tv Close up Deutsche Welle February 16, 2021 7:30am-8:01am CET
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w.'s crime fighters are back at the little africa's most successful radio drama series continues the all of the zones are available online of course you can share and discuss on w africa's facebook page and other social media platforms such crime fighters to me unless. i would say that we grew up in a cult and in a society that run. very similar to north korea. i keep a fine garden has left the cult as he calls it he no longer lives in an ultra orthodox jewish community buying garden has established a new jewish life for himself in germany. it's a decision that very strictly observant jews like you. on principle.
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enough times you live if you do not live for god it is no kind of life where you live like an animal without any sense or purpose and it is. but more and more young adults choose no longer wanted to vote their lives to god and surprisingly many of them a drawn. it's friday evening the start of a show about the jewish day of rest and celebration. there is. the key to find god and is a rabbi this evening his leading prayers for a very special community many of the juicy have quit ultra-orthodox communities in the united states or israel. and chimney there trying to lead their own lives attempting to establish a more or less. relationship to god. with the help of rep i find out.
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all things in the east even the people who don't want to remain observant are still interested in these traditions these are targets. for 5000 got months to give a new spiritual high and a new family to those who have left it all to orthodox communities. he regularly invites people to cook and eat together for the chabad cuisine the community often means a loss of contact with their own family this is where vine gotten can seem everyone is welcome here. this is common in the mission for on everyone is invited to come here it's a mix of x. orthodox israelis germans liberal jews orthodox jews conservative jews non jews everyone is invited conservative you would. wish you we're open to everyone. who
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isn't follow often here. as if this is traditional good filter fish. oh heck we haven't got any garlic if. i select the color of. a kiva find god knows the dust the plate those who leave everything behind 6 years ago he left an orthodox community alone in germany he felt completely lost he hopes to spare others that experience. as a dust buster view here in berlin i lacked what we have here how to move his initial 1000000000 defamer that's why i decided to open something myself with a sound. that. has become a point of contact for young people who want to break out of a strict ultra-orthodox way of life without however abandoning jewish traditions. hit our. people and say that rabbi find out and screed i
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feel his community is live and let live believe and let others believe. was. was because i think it doesn't matter whether you believe in god or not and you don't have to believe in god to lead a jewish life to celebrate shabat observe religious holidays to keep our pound traditions the food the music and. i rushed upon it on the left has only just arrived in germany it took moshe and his friend is to pray with their strict religious lives and with their families in israel. some in a grave where there was. a fire. it's very different there was almost no you
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know that it was. jerusalem not far from the city's famous. town is the world that moshe barnett has turned his back on . the ultra-orthodox district of manchuria many people here are descended from holocaust survivors they settled here after the 2nd world war. originally the members of strictly observant communities made up just a small percentage of the population in uni found a jewish state now days they can't facility percent of jerusalem's inhabitants. huge crowd is one of them unlike the ultra-orthodox families of moshe barnett and others he's prepared to give us a glimpse of
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a life usually close to outsiders krausen his wife and sister who doesn't want to appear before the camera live in a tiny flat with their 18 children their daily life is dominated by praying in religious study this is the life that the newcomers that rabbi vine got and welcomes to germany have fled from. that would share the meaning of life if insists of serving god of the whole day every day every hour because the things that you do with a clear goal in mind are the best things about it of the day also the easiest lives feel. as if you do not live for god there is no kind of life. you live like an animal without any scent so perfect that. every single aspect of every day life is regulated you all issues checking the black insects they will be eaten and rushed hashanah he wants to avoid any impurity play machine
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the start of the jewish new year. this year. my my fear is dominated by faith and superstition. a troubled young man from the neighborhood knocks at the door the community has advised him to seek help from strauss. cross ems to remove the evil lie with the lead pouring ritual. that little bit. there. much as the. way. he notes lead in water in a pot held over the young man's head which according to tradition help in cases like this one.
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it is impossible to say how many commom ones that we have there in 24 hours you follow thousands of them there are $613.00 commandments laid down in the torah but there are tens of thousands of others. the ultra orthodox lifestyle led by cross has barely changed in centuries everything revolves around god the modern world the outside world is mostly regarded as a threat. to children's education is largely religious science or history do not feature on the curriculum girls and boys a married off young and are expected to have large families. the internet is seen as a hotbed of see that's why smartphones of have beaten only old style cell phones
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are loud. i never heard of it i believe we aren't extreme it's because the world is deteriorating so quickly that they say we are extreme. we're not extreme a tall i would say we are upstanding people. all the others are leaning a bit to the left or become degenerate they look down at us we're not extreme at all we're the most upstanding people that exist at heart i'm a man out in. that it most all trolls the dogs jews in mission remove from welfare payments in donations. in his wife help out in the kitchen twice a week so they can feed their 18 children. i'll give all 3 of them in a while to the daughters up to lend a hand from an early age training for their role as housewife and mother when i
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grow up and that i need the key to the slaughter house wait for you there are you on your bike when it comes to the slaughter house i hope somebody is going to be there and will open up the need to pick up a chicken and give him the key for now it will get back to you in half an hour. life is strictly regulated according to religious commandments and traditions that are thousands of years old this gives a sense of stability to many people but a growing number of young ultra-orthodox jews aren't happy with this regimented life and feel too constrained. crouse is sure that his children will not leave the phone but what if they do. ok if a child of mine wanted to go out and see the world i would tell them go and see it but i can tell you now there is nothing to say.
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back in germany interest in where akiva find out is a rabbi he grew up in an altar all the docs community in new york state in then moved to israel there he lived like a cross. he was betrothed to the age of 19 and by the age of 22 he had 2 children. then in 2014 he decided to leave the path mapped out for him he left his family and came to germany and almost broke under the strain of the separation. and the 1st few months that i was in berlin i would not stand there a window on a higher floor because i was afraid i would jump that's how hard it was. just hard to cope with the loneliness the sudden loss of the family which usually spawns those who live by vine gottman was lucky he found a new partner rosa and
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a job as the rabbi of dresden student community and his family did not completely break with him. he regularly scallops with his family in new york state and lets them share his new life. that i show you our new chandelier. so i wouldn't say it's on here and it was. 16. i mean only 7 are here. if you could see his daughters from his 1st marriage mary and markie are also taking part in the scott cole usually he travels to israel every 3 months to visit them but that's been impossible since february due to the pandemic miria you dressed up for the show about sure i'm ready i've got myself ready who isn't ready moki no
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milk is ready to act the more traditional of the vine gardens ex-wife still leads an ultra-orthodox life she has broken off contact with him and never takes part in the calls with the children. i think that my children are too small for the standards i do not know what they're being told by their teachers and by their mother i do know that they will grow up and they will have. the ability to choose afterwards because. another world has opened up for them and once they're in the right age we can have these conversations and they can choose where they want to be. i keep a vine garden months his children and his congregation to have a choice. that's why he and his girlfriend rosa decided to create a program interested in berlin to help people who live on 2 orthodox communities.
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alvar on the. god of. yours there's no program like this so far but. he's being approached about this from. young men and women that left of the doxy and they see he already lives in the secular world but she keeps his in some way a sort of religiousness a sort of jewishness in within the. within the secular world that's exactly what more should barnet would like to achieve. victory things. and. this isn't my problem. one of my princes doesn't have twin sisters this is my little sister this is my nephew moshe is the eldest of 10 children the 23 year old misses his family
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desperately. i don't even know he's a bank on the phone he told his parents he was going to germany to study the holy scriptures. i think that's part of me i think not for now that part of the book the good from it keep going for. in his former life going for you just for the sake of it was inconceivable. in jerusalem he usually stayed nishida studying the torah until 10 pm at night. when i drop probably until the age of 1415 maybe it was very clear to me is after all what should do or now do exist and in the wall it's all support or it's all about him in every aspect of a life it's towards the ruling of the world what he wants what he wants for from you in the last year in my. soul riyadh the more open conversations between the
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guys on a lot of subjects you can maybe. buy the world about then i understand where it's finished we're going with the pollution to move over. i lost the connection a. papist 2 years ago i decided to secretly leave the yeshiva regard to a state school without telling his parents he can't at least meet all the docs world then he heard about the project in germany designed to support people like him he got in touch with rabbi find out via facebook who arranged for him to come to dress to this summer. issue of the ousts old guard. now he's learning german along with others in the program. one would get them just so.
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you really. got this 3 other part that is also mention to you. there are. a lot of them called. it. it was similar. for me it's like a new world for the in the truly long auburn line coffee is half if after. all the talk in the last is being gay and both. believe her and all. of them provide fine garden has who can ice the classes he also helps marcia and the others to find apartments and furnish them funded by private donations the tough interest in an organization for people in need also does its best. to repeat them up.
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and maybe also go off in the. other war. with you know whether or not it was the father. before he turned his back on all to also talks life moshe was never on his own his days was shaped by religion and the family rabbi vine garden is now helping him to cope alone step by step from being on his own has however raised many questions. this is the question say right now if god exists positive what it's all for me to walk through insurance or. i don't feel like religion is is part of. the rabbi hopes to help him deal with such extensional problems in particular he's encouraging moshe and the others to redefine their relationship to religion and teaches them the torah interest in new synagogue. the ultra-orthodox god is
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very present in your life from an on a daily basis he cares which you put on 1st and which you tie 1st he cares which which hand you wipe your wife in the bathroom. she is very busy with you. masterbating that's one of the worst things is that. at some point he just vanished. so the closest person to me that was the viewer from the moment i was born until the moment i believe he doesn't exist just vanished all the sudden so when i lost my beliefs in that specific god that i grew up on. i had to find a reason why the wake up in the morning what to do anything. to work why to. just go into my life i learned with time. how to you could say
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invent my own god or find a god i could live with. and that god has nothing to do with the ultra orthodox god. i not only do we don't believe that al gore gave us these here we believe it was written by people why is it sacred to us. it's not holy it's important and what's the difference between holy and important one is religious and the other is cultural. i would say that we grew up in a cult and a society that run the south very similar to north korea it's very hard for people that grew up in this world to be integrated into the western society anywhere in the world. but it is possible and find gotten is convinced others can do it too. but why do young jews
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go to germany of all places to the country responsible for the holocaust and where anti semitism is on the rise again the answer is complicated just how complicated became clear as he must september find gun is on his way to multiple with the trial is being held of a man accused of attacking a synagogue in holland and 29 teams. going to. bring. fine gotten has come to lend his support to one of the women who survived the attack. christina feist was there when an attack unsuccessfully attempted to blast his way into the synagogue. one year on she still has not been able to process her experience. in that.
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i'm incredibly tired and worn out and exhausted i mean i've worked for it anymore. the rabbi wants to help her speak about it again in preparation for the trial. i. think the most important thing today this is the you know. i think that. the job of the island general is to be here for people when they're invited. and. many times just being there is enough. the rabbi doesn't stray from the side of his own friend on the day of her difficult court appearance. in the trial christina finest will have to relive those terrifying hours. hours in which 2 people in the vicinity was fatally shot by the attack on. the state prosecutor's office has charged the suspect with 2 counts of murder and $68.00 counts of attempted murder the whole trial is forcing akiva to
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read some of his relationship to germany. we have a very complicated relationship with germany in general both my grandparents when our shoots and i think that. the general german population. are not nazis and they feel terrible about what happened. and it looks like they're trying to do whatever they can to make it right with us. i personally never experience anything negative i do feel the looks from all directions when i walk in the street but looking is of course legal and i think the bet is one of my goals why i walk around with a keep on the street so that people see it and get used to it that we're part of
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the culture or part of society and of course germany has a very big problem. is that they so much are here and they're dangerous and they want to kill us and this should be a wake up call for germany to get their house in order this cannot continue. nevertheless the rabbi firmly believes that jewish life is possible in germany and that's why his set up his projects here. in berlin a long time friend is an example of how a fresh start in germany can succeed. to talk with ben human right has invited the rabbi to attend to 6 edition. was blown into an ultra religious israeli family he's been living in berlin for a living he is now jewish identity and jewish life in germany and the major themes in his work. the owner of the
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the owner of the area around the area. that i was he's dedicated his latest works to the survivors of the higher attack. the live view we live as we live. and there are enough people who are also tolerant and open and often is for the males or missed there will always be extremists and my work also deals with the effects of anti-semitism and they think that this was a bridge but i would also like to show the light radiated by the people who live
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here in berlin and feel good to show the good aspects as a contest. back interest in their new arrivals from israel. will be the 1st motion on not just minutes of reuniting his girlfriend minucci talk he knows how important in particular these initial contacts are. valuable but. i lived through this heat 4 years ago. and like you are somebody all the time because you know you look comical this is. not really us you do you know you're a low life and i guess i'll. take a. knee on that. call out to.
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let me out on this test that. night and on life. may have. several minutes to find his own but don't worry what he wants to achieve . it's a good cause for. come true are. you seeing. you can't be the life you. think that the younger falls. the fresh start begins for the couple with a new apartment. that was arranged by rabbi akiva find out. who have rumi and minucci i only know from video comes up to now. the mustache is needed for germany a very good you have a new name yes avi or not alexander but that's ok for germany isn't it for a russian yes but my name is like sound always
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a little bit. then the rabbi shows the new comer around dresden he also takes them to an old synagogue that he would like to bring to life again with his many of the new fossils as possible. i'm not building a new community i'm building a community. as part of the community. we need younger people here to strengthen the community here and i think that tres in is a very good place for this i think that. it's not going to be a long time to have a huge and a huge group of students here good. she
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this is news coming to you live from berlin the united nations warns milos military leaders there will be severe consequences for any harsh response to protesters demonstrating against this month to cope with troops now on the streets fears of a crackdown are growing also coming up china tries to silence dissent beyond its borders a weaker businessman tells us he was forced to spy on his own people while traveling abroad described the tragedy of the fall of. plus the.
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