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tv   Indias Nomads  Deutsche Welle  March 5, 2021 10:15am-11:00am CET

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called the x. project there was no real problem with social distancing they were outside of course most of them were math stuff anyway the extreme sports included snow wind surfing speed riding snowboarding and snow kiting. up next on the w. dock filming india's no maps i'm sorry kelly in berlin thanks for watching. different on the islands of. here women are in charge of the archipelago has had a matriarchal system for centuries. do. differently. seems a little rain starts marching on t.w. .
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my name is dino opal. i was born on portal for the england but i have an indian mother. 10 years ago i came to mumbai the center of the indian film industry to pursue my acting career. i quickly discovered that 2 different worlds coexist in india on one side the open class a booming economy high rise buildings but how some of the richest people in the world on the u. of a community is trapped in poverty who cannot progress with the rest of society. this is the story of one of those communities.
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my work in india has taken me to many places and one of my favorite locations is register. i love the way they have preserved the heritage and culture the magnificent monuments forts and policies. but after many years of being here i realised that i had only touched the in the if i was exposed to in my daily life. i decided i needed to explore the side of india if i didn't know. and register i often saw a nomadic communities who seem to be leading a totally separate life from the rest of india's developing society. not mixing
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with others awful. you see them traveling on that bullock carts looking like people from india from centuries ago as though they have been trapped in time. i discovered that they are called by guardiola ha's goddy is the hindi word for caught on the hot meaning laughs. i really wanted to learn more about these interesting people and hopefully discover a side of india. i knew nothing about.
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my journey started in jake or the big city. i wanted to find out from the local people what they knew about the guy on a hoss. gotti aloha man they are not nice people why are you wasting your time with them they're not worth it if you take my advice leave them alone. why are you looking for those worthless people they talk to tourists like i could lead. i. i go i don't like these people they're not good people they sit at home doing nothing they don't work and they pick on tourists like you did to get out that. let's not talk about them but i did say. i
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have all the reactions was really negative flip that made me more determined to find out for myself. i was told that i was a god yada hot community who had such a comfort in a village called dawson not far from jay park. the next day i set off to find them . while i believe 10 people saw the top of the bus right there ok and now we have to slow down the physicality is just how do they cross the road this is. this i'm coming guys so we're just reaching the goal setting up. i say a little bit skeptical our you know i was expecting it to be. dirty and not clean but it's quite shocking actually. it's the seat belt outside help with the
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living. but. i never was told without a car that i. was on the back of the day i was sick and i think i thought. i was going to get what outlet that how that was going over there and on a good example i was after all of the negative comments about the guardian the hostile hurt i was nervous about how they would react to me i do what i do i was i i was like got out of the car everyone surrounded me i soon realized that i wasn't in any danger and that they were eager to tell me about how they have to live
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a little was ok i was. very good outside was a record of my wife and child live in the dark there are no services for us we have to bring water from a long way away and pots on our heads there are no bathrooms no toilets guardiola hands are the poorest of the poor we have no work. no matter the manner i mean you can see how we're living in slums most of us don't have proper houses a few do but most don't and we're living in the dark because we don't have the ration cards to get services connected and we don't receive any government benefits . there's no electricity connected here are the big cities have all the services like water connection we don't even have that gentleman's out we have to go in the bushes to go to the bathroom we don't have an a thing we don't even have water for washing we don't have houses to shelter us from the rains. we can't even cook the food we have to go to sleep hungry. there is
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a lot there are so many families living without it was just by the side of the group. we did a lot of take on. for 9 months while i was pregnant i was living on the road. looking at this. organization hard as it is. ok so this is one of the houses we come inside with me. to really know like honey i'm not been here she come in. we've got like 2 beds here we have one fun. lot of chickens in it. and there's a cot so. i just i don't know how people are living. right away i'm not going to come with me and i don't know. oh look at this see how
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we live. you know go to bed well yes there's a bit here if you're good. it's mother very good for you. so yeah this is one where. where you think 45 people will sleep there's no bed because there's nothing here it's just. the smell is so bad. yeah. this is the bathroom where we wash on this is through. yes. we get water in the bucket ok so they get the water from outside and they bring it here and they use it ok. but. there's absolutely no privacy you know the man or the women that do. men have to
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behave but everyone with absolutely no privacy at all. i was shocked by the living conditions that. this particular group of guardiola ha's had been comes on the site for several months living in their cots in tents making use of any hof built out houses or derelict buildings that they could. their wish is to be settled in one place but finding a permanent location is difficult they have no status on the authorities can move them or not i think i have heard it was i might have sold it out as i walked around it made me sad to see the deprivation in this community however it seemed that no matter how little these people had they were still making the best of their situation. keeping their large and extended families fed is a daily challenge for the guardian the house. was among the children.
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how old is he is 9 months. how many kids if you got just one this one ok. if you want him to go to school. right now i want him to study but we have no money we don't have enough money for food so how can we make him study apartheid. but if he could be anything he might be an administrator and stand up for our rights none of us are educated if my child studied he could be a good administrator. if. it had been a really emotional day. oh oh. 000000 . oh oh oh oh. as i left i wanted to give them some
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gifts. but. i was upset by their reaction because it made me realize how desperately poor they are the old and there are. a. lot of people go. oh no you're. going back that night i felt a deep sense of guilt and sadness i would have a comfortable bed but the guardians wouldn't. i wondered why in such a developing country i v's people living this way. i wanted to find out more detail about the guardian has our regions i did some research on the internet. the
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guardian of us forefathers came from the last state in register in the capital city she taught is the historic church walls are fort regarded as the best spiritual home. in the late 60 of century the kingdom i walked was my haranath atop the guardian a hoss where his loyal followers and the royal blacksmiths making weapons for the king and his army. they walked him under attack from the miracle emperor of while those army greatly outnumbered my run of the tops of worry and. in 1576 the battle of how they got into place i'm i have run up a top and his followers were forced to flee. but god your last word loyalty to my run of the top and chose to live in america lies on that one of cots they vowed never to return to she taught until the miracles were defeated. i discovered a piece of news film about big ideas. from 1955. india's premiere on
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mr merrill richmond made this unique procession through the town of god the story really began 400 years ago when the god you know i was all riled maximus vowed to live in a magical ice never even sleeping under a roof until last night it was literally a sad story but it's happy ending came when mr merrill has to the flag on the tricked out of to toss up actress half 1000 of them come home again in term time settling down to lead a normal life that much. this made me even more curious because the guardian has i had just met had certainly not settled down to lead a normal life. i decided to travel to talk at ford which played such an important part in the history. in 195500 near india's 1st prime minister of the guardian's 5 or it's inscribed on the stone plaque in chateauroux. in
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a ceremony at the fort he then released the guardian from that house. i could find no richard records of the guardiola house history so i wanted to see the stone for myself and discover exactly what the 5 ault's were. they took the following vows never to return to she taught never to live in a house never to sleep in a bed never to light a candle and never to drink water from a well they adopted a very simple nomadic lifestyle moving from place to place and living in the bullock carts for 400 years they followed their bows and remained faithful to their . 100 native who had also granted land i'm benefits to the guardians but sadly subsequent governments failed to deliver on those promises. it's really shocking that these people who fought for their country and were sold loyal to
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their leader might have run up the top honoring the oath for so many years and now living as a forgotten community. today of a god he has continued their traditional way as blacksmiths as they did from iran at the top centuries ago. this is that only source of income. many of the guardian a hoss still follow the tradition of living and traveling carts known as the goddy . guardian vault the god is a very important church marriage happens everything happens our children live in the arctic with or without them we are nothing guarded i love our culture and all bullets which are always with them we call it without a compass to the people living in them for generations i got a. job
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all my get out then is when we move to a place sometimes the village people don't let us play they hate us because we are a traveller can you take. some people hate us and some don't. have another thought we move on when we're not welcomed and when we get to the next place we ask if we can spend. their lives out there. that appears out of the internet we try to get permission and sometimes that's a start and work for a few days. off but then never know the jargon again the problem.
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i met a traveling cardiod the hard family who wanted to show me how they make their i knew tensile so i must know mr. why are you making. utensils for vegetables because of the down the line and. i fancy this that person is proud of you. ok. so how was it made. me burn coal in the rock pit at the rock fire and then we hammer it to make the ita. we work hard together she operates the fan to keep the fire hot then the final product is made of care. how do you sell this. is what we sell in the market in villages. we carry the items on our heads to someone in the villages and how much of the sell for. 50 or 60 rupees.
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how many do you sell of a. 6 or 7 or 8 a day. and when you go into the market next we'll go to morrow. i can come with it . you can join us if you want to go on the other side of the. god young women work hard play fetch the water make the food tend to the livestock and play an equal part in the blacksmith work. men and women share for labor. end up but this is my husband we're making tools together. that's all lovely here. trying to matter that none of us we both have to work to earn enough to live. and we need to
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eat. what else can we do to feed our children or cut back to. the guardiola hogs where once highly respected craftsmen are fine armory from iran to talk. but now their work consists of preparing and shopping tools and making simple household utensils and i for cultural implements. i went back to visit the family who had showed me how to make tools. i know it. was a 00. 070 but i love the
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money. so let's go to the market oh i looked but i'm ok oh god oh my god i'm not going to not tomorrow but i know. i. i. was. joking am 8 i made was. i. was. i think you going to set up here i don't know how when the family 1st laid out by tools on the street people crowded around i'm equally sold several items i thank. god. but i soon realize that it was my presence on the camera being bad. that was
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attracting the customers or it was good. so i'm going now. i i decided to leave and watch from a distance. once the camera was out of sight the customers disappeared. the family sat on the pavement for the rest of the day and all the song a few more items. must produce tools have overtaken makarios livelihood they cannot compete it has made them one of the lowest in the poverty line communities in india. their day of selling only made them around a 100 rupees just enough to buy vegetables for the next few days. if the guardians don't sell enough often they'll have to go hungry. i saw at differing levels of poverty in all the guardian the hard communities that i met but the ones that were
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still living a travelling life were in a chorus state then those who were settled. and no magic lifestyle is not sustainable in today's developing india. although released from their vows by prime minister neighbors it's clear to this day that some guardians are still influenced by the old staff or fathers talk from our run of the top. some do want a different life but they don't know how to live any other way. i found out that the guardiola hearts have a c. in your head of the community named god. so i travel to push to meet him. guessing what looks like for us. is a passionate advocate for the rights of the guardian a house. he has been struggling with the authorities and has an on calling campaign
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to secure designated land for some of the guardiola hard communities. i remember was talking about. tell you what happened the day before yesterday when i met the home minister of raja stan. i said to him give us a date for the inauguration of the marana pratap colony so that these people can get settled or. they set a date next month october 6th and we were happy that the home minister would come. around went on to tell me that the minister kept changing the date for the handover to land delaying the entire process. it was clear that the battle to improve conditions for his people is a very emotional one for him. that
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i took an oath that until i get these people settled and their children educated i want nothing more from life. as things are if they don't have money for food. they will go to bed hungry. they wouldn't steal or rape they stay away from crime. i believe that i was sent by god to serve this community. so i feel very proud to have been born here.
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in this country it's very difficult to fight for the rights of poor people. give maharani a prototype was alive today even he might have given up. this is how the situation is in this country for people like us they don't bother about a tribe of warriors who fought for their country. no one takes any notice of us they don't wonder if these people have food if they have a place to sleep that's just how it is. meeting with god over the game to understand the suffering that can come from not having the security of a permanent place to live. i met a family who have endured great hardship without a stable home one of the sons showed me where the family lived please come in.
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tell us you look beautiful. the record this thing that's for famous small the him and his brothers and his mom his dad has expired. where does everyone sleep there are one or 2 more beds like this. and your mom stays in here as well yeah. ok so i'll tell you how long have you lived here for 3 years. ok earlier we lived in sheetrock quote the jaipur development authority moved us out of there it was the height of the rainy season when they dropped us here it was raining heavily and everything got soaked we had no food we didn't need properly for 5 days we were given a few biscuits. well look we've had a lot of difficulties the g.t.a. said they'd provide us with everything but we didn't get anything at all we didn't even have water here we had to ask that neighboring houses for drinking water later
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there was a government bore hole nearby and all of us got together and paid to get a water connection from there. funny. how have they spoke to anyone in the government to try and help them though. have you tried to speak to someone when my dad was alive he tried but now no one listens to us they can come any time to move us from here to that's why we've shot x. because they can demolish all shelters any time. is not here what do you plan to do how do you plan to make money and keep the family fed just right now i'm in my last year of college so i'm looking for a part time job to cover the household expenses. and i'll get a full time job so the talk in the cough to my family. fun to ship this family to a house or to the left i have no living like this. this is the day if i get
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a well paid job i want to take care of the family i'll build a nice house for my mum and dad sorry my dad is deceased but i'll give my mom a better life. after having so many stories about the issues i want to supply i want to what is the government doing to improve matters. i managed to arrange a brief meeting with the minister of water i wanted to ask him if he could solve the problem at a particular location that i have been to. if you give me the name of the location i will arrange a water supply for them whether it's a hand pump or a tube well or will install a public stand pipe for water. tell me the location and in 24 hours i'll make the
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arrangement. and. when you come across locations like this just write to me then we will sort it out. oh yeah. i will sort it out. because it got a lot hard community there. they've got land but no water facilities. do an immediate want to supply arrangement in that area report back to me and let me know what arrangements you've made whether it's a hand pump or public standby. if there is no connection arrange it as soon as possible here no guardiola heart should be left without a water supply you know you are.
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for the next few days i tried to contact the minister to follow up on his month. but he was unable to take my calls. off until now no water supply has been provided at the location i told him about. big ideas are often overlooked. i wonder how can i ever change that destiny. on my travels i notice your school name the guardian the hard school. it was neglected in mt but no pupils this was worry and. i strongly feel that one of the ways they got here the hoskin to break out of this cycle of deprivation is by getting an education. but to do that schools need to be available to them and their god yes children need to attend them . i was able to meet the minister for education to discuss this.
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he told me many god he has not been educated. and this is the one reason they've gone all the borders of the education for them so there is a one of these a 2nd the the these communities moving from one place to 2nd place but they are in their economy or lately so that's where the utmost said please that is was there on the visa even those what. they also must be educated on unless until. they are their. mother or father they are not educated they will not send their children still their schools so far as to music way to educate their beings their own family members what is the importance of education. education is not for us we don't think that way we live in dust we eat dust dust the sound destiny studying is impossible schools are too far away we can't move
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forward. what's your name you go to school. why i look after the goats. you want to go smooth. do you never want to go early i used to go ok well then why did you stop here would take the guns out otherwise. your mum can do it. my mum takes care of the house. you want to go back to school says no but what you want to do when you're when you grow up and what could i be this way i'm going to teach. oh i visited your sexual god your family and she so low when i would go as far as
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that i wanted to know if having a house so much permanent to live made it more likely that big ideas would access education. oh yeah thank you very. much and i did find some guardiola hard families who see the importance of sending make children to school was and i am now christer how old is a. 2 years old. i spoke to priyanka and her mother that are not part of the our own environment where i study and i have an interest in history. i study my sister's studies and one of my brothers studies. my eldest brother studied until 10th grade. is the work we used to do meant that my father needed his help so he had to end his education about yoga but i. i don't know whether i would be able to study further or not but i think that if i do then
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i will become a doctor. people think that girls don't need to study because why should they when they will be running the enrolls homes once their marital our. body are you more level headed in our area when a girl is grown up her parents have to face questions from neighbors money like who will marry your daughter if she studies. how will you even be able to sleep having to keep such grown up daughters are they married why aren't they married yet. my mom tried to turn us away from getting educated and then she put a stop to studying i had to leave my school for almost 2 years and after that my father stopped and he's educated himself so he wanted me to go to school and he said i'll handle your mom you study so i went to school we have so many girls in our area but only 3 of us go to school let me go out there buddy. attending school
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can be difficult if you live in a calm. so i talk to sunday before your pupil letter both my friend asks me to his house but i tell him i live in a slum and he lives in a house so i can't go and i don't. like i want to be a teacher and help my parents build a nice house i pray to god to my power will be granted. if i get a teacher's job i can take care of everything. even though the guardian a hoss enjoy poverty posh living conditions and lack of education one really
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positive aspect to their lives is the importance of family. i was invited to a guardian a hard reading. not getting married today yes excited . to get. old. so often i was everybody related like this. so none of your suburban sisters these sisters and. and you're married yes been married. so she's not she's getting married today but we were married early and i know how many brothers how many if not by. 5 brothers thank you did you have a goal was to gather. 8 so that's a lot. so
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your daughter is getting married today how do you feel a little right in your heart inside i feel unhappy but what can i do. who wouldn't feel sad if your heart breaks a little in the end a mother is always so much. so if your daughter does not like the house when you get divorced and. if he upsets her then we'll ask the husband to treat her well so that they can live together happily cook nice food and have a good life. but if they don't use it accepted. the wife to leave and come back to the family if she doesn't want to stay she can come home if she wants to go back she can or if she doesn't we'll get home married elsewhere is it expensive getting your daughter's marriage. yes everything is expensive how much does a cost to get $250000.00 rupees so how do you save that money. going
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to poor people like us have to borrow money for our kids marriage and pay interest so in installments of 203-0500 rupees. we work hard to earn enough to pay it back. if we pay late will face some consequences of doing it all are you old guard ago. it was clear to me you've got a successful marriage having a big family and lots of children is important to the guardian the ha's way of life . to pay for a wedding like facebook puts the bride's parents in debt for years to come. it's a huge sacrifice but one my god the other half are happy to me. they only marry but in my own community. and the choice of partner is made by the parents.
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and. i. thank. the bride got voted in 10 minutes by the side of the body and stood up to the dog i haven't seen in years. this would be the 1st time that she would ever see her groom . was never that it was not about what i felt so privileged to have been welcomed into such a happy event. i remembered but i was
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told in j. paul before meeting the guardian laws that i should stay away and that they are dangerous and untrustworthy people. but what i found was the opposite. wow. wow. it was hard to understand the negative reputation that guardiola has seemed to have after the positive experience i had with them. i wanted to confirm how they are viewed by the local authorities i managed to get a meeting with the commissioner of police from j. poor i believe that this is. not. 'd all what incidents. really there is that this is the last or. they are goblins in many cases like. this in the but certainly i
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don't from this because. of all the just sounds and reasons of their. so that i don't think it would be. however hard the guardian a hard circumstances are they clearly do not turn to crime. they are in fact peaceful and hardworking a huge contrast to their reputation as a community. i went back to see the guardian a hoss but they had already been moved on. i really hope one day that these proud and warm people will get the recognition and the support that they deserve.
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to the point to strong opinions clear positions from international perspectives. hope francis is visiting the war torn iraq the country seat is the cradle of christianity is it brings with him a message of peace and reconciliation but who will be listening in iraq with a christian population has been decimated to find out on to the point to the point cut of the 19 minutes on d w. the finding against the coronavirus pandemic.
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has the rate of infection been developing. measures are being taken. what does the latest research say. information and context. the coronavirus of the coded special monday to friday. i was issued when i arrived here i slept with 6 people in a room. it was hard i was fair. i even got white hair is that. the german language. this gives me and they go but you need to entrust loads of say you want to know their story my goods are fighting and reliable information for migrants.
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this is the the view news live from berlin a year after corona virus forced china into shutdown its setting our plans to bounce back become to shift its focus from fighting the virus to longer term economical spurgeon also our plans electoral reforms that will tighten its grip on hong kong. also coming up activists in myanmar.


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