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tv   Fokus Europa  Deutsche Welle  February 19, 2021 6:03pm-6:31pm CET

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mr mr president. i wish i could keep asking you questions the television people tell me that we've already run out of time so the only thing i can say is 1st thank you very very much mixi boku and please when we have a chance pandemic permitting to meet again in munich please take our next invitation seriously i would very much love to continue this enormously interesting discussion thank you lou please you don't and now back to natalie. with her priority this is day to have of the news and you've been watching us president joe biden debate the future of the transatlantic alliance with german chancellor i'm going to michael and french president emmanuel kong joining us now to break down that discussion is state of the chief international editor richard walker brussels correspondent barbara vessel and data washington bureau chief in as paul they have
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been following this discussion richard allstar way to you what were your thoughts on that on the talks that we've just heard. the oval of course is all sinking in i'm sure for all of us rebecca but i think what is quite striking after that is see that there was a bit of excitement coming into this today a belief that there would really be a kind of dialogue between these 3 leaders that they may even start talking to people to each other but that didn't happen and that allowed to some extent for each of them really to kind of talk past each other with their own takes on these various issues for instance joe biden's speech was very very strongly focused on defending democracy against or thora terrorism i'm sure this is going to have a lot to say about that from washington in just a moment and framing that very much in the code in terms of sort of a pushback 1st of all against china but also against russia where is emmanuel mccall when you heard him towards the end there when he talks about defending democracy almost the 1st thing that he talks about is taking on american tech
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giants and regulating social media networks so i think you know these leaders was it was their 1st kind of encounters with each other in their roles today not just this but also the g 7 is going to take a while until we really find out if they're on the same page on these things or if they talk about the same things but actually mean something different. barbara tending to you what he what was your takeaway from what you just listened to. you know from what richard said i would agree with a lot of it seemed as if the leaders were some somehow staking out their claims i mean that was certainly very strong they're listening to uncle america when she talked about the european neighborhood when she talked about africa syria libya things that are more important to europe than to the united states and she said at the end that interests will not always converge in mean that was sort of like a sort of warning after this speech of joe biden that in part to start out as like
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a warm vase off we are back together and we can work together and it's not trance action will this relationship we want to back she said it's not always going we're not always going to be on the same page and then of course president mccrum setting out the european interest of taking on more work more sort of of the burden off the defense and taking more responsibility i mean that has been one of his main topics for the last years and he also sees himself as the invigorated of nato so yes they are talking about partly talking about different agendas or i'm in as a turn to you now from the view from the u.s. . well the headlines here of back all are dominated by the winter storms in the south and the fact that nearly half a 1000000 people died it's cold with 19 so far but however the major networks
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broadcast of that speech and that was this very strong signal they had biden spoke for the 1st time as a president in germany at the munich security conference even so it was word so the majority agrees with biden and actually donald trump that other nato nations need to pay their so-called fair share the same is true for china and nordstrom tour and russia it is by far not only trump supporters who really want a strong stance on china and who are agreeing with biden. to help russia and weakens after all the united states ok we'll have to leave it there in his poll in washington richard walker in berlin and bob are available in brussels thanks very much you have been watching a special edition of data news u.s. president joe biden has pledged close cooperation with european allies in an address to the munich security conference he said u.s.
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support for nato is quote unshakable and pledged to work closely with europe in the fine against covert 19 tend to me and climate change 7 times and i'm going to medical and french president emmanuel michael welcome to biden's commitment to multilateralism he said the transatlantic alliance is a pillar of international security not macron stressed europe must begin taking war sponsibility for its own defense. while turning our attention now to another major event happening right now in germany where today the nation is marking a somber anniversary it's been exactly one years since a gunman went on a racially motivated attack and killed 9 people before shooting dead his own mother and then. his own life a commemoration ceremony is getting underway in the city of hama now in the german state of his'n where the attack took place one year ago will be crossing to that ceremony live in just a few minutes but 1st
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a look back at the tragedy and the ensuing debate over whether more could and should have been done to prevent it. it was a night that left a community in shock grief and anger. shortly before 10 pm shots rang out in the center of higher now a gunman entered 2 bars where he killed 3 people. the attacker then drove to another bar across town where he continued his rampage here and in a kiosk next door shooting another 6 people. within 12 minutes 9 people were left for dead 7 more were injured some seriously. the police were quickly able to identify the killer who lived in the area. a few hours later they searched his home and found he had shot his mother and himself his motive for the attack hatred of foreigners the 43 year old shooter had posted
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a manifesto and videos online full of conspiracy theories and racist rants. his victims all had a migrant background. in the wake of the attack there was an outpouring of solidarity across the country. and strong condemnation from the german government. yes this was racism is a poison hate is a poison and this poison exists in our society and is responsible for far too many crimes we stand with all our strength and determination against all those who try to divide germany after last night. one year on from the attack the wounds still run deep and for many questions remain over whether more could have been done to prevent the events of that terrible night. well they're straight to her now why
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they don't really correspondent harms brown is covering the commemorations and tell us a bit more about the mood in a city there today at how much does the event of one year ago still while the community there. oh it weighs very heavily indeed one could see today of course because of the 1st anniversary of these attacks there were pictures of the victims to visible of a tall and also lying areas of the city there were commemorative events in many places especially at the 2 places where the killings took place but also elsewhere there were trade unions churches civil groups who. said some words in remembrance of those victims and there were gatherings of people especially at the scenes of the crime as it were and there have been events in the city itself from ranging from exhibitions to musical performances to
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schools and kindergartens discussing issues of racism of course all of us under the conditions of the pandemic so there were no really large gatherings of people of course there's still a lot of anger at how this tragedy came about and why there wasn't one done to prevent it but it isn't just grief can you give us some of the specifics of what people in the community the victims the families of the victims are still angry about. yes indeed i did speak today to some people who were very close to the scenes of the crime who heard the shots had to hide themselves who knew some of the victims and if you speak to these people the feeling is that a lot of mistakes were made before this crime took place a year ago for instance there was an emergency exit and one of the restaurants that was attacked that had been locked for years in fact it should not have been that contravene the regulations to police knew about it but nothing was done about it the emergency number of the police on the night of the crime was virtually
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impossible to reach although the police was on the scene very very quickly and the response of the police and the oath or it is in the 1st few days and weeks after the events were also. some of the people thought on the other hand you have to say that after the. authorities all the way to the president of germany met with the victims met with the families a lot of initiatives were started a lot of money was made available certain structures were set into place to try and deal with racism in the society and to offer some sort of help both financial and psychological to the victims. and when you've mentioned some of the events that have already taken place today around the town you know we're expecting obviously a large ceremony which we will be dipping into shortly will the families of the victims be taking part in today's ceremony yes indeed what is happening in this
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congress hall behind me is the official state remembrance state commemoration the german president has just arrived here he will be the main speaker on behalf of the german state and the german people the premier of the region here of the federal state of hers is also here and as is the mayor of the total as well as about 50 members of the families of the i'm going to have to interrupt you there because we are looking now at live pictures of the ceremony. it is just about to get under way. now we're seeing a disk you are seeing a film reading out the names of the victims. you know on but it will be. really you know. party.
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fair about. fun. kahlo yon criminal on that call. it rids me figures we will never forget them. if .
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you're watching the news our live coverage of the remembrance ceremony for the deadly shooting one year ago in which 9 paypal lost their lives in rice's attacks. john president frank oldest on my is taking the stage to address the ceremony.
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fair to talk. guests in more. funds to give vents on the 19th of february 2020 deeply. i think what 20 yeah after the brutal murders and how you got here but we have come together again today i can in this city to remember those terrible events and above all to remember the victims least once and then we have come together to say them not. to remember the names needs of a gun to ensure that their names are never forgotten you know i my mouth and that i was just telling us on this day it is difficult for all of us to face up to the
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pain and are left once more but 1st and foremost that this is true for you and the families and close friends of those murdered and dangers any good attack. who are either with us here today or yesterday to the pandemic are joining us on screen for this memory to the atmosphere and it's a part of you have lost someone who belong to you even gives it to someone whose face time character was familiar to you his legions who was part of your lives i do believe mention each of your loved ones since you were unique one of a kind of in the up for and therefore would be under even if their victims and even a few friends and families and them but often didn't have been affected by her renders shared experience all the same the grief and the last see you differently each one of you feels it is unique. and is individually
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a good thing to be here and that is why we are remembering every single game today . and for good as well as the life stories bound up with each name this being and he does and that is why everyone can express their very personal grief fear runs months more sheets maps being you down either give it some space to influence or is it to the very personal pain of parting with each and every one banner sickly no one can take away the burden of this it cannot be you no matter how much we support and comfort from one another. it truly can be and of course we cannot ignore what buying told those is only on the morning. they were on the subject matter terrorist to in his murderous delusion and to believe that they had something in common and some could be invited to. an up front line zines
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of good minds. and his eyes none of the victims here belong to hear him or did not didn't belong here in how know where they lived where they were who are no where they had moved to the high much here where they were at home all seated leaving spraying them from where they had made plans for their future lives and intended to realize the tear to my present traitor of these crimes. dearly claimed the right to decide who belongs here on 2 does not he wrongly claim to have the right to differentiate between them quote unquote and. what i'm going to decide who has the right to live here and who does not be wrongly would claim to have the right to decide over the life and death of others. you know anderson every individual whom we are mourning was in one regard and to feel a bit of
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a random big family because they just happened to be where the terrorist chose to carry out his deadly plan. in another sense however the of the victims were anything but ran. into a house of food and forced to long because in the hate filled minds of the perpetrator they were just target you could have his deadly plan because he believed they did not belong here about this big. a do the target and what that reason to this crime provokes so much horror like you are doing to not only but especially among them to see all those with an ethnic minority backgrounds you know and you know that any one of you who share this background for more could have been the victim of this murderous attack and we can assume that the terrorist wanted his crime to be seen exactly in that way that's come as a message from the fall as a declaration of war on the established forms of peaceful coexistence. for you to
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publish perfidious message that spreads not only her so now but above all fear these are feeling many people feel this fear and not only in hama. countries aren't and i can understand why people are afraid after all the terrorists did not just come up with these ideas in a vacuum they're lying on his own. tricks and this environment in the into madness and social media. before long held his hand and i don't know why i worldview in which his own racism and his values and as a way of thinking was encouraged and intensified again and again these are from the house and from the haste swelled usually defined by hatred and annihilation fantasies is still being spread day after day mention fined by people who hate online i tease and they know exactly what any they are doing is just like the
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murder of original commission of a day where the little girl was not randomly sanogo you know the attack on the synagogue and hala and so these murders were not random i am. talking about these crimes were incited by people fanning the flames of hatred targeting minorities goading each other on to commit terrorist crimes like hatred racism and incitement to violence against muslims and jews white supremacy fantasies all of this is very specifically directed at certain people who want to people live among us is. to belong to our communities to our cities to our neighborhoods to go to the same schools the retail shopping the same shops do the same jobs do for you if you must fact that we share so much of our daily lives with them as proof them if any were needed that we belong together and despite our
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differences i would divide is however the truth is it's keep the view that there are people who respond to difference in self with hostility. you know in a bid to live in a world where there's only room for their own ideas. inflate their own sense of self worth by putting down others because if you could believe him that difference must be combat so to you look and they seek to hammer these ideas into everyone else's minds through ideology and liars incitement to hatred against my know it's mystifying and exclusion what is evil must still ity to minorities found on the internet or elsewhere that your gift is that dangerous toys concocted by a small minority but it is a poison with an impact this might be the mentioned law of poison you do
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have to get people to believe that they have the rights in the name of an imagined will of the people and to humiliate and threaten persecute. and even murder other people come on board what can our response to the terrible crimes committed in high now be what must our response if you look many responses many good indeed very good responses have already been made hatred and revenge were not among them as evil is not conquered by evil. and for among the good responses i'm thinking for instance one of the many spontaneous demonstrations and vigils which took place across the country immediately after the horrific reports started coming out of i'm out of it from how i know she can now stands united and was one of the 1st spontaneous campaigns which
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subsequently gave rise to many others. guys and i know that fellow citizens with a thinking mind and a heart. you going they want to live peacefully without their say do not want to differentiate between them and. emotion and view they want guns as they are working throughout our country to ensure that hatred and violence to win the contempt and disrespect have no place here among us that sums it up and they are seeking to ensure that every one of us can be different and without having to be afraid to where we can fall live without fearing others is. that we can live with one another during gun fielitz both here in honolulu i'm thinking of the many things that have been done here in how to for under way view god the victims when humans the families of the victims but in particular what you yourselves have done wrong i'm thinking with gratitude divine meeting him she lost
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a bit of you palace where we attempted to get a better understanding of this abhorrent crying and its impact on each individual family of thought but and the thought. was certainly not easy for you think on the parkers independent thinking to practical the psychological and also financial support and which. the stage of has the municipal governments or the federal government have given but above all of the many gestures of guns and simple compassion many ordinary you know with no office or mandate. did what they could earn and for which i'm certain they did not expect any special thanks to the today especially i want to turn to all of those who offered kindness and help when they knew they were needed but you could i didn't and frank them for everything they did and continued to do for good to
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a better future here in hono. you start how no undue burden on poorest city of how no i'm good citizens and i'm going to show our civic commitment which i've rarely seen in this forum because there are diversity of america. it's just not i asked federal president i would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks for that one small audition with of the name how now does not only stand for terrible crime that i much. it also stands for pleasant city where people know one another help one another i'm sure and i def a one and i am. today in vision again about guns and gun the above all and the initiatives launched by committed members of the public even on supporting to initiative which must not be taken for granted include the sponsorship programs the 19th of february had no initiative the lining of them fair out on my education initiative and so.


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