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tv   REV  Deutsche Welle  March 10, 2021 8:30pm-9:01pm CET

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the story that matter to you. we are here is actually on fire. isn't it time to admit that your government is always willing to sacrifice those human rights for the sake of business if the united states by screwed or for $30000000000.00 a year in russia i cannot explain to my electorate why germany should be treated differently germany's human rights policy is under the spotlight these days after fresh international criticism of its north stream to gas deal with moscow and accusations from its soft on china my guest this week from boehner is the christian democrat m.p. and various nick is it his government's policy to junk human rights in favor of
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business. m j asked me welcome to conflict zone allowed to long term a lot of people drug like you or north stream to deal in pot because it puts a lot of money into the kremlin's hands at a time when russia shows sharply declining respect for human rights isn't it time to admit that your government is always willing to sacrifice those human rights for the sake of business. i don't think this is a fair description i think north of 2 is a long term project that has been critically viewed by some in germany for many years i think there's always been differences of opinion between foreign policy and economic policy people also in my own party. but when i think we have to see where
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we stand with this project at least briefly before completion i think if it were to be stopped unilaterally at this stage this would probably trigger billions of dollars in damages to be paid. to some of the project companies including a gasp from i'm not sure that is the adequate strategy to deal with it at the moment but do you think you say that and to has said that but but you seem to cling to the view of the government seems to cling to the view against all the evidence that trade can bring about positive change your kind of the minister said that it out now said that last summer i've always been convinced that change can be achieved through trade but in the case of russia it's been changed for the worse hasn't it while you've been building up your trade relations over many years russia has crashed through sovereign international borders into seas crimea it's murdered its opponents on the streets of europe in one instance with nerve agents lowered cyber attacks on key institutions and jailed the leading opposition figure alexei
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novo nick and your trading relationships have done absolutely nothing to discourage those actions of their. i think you have to you have to scribe quite adequately a very negative development of the situation in the russian federation that is something that we have to deal with that we have to deal with in the appropriate multi lateral formats we have taken the case of one of ours not. seen to the open sea dollars you know let me give you an example i'm leading the german delegation to the council of europe's parliamentary assembly where this is where russia is still at the table we have an ongoing investigation on the knob on the case in all its aspects we will have a monitoring mission sent out to to russia as soon as that is feasible and we are now we're dealing with issues that are at the core of the council of europe's mission like in particular compliance with verdicts and rulings of the european court of human rights and that is a scene where russia will have to stand up and will be challenged and we will have to see when if there is no improvement and no. adjustment of its behavior that we
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would have a very critical debate of about russia's future role in this international format for example we have taken on about how do you think i will you yeah but by d. linking business and human rights you've given up virtually the only levy you have to bring out serious change if you were serious about change you take up the suggestion of the social democrats who propose making a start up of knots trying to conditional on a change of behavior by the russians like releasing them down the or easing tension in eastern ukraine something like that but you won't do that off the will you. now i'm what i'm saying and i'm quite in agreement with some of my social democratic colleagues on that that if we have an open discussion with our western allies about the future of energy relationships with russia in extra get then we may come to a 2 conclusions that we'll have. also the option to have some sanctions on actual
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deliveries of oil and gas but that is this is not something that should be dealt with as a try to by letter i say. german russian relationship then we also have to talk about $30000000000.00 of all accrued all purchases of the united states in russia which puts more money into russia's pockets as a. person could ever do that we should have to hurry along it's about going to survive because the us isn't making a stand you're done that on principle here what my question though when i also want what what conclusion do you think russia and the other trading partners of yours have drawn from this statement that you dealing business from human rights they don't the conversion the berlin wall how often profit on the margins for public consumption but under this government it's never going to let human rights stand in the way of a business deal is it made that clear i don't i don't agree with that and i object to the truth the attempt by some to single arise germany in this issue i think if
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the whole of central is the new by senator from russia if the united states by screwed or for $30000000000.00 a year in russia. cannot explain to my electorate why germany should be treated differently from anybody else if we come to a joint position in the in the western alliance that relations with russia are deteriorating to extent that we should put energy relations on hold or then i think we have a basis to talk but not by trying to unilateralist. germany in its relationship with russia for other purposes like trying to sell. gas oil from. shale gas from texas i think we should have a very honest debate and then it should be applying to everyone and not everyone in the e.u. everyone in the western alliance but not as trying to single arise germany in this in this context well let's let's talk about that debate mr nick you're always concerned to be seen as good europeans acting in support of common interest you're
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the driving force in that so in january when the european parliament overwhelmingly passed reza. lucian calling on to hope for the completion of no stream to with 508 votes as it happens you simply ignored it pretty casual attitude wasn't it the fact that the project causes significant friction with your european partners especially france the baltic states poland doesn't seem to be of any importance to either does it again let me let me reiterate we are not at the beginning of a project. and i can. proved to you that when when the project was set up beginning there was a lot of criticism including myself on the foreign policy responsible in my own party and the board we now have to look at a situation where the project which has all legal permits in place is short of completion and i would strongly recommend that we shift the focus of the debate on the actual deliveries rather than of a specific piece of infrastructure and if there is a. justified objection against energy supplies from russia
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it should apply unilaterally and it should not only apply to one specific mode of transport and i think on that basis i think we should move towards a common position i very much in agreement with secretary blinken who more than 30 years ago. in a very shrewd analysis concluded that apply sanctions to a close ally is a very bad idea and it's bad for alliance and cooperation when he might that change he might have changed his views by now mr negs certainly the white house and president biden have labeled notes into a bad deal for for europe and a bad deal for the world. i want to ask you this 18 companies have now pulled out even at this late stage of the notes trying to project they've pulled out 18 companies announced at the end of last month worried about sanctions that they
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might target them directly and by the fact that both democrats and republicans have voted to expand sanctions later this year crucially most of the companies that have gone are insurers so if you can't get the work now and the written project in serious trouble isn't it. again i think i know there is a lot of resistance in congress probably one of the few. subjects on which democrats and republicans may be able to queen congress i understand that the u.s. administration and the secretary of state is having a difficult dialogue with his own congress in that regard but i can only recommend that we try to get to common ground rather than seeing an ally by unilateral measures i think this is poisonous for the relationship and i know that smart people in the government including secretary clinton are fully aware of that poisonous effect and aware that this is not the right strategy we are i think prepared to work towards common ground with our allies in europe and in the united states but we should do this in
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a way that is not trying to single out one particular country for other selfish reasons well you can't at this stage tell me when the project is going to be completed can you isn't isn't it time that germany listened to some of the criticism at home and abroad instead of just ploughing on regardless i see that you've also lost bill finger the german civil engineering concern what if other companies jumped ship now and you seriously telling me there are no discussions within your coalition about putting completion on hold no cold feet in those upper echelons of power are invalid. i think again we are following the rule of law and this is a project that has all legal permits in place trying to terminate the nominate that by unilateral action by the german government at this stage would probably trigger billions of dollars in damages and remedies i think there are smarter ways also going forward that will create more leverage also in the relationship with russia as you mentioned i think the idea is to have time kind of
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a backstop mechanism and if we target actual supplies rather than the completion of a particular piece of infrastructure this is something that could lead us towards common ground also with our partners and allies in europe and in the united states you talked earlier about reservations within your own party about this norbert redken the foreign policy adviser has called the project an instrument of political war he presumably meant it as a matter of political war for the kremlin the kremlin has used it as a lever political lever in the past its gas supplies to europe what makes you so sure they're not going to use that lever again i think we have a history of more than 50 years of reliable energy supplies from russia even during the time of the cold war but it was something that was 2015 they interrupted the the gas supplies to europe. i was talking about germany i think there were specific issues with regards to certain countries in central eastern europe we have done
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a lot to reverse gas flows in the european system the bulk of the gas supplies to you ukraine now comes from west to east rather than from east to west i think into creating. our partners in central eastern europe into a pen european gas infrastructure is a very important element of making them more robust more resilient against potential interference from russia we should work together to reduce their dependence on energy supplies from russia and even in that regard nordstrom to can can have. can be helpful. we we are aware that there are concerns that clearly countries and so is it would rather reap transit fees. on these supplies but if we can ensure that they will be supplied from western europe it should also benefit their own energy security going forward mr naik also controversial in your party as well as internationally is your policy towards china
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regarded by many as to through this here the idea of change through trade vandal ball kondalilla as you call it in germany has been a spectacular failure on the human rights front hasn't it. i think it is not only a german experience i think it is a universal experience that we have to take leave from 2 assumptions our single explicitly or implicitly that china policy has been based on the one assumption that if g.d.p. raises above a certain level that in a country that liberalization of democracy will come almost automatically but we are also facing. the insight that unless what we have to believe that a state led economy can apparently be pretty successful and pretty competitive even over the longer term and i think that is something that we have to draw conclusions from. where when ignoring the issue of human rights i mean germany along with the rest of the e.u.
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was content to sign a major investment deal with china even though it refused to make any concrete promises about comply with human rights standards including the ban on forced labor and you ended up being satisfied with a totally meaningless pledge that china would make what it called continued and sustained efforts to ratify the relevant convention it shows what really matters to europe these days and to your government doesn't it money money over morality money over human rights. i would i would totally disagree i think but let me let me challenge the contrary position i think if i'm convinced that decoupling is a very. misled concept economic decoupling will not work for anyone in the world not even for the united states i think the idea of something to cut the world into 2 or 3 different pieces or do not interact with each other in any way is a false is a false strategy and i think what we see also was
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a recent speak speech by secretary blinken that european and american perspectives on how to deal with china converge i think from a european definition of china being a partner a competitor as a satanic rival at the same time i hear from secretary blinken a relationship with china will be competitive but it should be collaborative what it can be and adversity and what it must be i think this is a lot of common ground and i think we need to adjust it there again we're getting away from the subject of human rights and i understand you want to steer it away but the fact is you're becoming known for some pretty questionable ethics in china last year the boss of fox wagner her but this was asked about the wisdom of opening a factory in shin jang where up to a 1000000 we go muslims are incarcerated for indefinite periods affectively in labor camps and he said he didn't know anything about it is ignorance the best defense that your industry has these days. absolutely not i think. and you will not hold me accountable for any potentially misled opinion by any
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senior german or business men what i'm saying is that taking this to extremes and say that simply decouple the relationship is not working for anybody in the world may remind you that it was the former prime minister of singapore who years ago in foreign affairs made the point don't make a choose between a relationship with china or with the united states we need to be able i think 2. choices between respecting human rights or not caring about it it turns out the german firms are supplying the technical backbone for the huge textile industry also engine jank where hundreds of thousands of forced to work in the cotton fields do you like the optics of that particular scenario. i think we have we have just in acted alone or in the german parliament which requires. significant compliance of german companies also in their supply chains throughout the world in
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securing human rights and labor standards and environmental standards not necessarily to the delight of everyone in business i think we have come to a conclusion in a law that will be much more effective and that i'm pretty convinced that we will achieve many objectives in this regard not by government to government relations but ensuring that global companies in their supply chains are taken hold in held responsible also by their customers for securing the minimum standards for labor and environmental safety. safeguarded across the world in their global supply chain is mr nick your firms have supplied machinery that was almost certainly being operated by slave labor in shin jank i asked you whether you like the optics of that particular scenario according to customs data obtained by the south china morning post sales of german parts for textile machinery engine jank have gone up 30 times over the past 3 years 30 times while the reports of appalling human rights
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abuses multiplied in that region week after week do you or do you not find that unacceptable. i find it hard to accept. not being able to do my own research on whether the specific thing that is. created or suggested there is is valid but it is a major issue of concern as you as you raise it as as i mentioned i think we are in acting legal requirements and obligations on companies to safeguard. respect for human rights and minimum labor standards across the world in their global supply chains that is something that we are just in acting that is i think not a question bilaterally applying to china but on a much more closely scale. and. that is what what we need to do it is it is a piecemeal process it is difficult it is challenging but what i'm telling you is that just trying to occupy the potential the potential presumptious moral
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highground us and we do not do business with anyone in the world anymore is not a strategy and it is sometimes suggested was particular. towards germany by those who would then prefer to fill the spots for that business themselves so i'm a bit opposed against hypocrisy in this regard that is these are standard that sort of like universally to everyone and where not one particular country should be singled out for other reasons well one country which is supplying more than anybody else to the textile industry in cian jank where slave labor is being employed deserves to be singled out doesn't it and that's your country and what you don't particularly find this is a proud moment to be confronted with this news that you are supplying these companies engine jank but your party seems to have its head in the sand where this is concerned doesn't where this whole issue is concerned well as well as the west the red line here you appear to have crossed it don't you by supplying this
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machinery to these firms inch in japan. yes or no face simple i mean we we are in germany we are not just a state run economy we are. a market economy we we apply a certain minimum standards i have just mentioned that we are in acting a new law was regards to global supply chains of german manufacturer us. so that is something that we are doing i think not every single ringback exports decision by a german company i think can immediately be attributed to. the german government when you can do something about outside you could do something about it if you want to and you could condemn it in your party hasn't it in your child's local condemn it but you don't but you do and that's telling in itself isn't it as i said we have just acted a new law on compliance to human rights standards in global supply chains we have
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work in particular with the textile industry to. have a seal of approval for compliance with certain the labor standards avoidance of tries child labor never saying in places like bangladesh. or otherwise so that these are issues that are in a global economy that are more and more intertwined with continuously we have these difficult challenges but what i'm trying to work towards is that we use the leverage of international firms to. impose labor standards across the globe which i think i'm pretty sure would be much more successful as a long term strategy as trying to impose that by government to government relations ok and in a time we were left out of boycotts in the time we have left mr nick i just want to look at what many people are calling the coded vaccine fiasco in germany it's not what you needed in the run up to parliamentary elections later this year and crucial regional contests this weekend is it polls already show huge
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dissatisfaction 2 thirds of germans say they're are unhappy with key aspects of your covert policy. particularly the slow packs a nation program fact is you've become accident prone hasn't the government's running out of steam well i think what i see is that for for understandable reasons i think patience is running out with people who have been. exposed to to lock down . policies for quite some time there's a lot of impatience understandably there was a lot of hope regarding to vaccination i think some of the expectations of probably being unrealistic i've always taken the few if by mid year 2021 we would have universal vaccination this would be a very good result and i'm pretty convinced we will get there i think they're going to different strategies you have the main professional body for g.p.'s the german association of g.p.'s saying it was bad enough that the e.u. ordered too few vaccines too late but now we have all these jobs being stockpiled
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and used now that is unforgivable isn't it that's coming from the main you know we were fashionable body. we will be opening the vaccination program and of this months toward the g.p.s. i think that we'll have to make a major contribution to the i think it's $50000.00 g.p.s. every day rex and $820.00 people each we will have $5000000.00 vaccinations per week we will we will be able to complete this by by the end of the summer but it's also fair to say that for the g. piece. a minimum supply of. of vaccines per p. was necessary to involve them if we give 1010 vaccines per week to people put it into a very difficult decision we're now rolling this out more universally and i'm pretty sure we get that we took different decisions and some of that will have to be critically reviewed from hindsight to focus on that on the over 80 years old of those being in care homes we took some you don't have
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a long time around public perceptions you have these elections coming up and your party's reputation has been further damage by the scandal of 2 of your fellow m.p.'s forced to resign because they netted huge commissions on deals to procure mosques other scandals are also piling up along with the accusations that your party is shoddy and corrupt is it. i think we have we have seen individual cases that are totally ashamed me and totally unacceptable i think we need to go through a very clear process of making sure that compliance with african standards is is insured. i think this is these are nevertheless individual cases we should not try to use them in a democratic fashion to discredit parliamentarians and politicians who serve the public to its best interest but we are of course in a responsibility ourselves to to clean up whether unforgivable.
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violations of manhattan are a lot of cases a lot of things is filing up on there another c.d.u. member of parliament axel fischer is being investigated for us to spectate corruption prosecutors claim he and other former and current members of the understand receive voting bribe some azerbaijan he says the allegations are groundless another philip down 2 is under scrutiny for his lobbying work for us company is this the tip of the iceberg in your party what happened people got too greedy is it let me let me let me be very crystal clear on the other by john of the council of your issue i took over the position of axel fischer at 2800 to take care of the anti corruption investigation in the council of europe which we undertook where and a number of members were banned for life from the assembly both mr fischer and mrs trends were no no longer sent to to the council of europe by my party in 2018 but most of them have not been renominated as candidates for the next parliamentary election sometimes in a democracy clean up takes takes
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a bit of time right ok i'm very slick way but we're but we're going out of time we're only out of time thank you very much for being with us all conflicts are appreciated your thank you good to see you again. the.
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thing up to date don't miss our highlights w. program on line d.w. dark calm highlights. a duel with words. where i come from you don't want to weigh from
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a confrontation but. when i was 5 years old my father took me to his fencing company and i was hooked on the spot to. a sport that you loved soul enters your soul the best thing as a language and a good source for it is a conversation. if you must keep your opponents and understand that thinking middle of the men to get close otherwise and consecrates. it's not unlike a tough interview really when interviewing politicians or corporate c.e.o.'s you have to wait for the right moment just to get around that defensiveness then make your move without fear. you have to take risks to get results. and god help us and our work at d w. a
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a a. a a a much. crime. all we can be the generation that ends it for good malaria must start so millions can live.
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this is d.w. news wire from berlin tonight the u.k. and the european union and claims of vaccine nationalism british foreign minister boris johnson has denied that his government is blocking the export of vaccines european council president charles michelle says otherwise we'll look at how this latest round was affecting relations between london and brussels also coming up shots fired at protesters in myanmar as the military crackdown continues the un security council has strongly condemned the phone to his use of force.


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