tv Kick off Deutsche Welle March 9, 2021 2:03pm-2:31pm CET
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harry took over and that there have been internet blackouts as well and as we mentioned media have had their license since revoked so what is that meant for you are you still able to broadcast at all or report. steve. over satellite we got a terrorist or air. broadcast license from the ministry of information and yes that is a pm and military. type of tenants and no law revoked their lives and now we are not allowed to do any real world in our and the media platform and of course there are from the day 11 military. pulled up a lot of. terrorists you have broken says doubt but we managed to report back on satellite and sort on social media. about that we already got journalists arrested you know one inmate and one in and just now you know dead at c.b.s.
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and has got arrested again most recently yeah journalist being arrested i mean how safe is it for you and your colleagues to be out on the streets reporting right now . no one is safe and the military government especially these days you know the guys up there or if i'm 4054 and around one done that day. we we've managed to report about these you know. these these abuses to the international community and united nation so dead so then you know i mean is that i get in media as one of those thailand a media outlet so this is you know on the street we've got it i mean if we where. we have got it and we were arrested and then that catch and the same day at the nighttime raid in may then no media. and media buys in and that's where one of my genitals got right at that time at his house it is troubling but not for she is not the 1st time that journalism in mar have been under this type of pressure i mean
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are you hopeful that these current protests the civil disobedience that we're seeing in myanmar might lead to more press freedom. i think that the military one elementary comment you know fast and they do they do this in our truth which is their army but in our troops and they are definitely thailand they're independent media and at the same time they produce demands and you know it's time for a lie and mis information once i get news and they are all media outlet what i worry is probably is that they may go back to present their chips and you know the media blackout like in the old days and the military boots you know where we used to say no news is bad news and so i did this is what the time at the moment i had already prepared that there of the 5 crackdown on independence mean. there would be no no more press free that i don't get at the same thing i mean to say that the i was.
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restored in that disciplined democracy i don't know how are they going to restore just a plant democracy without any by brand media in this country we'll have to leave it there tony for a lot from the democratic voice of burma thank you for sharing your perspective with us today. let's get a round up now of some other headlines former catalan president carlos squeezed them all and 2 of his colleagues in the e.u. parliament have been stripped of their parliamentary immunity it means they could face extradition over the $27000.00 cattle on independence referendum that spain says was a legal madrid says the decision shows that the issue must be resolved within spain and not at a european level. police in mexico city have used tear gas against demonstrators at an international women's day march the government had put up barricades in front of a national palace to contain the protests several police officers and demonstrators were injured in the clashes. and hong kong has announced plans to overhaul its elections the plan from beijing is meant to ensure more quote patriots are in
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charge additional reforms will target schools in an effort to instill more loyalty to china among younger generations and critics say the changes are focused on destroying the pro-democracy movement. all dozens of countries are looking to china to rescue them from the covert 1000 pandemic that is because the chinese government has pledged to donate nearly half a 1000000000 vaccines worldwide after its failure in handling the initial outbreak of covert 19 beijing is eager to repair its image in the world zak seen diplomacy could be the tactic to change the narrative and expand its global influence as chief international editor richard walker reports. in the europe ravaged by covert 19 this is what hope looks like belgrade serbia waiting in line for liberation from the pandemic but these injections are about more than public health they were flown in from china to a presidential welcome chinese state t.v.
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on hand to capture the moment just the latest part of a massive pandemic rebranding exercise that makes his medical assistance with decision from ation. right since the. after all so to try to spin the debate in a way that many looked like a star in china and china was you now the 1st country to report that what's happening here is something that goes well beyond a pandemic and far exceeds the scope of china's official diplomatic missions like here and. it's a much bigger campaign photo lobel influence it's been building up for years i will continue long after the pandemic is over. the most visible driver of this is the belton road initiative a project spanning more than 100 countries that is redrawing the map of china's economic power in a single region in europe chinese fans are poor ing into highway bridges in
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montenegro a coal fired power plant in bosnia and a giant sea port in greece that may yet become the largest in europe. and you can see signs that these investments can translate into political influence like at the united nations human rights council where china won a show of support last year for its controversial suppression of freedoms in hong kong or out of 5 countries backing china has signed up to belton wrote. these efforts to shape global perceptions come right from the very top china's president xi jinping was the opening speaker at this year's virtual davus meeting exuding confidence and positioning beijing as the world's greatest champion of global cooperation and their strong desire to show superiority are you know the chinese. said to give. examples that show
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why perhaps some of 20th century democracies were cute and useful and good but now for the 21st century vienna only systems that are really suitable face the challengers of the century are systems that are closer to the chinese. u.s. president joe biden has made his debut on the world stage for him to push back at that idea saying democracy will and must prevail. and germany's angela merkel says that the west must now engage in this unfolding competition that's up to somebody it's important that it's not only china and russia that are delivering vaccines to developing countries the fix them stand there isn't 50 it might seem like madness that lining up for a vaccine can mean picking sides in a geo political battle but that is shaping up to be our new reality
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a battle for influence and even ideas about nothing less than how to run the world let's talk more about this story now with francisco but now she's a member of the german parliament and spokeswoman for european policy with the opposition green party best but now welcome to d w good to have you with us again do you think that china uses its vaccines to gain economic and political influence here in europe. we must 1st of all be clear we need to get vaccines to all parts of this world and yes the chinese a whole by accident strategy with a geopolitical strategy but i think we should not complain about the chinese and really get our act together and get better su penes and the west together with the americans it's our own problem late we can't even get enough clout on citizens be alone for i don't parts of the world so you're not concerned by economic and political influence again possibly by using these vaccines i am
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concerned but i'm not happy that the only reactions i see from the german government from other governments is just to complain and what chinese and russians are doing because in the end it's up to half to show that we can do it if we can deliver and that's why we need to invest massively incorrect and capacity not just in europe but also outside europe to finance it to get our companies to pool great with local companies to produce more and that's really what needs to happen now we also need to have a vaccine sharing mechanism that is not just one of terry. defining it's and we have it right now and e.u. that wanted me will give and will share vaccines with the rest of the world so we have to show that we can really deliver and stop just complaining about others let's talk about this sharing mechanism here because china china is that seen diplomacy really has been a success in countries that don't have access to western vaccines and we have
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something here a quote from france's leading international relations expert bedtime buddy who said china has managed to present itself as a champion of the southern countries at a time when the north showed complete selfishness why is that why hasn't europe of lived up to its reputation here. your has also failed right way not just the saudis but also partly citizens because europe has been investing in the innovation that you know there is like you're a big biotech etc but it has failed to regulate in order to get it to market so that we have more production capacity as the u.s. has been doing us to have family intervened in their market we europeans have not done this it's not you know failure of the e.u. commission the german government didn't do anything else either but we see that we need to into being more haven't we need to find and production capacity in your outside of europe we need to get companies to cooperate on the ground to get or to
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have more than we can offer and share to other parts of the world because we can't go to chinese weight and not vaccinating our own population and giving it out because that wouldn't work in europe so we need to do it both will have to leave it there francisco the member of the german parliament spokeswoman for european policy with the green party thank you very much for joining us thank you for congo has suffered years of conflict tracing back to the massive refugee crisis and spillover from the 1904 genocide in rwanda a complex web of armed groups now controls the eastern part of a huge country in central africa it is difficult for outsiders to visit but d.-w. gained rare access to rebel held territory we met one woman who is bearing the scars of war but still has hope for the future here's the journey correspondent mario miller talk to find her. from now on it's what they call it's no man's land because not the government and also no specific rebel group controls this area that
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makes it also quite dangerous the right behind me this is where no man's land begins and this is well also how quieting happens on a regular basis. we're on foot the beauty of the landscape cannot distract from the constant fear of kidnap or being caught up in fighting. as soon as we get close the rebel militia sends an escort to take us to their base. one of them is mummify either she joined the militia almost 20 years ago after another group attacked her village the man killed her parents with machetes 6 of them raped her she was just 15 she'd already been married the same group that killed her husband. i felt defeated my life had defeated me i saw what they had done to me and how they killed my family i
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couldn't continue my life like it had been and this is really so i decided to become a fighter and drive them out. given the chance she'd shoot them on the spot she says when a former teacher began recruiting people to take revenge she joined him many in her group survived similar. it's a militia of traumatized damaged young people. they killed my father they killed everyone in my family that's the only reason i became a fighter. the offer to revenge and survival they control around 20 villages in the area security for food in a deal they say is consensual but we saw our local people running in fear from them the idea of consent is complicated for everyone. it's only when we're alone that number for either says this. i hear that other people run away from the group but i
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think how can i run i have no one to help me i have no land i have no one who could help me build a life. she would like to trade her gun for the life she had before as a farmer being assured them of my shop they are i would have had a good life with my husband one like other people have but that was taken away from me so i would look at. us. now she poor as what hope she has in her children that they will have choices one day. what the neighbors are going to what if god blesses me i could at least give them an education if their blessed at least that i can never get another job so i cannot help them by myself the level of safety.
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ok let's get some more headlines now there have been more demonstrations in pair of why against the government's handling of the pandemic coronavirus cases have been on the rise since september and reached record levels last month protesters are calling for the resignation of the country's president. protesters scuffled with police in senegal's capital dakar after the opposition leader was released on bail money sancho was arrested last week an accused of rape but he claims that the charges are politically motivated human rights groups say at least 5 people have died during days of a violent on rest. a brazilian supreme court judge has the know the criminal convictions against former president luis enough silver the clearing of the convictions could see a run in next year's presidential election against current leader jarboe scenario brazil's prosecutor general says it will appeal the decision governed brazil from 2003 to 2011. now to the prince his wife
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and what the world is talking about britain's prince harry and his wife meghan have spoken on t.v. about their intense struggles with royal life most of what they have to say to oprah winfrey has shocked the world and very likely buckingham palace to hear some of that interview i've advocated for so long for women to use their voice and then. i was silent. were you silent or were you silenced the latter but i knew that if i didn't say it that i would do it and i i just didn't i just didn't want to be alive anymore my biggest concern was history repeating itself when i was there before are numerous occasions very publicly so when i asked the question why did you leave the simplest answer is. lack of support and lack of understanding prince harry
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raised in the palace in a life of privilege literally a print how you were trapped within the system for the rest of my farm. for my brother by your chopped. let's go to london now. following the story for us. the british public has now been able to watch this interview as well what reactions are you seeing there. it's interesting to me there was a snap poll and there were also people from what you have seen and heard it wasn't appropriate or inappropriate and actually according to that poll almost half of the respondents said it was inappropriate so that chimes in that fits in with the larger picture of the queen is very very popular in the u.k. much more popular for example than harry and maggie but it's really a picture of a nation divided into team wins and the magazine team wins they would say it was titled it was whining that they are sitting in the luxury mansion and are talking
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about authenticity and a new life that they were seeking because they couldn't bear it anymore and then there are those who are saying that's really good on meghan that she has spoken out and that she's not allowing anybody to silence her as a black woman so really polarizing interview one of the most damning allegations in the interview was the accusation of racism in the royal family let's listen to a clip and also concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might be when he's born. what and who who is having that conversation with you. hold it hold out there are several several conversations a conversation with you with harry about. how dark your baby is going to be. potentially and what that would mean or look like
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a bigot there must be tremendous pressure now on the queen to publicly address this question of racism in the royal family. there is speculation of course that the palace would have to react. harry has made it clear that it wasn't the queen or the duke of edinburgh who allegedly talked about racism bots really people are asking when the whether the palace will react for example we see in the leader of the opposition. the labor party saying that really almost calling for an investigation so really people are wondering if and when the palace will react. if we look at the timing of this because you know what harry and meghan were hoping to achieve with this interview. they would most likely say that they were hoping to set the record straight and they they felt that has been so much bad press about maggie and in particular that they felt the need to
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tell the ass side of the story and then there would be others who are saying well they have now created almost a business empire that created a brand that this brand needs to be fed with in order to stay relevant so again there are 2 sides of that story as well. reporting for us from london thank you. some big news in german soccer now national coach is going to step down after this year's european championships the german football federation said he asked to be released from his contract when your early the 61 year old has been in charge of the german national team since 2006 and lifted the 2014 world cup in brazil in what has been the highlight of his time in charge. and anthony howard from sports is what this hi anthony how think of a surprise do you think i think it's a surprise in any time someone who walks away from a year to go on
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a contract when there's a lot of money at stake when anyone makes a decision that's best for the guy or best for the team that's a bit of a shock in an they go driven world of football but it's not a surprise if you listen to the conjecture the jungle drums have been beating really loud for love to go since jimi went home early after russia 2018 the conjecture is there that he had lost the dressing room and the year of these players and the technically maybe just run out of ideas the writing was on the wall the smoke coming from football journalists and from football fans was that it was his time to go so if you listen to that and say well look you just made that decision on that strength well it's not really but still a year left on his contract as you said so what about the timing of this announcement why do you think it came now that's potentially most interesting is that why now and i think there's an argument that he wanted to lift the pressure off the players who've been listening to the signed voice for 10 years coming on 15 years and all the germans tell me that there's a very strange voice that i hear. to germany what the kentucky accent is to america
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it can be an interesting one to listen to but think of a noir have been listening to the same voice coming into maybe the last can how do you lift that pressure and give them something to look forward to that he might be going on and that the voice will change i think there's an argument that this will lift a white from them and put an energy in the camp beforehand in the tournament itself that might drive them forward because much of this team and it's up for a great discussion is in order class of player and he needed to try something it sounds cynical but i think there's something to it well it is time to start talking about his legacy what do you think that will be the legacy what comes next i think you know he's won the world cup so that's that's he's he's in the whole of fame if you like he's on mount rushmore of german football but what comes next i think we can get bread. isn't running coats and white for to stop running you're going to club stories. you can hear the keyboards bashing away right now and they'll be thousands of them before the day is out how long before you read the 1st one saying
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we'll you're going club coach germany next that's what comes next as liverpool struggle in the premier league but it's going to get more and more of these stories and we're going to see that big smile from the cloth that's going to feature prominently now in that discussion who coaches next where does germany go next as much as it's about living most i thank you for the world cup that will turn with lightning speed towards who comes next do you think he'll do it. i think it might be a year too early i think if we were in the build up to another world cup when we were 6 months out and he had another year at liverpool but instinct tells me that he's got one more year liverpool that will not stop the stories being written that will not stop the conversation he's going to dominate he'll be the 1st to read it i'm sure anthony howard sports thanks so much susan. all right coming up next on news the asia as the our nations are making moves to restore peace in vietnam how good are their chances. why spend to your foreign team locked up in a hotel room when you could be golfing instead thailand's plan for
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take on the fun to me. we are here is actually on fire maybe for muslims. they were forced into a nameless mass. their bodies are tools of. the history of the slave trade is africa's history. it describes how the greeks for power entropic plummeted and entire continent into chaos and violence the slave system. created the greatest player and accumulation of wealth the world had ever seen to that. from its very beginnings until this very day
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human trafficking shaped. this is the journey back into the history of slavery. i think you will truly be making progress when we all accept the history of slavery as all of our history. our documentary series slavery routes starts march 10th on. this is the news asia coming up today. as neighborhoods hold the key to calm in the country. members of the reason of grouping have made. can they actually make a difference for women single pole dancers plus. why spend your quarter seemed locked up in a hotel room when you could be golfing instead
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