tv Global 3000 Deutsche Welle March 16, 2021 11:00am-11:31am CET
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this is the w.'s live from berlin and he was set back to europe's vaccination drug several major countries including germany suspends use of the astra zeneca vaccine over reports that it could be links to block clubs health experts say that's nothing to worry about also coming on the rounds of talks of violence and deprived of sleep kremlin critic alexei nevada appears on instagram and reports on the penal colony where he's being held. a young nation by the troubled one clearly new prime
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minister overcome the corruption and ethnic tensions that have driven kosovo for more than a decade more than half of the under 25 year olds in kosovo are unemployed they feel let down by successive governments fail to make a break from the past and to fight corruption. i'm going to have as well come to the program germany has joined a growing list of major european countries to suspend use of the astra zeneca vaccine there are reports of suspected links to blood clots the world health organization meanwhile has urged countries to continue using the vaccine saying the benefits of the short outweigh the risk of harm from side effects let's have a look what the numbers say statistics provided by astra zeneca show that the.
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rates of blood clots among recipients amounts to only about 2 per $1000000.00 but here in germany the federal institute for vaccines recommended suspending use stude to a higher rate of a rare form of blood clots that affects the brain german doctors of roup reported 7 cases of this cerebral vein thrombosis 3 of these cases have led to death that's out of 1600000 people in germany who have received the astra zeneca vaccine so far the european medicines agency is reviewing the reports and has to decide what further steps will be taken on thursday. another setback in an already troubled vaccination campaign germany france italy and spain became the latest european countries to stop administering the astra zeneca vaccine over fears it causes blood clots. in an instructor to keep up confidence in this vaccine we now have to give our experts in germany and the european union time to review these
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recent cases they must also clarify the question of whether the benefits of vaccination continue to outweigh possible risks so this. reason and i know because one thing is clear not vaccinating also has serious health implications and that review process is what we're waiting on now. french president manuel my car said his government would await a statement by the european medicines agency due on tuesday before deciding if the vaccine is put back into use. this is young he ate a piece on the decision that was taken in accordance with our european policy is to suspend the astra zeneca vaccination as a precautionary measure in the hope that it will be resumed quickly if the european medicines agency allows it see livy look at me. the e m a only last week declared that there are no indications that people who have received the astra zeneca vaccine are more likely to develop blood clots british
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prime minister boris johnson who is quick to dismiss concerns over a vaccine has already been administered to over 11000000 people in the u.k. . we have one of the toughest and most experienced regulators in the world they see no reason at all i discontinued the back to nation program forever and they are plenty of the vaccines that we're currently using either of vaccines that are currently using the u.k. vaccination drive is racing ahead of the e.u. efforts to inoculate its population against covert 19 with an increasing number of european countries putting their astra zeneca vaccinations on hold that lead is likely to grow. so let's try to get to the bottom of this i'm not joined by peter crimes that he's an infection allergist and director of tubing in the university hospital what exactly is the risk here with these blood clots can you explain that
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. well we would like to know what the exact risk is and this is what is investigated now by the regulatory bodies especially the european medicines agency the scientific published results show that there is no increased risk. for all blood clots and whether there 'd is a very tiny little increase in lots happening in the central nervous system it is really to be looked at very carefully all together i do not see any alarming signs at the moment however i see that recourse rooms are made also in germany now not to use us as an economics in at this very moment and i hope this will be looked at carefully within the next day or 2 so. what it comes down to what is the likely to present
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a greater risk for me catching covered 19 or developing from both sides from the astra zeneca shot. i would go for vaccination at the moment and i've even. recommended my brother in law to get a shot in austria today with this very taxing if there is a risk is very very very tiny this we need to see and this will be shown in the next 2 days probably and we may stop waxing nation with this vaccine however i do not see from the data i can look at i can watch in the. french media and especially in scientific results that there is such an increased risk however the precaution is there the problem is that damage is also done by
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such measures and even to other vaccines and the moment and we are only an increasing. up to be vaccinated or not and such things will not have a lot of young euphoria to be months and. considering that the risk is as you just described so tiny and this is a precautionary measure is reckless to pause the use of the vaccine my corona virus infections are rising and vaccine supplies are scarce to begin with. well i can see the precautions and. i can see also politicians and the heads of regulatory bodies to be very very careful on the other hand we have to punt demick and this is killing people every day i think about 2000 and european union only and we should not forget about this only because of course at 19 we have
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thousands of blood clotting speech may be very harmful and fatal every day and the risk from markets in asia is certainly smaller than that however if there is a clear signal and that we find out very soon then we have to take measures so it is difficult. we should see in today's countries such as also have not stopped which is fine countries such as germany have stopped which also have a meaning but we don't know exactly we will know in the next days i see my friends and colleagues in great britain i've just talked also with him. with the principal investigator of the vaccine studies and done all that he is science he confirmed to me so i'm very. positive that vaccination
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go on by to morrow or day after tomorrow thank you very much peter crimes director of to begin university hospital thank you. currently the czech republic is among the worst affected countries in europe like elsewhere in the bloc vaccine roller has been painfully slow and while global infection rates are falling the number of people who've died with covert 19 in the czech republic is one of the highest per capita in the world did obvious example phenomena visited the town of top off where people have been widely impacted by the virus. the streets of tar are silent there are no children at the elementary school local shops are closed with new coronavirus variance raging across the chap public this is one of the country 2 worst affected regions. deputy
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mayor years of herat tries to keep track of the numbers he says everyone here knows someone who died of cove it 19. i realized many of those who died were people my age or even younger. dressing room usual i realised i would never see them again or to go fishing watch soccer or have a beer. that really gets to you. in the local health center the 1st responders tell us they feel totally overwhelmed and frustrated there is no hospital in town that means patients with severe cases of cope with 19 have to be transferred to a clinic 50 kilometers away mark delano younge of us says sometimes she doesn't have the energy to wake up and go to work the emergency doctor recently lost her father to the pandemic and wants me to keep that i would know because i'm
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a doctor i was allowed to say goodbye to my did and to stay was in him until the very last moment. i didn't want anyone to have to see what's going on in covert wards where patients suffocate even if they're given oxygen pain you cannot imagine that. the tsunami ripped its. exhausted front workers president in resignation and all this while the pandemic rages on across the region top of his less than 20 minutes drive from neighboring germany but the border has been closed this has disrupted the lives of many crossbow. commuters some have even lost their jobs who have to go through perjury proof i need a job through but. i am trying to find work there but no one wants me there. it's tough a goodish you know other crap it is taking too long people want jobs they have to
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pay their bills unfortunately this is the reality but let it go at the time of stupidity mayer is pinning his hopes on vaccines even though so far big finish and are only taking place here once a week meanwhile dr montel in a young child are pulled herself together every single day so she can keep doing her job hoping that one day soon the pandemic will be over. a circle of not some other developments in the pandemic brazil's president jebel scenario has again changed his health minister that's the 4th during the pandemic infection rates in brazil are surging mass vaccine drive has begun in the indonesian island of bali hopes tourists will be drawn back there once enough residents are vaccinated and the philippine capital manila is banning those aged under 18 from leaving their homes for 2 weeks starting wednesday cases there are at
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a 7 month high. for days the exact location of kremlin critic alexina valley has been secrets but we now know where he is and of ali himself is describing it as a quote real concentration camp this was posted to his instagram account on monday novelli all his team said he was inside in the tories penal colony outside of moscow the photo of him in the post is an old one but the volley said his head had been shaved he said inmates are under constant surveillance and that a prison guard wakes him every hour at night is serving several years behind bars for violating parole terms while he was with covering in germany from poisoning will pass into in germany have demanded his release. let's get an update on the situation now from journalist jill mansour joins us from moscow to what do we know
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about the penal colony number 2 well we've heard from former inmates even before mr novelli with transferred there that this is a very tough institution been reports of harsh conditions psychological pressure on inmates certain violence one former prisoner even said to this was where the state sent people when they want to break and then as you say some more information coming through from the valleys instagram paste yesterday this constant surveillance you competitor concentration camp they all say compared it to george orwell's 1984 video cameras everywhere so even though we haven't seen inside the prison we don't have any images of his cell we know that this is a very difficult place to be indeed. speaking of very difficult plays russia's
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penal comes on the toreadors for brutal conditions torture and even death so far in the value seems to be ok is he a risk though. he's afforded a certain protection by his status he is probably the world's most prominent political prisoner at the moment and as we've seen through this instagram paste he is able to get messages out most likely from his lawyers he is able unlike the vast majority of other russian prisoners to communicate to communicate with the outside world so he is protected in some way but then as you say he is coming on psychological pressure he's being where you can up every night once an hour throughout the night so certainly not that he's getting particularly special treatment or not that he's being left alone by these prison wardens or the treatment of course is considered torture was and how did the supporters the family
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of natalee react to this man message well we don't have any statement from his family yet supporters have been sharing it very why you clearly on social media there's certainly the feeling that any news is is not necessarily good news but it's definitely a relief because he's been out of contact for the last few days he was out of contact before during his jailing when he was being transferred from wallner institution to another and whenever that happens there is a lot of anxiety about where he is and if anything that might have happened to him so the reaction to this has certainly calmed his supporters to a certain extent just in a way he is even if it is in an institution of this kind. here today the volley was expected to attend a hearing in a moscow called via video link at issue was his lawyer is.
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accusation really that moscow is doing too little to investigate the vollies poisoning what came out of this hearing. well the hearing's actually been for spain and until next week it was a very brief court hearing his lawyer was launching a complaint launching an appeal against the lack of investigation into his poisoning in siberia we actually didn't hear from the valley at all in the end we just heard from a state prosecutor he said that he didn't see any reason for this complaint to be held it's almost certainly not going to be upheld the author or it is on going to investigate anything that they don't want to investigate say really no valley's team just doing what they can to keep his case in the legal system keep his case in
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the news and keep attention focused on his plight while he is in this prison thank you very much for that update thea months. some of the other stories making headlines around the world today british police have arrested several people during a 3rd night of demonstrations in london over the murder of sara ever on anger has been growing over violence against women after a police officer was convicted of killing of rod many criticize the heavy handed policing of a vigil in honor protesters want the u.k. government is the plan to give police more powers to control protests. the influential sister of north korean leader kim jong il now as warned the u.s. and south korea over their joint military exercises kim you yong warned of consequences that could make washington quote lose sleep it comes as top biden officials begin a trip to asia. meantime the u.s.
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and japanese foreign and defense ministers have been holding talks in tokyo a joint statement warned against destabilizing behavior from china in the region u.s. secretary of state and blinken also condemned was he described the military's brutal repression in myanmar. china has asked its businesses in myanmar to evacuate nonessential staff from the country after a string of acid attacks on chinese factories that the chinese foreign minister condemns the attacks and is calling on myanmar police to protect chinese citizens from violence. some pro-democracy protesters claim china is secretly supporting the coup meanwhile a local monitoring group claims at least 20 people were killed during protests on monday as police continue to use live ammunition against civilians a country has been in turmoil since the army removed the elected leader aung san suu kyi from power hundreds of thousands of people are demanding
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a return to democracy and the release of jailed civilian leaders. let's bring in journalist andrew any are gone and it looks like china has now been drawn into this conflict is this the final proof is no longer able to contain this crisis. i think that's what china is worried about i mean. some protesters have always believed that china was behind the coup were was at least supporting the coup 'd and i think while china has no problems working with an authoritarian regime in theory i think they've always been really worried that this could lead to political instability that would threaten their business interests and we're obviously seeing that happen now so i think china is probably quite annoyed with the military for causing this situation in the 1st place so we we're getting reports of people fleeing from ponselle young gong where the military has imposed martial law what can you tell us so long
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one of the neighborhoods that's been put under martial law it also has the highest death count i think of any single incident dozens were killed there a few days ago this is a a factory area and many of the people who work there are internal migrants and we're seeing thousands of people leave now it's going to just further cripple the garment industry and further cripple the country's entire economy. so families burying their loved ones today who were killed in sunday's clashes in little the rising rising death toll to the protests is still think it's was taking the risk to go to the streets. yes so what we're seeing developing its release using lethal force almost every single day we used to see severe crackdown and if
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your days in that severe crackdowns and now we've seen i think 4 days in a row where where we had a pretty high death toll so i do think where you might see the protests start to get even smaller but a lot of people are really getting their open the civil disobedience movement the mass strikes by civil servants and i think a lot of. people view that is kind of the main battleground that the main way to fight back against the takeover. in young thank you very much for that update thank you. kosovo is europe's youngest nation independence from serbia in 2008 but it's also one of the poorest people there want to lives and expectations are high that the incoming prime minister. will be the one to bring change because of his government is facing a number of challenges including corruption ethnic conflict and politics our
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correspondent funny for cha reports now from the city of meets with it's. a scene all too common on the streets of metro the children banking for food for money for anything in what remains a town with a difficulty story in one of the poorest countries of europe. more than half of the under 25 year olds in kosovo are unemployed they feel let down by successive governments who have failed to make a break from the past and to fight corruption in february people were dancing in prishtina the capital of kosovo their hope for change that to the endless yet a leftist movement turned political party without being courted as its leader. he wants to end corruption create jobs and promises the new start has seen so many people leave since the cost of war more than 2 decades ago we want better
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education for the coming years we want more work places. i expect better things to happen and corruption to stop. but not everyone was celebrating some of those images are skeptical the tone remains divided between predominantly ethnic albanians in the south of the city and ethnic serbs in the north this bridge acts as a border between the 2 sides it's blocked vehicle traffic you want out of the study of each groups for an ngo. that aims to normalize relations between kosovo and serbia she spent a big part of her life in this buffer zone documents that boy these are vices license plates that's how you gonna sums up life here serbia has never accepted kosovo's unilateral declaration of independence in 2008.
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must make dialogue his serbia a priority if he's serious about people in kosovo to require all of the arabs actually feel that they are in the buffer zone between an accord between 2 fires if this is not resolved what is going to happen is that people are going to continue living from here whether they're. as a matter. held the office of prime minister last year a short stint of a few months before being ousted by his coalition partner dialogues syria is not his priority he says we cannot do everything at once some of the things will take longer time for example reform in the education system but certain things we can do immediately for example. bringing back custom terminals to the state custom terminals to gain money the promises made before the elections are costly hundreds of millions have been paid to kosovo by the european union much of it
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eaten up by corruption this is the biggest challenge in court he faces apart from normalizing relations with. sports now and some big news for boxing fans out of new york joshua and tyson fury are to battle for the title of undisputed heavyweight world champion after they signed a 2 fides deal. just received 3 titles the w.b. a i.v.'s and w b o and furious w.b.c. crown will be on the line in the fights which are set to make the 2 british boxers nearly $140000000.00 each. venue is likely to be confirmed within the next. you're watching the news here is a reminder of our top story this hour. health organization safety experts are due to discuss reports that the astra zeneca vaccine fit be linked to block clots
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several major you come trees have suspended use of the shot while information is gathered many medical experts say the fears are unfounded. that's it for me and the news team up next your business update with monica jones who's looking into comical folks like this plan to go electric does it for me as fortune.
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builders architects compete with each other. this is home massive churches or create a. contest of the fittest. d.w. . profitable in even in the pandemic fox fox made money in 2022 spied co with 19 other german carmaker announces ambitious plans to go electric also coming up you've heard of offshore power on solar well now people in thailand tough put the 2 ideas together. and on welcome to business i want to get john's and today is a day off reckoning because the full extent of a difficult year is laid to bad.
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