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tv   Expedition in die Heimat  Deutsche Welle  February 16, 2021 2:30pm-3:15pm CET

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goods mostly. slow. no love. for them which. comes a whole world gives me a. hug can't sleep. a spoon. hard to swallow. this is the wus a show coming up today just interest by china. this week claims chinese state security force. is living outside china. germany and is warning of china's intentions. against china knows exactly how to find its adversaries how to get their information and they're trying
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everything to stop us from speaking out. a little. welcome to news asia glad you could join us the detention of up to 1000000 weekers and other ethnic minorities by china in its own region is relatively well known and something we've reported on for more than 2 years now what's less well known however is how china is eventually forcing some we goods to spy on we go to communities living abroad correspondent. met one such man who claims chinese state security aust him to spy on someone in istanbul this man fled to germany where he's awaiting the outcome of his asylum application but just story begins in his native in china northwest. in the on arrival at the airport i was
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told to wait at passport control until everybody was gone. with a policeman pulled my jacket over my head. so i couldn't see anything. they put me into a car and drove me away i had no idea where we were going on. a say mean was a shock when a selling imported foods including products of his hometown of. in 2015 when he returned to jump from a business trip to malaysia he was stopped at the airport and brought to a detention center he can then in a terminal brought me into a room there they set me down at a metal table and they tied my legs and my arms to it. and they tightened the cuffs until i couldn't move that it hurt but i stayed in this position for 2 days know
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the whole thing. we need a say in an apartment in munich germany he says he was never told what he was accused off his papers say he was suspected of endangering state security he says spent a month in detention then suddenly he was released but under one condition he had to agree that he would work for chinese state security well i thought i'd just say yes stan touch with them but i had no intention of really working for the north again that was an illusion after his release i say you mean regularly met with an agent who introduced himself as quote a bond he was able to continue traveling abroad he says in the beginning nothing specific had been asked of him and he maintains he never reviewed information on anyone but it's impossible to verify these claims. about one year later eisa was detained again this time he was freed with
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a specific request he was told to spy on a young man in turkey a cell left for is them bull then he decided not to return to china and went on a wet cost with his story on court after the show aired. the man accused of it he told me you decided to appear on the show and talk but you know that your family is here in china or on the ground that stuff. since then many of his relatives have disappeared 5 siblings have been arrested a says oldest brother was sentenced to 25 years in jail either weakest gave him the news since he cannot reach any of his relatives by phone this blood and. now the chinese government has separated us forever. my life wasn't
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bad i was in good health doing alright financially it was a happy life. and i tried to see the place where you used to live an american colleague and i are followed around closely constantly harassed. the villages in the area seem to really empty and many houses have been sealed by the authorities. before reaching ace's village we are stopped. 2 men say they coronavirus pandemic is why they're blocking our way then a chinese official tells us the real reason. you know this woman there is security guard lines for news and she. can't just walk around here and interview people. from the international community watches she and john closely when there have been many negative reports. there's nothing other than that do you assess how long this
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one day i ask orbán. so many people have been detained and many disappear every day so where is this going to end. no he answered america did not become america without shedding a lot of blood. a lot more is going to happen here. in the in the snow. and he remembers another thing the cool bond once the agent had met with him in istanbul it became clear to him that could one was able to operate freely between turkey and china recently your former week a spy was shot in the back on the street in the system so a set decided to move to germany. at a yoga summit but does. this in a china knows exactly how to find its adversaries. and. how to gather
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information that will stand up to listen is no closest of them and they're trying everything to think you can get it. to stop us. from speaking out like that a lot of our local of the nation this didn't because. he's waiting for his refugee status to be approved a say means things that he is relatively safe but he also knows that he could be targeted and. joining me now is more choose the u.k. director of the world we go to congress and she joins me now from london is normal how common is it for weakness to be made to spy on we girls living abroad it's very common it's not a new thing it's been a long history china has been trying to spy on annually or has a leading up role it and what the chinese government is already accused of imprisoning up to a 1000000 weekers in detention camps i'm sure injuring why does it need to spy on
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weaker support. well it's chinese government often a ques all whores exiled communities are * * carrying out. in their own version of terrorist activities spill it is them and trying to separate this turkistan from their from china and if that is the one of their theory of. persecuting imprisoning all the horrors even though you you just mentioned about me and this is started from 20162017 but since the occupation 1949 the c.c.p. has been persecuted worse inside china and also monetary and you or your horse living abroad now i'm wondering with this atmosphere the way you describe it how we
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can community is in exile or living abroad how are they reacting do they feel safe . no i know all i lot of all horrors a lot of it we were the only war including students they don't feel safe when the latch trying that is especially the students who are after updating students with these are there is terms and conditions attached when they left china so it is easy and all especially in during the live recent years we know since 2017 they banned or a horse travel abroad but prior to that time the students law also suffering and even the people who came for just to we visit other countries they were also asked to. spy on others so this is a very common thing. for me even even for me it
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seems incredible and unbelievable is it simply it's very difficult to understand why the c.c.p. have to push or forcing this all horse and including some chinese from their reach and we have actually some credible. credible information some kind chinese who came to europe europe and they were also forced to turn to spy on the borders and in some cases when people went to the chinese embassy to extend their passport and also they get that there was a condition and also if you can spy on if you work for us then we can extend your passport that was a kind of common common situation were briefly met i want to do you think
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governments are aware of this problem and if so other taking action to counter. i think the laments a gradual in our aware of what is happening but not yet taken any concrete actions but i know for a like to see me in sweden a man called the bug or was arrested in 2010 because of his activities spying activities and i also know several others in germany that was arrested as well better. this is situation is so widespread and i do believe other countries should take more concrete action to protect to the only force and that is specially protected it were activists like myself as i think of that happens right my memo to the director of the world we the
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congress thank you so much for speaking to us thank yous pleasure. that's it for today be sure to check out other stories. for more than a month now. on the banks of the river to celebrate. the festival. taking a. special given that.
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a makeover and you've never had to have surprise yourself with what is possible. really. and want. to talk to people who follow along the way my runs and critics now is the world's most powerful woman shaking her. back scenes of stealing the headlines and the financing that's the main complaint of scientists in search of a covert therapy. treatments are still elusive despite hundreds of drugs being developed all repurposed but thousands of people are dying from the disease every day. preventing it from killing people is vital but doing so can take many forms.
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such as a working tirelessly to find an effective treatment to prevent severe symptoms from the illness or death a leading expert on covert therapeutics told we could see a breakthrough soon with so many medicines in various stages of development some of them already tried with patients on a true stage and we see some good interim results which lead to think that we can say you improve the next year and he says the virus could well stick around after the pandemic so there may always be people who need treatment here's a look at some of the most promising therapies being worked on. you may know the name hydroxy chloroquine it was often uttered by former u.s. president don't trump who had hoped it could help win the fight against copa 19.
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let's see if it works it might and it might not i happen to feel good about it but who knows but science disagreed with that feeling after studies showed that the decades old anti-malarial drug was ineffective against the new virus u.s. authorities revoked its emergency use authorization. now a year into the pandemic researchers are getting a clearer picture of what works and what doesn't back to trump and this time a success story. when the president himself ended up in the hospital with covert 19 he was given a drug cocktail made by the company regenerate. trump quickly recovered and became a walking advertisement for the treatment. the region cove 2 treatment uses artificial antibodies that bind to a virus cells and prevent them from replicating so far studies have shown promising results now the german government has ordered 200000 doses of antibody treatments
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from a general on and competitor lilly at a price of around $2000.00 per dose. another promising prospect interferon beta it's a protein produced by the body when it gets an infection and early findings suggest that when it's inhaled by an infected person it could keep 80 percent of hospitalized patients off the ventilator. and this rare c. animal off the coast of spain has become an unlikely source of hope. a substance extracted from it is being used to create a drug called put to depths and or applet in which can slow the spread of the corona virus and the human body. early studies show it to be 30 times more effective than the ones hyped rendez of year. one problem all of these treatments are expensive and will likely only be available in the world's wealthier countries demand for widely available drugs like ivermectin has surged in latin america and subsaharan africa ivermectin is an inexpensive anti parasite drug but scientists
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warn its effectiveness is still in doubt some doctors in developing nations are instead putting their hopes in affordable steroids treatments like dex m f a z but for the world health organization the focus is still clear vaccinate enough of the world's population over the next year to put the pandemic behind us. the more uncovered 19 back scenes versus treatments here's a science correspondent derek williams with another of al field questions. why when looking at facts seems as the. most of the few medications being used to try to treat cove at night like those we just saw are water known as repurposed medicines that means they were originally planned for something else rendez a beer for example was originally developed as a possible therapy for ebola when the pandemic hit researchers started testing
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these existing medications 1st because they'd already fulfilled a crucial criteria they proven safe to take around $400.00 drugs for treating covert 19 are currently in human trials many of them also repurposed they can be split into 3 broad categories 1st are medications lie. monoclonal antibodies which are aimed at keeping moderate cases of covert 19 from getting worse if they're given to patients at the right time by blocking the virus that can sometimes stop the body's immune system from going into this dangerous tailspin that can ravage the lungs and and the heart and other organs if that happens anyway doctors start employing the 2nd type of drugs which are antiinflammatories like back some episode they come down that hyper immune response
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that can cause more damage than the infection itself the 3rd group of medications which are at the top of doctors wish lists are antiviral drugs they attack viruses directly in a variety of ways rather than just trying to block them or treat their consequences but for a number of biological reasons including the facts that they replicate in our own cells and that they change constantly viruses present a difficult target for drug developers developing new antivirals is a long painstaking and expensive process so to answer your question many of us are still looking at back scenes as the only solution because we still simply don't have the kinds of tailored knockout therapies that we need to keep people
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from dying but that will hopefully change soon scott bergman is found as a coordinator of the anti microbial stewardship program at the breast medicine let's start with republicans drugs because there was a lot of hope placed in those that a year is still only have a handful of options none of which have proven convincing why is that. that's right over 1000 still very difficult to treat and that's because corona viruses are more complex than other viruses their genomes are larger than most are name irises and they have a way of double checking viral replication there's been a lot of mixed results with these repurposed drugs and i think that's because disease presentation matters so much at what stage they're at when they come in and really impact their peace we try to use balancing that immunosuppression and that fighting inflammation and we really have to be cautious about that so that virus
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doesn't increase replication if we start it too early is that the same reason for antivirals why it's so difficult to those treatments to this disease with anti-virals we really want to start those earlier and most patients don't come in to seek care of these to the hospital until 7 or 10 days of illness now with testing being more available we are seeing them earlier we just don't have good drugs yet that work on the virus the antibodies are really our best option when we find out if i early why is it that when when vaccines are here in just 10 months. yeah the development process for anti-virals and is very difficult it often takes 10 years for really any drug to be developed and we're trying to do that and 10 months with vaccines there were multiple platforms that could be used to.
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insert target for 19 to develop antibodies with drug development you really need to have a target for that treatment or for that virus you know when they come in and it's much more difficult and complex to coordinate these clinical trials in and human volunteers where with vaccines there were is thousands of people lining up to try to be protected and cope in 19 was so prevalent in the community it was easier to measure that response and nobody's in the protection from it and we just don't have the anti-viral sitting around that were super effective randa severe was mentioned as a little bit of activity. even with other viruses we don't have a lot of good anti-virals influenza for example there's only a few drugs that work on it we have to target it in the cells of the body and it's
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more difficult to belt drugs for that than it is for say antibiotics maddux you can grow in a lab on their own and get a relatively good shock of whether it's going to work in a patient viruses have to be developed in cells in the lab even in animal models it doesn't always predict whether it'll work in a human because of the differences in salt now disease prevention of course is one of the main goals but that doesn't help someone who contracts the virus today health how much longer will patients have to wait do you think one expert we heard from earlier reckons within the next off yet. yeah i could say maybe within 6 months but it's a more likely it'll be years that we're going to wait for a very effective treatment i think you know and a lot of our resources were put into vaccine development try to prevent it the next phase should be. in drug development as i said it's very difficult to
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target that maccan as i'm up. for viruses and especially corona virus what is the main focus when it comes to producing medicines against. there are a couple different strategies one of them is to deliver the drugs earlier at the site of infection run best appear for example as an inhaled formulation that is being studied and there's another oral and i are all money if your career that is being studied that's an oral option that could be given earlier in the community in an attempt to terminate these spiral replication pattern inside the body and in a different way so that that proofreading ends i'm with and cold at 19 doesn't recognize that there's a change and that the our name and our trying to replicate. from nebraska medicine thank you very much for being on the show today pleasure thank you.
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finally most libraries remain closed which is a pain for kids savard readers and scholars they found a work around in budapest the biggest library set up a swap point it's proving popular with patrons making a reservation online and receiving the folks at the library gates all without entering the building the folks have to be quarantined for 72 hours after it's. thanks for watching stay safe and see you again sir.
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frank frank and. also when it comes to morning it's point. is with my. ticket last team in the meat counter leverkusen too much mom my sparring last minute goal.
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19 w. . young german and jewish are jewish so what. does that mean in daily life and at school 11 teenagers 11 stories. i'm jewish and so. german and jewish starts feb 22nd on d w. i was 50 when i arrived here i slept with 6 people in a room. it was hard i was very. even got white hair. that german language no not this keeps me and they go but you need to interact with the place you want to know their story the migrants are fighting and reliable
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information for margaret. passing a drama competition 5 marketing numbers to atmosphere fight that's how intuition love hate money. fans trans fats and i found. this because we love football. to go off on you tube joining us. frankfurt. international gateway to the best connection self road and rail. located in the heart of europe you are connected to the whole world. experience outstanding shopping and dining offers and try our services. be our guest at
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frankfurt airport city managed by from. this is the the news live from berlin. chief faces new charges as defiant protesters continue their calls for her release mass demonstrations filled the streets for the 15th day the military repeats its promise of elections in a year but fears of a violent crackdown top growing also on the program south africa because it's rolled out of the astros' that it comes back saying you know after doubts over its
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efficacy against coronavirus tensions the director of the africa centers for disease control tells the why it could still be used in other african countries. undertakes delivery of its 1st shipment of the chinese style of fast track so you're breaking away from the joint plan. knowing goals into the very little to be the felt might seem a scab would have put it does lead to this. i feel good health welcome to the program. now. a 1000000 miles to post civilian leader on song searching is facing a new criminal charge of violating the country's that covert 19 regulations has been added to the original allegation that she illegally importing walkie talkies
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this latest move could allow the military john to to hold her indefinite. without trial whether she leaders have repeated their promise to hold new elections within a year i mean ongoing protests against the. keeping up the pressure despite the risks workers in the city of young gong block a railway line undeterred by the military's growing presence. from students and civil servants to monks protestors in myanmar know that their strength lies in numbers. 000000 i want more people to join the protests we don't want to be seen as weak we the students have our future we have to resist so we won't live under a military dictatorship even if there's no special reason to protest we don't want
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to be seen as weak i mean. neither do they armored tanks patrol the streets as demonstrators treat them with the 3 finger salute that has come to stand for democracy as soldiers bolster the police many civilians fear their assets will be seized with access to banks partially restricted. you know maybe i don't know terrorists keeping our money in the bank by force it's unjust isn't it they're limiting the withdrawal amount aren't they creating a riot. people here face steep penalties for opposing the coup those who obstruct the military or police from carrying out their duties could be imprisoned for up to 20 years the military insists it intends to hand back power after holding new elections there would date for such a vote has not yet been announced. well let's consider
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a possible international responses to the situation with christoph hoffman he's a german pay for the liberal free democratic party is also a member of the blondest house economic cooperation and development committee welcome to d w let's start with a song cinci what you make of these latest charges against him. i think charges just ridiculous it's a military coup military leaders try to find. somebody excuses for their duty and should use a tree this coup is not something about 2 weeks old should germany should the e.u. have responded by now beyond condemnations. absolutely i mean this is one of the really weakness of the european union not to be able. to really have a quick response also there is
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a new legislation since last december. sort of the making its key act so they could immediately respond and. point the assets here from the military leaders the site there and also i i'm sure we should now come up with a. d.d. and import press. conference in court how you say that they told preferences for this for the countries everything but should be on should be on hold also all kinds of miniature equipment should be. towards me m r so this would push the military under pressure and put a lot more pressure into this is that indeed protests in this country because i've seen those people liberating nice people and they're working hard and they should be free what is stopping germany from acting. i don't
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know what we want to give a common response within the e.u. but this is kind of difficult because. there's a lot of other countries and a lot of foreign ministers and hopefully get the 22nd of february the foreign ministers come together and that will be hopefully a clear response to what is happening there so you would like to say. go against me about. absolutely we need an arms embargo 'd and we need to freeze the assets of the military leaders because they are also responsible for the crisis and we need also to to stop the tax privileges for imports into the european market which is called everything but arms we should put those on hold also and they might target the whole population but it is the economy and the army
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is feeding itself out of the economy because they have a lot of companies themselves like the brewery you know maher is the source of revenues for the army right at the judges a spokesman. said that sanctions are already expected they've been factored in if you like so what do you think they would do given that the generals are already in waiting for them and that those generals have proven to be almost resistant to all kinds of sanctions but i think this time it will be different because people have seen during those years of seeming democratic. strays in this country they have seen that down there is options for their future and those young people and want to have a future and they want to have a perspective rather than going back into the darkness part of the military leaders and military government and so i think this is the point where we need the whole
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world to support liberalism in this country and i thank you for joining us talk to christa hoffman and pay for that they both have to. thank you very much. take a look now at some of the other stories making news around the world russian opposition leader alexei the valleys back in court this time for allegedly to fail in a world war 2 veteran is in a valley supporters say the case is politically motivated is already serving a 3 year sentence for violating terms of his probation or he was being treated in germany on a life threatening poisoning. the european court of human rights has ruled in favor of germany in a case relating to a deadly air strike in afghanistan dozens of afghans many of them civilians were killed when a german commander ordered the 2009 and a strike on oil tankers that have been hijacked by the taliban the father of 2 of
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the victims accused germany of human rights violations. cryptocurrency big court house sought above $50000.00 for the 1st time it's jumped nearly 75 percent this year after heavyweight companies of the world's most popular virtual corn electric vehicle make it tesla recently invested in big corn well both the u.s. investment banks morgan stanley and j.p. morgan said to be interested. but there are growing concerns about the fast spreading mutations of the corona virus one of these was 1st discovered in south africa where all forests is have now caused the use of the oxford astra zeneca vaccine the government says it wants to return about a 1000000 doses all share them with other african states because of concerns that it is less effective against south africa's virus various countries been hard hit by the pandemic with about 1500000 cases and just under 50000 deaths
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well dr john you can get some is director of the africa centers for disease control he gave d.w. his assessment of astra zeneca is a vaccine with the ticket a reference to the south african virus variant. but you might not be effective because you never said your studies that. scientists presented. limited study on about 2000 bodies thrown under the studies on green does way south africa's temporary spending you did you knew stop using it but it just came a precautionary measure to be sure that you know to do an extensive vaccination using a vaccine that is not responding to it beren. some more of the latest developments in this pandemic german media reports a free rapid test could be made available from the 1st of march as part of the country's efforts to track the virus a court in the netherlands has ordered the government to immediately lift a nighttime curfew that's been in place since january ruling that the curfew lacks
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a proper legal basis and japan is preparing to begin its fascination program on wednesday despite concerns that a shortage of special syringes could lead to millions of doses of the fires have been tech vaccine being wasted this is d.w. new life from birth and still to come we'll find out why some people in belgium refusing covered 19 fascinations including care workers at risk of catching the virus. first so a special flight carrying around half a 1000000 doses of china as a sign of farm coronavirus vaccine has arrived in hungary hungary will be the 1st european union country to administer the chinese jab and russia sputnik the vaccine the government granted emergency approval for the drugs bypassing e.u. medical regulators after criticizing the slow pace of the a use of vaccine roll that hungary is going it alone. last friday it became the 1st country in the european union to administer russia's
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sputnik the vaccine starting with a batch of nearly 3000 doses. now another 1st in the e.u. on tuesday this shipment of the chinese sina for maxine arrived in budapest. this is a clear break with the e.u.'s vaccine rollout plan which officials in hungry have repeatedly criticised for being too slow. prime minister viktor orban said hungary is taking matters into its own hands. we can't stop the virus without vaccines because it will always come back in new ways. that's why our country's most important task is to get as many vaccines as possible. not later as promised by brussels but quickly. the russian and chinese vaccines were granted emergency approval in hungary but
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they have yet to receive the green light from the u.s. regulatory authority the e m a. they haven't been reviewed by hungriest medicines regulator either instead getting approval via government decree that strong criticism from scientists the prime minister orban has been looking elsewhere for inspiration. neighboring serbia which is not an e.u. member was the 1st country in europe to administer china's seen a farm jeff this helped make serbia the country with the 2nd fastest vaccine rolled out in europe after the u.k. . in hungary warren said he hopes to inoculate 2500000 people by easter about one in 4 who carry and thanks to the chinese vaccine if successful hungry suspicion to go it alone could further undermine the use common vaccination strategy. let's take a closer look at hunger is decision with the hot. german member of the european
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parliament for the green party a welcome to d w do you welcome hungary's initiative in getting more of its people vaccinated against a coven rather than waiting for the a you to hide well how could you possibly argue that a government shouldn't do its very best to get the people back today to the pressure however is of course where there hungary is really doing its very best and when you listen to the hungary and medical chamber that how we use to advice using the russian or the chinese vaccine that is i guess a predominant question and you get the impression that what obama does here and since will be the other cases he's rather motivated by political posturing then by really. health concerns and that's of
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course something that makes you a bit sad right so just just to be clear. should he do these should he accept the russian and chinese about scenes or should he not look.


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