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tv   Global 3000  Deutsche Welle  February 22, 2021 11:30pm-12:01am CET

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a society. women feel differently than men. what do they do with their passwords. and how sustainable is this culture. of the rango starts march 8th w. a huge construction project is underway in kenya's capital nairobi they're widening one of the main freeways. this bridge is due to be torn down it's located in the impoverished district of cum gaming. robey correspondent sabina borland calls it the bridge of mine in miracles in 2015 poland reported on the thriving commerce
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that takes place on the bridge now she's come back. how has life changed. during that time and another rally for jacking the sales vegetables bad thing in the end. for saving he wanted to become a journalist or young or young without interest felix an apprentice carpenter. who meet people. who can e.d.s. runs a small food stand on the bridge of his speciality is meat super. big business has fallen off sharply because of the coronavirus pandemic of what he's. concerned
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about the virus than he is about the bridge being torn down. and you're one of these well it's really dangerous because no one knows where it comes from. we hear all sorts of rumors but you can catch it at any time whatever whether you put your hand on something and then if you touch your nose or mouth you get infected with on . the 1st cases were reported in kenya last march and the government imposed a series of strict preventative measures people are required to wash their hands often but that can be difficult when running musha is in short supply. we 1st met god and his family 5 years ago because food stand on the bridge was a popular attraction back then. we visited him several times during the year.
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this to build up but people around here don't earn much money and it's tough for them to make ends meet. not only did i get into the business some of them tell me that they only eat once a day. they would do another you know in the soup at my place costs just 10 shillings it is one of the most people can afford that. but the same soup with meat costs 20 showings. but if it's a meal that will make you feel good. place him in the bin. today still charges 10 shillings for a bowl of soup that's about $0.08 but inflation has hit kenya hard recently. 5 years ago clearly has told us that he dreamed of buying user house we asked him how he was getting along now. what's changed in my life
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well i'm older as you can see. what are the new 100 other than that things are pretty much still the same. it's getting tougher for my family. the kids are growing older and. my dad you know going to me and there's more stress. on our part the 3rd life isn't as comfortable as it used to be. can elian and his wife now have one more mouth to feed their 5th daughter was born 3 years ago. she ended an older sister often stopped by their father's food stand. they have lots of time on their hands since the schools in nairobi were closed last march because of the pandemic.
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of. the bridges located on the northern outskirts of the city over a freeway that is often seriously congested. that's why the officials decided to widen news to make room the bridge will have to be tuned down. almost all of the trees that used to provide shade here have been cut down. nairobi residents are required to wear a mask whenever they leave the house. please . included districts i can give me it's tough to meet social distancing guidelines. at one end of the bridge
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a disinfection tunnel has been set up it was donated by a local businessman. knots of people use it especially because it's free of charge services like this are rare in kenya these days and. then after that i think is what it was a bubble coke a bit about it this time it was a big help. because you go through it and it disinfect your entire body but only in saudi not just your hands. at that and that makes it harder for you to catch the virus in a movie theater got on up was something that's always there but on a little not a. lot but shortly after our visit the tunnel was turned down and. city officials decided that the disinfectant that was used there was dangerous.
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nearby we meet another friend from 2015. jeconiah boca is still selling vegetables here at the same places 5 years ago. in 2015 there was still. shade trees here. jackie started selling vegetables because she had to. fit in a new well i used to be a housewife south that to me it was and my husband worked as a nightwatchman that way but. it was a tough job and it was ruining his life he think of the day so he quit the back of yap i took i asked myself how were we going to get by isn't going to we couldn't afford to send the kids to school the sick and sometimes we didn't have enough to
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eat now as i was up and so i decided to go into business for myself and i've been here ever since she wants to take. these days jackie smiles less often than she used to and she looks tired after all she's on her feet from morning till night she and only about $300.00 shillings a day that's less than 3 euros. each other and a pandemic has really changed everything before we could sell a bag of vegetables and one or 2 day see quite a night but now it often takes us 3 days to sell everything some of the produce spoils and we have to throw it out was a bit up on they end up but it is sometimes we don't earn enough to cover our living expenses. with that the beginning night of people not turned up in. 2015 was a special year in kenya u.s. president barack obama came to visit.
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also that year islam is militants killed $147.00 people at a university in northern kenya most of the victims were students. and there was a big fire on the freeway bridge in nairobi 200 people lost their businesses but they soon rebuilt everything. by themselves it was one of the many mind in miracles that we've seen here. at the time. expanded his food stand into a low budget sports bar complete with t.v. . it was a new source of income for him. the world is a little 2020 because it can demick he had to shut down a sports bar. at the same time several new businesses opened across the street
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including a fan a shop. and. this is felix one. and 2015 he was still living in the countryside in moved to nairobi 2 years ago to look for work for the past 3 months he's been building beds and before that he worked as a driver and as a security guard. felix has no experience with company but he's a fine example of learning by doing. he landed this job purely by chance. for him what he believes global delivers on the bridge is an important place for us that brings us customers what their visibility. and we can buy lots of different goods here in our model but about to get well you know what life would be a lot harder without this bridge whether he was a very very or my view and everybody uses it and that's good for a business dinner you will not ever want to give it.
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to. another mine americal you can fit the component parts of this bed on a motorcycle. but what will happen to these businesses when the bridges to down. the bulldozers are moving ever closer and when they get here the shops will disappear. last summer kenya's president kenyatta announced that some of the coronal restrictions would be used for example residents of nairobi would be allowed to travel outside the city and the start of the curfew would be pushed back by 2 hours to 9 pm perhaps another minor miracle but clearly doesn't think so. you know we are not to have be because. there covers the very good the more. so
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our doing our us would have been so it's not the youth of the world. saw we are not a very have been but but that is that is lived. life on the bridge was never easy even before the pandemic heavy rain often shouted the roads and towers it is for common. the safety of the other student was one of the people we interviewed back in 2015 life in his neighborhood was difficult. saidee showed us the shack where he lived. often had to study by candlelight.
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saidee dreamed of becoming a radio reporter. but he saw this as a way to help improve living conditions in kenya. i understand that generalising is the only bridge between this society and the community. if journalists were quick but improving society i think i'll be ok. another mine american society was the 1st in his family which includes 11 siblings to graduate from university. his goal was to move out of the slum and make something of himself. so i don't see that on when to get out of bed in a match up with him getting out there if i get any means of getting out of there and it will be quite good for me so that because i was doing that student but now i
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think i'm good you did the other side of the bit of the up of the community yeah they did i didn't so i sure as are doing them and whatever they're doing and yeah some more important things in late 0. 6. and 2020 we managed to track down safety. now if you list family small farm in western kenya. say. he moved here because he couldn't find work as a journalist in nairobi. actually
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when i came back. yeah they were disappointed to know there has been so much on me and they were looking forward for maybe some good fruits but here i was coming and heroes saying that i'm prepared to do fighting on their and their farm they were disappointed but for me. i just took it as normal because. i looked because when i was just living in a rugby has been there for a boat close to one year without a job and you can imagine all the hassles all their friends and everything so i just decided to park and come back just to do. some activities. side his mother had even sold a cow to help pay for her son's education that was a fortune for her and she had high hopes that her son would be successful but at my . last ima day after your son finishes his studies he's
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got to make an effort and find a job. phones i helped raise the money so that he could go to college and now i expect him to take care of me and to buy me new clothes and so forth and then he's graduated now so if i need soap or sugar or if i get sick it's his responsibility to take care of these things about it guys. this is often how kenya's social security system works i don't children are expected to provide for their parents. but we asked if you still plan to become a reporter. because he was here to asian that has. moved. this train to. new for some ways to survive and also hoping that an idea. you know
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needs to clock so that i can start to i can. come up under cover up the extended family can live quite well on this farm they have enough to eat and they can sell some of the surplus projects at the local market. if say he told us that he doesn't plan to return to nairobi any time soon. and. this is he doesn't pick up the garbage in the slums that can gain it so the people
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who live then have to dispose of it themselves. to. felix member of the apprentice carpenter still believes that he can make a go of it in the big city. in the cinema. felix and his girlfriend sylvia have been living together since last spring they plan to get married one day. she doesn't have a job right now so his income supports them both. as the pandemic wore on they had to sell a bed frame to pay the rent and buy food and. but the last thing they planned to
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sell is the t.v. . it's their link to the outside world. so when you want to look at you with. your mindset. if you think positive. things we just have to be patient i came here i had no house there's a time i slept also. outside from lucky bunda and i almost kept myself thinking posed by told myself i'm not going back home. every few days jackie any of those good leads now robi and dr tormented farm feel to harvest vegetables. and she doesn't want to work like this forever. never again that you bought it that i could if i went back to my home village i'd have to
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start all over again when my life there is still easier than in the city we're staying in nairobi just to raise our kids and our money for their education. but when they finished i will have no reason to stay ball just go back home but hopefully with some money that we've saved from. bad. nothing much has changed here in the last 5 years. met up with them if. jackie will not be able to return home for a few mooney's she still pushing her 3 children through school and to have to keep working like this and tell a finish. jackie is the family's only source of income her husband doesn't have a job.
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this is one of the road is privately owned mini buses that service taxis. called mattel to use. but the kind hammock has cut the number of passengers to about half the ticket prices have doubled. some people who work on the bridge like felix still hope for a better life. others like jackie a simply trying to tough it out. some people experience mine america others struggle to get by and when the bridge is torn down the lines will become even more difficult. kenya's rainy season begins in october.
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the bulldozers have already torn down some of the shops on the bridge but some people keep trying to turn back the. thank. you. in 2015 crews repaired the roadway over the bridge as the city prepared to welcome a special guest. pope francis. some tried to take advantage of the pontiff visit. i want the pope to bless this water so that as many people as possible can buy it up but are. you going to if you drink this really want to that we're not going to take his blessing when yeah. cause was cut francis made
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a point to visit in the country district. was . bad. was one stop the pontiff told the crowd that he was well aware of the difficulties that the people of clicking his face on a daily basis and he denounced the injustices that they suffered. well. yeah. that's only well and good but how would francis propose to actually make life better here. any improvements are made by the people themselves without much help from the government or the catholic church. by the way here's how that road freshly paved in 2015 looks today. at.
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the nearby construction workers not affected mcguckin food stand very much. this afternoon he's preparing homemade sausages a populist snack for people who are on their way home from work. to sit in guru has lived in this neighborhood for years. he was here when the bridge was built back in the 1970 s. . you see they do development. buildings where you have to come down another one of the port up there were no bridges saw a new thing when it came to us now i hear ideas going to be demolished how it is going to be about here i can with pale because of nor seeing them up. but one thing is clear these people will have to move the small businesses. because food stand. jackie and events to bills. and the family to shop where felix works but when
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exactly will is happening. through a bomb in a market well if the bridge disappears i finished. i depend on this location when i got the money it would be hard to find a new place and new customers siddha the city official should have told us a lot earlier what they plan to do it and we'd have had time to prepare but now it looks like they're just going to come in here and tara down and we'll be stuck there when mother does over. her. well. for. we need felix again he loves football and he comes to this field every weekend to cheer his favorite team that. oh. yes. the one. then he meets up with some friends 1st of all they say
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a prayer together. saw it all but what most of the people here have lost their jobs because of the pandemic they formed a self-help group to deal with the situation. they pay what little money they have into a joint fund that pays for their health and unemployment insurance and pension contributions when it's all recorded in this log book. yes it was worth it. to them because it was just that. this gathering. is all about togetherness supporting each other uplifting your brother. remembering those who have more opportunity or getting jobs or else they have jobs but it is not always being jobs it is all about assisting each other. coming together and putting each other a day at the same level. jackie belongs to a similar group made up of other women who sell vegetables. they have to stick
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together to survive but they will when they're certainly not going to get any financial help from the government a little early but right now jackie is particularly concerned about her children she's afraid that while they're away from school her son will turn to drugs or her daughter will get pregnant. to nona look at them or see what they're doing and i can't protect them when they're running around the neighborhood and the other 6 when i leave the house at 6 in the morning and don't get home till 7 or 8 at night and as i'm being a muslim org i have no idea what they do during the day and i i don't know who they meet but i try to talk to them in the evening and warn them about getting into trouble. and that's a real miracle these people manage to overcome an enormous difficulties on a daily basis and they do it without complaining they simply get on with the job at
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hand. there are no buildings us today to check you can keep saying you have vegetables. but at the bridge and i'm up. i say for sure our livelihood depends on the bridge but if they tear it down it's not the end of the world as it will just set up shop somewhere else or go to a dead end that myself. and when they rebuild it will come back about just like before if you're not one of us the one that's on top of the but that maybe they'd. say here nairobi life goes on at the bridge of mine americans a place where ordinary people make the best of their lives to sponge overwhelming.
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kickoff. frankfurter making the league exciting again the teeth of the hours the money can stand. chasers are in hot pursuit life's a climb the tables are closing in on the. post or go right on target after a victory and be left else. can. you imagine how many push. ups rodolfo more like now climb a tree different coffee stores. faces life lesson way home just one week. how much work can really do. we still have time to our fun doing. it some strive like this.
12:00 am
this is the news live from berlin new european sanctions over russia's opposition crackdown foreign ministers all of a new countries back a punitive measures directed at those responsible for the jailing of kremlin critic alex saying the valley will have analysis from brussels also coming up more any use sanctions this time on myanmar as military it comes after hundreds of thousands of demonstrators called a general strike and flock to the streets in protest of the coup that. and the chance.


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