tv Kulturzeit Deutsche Welle February 19, 2021 5:30pm-6:00pm CET
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in everywhere my 1st presidential mass security memorandum focused on surging health and humanitarian responses to defeat kovan 19 and to better prevent and prepare for the next pandemic today i'm announcing the united states is making a 2000000000 dollars pledge to kovacs with the promise of an additional $2000000000.00 to urge others to step up as well it even as we fight to get out of the teeth of this pandemic the resurgence of a ball in africa is a stark reminder that we must simultaneously work to finally finance health security strengthen global health systems and create early warming one you systems prevent detect and respond to future biological threats because they will coming you have to work together to strengthen reform the world health organization we need a un system focused on biological threats that can move quickly to trigger action
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similarly we can no longer delay or do the bare minimum to address climate change this is a global excess stansell crisis and will all suffer will all suffer the consequences if we fail we have to rapidly accelerate our commitments to aggressively curb our emissions and a whole one another accountable for meeting our goals and increasing our ambitions that's why as president i immediately rejoined the paris agreement and as of today the united states is officially once again a party to the paris agreement which we helped put together on earth day i will host the leaders summit tell drive a more ambitious actions among the top emitters including domestic climate action here in the united states. i'm grateful i'm grateful for europe's continued
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leadership on climate issues over the last 4 years together we need to invest in the technological innovations that are going to power our clean energy futures and they will us to build a clean energy solutions to global markets the threat of nuclear proliferation also continues to require careful diplomacy cooperation among us we need transparency and communication to minimize the risk of strategic misunderstanding or mistakes that's why the united states and russia notwithstanding other competition extended the new start treaty for an additional 4 years once i came i was sworn in that's why we said we're prepared to reengage in negotiations with the p 5 plus one on iran's nuclear program we must also address or as destabilizing activities across the middle east we're going to work in close
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cooperation with our european and other partners as we proceed will also work together to lock down for a silent radiological material to prevent terrorist groups from acquiring to using them. in a range of challenges europe and the united states must take on together is broad and complex and i mean i'm eager to hear you're going to hear next from my good friends and i was standing leaders sasa mirco about her thoughts on the way forward together so let me conclude with this. we cannot allow self-doubt to hinder our ability during gauge each other or the larger world the last 4 years have been hard for europe and the united states have to lead with confidence once more with faced in our capacities a commitment to our own. with trust in one another. and the ability of europe in
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the united states to meet any challenge to secure our futures together i know we can do this we've done it before just yesterday after 7 month 300000000 mile journey nasa successfully landed the perseverance rover on mars it's on a mission of exploration with elements contributed by contributed by our european partners to seek evidence of the possibility of life beyond our planet and the mysteries of the universe over the next few years percy is called the perseverance will range you collect samples from the red planet and pile them up so another mission and rover envisioned as a joint effort between nasa and the european states as his base agency will retrieve this troll of scientific wonders and bring it home to all of us that's
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what we can do together. if our unbound capacity to carry us to mars and back don't tell us anything else they tell us we can meet any challenge we can face on earth we have everything we need and watch it know the united states will do we'll do our part we'll stand with you we'll fight for our shared values we'll meet the challenges of this new moment in history america's back so let's get together and demonstrate to our great great grandchildren when they read about us that democracy democracy democracy functions and works and together there's nothing we can't do so let's get working thank you all very much.
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thank you so much mr president for this thank you for a extremely important statement thank you for presenting it here and let me add that. i look forward to a time pandemic permitting that we can try to invite you to fly into munich again to and in person a conference i know you used to like these meetings very much saw i look forward to the future and i also want you and your administration to know that we will again conditions permitting try to continue this discussion later this spring by hopefully bringing a group of senior european decision makers to washington d.c. in order for them to meet with members of your administration so thank you again mr
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president now now we're hearing from the other side of the atlantic and no one should be surprised if i now turn to the german language for witness counseling and stuff see have an answer it's allow me to it is my own it yar and you know i'm side hoshi you are supporting you he is an officer came here many times for the 1st time it is that she'll speak schnell. but until 1990 to be able to announce now and this. that this year clearly i would like to allude to the eva had fun kleist prize of the security conference this prize pays tribute to your excellent contributions towards peace and international conflict resolution of the arms as madam chancellor you have to feel. yeah.
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my inner mr is seeing ladies and gentleman. play me hard the body isn't from the light it has to be able to attach the plate in this foreign movie even though it is an exceptional one for many reasons 1st of all because we are living their lives using a pandemic and it has never been necessary to replace personal meeting with a virtual meeting but now we cannot meet in person so we have to do it this way but let me go back to what i said 2 years ago when i quoted alexander from homeboy it out i just. said he called everything he said everything is into action office so centuries ago he realized what we call multilateralism together is in fact the bases of all political activities and ought to be the basis i think the last 2 years have made it clear once again that this support and this belief in
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multilateralism is the right thing for the i'll fight against the pandemic had made this clear once again in this forum your head was from the world health organization you told us a few minutes ago if we cannot make sure everyone is that slated if the virus is not defeated all over the world no one will be safe no one will have the chance to be safe from this virus because there will be mutations again and again so we have to make sure everyone in the world is quickly. given access to that scene's during the g 7 meeting germany has. advocated our support for the a c t accelerator in the kovacs vaccination initiative so we've promised 2.5. $1000000000.00 that the program now has at its disposal and. we have truly believe in these programs cream our arts in what regard
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to climate change biodiversity is the fight against terrorism and then an even more urgent problem than it used to be in the past. few days sustainability targets which must be achieved by 2030 and all these targets can only be met if we make sure we join forces in all these fields 70000 shallop of security concept and this is something that you missed that wishing. you mentioned a years ago and have done so and recently is. this is a concept of humans a network security multi-dimensional security interlinked security this most you know usually there are few better this year and the prospects for multilateralism are a lot better than used to be in the past and that has a lot to do with joe biden being the new president of the united states of america . in his speech and he just announced that his
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administration has taken steps and do we have seen that this is not as empty words but they take an action they return to the paris climate agreement the world it will help organization the unified councils the extension of the new start agreement then the readiness to. then reinvigorated the iranian nuclear deal these are important steps towards more multilateral cooperation and i can only support him in what he said it's up to the democratic countries to do this not just talk about freedom and values but to deliver results from foreign off their head by it so it's hard to contribute and get the century all over the world which is also meant to in germany we say that it's not enough to just say it usually is a good word to talk about good deeds but you have to do that so transatlantic cooperation has an import. part of play in this what does this mean for germany.
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germany as a country that has always supported transatlantic cooperation one of the partnership and as a member of the european union for it means we have to continue our commitment in various fields and we have to make sure we take action where it's difficult where we need to struggle with we need to go over doesn't overcome obstacles and i think we've made some progress here recently is 2014 when we're in wales and talked about the 2 percent defense investment pledge when it comes to defense spending we committed to boards working in that direction and today i can say that we are now at 1.5 percent that we've achieved this year in 20 seconds all 14 we had 1 point one percent 35 percent here we are still committed to the 2 percent pledge and we will continue to work in that direction of course it all depends on what i can
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bring else will be contributed to the transatlantic partnership not just that i'd like to point out that we've played an important part in afghanistan for the past 18 years in the north of the country we help on creating and protecting stability. there's freedoms but says member a call for the fact that the americans were not administration has now started a reassessment of the peace process in afghanistan germany is prepared to stay longer if it is in the interest of the success of the mission and. the result is a mission that helps the democratic and peaceful forces and in afghanistan the fight withdrawal must not mean that the wrong forces will get the upper hand once again of years and that by we are framework nation in the trying you know we help of fighting islamic terrorism we are committed in iraq. not to not trying to germany of course is committed to nato as the central pillar of transatlantic
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relations but also to the european defense policy and we believe that these aspects complement each other they're not opposed to each other they're not competing they complement each other they belong together to share in your note to our interests as you would be in a union. sometimes more important to us than to others for example our commitment in africa for the future of syria. for the hostilities are countries that are very close to europe they are in our neighborhood and therefore we are particularly affected affected what i would happens there not because in recent years we have increased our commitment in africa a lot of fun even though we. know of course that france is bearing most of the bit of a bite out when nevertheless we are involved in the u.n. mission minnows murder training mission like in mali well armed forces in mali but
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also in news yes and we also supporting the g 5 sell initiative needs of noirmont in finally starting from i mean i'd like to discuss this with the united states of america being in tell us more so how can we help these countries in their fight against terrorism and their fight and not your know what we not have a chapter 7 mandate for the united nations that would help those countries and support them in their fight in their very difficult fight against. terrorism and. relationship with africa is of great strategic mistake and if it comes so naturally it has to be an important topic and transatlantic discussions one of the hubs of one of the central points when it comes to giving islamists defeating the islamic terrorism is the question what happens in libya. well i'm for don't we have more and taken
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a more diplomatic responsibility there i'm glad to say that we've had some success in the united nations process but we should not be naive there's still the significance danger of libya. being a turning into the plaything of important powers without really providing a perspective to the libyan people the very thing the european union is trying to help them but the transatlantic partnership should also help make sure that the future of the country belongs to the libyan people. when we must support the constitutional process and that is led by the united nations in syria because in syria 2 there can only be a peaceful solution of all the people that to leave the country. because i have a political future in the home country. of course cooperate closely kong with him your heart when it comes to the j c p a a deal with iran we hope that the deal still has a chance with
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a transatlantic partnership has 2 major tasks ahead of it and. that we need our joint strategy to tackle that and one of them is our relationship with russia when it comes to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of ukraine we have not really made any progress in recent years the minsk cross says is a diplomatic but you folks are the instrument that can be used but it has not been the have nots has not been successful russia. has repeatedly. caused hybrid conflict so that argues states have been involved in and so we need agenda on russia a joint agenda we must offer cooperation on the one hand but on the other hand we must be clear about of the differences we have and i can only agree with the us president about the question of us. wrong european union side unfortunately
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this is not what russia is doing at the moment of the 2nd thing about is more complex again we need a joint agenda with regard to china china on the one hand is a competitor but on the other hand we need china to settle global problems such as climate change biodiversity and that is often in recent years china has gained more power on the international stage and we as a transatlantic alliance and as a democratic countries need to react to that so the question at ballot of vaccine delivery is not just from china russia the victims there to the developing countries that is an important question also the question what can we do by means of kovacs by means of multilateral efforts communities such as g 7 what can we do to make sure developing countries in africa and elsewhere can make progress on that
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count multilateral organizations such as the world bank being a world trade organization the world health organization international monetary fund's must be strengthened once again whatever we are weak whether we are too slow to react too slow to make changes to under subsidiaries structures in asia have often been created by china or led by china so we must take action to show we have something to set against that for 2 years now so together we must define the strategic challenge is the agenda is clear we need to come up with ways of doing this together our interests will not always converge we should be clear about that where there are differences we should talk about the friendly but the main principles the values our belief in democracy. there we broadly agree
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we have broad foundations to build on we must make it clear that we do not want to create countries dependent on us but we want to. help others and convey our values and ideas and the transatlantic partnership is at the core of this effort i can only say this a lot to do germany stands for a new chapter in transatlantic relations we have ready for this and i'm delighted to say. we have 80 to do this here at the security conference because that's a. secure feeling or an in which this is probably a positive transatlantic message that will please many thank you for that and now we will go straight to paris from berlin i have the pleasure now to welcome the president of friend for a republic and more now. after being our guest at the munich conference in this very hall
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a year ago this is his 2nd time to speak to us. present mccoll will. make a statement in french. and here's agreed to take some questions after that in english so no. mystery because you don't we. just reported the. i mean it. is a macro you have the. it's a pleasure to have you again here in munich. that. i've only. used to be 3 just because you don't buy the national america live in only one because i have no chance in america and the president of iraq just said it was very much in line with. us testing me how the present rhetoric partnership and the west can be useful i think that we have
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a historic role to play today of those who do go on and i would like to share with you 2 main ideas and i think that the 1st thing we need to do europeans and americans some diversion we now have a common a will that to work together again i think that we need and effective multilateralism the most for military terrorism matter that's arisen from climates because of a storm of the mccarthy to preserve our democracy and most specifically when we are talking about preserving and protecting freedom of speech and making sure that there is no man hates this is a reason why we need to regulate internet that for many there is also the question of inequalities because i think that if we want globalization to succeed and i think that we want to be able to succeed without our neighbors and specifically
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africa we need to find solutions to inequalities with our neighbors and this is agenda with africa and at the end. we recording for special drawing rights and we also are watching our way structuring african that and this is also what we are hedging to do forehead by the minute and there again i fully agree with what president biden and chance in america have just said this is a welcome and grow challenge what they have managed to coordinate to move. relations we have managed to innovate and find new vaccines and i want to rather than arjan other countries and i'd like to give. an effect is most to actually our challenge now for europeans americans need to make it possible for all the countries in the word emerging countries where all countries make it possible for them to access
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vaccines and this is what is at the hurt at the heart of the act a initiative which was together with a number of huge and he says our challenge today. is again in the framework of the g. 7 that we announce very important amount of money for this and there is one idea that i defend. their 6500000 has workers in africa and we need 13000000 doses of vaccine says to protect health workers in africa and if we europeans and americans manage to deliver those. to africa very quickly well this will be extremely successful and this represents point 43 percent of the vaccine those is that we have proven a familiar. this is something we need to do immediately but if we go announced
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today that we're going to give money billions of year it in 6 months while in that case african friends are going to buy vaccines directly. to russia or to china or to pharmaceutical companies so i think that this is a very concrete and pragmatic idea and the 2nd. of our common destiny and of the work that we have to do together as americans and europeans here is to build a security agenda which you know get america. said many things about the different regional situations and i fully agree with her so i'm not going to repeat what she just said i just like to say that we have this common security agenda and there are 3 things that we need to do together the 1st one is that we need to build or to rebuild the security on the security agenda of the security. texture
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together and this is the new strategic concept of nato i think that all i said last year remains a very good and there is a committee of ways a man that worked on this topic and now it is up to the heads of states and government to discuss those proposals and try and find a new security architecture and this concept is or soon also means that we need to have a dialogue with russia it's indispensable for us to be peaceful. and this is the 2nd thing we need to do is really need to find solutions to move on but if you're the regional issues a mile from where we are fighting terrorism. and i go no care about all the beer and why we need to build security and make sure that we act together in a coordinated way by respecting board which has not always been the case over the
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past months so we need to find a way of working together. but also between members of the head but you when security council's and also in partners so as to find common solution. and iran of course is or soon a major issue and the 3rd manger challenge that we have is to maintain what we'll call the freedom of sovereignty and. the former prime minister of australia i don't know who used the old this is but more like that is and this is what we have to do in cyberspace in space as well because those are new places of potential conflicts so we need to defend the freedom of sovereignty so that we can be present that this is also at the heart of our agenda that neutral we don't always have the same definition of this concept but i think that we need to make sure that we find solutions to the regional situations very
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security actually accurate actually that we can trust those are the main things that we need to defend i'm not going to speak for longer because i want to be able to answer to you questions that's it i. get because i want to be able to answer to you questions. because i want to be able to answer to you questions that's it i. get is about trying to answer you questions. since a lot of what the concept of strategic autonomy should mean and could mean for for europe for the european union. this concept is speaking here at the transatlantic event is interpreted by some in the united states as an attempt by europe to move away from the united
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states alienating itself from the us potentially even damaging nato could you explain to us and to our american isn't this why this concept should not stand and would not stand in the way of repairing transatlantic cooperation and trust. the opposite indeed 1st because when you look at the burden sharing. with the need to a large part of the investment a large part of the commitments were made by the u.s. this is why as chancellor merkel fairly said we have to increase our defense investments we will regions of coming month the 2 persons of our g.d.p. in defense expenditures and i think this is very important because this is a way to he burns the transatlantic collision and to provide the evidence to our
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u.s. friends that we are reliable and responsible partners. and i think having the european union much more invested in defense make such as much more credible as members of nato this is a 1st point we did use the net contribution of the u.s. in the partnership we take our responsibility we provide syrians we are liable to certain point is that when you look at the situation we need more you have to deal with on the hood i listened very carefully to the 2 prison bite and the common challenges we do have common challenges in africa and middle east but we have an agenda which could be not.
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