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tv   Business - News  Deutsche Welle  March 10, 2021 7:15am-7:31am CET

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munich featuring works of the most an authorized artist of all banksy more than 100 reproductions of the street artists works and some originals are on display at munich based curator gathered what he calls the most extensive collection of the artist's works in one place it includes some of banks's most recognizable creations such as girl with old. you're watching news from berlin business is up next with chris cover i'm terry martin thanks watched. more than a 1000 years ago witness a huge construction boom. christianity for the stablished itself. both religious and secular leaders were eager to display their power. to trace its.
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concrete the tallest biggest most beautiful structures. stone masons builders and architects compete with each other. this is how massive churches are created. contest of the cathedral stores. on t.w. . more code vaccines for developing countries the world trade organization is calling for a boost in production and is mulling to temporarily weigh vaccine patents top pharmaceuticals representative what he thinks about that also coming up are you missing a quiet spot to do your daily sume conferences well. only an entrepreneur could
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help. him for the program the new head of the world trade organization is demanding to boost colbert 19 next scene production in developing countries goes. there is that each additional day the vaccine shortage continues people will pay with their lives the w t o member states are also mulling to temporarily wave patterns of covert vaccine makers because progress of vaccination programs around the world is highly and even some 20000000 people in britain have already received at least one vaccine dose in fact the government is hoping to have offered everyone over 18 a jab by the end of july it's an important milestone one that for many other countries in the world still seems a long way off. from. pleaser and it's regrettable that some countries continue to prioritize vaccinating younger
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healthier i don't outlaw risk of disease in their own populations. health workers and older people elsewhere. at the current right the new us israel u.a.e. and taiwan will have received enough vaccines to cover their entire population by the end of this year in other parts of the world especially in the southern hemisphere people can expect to wait another 2 years. in south africa and india fears of new virus variants have made the vaccination rollout all the more urgent the 2 countries have both appealed to the world health organization to remove patents on vaccines until the pandemic is over. they argue that countries including cuba senegal south africa thailand and india may not have the money for expensive
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patents but they do have production capacity enabling them to create their own off brand versions. but whether their plea will get w.h.o. backing is another matter both united states and the european union want to up hold patents on the basis that they encourage companies to invest in research and innovation so does that enable firms to profit from the pandemic yes and no many companies have benefited from both state funding as well as cash injections from foundations. both u.s. pharma giant johnson and johnson and swedish british company astra zeneca received one and a half $1000000000.00 in state funds both been committed to selling their vaccines at cost price you know other words not to make a profit from them by on take 5 years or got about half a 1000000000 in state funds pfizer says private investors have taken on most of the risk and are now being rewarded accordingly so far as the buying take back seen is
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expected to have a profit margin of up to 30 percent this year alone that would amount to some $4000000000.00. or more and thomas 20 is the head of the international federation of pharmaceutical manufacturers and associations welcome to d w thomas thanks for making time for us is a 30 percent profit margin ethically justifiable when prices for vaccines like that could prevent hundreds of millions of lives being saved. when you look at what's happened over the last 10 moms i think it's 1st important to acknowledge the amazing progress made is literally from 0 are to billions of dollars is we see light at the end of to tumble and your sizzix a huge commitment from companies such as pfizer buy and take as for senate car johnson and johnson and of tools to read it bring the vaccines to the people who
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need them i think people honestly do not fully understand the daunting challenge we have pretty courbet 19 global vaccine production was $5000000.00 doses a year including seasonal flu shots we are not talking about getting $10000000000.00 is just for carbon 19 desideria and this is only possible because of an unprecedented collaboration with indians here but also the industry from rich countries and developing countries i just heard in the news this speech from dr in goes he did new teaching of w.t.f. actually she made a speech at the global sea 19 supply chain and manufacturing summit where all the major manufacturers from developing countries and industrialized countries came together to talk about what can we do more to tell us the progress the whole
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industry has made it is astounding it is it is marvelous yes companies say research is important and it should pay off and indeed it should pay off some wondering this pandemic is not going to be over tomorrow or there's a variance spreading there's a mutation spreading is there not enough earnings potential there and developing vaccines against these mutations. that's what we have seen you know we have seen more than 200 projects we have seen all of the major math that's in manufacturer's we have also seen disappointments for example some companies are seriously the late in their vaccine project some of the biggest of those dropped approach acts you know succeeded 86 months ago few people would have bet that in monch 2021 we have more than 6 vaccines already of our own diets and not just that we have vaccines but nephew z.
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of more than 90 percent and what's important since you did ask about the. companies are committed this is not business as usual day are committed for example to provide the vaccines at lower prices said either for cost not for profit or differential prices to developing countries and they do compared to come the crisis with h one n 111 years ago within less than $100.00 days have already kovacs this is the popular shape when we flew together with the developing country vaccine manufacturers rounded to more than 30 developing countries you have heard the bad shit just before you know i'm above 65 m. bonneville population we haven't received the vaccine in switzerland yet and i guess that same in germany we're doing amazingly thomas according to our some countries with 30 percent of the world's population have bought up more than half
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the vaccine supply how concerned are your member companies that the w t o is going to step in and say this is a global emergency we're going to temporarily suspend vaccine patents. i am concerned by to challenge of making more progress at the summit which i just mentioned which was harvested by chatham house we all from developing country met vaccine manufacturers and i remember as we committed to further expand access we are doing both and very easy for i am concerned if you would suspend the patent you wouldn't get to seeing that there is more it was amazing to listen to the experts in manufacturing supply chains their concerns about bottlenecks in gloss wise bottlenecks in lippitt nano particles scarcity in room with tears and how can we tackle the inefficiencies they are concerned about export prescriptions interventions nerve of the nobility neither from developing countries annoying dos
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lies chalked by patents being a hindrance thomas grady had of the international federation of sar pharmaceutical manufacturers and carer being on the program. thank you and out of some of the other global business stories making the news cathay pacific says it made a loss of $2800000000.00 during 2020 the hong kong based airline was hammered by the collapse of international travel brought on by the pandemic it's described last year as the most challenging 12 months in its history big tech stocks rebounded on tuesday pushing that aspect his best session since november the next 4 percent by gains in apple amazon and facebook among others it was driven by a dip in bond yields. in recent weeks. time now for a quick check on the markets with our financial correspondent chelsea delaney in
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frankfurt chelsea competition she told a german newspaper blood yesterday that she wants to build a tech alliance with the united states tell us more about. well this is an effort that will obviously be aimed at china both the e.u. and the u.s. share a lot of the same concerns about chinese trade practices and electoral property theft as well as china's increasing dominance in some new technology areas so we've heard it said the biden ministration took over in january increasingly that both of these sides want to work together to form a bloc against china this could include things like working together on electric vehicles on artificial intelligence but really they want to block some of this chinese power just a 1000000000 friends who think you. have become a regular routine during depend meetings on zoom and other services which allows to
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see and chat with our colleagues without sharing an office with them but there are difficulties to the concept like finding a quiet corner in your home a business in the studio could help you out there. nora tallied lives in the studio capital talent as both an entrepreneur and a parent of 3 she's got her work cut out for her family. oh oh. she really quiet mom has a work home. mom the horns levels my leg a lot of home. to get some peace for an important business school today laura is trying something new she's rented what's known as a is zoom box it's located in a cafe and features all the techs required for an on line leasing it costs 5 euro an hour hard the company behind them before the coronavirus he used to rant
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at conference rooms that he's moved to soon boxes a lot of the family. but are technically speaking it's as easy as renting an electric scooter our goal is to install these boxes in as many places as possible close to where people live so they can reach them within 15 minutes of the. over the next 3 years the company plans to install a 1000 boxes like this across the stone mia it expects to monta hold firm well after the pandemic including in remote regions where it would imagine having a small quiet talks with fast internet in the middle of nature there are so many different kinds of solutions still to come along to others. the aim is to meet the increasing demand for flexibility in the workplace for laura it was a positive experience.
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it's a new experience for me despite the fact that we're in a café it's really quiet here. was an interrupted it was a surprisingly positive experience. to me to have my office boxes that anyone can rent and are still only an idea that may well catch on elsewhere in the world. played the flame. card beeps for animals on jollies go on she's provided a home to more than $200.00 creatures. but her dedication actually goes much further and it always has for her entire life. believe this it can jolly go blind
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and inspirational on a. global 3000. dollars. w's crime fighter are back with the africa's most successful radio drama series continues to turn up all the deserts are available online and course you can share and discuss song w. africa's facebook page and other social media platforms to crime fighters to mean they'll. play love him sic labels 3000. women have been campaigning for that rights for more than 170 years but it wasn't until the 20th century that things started to change when for example the right to vote was introduced in several european countries.
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but we're still a long way from true equality and even today many countries have no laws and right .


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