier kingdom of life which is as broad as a category of animals or plants and we think of mushrooms and we think of fungal but most funky don't actually produce mushrooms or the ones that do produce mushrooms to spread their spore some mushrooms are a kind of fruit in fact fun guy are everywhere in the ground in the air in our bodies and they're indispensable for all forms of life in fact they make life possible on this planet but how do they live exactly the most fun to live most of their lives this mycelium which is the name given to branching fusing networks of cheap yourselves which is how funky feed my silja can be microscopic existing only as tiny mold fun guy on specks of dust but they can also be huge one of the worlds largest organisms is a network of my silja over 2000 years old in oregon in the united states it covers
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an area of more than 9 square kilometers 33 year old sheldrake says fun guy can change our minds and shape our futures in his book titled entangled life how fun guy make our world i want to talk not just about mushrooms and mushroom forming funky but also the fun you don't for mushrooms that are harder for us to notice. yes but which had played such key roles in the story of life and so i spend a lot of time thinking about the networks of funky which directly perceivable to us and yet make up so much of the world that surrounds us by means of an experiment sheldrake proves that mushrooms can pop up anywhere he dipped his book in my ceiling and grew oyster mushrooms on it as they grow the sounds they make are recorded by using electrons his brother used to the recordings to compose a song called entangled like. the mushrooms go right out of the book and into the
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frying pan and then he enjoys them. the biologist also investigates the phenomenon of fermentation. fund i and other microorganisms are key players in this natural preserving method of making. a film meant to treat cold beetroot us. i like fermenting in general because i find it a helpful way to. come close to the microbial. and and understand a little bit more intuitively what is taking place in a much more complex environments like the soil. sheldrake explores various avenues to better understand and explain the complex world of fun. he regards music as a point where art and science meet and provide new food for thought. it's
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pretty hard to understand what life might be like for a fungus to have bodies and their environments that challenges the opportunities are so different from ours so i've really had to explore different metaphors different ways of thinking about what it might be like to be a fungus of course i can never know. but it's worth trying i think it's good for our human centered ness to try and put ourselves in the shoes of other organisms even if with destined to fail. his book has become a bestseller and won several awards as merlin sheldrake introduces more and more people to the fascinating world. that's also this time you can find more on topics about life style and culture and europe on our website there you can also find out how to answer our current draw and take a stab at receiving our backpacks full of goodies see you again next time until
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then bye bye and thanks for watching.
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what's going. here. a house of your very own from a printer. computer games that are healing. my dog needs electricity. just explains delivers facts and shows what the future holds.
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living in the digital world shift. in 15 minutes. constable. for sport because the octavia r.s. i.v. has the best of both boxes the successful model from skoda is now also a plug in hybrid. the multi faceted car is great for everyday use and a bit of fun. to read. on t w. nico because in germany to learn german english because. why not learn with him d w z learning course because vic. and you know yes yes
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we've got new and how last year's german sounds that will bring you an angle on madoff and you've never had to have the full surprise yourself with god disposable who is magical really what moves back and what all somebody who talks to people who follows her along the way admirers and critics alike how is the world's most powerful woman shaping public and joining us from eccles law stops and. why are people forced to hide in trucks. cause. there are many reasons some. and there are many answers. and there are many stories.
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told me for mine. this is d.w. news live from berlin germany and on strict measures to stop the spread of corona virus the country closes its borders with austria and the czech republic after a surge in cases with highly contagious variants only essential travel is allowed to speak to our correspondent was it one of the border crossings also on the show
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russian women join together to support the victims of a political crackdown there braving icy weather and threats of arrest to voice concern for a 1000000000 of all the life of opposition figure i'll explain of all me and others who were detained after his imprisonment we'll hear from our correspondent in moscow and donald trump is acquitted in his 2nd impeachment trial as republicans close ranks and vote not to punish the former president for inciting last month's capitol hill riot. omarion evanston thanks for joining me germany has banned travel from parts of neighboring austria and the czech republic the restrictions are aimed at halting the spread of highly contagious variants of the corona virus which have been detected in several border regions germany has deployed thousands of police
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officers to carry out strict border controls only essential travel and trade is now allowed the move has drawn criticism from the e.u. and intensified concerns about the negative impact on businesses some german carmakers have warned of potential production shutdowns. well for more on the story correspondent barbara joins us now from sharon day which is a small bavarian town on the border with the czech republic good evening to you barbara so describe for us the situation today where you are with all of these new border controls. to get this. through marianna is in fact one of the may crossing points between the czech reachin here behind us a lot of workers that work in all the supply industry on the other side on the
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german side are actually busy and they cross here every day for the whole region has about 90000 czech workers that's a substantial number today it was a sunday so it was of course relatively calm but people were crossing over here and trying to figure out what was happening there was a distinct lack of information would it companies who bakes bread for instance the lady who tried to cross the border be counted as an essential worker or not all this is still very unclear and so people are confused and the check people we talked to today were really confused and. and sort of dumbfounded why is this happening to us so we didn't do anything wrong and we had testing every 2nd day in any case because that was already one of the rules here but so this will be completely closed and it will be harsh for the region now barbara the bavarian
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authorities have rejected the criticism of the newly introduced border checks what i've been saying. now the european union it's just about 2 weeks ago their leaders decided that they wouldn't do this anymore that they wouldn't do just bought a closing so overnight and sort of left people in the dark about what was happening and not talk to each other beforehand and figure out a strategy to make this viable but that the various artie's have their own head and also it's a free election year of course so we have german elections in the fall and there is a certain amount of grandstanding going on of course the e.u. doesn't like this because this is not the only border region and the economic fallout of course is dire and we don't know how long this will last this can last for several weeks in fact. working really at cross purposes and it is not
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a very happy picture that you see here today as barbara theys own reporting from the german town of standing which is near the czech border thank you so much. in russia hundreds of women have turned down for protests in support of yulian of the wife of jailed russian opposition leader alexina volume in moscow the women formed a human chain to show solidarity from the wall me and other women who've become victims of the crackdown since her husband prism and as dusk fell so-called flash light protests were held across the country in the siberian city of tomes the protest motto love is stronger than fear was displayed from the window of an apartment building russian authorities have threatened to arrest protesters for defying a ban on demonstrations. all right let's bring in correspondent emily sure
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when who observed some of the protests in moscow earlier today hello to emily so these were 2 sets of demonstrations in russia today so we have the women mainly in moscow in solidarity with you in of all the and then the flashlight protest in support of her husband alex and of all me elsewhere across the country we know you spoke with some of the protesters today what have they been telling you. well i think both of these protests today were extremely peaceful and they were also almost poetic both of them aimed at showing solidarity and kind of uniting people so i was at the protest today in moscow where women stood in a lie and they held on to one long white ribbon which has become in the last 10 years or so a symbol for opposition protests they were holding flowers they had pinned heart shaped. pieces of paper to their jackets that bore the name of various political
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prisoners and they told me that they want change in russia and they as women said one woman said that you know women are that there are new life and they want a new life for russia as well now wait and when it comes to that flashlight protest you mentioned that was actually called by alex enough by a nice team and the point of that i think is you know people go out into their courtyards and shine a light essentially in the sky but the point is that they can see who else in their houses actually support me and who else is opposed to the car and the current man in the kremlin well today of course is valentine's day and the russian interior ministry had warned people against an authorised protest today were police to be seen cracking down on the demonstrators to the same extent as we've seen before. surprisingly not despite the warnings that we heard last week and despite the over
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10000 arrests that we saw at the last protests. pretty much things today were peaceful and there wasn't much of a police protest even here in the capital moscow we have however last week for example been seeing almost a smear campaign going on against me on state television they've been referring to him as unpatriotic and they've been painting him repeatedly as an agent of the west and russian president vladimir putin also came out at the end of last week and said that he was an agent of the west without naming him personally calling him a blogger once again which is his usual strategy with alex enough not to name him by name but he said that he's trying to sow dissent in russia in a difficult time during the pandemic. that was the w.'s moscow correspondent emily
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share when i get a check now of some of the other stories making news around the world guinea has declared a new outbreak of ebola with at least 3 people dying in a town near the liberian border it marks the 1st time that the disease has emerged in the west african state since it ravaged the country from 2013 to 2016 authorities say a bolo has reached epidemic proportions protests against the military coup in myanmar are continuing with demonstrators again flooding restrictions together outside the u.s. embassy in yang gong embassy officials have warned of a military crackdown 2 weeks after the coup telling its citizens to be careful on sunday armored personnel carriers appeared on the streets of several cities in myanmar for the 1st time. to the united states now where adult trump has been acquitted of inciting last month's attack on the u.s.
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capitol as expected the vote in the american senate fell short of the 2 thirds majority needed to convict the former president however 7 republicans voted to side with the democrats making it the most bipartisan impeachment verdict in american history smiles all round donald trump's legal team revel in their clients a quick 2 we want guilty. it was always going to be an uphill battle for democrats they needed to convince at least 17 republican said it is to cross the aisle. in the end or at least 7 republicans voted to convict giving former president donald trump his 2nd of course there are $57.00. 43. the day's proceedings was time for both sides to make their closing arguments hoping to swayed any last minute votes to believe based on the evidence you have
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seen that mr trump actually wanted and indeed willfully incited an armed insurrection to overthrow the u.s. government would be absurd democrats pushed back saying the senate could stop violence from happening again the cold hard truth is it would happen on january 6th can happen again i fear like many of you do that the violence we saw on that terrible day may be just the beginning donald trump was unrepentant in welcoming his a quick to saying the trial was yet another phase of the greatest witch hunt in the history of the united states. after the vote democrats scorned republicans for voting to acquit the vast majority of the senate republican caucus including the republican leader voted to acquit former president trump signing their names in the
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columns of history alongside his name for ever and despite voting not guilty republican senate minority leader mitch mcconnell conceded that the former president was responsible for the riot there's no question. there president trouble is practically. and morally responsible for provoking. or. the lawyers have rested their case on the matter of donald trump's involvement in the january 6 riots but the divisions in us society remain the equipped opens the door for trump to run for the white house again 2024. this valentine's day people around the world are celebrating love in all its forms and after a difficult year there's even more reason to celebrate in one belgian nursing home
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where nearly all of the residents have been vaccinated against covert 19 caught up with one couple there as they approach 6 decades of marriage. there's a romance in the air at this brussels care home long time lovers francois and nico are marking their 58th valentine's day. they moved here together when force was health began declining. if he's going i'm going because him alone are me alone that's unthinkable. also i was just 17 when he met his soulmate he says it was love at 1st sight. she was just beautiful she still is. he asked me to marry him almost immediately that's true and i said yes we. are also on the cold are among the
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lucky ones at the beginning of the pandemic covert 900 tore through belgian care homes clean phones of lives. and know that almost all residents here are fully vaccinated care home directory assistance has more freedom to spread the love this february 14th. she wants to share messages of togetherness after months of isolation we want to them that they are not alone in in the rest home we are not alone we are together and we live together so we love each other we can. just always i love you. and you couldn't fall so are dreaming of many more date nights together and their hope for the future. will be happy no matter what do you want. me don't worry come on.
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i'll see he's always cold and i am always warm welcome him to or to. the couple hopes the worst of the pandemic is now behind them they'll stick together in sickness and in health.
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young german. and jewish. i'm jewish so what. does that mean in daily life. and at school. we should not be
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given a special status but be completely no one on the walls and beyond this look of shock like while there's a jew at our school that's a bad thing 11 teenagers 11 stories had. a son jewish and soviet. young german and jewish starts february 22nd on d w. dot com. this little device has basically become part of my body it's always at hand and i never leave my flat without it doors you also use your smartphone more than you'd like and stay tuned because they dilute the talks. today's topic on shipped. around the world people were spending an average of 3 and
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a half hours on their phones per day and that was before coronavirus during the 1st month of the pandemic the global average shut up 70 percent at the top of the list of the philippines ever steady phone use there is over 5 hours what effect does using all phones so much have on many people and definitely one of them feel permanently pressured to be digitally connected one solution is a digital detox is that even possible in 2021 i gave it a go. the 1st challenge of the day is removing the sim card from the phone and turning the wife i off it gives me an uncomfortable feeling. on a normal day i would now read the news on this or briefly checked with the or instagram account with it anymore so. i read the newspaper instead. of course the paper doesn't have the very latest headlights like many people i
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normally listen to music or podcast on my way to work the projected 620000000 people across the world are streaming music regularly in 2021 with that option not available to me today my old walkman gets a chance to shine. during the pandemic i've been opting for cost sharing to get to work by 2025 there will be an estimated 36000000 car sharing users in the world but the service won't work unless you've got the right app and a stable internet connection. so i'm taking the tram when does the next one leave this doesn't help me today. google maps for me either the empress over 1000000000 active monthly users. public transport information is still available on good old paper 5 minutes great at least it gives me time to get the much change but that's just the right amount i'm used to buying tickets on an.
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already getting withdrawal symptoms the average user checks their phone 58 times a day. i have the feeling of getting to work completely unprepared normally i would have already checked my email as i would have an overview of the current use situation that's not got into whether that's a good thing but i'm working more and more on the go i'm almost always reachable and to be honest i expect the same of my colleagues. and those bridges the 1st 2 hours of the day during the pandemic my phone also became my fitness coach meditation guide shopping center and i was spoke with friends and family is that likely to change postponed i think. is one reason we find it so hard to put down off phones is that most apps are designed to keep the quality the tech industry calls stickiness. smartphone apps are
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supposed to be fun but they're also designed to keep you glued to the screen. and that's why app developers have started incorporating reward systems like buttons push notifications and infinite scroll on news and social media feeds keep you hungry for more making your apps. this is useful for developing because the longer you uses on an app the more money developers make to end up in games for example or by collecting data and users behavior. is also benefit from high uses screen time the more you use the data they have the more they can moan. customers. it's really hard to resist the psychological tricks developers used but can you actually be addicted to your phone and apps is what experts say. things built by brace and light
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they constantly go our attention and tempt us into multitasking but sensory overload can over activate our brain which triggers the release of stress hormones like cortisone these negatively impact our performance and in the long run. your heart starts beating faster you start sweating and your blood circulation also increases and more blood flows to your muscles. and you have this type of stress response while you're sitting with your smartphone and hunt and all the energy in your body isn't used as it was intended to be so instead you try to regulate it in a different way and that can lead to for example increased appetite and you eating more than is healthy. i'm feeling. as our phones increase our stress levels our prefrontal cortex becomes evident and overtaxed prefrontal cortex can result in concentration loss and diminished logical thinking what's more many
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apps are addictive especially social media whenever someone likes or comments on one of our posts or photographs out brain releases a small. fragments of what happens is that those parts of the brain that deal with provides a quickly activated especially in the beginning after a while this positive effect starts to get smaller and smaller so that you form hubbert the positive feelings aren't really there any longer. but when you don't follow the habit you feel bad because that's her own addiction settles in an easier it. according to a study by the university of heidelberg addictive use of smartphones can decrease activity in certain areas of our brain. and even make parts for these negative effects similar to the impact of drug addiction. excessive use of smartphones can also lead to withdrawal like symptoms such as anxiety and problems concentrating.
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the good news is the human brain is an organ that changes throughout our lifetimes experts believe the negative effect smartphones have on our brains can be reversed by more conscious use. so that he was conscious and aware use i definitely wouldn't want to give up my phone because it really does help me in my daily life and gives me instant access to information and i'm going to come out on the other hand in excess this can cause stress the so-called foam or fear of missing out this is now recognized as a real phenomenon the psychological effects of which have been well researched and it can lead to chronic stress. you can check your digital stress levels on your phone models google has the digital wellbeing and apple has screen time both analyze phone use for example i spent nearly 5 hours on my phone yesterday though around 74 minutes were for work phone 109 times and got 66
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messages mostly on microsoft keeps so is that ok or is it too long let's not forget these well meaning apps and all further increasing my screen time what can i do to avoid over using my phone here some tips from experts. that yes just get caught but in fact the 1st especially with behavioral addiction is to find out exactly which ups are using my smartphone or online and when for how long how frequently and at what time of the day keep a record of this and every time you look at your phone you know to down what i just do why did i do it and how long. the take me because much of this happens a consciously of a sloth. that let's face it this patient enough to keep a record of their entire phone use. ironically apps like screen time could help.
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with done next you tried to delete the upstart are causing the addiction usually it won't be all of your apps and they have different levels of addictiveness depends on factors like the prevailing of social feedback and rewards and the goal would be to abstain from those while learning how to use the internet and smartphone in a healthy way. smartphones and. if it's too hard to delete some of your favorite apps you can always try the activating them 1st that will help you get used to being on them next. very important aspect is what you do with the tell you. i decided i want to put my phone down and use it last year just putting it down exonerate doesn't work so well . i'm still and if you say instead of using my phone tonight i'm going to do this
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concrete plan maybe even a plan for the week just that works well for most people. but in our most mention. instead of spending hours on social media during corona you could go outside and leave your phone at home or walk in the fresh air is a great way to recover from internet strolls liking and sharing. time or was what helped me moderate my social media consumption it automatically closes the apps after a pre-selected time you can reopen them but the time i helps build your awareness of how much time you're wasting on instagram and call if you're looking to do with full digital detox. and have some spare cash you can book a holiday in a smartphone free camp or treat. instructor regularly takes conscious breaks from connectivity.
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i often longed for how when i was a teenager when it was normal to make a plan and stick to rather than constantly changing it by text this. instagram facebook picked up and designed to be tempting and addictive now you can practice abstaining from then on specially designed retreats digital detox is have become a successful business model ironically you find most office online with thousands of reviews on social media. it's easier to stay offline as a group like here in camp break out where you don't bring your smartphone or computer. of course this isn't realistic for normal day to day routines. helping a digital future which we're in control of our devices. are in charge of. the
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devices don't have power over us and to be used in clever ways. 3 days of media abstinence here cost about $300.00 euros for those truly addicted to social media can cannot replace proper authority but it does provide a setting to go offline and switch off. almost 5000000000 people don't have a social media account and over 4000000000 don't have a smartphone what about you do you use your phone more than you'd like do you see the value in offline time or is digital detox nonsense that is not on facebook or even in a letter and see you next hour. constable
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. for sporting the octavia r.s. i.v. has the best of both worlds the successful model from skoda is now plug in hybrid. the multi-faceted car is great for everyday use and a bit of fun. that . hey guys welcome to the raft today lucky because i get to check out the all new skoda octavia our guests and i think this is going to be a blast. we
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are living during the most extraordinary time in history.


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