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tv   Frag den Lesch  Deutsche Welle  March 5, 2021 12:45am-1:00am CET

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female artists who championed women's causes this time in kenya with wright hurt so kids rather than are well since 2019 the belly not a has been on course to showcase more films by female directors and to achieve more diversity in general all this year with a vastly reduced program due to covert to the tally comes in at just over a 3rd for films held by women and here are 2 examples from iran and from germany. you can talk. about. he's extremely polite but a bit stiff and somehow uncanny but that's no wonder since tom is a robot he's meant to be a partner for alma best finish and i've read in the abstract think this idea is very much of the moment in
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a world that doesn't fact have humanoid robots. but at the same time it presents questions for which we maybe don't yet have any answers for life and for. didn't. escape. from. passing mention of ashton what i had thought of him among us and alma is meant to write a report for an ethics commission about whether tom the robot is suitable as a companion or not. and tom does everything he can to make life for a heaven on earth but i'm a is a really interested in romantic gestures like strawberries and champagne in a candlelit bath it soon becomes clear that from a human perspective tom is simply too perfect. thank you does this in for she did i think there are moments in this film that hold up a mirror to the viewer lets you see yourself as a human being through tom's eyes and simply have to admit that humanity is
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sometimes very strange indeed that food is. in our food a busy behind and hunger in the machine so it's perhaps inevitable that the human android pair end up in couples therapy i'm your man is cleverly funny and it avoids the overly broad humor that usually characterizes german romantic comedies but like its humanoid lead tom the film is a bit too predictable the basically inventive story could have used some unusual twists. from a german romantic comedy to an iranian drama in ballad of a white cow menas husband has been convicted of murder and executed now it's emerged that he was in fact innocent and there's been a miscarriage of justice. i'm
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sorry. now mina is on her own caring for her hearing impaired daughter with very little money the film by director and lead actress mariam is a cry for help it was traits poignantly how hard women have to struggle against injustice and inequality and not just in iran. putting a spotlight on films by female directors at this year's barely nala and let's go over to my colleague scott roxboro in bonn to talk about a few more high scots incredible range of really interesting theme male voices this year and there's one that's been hotly awaited of course because. who and press us all with portrait of a lady on fire she's back with a new film tell us about it. yeah this this film is called by the moment and it's premiered here in berlin online this week it's very interesting for. people who
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know her work because this is a time travel movie it's about 8 year old girl who's visiting her mother's old childhood home and she's outside in the back in the woods and then she meets another little girl who's the same age as her but has the same name as her mother and she sure realizes this is her mother it's her mother from the past and they became become friends and the girl has an opportunity to get to know her mother in a different way and maybe develop a new relationship with her ok so this is fascinating because this is a i mean such a different take on a time travel movie than than a male director would technically do want to thank you. definitely i mean this isn't back to the future or this isn't a christian olden time travel movie i mean you know flux capacitor is or time machine gizmos here none of the sort of mechanics of time travel that i see in a lot of these male directed movies you know here here it's all about emotion it's all about the connection between this daughter and her mother and and about their
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relationship and i was talking to the directors and she earlier and she said that for her the real time travel machine is within us it's in our memories it's in our imagination and and that's what you want to bring out with this film really fascinating perspective now there's another film that's kind of similar in a way because it's also about a mother daughter connection tell us about the film entitled memory box. yeah this is also interesting it's a it's a french lebanese production and in some ways it's very similar in theme to. though a very different story it's a young girl in in montreal your old hometown a lebanese a daughter of a lebanese immigrant and she discovers a memory box a box of old letters and photos from her mother that she wrote during when she was her age during the lebanese civil war the 1980 s. and as the daughter is going through these images and these these letters she
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started to try to imagine what her mother must have been like when she was a teenager and she was her age the film also uses a really interesting visual trick because the daughter scans the photos with her her cell phone and animates them so that in a way she's literally communicating back and forth with with her mother in the past i talked to directors of this movie and they said it was based on a real story because they had that kind of memory box from the mother and their daughter discovered it and she started going through it and started reading what her mother was like when she was her age and started questioning what the stories of you've been telling me it was very much is fired by real life what a brilliant technique now scott one more question we're still a long way from 5050 but would you say these efforts to achieve gender balance at festivals are generally having an impact on what you can see. i think there are definitely having an impact i mean. a lot more films are being made by women and more importantly law films being made by women are getting seen and recognized i mean we saw just this past weekend that chloe so became only the 2nd woman to win
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best director at the golden globes a lot of the front runners for this year's oscars are women as you said we're still a long way from parity writings just 38 percent of the films in the delano are directed by women but progress is being made and it's so good to see and certainly amazing to get these new perspectives thanks so much scott we'll speak to tomorrow after we hear who's won the golden bear. looking forward to well revel girls and women in the world certainly needs more of them not fly in honor of international women's day we asked our correspondents around the globe to profile some women artists that they feel are making a difference and this time we're in africa where 2 kids well vanna a winner of the good to madonna last year in 2020 does just that. i want you to give money coming to you from kenya's capital nairobi and despite the fact that the person we're about to meet was not actually born here she does thrive in creative institutes such as the one that we're standing next to but it's actually had
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a literature that she hopes will be able to cut across boundaries reaching young girls across the continent and challenging young women such as myself. and other pain that. gets my goat. when i get referred to as black african right that i'm like how. why must i have business or what you call it was what i did i want to be a good writer. so case where vanna is unafraid to speak her mind born in zambia and now based in kenya the south african is a novelist children's book writer journalist and publisher she also founded in curated a pan african online literature festival in response to the covert 1000 lockdown she's prolific and multi-talented and her energy seems inexhaustible how does she
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juggle her many interests with very little sleep. i think if you love something you always make time for it her writing almost always has a political subtext her debut novel the madams was published in 2006 it's the story of 3 well off middle class women in post apartheid south africa torn between career and family traditional and modern female roles in today's world i'm essentially prof of your beauty i.q. very profitable and i'm very pro women and i think with generally comes out in my books what those 3 all have in common it's about identity. i'm writing for readers but more importantly i'm writing for people will say oh reading is boring and i'll fair i've got a book for you finish once i finish one page and told me that. writing is opinion
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in she's not afraid to take a stance supporting young readers and writers is something especially close to her heart. i don't want my generation to be the last generation of writers you know i always to myself to be able to hold on and bring younger generation of writers and give them voice and give them the platform. in 2020 suki's where vanno became the 1st african woman to win the go to medal making her a role model for aspiring writers. or when you're an artist you want to be on just speaking to one people it means a lot where it can resonate with with somebody in berlin or with somebody in munich with somebody in brazil and as a publisher one of her top priorities is amplifying african voices but maybe we
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need more voices that are more visible a lot of african countries are only going to 60 years from colonialism we're still growing we are story. for more than a year now kenya has been struggling with the pandemic here 2 women in particular who bear the brunt of it so it is what the owner has a special message for them for international women's day. this is a message to the sky. may we get the recognition we deserve for all then suddenly now we do and may we and our allies and learn the patricia habits that allow us to celebrate mediocre contributions by men or excellent contributions by women i wish you all a reflective and empowering 365 days this women city. words to resonate on international women's day coming up on march the 8th that's next
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monday and on that empowering note it is time for me to sign off to visit our website in the meantime we have more on from about suitcase of honor there and we hope to see you next time on tell badman to go well and just from us here in berlin i'm screwed to the feet of the.
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to the point showing opinions clear positions international perspectives. pope francis is visiting war torn iraq a country city to the cradle of christianity brings with him a message of peace and reconciliation but who will be listening in iraq with a christian population has been decimated to find out also the point. to the point . of being 3 minutes on d w. do you think you did and subjected to. the bomb rituals are used to try and change their sexual orientation among gay men and women all over the world. on the business is how dangerous it is to be in response to actually. showing president examples of global homophobia. in 75 minutes on d
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w. children to come to. one giant problem and nearly get in on the scene the people you've. been denied a name to lead the change in lately god give me. how will climate change affect us and our children come. and d.-w. dot com slash water. staying up to date don't miss our highlights w. program online w. dot com highlights. small acts who can aspire big change the people making. it go africa fantastic. join them
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as they set out to save the environment learn from one another and work together for a better future. many cars do you all for tuning in for. on d w. this is news and these are our top stories authorities have increased security at the u.s. capitol after police revealed evidence of a potential plot to breach the building capitol police have also requested that the national guard extend its deployment out the complex for 2 more months a mob of donald trump supporters.


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