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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 9, 2021 8:00am-8:31am CET

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this is news coming to you live from berlin an overnight standoff in myanmar's biggest city reports say some of the 200 students cornered by security forces. have been allowed to leave thousands defied a curfew to disrupt the crackdown we have the latest from go also coming up on his facts seen diplomacy of millions of jobs headed out to poor countries just goodwill good sport part of beijing's drive for global dominance we visit territory in congo where one woman has taken up arms herself after
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a lawless militia killed her family. the interview that shattered the royal fairytale prince harry and his wife megan opened up to oprah winfrey about their break from the british monarchy how will the palace respond to their damaging accusations including racism. good to have you with us. maher say some protesters have been able to leave the yangon district where they have been trapped by police witnesses say at around 50 people were arrested in the area overnight thousands of yangon residents defied the night curfew to gather on the streets to support the trapped demonstrators meanwhile in other parts of the country such as the southern city of dallas.
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thousands continue to defy military rule by law and crackdown on protesters has led to more than 50 deaths. for more let's bring in journalist aimin in. activists say some of those who were being pursued by police were able to to get away safely in yangon gone what about the other. so about 50 people were arrested in the downtown the township where activists were trapped we also know that in another part of yangon in downtown yangon about 30 people were arrested from their households so what we're seeing right now with security forces is that they seem to be targeting rank and file members of the l.t. party the national league for democracy which is the party that won the election in november of 2020. number of their leadership has been arrested and were arrested on the very 1st days of the coup but what we're seeing now is that they are targeting
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the people who are the most outspoken including union leaders frank about members of the winning party as well as the activists that they can find on the streets so that's what's happening in younger on the biggest city in myanmar what about other parts of the country where there have also been protests what can you tell us about the. so other parts of the country are seeing very many protests and the level of violence that we're seeing there really depends on both the type of protests that are being used by protesters as well as who's being involved in those protests so in certain areas like shan state and the state where there are ethnic armed organizations you do see that protests tend to be. very violent with the police outright killing people using live rounds to disperse people or they're quite say at least from security forces because you do see ethnic arm organizations accompanying protester protesters with soldiers who are armed and then in other
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parts of the country you do see a range of different forces being used by police and military in order to disperse people and to that yesterday we had at least 2 more people who were killed. the protest movement holding up in terms of trying to achieve what. do the protesters still believe they're going to be able to win concessions from the military. so i think the important thing to remember about the anti coup movement is that it's not just people on the streets protesting it's also a broader movement of civil disobedience and. the testers as well as government workers who have essentially declared themselves unaccountable to the military regime have been able to get quite a number of successes for example they've been able to force many public as well as almost all private banks to close this fight the military putting out orders. as
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well as enticements to try and get the banks to reopen and there's also been able to largely stop international trade with the mark being a country that is heavily reliant on exports for its economy and so you know what we're seeing number of successes from the protesters side even as they are facing this kind of violence so it remains to be seen how successful the overall movement will be. human terms journalist and young go on thank you very much for that update . thank you for having me. now let's catch up on some of the other stories making headlines today around the world. fong kong has announced plans to overhaul its elections the beijing promoted plan is to ensure more quote patriots are in charge additional reforms will target schools in an effort to instill more loyalty to china among younger generations critics say the changes are focused on destroying the pro-democracy movement. police in mexico city have used tear gas against
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demonstrators at an international women's day march the government had put up barricades in front of the national palace to contain the protests several police officers and demonstrators were injured in the clashes. european parliament is set to announce whether it will lift the political immunity of former catalan president pushed him on to other parliamentarians it could pave the way for their extradition to spain they fled to belgium 3 years ago fearing arrest after holding an independence referendum that madrid said was illegal. dozens of countries are looking to china to rescue them from the covert 900 pandemic that's because the chinese government has pledged to donate nearly half a 1000000000 back scenes worldwide after its failure in handling the initial outbreak and spread of cut it 19 beijing is eager to repair its image in the world vaccine diplomacy could potentially be the face saving tactic to change the
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narrative and expand its drive for global influence. in a europe ravaged by covert 19 this is what hope looks like belgrade serbia waiting in line for liberation from the pandemic but these injections are about more than public health they were flown in from china to a presidential welcome chinese state t.v. on hand to capture the moment just the latest part of a massive pandemic rebranding exercise that mixes medical assistance with dissin from asian absolutely. quite sustain after all so to try to spin the debate in a way that many look like a star in china and china was you know the 1st country to report that what's happening here is something that goes well beyond the pandemic and far exceeds the scope of china's official diplomatic missions like here and. it's
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a much bigger campaign foad lobel influence has been building up the years i will continue long after the pandemic is over. the most visible driver of this is the belton road initiative a project spanning more than 100 countries that is redrawing the map of china's economic power in a single region in europe chinese funds of poor ring into highway bridges in montenegro a coal fired power plant in bosnia and a giant seaport in greece that may yet become the largest in europe. and you can see signs that these investments can translate into political influence like at the united nations human rights council where china won a show of support last year for its controversial suppression of freedoms in hong kong 4 out of 5 countries backing china has signed up to belton wrote these efforts to shape global perceptions come right from the very top. china's
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president xi jinping was the opening speaker at this year's virtual davos meeting exuding confidence and positioning beijing as the world's greatest champion of global cooperation and their strong desire to show us up here already are you know the chinese. too said to give. examples that show why perhaps i'm a 20 a century democracies were huge and useful and good but now for the 21st century vienna only systems that are really suitable to face the challengers of the century are systems that are closer to the chinese. u.s. president joe biden has made his debut on the world stage for him to push back at that idea saying to mock received will and must prevail. and germany's angela merkel says that the west must now engage in this unfolding competition that's up
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to somebody it's important that it's not only china and russia by delivering vaccines to developing countries the and fix them stand there isn't 50 it might seem like madness that lining up for a vaccine can mean picking sides in a geo political battle but that is shaping up to be our new reality a battle for influence and even ideas about nothing less than how to run the world . a report by w.'s chief international editor richard walker who joins us now richard we heard in your report the beijing is promoting a culture narrative about the origins of the pandemic trying to convince people it didn't start in china is it gaining any traction with that effort. rarely to say in this phase where we're talking about supply mysie at the moment obviously this is really only just begun but the latest research that we do have from just towards the end of last year from pew research to show that actually in
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western countries or countries that are members of the kind of democratic community of the west you have a massive image problem so negative in fallaway sions of china in the u.k. in germany in the netherlands in sweden in the u.s. and south korea in france in canada in australia and japan and all of those countries over 70 percent of respondents over 80 percent in some cases said that they had negative china and this isn't all about the pandemic a lot of this goes back to things that have been happening over the last couple of years the real surge you see over the last 2 or 3 years talking about what we see the suppression of political rights in hong kong accusations of genocide over actions jang against the muslim minority there within china so there are a lot of reasons for these negative views of china at the moment but they're the covert pandemic certainly been police is kind of icing on the cake. china's vaccine
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diplomacy which we saw there in europe or is obviously making some inroads up particularly in developing countries critics may point to questionable ethics there but isn't it true that china is filling a gap that western countries have not. that's absolutely right terry mean if you look at the vaccination situation in the west particularly in europe it's really not a pretty picture and 2 ways 1st of all governments are getting a cheese particularly in europe of being far too slow vaccinating their political ations getting vaccines rolled out far too slowly and but at the same time if you look at the actual numbers european governments are massively prioritizing their own people and so the united states compared to say the developing world now there is this international initiative called kovacs which has a lot of very high profile sign ups germany is a very prominent supporters pulled quite a bit of money into that but kovacs is just announced its latest its 1st rather initial allocation of vaccines to developing countries around the world they're
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talking about an allocation of 237000000 vaccines well think about what the european union has orders it says it's ordered 2600000000 for the european union alone so 237000000 for the developing world 2600000000 for the european union rep so you're right there is a wide open door that china and of course russia as well a walking through. should we expect this crisis richard to allow china to expand its foothold in europe. well of course we've been talking quite a bit about developing countries that china's its vaccine drive and its built roads initiative kind of primarily focused say on the global south you could say but it's also looking at countries within central and eastern europe sort of countries that are i thought on the periphery of the european union or relatively new members of it take hungary for example a victoria and strongman prime minister of hungary recently. became the only e.u.
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leader to order the sino farm vaccine chinese vaccine into angry he took a shot of it himself saying that he trusted it more than the west in vaccines and that is a show. huge boon for the chinese government that some think that they can play back home to to the domestic audience showing his a western elisa saying that they trust. but also that he's a foothold within europe and that is something that we've seen over recent is china trying to kind of pick whole countries within europe that they can build favorable relations with countries that can then support it's an international forum like we saw in the report that and chipping away at the unity of the west which is very much a long term objective of china and also russia richard thank you so much steve w.'s richard walker that. singling out some of the other developments
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in the krona virus pandemic worldwide the u.s. centers for disease control say vaccinated people can gather with those at low risk for the coronavirus without masks but should still cover their faces in public a lab study found the body on tech pizer vaccine was effective against a more infectious variant 1st found in brazil new zealand has opened its 1st large box nation clinic after keeping the country largely free of the virus. well the democratic republic of congo has suffered years of conflict dating back to the massive refugee crisis and spillover from the 994 genocide in neighboring rwanda a complex web of armed groups now controls the eastern part of the huge country in central africa it's difficult for outsiders to visit there but mario games rare access to rebel held territory she met one woman who's bearing the scars
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of war but with a glimpse of hope from now on it's what they call its no man's land because not the government and also no specific rebel group controls this area that makes it also quite dangerous the right i mean this is. begins. on a regular basis. we're on foot the beauty of the landscape cannot distract from the constant fear of kidnap being caught up in fighting. as soon as we get close the rebel militia sends an escort to take us to that base. one of them as. she joined the militia almost 20 years ago after another group attacked her village the men killed her parents with machetes 6 of them raped her she was just 15 she'd already been married the same group had killed her husband. i felt defeated my
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life had defeated me i saw what they had done to me and how they killed my family i couldn't continue my life like it had been. so i decided to become a fighter and drive them out. given the chance she chucked them on the spot she says. when a former teacher began recruiting people to take revenge she joined him many in her group survived similar. it's a militia of traumatized damaged young people. they killed my father they killed everyone in my family that's the only reason i became a fighter. for terry venge and survival they control around 20 villages in the area security for food in a deal they say is consensual but we saw our local people running in fear from them
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the idea of consent is complicated for everyone. it's only when we are alone that number for either says this. i hear that other people run away from the group but i think how can i run i have no one to help me i have no land i have no one who could help me build a life. she would like to trade her gun for the life she had before as a farmer in english or the my shop there i would have had a good life with my husband one like other people have but that was taken away from me so i would look at that. now she poor as what hope she has in her children that they will have choices one day. what the neuberger what if god blesses me i could at least give them an education of their blessed at least that i can never get another job so i cannot help them by myself the level of
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safety. there reporting from eastern congo. in the u.s. city of minneapolis jury selection is moving ahead for the trial of the white police officer charged in the death of george floyd prosecutors are seeking murder charge against derrick. which could delay the trial lawyer a black but in may 2020 after sheldon knelt on his neck for 9 minutes a case reignited a national debate over policing and racism and locals are organizing for change. who tired of witnessing police brutality against black people 27 year old jerry yates tanta activism today he's one of the organizers of protests held in minneapolis as the trial of the death of george floyd begin. we want to weigh in a world where people who murder civilians go to jail if faced consequence. we
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want to live in a world where cops can just do whatever they want our community the national guard has been deployed around the courthouse where on the 18th floor former policeman derrick shareef stands accused of killing floyd in may last year. floyd died sprawled in front of this shop shaven had pushed his knee into the full she 6 year old's neck for about 9 minutes straight and he was unable to breathe the site has become a shrine for the black lives matter movement. probation officer del wilson is confronted with discrimination against black people day yet he's hopeful that things will finally change i've never seen anything like that in my life 34 years old i've never seen so many people bruised crews colors nationalities come together
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and just under protest that type of violence against. any group of people floyd's death gave rise to calls to defund the police but crime is on the up in many u.s. cities including minneapolis chasings the sun lies in better oversight and a fundamental change in the perception of black people by authorities. there is no resources for any sort of community led initiative to reduce violence on our own there's no resources for housing there's no resources for getting food to people that are insecure because of cove there's always money for brutality but there's no money for the things that we actually ask or. the protesters are demanding a tough sentence for sheriff and the reform of the police force only justice they believe will bring real change. now to the prince his wife and
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what the world is talking about britain's prince harry and his wife megan have spoken on t.v. about their intense struggles with royal life most of what they had to say winfrey has shocked the world and very likely buckingham palace to hear some of that interview 5 advocated for so long for women to use their voice and then. i was silent. were you silent or were you silence the latter but i knew that if i didn't say it that i would do it and i just didn't. i just didn't want to be alive anymore my biggest concern was history repeating itself when i was about before or numerous occasions very publicly so when i asked the question why did you leave the simplest answer is lack of support from lack of understanding prince harry raised in
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a palace in a life of privilege literally a prince how you were trapped within the system where the rest of my family oh my father my brother they all tromped a london correspondent of course has been following this story for us big it hasn't been any reaction from the royal family to that interview yet you know a lot of details and a lot of spilling the beans terry no official reaction from the palace yet the queen had apparently said before the interview was broadcast that she was not even going to watch it bought to have been cause for a reaction from the paris for example from the palace for example the leader of the opposition in parliament the labor party he said that dresses are you know should not exist in this country and in fact he called for for something like an
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investigation so so there is growing pressure on the palace to actually say something and one thing that really stood out in this interview was the allegation of racism in the royal family let's listen in to the salient parts of that and also concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might be when he's born . what and who who is having that conversation with you it's a whole the whole doubt there is not a right balance there are several conversations a conversation with you with harry about how dark your baby is going to be. potentially and what that would mean or look like who. so we're left not knowing who made the comments about archie's
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skin color in effect casting the entire royal family in a racist light does that not put tremendous pressure on the queen to publicly address the issue of racism. indeed it does because there is speculation of who would have said that harry had made it clear that after the interview that it wasn't a grandmother the queen or the duke of edinburgh however there's of course speculation who would have said something like that who would have maybe had a problem with. skin color and you know did there is of course that is the one of the greatest allegations in this interview the allegations of racism almost institutionalized racism how it came across together with the mental health issues that magen had touched on and yes there was a lot at the palace won't like
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a lot of details of how life is a whole life out for the couple when the palace how they felt their west stifled elyse and how there was a fear of the tabloids they were basically ruling the life of the royals and having a really strong grip on everything they do but it's really the racism that stands out very good thank you very much. there in london. streamliner the top story we're following for you here today on d w news reports say some of the 200 protesters trapped overnight by security forces in galling to have been allowed to go free around 15 were arrested thousands defied curfew to disrupt the crackdown by police. are watching t.w. news from berlin coming up next it's d.w.
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news africa with my colleague told me all that. there's also more course on our web site at t w dot com any time you want i'm sorry marsha thanks for. the flood.
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plain. kickoff. ghost town atmosphere means listless play stuff from the. looks of guns fundamentalist flights assessable. non-stop excitement in the final match the. window seat cut. to go. on d w. t f tuning poverty only to end up in the
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german brothel and some women from eastern europe are forced into sexual slavery. for them help is hard to come by but in the southern german city of mannheim there is even support from a committed women's rights activist exploiting the former close of. 60 minutes on t.w. . more than a 1000 years ago you're a witness is a huge construction boom. christianity firmly established itself. both religious and secular leaders point the finger to display their power . to trace began. and create the
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tallest biggest and the most beautiful structures this is how massive churches are created. cultures the feed rolls starts april 12th on d w. matchday $24.00 had plenty of do or die encounters because the relegation battle the european spots and of course the tie.


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