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tv   Fokus Europa  Deutsche Welle  March 18, 2021 9:00pm-9:31pm CET

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this is g.w. newsline from berlin tonight the astra zeneca corona virus vaccine europe's top medical regulator gives it the go ahead i guess. this is a safe and effective vaccine expended fits in protecting people from kopek 19 with the associated something that has to life ation outweigh the cost of those risks
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but questions still remain about the vaccine and blood clot also coming up tonight the crisis at america's southern border hundreds of thousands of migrants trying to enter from mexico are turned back we'll get the latest from our correspondent on the border in texas and hundreds of child sex abuse allegations in the german city of cologne are revealed in a new report and the catholic archbishop accused of plotting to scandals he may walk away free. by bring coffee to our viewers watching us on p.b.s. in the united states and to all of you around the world welcome it could be a sorely needed shot in the arm for europe's stalled vaccination rollout today the e m a the european medicines agency said astra zeneca is corona. was vaccine is safe and
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highly effective after a review of the e m a concluded that the vaccine was not associated with an overall increase in the risk of blood clots more than a dozen european countries suspended astra zeneca vaccinations after some recent b.s. developed clots the e.m.a.'s says the benefits of the shot outweigh the risk but it will continue to investigate reports of rare clotting disorders based on the evidence available and after days of in-depth analysis of lab results clinical reports autopsy reports and present information from the clinical trials we still cannot rule out definitively and link between these cases and the taxi well all eyes today were on amsterdam where the a.m.a. the european medicines agency is headquarters our correspondent baird richard he's been following the story for us good evening to you barents the a.m.a. has spoken i'm wondering though is this the final word can inoculations with the
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astra zeneca vaccine can they restart. the european medicines agency can only recommend to restart the vaccination the decision has to be taken by the national authorities in every single member state of the european union and around the world and actually the intercalation of a stopped actually because of the 60 plus customer services and it does so to speak only 15 in europe. to stop the vaccination and it's quite sure that they will restart italy's spain and france already announced this step and in the next days to the rest of the follow suit you know some astra zeneca gets the green light again from the european union but hasn't the damage already been done. some experts say that the democrat is there because now the trust into this special vaccine from a seneca and in vaccination as such might be undermined there's some snap pose from
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germany although that say the vaccination efforts will not suffer because still 72 percent of the population want to get the shot and the even out to date try to curtail the damage they even achieve in the kook said it was me i would get the shots tomorrow and we know that vaccination rollout across the european union they have been beset by problems they've been very slow now we are talking about a 3rd wave of infections across europe what will you leaders what are they going to take away in terms of lessons from this incident with astra zeneca. leaders together here again next week for a summit in person and they will surely talk about the the vaccination program they will urge the commission to buy more vaccines and the commission is promising to do that in the next quarter 360000000 doses should be available for the european union
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though they want to speed up this very slow process but it's already getting more pace if you look at the numbers this is now a 10 percent of the european population is vaccinated but of course the frontrunners like israel the united states and britain who are doing much better but you want to catch up now is there any good news then when it comes to vaccinations in europe. but the other good news for example of a new look at friends of the study that says that people who wrecks unaided don't spread the virus anymore that's very hopeful that is for 6 months they don't spread so it's more safe if you're traveling or for vaccinated this is a good sign for all of us ok debbie has been really good with the latest tonight in brussels band as always thank you. germany suspended astra zeneca vaccinations earlier this week today the country's health minister announced plans to recruit resume quickly those inoculations and that seed is this and this is our goal the
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goal of the federal government and all 16 states is to resume in occupations with the astra zeneca vaccine tomorrow during the course of the day and both the national government and the states are in agreement and this decision is backed by the paul anish institute and by a majority of the members of the commission on vaccines that's an important sign of unity. as is the envy steve is in germany is in desperate need of all vaccines the number of corona virus infections rising exponentially yet again the country has recorded its biggest daily rise in cases in 2 months more than 17000 new infections have been confirmed in just the last 24 hours the rise comes after an easing of restrictions in recent weeks and the spread of a more transmissible viral very. well germany faced criticism for being slow to vaccinate even before the astra zeneca shot was suspended w.'s chief
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international editor richard walker has been talking to the foreign minister haiku mosse he asked him whether this is damaging germany's reputation for being efficient. decide that's and because it's important that we step up that pace of vaccinations over the next few weeks because otherwise we'll lose the trust of our own population. that's the most important point for me. of course we would have hoped by now to have vaccinated many more people in germany but in april and may well have such large amounts of vaccine that the numbers will go up significantly. it's also crucial to fight the pandemic in order to make sure that the hospitals don't get so full of intensive care patients that they can treat everyone. with no illusions that the
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problems that have arisen the mistakes that were made have of course have a concert or overall impact on public confidence in governments. in germany but also in other countries across the european union or your. interest. in that case do you see the e.u. is ultimately responsible for the mistakes that were made when ordering the accident doesn't feel like a mofo and. i think everyone knows that mistakes have been made at every level. it's a process that we hadn't been through before i hope that we never ever end up in another situation like we had last year all over the world and of course especially in europe. so yes mistakes were made at every level european national right down to the regions of individual member states and we all have to do everything we can to make clear that we have learned from our mistakes
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or. even right now many are talking about a systemic conflict between democracy and autocracy do you see this is a dangerous example for those who might think the chinese or russia is better. now . i don't think so at all. people in europe and in never liberal democracies know what that freedom is worth to them. and it's our job to make sure that democracies are in a position not just to deal with a challenge like that but also to master it. mission that's. been testified about so i'm convinced that we will exceed that that in the course of this year there will be many examples all over the world that make it clear that it's nonsense to say that the no 3 tarion regime with all that's with press if capabilities can fight a pandemic better than
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a democracy with freedom and human rights i had a mention of us together that was the german foreign minister hamas there speaking with our chief international editor richard walker italy is observing a national day of mourning prime minister mario draghi as commemorated the more than 100000 italians who have died from 19 a year has passed since the death toll in the city of baghdad was so high that an army convoy was needed to transport coffins out of the city. tonight sadly the number of infections is rising again and burger mo is once again under a full lockdown. don't mario cut him enough he shares countless memories with many of the people laid to rest here. if he was a member of the parish i was leading in about a minute of your whole almost everyone buried in this section of the cemetery died
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from cove it this is the 1st time don mateo has visited it since the pen demick struck the region. and home with on the team here though. it's like going back months and then like reliving the moments of the people who are no longer here. on appeal. these harrowing images were seen around the world military trucks loaded with caskets starting in march the bodies of the seized were transported to other cities across italy discriminatory and were overwhelmed by the numbers as part of the mo became the epicenter of the pen demick in europe more than 3000 people died here in baghdad. when the pandemic 1st struck italy found itself alone among european nations confronted with an unknown threat the authorities were slow to react and when the government finally did mandate lockdowns 1st in the region and then in the entire country it was too late for back. this was the frontline in the
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battle against cove it. seems from march last year when doctors and nurses were caught off guard everybody we spoke to here had just one comparison in mind war. remember one night 8 o'clock maybe i was looking for body bags because i finish all but body backs were to put to the. body of people who are dying moments like that are now a thing of the past says dr said joe and yet it depend demick is far from over but for him and his team there is hope with explanations on the rise and important lessons learned that we will have a different way sometimes because we have all that me as of the virus that vantage now is that so we know very more i mean we know we don't know are the enemy. these pictures of the trucks leaving town loaded with bodies soon became iconic
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images of the tragedy that ship italy and the whole of europe to its core before their departure don't come to me not the used to give his final blessing to the deceased here at his church which was serving as a makeshift morgue at the time the community suffered this coming out the stood by its side ring the church bells to notify loved ones under lockdown at home whenever trucks left the compound loaded with the dead know that the key need that upon they may have been in with the with the weather that i told my priests that at the end of the pen demick we should be able to look ourselves in the mirror look. he knew that we should be shepherds and not run away when our flock is in trouble and suffering is a muslim and we cannot be called in and want to grieve from the from the western gender. one year later he feels fear has given way to his sense of solidarity but overcoming the collective trauma will take time not just here at the church but in the region as a whole. italy one year and the pandemic let's take
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a look now at some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world spanish lawmakers have voted to legalize physician assisted suicide and euthanasia . the long suffering patients and those with the curable disease state is the 6th country in the world and the 4th in the european union to allow doctors to help terminally ill patients and their. several allies of jailed russian opposition leader alexina volley have gone on trial in moscow along with 2 members of the band pussy riot a number of the volley supporters were detained in january over anti kremlin for us local media reports say some house arrest had been extended by 3 months. u.s. secretary of state anthony blinken has arrived in alaska for talks with china's top diplomats the pair are due to discuss areas of deep disagreement in the next few days including trade alleged human rights abuses and the militarization of the
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south china sea. these situation on the u.s. is southern border with mexico is looking increasingly tense with record numbers of migrants trying to get into the u.s. last month alone 100000 people were stopped texas has seen the most costly attempts and a surge in unaccompanied children authorities are refusing most people in tree into the u.s. because of trump 1000 regulations the bight administration has however decided to start making exceptions for minors traveling alone. all right our correspondent. is in donna texas tonight which is on the u.s. side of the border with mexico good afternoon to you tell us what is happening where you. well brant and we are at the u.s. american side mexico is on the other side where you can see behind me is
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a one of the settlers where a lot of kids and accompanied children are resting right now we are assuming like around 4200 kids have crossed the border during the last 2 weeks this is a number that has tripled in that time in the last 2 weeks so this is putting a lot of pressure on the biden and by this government it is a really a strain to the processing facilities here and of course also to and the shelters like the one we're seeing behind me people are not really wanting to talk about it but it is starting to be a big crisis for the government of joe biden and you know we've heard from some republican lawmakers but also just from other americans that these record numbers of children's and teenagers arriving are winding on their own i mean shouldn't they be with their parents and their families. yes of course they should but they're looking for a for better or for
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a safer life and this is why many of them are here and what we have to stress is they're coming for country of from countries like i'm doris aside by the or what came out of the northern triangle and these are countries where criminal activities are a routine these are countries where corruption and also a drug trafficking are making a really difficult for families to live there it is also important to say that some of the kids do have families here in the united states and that makes it of course easier to bring them to their families and in this sense well yes the republicans might be right but it is also very important to say that the republican party or at least the more conservative ones are trying to use this as an instrument a political instrument in order to put some pressure to create fear again in the country and well to do the same that the government from donald trump was making dividing and creating fear. the situation. parents are willing to send their children to the border with the us. tonight on
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the us mexico border collie to thank you. well u.s. president joe biden is facing the 1st major diplomatic crisis of his presidency moscow has recalled its ambassador to the u.s. after biting confirmed on television that he thinks the russian president is quote a killer the president also promised to hold accountable for allegedly meddling in last year's u.s. election director of national this was the interview that marked a fresh low in relations between the u.s. and russia in an exclusive interview with a.b.c. news george stephanopoulos asked president joe biden undermine our elections divide our society you know vladimir putin you think is the killer. or do so what price must he pay the price is going to pay well you'll see shortly director of national to the interview comes as the united states is thought to be preparing new sanctions against russia for alleged meddling in the 2020 presidential election.
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under my biden went on to say that at an earlier meeting he had made a point to remark to putin he said no he doesn't have a soul i did say that to him yes and to and his response was we understand one another i would mean a wise guy i was alone with him in his office that's how it came about it was when president bush said i've looked at his eyes and saw a soul i said look through eyes and i don't think you have a soul look back and he said we understand each other moscow has ordered its chief diplomat in the u.s. to temporarily return home. asked in a video conference to comment on biden's remarks lattimer putin had this to say if you're going to. i've seen you when you were judging other people. or even when you were judging other states other people we're always kind of looking into a mirror. of see if we always see ourselves with. other criminal officials say biden's comments prove he's not interested in
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improving relations and warning russia will react accordingly. earlier i spoke with the correspondent at least sure we're in moscow and did the kremlin see more when it rejected the u.s. is accusations of election interference. the kremlin has and addressed any of the specifics in that report the kremlin spokesperson to meet you can scoff yesterday called the report wrong unfounded and the evidence in it unsubstantiated this is kind of the usual response that we hear to the repeated accusations leveled at russia over election meddling but the real news i think here in russia is really this statement from biden about putin being a quote killer and we've heard a lot of different reactions from russian politicians who have been calling biden on presidential have been calling those remarks hysterical one parliamentarian said
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that this is very much a red line for russia and that the next step after russia recalling the u.s. ambassador or the ambassador to the usa would be to sever diplomatic ties completely you have to understand that this kind of a personal insult is really kind of i think shocking in for russians in a country where putin usually remains almost untouchable even on the political landscape kremlin critics usually criticize the government but leave vladimir putin out of it there was a militia over there reporting in moscow. a report by the catholic church has uncovered hundreds of allegations of child sexual abuse in the city of cologne that's germany's largest diocese the study fell more than $300.00 victims going back to the year 975 more than half of the victims were under the age of 14 the investigation cleared colognes archbishop of running a maria veliki of
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a breach of duty but he's under pressure to resign accused of hiding the allegations. in our next report you'll hear from a man who was abused as a boy and has spent much of his adult life seeking justice is coming. on now i remember sitting in the south and the bathroom area next to the sleeping quarters overlooking the courtyard of close to where i was crying to myself and calling from my mother or i was just 11. i kept crying i can't anyone him. it was a boarder at a catholic school where a priest abused him for yes how his still haunted by terrible memories several years ago he felt so overwhelmed that he tried to kill himself. it was only later
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that he realized that he wasn't alone what had happened to him had happened to others but the church state silent. the. 2 to 2 on. the list of the 2 don't start when i am sick church is an institution that speaks and acts from a highly moral standpoint. meting wrongdoing like this is very difficult anyone can see that. but our accusation is that the burden of the church silence or falls on the victims. pressure of course and but often and not. your 4 were awful. how could i and other survivors to cope earlier this year when the cologne archdiocese announced that it would publish a report naming those responsible for abuse but things turned out differently the archdiocese changed its mind it told the victims that the report was unreliable and poorly done survivors felt browbeaten into accepting that the findings stay secret
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door and. they needed us as a kind of scene of approval to justify this decision to suppress the results do userspace rosa still did we're confident i did listen no one from the archdiocese wanted to go on camera to comment meanwhile because how could feel stronger ties to all over again the suffering both physically and emotionally but often avoid annoyed or not mention the victims have been exploited once again people who were damaged in the past by priests have been damaged to ghent to protect the institution or when i finally understood what was going on all the crimes that happened thanks then came back to me. to fort. sheen much says that he's lost his faith and the church once and for all
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the scandal in the catholic church there in cologne germany controversy has once again hit the upcoming tokyo olympics the creative director for the opening and closing ceremonies has resigned over a derogatory comment aimed at a female entertainer due to perform this is the 2nd resignation over such remarks in recent weeks. we've just 4 months to go until the opening ceremony the tokyo games have once more been overshadowed by insensitive remarks made towards women. this time it was creative director hiroshi's says saki who suggested to a planning group that niamey want to knob a could perform as a quote a limb pig later apologizing and offering his resignation what a nobby is due to perform in the opening ceremony the entertainer has challenged body image norms in japanese media. just last month your shiro mori stepped down from his role as president of the tokyo 2020 organizing committee after he among
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other things claimed women talk too much the committee then set up a gender equality team and the former prime minister was replaced by athlete turned politician psycho hashimoto who now has to find a new director for the opening and closing ceremonies. i saw the headlines and was really shocked that his remarks were inappropriate and it is very regrettable that. such as the committee has been emphasizing gender equality as one of its most important policies we have decided to accept saki his resignation. actually moto insisted the resignation would not derail olympic preparations the tokyo games have revealed deep rooted issues surrounding gender stereotypes in japanese society. and the champions league defending champions by in munich are through to the quarter finals thanks to a 2 like victory over italian team lots the old robert lewandowski scored 1st in
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bahrain went on to win 21 wednesday night and 62 over the 2 matches in london chelsea advanced as well by defeating atlético madrid 2 no and 3 no on aggregate. you're watching the w. news live from berlin after a short break i'll be back to take you through the day tonight direct in the archives the u.s. policy on china that beijing does not want to see we'll be right back.
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by 2015 more than half the world will be living with limited water resources we haven't had to think about our water all worry about. i think that era is over this
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is the crisis of our time it's a financial product like any other financial we live in a competitive world just go all to its core it's cool. to me. but the world is changing the most important commodity and it is called b.c. for. example a city or commodity starts march 22nd on d. w. in mexico many pushed. us right now to more right now climate change to fend off the story. faces lifelessly when from just one week. how much work can really get it. we still have time to act and i'm going. to say. that subscribe for more news like this. and you'll hear me no no
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yes yes we can hear you and how the last 2 years gentlemen songs that we're bringing you an angle that matter as you've never tried to have the full surprise yourself with what is possible who is medical training what moves that and want somebody who talks to people who follows her along the way at myron's and critics alike how is the world's most powerful woman shaping public and joining us from eco flats that. it should be no surprise after the pandemic in trump's america 1st china would like a change in u.s. relations a reset but beijing may have to reset its expectations instead u.s. president biden is sending his top diplomat and national security adviser to meet with their chinese counterparts in alaska they'll bring a list of complaints and demands and when it's over the chinese.


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