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tv   Chinas Gateway to Europe  Deutsche Welle  February 22, 2021 10:15am-11:01am CET

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way for new apartments to develop reportedly paid $400000.00 for the relocation alone suffices bill makes every efforts to preserve its victorian era homes which are part of the city's heritage. that's it from me and the news team as soon as almost come they will have an update for you again and off . next is a documentary with a focus on china's new silk with god also just in berlin a soldier. and you hear me now oh yes we can hear you and i last year's general sound so that will bring you i'm going to back off and see if the tap surprises to self with what is possible who is magical really what moves that unquote. who talk to people and follows her along the way maurice and critics like join us from applesauce stocks.
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it's china's make a project the new silk road the trade network between china and the rest of the world. which could turn the old world order on its head. or would just sing.
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it goes out on the. sound of the oceans as usual good god without a single. bad example of a violent. force india. china is investing in bridges ports railway tracks and roads around the globe. over 70 nations are already part of the new silk road. europe sees the chinese as welcome investors the ports of paris has been under chinese ownership for several years and the chinese are now also showing interest entry yest in italy. you got it and it is a great importance for china again it's at the center of the mediterranean just off the coast of africa and a strategic point for the new silk ramzan that were all of that. the fish if you or
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the chinese like if you are a is the emerald of the mediterranean or modified to finish reviewing critics warn that china is using the new silk road to cement its power around the world and divide europe. when they see you make an economic agreement with a country that doesn't respect human rights you are dealing with human rights because it means that you don't care much. the coronavirus pandemic has brought life in grotto a resort in northeastern italy to a virtual standstill. but even though few people visit his beach bar ricardo roky also is still glad to be back at work. he and his family with a burst people in the resort to be infected with kobe 1000.
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we felt like lepers when the site it's a small community with up because. it's in summer it's a well known resort but we locals are all alone on the island in winter and the reason it is all of course on an island everyone knows everyone else i mean it's that's why it was such a serious issue for me at 1st having an illness when i don't really knew what it would bring at that in the dominican but you know something about the cause of potassium. but help coming in from china gave ricardo and his family a feeling that they weren't alone. china sent 31 tons of urgently needed equipment ventilation machines personal protective clothing masks and medication and also medical staff. soft power from china some called it the silk road of help. me some 70 thought to seek legal or safe because china came to help us you've got the
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obvious the site look if someone has already faced the same problems before you found solutions but you maybe haven't yet but it does give you a feeling of security that you're sort of cynical to know what it's like remain full to the quiz questions with the because you see these problems building up and you don't know how to solve a long cycle many start of the. china as the savior in times of need. whether it was politically motivated or not the symbolism worked for ricardo and his family. in the early stages of the pandemic no help was forthcoming from the european union. never missed all want to cheat or not can put a prima we saw in china that really experienced a catastrophe in the beginning she thought the pandemic in china was really devastating the remaining socor so you would still they offered us help us and if you could. it showed us that they were prepared i don't know but they're
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a power some of the most and they're afraid of nothing and nobody has the economic power one of the means to do so and. the radius is greece's most important port it's been known by the chinese since 2016. china started investing in the port after the 2008 financial crisis and has made it an economic success over the last 12 years congo handling has increased tenfold the dock workers here on pier one were here before the chinese arrived and saw the changes 1st hand. it out to be a dock worker it's an honest job and with it i've managed to feed my family that
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i'm satisfied with the. forty's panaji or top of those has been working at the port since 2005 like everyone else here he demonstrated against the takeover of the port by the chinese state company costco. a llama donnegan everything has been amassed since the privatization you know the biggest ever since the investor got involved here and is only interested in profit and nothing else our situation has changed before the war was privatized our work was much better and easier the more we worked in fixed groups back then it is always as a team of 2 at this now we don't have enough people so that's no longer possible you know now we're forced to do the work of 2 men that. one shipped in 6 was cancelled. new jobs were created but hardly any of them offered the same social protests. sions as the
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workers previously had. these proud greek dog workers now work in a court which is no longer their own. got that big and i must say that we think it was a strategic mistake to privatized the biggest port in the country and greece is a country with a huge number of violence and the ports are essential not only economically but socially they keep people connected easily we found this you know he had to be visible. greece was forced to privatized the port as part of new demands to tackle the greek debt crisis. georgios go-go's and his men still blame germany and the e.u. for it. is now trying to save what he can and is fighting to protect his people's rights. monopoly love the most is. probably the best bet of my wedding go to state pension. yes because they calculated how long you
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would work for the poor when it was still stay don't know what will happen to us now. the longest serving workers so not are ranked. no i'm telling you my best man got a state pension what will happen when everything else because he had already retired right know. we even be like that and all. but go goes union no longer represents all the dock workers so it's hard for him and his men to fight against the threats of outsourcing or temporary contracts. with little. pay to show that i don't know how much longer we can keep this working model with permanent staff dignified work and job security. we request an interview with the ports chinese managers. but it's the greek press officer who explains to us why parade. this is so important for china's new silk
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road. there. is a 1st large european port after the crossing of. this is very important for the shipping companies in order to receive the port and to use it as it. so they're very large vessels the mother vessels as we call them starting their route from east days yeah. we see the port of. leave here the cargo whatever it is dangerous or cars and then. a smaller vessel is there with all of them their vessel is they the cargo and the redistributed to many other ports. the dock workers are skeptical. only 70 to 80 percent of the containers are
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transshipped which won't create any new jobs. the profits stay with the owner of the port. the chinese state company costco. none of it goes to the greeks. got to look no more for us in. 2 i think it's all about the expansion of chinese capitalism other say here the chinese state has a lot of money and this is its way of expanding it and asserting its stannis. its position in the world to fish if. china is a world power you can't overlook that or be indifferent to it.
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if you walk 13 the streets in easily and a new industry it's in shanghai you don't need to do any analysis to understand why foundries girl acted 0 percent right here and why some other countries girl 8 percent as you see in the past china you just see immediately and i've been weaknesses in years over really important social and economic changes i know my eyes i've come back to europe but and i don't see any changes next time i go to shanghai after a few months and i will look at the underground map because it will be new life miquel a garage he is known as mr china after working as an investment banker and spending 10 years in shanghai as a professor of economics he became undersecretary of state and italy's ministry of
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economic development and the goshi that the silk road deal with china he used to commute constantly between china and italy but now the coronavirus has forced him to do business with the chinese via video calls. really. i hope so too i'm cecilia. i'm pinning my hopes on china that the cooperation with china will help the tourist industry to grow in sicily. day. last year we had president xi jinping here cicely wants to see more chinese tourists the chinese are very curious about italy. graci no longer holds a political office the government he was part of only lasted for 15 months but the letter of intent that he negotiated with china is still valid. when i came in i
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took on these projects and actually delivered it. celebrated the process made the final agreement chinese counterparts and we implemented then we signed it and this is the basis to economic opportunity. to cooperate with china doing business together. this deal with china alarmed europe. italy is after all one of the e.u.'s founding members as well as part of nato. many saw the signing of this contract as a break with the old alliances. the logic of the time government back then was purely economic. they said everyone else was doing business with china too even if they had no official agreements. there is absolutely no contradiction and no conflict with european strategy if someone worries about the fact that if china in
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. the us to. china. germany holland belgium france spain malta. and greece and u.k. all ports in europe have chinese all the shit. out of the city is a psychologist and author lived in china for 6 years and observed the a bence around the new silk road development with the critical. she thinks the italian government was trying to create an economic advantage for itself but underestimated the plans political dimensions. but a lot of thought there you recall she acknowledged the ends of this political project by a member of the g 7 had a great propaganda value also in china itself i'm caper by going to stick with that in a 4th this the new silk road is quite clearly an economic project and like all projects in history in china and the u.s.
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saying it's not and that of charity they are pursuing that in interests which aim for. it's obvious that china is trying to gain a global foothold through key infrastructure investments such as support. for yes to the north east of italy could also become an important logistical center for the chinese. francesco party easy as a businessman who's currently planning to bring a new investor on board to build a 2nd container terminal entry guest. made of the mean the movement basement necessary to further expand to have a reasonable call to. 300 meter in europe we are ready to discuss with other
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parties if they have any interest to further their battle you can easily get your data that we have been discussing for all time with trainees interested in the port of tree asked the sec to expand further until now it has only handled $790000.00 container ships a year by comparison iran has handles 6 times as much congo. francesco parties as burma has been involved in the transportation business in europe and the rest of the world for almost 200 years along with his son he's the 8th generation to run the business the company has. survived 2 world wars but today's challenges are just as great and now you need the routes to asia to stay competitive he says it is not that we are giving preference to fame is business that the
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reality is that china has grown and and is the trading partner number one in the world and if we are involved in looks you stick which is connected to international trading you cannot simply close your eyes in front of what has developed you try to participate so this is the simple answer. how do you see it his son have invested in china themselves and make 2 thirds of their turnover with asian customers. in spite of their old european traditions they have long become a part of the new chinese silk road. europe is not anymore the center of the world is the moment time so we have to take opportunities where they are rise and and where we find and specially where we find. people who are willing to share the same values that not only make money but.
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behave with some. ideas that are part of that is the problem for the pointer to has is that china could be an opportunity because china intends to make investments of course and italy needs then buys a can more debates are going to miss the main thing at the same time we have to be very careful when we make any deal with china. the heck out of the question of pickett's economic power is vast and i want and can be overwhelming to all committee for the our boss gets out of the. pedro's chang is waiting for visitors from china.
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and so you have put up with their sea hollies. i'm like a bridge between 2 countries between 2 peoples. the romneys next year and i have the chinese really want to come to greece because they want to learn a lot about the culture of eating greece the mythology the history. that's why they love greece so much the 2 countries are similar they both have a lot of history. the roots of the eastern world are in china the roots of the western world are in greece but it is. both board the coronavirus heads it was always busy around the foot of the acropolis chiang had groups every day the number of chinese tourists in greece have been growing rapidly and some $800000.00 work spectate this year. now because of the coronavirus pandemic the stream has dried up completely. tourism is an integral factor in the new chinese silk road
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petros chang says tourists from china bring money and often become long term investors. that there was the. first we have to wait until the coronavirus is over. then greece will need capital and china has capital. eakin that the chinese state really has a lot of money and it wants to invest in every. china has come to greece as a friend not the way the west colonized asia or africa in the past. as approaches we come here we invest and it's a win win situation for us both. you want to give these. the realestate lobbying is profiting from the deal with the chinese more than most
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other sectors. to attract foreign money the greek government started showing so-called golden results in 2013. so when it comes to the seas we have far to mangle the 5th floor. when we come. to this lovely apartment in the heart of downtown was surrounded by some of the best barrios. it used to be with 2 bedrooms and now we are fixing that and. draw my next bathrooms this is the inspiration for the furnace. there are 3 bedrooms like these. it would be more proud for if you're funny or even if it's not if you're funny they can think like us and all the space kids in this group. and we are going to have the kids i'm here. with his small and harry would be an extra saying so the way they want here i'm going to show you
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the balcony with a broken mirror a lot of you enjoy your 1st cup of coffee with a big. barbecue here used to be it's like the spaces where your big and they can get all the space and. i mean few. months money for. greece has issued 6000 golden visas to the chinese in the last 5 years. and sold a lot of property to. the real. stating greece tiny's came in gray's they were the 1st foreign investors that they live their money here that they paid for properties because after the greek financial crises after start the 1000 they can say 200-2012 no
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one was buying like all the proper things were falling down most of the chinese owners don't want to appear in front of the camera some have come to europe for political reasons others are cautious towards the media it's an open secret that money laundering and corruption are also an issue of the e.u. has sharply criticized the program. the clients that we have are usually from the rapidly emerging chinese middle class they come here because they want to secure a future. in europe they warned to give their children the opportunity to live here be warned to give themselves the opportunity to retire here. a lawyer in athens puts us in touch with a client from shanghai who was in the middle of a legal dispute over her flat in athens. her whole family laboriously
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saved up for the 290000 euro apartment. investment in greece and freedom of travel within the entire shang an area for the whole family sounds attractive even in times of the coronavirus. like the greek whether or not star greece is a country with a long history. with this visa i can buy a piece of this lifestyle. there are a lot of chinese making this investment including in my circle of friends. gold and visas remain in high demand though the coronavirus pandemic has dampened the real estate market with significantly fewer visas issued due to travel restrictions and a temporary suspension of the residence by investment program unlimited travel and a globalized world where you can commute between shanghai and athens happened put on hold but the estate agents don't think it spells the end of this lucrative
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market i think that after the recovery that we're expecting from. the chinese clients are going to come here and keep buying property like they did before and as you said the chinese middle class is rapidly expanding so i don't see any reason why this may stop. in an increasingly globalized world the fish market in athens is still bucking the trend and dealing mainly locally caught produce. i think. most goods come to europe from asia through the suez canal. the
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e.u. citizens profit enormously from cheap chinese imports. but a sudden shortage of personal protective equipment during the coronavirus pandemic has highlighted europe's dependence on asia. but you notice that the fabric of the chilly night was the work bench of the weld are not the only math you will use together that get good cheaply and exploring chinese one can soon find out there are no muscles but as we were doing that the chinese when learning from us and starting to do it themselves that they have overtaken us in many areas of technology in one town. and that's just how china's new silk road got going. investments in ports bridges or roads all serve to bring goods to customers. the u.s. is still the e.u. is most important trading partner but trade with china has tripled in the last 20
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years. china has been investing in the board to raise since 2008 and became the majority shareholder there in 2016 it's the perfect gateway to europe. over the last few years the chinese have turned curious into the biggest port in the mediterranean. and they're planning to make it the biggest port in europe pledging $600000000.00 euros of additional investments in the next few years. thank you my god i was born and raised in prayers. you know it's a city i love in my the men and women. i have felt connected with the sea in the
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pool since i was small and. this place where we are now is important to us. only for its charm and atmosphere now it's deserted. because it's a park with an open access to the sea. and because it was us who managed to keep it that way. on a star francis scott he believes that the old port area belongs to the city's residents and has long been campaigning to get them access to it again. she's the left wing series of parties maritime policy spokeswoman that is skeptical about the chinese commitment. she believes massive investments by beijing what also have political consequences for her country. net. some of the consequences do not depend on
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a government that is in power. and accept them with the. for example when the e.u. wanted to pass certain resolutions regarding china's expansion in the south china sea. we had a left wing government here that had its doubts about it. but escapes. e.u. member greece broke a political taboo by siding with the chinese greece has also been silent about beijing's actions in hong kong money francis scott he says makes you dependent. she's particularly worried about the e.u.'s divisions over china. but the realization that europe has to speak to china with one voice is slowly gaining ground. over this thing minister for europe has not yet reached a consensus on how it wants to deal with china what its attitude towards china is.
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europe has no clear now assess what china is doing china's behaves differently from western countries and his big issue in particular economic policies. that europe no longer has the to lose that china has namely state owned enterprises and china is clearly using these tools. the corona crisis has highlighted europe's lack of cohesion. even italians like ricardo rocky otto felt. china exploited the divisions by sending aid to italy. europe eventual he came up with an. vestment program but small businesses like ricardo's felt this help came too late.
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i would have thought could you foresee the whole me i would have really liked to have seen a united europe as everyone had predicted a strong union with fundamental coordination. or something one of the i mean i would have liked to have seen those with more opportunities to help the others a true europe you know he and i was in the middle ok. but in the end it didn't work out that way in which everyone close the borders and said here's a brick wash your own dirty laundry at home by the spark you know about the reading . that really showed us that we can't talk about a single hero. in the meantime into an ocean and with a lot of the overall. anyone who comes to trist can still experience the charm of the old habsburg monarchy. 100 years ago the port city was a trading hub to eastern europe. the iron curtain interrupted the lanes for decades
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. now the city wants to return to its former glory and is hoping the chinese will help it. when the silk road agreement was signed in march 29th tree este was at the center of attention. northern italy was slated to become a major transshipment center for chinese exports. zendo d'agostino who is head of the port authority thinks china's interest interest is proof of its growing significance. because she events piece that you up is going to last all of east nations. very easily accessible by by the board of the s this show you know i. it is very simple if you look at the v.a. of a map you see that if you bust through 3 s there and you go to hungary through
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germany to austria you arrive. by scene from an over a range ports. the city is investing even more in its real network than in the port itself. built over 100 years ago its direct links to eastern europe are still there they just have to be upgraded. but it is also at pains to emphasize that although it welcomes investments from china it has no intention of selling off the port lock stock and barrel what was a free as a goal 2 years ago a problem a matter of transport became a geo political issue know if. you say ok the spot of it that it there is no more my territory and this was done in greece is just not what is happening here below is the port authority the president is italian i am directly governed by
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minister so you know we don't and we will not said the strategic bot the report. the port city on the adriatic sea has suddenly found itself in the midst of a global trade war. every investment the chinese make in europe angers the u.s. and exacerbates the standoff between the u.s. and china. francesco parisi has decided on a partner to help trust expand not china but a european investor the port of hamburg. he stresses that this is a purely economic calculation but he doesn't deny that political factors also played a role or easy remembers the cold war and is worried about any new confrontation. these cultural situation with the war another cold war. to me as a matter of concern for me personally and for my business in general your love for
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me in general also as a as a as a citizen of the utopian you're. we can see that international trade for sure a bridge we could see that to be helpful to. keep in mind a piece of the debate about the role europe will play in the trade war between the u.s. and china is nothing new and is not limited to the economy. i just battle to i hope to some european leadership because if not europe risks becoming the battlefields to china and the usa and europe can be the 3rd key player in the global arena i hope that's what europe decides to do things better can we should all be fighting. politicians in rome are also gradually turning against china.
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human rights violations haven't been a reason to cut down on business so far. but worldwide criticism is growing. these 3 members of parliament are part of a cross party alliance on china. they want to see a tougher stance towards beijing. when you make an economic agreement with the country that doesn't respect human rights you are dealing with human rights because it means that you don't care much we need that utopia he needs to define another single country egypt so you are peas or a the too small to add up a real relationship with china all together but one single county can't have a stronger relationship with china that. sure so if you go in debt
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interaction. as equally it's sure that you will lose that relationship so i believe that is the most important mistake. of an beyond party politics be they left wing centrist or conservative what unites these politicians is the worry that europe is not speaking to china with one voice . because china is focusing on os so we want to focus on china because china has a very strong agenda with using any kind of energy and sign their g. to expand its influence over all the countries of the western world and therefore we must have an agenda to what is the kind of investment they do can have the kind of trade of scientific operation we gave with the gentry which in a systemic way but events any sort of cooperation even now when we have
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seen china is totally secure and is the country of censorship about the real origin made and consequences of the bombay me. since europe is now coming to realize that china is no longer a purely economic power but also a political one. meanwhile the dock workers union in paris has come to terms with its new chinese bosses and is trying to negotiate workers' rights as best it can. over the last 10 years our experience with the chinese has been that they always negotiate as hard as they can and demand as much freedom as possible but if you set your limits if they come up against strong's for. sure it's like a state or a trade union and then they respect that they accept our limits. on the port of
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courageous will remain under chinese control until 2052 when the lease expires although it could of course be extended. leave the but i think china already has enormous influence and i don't think it needs any moves down you know it's like i said as a citizen a courageous i would like to see if it will return to a return to greece again after the transfer of the 3rd party and use has expanded to. the 2019 agreement between italy and china has caused a lot of us but now there are other investors who are pushing ahead with the development of the port of trust many entrepreneurs however have other worries right now we will have to see you want to call me the impact will be on the world trade because this is still something no one has a clue about. so for now italy is still part of the silk road even though no
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chinese money has flowed into tree este so far. i always say what to me that became part of the way it would seem cool though over by the rule of the initiative what it does feel proceeds be accept our view of the betterment of our places mari time seek wrote about baby need it is an idea of the vellum and appalling money every chinese arrived we have funds and they yes we have our i.d.'s we know what 3 years to come because meanwhile the chemical rajiv the man who engineered the deal in the 1st place believes that the fear of china is totally exaggerated and could have disastrous consequences for italy in my forecast and because of geopolitics a misunderstanding i think of the likely scenario that i have now is that italy. slows down. the cooperation with asia slows down on the cooperation with the china
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slows down on the development of technology slows down the development of infrastructure boresome all the ways which are all the things that we need that if we do not to do by ourselves sir and so italy will fall back into the middle ages. project out the program china has plans preprogramed guns pursuant to political economic project for you to put on some of their cheating paying isn't ready finking about 2049 and china is doing and setting what they wanted to do for your appraisal now they have such enormous economic power in the world it is natural for them to want to have a voice in the world they are clearly saying we need to not want to influence the world when my son can refrain to mourn the.
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plague. this jet is stifling kurdistan's capital is such a small and the music outdated coheres. residents and activists are fighting back against the air pollution but within the government their demands are falling on deaf ears. global 3000.
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and 90 minutes on d w. in the eye of climate change. for. what's in store. for their future. costs or to make a city the multimedia insight. into. what is different. my lives of the south. here women are in charge. archipelago has had a patriarchal system for centuries and. the rare form of society. women differently. what they do with their words.
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and how sustainable this culture. is of the rango starts marching on t.w. . this is d.w. news live from berlin the u.n. atomic energy watchdog strikes a deal with their run over its nuclear sites it allows a limited but continued access to monitor iran's nuclear program for the next 3 months buying time for further negotiation. also coming up tens of thousands return to the streets in me and bar as the general strike takes hold protesters remain
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defiant despite the military strategy of lethal force and recent deaths and back to school again.


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