tv Kick off Deutsche Welle February 16, 2021 1:00am-1:31am CET
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the fight against the corona virus pandemic. has the rate of infection been developing. measures are being taken. what is the latest research the. information and context. the coronavirus of the coding. monday to friday on d w. this is news and these are our top stories. military join to has intensified its crackdown on protests. have been patrolling the streets and the internet is blocked for a 2nd not running military also extended the detention of man was elected leader. she was jus to face
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a court hearing on monday that has now been postponed until wednesday. nigeria's in goes he. has been confirmed as the next director general of the world trade organization making her the 1st woman and the 1st african to hit the body confirmation comes up to u.s. president joe biden supported her candidacy donald trump had previously blocked it affectively paralyzed the organization. the world health organization has granted an emergency authorization to astra zeneca is coronavirus faxing the most should enable the un agencies partners to ship millions of does is to countries worldwide it's cheaper and easier to handle than the buy back say so it should make the role that easier to poorer parts of the worlds. this is data news from perlin you can follow us on twitter and instagram the handle is that they dub the news over our website to be found the day dot com.
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5 years ago presidential candidate donald trump said he could stand in the middle of 5th avenue shoot somebody and get away with it last weekend in the shortest impeachment trial in u.s. history the u.s. senate acquitted trump finding him not guilty of inciting an insurrection now just imagine former president donald trump says he could stand in the shadow of the u.s. capitol launch a deadly riot to overthrow the government even be impeached and still he'd get away with it i'm burned off in berlin this is the day. this trial is about who we are proud to profit practically. morally 'd responsible this trial has raised the question about words actions and consequences
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john throat were present in those days. is not a guilty plea to all and that day like a cowardly press conference $43.00 senators were basically saying no amount of tax would have made any difference to them he has to be in this thread in the eyes of the american people and in the judgment of history but i don't think it was his fault what happened and i look forward to him coming back. also coming up a little archie will soon be a big brother his parents the duke and duchess of sussex say their family is about to grow from 3 to 4. units especially. because. previously.
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the games are 57 the nays are 43 are 2 thirds of the servers present not everybody guilty the set of charges that responded count john crunk former president nice states is not a guilty as charged in article peach purred. another impeachment trial of donald trump and another verdict of not guilty to our viewers on p.b.s. in the united states into all of you around the world welcome we begin the day asking what does it mean what does it mean when a u.s. president is impeached twice stands trial twice and is acquitted twice well that is exactly what happened on saturday more than half of u.s. senators voted to convict former president trump for inciting the storming of the capitol the vote was bipartisan but not bipartisan enough to give the 2 thirds majority required by the constitution to convict
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a majority of americans say they were in favor of convicting trump the top republican in the u.s. senate mitch mcconnell voted not guilty but said just moments after the verdict that donald trump and only donald trump was responsible for the january 6th insurrection that left 5 people dead but in the eyes of the wall donald trump has been acquitted he's a private citizen again and he's free to run for public office again even the u.s. presidency and that is the theory in reality trump could be facing numerous lawsuits in numerous states will enjoy a no immunity and it is likely that any courtroom trump enters will be less hospitable than the u.s. senate chamber that said america and the world must 1st come to terms with what trump has left behind. the walkways and streets around the u.s. capitol are covered with a thin layer of ice things are still frosty in washington one day after the
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historical impeachment trial and acquittal of former president double g. trumped. the past week of drama and excitement in the capital right here is finally behind us. the 2nd impeachment and acquittal of donald j. trump now former president donald trump is also behind us is it time to move on the democrats managed to get 7 republicans to vote with them to vote for a conviction of donald trump for what happened here on january 6th but now it's all over and is it time to move on and if so how i think there's a lot of a lot that needs to be done before we can all heal from everything that's happened so it's not over yet i don't think it's over it's time to move on yes from the previous administration but it's still time to heal and go back to normal because
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we're not normal yet you have to move on but the thing is i don't think he should have been a piece to start. through me you know. i'm going. into scripture very very quickly you know if you can move out of it but moving on from donald trump won't be easy what the former president symbolizes and means politically for people on each side of the political spectrum is rather complex if the reasons that trump became elected are no more i think the country will move on if they continue to exist i don't really see how that happens. here in the white house the bite ministration white delighted that the impeachment trial of donald trump is already over why because this is ministration needs the senate needs the republicans need functioning senate to pass laws to actually push policies through
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the institutions of the united states of america and don't forget joe biden promised he will be the president who unifies the country who helps the country to heal and to bring spec republicans and democrats in a common effort to do good for this country i have to hope that they're going to be working together on that. i also don't think donald trump is a unique thing that came up 4 years ago i think this is sort of been building up for a while and hopefully the country can want i think it would be nice to have the country finally after all this but i just think president trump is just so vindictive that he's not done. is not done with or without donald trump in the picture coming together politically is likely to remain a challenge for the country perhaps only time will help. oh my 1st guest tonight brings a unique pair of eyes ears and some personal memories of an america that faced
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a presidential crisis and came to terms with it in her book the watergate girl joe why banks details what it was like in the early 1970 s. to be the only woman on the team that prosecuted high ranking nixon white house officials an insider's look at a test of american democracy with countless parallels to today. jill one bakes was the 1st woman to serve as general counsel for the army and to lead the american bar association she is a native of chicago that is where she joins me from tonight joe windbags it's good to have you on the program you read tweeted a tweet from actress but midler i think it was just her day and midler wrote a he got away with murder let that sink in and your comment to that was you know the truth hurts yes he did get away with murder there were 5 deaths at the capitol riot on january 6th
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a riot that he caused and even those who voted against convicting him in the impeachment trial like the majority of the minority leader now the republican leader mitch mcconnell said the house managers proved his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt and now it's up to prosecutors to do what needs to be done to hold him accountable and that's what i'm hoping for during watergate we had evidence of an peach a bowl of fence and we gave that evidence to the house and they impeached and then they got more evidence from us and they said to him if you do not resign you will be convicted and richard nixon resigned to avoid conviction here the senators evaded their catch situational responsibility to hold him accountable and said well now it's up to the department of justice and to the states and all the
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prosecutions and criminal cases that are now pending against him and they are many on saturday it looked as if this is could be cold in this impeachment trial but the republicans reportedly blocked that was it a mistake for democrats not to insist that witnesses be called. i don't think so i think that the fact that you have someone like mitch mcconnell saying the case was proved means that they didn't need any more and more witnesses would have delayed finishing this it would have delayed getting to the issues at hand for the administration the new administration of president biden and the reason that's true is because during an impeachment trial the senate cannot address those issues you can only handle the impeachment by their own rules they
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can have committee meetings they can do certain things but they couldn't address legislation that we need to overcome the cole that. affects in america and to confirm the cap of the cabinet of joe biden so they needed to move on and they got the one new piece of evidence that had developed after their case which was one more member of congress a republican who was willing to testify and got her statement in that mccarthy had called for help and the president had not only not given help but had made it clear that the supporters that he had in the riot cared more about him than the senate republicans did i want to care about the danger is vice president if i could i want to get your reading of the legal watch that was used by the top
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republican senator mitch mcconnell you've already mentioned it here he is voting in the trial and in speaking minutes later take a listen to what he said mr mcconnell. mr mcconnell not guilty johnny or search for the. american citizens of. their own government because they had been a while fall food. by the most powerful man on earth there's no question that on their present trot as practically. and morally responsible for provoking the events. of a. question about. no question about it and yet mitch mcconnell still voted 'd not guilty i don't think i would be able to explain this this this morality to a child over there how you would do that and and shouldn't that give us all pause
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when we consider the health of u.s. democracy in the wake of this impeachment trial yes you are 100 percent correct there is no logic the republicans who voted to acquit lied they saw the evidence they also were in fear for their own lives on january 6th and especially after the house managers showed how close the marauding crowd got to them. and they were shouting hang hence assassinate the speaker of the house nancy pelosi and so it was a dangerous time and despite all that they voted to acquit on a very flimsy actually nonexistent constitutional argument that once he's out of office no president can be impeached well he was impeached while he was president and then mitch mcconnell refused to let the trial start until after the
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inauguration so he wants it both ways and he's complaining that he wasn't trying all he was president but he didn't let the trial go ahead and the law the constitution scholars from the conservative side to all the way to the left. are clear that the due process and the castle to sion allowed the trial to proceed so there is no logic it was their attempt for him to say in control of his caucus it's listen listen expand this out a little bit and look at it on a global level i want you to take a listen to what the u.k. foreign secretary dominique rob said yesterday when he was asked about the trump impeachment trial take a listen ok one very simple straightforward question for you at the end if you were sitting in the senate would you if i thought to impeach donald trump or not and i'm going to get dragged into the villages i would say that we we've always said we really trust the u.s. system of checks and balances as
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a result of those issues you know that's what they say in the u.k. but what do you think america's allies are seeing now when they look across the ocean towards the united states. i'm sad to say that as an american i am embarrassed by what happened and i can see how our foreign allies we feel that the checks and balances did not work that we have gotten to a point of 5 partisanship that prevents our coming to compromise and to seeing reality that's partly caused by the media landscape in america which has all of us living in a bubble of information gives you watch m.s.m. b.c. you see one set of facts if you watch fox news you actually believe what you're hearing which is that the election was stolen and that donald trump was cheated and
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that's why people took these actions and so that's what's now known as the big lie and in order to go forward i think we need to have a commission outside of congress that looks at this evidence and presents to america the truth of what really happened sort of like what happened in the reconciliation in south africa where the truth came out and people apologize for the mistakes they made i know when i talked to fox viewers they're shocked when i say well did you know that and whatever the fact is though i didn't hear that i heard the opposite and it's true so we have to learn a way to communicate and there is a lawsuit now by one of the election machine companies smartmatic against fox news that's true there could end the distance from asian. ms windbags you know you mentioned this this commission but the speaker of the house nancy pelosi she has
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just announced that congress will establish a commission like the 911 commission to investigate the facts and the causes of the january 6 capital attack you think that will that will make american democracy stronger in the long run. yes i do i think american democracy is a unique. concept and has worked very well for hundreds of years i i saw democracy work and bipartisanship work and justice prevailed during watergate and i know that this country can do the same again but it's going to take some effort we cannot ignore what happened i think that those who are saying just put it behind us let us heal it can't be healed until it's exposed because what donald trump has done is he has. empowered a group of people who believe false information many who are white supremacists who
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are anti-semitic and if we don't get the information to them. we could face a very serious decline in our system of government so i definitely think that public exposure is going to be healthy for democracy ok joe banks joining us tonight from chicago miss wyman it's good to have you on the show it's good to get your valuable insights connecting the dots all the way from watergate to the present thank you thank you. or trump may have a scheme impeachment trial conviction twice but that doesn't mean his legal troubles are over as we heard there are multiple investigations at both the state and federal level which could shatter any hopes for a political comeback for the next 3 minutes will go down the list of legal battles awaiting
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a private citizen or draw. the president's niece mary trump and not only wrote a book about her uncle she chooses him and 2 of his siblings of cheating her out of her inheritance fraud was not just the family business begins her claim against him it was a way of life the doctor of psychology is seeking half a $1000000.00 in damages. what mr michael cohen trumps former lawyer did business on behalf of trump and for that he was sentenced to 3 years in jail and he used to cheat cullen paid playboy model karen mcdougal and adult entertainer stormy daniels to keep quiet during the 2016 election about their sexual relationships to trump. as sitting president trump was not charged for violating campaign funding rules but he could be now.
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for more than a year new york district attorney cyrus vance requested access to tax and financial documents pertaining to trump and his businesses on suspicion of insurance and bank fraud and tax evasion it's unclear if trump's tax returns will show evidence of crimes but should suspicions harden trump could face severe consequences. trump is said to have artificially inflated the value of his real estate portfolio when applying for credit and undervalued it significantly when paying property tax trump son eric is the executive vice president of the trump organization he has already given witness testimony. no there is about the law including the president united states several women have accused trump of sexual
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misconduct including rape he has consistently called the claims fabrications. in the face of such denials some of trump's accusers have launch libel actions among them some are service and x. contestant on trump's t.v. show the apprentice and jean carroll a former columnist for elle magazine. 5 years one of. a lover the housen 7 i didn't see any. and then there was the phone call on january 2nd after votes were cast in georgia in which transparently pressured an electoral official that too could have legal consequences. ah cheers as britain's princess diana leaves the hospital holding her newborn son
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harry she announced that she was pregnant on valentine's day in 1984 now valentine's day 37 years later there were echoes of diana as prince harry and his wife meggan announce that they are also expecting their 2nd child a friend of the duke and duchess of sussex made the announcement in an instagram post and the couple now lives in southern california they moved there in 2020 have to quitting their royal duties harry and meghan already have one son archie who will turn 2 in may and archie will soon be a big brother to talk about that and a lot more i'm joined from los angeles now by entertainment journalist t.j. matthews good to see you again k j so what about this valentine's day right running through the family here the announcements of a woman with child was you see that's coincidence or do you think they planned it oh i don't think it's a coincidence that this family is extremely shrewd very very smart and everybody
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knows this comes about 37 years after princess diana and prince charles announced the birth or the fact that they were pregnant with prince harry and it's also gallant times day weekend so you can read into it what you may but i don't think it's a coincidence just lots of love in the air that's for sure we know that there will be a lot of for surrounding this baby the 1st royal to be treated as a private citizen the 1st royal baby to be born in the u.s. and i guess does that mean we're going to have the 1st royal family member to have u.s. citizenship. yes you know this couple meghan markle and prince harry love making history don't think they make history when they moved here to the u.s. and gave up their were real titles and now they're making history again with their 2nd child the 2nd child whether it's a girl or boy will be a dual citizen because now a magazine is obviously american and we know prince harry is obviously british the
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child will have both british citizenship and american citizenship and be born here in the united states which is rare was the last time we had a royal born here are british royal born here on american soil so a lot of firsts to go around and say i want to show you assure our viewers the headlines from one of the u.k.'s tabloid newspapers today i think that tells a lot it reads publicity showing a woman tells southern point 67000000000 people i'm pregnant. so i know. what you really don't know. i thought yesterday and i just laughed you know it's true it's like 2 worlds we live in there is the american press that has always been very kind very open seemed very simple just very sympathetic to their case and their cause and a lot of nice articles here but the british press and the british tabloids have just been i mean i am sorry to say horrible to her so i was not surprised when i saw that headline i even saw that talk show host in britain piers morgan say the
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photo was cheesy so a lot of people have an issue with them because of the fact that they let britain because there's never been a royal who has done that and a lot of them still blame megan markel for all of this so i don't know how much the birth of the 2nd child will change their mind but you know when there's an interview coming up with oprah winfrey here in the u.s. on march 7th is going to be a 90 minute interview where she's going to sit down and talk to meghan marco and prince harry about their life here about them leaving and their expanding family so maybe fingers crossed this might change some of the minds of some of the british people have to wait and see we certainly hear him say that they like to sit on their bums i mean these people they work oh and now they're going to have 2 kids to take care of they're going to have a car they say are so busy remember they are already assigned a new contract with netflix and a new audio contract with the the company spotify so they've got
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a lot of projects in the works and they will now have 2 children under the age of 5 in their household here in southern california in santa barbara so busy busy busy i think there will be some hired help in that house for sure kid imagines is always a good talking with a good to see you thank you thank you. well the day is almost done but the conversation continues online you'll find us on twitter either at u.w. news or you can follow me at brant golf t.v. every member whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day we'll see the numbers but.
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6. can america ever be forgiven. can a murderer ever forgive himself. in colombia l some audio shills hundreds of people allegedly on behalf of international coal suppliers reveals on camera who hired him to carry out his crime. blood call. in 45 minutes on d w. i think is everything challenging 1st time for me a muslim. so much different culture between here and there challenging for him.
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