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tv   Kulturzeit  Deutsche Welle  February 18, 2021 5:30am-6:00am CET

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china is promising its partners rich. putting the road there's a warning for exceptional news from the new superpower it will become dependent on it. trying to speed leeching. starts feb 19th on d w. e n. l o everyone and welcome to focus on europe with make on our bill and it's nice to be here with you today we begin with a pretty difficult story out of germany here right wing terror is on the rise and just a year ago that fact was made clear in a horrific attack in the city of hama now there are a right wing extremist wandered through the city and deliberately killed 9 people
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all of them from immigrant families the question is why didn't police stop the perpetrator sooner it's a question asked not just by the relatives of those who died one of those relatives is chatty and grew to who lost his brother in that attack he and his family have been left to wonder how this act of violence could have happened in a country like germany which is where they immigrated to from turkey one answer from experts is that right wing extremists are organizing more and more professionally and have weapons at their disposal and that was the case in hono were a mass murderer was able to walk around on a shooting spree unhindered leaving behind a trail of tragedy. chetan and merits god's going to have returned to the place in one hour one year ago their brother and uncle goo can go to was murdered double digits like my brother's body was over there by the power sockets. flashing blue lights people everywhere at 1st we didn't realize what had happened. chetan and
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mart hurried to the crime scene shortly after the attack and for every 19th 2020 toby's are had already murdered 9 people on a farm descent. then he killed his mother and took his own life 37 year olds who can was one of the victims. since then life has been very different for the girl to can family his mother that depends on medication to cope with her loss. soon after goo comes death his father lost his battle with cancer. his brother chetan and his son are too traumatized to work. their good convo bedrock. is incidental they have lost our bedrock. is the walls are swaying so to speak you the bond market moment was like for the past year there has
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not been a single night that i slept through my bush. you can no longer sleep because when you put your head down on the pillow at night when it's dark come undone consumed by questions. the family home ok did near who can tie it soon became too much for them to bear so they moved. now shares a room with us fighter jets and. i thought of all of us they couldn't deal with it and in our old apartment i can see all kinds but completely empty that's what i need to share in. that. the sorrow is mixed with a growing feeling of anger so i knew yards past year of inventing our anger expressing our anger to the day but nothing has been achieved even if there's nothing where we can say ok we've accomplished something it's let us know we're absolutely nowhere and the politicians just look at us and smile the bereaved to
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say that it's not enough they've teamed up with supporters to set up the february 1000 initiative they want the german authorities to accept responsibility for the attack why the mentally ill attacker a firearms license why was the police emergency line apparently not sufficiently staffed on the night of the crime neither has its interior ministry nor the how police were willing to talk to us about the attack unlike the german police trade union. for the pulitzer i didn't see how the police could have prevented this if they had done something differently search i do not see them as being responsible. in hindsight it is easy to see the police should have had previous knowledge. chetan call to concerns he no longer feel safe in germany he's scared to walk through her like night and worries when his son comes home late. because right wing
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extremist attacks experts say are on the rise in germany criminal ziad he very clearly needs strong prevention against right wing extremism 6 times that means dealing with the issue early in the preventively fall boyband and you're missing you have to be ahead of the situation so to speak and not just in all this think of something you can do in law enforcement stuff and security work after something has happened but not the myth busters yet this right wing extremist attitudes are there beforehand and they done motivate people to join written a zation speech. codes are going to scotland and people to show solidarity and remain vigilant to help me and mine in the attacker destroyed my life it took everything from me. on this victim. i never harmed anyone that is why this past year we have been fighting together for justice and for a proper investigation. after
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this was filmed the hano police told us that they do plan to increase police presence throughout the city so that they can detect potential acts of violence as quickly as possible it was a political earthquake in the netherlands prime minister mark rutte to and his entire cabinet resigned just a few weeks ago the reason tax authorities were targeting thousands of parents parents like janet ram asar unjustly they accuse these parents of having illegally obtained child benefit payments for years well that turned out to be false but by then these families have been plunged into financial chaos they're now demonstrating in the hague what they're demanding is help and also reparations. john as well mazhar has come because she's lost almost everything like so many
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others here. i'm very nervous it's not something you do every day but there are i expect that they will listen to us roger derek's is also doing what he can to encourage himself and the others with. skills we want to know where we stand. so we want to do this for all of us. under. russert eriksson johnette romas are joined forces to organize this demonstration they are among thousands of parents who have unjustly suffered financial hardship and shame because of the dutch finance authorities following a number of fraud cases measures will increase to crack down on people suspected of making illegal benefits claims including janet and roger a look book roger derrick's remembers the morning 11 years ago when his doorbell rang and a debt collector was standing outside as you see here we have an amount of what
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they are asking back from us 35000 and that was one of our 1st letters we got. and we thought oh what is this i don't know if you have 30000 on your back ago i didn't. so yeah there was a guy standing in my door with a letter and he said well you know can you pay derek's couldn't pay and tried to prove his innocence the authorities accused his family of defrauding them of 60000 euros in child benefits and took harsh action. they claim 40 percent of your salary every month they can take away your car when you're driving on the highway at a certain point there is no way out you start doubting each other which you fill in the tax papers goot every day to struggle with the money so. the intensity
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of the of the pressure. of everything at certain point that this not. to control anymore being prosecuted in stigmatized as a fraudster also destroyed john nash from a star's life she too was to pay back thousands of euros in child benefits as a single mother she often had to survive on just 25 euros a week what i was doing was i didn't eat 1st because my son he needs to eat so i didn't eat and when i started to eat i couldn't digest my food because my body was rejecting everything. 2 years ago 2019 when it took my son from me also you know you can't take care of him and i was like yeah but there is a reason it's the tax office losing your child because of the government this shouldn't have been with anybody after a long period of depression she is now allowed to see her son for just 2 and
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a half days a month but she's regained the strength to take action in november 2019 a group of parents went to the tax office and they said they demanded their follows i saw that the images of the people in the news and i was like hey dude that's my story. the scandal became public shortly afterwards the dutch authorities responded to an inquiry saying due to a combination of strict legislation and severe anti-fraud activities by the dutch tax authorities thousands of parents ended up in financial problems this never should have happened the government apologized and promised to compensate each of those affected with 30000 euros but many parents have yet to see the money now they've had enough and demands for answers are growing among other questions why were families of migrant backgrounds principle targets in january the pressure on the government reached such heights that prime minister mark little resigned he now remains in office as caretaker pm and try to explain why the compensation payments
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are taking so long. day half in many cases that's. the electricity company etc and if we give them the money that's a money immediately. people. get. only the money yes. but also to make sure that they can make a new start. rutan invited some of the families to his official residence the meeting lasted 6 hours. his star was one of the last to leave. they really listen to us and they understand things much better now so i think it was good that we were here. son had the chance to vent his own pain and frustration and johnette can look forward to future meetings she says now she wants to look ahead
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and find happiness again. there between the ages of 15 and 27 they're successful and they were even invited to the women of the world festival in london last year that's pretty cool even cooler though the fact that their style of music rap music is just it's not something female musicians are supposed to do where they're from. they're roma from serbia and in their very traditional society where men are often brutally suppressed but these singers are now helping to give women a voice. there's. no man there's the need they were not even the sun during. her. last month at the concert. that's.
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the members of the girl band pretty low are young proud and determined to take their futures into their own hands to sing and grapple voter education equal rights and forced marriages in the world they have left behind. you are all mom missing it's well known that roman lead very traditional lives below that and on that that women aren't supposed to work or go to school because they marry stay at home clean and raise the children why no job no education that are the illiad also organization qual are. but sisko once more she's 19 and a law student she and her sisters are inseparable hardly any wonder they haven't had it easy their father lives in germany with his new family and their mother abandoned the girls so they grew up with their grandparents to give them the
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freedom to make their own life choices. and. it was just mentioned it was a menace of art my grandparents mean everything to me i love them so much and i'm glad we live with em both. cut and. you may be able to describe him in a good mood pretty loud began in 2014 and served as a social project aimed at giving them and the same rights and freedoms as remote men enjoy the women sing in 3 different languages romani serbian and english their biggest success so far was their appearance at the women of the world festival in london it's. become a. joy. to have confidence and look beyond their family for their role models to find them
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on the internet social media are also changing room a society europe's largest ethnic minority even so nothing is more important to god than family almost every day she takes her nieces and nephews out for a last day to are growing up without a mother a quarter of their walking through was poor but sift says she likes it here the communities tightly knit the people help one another. you know. that there's enough and there's the more the fine people out. there quarter the mojado plays a big role in this video it's easy for young people to lose their way here as a roma on the edge of society they are to big disadvantage drug use is rampant. honestly because of probably what i wish for most from my quarter or at least what i would change is to get rid of the drugs here. son there are lots of kids here and
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just like their parents i'm worried that they'll come in contact with drugs. and ruin their lives in the joke or the funny my own ish the voice. so for years no you just because done volunteer work for the same social project that launched the girl groups. she helps the kids with their homework so they'll make it to school. in the because every person space one floor up. they're working on a new song everybody wants to can join it it's meant to be fun says as if because best friend sylvia but now far more is at stake phish even want one how girls in this quarter look up to us that's a major responsibility and we have to take it on because we live here together and we're a major role model that's a large responsibility. and we're fighting for equality and against discrimination and we want the same rights as men. it's
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a big challenge i've got 2 jobs and i'm raising a child that's not easy but if you really want something and anything's possible wash someone at that point i'm like that's the energy that's pretty dull passes on to their fans and who knows maybe one day they'll be really famous. this here is a home where the rich and privileged have lived for hundreds of years the english aristocracy you know they feel very committed to their traditions which include something called male succession that means daughters cannot inherit this in the 21st century well some ladies like charlotte carol paul don't want to put up with that any more. downton abbey fans know the story the family has 3 daughters but there is a danger that the inheritance will go to a distant male cousin who no no it is
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a true story inspired by an ancestor of vi counts torrington who is also not the same fate. he has 3 daughters which means his title will also go to a cousin in canada and not to his eldest daughter how to what else can one say but it's was fruitless you know would have been noise perhaps a book there will you come to terms with why i came to terms with it quite quickly that that was in your house obviously visit with fullness and this is sort of. kind of sense that isn't it the unfairness that it's been going to canada the other side of the world purely because i'm a girl and my sister's a girl's i mean that seems yeah. this is one of the few remaining for. women or definitely to stream it so perhaps change. charlotte's carol poll is much more determined to change things and his campaigning for a long that will put an end to this age old grievance in doing so she has caused considerable
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unrest in english aristocratic circles there is great support there circusy you can look at the popularity of the royal family in town to know how to be and like it or not this is the way our society is currently structured and it's going to remain like this for a while so if we do you say then we have to make sure that we don't support gender discrimination within it. sure a lot comes from a normal middle class family as a young woman she married the son of the thirty's baron richard current polls who's ancestral home is in cornwall. but then in 2015 her 1st born was a girl. and the reaction of those around her was different from what she had expected the implication was you could by not having a son let your family down or. say that you must try again for a better outcome and that better outcome sure but i'm able to say anything
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because takes a while to her to understand that people still think that still think that way and 2015 the queen had already realized this in 2013. and she changed the line of succession in the royal family. is really 1st child had been a girl she would have eventually become queen. but the english don't belittle that not follow suit and 2014 a bill to this effect was rejected by the house of lords that's also to privatise women of the ability the hereditary right to a seat here. one of the other men supposes to changing the law that bars daughters from becoming hereditary peers is lords triggered it's extremely complicated. because every period she has created separately i think
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that there are many people who disagree with the whole notion of inheriting a period anyway i mean is it really sensible to open up a can of worms yes it's a i think to to to try to modify the peerage to bring something that is not more than. up to date in some respects runs the risk of damaging what the just a must see it has and its connection with our history. tanya field sees things quite differently without the male right of inheritance she would as the eldest daughter be lady of michael's field and the higher rest of the motive sherburne castle which now stands empty after only family disputes over heritance. at age 17 tawny decided to escape to the normal world. she has been
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living and working as a social worker in one of the pursed corners of oxford ever since her colleagues at the community center you know nothing of her aristocratic background. i don't do you know about my background so that you know you think. i will be. mark my father there is no 33 on the microphone i don't know. but yes are seriously my time late on. you know when i just come in and i don't think it might for the only time i know nothing. of the show time you have to say quoi yeah. i really mean heads of state or you know i don't i think if you're in traditional south i would have probably something that. i would not know. and i'm tippett yeah this is exactly why tanya voids mentioning her background the title is
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such means little to her but she does not miss her old life i found generally people are very inward looking and they were very samey people from the same background so if you had a discussion you could never get a different point of view a few notes it was really difficult and i know i think i like people i really enjoy they are my favorite species the same fascinating sometimes that infuriating but they are always interesting nevertheless 10 years fighting and the complaining against the male rights of inheritance she wants the law to change so she can sit in the house of lords because i think i can make a real impact that. i can bring in really different life experiences. i don't just rip and cut i do it and that gives you a very different perspective. since they are not sure if they will find enough supports in britain shown us has also brought their case to the european court of
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human rights. and we know that we are writing a role that is long and the time has come for this to change. in any case they will not rest until the english are stuck or c. agrees to modernize its views on women's rights wouldn't we wonderful to go to the circus again those high wire acts the clowns and the fire because there's always fire well at a time when we are stuck in our homes through the krona lockdowns it would be such a release and especially for kids while artists and brussels have come up with a magical alternative. behind this bar window it's show time acrobats in brussels have come up with a unique way to perform during the pandemic. the circus is open to passers by with a little time on their hands. especially the young spectators are fascinated.
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one child cries oh this is magic. the artists are happy to be close to their audience again. in a completely new form of performance please don't do so much because people's faces are covered with masks we country see the reactions and expressions on top of that the glass window muffles the sound. still we manage to connect with our audience yankee sic a the bar owner is also enthusiastic about the windows circus performance and warms my heart that i can open the bar and welcome the performers inside the show put smiles on people's faces which is the best thing that could happen in these times enable them. to help the performers earn a little money the audience make a donation through their cell phones. circus in the city provides a brief askey from reality into a world of fantasy. well
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here's to hoping that they can magically make the pandemic just go away till i see you next week and stay safe out there. a a. the be .
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what about assuring economy instead of. a change in thinking is changing the economy to create something new. the economics magazine made in germany for. 90 minutes w. w's crime fighters are back at a bit of africa's most successful radio drama series continues in the only disowns are available online course you can share and discuss on w africa's facebook page and other social media platforms to crime fighters to mindanao.
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the more. candidates will be proceeding forward and zuma. in those born smaller. movies lol birds knows. there's no news no love. for the wicked. doesn't. work history the bird girl. oh chancellor you. couldn't sleep. during those.
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this is the news live from berlin spain is gripped by a 2nd not of unrest and anger of a popular braca who was sent to prison clashes erupted in barcelona and madrid between police and protesters demanding the release of paolo hostle he's charged with glorifying terrorism and insulting for the family also coming up to study on.


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