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tv   Check-in  Deutsche Welle  February 19, 2021 4:03pm-4:31pm CET

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that deal because it divides europe it exposes ukraine and central europe to russia russian manipulation and because it goes against europe's own stated energy and security goals to us is even threatening sanctions against companies involved in the project here in berlin the government says that that is no way to treat an ally so the big question is can merkel and biden find some sort of compromise next china the rising giant challenging us leadership in almost every thinkable way and shocking the democratic world with its crackdown on freedoms in hong kong. the u.s. and china are entering a period of profound confrontation and biden wants u.s. allies firmly on side but on that merkel seems decidedly cagey. we pressed her on this just recently asking why she seemed reluctant to line up behind the new president on china and of global food i believe that it is very
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important for the european union to have its own china policy you know politico out it's really no surprise that merkel is so cautious china is after all a massive market for germany's export driven economy but they could come a time when biden says you have to pick sides. finally in the biggest crisis of all for the world perhaps more hope for transatlantic togetherness climate change is back as a top priority for the u.s. after 4 years of denial john kerry is the new teams climate are a high profile name raising hopes that the u.s. and europe can make progress together on cutting back on carbon but there's one thing that transcends all of these global issues for leaders watching biden from here in europe they remember how his presidency began with washington bracing for violence after its very democracy came close to collapse their biggest question
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will be can biden restore some stability to america because if he can't they fear another trump could be on the way. let's talk about it we did have a new political correspondent jarrad read jarryd what is the here paint security community expecting from joe biden today will he be expected to press the reset button as it were on the transatlantic relationship well i think they're expecting some relationship repair to. trump years and it sounds like things are heading in the right direction in that respect d.w. you spoke to and it could come with the german defense minister on thursday she told us that she had just come from a meeting with her u.s. counterpart and noticed a markedly different tone in dealing with the buy ministration then the trumpet ministration she seemed very positive about that meeting so it seems like that's
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heading in the right direction but there are still significant issues like we heard in that report when it comes to china for example the u.s. sees china as a strategic threat bochy europe is deepening its ties with china when it comes to things like investment there was a significant investment deal reached at the end of last year and also when it comes to russia significant differences between the u.s. and germany or north stream to bot more on the same page when it comes to condemning the kremlin for pursuing political opposition like alexei navalny so lots of differences but also plenty of common ground yeah right you mentioned a couple of things there but in terms of policy what else are we expecting to be discussed at the conference. well this conference is taking place of course during a pandemic that means it's been drastically scaled back from what it would normally look like so the pandemic is kind of looming large over over these what if what the
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future cooperation during this pandemic and future pandemics will look like what the economic recovery will look like also plenty of questions about vaccines and harvest specifically get vaccines to poorer countries there are some proposals being made today and also when it comes to iran the biden administration has signaled it would be willing to return to talks with world powers and iran on possibly rejoining the iran nuclear deal so there are some other things up for discussion today aren't they to be jarrad ray thanks very much for that. and you can watch the whole special edition of them unix security conference on database egypt channel at youtube dot com slash date of the news will also bring you the virtual meeting with chancellor merkel and u.s. president biden live here on this program in about an hour's time when germany is marking exactly one year since a gunman went on a racially motivated attack in the western town of hannah he killed 9 people before
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shooting dead his own mother and taking his own life the tragedy sparked a debate over whether more could and should have been done to prevent it. it was a night that left a community in shock grief and anger. shortly before 10 pm shots rang out in the center of higher now a gunman entered 2 bars where he killed 3 people. the attacker then drove to another bar across town where he continued his rampage here and in a kiosk next door shooting another 6 people within 12 minutes 9 people were left for dead 7 more were injured some seriously. the police were quickly able to identify the killer who lived in the area. a few hours later they searched his home and found he had shot his mother and himself. his motive for the
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attack hatred of foreigners the 43 year old shooter had posted a manifesto and videos online full of conspiracy theories and racist rants. his victims all had a migrant background. in the wake of the attack there was an outpouring of solidarity across the country. and strong condemnation from the german government. this was racism is a poison hate is a poison and this poison exists in our society. and is responsible for far too many crimes because we stand with all our strength and determination against all those who try to divide germany after last night. one year on from the attack the wounds still run deep and for many questions remain over whether more could have been done to prevent the events of that terrible night. relatives
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of the heart attack victims have complained that despite a year long investigation they still have more questions than answers they've caught up with the brother of one of the victims and here's how his life was turned upside down by the tragedy. to kin lost his brother gu khan in a racist terrorist attack in hono one year ago. comma hopping on the border like he basically walked in and blew our lives apart or this couple he wrecked everything nothing was left in place. by others who can go to kin was just 37 years old following his death his family fell apart hundreds father died of cancer 5 weeks later his mother can no longer cope without medication cheatin and his son matt are not able to go to work and are on sick leave the
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diagnosis post traumatic stress disorder it's like. for me it's been a whole year of sleepless nights when it gets dark you lay your head on the pillow where your head is filled with questions cough and being kissed and. commandant the frog. consumes you. to do to ken and his son matt on the way to the crime scene because he was shot by to b.s. at this kiosk just as he was about to finish his shift double my brother was lying over there under those 2 electrical sockets from which there were blue lights flashing and a crowd of people at 1st we didn't realize what had happened to this day many questions remain unanswered for example how was it possible that the perpetrator was in possession of the gun license even though he was mentally ill or why was the emergency number of the one all police apparently not sufficiently manned on the night of the crime. cheating and the other relatives are still searching tirelessly
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for answers demanding clarification and consequences to do this they founded an initiative. of their call on the state government to investigate the failures and also to imagine how they the officials acted on the night of the crime and also before and after the crime and one year on there is still no explanation and there are still many many questions as to how it could have come to that flood often of. these are perhaps a white collar crime quantum neither the state government and nor the hano police want to talk to us about these allegations the police union had this to say before and saying the police were responsible in the sense that it one point or another they could have done this or that and then it would not have happened i do not agree it's a little cheap to say after the fact was that the police should have known everything beforehand since the attack to 18 grew to can no longer feel safe in
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germany he's scared when he goes out at night or when his son is late coming home. and we'll have live coverage of the commemoration ceremony taking place in starting in a little over 2 hours time well let's turn now to some of the other stories making news around the world leaders of the group of 7 economic powers have held a virtual meeting to discuss the coronavirus pandemic britain's virus johnson chaired the meeting which focused on ensuring poor countries have access to vaccines both the u.s. and the e.u. pledge to increase their funding to the world health organizations vaccine distribution program. the trial of a journalist and doctor accused of releasing the medical records of a deceased protester has started in bella ruse the victim died from brain damage after he was arrested at an anti-government demonstration last year on thursday a court child to journalist for violating public order while reporting on the rally . china has confirmed the fall soldiers were killed in border clashes with indian
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forces last year it was their deadliest confrontation in decades this is the 1st time beijing has admitted casualties in the fighting which also killed 20 indian soldiers the country's recently agreed to this in day at the disputed region. and he could protest as in myanmar has been overshadowed by the news that a protester has died a week after being shot in the head by police the young woman is the 1st person to be killed in demonstrations that was sparked by the military detention of man was elected leader aung sun suu kyi a spokesman for the military did not deny that the woman had been shot by security forces and said investigation was underway. the 20 year old woman became the 1st fatal victim of myanmar's uprising she was shot in the head by police 10 days ago. but the world with her condition became
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worse by the day and then her heart stopped beating. her death is that ingo. her condition became worse by the day and then her heart stopped beating. her death is adding fuel to the fire much of the country has been in open revolt ever since troops arrested civilian leader aung sang suu kyi. the rallies have been steadily growing in size and the hunter has responded by making mass arrests by escalating its use of force against peaceful. testers. and the presence of security forces has been stepped up across the country. we are being peaceful why are they using so much force they pushed us violently look at them do they need to act like this we are not blocking any roads they
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intentionally use this force they shouldn't do that. tens of thousands of people from across me and mar society have joined an all out strike by refusing to go back to work until democracy is restored. citizens have been coming up with ever more ingenious methods of bringing the country and its traffic to a standstill. these residents are pretending to pick things up from the ground to make it more difficult for security forces to reach the protests. others are overcome by a sudden urge to repair their bikes in the middle of the road but rights groups are calling for the international community to support these civilian tactics with harsh sanctions on the country's lucrative gems and banking sectors so that no more protesters get killed. only in that i want to
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encourage all the citizens to join the protests until we can get rid of this system . she says she hopes her sister's death will ban people even closer together as they resist the regime. journalist day of going to bomb has reported extensively from me on mani joins me now for more how was the news of this protest is death gone down with the activists. yeah how to actually kind she's become just a symbolic figure for the demonstrators ever since the doctor said that she was shot in the head with a live round she turned 20 while she was in the hospital and her death she is just become a rallying cry for them it is just fueling their desire to demonstrate even more it is added more energy to this demonstration movement that has already had so much momentum that you see by so many people on the streets you know i can imagine now the protests in man mara taking on new sometimes very creative forms from cyber
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attacks to roadblocks as we saw in that report has that those tactics been affected you have 1st of they've been affected because it helps keep them in the international headlines which is one of the things that they want but really the most powerful part of this that's really hurting the generals the most is the massive work stoppage that's going on in both the public sector and the private sector i mean the u.n. special operator for human rights estimates that 3 quarters of the civil servants in the country are not working ministries are shutting down there's a reuters report out tonight that fuel supplies are running low the economy has been significantly weekend liss is the part that is really hurting the generals the most. well it is that main and that there are signs that the gentlemen might agree to some individual demands. add this point short term the only thing that they might not do is open fire and mass on the protesters which
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they did do in 20071900 other times and i think as they know the world is watching there's a realistic chance they're not going to do that this time but the thought of the demonstrators now or anytime soon are just going to give up and go back to the bunker and say forget about the military take over and through not going happen going to happen even just the idea of releasing aung sun suu to one of the key demands of the demonstrators not going to happen any time soon because unless until they're forced to the end are they going to release or she's the most influential person in the country the last thing they want now is her out encouraging the demonstrators to keep protesting they've been fighting on some suchi for 30 years and they can't lead or they just got clobbered visor at the polls in november so these trumped up charges that they have in her now this is just the beginning of what they have planned for her and what they're going to try to do for is put her away to the end speaking of polls as you just mentioned general who promised that
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they would be fresh elections and that they would listen to the results of those elections has there been any movement on that so i find it does same unlikely. i mean there may be an election down the road but it's not going to be a free and fair election i mean what they're going to do during this whatever time they have whether it's a year or more till they would have an election is to figure out a way they can make sure they win by taking away t n l d candidates perhaps making it almost impossible and all the to to win the districts they'll gerrymander they're going to put the top people away from me and i'll be they will do whatever they need to do to make sure that their proxy party combined with the 25 percent of seats that militarily get some parliament gives them that majority that's what we're going to do there will not be a free and fair election as long as the military is running the whole country. journalist dave speaking to us on myanmar thanks very much for the analysis 4th time on out to the democratic republic of congo where there's growing concern about
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a new outbreak of ebola virus on top of covert 19 since early february 6 cases of a bowler have been confirmed in the country and 2 people have died a 28 taina bola outbreak in congo left more than 2000 people dead before running its course mary ann miller traveled to the city of the 10 boat to meet a survivor of that epidemic and she filed this report. free. contracted 2 years ago he spent 6 weeks in the hospital doctors gave him encourage mint but he had little hope that. i was not in a normal state any more i didn't eat. every day i thought i was dying it be prosecuted him already. but he survived a month after being released from the hospital he was considered cured but during his last test a month ago it was a different story his sperm is it will
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a positive again it was a shock for mom they called me again saying you have to come back for a verification of your result then it came out that my sperm showed positive again . eastern congo early february a woman dies of ebola marking the beginning of the latest and now the 12th it will not break in the democratic republic of congo according to the health minister she's believed to have contracted the disease from the infected semen of her husband who was himself an able our survival the woman who was considered to be the 1st place on the internet outbreak was admitted to this hospital you're right behind me half of us are proud to mistake they can contain the spread as soon as possible but experts warn that these back to back him alone breaks and also called it might seem have stretched promise kept system to the limits. nursed mohmed barry mckee has experienced past able ot breaks in this temporary ward alternate key to
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a hospital in temple suspected able cases will be isolated upon arrival they have 4 rooms here no more. mumbai ira fears the outbreak could be difficult to contain the government did not make the outbreak public until 4 days after the able a patient died. if the government had released the result on the same day and locked down all contacts a disease wouldn't have spread like this. going to be in. instead the highly infectious body was buried in the traditional manner which in congo means many relatives touching the body more than 70 contacts have been tracked by the ministry of health since them and when. we risk our lives we are here at the frontline because we take care of all the sick people who arrive when we were told that the 12th epidemic had started we were so frustrated and so concerned and we are afraid
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to. gentleman is also afraid of the new outbreak he thought he had finally been able or but his new positive test worries him. nasa is celebrating the successful landing of its most advanced spacecraft yet on mas its space rover aptly named perseverance touched down safely inside one of the planet's craters after a nailbiting descent the robotic vehicle will make history by collecting samples of martian soil to be brought back to earth that could help scientists determine if life ever existed on the red planet. at that confirmed or they're. taking the karan thapar by. the moment scientists said he could be a way to. describe the success that followed the 1st and
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this is what it looks like the 1st images beamed back from os more high quality images will be sent back in the coming hours and days. i feel relieved to have be excited ready to get to work or a part of the science team let's go do some science it's been a long 8 years and we're ready to go. it was a high risk landing. presidents are going about one kilometer per 2nd and an altitude of about 6000 kilometers from the surface of mars. a 7 month journey followed by what scientists call 7 minutes of tarot. president out of the bird to subsonic bees and the hit show has been separated. when the troops fix a cue to its delicate landing maneuver without help from the hospice mission control. over the next 2 years perseverance will make history by collecting samples
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of martian soil. scientists believe that around 3500000000 years ago this crater was home to a river this. into a lake making it a good location to start looking for signs of life. this mission is amazing on its own science technology and catching samples back to earth but it's also part of our bigger exploration plans for right which involve really understanding mars and the evolution of mars and whether there was life ancient life but also preparing for eventually human missions to mars. bringing the samples back to earth would be another song from complicated journey. involving several other rocket launches and spacecraft meeting up with perseverance in space to pick up its cargo. if cold goes according to plan those
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precious samples without a ride back on earth as early as 2 fashion and float you want. to him his thank you while watching the devaney news out next eco india where you'll meet the elephant rescuer of chang why never do you can always get more information on our website that's dot com i'm rebecca riches i'll be back next hour the more headlines thanks for joining us.
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india. on this california. it is not the main product. it's done. to be john farming noida is the next level organic farm here local breeds are treated like stars as are the mounds they leave behind it's
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valuable material from a new earth and souvenirs. were all set. to go beyond t.l.c.'s. government. take on the world. over this is where all of the stories that matter to you. would not move on with. me saying. we are here is actually on fire maybe some other things.
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missing home any push muslims us thrown out in the world right now climate change the 1st couple stories. faces watch less leeway from just one week. how much work and really do. we still have time to ask i'm going. subset. of subscribers and morning news like this. a new beginning is often a wonderful opportunity to examine our choices and at our life if these trying times for something it's this inspirations to make a positive change towards
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a more sustainable real life are all around us today we introduce through to some people who have visited their lives who was making involved.


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