tv Gesprach - Talkshow Deutsche Welle March 14, 2021 5:30am-6:01am CET
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our water only worry about. i think that here is over this is the crisis of our time it's a financial product like any of us imagine we live in a competitive world is to scold it's cold it's been cold water used to be free but the world is changing the most important commodity stupid is. the free slave and loads of water the city or commodity starts march 22nd on d w. today
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my destination is like the former east german city where the peaceful revolution began in the autumn of 1989. all started here to talk to the so-called monday demonstration. business culture the democracy belt is a reminder of those the beds. tens of thousands took to the street the fall of the berlin wall followed and communist east germany was history. this city of like fish took its future into its own hands extensive friend of beijing were huge building projects and large investments followed. 30 years after the peaceful revolution lights it has become
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a pretty exciting city everything seems possible here so it's just the right time for a trip into the cities past and present. we visit one of the creative hot spots of light. we take a walk through a possible with your leaf. and we show a viewer's video with holiday greetings from japan. st nicholas church is the symbol of the peaceful revolution of 1989. a church that has always been closer to the people but to those who were in power it dates back to the 12th century and was donated by citizens.
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in 1980 s. this church was the only place where the people of light could speak openly about the conditions in east germany. open for everybody that's the motto of st nicholas church starting in 1902 people were invited to peace prayers and then fall of 1909 thousands gathered here 1st they took part in discussions and then everybody went out into the streets to demonstrate against the east german regime. an exhibition in the church tells the story of the peace prayers east german citizens called for a dialogue but the regime refused to listen anger and frustration group but peace prayers played a major role in keeping the people calm the demonstrators carried their peaceful protest out of the church and into the city this pillar reminds us of that.
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if you want to know more about what was going on in life that a bad time or recommended tour of the place is related to the peaceful revolution and where does it start of course right here next to st nicholas church. the meeting point to st nicholas church. city guide karen choiceless shows tourists the focal points of the events of autumn $989.00 she knows what she's talking about because she took part in them on the demonstrations. during the 1980 s. the monday prayers drew more and more people who no longer agreed with the social developments in this part of germany the communist east. in order to understand what happened back then the group heads for the form of contemporary history. that provides
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a comprehensive picture of the division and new unification of germany. the origins of the s.c.d. the ruling east german communist party. daily life and how the state owned enterprises operated. the fall of the berlin wall in 1989 opened the way to freedom it also meant the loss of a home and earns an identity topics to foreign consciously focus upon. it as being authors. this is why it isn't called a museum but a forum. we wish to initiate discussion about this it's a great deficit that we don't talk to each other instead everyone has their own cliches and prejudices. east and west have to talk to one another north and south rich and poor. this house is meant to serve as an example for that. is an open invitation to visit us here and engage in conversation. on things with political.
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on the monday demonstrations began in 1909 nobody could know this was the beginning of the end of the east german regime. filming the events was dangerous. current scheuer leads the way to a place where 2 activists fill in the legally. is that every year that this reform church is the exact spot where the 1st foot each of our monday demonstration was shot. martin. the fill a material was done secretly 100 to a western journalist. so this journalist smuggled this little real from east to west in his underwear and he succeeded. and that is you know. there were fears that the secret police or stars he would discover everything. its headquarters were called the round corner.
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today it's a museum and the memorial. provides a chilling insight into how the stones he operated an old listening device used to eavesdrop on tell hostile of a machine for opening letters. i witness is guide people through the exhibition it's not a multimedia show or an interactive museum everything looks just like it did back then and that's the intention. for them and in fact on the non-coding to textbooks and research this exhibition shouldn't work at all we should have a single visitor especially young people would run away screaming but just the opposite is the case of. the stars he was responsible for monitoring and repressing the east german citizens on a current showing recalls that the revolution was largely a peaceful one. in their fleetness evelyn revolution without
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a single death we can be so happy and grateful we had the chance to experience it so where else did anything like that take place. in memory of this historic autumn of $89.00 leipzig celebrates a light festival every year in october 9th and then once again augustus plots looks like it did back then. before the fall of communism it used to be great rundown many houses were derelict bets hard to imagine today one man who witnessed and accompanied this transformation is. the most what was life like water for in 1909 especially the inner city area what
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did that do to the people as you can imagine the leipzig of the 1980 s. as a city that had fallen into the depths of despair. after 20 to 30 years of hardly any renovation many of the buildings were in a desolate state and that affect the people. people and had close links to leipsic for many centuries so it was painful for them to see the city center in particular to k. so badly. for a few and then my opinion. as per condition of leipsic spilled it was an important factor in triggering the 1st protests in the autumn of 1989 that eventually led to the peaceful revolution can be done you know of.
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other for this place is one of the most important ones chronicling the developments of recent years and decades. brought along a little book that illustrates the transformation of this very same corner building . this one here that's exactly this is part of what we call the tri fugue him which was heavily damaged during the 2nd world war. here you see the situation of the early ninety's after the war damage and 40 years of east german rule north had been stabilized to make it safe then in the 1990 s. the entire complex was restored. and no other german city can you find so many fine buildings from the 19th century lights that has been a trade for a location since the middle ages. and makes a 1000000 the 1st breath of life to trade for a privilege in 1497. lights he took advantage of that and centuries later with
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a brilliant idea the city became the leading trade fair location in the world. you will annoy are missing a brand new trade show was created here the sample for until 895 when it was 1st held trade fairs the world over took the form of trading 1st of all the merchandise was brought to the fairgrounds and offered for sale with the industrial revolution conditions changed sellers looked around for a new kind of fare from then on the sample fair was the type that dominated the world's trade for. only one sample product was presented to buyers made a contract and it was delivered and this invention then conquered the world in 117 the double m. trademark was copyrighted. but in top of. the double entry has become a trademark for like seat. in the city center treat for buildings were constructed during the 19th century the best known and most famous is the made love massage.
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and the legislators went even further to develop the structure for the sample fares known as fair palaces starting around 1900 over 2 dozen of them popped up around central leipsic many of them in the form of passages. in the bottom floors of the displays to stay on the upper floors the actual fair spaces were conceived as one way layouts like an ikea. if you want but you you know the visitors are brought up to one floor and the fair organizers have to make sure they don't get away. with it as well they have to go all the way around and once they're satisfied just like an ikea today they go on to the next floor. others often so this one way layout became the model for the sample fair palaces of light 6 inner city thought about through the system as opposed to no shot from the. opposite beneath you can find the old trade exchange it is as beautiful as
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a palace and here you can also find an old acquaintance you one voice gone for good to be studied in life and he was thrilled with a life in an elegant cosmopolitan city. talk your life some 1000 kilometers east of life in bets where our weekly bureau video comes from. send us holiday rethinks from japan thank you very much and here's your video.
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the fall of the wall that brought the end of industrial production here but the workshops remain they attract people with ideas who need the space and freedom to experiment. the best and most famous example is the constant screaming mill within a short time it's taken over as the heart of the flight since art seems. to date flocks. it's a popular residential district it was a rough diamond because that was disappearing more and more. the vest back was once a vell factory today it's an open location for anybody with a project to make a reality from the bicycle repair shop to the theater group. creative
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people like on the show for example he restores lamps tables and chairs all objects with an industrial past. and his designs make something new out of field. than most because he's able to you know i was in the studio and i think we make lamps from old industrial material. things we find like cogwheels fittings everything that has been left in abundant workshops and stores and interesting things that appeal to us. and we use them to make lamps how to convey your lawyer mr pickton. the principal of the vest back on the upper floors you find studios and below there are cool shops with pretty cool outfits.
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with. a spirit of optimism and creating something new together away from the mainstream that's what the west of life they stand for and that's what the back also stands for it's like a power station of art between conveyor belt and boilers you will find exciting art projects. a stage from mass and culture. in a former heat and power plant that until 992 supplied light since the trans with electricity. that's the coolest kraftwerk now the center for contemporary art culture and design in leipzig. under the slogan combine
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old with new it provides artists with space for experiments. a frequent guest is john franco young sea of italy a world famous video artist. here both of what's special about leipsic and this place in particular is its history you can sense it when you're in the city or in the space. the industrialization is still visible here in these halls that's inspired me a lot and so with my art i'd like to give something in return. quietly on of or on what they thought i had left already and it was for both. his installation the giants of the renaissance for example shows the best known works by raphael michel angelo and leonardo da vinci digitalized animated and accompanied by music this form of presentation is known as immersion it's taking the art world by storm and
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fits in here perfectly. for one leipzig is a changing city one and transformation in upheaval and that is what we focus on here. behind the kanada. the building stood empty for nearly 10 years then in 2013 to private enthusiastic bullshit and gay. it's only purpose. projects that combine art technology and science are becoming a trademark of the const craft fair. game is to get younger visitors in particular interested in the art world. the immersion installations remain
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a central element. of the changing exhibitions not only define the spaces they allow visitors to enter fascinating worlds the possibilities offered when technology and art go hand in hand are impressive. the. secrets lie behind these walls. find out an immersive experience and explore the fascinating world cultural heritage site d w world heritage for 16. lives is a boom town it is the fastest growing city in germany with currently almost 600000 the narratives and international and young city most people here are between 20 and
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30 years old. that's also because of the university of new main building was inaugurated in 2012 . the all sambal includes the paulino the university church its reconstruction closes the wound to the cityscape because the east german leadership blew up its historic precess or building in 1968. the university of life decision is the 2nd oldest university in germany it was founded in 1409 new where the old are combined in a fascinating way the university is now a tourist attraction. since the fall of the berlin wall the people from life that can travel all over the world for example to south america by the way i like to go there too and now live
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here is going to show you a very special place over there the city of la paz in bolivia. djimon hounsou i mean here from the path taken the day off to show you the fab sights in my city. is the mountain when he even the old town on the plus some you find bolivia's political hot our parliament and right next door the presidential palace. and 3640 meters altitude is the highest seat of government in the world out of it.
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is that this is the kind you hine from the 16th century it's narrow and cobblestoned in the colonial style much has been preserved from that era and you can find many museums here. what has also. come of it that there is this and i live in the past and i'm used to the hilly streets but tourists run out of breath quickly because of the thin air so i'll let you know what to do about that later. it will be rebuilt 1st i'll show you the plaster san francisco with the basilica what's special about it is the baroque decoration on the church with indigenous elements in them in those core but in a place you. can also call from here wearing what they call the witches market there are all kinds of bizarre things here extracts and tellers man's goal is that you're playing with
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a lot but and this is what helps with altitude sickness coca leaves don't worry they have nothing to do with witchcraft for many locals chew the leaves on make tea from them this is a centuries old remedy even the incas used it to prevent altitude sickness. become you know now i'm going to take a ride since 2014 we've had a cable car system some lines connect the past with the neighboring city alto it lies at 4150 meters when time it's also if. the result of a cable car brings me from a to b. safely and quickly.
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is there someone who this is the best view of the path back there is not the money i hope you liked my little 2 are your very welcome here they need also be an immigrant. from up there from the cloud one bark you get a sensational view of the august plots. the fact. and it's true i cannot imagine a better view. like this is a city on the move with a lot of positive energy it was really fun to discover it to trace its past
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30 minutes d.w. . to talk tough. because dance crew called are taking social media by storm. that modern choreography and school beats tradition 10 months ago follow. few. minutes w. . then you you know yes yes we can hear you and how last year's german chancellor when you bring your uncle our mascot as you've never heard of her before the
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surprise yourself with what is possible who is medical really what moves are important also who talk to people who follows her along the way admirers and critics alike how is the world's most powerful woman shaping her legacy joining us from eccles law stops. more than a 1000 years ago europe witnesses a huge construction of. christianity. certainly stablished itself. both religious and secular leaders morning to spoil their power . trip speaking. and create the tallest biggest most beautiful structures. stone masons builders and the politicians compete with each other. this is called massive churches for creating a. contest of the feel good. story.
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on g.w. . business to w. news live from for a land flood and police are under fire after clashes at a vigil for the murdered sarah after hours calls for an investigation and march after a politician described the response as an acceptable and deeply disturbing tensions ran high at the memorial not least because the man being held by the woman his murder is themselves
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