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tv   Close up  Deutsche Welle  March 16, 2021 9:30am-10:01am CET

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to go to school. we must wire. because of education makes the world more just. make up your own mind. d.w. made for mines. sweden's arctic region thousands of years the indigenous sami people have been heading reindeer on this land. for very long time this part of the land was for the sami people when they was living here there was fishing there was hunting saw in one way. area belongs
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to the sami. but non-indigenous swedish hunters see things differently cover out there in general it is the state which owns the land and which should regulate hunting and fishing that should be accepted as a matter of course by everyone our lives here and pays taxes in sweden. a long simmering conflict of the hunting has reached a boiling point disputed question you understand the reindeer. to kill the sorry it's a very special day it's september and every september it's time for the summit to gather together the reindeer in the mountains ill there is a member of. people and her family also her friend. she's never missed this
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autumn spectacle. the photographer wants to recoup the event she says it is a way of conveying the some emotions lie to others. to maintain this trial is located in mountainous territory. and the last few days the sun have had to give thousands of rein to using men to bikes quad bikes to tell a cop does. the 1st half of the day we look if we have any more carbs who has missing the mark in the ears. so we finish the marking of the cards for this season
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it's the last chance is the last time then we are starting to see and choose which animal should go into the slaughter it. then it's time to let the rest of the herd go out for free again in the mountains so we open the gate and they are running out on the mountain again and that is a really good feeling when you can see them coming out in the at nature where they belong in. the sun me head is prohibited hunting in the area during the corralling period. to the anger of hunters who season has just begun. we have a big area so the hunting need to be right here in these the square kilometers i want them to lease them and try to. i understand
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not just saying that we are closing the mountain for everybody no we don't do that. we want to live together side by side but we need to do it in a way which is the best for the reindeer. and those who know what's best for the reindeer is the reindeer hood and. you lucky green things to prohibiting access to so much land to protect the reindeer is over the top he's just got back home from his job working to the lawn plus. time to go hunting for him that's what life is all
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about it's a passion he inherited from his father. you know your god i hunt whenever i can 4 to 5 days a week between august 25th and march 15th when hunting is permitted from the last minute for during that time i'm continually outdoors and i hunt an awful lot you know when i'm not hunting i'm outside training the dogs that's my lifestyle. their lives the way they come their. you work in shares his apartment with his 4 dogs that he's tried to enjoy he brought them and trying to hunt defensive and alludes in competition. and even though i live with my dogs like you would a family it will to live in close proximity and i take them everywhere we train together we hunt together and we fish together if we sleep together in
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a tent fly in a helicopter or travel by boat to my hunting cabin we share everything they join me on all my trips parliament i can't imagine better company with i'm tired but this article coming to hard. to walk in is going good hunting with east coast time contingent many of his favorite hunting grounds and possibly limits because of the rain that's why he has travel fun to pursue his hobby. so i share the credit and i fear that at some point i won't be able to find anyone or a good hunting ground there little my biggest fear is not being able to get out into nature anymore because of what the outdoors is why i live here really haven't heard had. enough to just under now is try for
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a few mocking has invited his destination. if it's g.p.s. devices to his dog so that he can locate them in the rough terrain. and we have to pay the same price for the hunting permit as last year but we're not allowed to hunt and deer yes any more. he is one of $51.00 sunny communities in sweden and approximately 6 times as big as berlin since 2020 the sunny community he has been in charge of can fear into one of the small game hunting and fishing rights and not the regional authorities some fear this pioneer intervention and could sit dangerous precedent that under some it communities will follow. the sun the activist bag is a victory in a years long battle candy he's the chairman is the key and sunny community he's been a proud owner of riding stables for 20 years. now
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writing. the psammead the indigenous people in northern scandinavia wanted to decide who was allowed to hunt and fish on their ancestral lands and when marty ben burtt was locked in a legal battle with the swedish state for a decade and 20 twentieth's sweden supreme court ruled in his favor. morally we have the right. my my relative in me that i were. behind then we used to scrounge for every fish to have rangers here give back the burial has been here so how could the hand people in stoke on the side of every good cause. when i go out hunting a citrix for you or my ancestors a talk to them when i go there. like his forebears been dead is also
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a reindeer herd and hunter and he offers to some icelandic horses to visitors to the area. in his opinion this way the stakes procreated to some a people's ancestral lands of the last few centuries. we know. no no no it's enough is enough to stand up roll right and when we do it it become all over the situation. but the cool lincoln sparked anger and some have been threatened in public. there was a radio program that there were and there were a guy from the 100 s. . he really trust people he says if there are more some real issues coming off again it's going to be violence and blood in the streets he said it in the radio in national radio. the atmosphere here is heated
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until you are i mean fused directly threatened by the ruling in favor of the sunny because it doesn't only give the giri a sunny community the right to determine who is allowed tontine area it also allows them to decide how many hunters are allowed on land and when. they hear that there could be more and more regulation of hunting in the future year yes has decided to close the majority of its territories until september 15th last year the winter arrived on september 30th along with half a meter of snow and put a stop to hunting it's getting worse and worse i hope that things don't continue to develop like this but i fear they will. drain do you say they want to keep hunting dogs like you walk away from their own homes that makes you walk him see great he says he avoids rain. but occasionally inquisitive reindeer approach him. you know my dogs are trained
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not to chase reindeer and when i see reindeer i back off no problem by a always done my best to act responsibly in nature i always try to do what i can to help ensure that we all get along together and don't drift apart. biggest be as though. he were kinda nice don't look out for tom again no trace of any so far. i train my dogs to wait when they find a bird they're not allowed to chase the bird when it takes flight they have to stand still and come what i call a practice that regularly well i invest 2 to 3000 hours and dog and on top of that we do a lot of stamina training them in the school to send to something a month school.
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obviously i missed it my shot just missed the bird disappeared in the undergrowth behind the birches your gum i only saw it for a few seconds ago in the. torah become the are. you looking isn't too concerned during his last week into he saw only 6 turn you can influence you know this. to him it's a wife relaxing. and you have heaps opinion being able to roam freely out is not just important to the psammead people and the way of life. we are swedes we live in sweden and we pay taxes and sweden the state owns the land and we are the state it is important for us to co-exist and that we are not my eyes or lay but a generous. for there is enough space for everyone if we are considerate and respect
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one another. if you know what. you are good and doesn't want to give up the hunt and sit soften search of photonic and. up 212000 reindeer grains in the sunny district of curious the sunny have possessed the land use right since 886 but the fish and large parts of swedish lapland belong to the state. in the midst of the grazing area lies the village of nick looked up. hill for sorry grew up here her ancestors was sunny nomads nick looked up was named after her grandfather.
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my grandfather and grandmother was following the reindeer in the area and so these they passed this place nickel look bad when they're going east for the winter time and then it's past again when they're going west in the summer time so in the beginning of 1900 there were some bad years for the reindeers so a couple of families decided to be little more stature with such an air and there was no this fire 5 family who decided to settle down was my grandfather and grandmother. belongs to one of the 20 families incurious which still loom reindeer. in her work as a photographer she took humans to traditional way of life of her community. only some 5000 of the sun in sweden there are up to 40000 in total still live life and her family. some of the sami people are
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not anymore feeling as sami because they are living in a situation so they are totally enclosed trailer my aura to society but for me it's important and i i am a part of the salary society even if they are living in sweden and also i have a part of me is the swedish identity but when any body asked me than i am a sami. many non-indigenous swedes think the sunnylands lines are existing. ylva is well aware of that. i think it's difficult for people to understand what we are talking about when we are talking about we need the area for the rain there we are close to the nature
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yes there is a lot of nature but we need a big part of it so the rain there can be all over the here and then we got questions why are your rain there on the roads why are your rain there on the railroads. and the opposite is why are you. making this throw the railroad crossing where the rain there has walk fastens a few years. what is now the town of tonight used to be grazing land for reindeer watched over by sonny herders. sweden the most town was founded in 1900 mine is moved here from southern sweden in search of loot displacing the indigenous people and the reindeer.
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nowadays the majority of the town's 23000 inhabitants a non-indigenous swedes including men cannot sell back he finds it perplexing that sunny now have the right to ward hunting licenses. it would be very strange if you have more rides if you have been here a longer time how should the house should we handle people coming in now and moving to sweden from the problem areas around the world so this a that i have some rights but they don't tab now where it's very important from a democratic view that they have to get the same rights. i think the problem is that people are stuck on that they have the romantic pictures or the people with their or regional people with the last with
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a traditional clothes walking with the reindeers are taking care of them but but it is not true you know the sami 90 percent of the sami don't have more rights than i have and it just a small part of the sami or reindeer owners. the 2020 crew gives the reindeer families the right to grant hunting licenses and incurious there are just 20. 5 to the animals who come out together in the mountains saw today sorry also present. the rain deed that is ignited for sale in sin tough to the avatar the members of the sunny community target the remainder for their own tribe consumption.
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friend. the our things are good for you we have begun slaughtering the animals for that we brought yet great fresh meat and lust after. the reward 1000000000 in you yes a reward i. after a hard winter in. this one e is a range of from an apron sonny settlement. he slaughtered to these animals which had gotten mixed up with the reindeer it's a curious sonny his father taught him the job. and today i have. between you never a chance so it's my father my son's so. i'm in the middle that are you helping everyone to the slaughter in this even though hunter has never gotten his
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way he believes that it's necessary to make many areas off limits. you can look at our place up here it's a working place when we don't want people to be there because it's dangerous or this but serving their work what we are doing very attractive like an ordinary industry we need to work with the reindeer because we need to move but the most of the people who are up here they are. they doing it for pressure that's the difference. so if you compare pressure things against we're pretty small quite easy for me. to post inside a school so concerned about jobs swedish lapland is the country's most popular inventiveness destination turn of interest and has almost doubled in the last 10 years also because of the hunting possibilities. sell bird wants
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to expand to recently a further he himself is the founder of the 2 reparation business but now the curious son community have decided that in the future only hunters from the region will be allowed to hunt on your ancestral land. the worst case scenario would be if if. some village some may be get the same rights as the gear us and they will close the area of their area off the area for the local people and also for the tourists for tourist companies we need people who work and we turismo taking care of them out in the world enough for hunting and fishing us all what. 2 days later and reindeer peace money is still processing the rain to meet after it's hung for a while he has to convert to small cuts. like
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loose rental agency can no longer leave from the same a few sentiments. he has another job as a welder like almost all reindeer does he thinks that the swedish state has been colonizing planned for centuries. when i was young we didn't have so much mines over plants roads and other people who are in the forest and now this new mines every day from going up so now they are a family we cannot all that big bird because we don't have the space enough because we have a really big mine in our place where we stay in the winters so. i think we have lost about 90 percent of the area. for our family
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not for my say right not so worried but for my children say if they're going to work with a. brain there's where are they going to stay. as well as creating huge i know mining community the swedish state has been developing land for centuries building drones electricity pylons wind turbines and skillets to tourists. to new orleans for reindeer herders like pisani. kids says that sonny don't talk about how big their heads are it's like asking him what he has in his bank account. he gets approximately 500 euros for me since a large animal to slaughter house. to send of one creature means he can food to keep 20 others improved infrastructure is attracting more and more people to the fun of sweden it's only the last 1015 years before that have
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never been trouble in this way what is now because now everyone can go buy a quad bike everyone can buy a snowmobile. and. everyone think they have the right to. truth to build a house to fix things up there in the mountains. that's what. i get a little bit upset over it when they say we have also rights but it's. no . you only have been here for. him. it's not only the one person it's not only in mine says not only this it's not only true risk companies it's everything together because the society
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are pushing us from all the directions. soon we don't know in what direction what where we can go to be free. close by 2 other men have me for a drink do you also feel that they. are never going to hang out. or panties or walk in green empty string. or things like. martin stanley has been eating in the region for generations he she is his famous fees. you have complete freedom of poles and we could go anywhere and we had numerous fantastic possibilities of being in the outdoors and i would like my son to have exactly the same opportunities. so they can really get to know life
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in the mountains a lot going on a little. too many concerned that it might no longer be possible to live peacefully side by side. with these that's on my home that comical or even putting any of those. any than anything. in a small proportion of the samea population now have all the rights and we have to try to see the light at the end of the tunnel but we can only hope that the politicians finally assume responsibility and see the big picture. at the moment we here in the north feel neglected. that's the big problem it's all good said. i don't but there has to offer we have to have it off the rail. yard. of a sorry is motivated by concern that goes beyond anything related to hunting rights
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she doesn't want the indigenous peoples wildlife to be lost. she's so your traditional costume for her young grandchild are and she speaks sami to him a language that was long suppressed in sweden. i had to teach herself sami was only recognized as a minority language in 2000 and these days it's awful as a subject in school and yes. it is a part of our culture and still a big part of the sami people speak sami so when you don't understand what the people speaking to each other. you feel there is something missing in your heart and in your culture in your identity. she hopes that other swedes will also finally start taking more of an interest in some identity. leaving
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him to you they don't know that we have our own culture our own clothes and that we are the indigenous people in sweden so even if there is the this issue that you should learn more about the sami people in schools it. it's not working better good right now so i hope it will be better and it can only be better if the government make decisions for that. disputes have a swedish lapland mountains and forests is just the latest manifestation of a centrist long conflict in the country. between a sunny people and non-indigenous weaves.
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she is kurdish she is young and now mustafa is the mayor after rocka. the former islamic state capital was completely destroyed in the syrian civil war. the engineer wants to rebuild her city democratically and equal rights hope among the ruins. t.w. . got some tips for your bucket list. and some great cultural memorials to boot.
10:00 am
this is the news live from berlin a double setback in germany's attempts to end the pandemic in fiction right is rising exponentially and vaccinations are held up again while the astra zeneca vaccine is refusing to of a safety concern coming up to find martial law districts made with more live fire from security forces in myanmar the united nations calls on the international community to help end the violent standoff that has killed at least 138 people.


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