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tv   Global 3000  Deutsche Welle  March 3, 2021 2:30am-3:01am CET

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hospital is guarded around the clock by u.n. soldiers. the nobel peace prize winner cannot leave the hospital without security forces. a few years ago he barely survived an assassination attempt and he received death threats again in 2020 he's a role model for young doctors and a hero to his patients. it is for them that he puts his own life at risk that. you will be operated here you do not have to pay anything i think i've told you but. don't worry here you won't be asked for money and. the.
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true believers who. are just. dooney mccuaig is the son of a preacher he says his faith helps him bad the suffering that surrounds him he operates almost every day donations enabled him to purchase modern equipment today the university hospital is considered a center of excellence for treating rape victims and there for i don't usually room for him or the 1st woman i am operating on comes from wiley collie though she has already had 3 surgeries wasn't a horse this will be the 4th is a look at school age a horse from conversion to she is very traumatizing. she was brutally raped l'ouverture her vagina was completely destroyed and inside she had a very. serious infection of interest there herself and so we are cleaning
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everything and we'll give her antibiotics and hopefully she will get better and just get home. and better be. sure for sure. every time i operate it gives me a bit of relief so to it allows me to feel that i can make a small contribution to reduce the suffering of people to. the teeth but unfortunately i believe that as long as there is impunity here this will continue down this is. because for 20 years it has been the same people committing these atrocities and they feel as if they can go on like this without facing any consequences for their actions is wonderful to move. so quickly to so consequence. i think. oh. well that
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was. the debate. oh. well that was. how are you doing where do these children come from from all over. these a roof and somehow for friends he would also see this in his documents their father's a soldier his own militias the children don't know them love they are alone and some live with their grandparents that if they don't get on the. buy food how are your children. what are your names dopes who wants to move on and come. on i was there. was. was her there for you. god you're absolutely right.
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was. it the women and children travelled for 2 days to visit don't eat mccuaig the. city from the river children from these women or a delegation from chaperoned which i treated here in 2005 years. before they have come to see me. together with these children who were born after their mothers were raped. they were abandoned by their mothers by their fathers. and i. really love when the dealer for example there is koku deal he is the leader of the ryan would tumble key militia or one man could he is still there he's in the forest outside the village of syberia. one group comes after the next they
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rape and pillage back up with the body of. the women founded an association i'm talking 200 often. if you want to become a doctor. to do you. predict christian electrician wow. and you will be like you just a real be like me. i. really. enjoyed doing and tell me is that why you're sitting next to me. you'll be like me. that means you'll become a nobel peace prize winner book. suck. i'm glad we will work together for peace we will listen to your voice thank you.
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i say it's. fair to we share the world. there was yes and. here was. my yes yes. please was. done was their share their share. thank you that's very kind of you thank you so much notice. so it uses all form but human to the needs children did not ask to be born missing but they were. killed a vision and then to a society that rejects and stigmatizes them. a society without pity so pity it's good printed when children are treated this way from
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a very young age. they become traumatizes awful and have overloaded memories. sue shelter. while many brood omar is getting psychological treatment perhaps she can overcome the trauma in spite of her haunting memories and accept and love her child as the want to love the child. but i know the community says that as a woman who was raped i cannot return to my village. my husband has left me he will never forgive me and he will never accept a child a city. in panzi hospital one meanie also learns to weave and so baskets this training is an important part of the holistic treatment. as to money or encana and the other social workers want to help the women become independent so
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that they can support themselves and their children that is right there in. that way perhaps more armine could take care of her child without other financial assistance. i hope that i can feed just by selling baskets. and money might be enough the medicine to know and even for school no doubt. but how can one mean a return to her village when militias continue to live nearby how is she supposed to overcome her fear when the perpetrators have no prosecution to fear. this is bukavu the capital of south kivu province during the almost 25 years of war and conflict its population has grown to almost a 1000000 the german physician gisela schneider is on her way back to a tory province in the northeast the tory has been particularly plagued by conflict and ebola. isn't of course in the end we could interested choose not to go to
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countries. where many organizations work was fun but we try to go where others don't go where few stay for a longer time to listen where in the it to every region including in bunia it means so much to people there when you come and stay when they say no one else comes on to sacrifice. was all that was i that was ongoing conflicts make it very difficult to effectively cut tail a life threatening virus or a bona was that i'm to feel fine get in the way using this elbow grating because there is a bowler in this region there has been 12 cases here which is quite a lot so there should be no hand to hand contact and no exchange of body fluids and they started this elbow grating and everybody thinks it's great it's a good way to greet someone when you can't shake hands so it's great i was the
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was there was a gather with rose mom. wants to establish a health insurance system in this region. i thank god that i met the people from new south wales was that my child was gravely ill i had lost hope that he could get there so was he then i found out about the health insurance i became a member and they helped my child she was i am happy and grateful to music i ever was. was i dr mcgregor don't to mcgregor has shown mercy it means to really kaffir women to build something that helps women to live independently to bone i think he's a great role model and he does this with many women who have experienced violence
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and i want to go find the family have a. little machine lose your room or see for ladies and gentleman rape is being used massively as a weapon of war. this deadly weapon destroys the body twee destroys the spirit destroys the community. and even destroys the church. all the reports of the united nations about the plundering of raw materials from the democratic republic of congo and about the serious human rights violations especially the well known mapping report all of these reports have not led to consequences of. sorcery. it's already provinces' rich in oil and mineral resources hunger for these results
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is fuels our national and international find here where tribal conflicts are manipulated for economic interests. on the road from bonior to mahogany refugee tents can be seen intermittently the displaced are victims of perfidious political interests in which neighboring countries such as rwanda and uganda also have stakes. there are congolese policeman and u.n. soldiers stationed here to provide security in the region but the area covers thousands of square kilometers and launch bombs on virtually inaccessible. only those who have weapons have power. their families who have not or cannot leave after live in fear every day.
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congolese police officers escorted us during the film shoot but those invalid just defenseless and exposed. many have had to abandon their fields and are now dependent on humanitarian aid. their houses were often burned down and family members killed. we drove to a village that was recently attacked by armed groups. to to. the edge. was the air
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act. it is located directly on the main road from banja to uganda there is no state authorized. most people have fled only a few have remained. when i thin he says feel a now been duped they catch him least that night. it was on the choose the guinea beacon about by steam you are in civilian clothes and armed. others are wearing soccer jersey says one no clean the river fighting security we're going to then they stop cars and drivers and passengers from there seek. them out i was there i saw it and you're terribly afraid if we hear even one shot we start running for our lives. in.
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the end. in turn province borders you. manda and is twice the size of belgium many refugees live in the forests without any protection or medical care many die others make it to the capital of the province. where there are camps with tents water food medicine and most importantly protection u.n. soldiers stationed in bosnia. there are over 16000 people in this camp alone most are women and children.
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they have made temporary homes for themselves but some have been here for over a year and a half. in october 29 teams 22 people died here even large aid organizations cannot meet demand and a measles epidemic had broken out. the turnout by the. way you're going to get these are conflicts this is a brutal war that. was stuck together now mean course that both he and in this war those attacking us are our neighbors the lendu declared there is. no one feeling. whether there were others with them we can't be sure about that because when we were attacked we immediately fled as you can in this a little just doctors. uniform what we experienced when massacre was that the
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platoon might just as you do must suck. out nothing left play mama i've lost everything all of that but it was the night that i burned everything i had. for someone to explore what's going on and run through our lives with their children is what it is there are so many dead none of us understand what it was you that i will be under a child of can explain this to others who demanded we have long demanded that the congolese government reveal the coolest. that they still have and school bus. was. the. joke it's been because for some i have met with leaders around the world. they appear to care deeply me by that but nothing has come of it. the situation is
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still ongoing not just bought and sold miss is not a war between nations and or between different ethnic groups or tribes. nor is it a religious war. this is not about fanaticism soley gear. but this is about the control of natural resources for cold and shows just like you this war could be ended if the political will to do so was there remember to cool the whole world knows about it and said there are reports about these crimes but these reports are written and filed away without achieving anything. sid so i think that there is no doubt this is about greed for wealth where the profit is taken off the backs of the weak there forever.
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after more than 20 years of war many people here have known violence displacement and expulsion their entire lives. the country as a collective trauma. and the global green for is also has is contributing to their plight. every day new refugees arrive in a small village of shari hoping to find protection and help. dr gazer tries to help people here too but the need is overwhelming many die of starvation. and. martha is far along in her pregnancy. she isn't giving up and trying to support her 2 children. even if there is food only once
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a day. most of the time this is because of a partridge in the long term eating mainly because samba will lead to mt nutrition which has its specially serious consequences for joran. that in that. summer in one's there. to the it was not that i don't have enough of anything i have no money i could without salt and oil my children are crying from hunger i have nothing to compare for the girl. i do not know how to pay the hospital when i have to give. you look easy however. there are such that it now knows that's not. roseman bana and
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gives a national i don't want to drive martyr and other women with small children to a health center in borneo the women hardly speak about the terrible things they have experienced rape is had to boost subject was that all i was doing was that one of them was my master will be giving birth soon she needs prenatal care to check whether everything is ok and then we have to organize where she'll give birth in the little one also needs things like whether she's been vaccinated need to be checked. that is not one of mine if they are. some children have a team from malnutrition others have meningitis malaria or she can box gisela schneider can only help some of them. the congolese state offers even less support . the concept here is helping you to help yourself.
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martyr a displaced person was happy she was being examined before giving bath and her youngest daughter also urgently needed medication and. a phone call informed rose that a measles epidemic had broken out in shari yes of course the midwife seemed satisfied with the baby's development of the overpowers matter failing. i feel a little better now that i feel very weak because i'm so hungry. and i don't know where my husband is and what happened to him that worries me. if you asked around here but no one has seen him that scares me. manto will be having her baby in 4 weeks rose will continue supporting the small
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family. this help and alarm for her children keeps mata going. there. was a. curse i live for center here thanks to their inner strength these women have exceptional resistance. is the see this is where i see a miracle and it works in these women version funny version often i cannot even imagine it's possible because the women are brought to our hospital completely destroyed. and dehumanized in force and these women have an incredible and her strength and so they managed to stand up again and fight for their rights for the rights of their children and the community it is all for this greatly encourages me and my team to keep going this simple for what it do to glitching.
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about how are you. on the way to make his rounds dr mccuaig stops by his patients common room mommy will stay at panzi hospital for a few more weeks as a pregnant rape victim she would not be welcome in high village for the 1st time in her life she's learning the alphabet. he has she feels accepted if my t.v. handy guy in my media am t.v. that was. my only in the hand car window. in the. world. i would have loved to learn to read and write but we had hardly any money. otherwise i would
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have gone to school. if. i. was there to say that even if i did not wish for this child i would like to send to school you know what they are that is my trainer. my meanie has experienced understanding cat and help at panzi hospital but half of returning to hunt village is great. for what is. here is the moment i feel good. i feel like a child i could do so good but what worries me is how i can survive at home without a husband and the militia still there. and i don't want to experience this again. the most important thing is peace.
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i. know from the moment for brother where women have given me the task of conveying to the whole world their demand for peace so huge and so this is the message i have to deliver to the international community the answer does not depend on me but i consider it my duty to continue on this mission and i will not stop carrying this request for peace into the world i hate it when someone says i didn't do anything because i knew nothing about it because he's in so. i bought the won't look so way the war in the democratic republic of congo continues and the number of rape victims is rising every day. and i think that. the most you only. want to use what is is. so much oh but that would be my dream that one day only get that and i can experience that
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real case i see and something has to happen now to stop the sexual violence against women and children so that they can live and prosper so that their dignity is respected and that these surgeries and i don't get needed that is i'll wish. but it is easier to have peace and healing when victims receive justice and so nobel peace prize winner danny mccuaig fight song. i. ever. do get thank. you. while the women continue to hope and pray to god to bring peace to that country.
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i. live to get. i. begin to get. it. that's it. clean drinking water for everyone. costa rica has made protecting its springs a top priority. the secret to their success. and efficient waste management program that requires everybody to do their part.
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and it's paying off. 3000. and 30 minutes on d w to go africa. some of the national parks in congo was he and his family. i would love nothing more than to live in peace. but poachers and farmers are hunting them and threatening to speak. what's being done to protect them for. you to minutes on w. . i subscribe to b.w. books something more in the world we make our captive for. me books. and i'm game did you miss that
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17 trillion land out of killed worldwide sure so that we can. but it's not just the animals still suffering it's the environment we went on a journey to find ways out of the machine if you want to know how old one cliff to the priest i'm going to trust changed as he says listen to our podcast on the green . this is news and these are our top stories f.b.i. director chris ray has told us no mike is there's no evidence to support a right wing conspiracy theory that the siege on the capitol building was carried out by leftist extremist posing a strong supporter as he described the events of january 6th as domestic terrorism
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and vowed to hold the rioters accountable. the european union and the united states have imposed sanctions on russia not.


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