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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  February 17, 2021 4:45am-5:00am CET

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turns to the pattern the tiny reptiles have a greater chance of survival and more are hutchings than before the members of the team we talk to police receive training in total ecology and pass on their knowledge to the community. i've seen what their project has since 10900 with not heard of any reports of anyone consuming tattoos or anyone killing or injuring tuttle's so the number of turtles that are dying has gone down and people have begun to understand that even out of the water . what woman's up well outside the body. only a few meters separate the baby turtles from the south those who make will travel thousands of kilometers across the oceans and the family a likely to return in a few years to late eggs of the. it's off to
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russia now which has the largest dr of forest in the world but increasingly those would love to be destroyed by white fires and deforestation in the next report would introduce you to a woman who took it upon herself to launch a campaign to replant cheese she says many others to do this say. what looks like random bunches of greenery are in fact pine tree saplings thousands of them already for planting marianna explains how it's done. it's very simple you place the sampling in the hole then fill that with earth and check the saplings firmly better then. check once more that it can't be pulled out.
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8000 saplings are due to be planted today here on the outskirts of moscow marianna munteanu asked for help online and an army of volunteers has responded she regularly invites members of the public to help or. russia's forests of taking quite a beating in recent years huge areas have been devastated by wildfires pests like bark beetles pose a further challenge russia has more forest than any other country trees cover nearly half of this vast land. i've been doing this since 2010 there were terrible wildfires back then throughout the whole of russia i saw a picture of huge well established trees being blown across the fields by the wind they were breaking off like matchsticks. marianna munchie onil studied economics and initially worked in finance but she quit her job to devote all her attention to
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reforestation you can change the world one small step at a time and people will pull together for a good cause. everybody here wants to help people become more aware of nature again and to encourage them to do their bit to protect the environment. i want our planet to be as intact as possible so that we have healthy air to breathe and leave our children and grandchildren an environment in which they can live well our environment is that i don't want to inflict further injuries on the natural world. 7 years ago marianna munteanu moved to moscow to build up her own environmental organization but she's still not a lover of the city her childhood in the countryside very much shaped to she is.
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i love nature i love the forest as a child i only spent the summers with my grandmother in the village. but though that's her house right next to the forest we would go out several times a week picking berries or mushrooms. back in her moscow apartment she's able to relax after all the hard work but she never loses sight of her goal i didn't see a change in my earth and this is my mission in life i want to achieve great things for the benefit of society of the planet and nature of planet blog good afternoon my name is mario. and i'm president of the russian climate fund. was the book. has long since expanded beyond planting trees together with other environmental activists she puts out her own podcast in a bid to get the message out to more people but she's also developed a mobile game app called plant the forest the aim is to promote interest in the
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well being of trees income from the app goes to plant new saplings. and you plenty more on the gamer has to collect points which then allow him to plant trees the idea is to inspire users so that they stop being indifferent towards our trees and so that they want to help with resource station. with nothing. back to the forest on the outskirts of moscow it's time for lunch in the past 10 years marianna and her helpers have planted more than a 1000000 trees that's the equivalent of around 1300 soccer fields a large number of volunteers of all ages have helped to make it possible last year she was selected by the united nations for the young champion of the earth award right nearby she shows us some other young trees from her project that have had
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a chance to get established. this tree was planted just 7 years ago and as you can see it's already bigger than me soon this area should once again be a strong healthy forest hopefully strong enough to withstand all the challenges of the future. on the report is also about wooded areas but this time in the western part of common room in central africa here you'll find the evil forest which has also been threatened by deforestation that is right creek after a lot of protest both in and out they become tree the government has bought it plants but for whole long it will forests is home to quite a few species that aren't for want anywhere else. this huge forest hold special significance for the local community some 40 villages lined the edge of the wood.
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to come was in grew up in one of them and is committed to preserving this natural habitat. in the forest area where the gorillas chimpanzees and elephants are our ancestors lie buried we only came here because of the war during the struggle for independence we have our secret spots and places for rituals in the forest when there is an issue in the community we go there to pray so if the trees are removed without our consent that's not good. as a mother but it just says address the evil forest is about a 6 hour drive from cameron's most populous city to allah the vast amount of wood here has drawn the attention of logging companies valuable tropical woods make it especially attractive last year part of the forest was due to be cut down but after protests by local residents and many organizations cameroon's president paul vi
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suspended the plans. dick now lives in the walla but meets regularly with the village elders today he is visiting believe a emmanuelle the village elders are furious the government never consulted them about the forest. we are the keepers of the forest and we are against the logging the people in your own day and might decide to take it but we are not happy at all . the forest is not only prized by local residents it also has huge ecological significance biologist way has been studying the evil forest for more than 15 years he says the rich biodiversity here is unique. camera traps revealed footage of rare primates including a species of gorilla only found here funding for research even comes from the us
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all of this makes it really really diverse in terms of primates but also how forest elephants which makes it really an outstanding yes we have a whole wide range of. the ants but biodiversity is not the only factor that gives this forest global significance. forest extends for more than 1000 limit where it is made up of montane to lure of the program which means it has all these vegetation classes and. it's really important in terms of the fact that these forests are sings the 35000000 tonnes of carbon which is really important globally. environmental organization greenpeace is seeking to exert pressure on the cameroon government they say suspending plans to destroy part of the forest is not enough we continue to call on to come more on government and
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especially to the president of the ability to take the necessary action becomes. a project and not just to some source of funding to create but to cancel the decree decision we contacted cameron's ministry for forestry and wildlife but they were unable to grant us an interview for environmentalists and locals want evil forest to be declared a national park that would mean long term protection not only for wildlife and places of spiritual significance but also for the entire valuable rain forest. that's it for today we hope you fall into the stories inspiring if you're doing something to protect the environment would love to hear about it you can get in touch with us through also should media channels i'm chris elects signing off from bagels larger thank you crease and do join us again for another edition of eco africa next week from a sunday at 3 no good income for the uganda it is
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a good buy and take care.
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what about a sharing economy instead. of a change in thinking is changing the economy to create something new. or the economics magazine made in germany. down 30 minutes w.
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. the data point. in the name of trouble as it is done by all it's not a question of if but when it or how bad. their truth is that it will cost human lives like $10.00 seismologists and disaster relief officials do now to limit the destruction is stamboul claim a risk and good morning. in 75 minutes on d w. what is different on the islands of. here women are in charge of the archipelago as a victory oracle system for centuries. with the form of society. women
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differently than men what do they do with their power. queens over rango starts more changes on g.w. . it's about billions. it's about power. it's about the foundation of a new mood order the new silk road. china wants to expand its influence with this trade network also in europe conflicts are inevitable the consequences contradict the. but instead of mordechai ever since the chinese investor got involved here our situation has changed again before the port was privatized all work was much better and easier to shut these promising cuts corners for the rich. but in europe there's a sharp warning whoever except money from the new superpower will become dependent on it to commit a bit of a shaking the chinese state has
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a lot of money that is disposal. and that's how it's expanding in a certain it's status in position in the world to be fish if above 1000000. chinese gateway to europe starts feb 19th on d w. this is d w news and these are our top stories. german foreign minister who has rejected a french request to send additional troops to the african sahil bridge and sang more development projects on the ground what's needed instead he saw hill is struggling to contain an insurgency by islamist.


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