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tv   Frag den Lesch  Deutsche Welle  March 4, 2021 3:00pm-3:15pm CET

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this is the daily news live from. protesters remain defiant after the bloodiest day since the military dozens killed by the security forces are laid to rest but demonstrators returned to the streets even as the general stepped off the crackdown also on the program. will be extended by 3 weeks. to move towards the. whether you want to determine your chances of dying for a. new global as the us. welcome
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to the program. united nations is calling security forces to halt the crackdown against peaceful protesters and to release those who have been unlawfully detained 38 people were killed on the bloodiest day since the military coup last month as people gather to bury and mourn the victims pro-democracy leaders are refusing to back down. yesterday she was a protester today procession carries her body through the streets of mandalay carlson a 19 year old university student shot in the head during a protest against the military on wednesday. at her funeral relatives surrounded her open coffin as mourners passed by paying their respects all singing revolutionary songs and chanting slogans. mourning protests gave way to new
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violence as security forces and protesters faced off against protesters know their defiance could cost them their lives. we don't want anything from them we just demand that our mother censored she is back and the power is on the people sants we don't want the military ruling the country that's why we're protesting and i'm also ready to die instead of others when soldiers come back again. and i love. the military to his rant up its response with a show of force scrambling fighter jets to make several low altitude passes over mandalay. violence continues the question remains who else will lose their life today for the chance of a democratic future. as to question without a robot says executive director of the campaign hugh kaye and joe that aims to
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achieve the restoration of human rights in the joins us from the u.k. welcome to day w i clearly this isn't the 1st military takeover of these protesters today likely to be successful this time. well that's that he hopes a protest is in doing everything they possibly can to resist this brutal military coup every day we see them matter on the streets in their thousands and every day we see the brutal response by the way the military led 50 people killed now in the military using every tactic at their disposal to try and intimidate frighten or threaten people resisting the cave people are continuing to resist every day what we now need to see is a response from the international community to help support those people in the country that is doing their best to overstrain the military and your organization
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has called on the un human rights council to take immediate action clearly in your underwhelmed by the response of the stage. i think cross the border really you know we do need to see action at the u.n. but we also need to see action from the e.u. and other international governments and the e.u. has response has been dangerously slow we know that they are considering what steps to take they're considering sanctions but they said they're not going to meet and announced measures until the 22nd of march we need to see a response that is urgent in response to this crisis where the e.u. should be imposing targeted sanctions on the military they should be stopping european companies doing business with the military as well as building support for a global arms embargo and a referral to the international criminal court now we know that the e.u.
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is often divided it's been a policy and that germany does have a longstanding. opposition to stronger measures in response to burma you know we really need to see the e.u. not united we need to see germany come behind these stronger measures as a matter of urgency just what role should china play in this. one of the see you know china is an important neighbor it's traditionally given. both political and economic support. but you know and it has shielded it from from action at u.n. security council but i don't think that the power of china can be used as an excuse for the international community not taking action there are lots of measures that can be taken even if china will not support them or you know continues to block but
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it's in no way certain that china will do that you know china china's priority is stability on its border with burma it wants access to a you know trade visa losses and so it remains to be seen how that will play out but again you know that person of china's approach doesn't stop other action that can be taken by the international community and should be taken as a matter of urgency and that's not happening thank you so much for joining us on a roberts from the campaign u.k. . germany is extending its coronavirus shutdown by 3 weeks until the 28th of march but some restrictions will be eased to allow nonessential stores and other businesses to reopen in areas with relatively low infection writes chancellor merkel and regional leaders have agreed on new measures intended to offer hope that life will soon return to some kind of normality. on the streets of berlin the government's new step by step plan met with little criticism even some sympathy.
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to understand i don't want to you mrs merkel shoes i couldn't do it any better that's why i'm cautious with it just as i'm thick. it's going to step by step isn't that it's the only way to do it if i wanted us i don't know what the alternative is opening everything up again i think you have to do it partially simply because the people want to see some restrictions easy problem mr. but there was also a fair amount of confusion critics say the careful opening strategy that angela merkel and state leaders agreed on this too complicated. but it was actually sang have to say that what's written there is pretty unclear very confusing it's almost as if people aren't supposed to understand what's meant to happen and. restrictions will be eased in 5 steps each dependent on infection rates remaining below a threshold of between $50.10 per 100000 people access to certain services will
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also be based on a negative corona test to make this possible people in germany will get at least one free rapid test a week and to boost germany's slow moving vaccination campaign jabs will soon be available at many family doctors. this strategy marks a significant shift from the chancellor's very cautious approach to the pandemic in the past. then. you know we're at the threshold of a new phase of the pandemic in annoying. the plan the meat it's a phase which we can't go into carelessly but i think it's important to say with justified hope. the plan has already come under fire from opposition politicians which might not even if 3 percent of germans have been vaccinated with both doses and despite that what
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they've decided to open up even though enough taft aren't available yet doesn't. fire all of just a warning that with infection numbers inching up again and new more infectious variants spreading fast the government's new opening strategy could prove very risky. pick up on some of those points with a political correspondent to need a hearty welcome leader let's let's start with the lockdown strategy does the science support the log in the way that the chancellor has described or is this more about politics and people's frustration well talk viral exists in this country have already come out as saying that they're warning that if it's not done carefully we could run into the 3rd wave which could potentially hit germany very hard and of course from a medical virological viewpoint it would be better to keep everything starts and not any contact at all so it's clear that i'm going back on the state leaders on
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wednesday had to strike a balance between virological economic and also social aspects so yes a lot of it has to do with people's frustration with how long this has gone on but financial reserves are running dry and people are exhausted and above all the numbers have been rising despite this 3 months locked out and so people are demanding different solutions so the solutions that were announced yesterday what sort of difference is that going to make to day to day life for germans. basically we saw in this report that the new rules are very complicated and the bottom line is you need to know just where your local area stands in terms of new infections and depending on that figure your regional government can then decide just which areas can reopen or which areas will also have to be subject and with that emergency break so brought their chart with me i couldn't resist because it is so and we've got 5 steps here and here in berlin for example where we are we're below
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100 new infections per 100000 people in one week and that means that our regional government can allow for museums to open from next week onwards with a clear hygiene concept and then we need to wait 2 weeks and see whether the numbers a stable and if they remain under 100 then building can allow for alto dining if people bring a negative test result with them and so on but it is very hard to understand and the opposition is slamming the crisis management on the communication of the government as a total disaster this chart for example is only available in other languages. good news germany's vaccination no thorgeir has approved the use of the astra zeneca coronavirus corona virus vaccine over 60 five's so how much difference is that likely to make to what has been a very slow vaccine rollout it has been a very slow vaccine roll out against the health minister is under tremendous pressure to keep his job the opposition want him to resign and of course they
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snooze is very good news because it will hopefully help ease the supply constraints which have also led to this slow vaccine rollout in this country because of course we're here in germany we're working with priority groups when it comes to vaccination the vast majority of people in the 1st berty group where the elderly and they could be vaccinated with astra zeneca so far that's not going to change and so that is very good news being political correspondent thank you so much. 2 countries with high obesity levels have alarmingly high coverage 19 death rate said new study by the world peace the federation shows fatalities are 10 times higher in countries where more than half the population is overweight scientists are calling for obese people to be prioritized for vaccination. world obesity federation's chief executive officer is join a role study and she joins us from boston massachusetts i mean i should start it's
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a welcome to the w where is this problem of obesity and deaths where it's at worst. it's worst actually here in the united states it's also in the u.k. and in many european countries also in mexico and in brazil and a few other middle income countries but it's particularly highly correlated again and in a small handful of countries where the death rates have been highest rise and so you talk about the u.k. and the united states. in there so clearly having money is no doesn't sort of shield you from this absolutely not so the obesity rates are rising all over the world there's no country that does not have a growing challenge of obesity and in many many of the lower income countries the rates are rising but we were very surprised at how highly correlated sort of you know higher income countries was with both of the city rates and public deaths and
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and similarly that out lower than the 10 countries or the lowest rates of cover gets overwhelmingly had low low it's of obesity as well for both india and vietnam to many other countries in africa and asia but it didn't we already know this didn't we already know that there is a correlation between. obesity i mean if you are obese you are more likely to be have a greater chance of a premature death anyway so this 50 sounds like stating the obvious. now i think i take your point but no it's absolutely not because we're finding that people of the obesity have you know as much as twice and twice the likelihood of death from from that but you see this is a policy failure in many respects every country in the world agreed in 2013 to physically flatten obesity prevalence to say this is a this is a challenge we need to take on and we need to take action and in fact no country in the world is on target to meet this sort of obesity prevalence targets that were
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taken at the u.n. with the 2025 deadline so i think it's policy in their show. almost more than any than any single sort of individual biological cause that's that's causing this and and the perfect storm of a pandemic that takes a population that's already vulnerable to.


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