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tv   Fit gesund  Deutsche Welle  March 7, 2021 1:30am-2:00am CET

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africa will get developed when a guy is given the rights and chances left employees are women who fight. not just on international women. on t.w. oh. he'll. move handbags.
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in the eastern german state of brandenburg there are no fewer than 850 churches dating back to the middle ages if you visited just want to week it would take you 16 years to see them all we'll start our tour allows it's. either big. back shows the typical architectural arrangement of a romanesque village churches and brandenburg golf in the east you have the semicircular apps where the altar was situated and. then a rectangular space called the choir which was reserved for the clergy for by then the largest space of the whole complex the nave for the congregation and finally in the west a large tower defiantly offering protection. for. the
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windows and doors have around arches as was customary in the romanesque architectural period. but here in the state of brandenburg there are also pointed arches typical of the late middle ages you see them for instance at the top of the tower. but even big. back is a particularly beautiful example of a field stone church fieldstone churches are built from granite blocks that have been painstakingly cut to size so. an evenly shaped field stones had to be evened out to create layers of masonry as smooth as possible arranging the variously colored stones to create mystic effect was a big challenge. what makes the field stone churches so special is the variety of stones used in that it's not just one material at the stones very
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a lot here we have some that are reddish in color some are more yellow. then we also have black stones and green ones. when the sun shines on them the whole building appears to glow from the inside he's avoided for. christian settlers brought their faith to this traditionally pagan area and built these village churches. craftsman artists hailing from the low countries decorated the interiors with sculptures paintings and altars. the needle the. settlers were recruited from the lowlands. they were happy to relocate because living conditions were very tough at home here in the settled territories they were promised many freedoms for instance they didn't have to pay any taxes so
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enormous groups of pioneers crossed the elbe into the country to the lisa. the 1st churches were still made of wood like the houses but as the villages became bigger and more prosperous the christians began to build more stable stone churches building materials lay all over the fields lumps of granite left there since the end of the last ice age smoove by the glaciers the stones were like symbols of eternity they seemed to evoke the christian vision as it was that seeded this all the highest priority of this territorial expansion was to unite the population. that of course also applied to the indigenous laws. of the rulers considered it important to convert the local people to christianity. and when services were held in a place where slavs and 2 tins were living together of course they also worshiped together . but. at the beginning of the
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12th century the margrave of the north mark albert the bear cross the elder and took possession of the land to the east. the slavs who lived there were not killed but subjugated because the 2 tins needed as many people as possible to tend the land. in many areas of northern europe people left their homes because here in what is now the state of brandenburg living conditions were much easier. the country was sparsely populated and the new settlers were able to establish large farms. they also brought their priests with them and had soon built a church in every village often with the help of monasteries or the local rulers. at 1st they used stones from the fields but soon they were also firing bricks made of clay which is plentiful here. where there is a particularly beautiful example of
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a brick village church. the pastor opens the door for us services are rarely held here and the church is usually kept locked due to an exodus to the bigger towns. some of these abandoned churches hideaway truly valuable are treasures it was a hope visa but what makes this church exceptional are the works of art and it's very unusual for a rural environment where no artists lived before the works of art you see here probably came from the nearby monastery and then close to the scene a year here comes. this triptych a folding altar piece was only open on major feast days. the finally carved figures of saints embellish with gold more than admired and revere. the move to the door not in the center is the madonna carrying the christ child
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standing on a crescent moon with important female saints the catholic church depicted on either side of her i don't mind the highly kinky york then on the side panels st george slaying the dragon the highly good most serious and st maurice depicted as a person of color something quite exceptional shots. there's another outstanding work of art in this church. it's not itself an altar piece but the pedestal of one. of the paintings depict vividly imagine scenes from the bible. these simple stylisation brought the bible stories alive for believers. a few. let's look for instance at the scene in which jesus walks the damn souls out of the jaws of hell zeal. at truth there is an element of comedy about this it's an egregious
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a cool make the devil is shown looking very disappointed as the souls he thought he had secured are torn away from him. since even. some of the settlers were craftsmen who brought their skills to the new country forging for instance and the art of bronze casting. this enabled the settlers to produce all their own tools for craft work and agriculture. farming yields also increased thanks to the experience and teachings of the monks who shared their knowledge with the local population. in the heart of the german capital there's a museum with a model village for 50 years that has been giving visitors an impression of what berlin must have been like before it became a large city and that's not as long ago as you might think. the friends association was founded in the 1970 s. on a historical find the houses stand on
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a site that was here in the 12th century as excavations have shown we have practiced archaeology vs simulation which is something very important for our association to expose them to and that is they say we simulate how life would have been back then generating knowledge about how people use it has been wrong or work in the field how how traditional crafts were practiced and what clothes were worn out the visitors this brings the middle ages to life. the settlers were accompanied by monks most of them cistercians they shared their self-sufficient ideals and way of life with the other settlers people. knowledge of agriculture traditional crafts community work and medicine but above all their strong sense of togetherness and social unity. the settlers brought their extended families with them and in most of the villages germans and longtime slavic residents live together peacefully. the business cannot we don't know exactly whether it was
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a slavic or german village when in fact we may also assume that it was a mixed village in we definitely have fines from the slavs and we also have fines from the german with that so we show both we have slavic clothing and we have german clothing on. the new religion also influenced art within the 2 cultures often mixing the cultures together we'll cross a symbol of the sun was originally pagan. it became a symbol of the risen christ the light of the world. the covert 1000 pandemic which is change the world since 2020 has also changed church life in germany. attendance at services has been restricted and tourists have no longer been able to visit historical sites. the number of churchgoers per serving as has to be limited with visitors being required to wear a face mask and observe social distancing measures.
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even the few tourists that live in an abbey have to observe the regulations. ego enormously given that this cluelessness the founding legend of the monastery focuses on this point here is where you can see the remains of a tree that has petrified. the legend maintains that it was under this tree alive and among nature that the margrave laid down to take a nap after a strenuous ride treif. he was told in a dream to found a monastery here so he commission a bit seaboard to build 1 2. but the slavs killed the priest because he cut down a tree that was sacred to them and used its trunk in the building of the church. usually to frenzy both how the story of zeb old is preserved here in the church within a 500 year old painting which depicts the slaughter of siebold by the whens. goddess
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did. this isn't just a legend however as there is proof the construction on the monastery began in 118510 years after the death of albert the bear. during the settlement of brandenburg albert's son auto founded the cistercian abbey at lehman. from ct scans always in the cloister we can read the building history of the abbey church wonderfully by examining the masonry it's on the right everything is kept in the romanesque style with the round and crossing arches so it's freezing but then there comes a point where the romanesque architectural style suddenly starts up with me. 'd after the protestant reformation of $1517.00 the monastery was dissolved and the local rulers seized it for agricultural use. the buildings of the monastery then
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fell into disrepair. only the old greenery from the 14th century and the gothic entrance gate with its original clay bricks of surviving. in the 19th century the complex was completely restored in accordance with the same strict landmark restoration guidelines still used today. and then in the following years events for young and old have been organized in the abbey but since the outbreak of the coven pandemic locked and regulations are in force as seen here at this confirmation service. for this well this is the. first. as. many christians decide to baptize their children as infants. this signifies for them a permanent connection with the greater christian community. then as they proceed
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onward to confirmation as teenagers to become full members of the church. the confirmation service generally takes place in the presence of family friends and other members of the parish. we conduct the service in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit . jesus christ overcame. death and revealed life and eternal existence so now there are days reading for the 16th sunday after trinity is from some poems 2nd letter to timothy was the right choice . it's a v.m. and protest against death to the divine savior is mightier than death. that our faith encourages us to hold on to this trace and to trust in it it's how.
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in this letter between apostle paul and his disciple timothy paul exhorts the christian community to be faithful to the gospel today of course this xor taishan is addressed to the 2 young people being confirmed 2. how yes that's right the heart is more important than what we see what's the good of a beautiful appearance if deep inside the heart is ugly. this way i like good is a muscular physique if it has a cruel heart beating in it. the
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. was theirs. was what. was. there dear parents and godparents dear congregation whoever wants to remain in the faith and live in the christian community needs the help of the holy spirit and the whole community of billionaires. during the baptism ceremony godparents are named and tasked with aiding in the child's christian upbringing. officially this task ends with the child confirmation but for many it continues our special relationship for life. was the ones that make god father
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son and holy spirit help you on your way. may he give you strength to resist evil. and to give you his last stand joining us on men. confirmation means committing oneself to the christian faith. believe me given blessing marks the transition into the age of adulthood in the church. and presenting themselves for confirmation they've confirmed the promises made on their behalf during their baptism and become 4 members of the church. it is.
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taking family photos to commemorate the event is an important part of the process. this documents the important promises me during the ceremony. this year. unlike leanin abbey the oldest village church in berlin's item the infected district has largely been preserved. it looks much as it did when it was built in the 12th century by members of the knights templar. here to parish activities are being kept to a minimum in accordance with the lockdown regulations. in previous years the church was hosting many lively religious events in the autumn harvest festival in
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particular has always been quite colorful drawing hundreds of visitors. here about unfair and off. the visits church is celebrating the anniversary of our founding we don't have an original founding document but it was clearly a plot of land belonging to the temple i order you down i was a temple as the name suggests temple hauffe the. foundations of the temple order of temple hall fit as us order that's where the medieval knight sat and i believe that they provided the work then to build these village churches . to do that off. their studied theology here in 1964. of course and then peace germany that was considered almost exotic as she herself says. her main focus has been on the churches of brandenburg and she's
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especially fond of the fieldstone churches. the brandenburg village churches are very interesting structurally they're very old and have a certain permanent in that they've survived many national. calamities especially wars. it's hard to destroy a fieldstone church. cream. most fieldstone churches were built during the romanesque and early gothic periods the architecture is simple and there are almost always small village churches. you can also find romanesque churches in berlin they have stood here for 800 years did their 1st 300 years as catholic churches and leave until the reformation came and changed quite
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a bit the of the many things in the churches were removed and altered to suit its new role for. one of the most significant changes to these churches after the reformation was the replacement of the windows instead of the original small arched windows large windows were set into the walls so that the congregation could read him books and the doctrine by daylight while the catholic church conducted their services separately from the choir the focus of the lutheran church was on the sermon from the pulpit with a collective communion by the congregation in the middle of the service reason for people to stand in the main space for protestants is the name of the congregation gathers even though the village church of the endorphins pretty empty now because of the pandemic which has changed everything that only very few spaces are now allowed to be built by worshippers belleek. no construction plans of the altar or
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references to it have survived. being said when he ever traces of a previous building made of or would have been found under the church and these go back to the 12th century. so the mufti and felt the church could be one of the oldest in the region or was it this way. the darkness of the age the primary function of churches is to be a place for people to congregate. the protestant daycare center in the union has a long tradition. as early as 1925 the deaconesses of the mother house founded the 1st kindergarten here. parents and teachers didn't want the children to be deprived of harvest festival celebrations during the pandemic. yes not like guns are now really loud look here i'll give you the cue the order to go.
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on yes with all the. good. kind it's not as it can you sing it any louder so i can hear you i. was i. was. building was was. these are tight as i've said this celebration is called the harvest festival and it's always at the beginning of october this weekend celebrated in the churches and i'm going back home and when you come on sunday you won't tell me see flowers on
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the altar in front of it you'll see pumpkins and potatoes and call robbie how do i stop my i'm now look at town tiny these seeds. when and you all know how big an apple tree can grow. the apple has long been used as a symbol for sweetness. diamond. what then they get these beautiful red cheeks. oh i'm sure not i am such a beautiful apple tree and this is what humans did. martin luther is credited with saying if i knew the world was going to end tomorrow i would still plant an apple tree today. luther said this to encourage doing good now when god most of what lies ahead in the future. and comment. on why
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then the children were so happy to inherit the apples and they were delicious. in order to meet maintenance costs other cultural events are also held in the churches. in leanin abbey for instance rock concerts have been attracting young people for years. yet another instance of a new life behind old church was. a
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troubling. immerse yourself in complete tranquility experience the water against the ceiling above the way it's below and take. how it cannot. while i'm curious delicious romance. 30 minutes on t.w.
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. once revered a weapon now a despised beggar. the forgotten miles think idealogue. balanced by an inch an old name blown the countryside. by others abandoned by the government but still proud of their history india's nomads. in 75 minutes on w. by 2050 more than half the world will be living with limited water resources we haven't had to think about our war or worry about. i think that era is over this is the crisis of our time it's a financial product like any other financial we live in
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a competitive world this cold it's cool it's cold war peace to be free but the world is changing the most important commodity jumpers can be free say absorb water city or commodity starts march 22nd on d w. different. by lots of the south. here women are in charge. archipelago. as a matriarchal system for centuries. of society. differently. what. words. and horses stink this culture. plains of the rango starch marching on w.
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. what about the. plane. plane . this is e w news a live from berlin and united states senate passes a mammoth coronavirus relief package handing joe biden his 1st major legislative victory as presidents it includes emergency unemployment benefits and a direct payments for taxpayers but the sweeping bill totaling $1.00 trillion dollars was in fact i async.


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